TLT Workshop 2014 Portfolio

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4 Participants 6 Workshop 8 Bua Yai



14 Flood Resilient Community 22 Bua Yai Image 32 Re-Active Me 42 蓮連 Lotus Connection





Hanliang Lin


Nikhom Boonyanusith


Pavarot Jansawang

Todsapol Putnok

Thepmongkon Boon-Aio

Nattakrai Huadkratoke


Chana Iekanna

Pichet Nasungnoen

Patipan Sonnguleum

Nattawat Singhkom

Rattana Koy-King


Chou, Yun 周芸

Leong, Weng I 梁詠怡

Wang, Pei Yu 王培羽

Lin, Hung Tso 林泓佐

Wang, Yu Hsuan 王于軒

Cheng, Kuan Tin 鄭光廷

Chen, Chung Yin 陳仲彥

Liu, Ai Ju 劉艾儒



TLT Workshop 2014 Under Professor Lin, Han-Liang’s leadership, we had arrived in Buayai, Thailand, a city that symbolized as the great lotus, a city that once was prosperous for being a railway transection but declined as the railway system was taken place by the road system. Besides the issue of not being able to attract people to cluster, Buayai has also troubled by the issues of emigration, water resources, lacking of public open spaces and city’s spirit. And the TLT workshop 2014 is aim at these issues, hoping that utilizing the creativities and different professions between Taiwanese students and Thai students to implant new energy into the city.

Facing these issues, we had derived into four different themes: First, to rebuild the Buayai railway station into a new landmark of the city, and to construct a city’s spirit for the citizens; second, to study the most suitable land use mix between resident and commercial for the city to seek the best lifestyle in Buayai; third, through giving a sports park to the city, simultaneously, to solve the problems of water resources and supply efficient public open spaces to the citizens; last but not the least, to reconstruct the main road, and by collecting the vendors that was formerly on the road to a square, to apply a solution to the traffic problem. In this ten-days-workshop, seventeens of us shuttled between the roads and alleys of Buayai, gradually fit in the local lives, and got into the core of the issues. In the end, we were getting much closer to our partners from


Thailand, although we speak different language, but we communicate through our hearts. In this period, we, together, drank the beer that was so rich, worked on our planning and design so hard, and filled the place with so many laughers, and that’s what makes this workshop an experience that’s so unique and memorable.

After the workshop, we took off to Bangkok, and experienced the city on our own schedule. First, we visited the department of architecture and urban planning in the top university of Thailand. After viewing their professional projects by their students, we deeply felt how insignificant we are. Then, the following schedules were quite easy. We went to see the famous ladyboy show, professional Thai boxing, and exhibition about design. Finally, we visited two amazing market, one located on the railway and the other one beside a beautiful river, and we took a boat to see butterflies shining among the river like the stars in the sky, drawing this journey to a wonderful end.

TLT Workshop 2014 在林漢良老師的帶領下我們到了泰國的Bua Yai 城,一處視蓮花為地方象徵的城市,一座曾經 繁盛一時的鐵路貨運中心,但在公路系統逐漸 成型後運輸機能漸漸被取代,市中心的能量漸 漸向四方消散,Bua Yai做為當時大城市的機能 件件衰頹,人口外移、淹水問題、開放空間及 精神指標的缺乏,這次工作坊的作業主題就是 在這些課題下,與泰國的夥伴們集思廣益,運 用我們不同領域的創意及專業能力,為這座喪 失個性的城市注入新的能量。

在面對這些課題之下,我們的操作主題可分為 四大面向:將Bua Yai火車站打造為城市的新地 標,重新建立大城市的精神指標;研究住商混 合的結構為Bua Yai尋求更適合的生活模式;透 過運動公園的規劃提供開放空間並試圖改善水 資源的問題;改造原有的街道空間將道路兩側 的夜市收納,為交通問題提供解決方案。這趟 工作坊一共十天,我們與泰國夥伴住在Bua Yai 市中心的渡假民宿進行工作,總共十七人的工

