Swiss Learning Magazine - 3rd Edition

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LEARNING Excellence in Education

Publisher Swiss Learning SA Rue du Rhône 11 1204 Genève Christophe-Xavier Clivaz Editing & writing Bontron & Co Camille Bozonnet Graphic design Bontron & Co Illustrator Pierre-Alain Bertola Photographs AISTS, Alain Herzog, Anoush Abrar & Aimée Hoving, Claude Laffely, Ecole d’ingénieurs de Bienne, ESO, Götz Kohler, Istock photo, JS/Swisspirit, Keystone, Le Rosey, Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz, Michael Kleiner, «Nations Unies», Oxalis-Studios, PierreYves Dhinaut, «Team sCHooler», Thierry Martinez, Università della Svizzera italiana, University of Lucerne, Vincent Bérard SA Proofreading Elena Ineichen

Mens sana in corpore sano This ancient proverb expresses even today one of the fundamental principles of teaching. For this reason, we have chosen in this issue to look at sport as an important tool for integrating young people of different cultures into a community and for promoting peace. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Adolf Ogi, former President of the Swiss Confederation and UN Special Adviser on Sport for Development and Peace, for his valuable support. In these times when environmental sustainability has become a major priority to ensure the future of our planet, Switzerland has developed into a forerunner in renewable energy research. Therefore it is with pleasure that we also present in this issue a profile of the World Solar Challenge and Switzerland’s entry – Swisspirit – the fruit of a very close collaboration between Swiss universities, including those of applied sciences and mechanical sport. Last but not least, Swiss Learning is pleased to announce that we now have a permanent office in Geneva where we are available for any questions you have or help you require regarding the “excellence of Swiss Education”. With our best regards,

Christophe-Xavier Clivaz

Editorial | 1

Swiss Deluxe Prestige.

34 University Lucerne, the university born of popular vote 37 Abroad By Rudolf Baerfuss, Ambassador of Switzerland to Brazil Editorial Christophe-Xavier Clivaz


38 Career Audemars Piguet: boundless potential

In brief Higher education’s news

4 41 Alumni Corner Private schools

Exclusive Interview with Adolf Ogi,

education to know from insiders. Part II

UN Special Adviser on Sport for Development and Peace


42 Postgraduate programme Enter the sport business

Feature story Swisspirit


Academic personality Professor Urs Boutellier, successfully blazing his own trail 16 Gossip Swiss A to Z: the unofficial glossary of Heidi’s country 20

at the top 43 Career Attracting women into Engineering 45 Students’ guide 46 The educational system in Switzerland, an overall view

Alumni Corner Private schools education to know from insiders. Part I 25

48 A panorama of the Universities and Universities

Portfolio Anoush Abrar

of Applied Sciences

& Aimée Hoving 26 52 High schools and Hotel schools: High schools Community philosophy 30

portrait gallery

Unique on earth.

Contents | 3


Higher education in the news


Hope for nervous diseases Researchers at the Department of Medicine, University of Fribourg, together with a team of the UC Davis School of Medicine, University of California, USA, have made great progress in the analysis of brain plasticity. Studies directed by Swiss Professor Pierre Lavenex show that young monkeys’ brains spontaneously reorganise after a hippocampal lesion. Published in the February issue of Nature Neuroscience, the results should allow the researchers to analyse the brain’s powers of functional recuperation in case of brain damage. It might be a new way to understand neurodevelopment problems such as autism and epilepsy that affect this area of the brain.

Earth’s first cousin A team of Swiss, French and Portuguese scientists has discovered the most Earth-like planet outside our Solar System to date. Using the European Southern Observatory (ESO) 3.6-m telescope based in La Silla, Chile, astronomers discovered an exoplanet about five times the mass of the Earth that orbits the red dwarf Gliese 581. “We have estimated that the mean temperature of this super-Earth lies between 0 and 40 degrees Celsius, and water would thus be liquid,” explains Stéphane Udry, from the Observatory of the University of Geneva, and lead-author of the paper soon reporting the result in the European review Astronomy & Astrophysics. The discovery was made thanks to HARPS (High Accuracy Radial Velocity for Planetary Searcher), perhaps the most precise spectrograph in the world. Developed by the Observatory of the University of Geneva, it “is a unique planet hunting machine”, says Swiss Professor Michel Mayor, HARPS Principal Investigator.,

