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The President is the heart of the executive board, coordinates swimsa internally and represents swimsa to the external partners.


Vice President for Communication

The VPC is in charge of swimsa’s representation on social media, the website, the newsletter (swimsagram) and the swimsa journal.

Erica Piccinni | Lugano vpc@swimsa.ch

Vice President for Exchanges

The VPX is the head of the Exchanges Team within swimsa and represents swimsa Exchanges internationally within the IFMSA.

Aline Pinto Monteiro | Zürich vpx@swimsa.ch

General Secretary

The General Secretary is the backbone of swimsa, the first contact person on any swimsa question and in charge of administrative tasks

Vice President for Education

The VPA is the head of the Commission on Medical Education [AK/ CoFo], which discusses topics related to medical education, decides on measures and writes swimsa’s official statements.

Luca Siragusa | Lucerne vpa@swimsa.ch

Vice President for Internal Affairs

The VPI has an open ear for the members of swimsa, be it local committee or project, and supports them in their needs.

Danaé vpi@swimsa.ch

Vice President for External Affairs

The VPE represents swimsa towards our external partners and sponsors, and is in charge of networking.

Chloé Rosenfeld | Lausanne vpe@swimsa.ch


The Treasurer manages swimsa’s finances, and is in charge of the swimsa Fonds, from which members can receive money in order to accomplish their vision!

Annina Biri | Zürich treasurer@swimsa.ch

Vice President for Global Affairs

The VPG connects swimsa to the IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations) and is responsible for Capacity Building.

Sven vpg@swimsa.ch

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