作坊一人一台腳踏車在Bua Yai大街巷弄間來回 穿梭,在操作這些主題的過程中我們漸漸融入 當地的生活,了解城市的核心問題,並且與工 作夥伴更加熟識,即使語言上的溝通顛頗,但 卻開啟了語言外的內心交流,我們舉杯共飲口 味香醇的啤酒,低頭認真執行程式的規劃設計, 這裡充滿歡笑,這趟工作坊絕對是相當獨特的 體驗。 在工作坊結束後我們動身前往曼谷,最後五天 行程有我們自行安排,首先便來到當地頂尖大 學的建築規劃所內進行參訪,看到了作為一流 大學的專業規劃及設計能力,並在以英文溝通 的過程中感受到我們深深的不足,實為當頭棒 喝。接著,的旅程則是輕鬆的作為觀光客觀賞 著名的人妖秀、職業拳賽、設計展,並且造訪 了美功鐵道市場,隨著火車進站鐵路兩旁的攤 位迅速收起棚子的神奇景象;晚上搭著船前往 河上觀賞多如繁星的螢火蟲,以此為這趟泰國 行劃下句點。


Bua Yai

Buayai is located at the mid part of Thailand, and it was the site of our TLT workshop 2014. In this city, where lotus is the symbol, there is a black bucket that right now is the city’s landmark just because it’s the tallest construction in the city, there are food stands along the main road that sited in front of the railway station making the traffic orderless, and there is a railway that split the city into two parts that developed varies. While the west part of the city is qualified to be the downtown area for having commercial and high dense resident area, and also for equipped with all the everyday life facilities like post office, police station and city office, the east part of the city, on the other hand, is relatively under development apart from the Chinese school and the city hall. As a matter of fact, before the road system took place the railway system, Buayai was once a prosperous place, its function as the railway transection station brought a great amount of population into the city. But after the road system was completed, its greater mobility making the system soon admitted, and people started to flow out. And today, Buayai has suffered from the outflow of population, issue of water resources, lack of open spaces and city spirit. How insignificant it is means more rooms for improvement. In TLT workshop 2014, under the leadership of Professor Lin, and companied with Thai partners, we built Buayai, the city that has lost its personality, a bright future.


Bua Yai mean Big Lotus in English. Bua Yai product lots of lotus, so it is the name come from. Bua Yai 泰文的意思為「大蓮」 因為在這裡出產很多蓮花。



Nakhon Ratchasima

Land Area


271.6 km2











Rainy season


June to October



33 C



25 C

Bua Yai城位於泰國的中部,亦為本次工作坊的 操作基地,在這裡,蓮花被視為城市的象徵物, Bua Yai火車站的站前大道可看到沿街兩側的夜市 攤位,貫穿整座Bua Yai的鐵路也明顯地將這座城 市分為兩個機能對比相當顯著的地區,火車站的 西側擁有市中心的性質,商業及高層級的住宅密 集,日常生活中常使用到的機關如郵局、警局、 辦公處也設置於此,但在這裡卻也因地勢及排水 能力的問題常常有淹水的情形;位於火車站西側 則為低度開發的地區,除了一首華語學校及市政 府設立於此,其餘的便是眷村及未開發地區,車 站後方有許多閒置的廢棄鐵路及舊車廂,更為後 側可看到本區最高的建物「黑水桶」。 其實在很久以前Bua Yai是相當繁盛的城市,擁有 作為貨運中心的機能並且居住了相當人數的人口, 但在公路建立後,這座城市的痛處似乎被浮現了 出來,火車為了供應大量人潮流動失去了它的速 度,因此機動性更高的汽車漸漸被多數人接納, 公路系統隨之擴散,火車站的功能彷彿被吸收了 一般使能量不斷流失,於是鐵路正式的被公路所 取代,到了今天人口外流、淹水問題、開放空間 及精神指標的缺乏造就了這座城市現在的處境。

Local Street Market 當地街路市場

Train Station 火車站

Main Development Area 主要發展地區 node


landmark 地標

龐大的功能缺始就代表能夠有更多更好的改善, 工作坊就在面對這些課題的狀況下進行,在林漢 良老師的帶領下我們到了Bua Yai,與泰國的工作 夥伴一起為這座失去個性的城市打造璀璨的前程。




鐵路 9

Bua Yai dates back to the frontier town called Dan Nok. The center of the town was Ban Nong Lang Yai. In 1868, it was upgraded to be Amphoe Dan Nok and the town center was moved to Ban Nong Lang Noi. The district office was moved again to Ban Bua Yai in 1905, and the district was renamed accordingly. The office was 3 km from the Bua Yai railway junction. The presence of the railway spurred development of the Bua Yai which became the new location of the district in 1951.