Tai-chi awarded A martial arts-inspired name belongs to the Grand Prize winner of the Best Exhibit Award at IST 2006 Helsinki (Information Society Technologies) exhibition. Developed by a European consortium (which includes the University of Applied Sciences of Vaud – HEIG-VD), ‘Tai-Chi’, (Tangible Acoustic Interfaces for Computer-Human Interaction), was born thanks to Professor Alain Crevoisier, a member of HEIG-VD’s Center for Studies and Technology Transfer. The acoustics-based sensing used in ‘Tai-Chi’ brings the sense of touch into the realm of computers. New applications for human-computer interaction can include wall-sized touch panels, three-dimensional interfaces and robust interactive screens for harsh environments. More hygienic than ordinary interface devices (e.g., a keyboard), ‘Tai-Chi’ may be useful in a medical environment or to equip areas for the disabled.

Research hits the jackpot The Swiss government is to invest more than CHF 20 thousand million from 2008 to 2011 to fund training and research. Mr. Couchepin, head of the Federal Department of Home Affairs, pointed out that this investment would bring funding of foreign PhD students to 42%, thus enhancing Switzerland’s appeal to the brightest academic minds.

Brains trust Stardust

Multiculturalism celebration

In April 2006 a joint Executive Master in Finance programme was launched as a result of a cooperative effort between the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland in Solothurn and the Banking University of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Although the programme – designed for Vietnamese financial and banking middle and senior executives – is situated in Vietnam, students also spend three weeks in Switzerland.

The Nestlé Research Center (NRC) and EPFL last November signed a five-year research agreement focusing on the relationship between nutrition and brain. According to this agreement, Nestlé will provide CHF 5 million a year to EPFL’s Brain Mind Institute, where two Nestlé Chairs will be established. Areas of investigation cover the role nutrition plays in children’s brain development as well as the identification of processes to slow down the decline of mental functions in older age in order to prevent diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Experts will also conduct studies on taste perception and flavour enhancement.

Under the direction of Manuel Güdel of the Paul Scherrer Institute in Aargau, an international team of astrophysicists, among them Professor Marc Audard of the Observatory of the University of Geneva, has just discovered a magnetic field from an unexpected source. As part of an X-ray observation programme using the European satellite XMM-Newton, the team examined the massive star AB Aurigae, part of the Herbig family of stars, as well as the young stars around. The star has been identified as a “brilliant source”, signalling it does indeed give off X-rays. The results will soon be published in the European review Astronomy & Astrophysics. They may elucidate a 20-yearold mystery.

Around 1,500 university students from more 35 countries met for the 16th Harvard World Model United Nations 2007 at the International Conference Center of Geneva, the traditional venue for UN conferences. Under the aegis of the host team from the Lausanne Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), students simulated United Nations committees as well as other international organizations. Assigned to a specific country, delegates had to debate topics from that country’s perspective and develop communication, negotiation and public speaking skills. The goal at week’s end was to produce a UN-style resolution that addressed the issues discussed over the previous week. One first step in the world on diplomacy and international cooperation that might reveal vocations.

Prof. Dr Toan Trung Dinh, trung.dinh @,

From Olten to Ho Chi Minh City

4 | In brief

In brief | 5


“Sport is the best school of life!”


Adolf Ogi UN Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Sport for Development and Peace Born in 1942 in Kandersteg (BE) Married, with two children

1958–1961 Business School, La Neuveville, Switzerland 1971–1981 Head, Swiss Federation of Ski

By Adolf Ogi, UN Under-Secretary-General and Special Adviser on Sport for Development and Peace

1981 General manager and board member, Intersport Suisse Holding AG

What does your role consist of as Special Adviser on Sport for Development and Peace?

I was named in 2001 by Kofi Annan to advance sport as an effective way to promote health, education, development and peace in the world. My mandate covers three principle functions. That of representative of the United Nations and above all, its Secretary-General namely at large sports events and international conferences. Next, that of a promoter of the cause that I represent, as much within the UN as outside it. Finally, I play the role of convenor between key actors in sport for development and peace, such as sports organisations, UN agencies, athletes, bilateral development agencies, governments, the armed forces, inter-governmental organisations, the sports industry and the private sector, research institutes, the media… What are the programmes that you put in place?

