1 minute read



Text: Salma Tissot


CALWHA (Children and Adolescents living with HIV/AIDS) is a project from the M.E.T.I.S association. We aim to improve the therapeutic adherence of Tanzanian children and adolescents through HIV education and by overcoming financial barriers.

The Tanzanian government provides antiretroviral drugs but there is a heavy stigmatization of people living with HIV/AIDS and a low therapeutic adherence which can lead to viral resistance to the drug. Therefore, to improve the adhesion, CALWHA organizes two to three activity days per month in the two CTCs (Care Treatment Centers). During these days, the children receive their treatment, a meal, and a medical consultation. We currently have two Care Treatment Centers in Tanzania and we’re working on the opening of a new CTC on the Island of Ukerewe. We also seek to improve education about HIV/ AIDS to the youngest through illustrated books about a young giraffe living with HIV since the current resources may be too complicated for small children.

In order to raise money we are organizing a raffle with many prizes, for more information do not hesitate to contact us on Instagram @metislausanne.

You can also make a donation by TWINT using the following QR code.

We are always looking for donations to help us carry out these two new projects and to continue to help the 300 children in the already existing centers. Every donation counts!

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