Access Traffic System 聯外交通系統






Main Development Area


Bua Yai 的發展歷史可回朔到一個名為Dan Nok 的邊境城鎮,這個鎮的中心為Ban Nong Lang Yai。Dan Nok在1868年的時候被升格,命名為 Amphoe Dan Nok,而它的鎮中心也遷移到Ban Nong Lang Noi,至於民政事務處在1905年搬 移到Ban Bua Yai ,離鐵路樞紐約三公里處,鐵 路的的出現也刺激了地區發展,所以在1951年成 為地區市鎮中心。

Land Use Zoning 土地使用分區

High density


Medium density


Low density




Government area









The workshop consists of four groups operating from large and small scale, consistent solutions to urban problems, start by locating the overall Buayai portal will transform Buayai past the bustling train station on schedule to become a new local landmark, re-make its become a focal point where the locomotive. While the second phase is followed by a base plate facilities and explore important life-support systems as a whole cities - water supply and drainage facilities, and supply and hazards from two aspects, with planning and controlling runoff detention pond to solve the water problem. The third phase to the traffic problems in the daily lives of the residents, in addition to the existing daily shopping and join the tourism, leisure functions, planning a more appropriate local commercial facilities. And the final stage of the association of local architectural forms and business patterns, and adapt to meet local business patterns, by improving its architectural form its development complement each other.


本次工作坊由四個組別操作尺度由大而小、一貫的都 市問題解決方案,由整體Buayai的門戶之定位開始, 將過去繁華依時的Buayai火車站改造成為當地新的地 標,重新使其成為帶動地方的火車頭。而第二階段則 接著是探討整體城市的重要基盤設施及維生系統--供 水排水設施,並從供應及致災二方面,藉由規畫滯洪 池及控制逕流量徹底解決水的問題。第三階段進入在 居民日常生活所飲食的所在配合所衍生的交通問題, 除了現有日常購物並加入觀光、休閒機能,規劃出更 合適當地的商業設施。最後階段則進入當地建築形式 以及商業型態的關聯,與適應當地的商業型態配合, 藉由改善其建築形式使其發展相輔相成。


FLOOD RESILIENCE COMMUNITY Group Members 組員 Lin, Hung Tso 林泓佐 Chen, Chung Yin 陳仲彥 Thepmongkon Boon-Aio Nattakrai Huadkratoke



▌Introduction 緒論 Climate change cause the extreme weather all over the world. Somewhere seldom rains, but when it rains bring lots of rainfall. 氣候變遷造成世界各地產生極端的氣候,例如有些地方降 雨很少,甚至產生乾旱的問題,但當它降起雨來時,又帶 來過多雨量,導致淹水。

Because of the climate change water control become a big issue. So our group want to plan from water, let Bua Yai dance with water. 也由於氣候變遷成為現在很重要的議題,所以我們這組想 透過水的規劃,來解決Bai Yai水的問題,讓此地與水共生。

Flood in Bua Yai 淹水情形


▌Analysis 分析 So we observe this area from water supplying and flood problem to analysis. 所以我們從這個地區水的供給與淹水問題兩層面來分析。 Water Shortage


Water reservoir Expandable area of water reservoir


Flooding area

Solution of water shortage: 1.Expand water reservoir 2.Save the water in eco-way

The distribution of flood area is wide, and after local survey, we think flood cause residents lots of inconvenience.

我們對於水供應短缺的問題提出兩個解決 想法: 1.分期擴張水庫蓄水量 (政府想法) 2.加強保水設施

從上圖淹水分布圖可看出淹水分布範圍很 廣,且在基地調查時,發現淹水給當地居 民帶來很多生活上的不便。

▌Analysis 分析 Finally, we choose a site with flood problem. We want to let this planning to bring out a idea of Bua Yai water management. 經過分析後,我們選擇了一塊易淹 水地區作為基地。 希望透過單點規劃,為Bua Yai帶 來一個新的治水想法。


Location of the site 基地位置 Area of land 基地面積

The reason of the site causing flood, it is because the south road higher than site, so it limits the rainfall to drain out.