Careful, we do not directly implement projects on the ground. Our role is to encourage the actors that I just mentioned to envisage sport as a tool for peace and effective development and as a bearer of hope. We encourage them to incorporate sport in the programmes that they carry out. In November 2003 the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution that recognised the virtues and positive values of

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sport, and proclaimed 2005 as the International Year of Sport and Physical Education. Thousands of initiatives were launched on the five continents involving individuals from all sectors on society. Last November, the General Assembly unanimously adopted a three-year Plan of Action for sport in the service of development and peace. All this confirms the growing importance that sport has on the international development agenda. But it has to go even further. The potential is enormous. Examples of success?

During my mandate, I had the opportunity to visit a lot of disadvantaged countries, cities, villages and neighbourhoods. I saw refugees, former soldiers, orphans and also persons living with disabilities regain hope thanks to sport. Recently I was in Liberia to launch the programme “Sport for Peace”, in collaboration with the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL), the International Olympic Committee (IOC), and the Liberian government. The programme lasted five weeks and contributed to the process of reconciliation underway in the country, which has been ravaged by 14 years of civil war. In 2005 I was in Brazil and Colombia, two countries that are very active in including sport in their policies of local development. With the special programme “Segundo Tempo”

(Second Half-time), the Brazilian government of President Lula is attracting young people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods to sports grounds in order to avoid them becoming the prey of gangs or prostitution networks. In addition to afternoon sports activities, the girls and boys in the programme receive schooling in the morning and are given lunch at noon. They are even followed by nutritionists and doctors. In Colombia, as in Brazil, sport is used to attract young girls and boys from disadvantaged neighbourhoods to more healthy and constructive activities. These activities allow them to take a first step towards a more formal education as well as a better, supervised diet. I could continue like this for a long time as the list of successes is long. Sport does not resolve everything, that’s certain, but it’s a very effective instrument for creating a better world.

1987 Elected Federal Council member 1988–1995 Head of the Federal Department of Transport, Communications and Energy 1993 President of the Swiss Confederation 1996–1997 Head of the Federal Military Department 1998–2000 Head of the Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sports 2000 President of the Swiss Confederation 2001UN Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Sport for Development and Peace 2001Honorary President, Swiss Olympics (the Swiss Olympic Comittee)

What is the real impact of these programmes on populations?

Sport is a tool that possesses enormous potential. It can be used in all kinds of contexts, by very different parties, for a multitude of ends. Its power resides then in its adaptability and versatility. It can be used in programmes that support development as much as peace, education or health. It allows, for example, to fight against cases of racism, discrimination and marginalisation, but also to help persons

Sport for Development and Peace: Internet platform on Sport and Development:

Exclusive | 7



Sport is but a mirror of society. Doping, violence, racism and financial scandals are the sad other side of the coin. I want to promote the good aspects of sport at the expense of the bad.

living with disabilities, to reconcile populations in conflict, to participate in the education of children who are without guidance, to improve the condition of women in certain countries, to prevent illness… The United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), for example, uses sport to improve the quality of life of refugees in camps. Sport is an excellent way to offer a minimum of normality to those who have left everything behind, lost everything, including their families. All this reinforces my conviction that if the value of sport as a means of development and promoting peace is better known, we will obtain a world that is more equal and peaceloving. Sport is a universal language that unites peoples and breaks down barriers, whether they are ethnic, religious, psychological, or social. How are sporting values perceived

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tional scene. It benefits notably from the presence of numerous international organisations – inter- and non-governmental organisations, sports federations – as well as competitive research institutes. Switzerland should strive to bring her expertise to the table by fostering research on the social, economic, physical and educational virtues of sport.

from the community and patrons.

The federal research plan “Sport and

Should we take as an example the

Are efforts necessary in that sense?

Movement 2004–2007” clears the way

Swiss Laboratory for Doping Analyses

Governments and sports federations are already at work in that sense. But efforts have to follow. My slogan remains the same – sport for everyone! Recognising the virtues and benefits of sport is one thing. Turning it into action is another. Hence the importance of my work and the work of those who, like me, fight to democratise the practice of sport. We are confronting an incoherence concerning the importance of sport: on the one side, we agree to state that sport can play an important role in resolving social problems such as obesity, discrimination, marginalisation and inequalities, while on the other side, budgets allocated to sport are reduced, even entirely eliminated. This paradox is translated as a growing recognition

for the five areas of scientific research

in Lausanne (LAD), which is involved in

supported by the Swiss Confederation

research and the worldwide fight

(health, education, performance,

against doping?

economy and sustainable development).

Their action goes in the right direction. LAD is the leading figure in an anti-doping movement that is growing in magnitude. Its actions contribute to cleaning up the image of sport at the highest level. But once again, my mission is not there. Sport has to affirm itself as a tool for peace and development that is within everyone’s reach. That is the idea that I stand up for and in which I believe.

Sport, Goodwill Ambassadors, or UN Messengers of Peace, they all have the desire to put their fame at the service of the disadvantaged.

stadium incidents would seem to erase

Can certain “heroic” journeys, such as

the principal values it must drive home?

those of Roger Federer and Stéphane

I’m very aware of these occurrences and I deplore them. But don’t forget, sport is but a mirror of society. Doping, violence, racism and financial scandals are the sad other side of the coin. We must not let these evils tarnish the image of sport while it can do so much to improve our world. This only reinforces my determination. I want to promote the good aspects of sport at the expense of the bad.

Lambiel, be taken as an example?

Is sport still a model for young people, given that financial scandals, doping accusations, political problems and

today? Can we still reference them?

During my numerous missions overseas, I could observe that our world is sick. Wars, poverty, disease, discrimination, and inequalities cause suffering among too many populations and destroy too many hopes. In this

of the value of physical education for health and social integration, accompanied by a marginalisation of sport in the educational system of numerous countries. Sports organisations must be encouraged to promote professionalism in physical education and to help countries to increase participation in sport.

millions, if not billions of practitioners on the planet. Certainly, the richest players are the ones most often in the media. We observe a “starification” of sport at its highest level, with athletes who sometimes receive phenomenal salaries. In the course of my mandate, I work to transform that image so that society realises the virtues of sport for all. In those places where it is still considered a luxury, sport must become accessible to a greater number.

context, sport can help to improve things. It teaches us fundamental values like tolerance, respect, sharing, perseverance and self-control. Values essential not only for personal development but also for living in society. For me, as I often say, sport is the best school of life!

Can we still speak of sport other than as a means of quickly winning (a lot of) money?

Of course! Athletes who earn a lot of money are just a minority. Remember that there are

Do they have a role to play in society?

In fact, athletes at the highest level can have a particularly positive impact. Sporting success constitutes a veritable social elevator. Moreover, professional players often come from modest backgrounds. Providing a positive image of sport can give young people, in particular, the desire to take part, offering a way out of the daily violence that pervades in certain neighbourhoods. Professional athletes can have a powerful influence: they are role models and a great number of them dedicate a part of their time to humanitarian activities. Whether they are UNESCO Champions for

Criticisms frequently focus on the lack of involvement by officials, and an absence of real policies regarding financial support. Stéphane Lambiel’s success is above all a case of support

It’s the first time that sport is recognised to this extent and benefits from a mandate. What do you think?

It confirms what I said earlier. Sport as an instrument of development is benefiting from growing visibility and recognition. It’s positive. Our cause advances. Does Switzerland have a role to play, an image to care for at the international level concerning research in this domain?

Switzerland in fact enjoys significant financial means and a positive image on the interna-

Exclusive | 9





The team tackles the Challenge on its own. And it never really crosses their minds they might lose.


Swisspirit All previous top competitors are invited to celebrate the World Solar Challenge’s 20th anniversary, created to harness solar energy as sustainable transport alternative for future generations. Ten years after the record-breaking Spirit of Biel, team Swisspirit is ready to line up its solar vehicle for the ultimate ecofriendly 3,000km run across Australia. By Camille Bozonnet

10 | Swisspirit

nthusiasm. A key word often forgotten nowadays. Save for the Swisspirit team who succeeded in raising CHF 1.2 million and in bringing together seven universities and universities of applied sciences to build a revolutionary eco-car – all by themselves. A plan that grew little by little. “We embarked on the adventure with CHF 300 and started doing doorstep selling”, reckons Joel Sunier, Swisspirit’s head of communication & sponsoring. “Our first attempt was a failure. We asked our town council for CHF 1,000 and met with a refusal. It quickly turned out that we alone had all the initial problems to put up with.” Never mind that, university labs found a way to afford studies, tests and workshops, and volunteers enlisted to fill out the team’s ranks. Today, 50-to-100 engineers, technicians, students and advisors, etc. strive for the latest sun-powered car, a goal to which they have dedicated years of their lives. A proof, if only were needed, that “it’s only human nature: officials take risks when they’re no more to be taken !” notices Joel Sunier, unfazed. The Swiss Federal Office of Energy does support them anyway. Without money, “the federal solar power budget being reduced by 75%”, he explains. One can say the support is quite light: Swisspirit is nowhere to be found on their website, unlike other projects popularised in the media, such as Solar Impulse – famous aero-