這塊基地淹水的原因是南側的新建道 路地勢高於基地,造成雨水由北往南 留時,無法像外排出,在道路前囤積。


▌Analysis 分析 Flood

Design Concept

Store water walking




Our solution is to build a pool which can store rainfall, it will build next to the drainage route. 我們提出的想法是在雨水流經的路線旁 蓋一個滯洪池,來減緩地表逕流量。

The design concept of this pool are recreation, open space, and dance with water. 滯洪池的設計元素是 娛樂、親水、開放綠 地。


▌Case Study 案例 A low-lying grounded change into a city park. Someone says: it is a Peaceful and poetic landscape Landscape, ecology, drainage function and Regulation of air quality. Water, green, leisure. 這個案例位於台灣台中市秋紅谷,它原本是一個低 窪地轉為公園,我們參考它在空間配置上還有水與 綠地空間的設計關係。


▌Design 設計 Design concept 設計概念

Open space



Our design theme is Core. Our concept is a open space which provide recreation function and dance with water. 我們的設計主題是以核心的概念。 我們希望設計一個開放空間是可以 提供休閒娛樂的機能同時可以與水 共生的。 Function 機能 eating

Dance with water




Design Inspiration 設計靈感 Our design inspiration of the park is come from lotus and its leaf. We hope that the park have the facilities for bicycle , walking , dating. Lotus 蓮花


Leaf 蓮葉

我們公園外型的設計是參考蓮花跟蓮葉的造型。另 外我們公園內會有餐飲,自行車道,環狀步道等設 施。

▌Design 設計 Design 細部設計

Pavilion in the park 湖邊的休閒亭

Street funiture in the park 充足街道傢俱

The restaurant in the park 餐飲設施

Night scape in the park 公園的夜間照明

Idea of pond shape is come from leaf of the lotus 蓮花型展覽館

Cycle path and sidewalk for relaxation 良好的自行車道跟步道

A bridge connect to the center of the pond 連接通往池中心的橋

The entrance is in the central axis of rhe park. You can look through the central of pond. 公園入口在公園的中 軸上,所以從入口就 可看到池中心的蓮花 型展覽館。


Group Members 組員 Wang, Yu Hsuan 王于軒 Liu, Ai Ju 劉艾儒 Pavarot Jansawang Todsapol Putnok



~The first meeting with the station 初識車站~

▌The Introduction of the Site 基地介紹 Location 區位 Bua Yui city which is representing as Lotus . 城市的象徵物為蓮花。 The site is at the Bua Yui train station. 基地於Bua Yui火車站。

Surroundings 周邊環境

Station square 站前廣場 Main street 站前主要道路 Backdoor of the station 後火車站


~The station which different from its past 今非昔比的火車站~

▌The Analysis of the Site 基地分析 The Function around the Station 車站周圍機能 Commercial function and the administrative organ front the station.

商業及一般行政機能於車站前方。 The low-density residential function behind the station. 車站後方為低密度住宅。

The visual extinction point of the main road 視覺的消點

The transporter function 站前轉運機能


~The station which different from its past 今非昔比的火車站~

▌The Analysis of the Site 基地分析 Open Space & Water 開放空間與水資源

The central of the city lack of open space. 市中心缺乏開放空間。 Bua Yui's water resource problem and the floods. 城市的水患與水資源問題。

Landmark & Population 地標與人口 The city which lack of its individuality and symbol on its cityscape. 城市缺乏實質指標性象徵。 The issue of population loss.

Government 政府 Development of the fulture 未來發展 : Escalating as changwat The construction of high-speed railway 升級成府 高鐵建置




~ Turning point and expectations 轉捩點與期許~

▌The Planning of the Site 基地願景 The Background of Design 設計背景

The population loss of Bua Yai 人口流失 Bua Yui doesn't have impressive landmark 缺乏指標 Government wants to improve the status and function of the city 政府的期許

Purpose & Routing 計畫目標與期程 The purpose of design 設計目的: Creating symbolic landmark. Creating the potential for the development of the east side, and boost the overall development. Improve the cityscape, and beautify Bua Yui's landscape. Creating the potential environment for the upgrade of status and high-speed railway. 創造象徵性地標。 為均衡發展創造潛力環境。 改善市容。 為未來的發展定基。