naut Bertrand Piccard around the world with a solar airplane. Indeed, after the legendary Spirit of Biel’s tenyear domination, they must reshow their abilities, start again from the very beginning. As if previous victories did not matter at all. Frustrating. But far from feeling bitter about the whole business, the team tackles the Challenge on its own. And it never really crosses their minds they might lose. Would the Swisspirit adventure sound as story-book like if they were not standing apart from the crowd?

If the Spirit of Biel could do it, why couldn’t we? The stake is considerable. So is the heritage. Two world champion titles (1990 and 1996); nine international records in endurance and speed (Michelin track, Almeria, Spain); podium finishes after almost every showing; famous professional teams with enormous financial backing (around 20-times more) time and again defeated; and all this accomplished by the students and professors of the Biel School of Engineering ! Should one want to follow on the same path, one might feel paralysed by this extraordinary list of exploits. But a genuine enthousiast could also rely on established know-how mixed with technological superiority and excellence of education, and just go for it. If the Spirit series could do it, why can’t Swisspirit?

Swisspirit | 11



From the Spirit series (1993, “Spirit of Biel III”, 1996, “sCHooler”) to the green Swisspirit

Challenge Class 21–28 October 2007

Spirit of Biel Record of achievements 1996 – 1st World Solar Challenge, Australia (one-seater cat.) 1995 – 1st Solar & Electric Berlin, Germany 1994 – 1st European Solar Challenge, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands 1993 – 2nd World Solar Challenge, Australia 1992 – 2nd Grand Solar Challenge, Noto, Japan 1991 – 1st Solar & Electric 500, Phoenix, USA 1990 – 1st World Solar Challenge, Australia 1989 – 1st Grand Premio Quattro E, Turin, Italia 1988 – 1st Grand Premio Quattro E, Milan, Italia 1987 – 3rd World Solar Challenge, Australia

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The team therefore ignored the Green Fleet Class created in 2001 for demonstration vehicles exhibiting practical eco-technology. Instead the car is to take up the Challenge Class, the most prestigious of the greatest solar event in the world, and confront big names such as Honda, Toyota, General Motors, and Ford… and brilliant scientific organizations like NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), ESA (European Space Agency), and MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). In October, Swisspirit will then have to friendly defeat Delft University of Technology (Holland), which won the last three Challenge Class competitions in a row with its Nuna series car (Nuna in 2001; Nuna 2 in 2003; and Nuna 3 in 2005). It will meet again the Spirit of Biel’s favourite opponent – Honda, with whom they struggled for top place in three consecutive competitions: 1990 and 1996 saw Spirit of Biel victories and 1993 saw Honda Dream II’s. The race follows the Stuart Highway through 3,000 km/1,860 miles of desert from Darwin to Adelaide. Pilots dive into the usual traffic, overtake standard cars and pass the typical road trains. Needless to say, it necessitates special skills, quick reflexes, and mental strength to endure unbearable conditions, that is, being stuck in a tiny passenger cabin in average temperatures of 40°C/104°F. And on top of it, it necessitates an unusual vehicle that cannot only survive

extreme conditions, but in keeping with Challenge founder, Danish-born Hans Thostrup’s ideals, follow tough regulatory constraints and bring at least one solution for alternativeenergy utility vehicles.

Bringing the green concept to perfection As if that weren’t enough of a challenge, Swisspirit’s agitators did not content themselves with following promulgated regulations, they decided to raise the concept to perfection – from the required solar vehicle to the first “all green” car. Meaning that every piece, down to the smallest detail like the valve on a tyre cap, would be made of 100% renewable materials. So, the car was initially composed of natural fibres. That plan didn’t work like a charm. They were about to make it until new technical regulations imposed to every registered team to work little modifications, as said by organizers, to a one-year deadline. It looks like the management comittee stretched the limit, taking a step forward in order to open the door for industrial production and offer a global solution for individual mobility. Following the specifications actually demanded to put a lot of work into it, given that it involved technology transfer from existing cars (e.g., a standard driver’s seat with a 27° angle; headlamps; seat belts; a horn, handbrake and double brake system; a reverse feature; and,

panoramic vision) as well as concern for pilot safety (e.g., roll-over bars; total resistance if overturned or with a one-ton impact). Quite a challenge for ultralight vehicles whose sides are in the region of one millimetre thick. Sandro Barth, Swisspirit’s technical manager and coordinator, endured critical weeks and might have gone through several sleepless nights. Today, Swisspirit combines a passenger cell protection in aluminium, a windscreen in PET, and an almost-100% biodegradable battery. And the dream of an “all green” car has been partly realised in coachwork and a stand for solar collectors made of a special blend of five paste woods, as light and resistant as, and even more, the traditional carbon/Kevlar used by every other competitor. The made-of100%-renewable materials car will be ready for the 2009 Challenge.

A desire for sharing “We all have something to prove, either personally or together”, confesses Joel Sunier with a mischievous smile. What drives Swisspirit’s team is to prove that a blend between technology and ecology can be successful. And beyond. Adds he with strong belief: “it’s not just about building the 'new generation' green Formula One car, but about involving Switzerland in a revolutionary 100% eco-recycling car aimed at a great eco-assessment. Hence the name ‘Swisspirit’. Sure, we are all going there to win; we won’t reveal our little

secrets before we line up for the start. But we’re looking for something more than pure performance.” Right from the start the idea is, first and foremost, to enlarge the concept of the ’96 Spirit of Biel (whereby one school championed Switzerland), by including partners from all over the country. The Swisspirit team at present includes seven different schools, labs, and universities from various regions. A position that clearly is the opposite from the USA’s, where big universities compete for one place in the Australian competition. “Sustainability has to do with materials and solutions for individual mobility, but not only that, clarifies Sandro Barth. It belongs to a global state of mind. We have a very strong bond with each of our academic partner that is meant to last. Modifications initially provided for this run are already being improved for 2009. We want to be the first to show it works”, says he in a firm yet calm tone that makes you feel they definitely will. This unique ethical issue is not devoid of interest. Studies are pursued in different fields – mechanical and electronic engineering, solar energy, aerodynamics, telecommunications, and also bio-medicine, meteorology, physics, material science, informatics, mathematics and so on – with commercialisation in mind. For example, results obtained with paste wood designed for the coachwork are already being applied in furniture production.

Number of teams registered : max. 30 out of 90 (all categories) Distance: 3,000 km (1,860 miles) Speed limit: 130 km/h (80mph), 110 km/h (68mph) throughout the State of South Australia Average speed: 100 km/h (62mph) Average length: 30 hours, max. 9h/day Authorized number of pilots: 2 for the race and 2 extra Authorized energy: sunlight power Authorized surface area of solar panels: 6 m2

Swisspirit | 13



Academic partners Bern University of Applied Sciences School of Architecture, Wood and Civil Engineering University of Neuchâtel Institute of Microtechnique University of Applied Sciences of Vaud School of Engineering and Management Geneva University of Applied Sciences School of Engineering University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland College of Engineering and Architecture of Fribourg Arc University of Applied Sciences—Neuchâtel, Jura, Bern School of Engineering Biel Centre for Professional Education Technical High School

14 | Swisspirit

Moreover, implicated students get to know professional circles and their expectations, and they learn about specifications and how to achieve them. Organized as a network, universities achieve better visibility and enhance their international reputations. For they all stand out for a realistic dream.

Pioneers… in academic collaboration With the 1990 Biel School of Engineering victory, the World Solar Challenge became known as the “Brain Sport”. The 2007 issue could not find a better expression given the seven academic partners involved. It may even imply where the true challenge lies. When it comes to casting them as today’s green energy pioneers, Joel Sunier tells you bluntly how fed up he is with it. “We were pioneers twenty years ago. Solar mobility has been mastered for more than ten years. How amazing it is that we still talk about it”, he sighes, intending to end the discussion once and for all. “What’s really new is using natural materials, transfering these technologies to the public domain, and uniting a bunch of university teams.” To initiate an altruistic movement and mostly optimise communication between laboratories is truly another story and it makes up Sandro Barth’s daily struggle. Grumpy people would think, How dare he? “We actually used a structure which was already set up. Maybe more favourably than others. We picked up the best institutes and schools in each field