The routing of this plan 規劃期程: Paving the way for a long-term plan. The design expect to be completed in 10 years. 為長期計劃鋪路。 期望十年內可完成。


~ Creating a blueprint for the future 為未來畫一張藍圖~

▌The Design of the Site 設計理念及內容 Main Road 主要大街 Now 現況 Traffic Chaos 交通無秩序 Because there is no derivation separating cars, mobiles and people, there is a safety conservation on the street. 因為交通無分流,加上大街兩旁的夜市聚集,造 成人流、機車留以及車流無秩序的相互交錯,造 成交通安全的問題。 Clutter Image 景象混亂 As the main road of the city, the road design now cannot draw people’s eyes to the station, neither can it relate to the city because it has no identical items. 作為車站前的大街,現在的街道配置無法將焦點 吸引至車站,也無法讓人聯想到Bua Yai。


~ Creating a blueprint for the future 為未來畫一張藍圖~

▌The Design of the Site 設計理念及內容 Concept 構想 Attract people to the railway station 以火車站為焦點製造視覺吸引點 Utilizing the customized street lights and tree to create a organized street view which draw people’s attention to the railway station. 利用快慢車分隔島上排列的路燈以及行道樹,創造秩序化的景象,並將視覺吸引去火車站。 Comfortable road for all users 適合各種使用者使用 By deriving different flows of transportations and designed lights for different users, reconstruct the road to be suitable for all kinds of user: walkers, bikers, and cars. 將大街重新結構,將人、慢車、快車分流,並且配合適當的燈光設計使大街適合各種使用。 Increase disaster resilience 增加災害乘載力 Street lantern for pedestrians

station Motorbike and bicycle lane Drainage ditch

Entrance of Buayai


Main Road After Redesigned

~ Creating a blueprint for the future 為未來畫一張藍圖~

▌The Design of the Site 設計理念及內容 Station Plaza 站前廣場 Now 現況 Parking everywhere 廣場停滿了汽車 Lifeless 毫無活動發生,無生氣 The station plaza has became a parking lot. There is no activities, no people on the plaza. It is quite a waste of places when Buayai has already been shortage of public recreational open spaces. 站前廣場現況是被當成停車場使用,沒有任何其他活動發生。 然而,Buayai其實是缺乏公共的休閒空間的,站前廣場現況 的使用事相當浪費的。 Concept 構想 Represent the Bua Yai city 能代表Bua Yai市 A place for recreation 一個公共的休閒空間 Rebuild the station plaza to be a recreational place for people to meet, to communicate, to date, to have fun. And, put elements that can represent the city, for example, the lotus, and the culture of Thai and Chinese co-existent.

將站前廣場打造為一個人們碰面、聯絡感情、約會、玩樂的 休閒空間。並且將能代表Bua Yai的元素放入設計中,像是蓮 花,以及泰人及華人和樂共存。 Ying and yang representing the well combination of Thai and Chinese.


~ Creating a blueprint for the future 為未來畫一張藍圖~

▌The Design of the Site 設計理念及內容 Railway Station 火車站 Now 現況 Lack of significance 缺乏顯著性 The station building cannot stand out among the buildings because it does not have any special feature, plus, the height is too shirt. 車站量體因為其高度低於周邊建物加上量體無特別設計 導致車站量體無法跳出來。 Discarded train car at the back of the station 廢棄車廂 Bua Yai railway transection was a busy station, but now a small station, leaving it a lot of discarded train cars. Bua Yai車站本來是個繁忙的車站,但是現在規模縮減, 同時也留下了許多廢棄的車廂。


~ Creating a blueprint for the future 為未來畫一張藍圖~

▌The Design of the Site 設計理念及內容 Concept 構想 Bua Yai city’s landmark Bua Yai的地標 Rebuild the station to be Buayai’s new landmark. Build it with Thai tradition building form but modern architect construction, to say Buayai is a city that reserve its traditional culture but at the same time still learn new technology. 將火車站量體重新建造為Buayai的新地標,以泰國傳統建築的樣式 但以現代建築的結構建築Buayai火車站,象徵著Buayai是個能夠保 存其傳統文化,但仍然謙虛學習新科技的城市。 Popularize the city 刺激市區發展 By redecorating and putting new usage, such as commercial, to those discarded cars, stimulate surrounding development. 改裝廢棄車廂並注入新活力,像是選逛型商業,刺激車站周邊的發 展。 Old train car redecorated to be venders, boosting the commercial activity around the railway station.

Parking Lots

Taxi Stand Toilets The bell will ring every time the train leave. 12 meters


Ticket Box

Office 2F



Group Members 組員 :Wang, Pei Yu 王培羽 Cheng, Kuan Tin 鄭光廷 Nattawat Singhkom Rattana Koy-King



▌Introduction 基地介紹 Site Location 基地區位 基地位於Bua Yai火車站前的大 道,是連接外環道路的重要聯外 道路,但它卻成為Bua Yai市民 購買食物的地方,同時也造成了 交通、安全的問題。 Site

於是,我們用最庶民、最在地、 最有效貼近當地生活的方式來了 解Bua Yai市的需要。

Bua Yai Station


Transportation 交通路網


Primary road 主要道路 Secondary road 次要道路 Thirty road 連街道路


▌Introduction 基地介紹 Site Analysis 基地分析 基地內的空地







▌Introduction 基地介紹 Design Concept 設計構想

Local 在地

+ New 新

Culture 文化

Activities 活動

Live 生活

People 居民

Food 餐飲

Scenery 環境

Tourist 旅客

Entertainment 遊樂

Architecture 建築

Environment 環境

Hobbit 休閒

Shopping Style 商業

Transportation 交通 Shopping 商業

Leisure 休閒 Entertainment 遊樂 z


Reserve Tradition 保留傳統 Raise Popularity 增加人氣 New Urban Land Scape 新的都市景觀 Improve Environment 環境有效利用 Improve Bau Yai Economic 經濟發展

Exercise 運動

Re-Active Me

Catering 餐飲



Elevate Live Quality 提高生活品質

利用這一塊是位於中心地帶的空地, 我們要打造一座休閒、娛樂、購物的 中心帶動地方的經濟發展,並解決交 通安全的問題。 泰國式的建築風格,運用在休閒與娛 樂中心上,意味著其不僅保留了當地 人的傳統,更帶來了地方展更多的可 能性。


▌Case Study 案例分析 Thailand Traditional House 泰國傳統建築 Wooden structures 木構 Ecological 生態 Elevated Floors 高腳屋 Pitched Roof 尖頂屋頂 Open Terrace 開放式陽臺 Natural Ventilation 自然通風 Parking under house 底層停車場

Taiwan Night Market 台灣夜市 Traditional 傳統 Most efficient 有效使用 Strength people relationship 加強人與人之關係 Shopping 購物 Entertainment 遊樂 Relax 輕鬆 Employment chance 就業機會 Tourist 旅客 Secure 安全 Vendors 攤販

Entertainment 遊樂


Games 遊樂

Foods 餐飲

Drinks 餐飲

▌Case Study 案例分析 Lakes Design 河的設計 Land mark 地標 Activities 活動 Leisure 休閒 Healthy 健康 Attraction 吸引力 Biodiversity 生態 Green 綠化 Feed Fish 餵魚

Feed Fish 餵魚

Sport Center 運動中心 More choose 更多運動項目 Open space 開放空間 Healthy 健康 Exciting 刺激 Training 訓練 Social 交際

Run & Relax 路跑

Dance 跳舞

Gym 健身房

Basketball 籃球

Futsal 足球

Volleyball 排球


▌Modulation Of Future Conditions 情境假設 Actually Status 現況




Elder 老人 The night market is in the main street, the traffic is terrible, is too danger for me.

This lake not have nothing interesting, so I don’t know what to do here. Here have many exercise facilities but seem very old and is very hot extensity here, it is safety to use? Younger 年輕人

Here haven’t space to walk, how we will walk here and here not have nothing to buy. Baby here is so bored, why you brought me here? What is it? It is old fashion. you know?

Children 小孩 My mon say don’t walk in the street have many car, but I would like go there to buy something. It lake have only water cant do nothing here. I think that I cant use this.


▌Modulation Of Future Conditions 情境假設 Future Development 未來




Elder 老人 The new night market is very unique and could be a big tourist point. See the new lake is very colorful many people in here.

This activity center is very big.

Younger 年輕人 See there, many delicious food, and here I can buy clothes and play games. Baby here is so romantic. I like you so much. Today is a good day to exercise.