and forged ahead in the adventure.” So the Bern University of Applied Sciences built the paste wood coachwork and stand for the solar collectors and is now improving the structure with natural fibres. The Institute of Microtechnique of the University of Neuchâtel offered advice on solar cells and tested the most appropriate ones. The Geneva University of Applied Sciences is in charge of aerodynamism, one of the most delicate parts. As the vehicle runs in a public highway and passes road trains producing air walls of 200 km/h (124mph), it’d better be perfectly balanced. The College of Engineering and Architecture of Fribourg, part of the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland, manages telecommunications and telemetry to enable strategy sharing and on-going diagnosis between the car and the support team caravan. It manages data transfers to the Fribourg calculations centre. It also permits revolutionary real-time Internet coverage because the whole system only uses 0.1 watt, continuous voice and image transfer included (a mobile phone uses 5 watts for a simple conversation). The University of Applied Sciences of Vaud takes care of choosing batteries and studies the lowest uses of energy (e.g., LEDs for headlamps, and suspensions). The Arc University of Applied Sciences designed the aluminium tubular chassis, direction system and brakes. The current basis is to be converted to natural fibres for the 2009 edition. Finally, the Biel Centre for Professional Education takes on electric engineering, with no fewer than 30 students

“Solar mobility has been mastered for more than ten years. What’s really new is using natural materials, transfering these technologies to the public domain, and uniting a bunch of university teams.” Swisspirit working on it for their diplomas. “I find it quite exhaustive to coordinate everyone in seven different regions”, sums up Sandro Barth, smiling. “But it’s worth it.”

A response to transport issues of tomorrow Next October, Swisspirit will use the Australian test track for its last adjustments. It already more than meets the requirements, offering a global solution for individual mobility. Despite being at the core of political and economic problems – primarily the anticipated end of oil supplies and its consequences for the world economy and population – these are not necessarily Sunier and

Barth’s first cause for concern. Instead, they rather insist upon a true and immediate desire for a radical change of habits far from the last fashion style. Their solar car thus multiplies advantages: low impact on the environment, including total independence from oil; no carbon dioxide spewing; no noise pollution; unlimited autonomy; and a durable production process, combined with lightness, security and last but not least, low cost. Convincing. Even if Joel Sunier claims that the number of vehicles on the road will need several generations to replace. Until that day, the outstanding work of pragmatic utopians remains, setting an example.

Natural/renewable materials: almost 100% Length: 5 m (16.4 ft) Width: 1.80 m (5.9 ft) Height: 1 m (3.28 ft) Weight: 140 kg, (308 lbs) pilot not included Pilot: < 80 kg (176 lbs) Maximun speed: 200 km/h (124mph) Range: illimited Budget: CHF 1.2 million Staff involved: 50-to-100 voluntary engineers, technicians, students, and advisers

Swisspirit | 15

Successfully blazing his own trail


rofessor Urs Boutellier completed excellent studies in systemic physiology and medicine. Even though he was unwilling to. At that time, the courses in sport medicine he dreamed of were lacking in Switzerland, and still are, although they did exist in every civilized country, he points ironically. When he started as an associate professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH) in 1992 he decided to change things together with two colleagues. They finally bridged the gap in 2002, creating the Human Movement Sciences and Sport curriculum of which he’s now the dean. Requiring the highest standards, the discipline has hardly any equivalent worldwide. The big achievement by a committed, wilful realist who speaks his mind.

Why did you build the HMS curriculum?

My ambition is to work on healthy human. Related fields are physical education and medicine. Although physical education integrates courses in physiology studying biological systems (either vegetal, animal or human), it concerns future sports teachers. Likewise, it’s a federal diploma, not an ETH/university one, implying you’re not allowed to do a PhD. And medicine deals mostly with sick people. From that point of view, there was no solution but to create something new, combining various academic courses. In brief, what is its aim?

It combines natural and human movement sciences in order to better understand a healthy human from systemic aspects down to cellular functions. What’s so special about it?