Children 小孩

Wow here haven’t car, yeah !!! there seem so funny. See there many people in the lake and have a beautiful sculpture. Into the activity center we can play basketball, futsal, volleyball. Great!!!


▌Detail Design 細部設計 Landscape 全景

Night Market 夜市 South West 西南向立面圖

Sport Center 運動中心 South West 西南向立面圖

North West 西北向立面圖 North West 西北向立面圖

North East 東北向立面圖

South East 東南向立面圖


North East 東北向立面圖

South East 東南向立面圖

▌Detail Design 細部設計 Perspective 透視圖


Group Members 組員 Leong, Weng I 梁詠怡 Chou , Yun 周芸 Chana Iekanna Patipan Sounguleum

Pichel Nasungnoen



2014 2014

▌Introduction 緒論 Bua Yai 大環境概況 In Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Northeastern Thailand. Bua Yai 位於泰國東北部的柯叻府內。

Thailand Nakhon Ratchasima

Bua Yai

“Bua Yai” means “Big Lotus”. And there are many lotus pools here. → The symbol of Bua Yai is lotus. “Bua Yai” 是 “大蓮花”的意思, 而 Bua Yai也有許多蓮花池。因此蓮花成 了Bua Yai的象徵。

Issue 議題 Difficulties of Urban Renewal 難以實施都市更新 Most of the new buildings are located in the periphery of the city center. →Urban expansion happens more easily than urban renewal. - Land acquisition - Cost

新建物多位於市中心的外圍 →都市擴張易於都市更新,有下列理由: - 市中心土地權屬複雜,土地較難取得 - 都市更新需先拆除舊有建築,花費較多

City Center 市中心

Source: Google Earth


▌Introduction 緒論 Issue 議題 Comprehensive Plan 都市計畫 The land use of high density district does not achieve the goals in the plan. - Local development - The loss of youth labor force 高密度土地使用的地區未達其劃設目標,造成以下 問題: - 地方發展受限 - 年輕勞動力外移

Source: Buayai Comprehensive Plan

Main Policy 重要政策 - Build High Speed Railway - Upgrade the government (District →Province) Railway 鐵路

- 高速鐵路的設置 - 地方政府層級提升 (由鎮升級為府)

Station 火車站

City Hall (Province) 府政府

Source: Google Earth


▌Introduction 緒論 Theater 電影院

Site 基地概述 Location 區位 Near the train station and new movie theater 鄰近火車站與電影院 Site 基地

Area 面積 1.6 hectares (Length: 400m, Width: 40m)

Railway 鐵路

1.6 公頃 (長: 400公尺, 寬: 40公尺) Land use 土地使用 High density 高密度使用

Station 火車站

Source: Google Earth

Goal: Design a new type of commercial architectural form 計畫目標:設計出一種新的商業建物形式 -

Adapt to different hierarchy of commercial type from now to the future. Create employment opportunity for increased population in the future. Attract young people to work in Bua Yai. Promote local economic development.


能夠適應Bua Yai從現在到未來不同強度的商業型態。 為因應未來增加的人口,提供就業機會。 留住年輕勞動力。 促進地方發展。


▌Analysis 分析 We want to find a commercial architectural form that is suitable for our site. Because architectural form will change when commercial type evolves, the architectural form also needs to be applicable to the commercial type from now to the future. We studied the evolution of commercial architectural forms to design the best commercial architectural form. 建物形式會隨著商業型態的轉變而有所不同,我們希望能找到一種適合這個基地的建物形式, 而這樣的形式是能夠因應Bua Yai從現在到未來不同的商業型態,以達建物永續使用的目標。 因此我們研究了不同商業型態所適合的建物形式,作為我們開發設計的參考。

Evolution of Commercial Architectural Forms 商業建物形式研究 Market (Vendors) 市場攤販

Source: Balivillas

Shopping District (Boutiques & Exclusive Shop) 購物專區(專賣店與精品店)

Source: Edtguide


Commercial & Residential Mixed Street Houses 住商混合的街屋

Source: Exploring Tourism Thailand

Bua Yai (now) 現在的商業建物形式 Pure Commercial Street Houses 純商業使用的街屋

Source: Yukiba

▌Analysis 分析 Case Study 案例分析 Fisherman’s Wharf Pier 39, San Francisco 舊金山漁人碼頭第39號碼頭 - It was designed to be a shopping district. - The shape of site is long strip. It is similar with our site. - 此區被規劃為購物專區。 - 屬於長型基地,與本計畫基地相似。

Source: Google Map

Architectural Form 建物形式 - Many single buildings to constitute a building group. - Shopping District. - Adapt to different commercial type. - 由許多單棟建物組成的建物群,而非單純 的街屋形式。 - 規劃為購物專區。 - 一樓與二樓可為不同的商店,適合不同的 商業型態與規模。

Source: Own work

Commercial Type 商業型態 - Boutiques and exclusive Shops. - 以專賣店與精品店為主

Source: Google Earth


▌Analysis 分析

Source: Own work

Space Atmosphere 空間氛圍 - Buildings and platforms are not built neatly to create interesting open space. - Buildings are connected by platforms on 2F. - The street is design for pedestrian. Vehicles need to be parked out of this area, so people can walk here comfortably and safely. - The street is design for pedestrian. Vehicles need to be parked out of this area, so people can walk here comfortably and safely. - 建物形式多元,配合平台的設計,形成有 趣的開放空間 。 - 二樓的商店以平台作為串連。 - 此區的街道是設計給行人使用,車輛無法 進入,形成安全、舒適的選逛空間。

Source: Flickr

Source: Yaonan Li


▌Design 開發設計 Concept 設計概念 Design a new type of architectural form can adapt to different commercial type from now to the future. 本計畫主要的目標為設計出一種能夠連結Bua Yai從現在到未來不同商業型態的建物形式。

- The architectural form is not designed to be unified street house to create interesting shopping space and multiple open space. - Mix traditional and modern architectural form, and put buildings in the design as the image of lotus. - 建物形式並非設計成一般的街屋,希望藉此創造出有趣的選逛空間與多元的開放空間。

- 融合泰國傳統與現代的建物形式,並加入蓮花的意象進行設計。


▌Design 開發設計 West elevation 西向立面圖

East elevation 東向立面圖

North elevation 北向立面圖

South elevation 南向立面圖


Plan 平面圖

▌Design 開發設計 Detail Design 細部設計 The shops can be different on 1F and 2F for one building, and also can be one shop on 1F and 2F for one building. → This form can adapt to different hierarchy of commercial type from now to the future. 可自由決定商店的規模,建物的一樓與二樓可為不同的商店,也可為同一家商店。 →這樣的建物形式可適應Bua Yai從現在到未來不同的商業規模與型態。 The shops on 2F are connected by platforms. → It is convenient for people to walk from shop to shop on 2F. 二樓的商店以平台來連結。 →方便人們在二樓選逛。 Platform on 2F 二樓平台

The parking lot is established underground. And we set some plants in the open space . → It is a comfortably and safely space for people to walk and shop. 設置地下停車場,並在開放空間種植植栽。 →創造出舒適與安全的人行空間。 Parking Lot 停車場


Parking Lot 停車場



Parking Lot 停車場



▌Design 開發設計

Bicycle Parking Lot 自行車停車場 Bicycle Lane 自行車道

Garden 庭園

Railway 鐵路

Design a garden which is close to railway for people to rest. →People can watch the view of railway and train. 在近鐵路處設計一個可作為休憩空間的庭園。 →人們可在此休息並欣賞鐵道風光 。

Establish bicycle parking lot and bicycle lane. People can come here to shop or work conveniently. → And It may increase the proportion of riding bicycle. 規劃自行車停車場與自行車道,便於人們來到此處購物或 工作。 →可增加自行車的使用率。

The entrances are set to be close to station and theater. → Collect the crowds from station and theater. 主要的出入口設置於鄰近火車站與電影院的地方。 →可吸引從火車站與電影院出來的人潮。

Main Entrance 主要出入口

Station 火車站


Main Entrance 主要出入口

Theater 電影院



Kaohsiung Bangkok Nakhon Ratchasima



Nakhon Ratchasima Bua Yai



2014.08.26 2014.09.02 Visiting Discussing Working



Presentation Day



Nakhon Ratchasima Ayutthaya Bangkok



Bangkok Chulalongkorn University + uddc



Bangkok Mae Klong Market Amphawa Floating Market


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