“With the Human Movement Sciences and Sport (HMS) curriculum, for once we’re not just running behind. We’re among the leaders. We made two steps ahead”, Professor Urs Boutellier, HMS co-founder. By Camille Bozonnet

16 | Academic personality

Since we deal with the entire human, just for that it’s an interdisciplinary field. The three years of the Bachelor’s diploma cover the natural sciences, human movement sciences, applied sports and a range of optional subjects. We then offer a Master with a major in biomechanics, exercise physiology, or theory of movement and training. I’ll take one of my previous researches as an example of an investigative area. I explored respiratory muscle endurance and discovered it has great impact

on endurance exercise, even for healthy subjects. We finalized and patented the product of this research, the SpiroTiger®, a device for respiratory muscle training. We get here to the heart of the matter. We still don’t know the mechanisms involved, explaining how respiratory muscle training improves overall performance. Master students can become part of this ongoing research.



What kind of jobs can training in HMS get your students?

Before we set this curriculum, studies were focused on physical education. Either you had someone who understood something to the human, or you had engineers. Our graduates combine the two specialities; they are strong in both disciplines. They can choose from a large range of careers: research (e.g. artificial joints, nutrition, medical devices), health insurance, tourist management, teaching (high schools, health care units at universities of applied sciences) etc. Imagine an insurance company looking to heighten their insureds’ awareness of the problem of a healthier lifestyle. One of my students would be ideal: he masters sport, exercise physiology, human health, health administration, sociology and psychology. Do you have any illustrative figures?

Not yet. But in Holland, where these studies have been well established for a long time, graduates are divided up as follows: 15% in scientific research, 30% in public health administration and 55% in the tertiary sector (industry, leisure activities, culture). I assume our figures to be slightly different. Two thirds of our graduates should join research and the tertiary sector and the last third should teach sport education, even if it won’t be easy in the beginning. Why’s that?

So far, we still suffer from a lack of reputation. Sport is not academically correct in Switzerland; it is just about being good enough for medals in championships. People, employers and rectors, have not yet understood this new curriculum includes the natural sciences and they don’t know what we are doing exactly.

Urs Boutellier Full Professor of Exercise Physiology, ETH Zurich Head, Exercise Physiology Group, Institute of Human Movement Sciences and Sport, ETH Zurich, Institute of Physiology, University of Zurich, Switzerland Born in 1948 in Winterthur (ZH)

1975 Federal medicine board examination, canton of Zurich, Switzerland 1976 MD, University of Zurich, Switzerland 1976–1983 Assistant, Universities of Zurich and Geneva, Switzerland 1983–1985 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, University of Buffalo, New York, USA 1985–1992 Research Assistant and Senior Scientist, Institute of Physiology, University of Zurich and Department of Physical Education, ETH Zurich, Switzerland 1989 Habilitation, Medical Faculty, University of Zurich, Switzerland 1992–2000 Associate Professor, ETH Zurich, Switzerland 1995– Associate Professor, University of Zurich, Switzerland 2001– Full Professor of Exercise Physiology, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Academic personality | 17


Götz’s point of view

Practical work for a Master-like research project.

Human Movement Sciences & Sport BA – 3 years Natural Sciences Chemistry, organic chemistry, biology, mathematics (analysis, linear algebra), informatics, statistics for biologists, molecular biology, physics, cellular biology, physical chemistry for biologists, analytic chemistry for biologists, immunology, microbiology, neurobiology, plant biology, neurosciences, anthropology. Human Movement Sciences Basic human movement sciences, basic biomechanics, anatomy and physiology, functional anatomy, histology, theory of movement and training, biomechanics and exercise physiology. Optional subjects Biomedical technique, work psychology, debate techniques, movement and health, sport nutrition, etc. Lab work Biomechanics, chemistry, physiology and physics. MA – 2 years Exercise physiology (e.g., respiratory endurance, studies with magnetic resonance spectroscopy, muscle physiology). Theory of movement and training (e.g., performance diagnosis, motor control, motor learning). Biomechanics (e.g., joint functions, bone strengthening, sport materials). More on The Swiss Association for Human Movement Sciences:

18 | Academic personality

HMS and physical education are definitely not twin curricula with different names. Therefore the Swiss Association for the Human Movement Sciences was founded to promote our uniqueness and processes, and eventually break down the stereotypes. We just opened an exhibition at the Verkehrshaus in Lucerne to show our research and help people catch up. Prospective students get to know it anyway and don’t bother themselves about it at all. It’s such a success we hardly are able to follow! You really met a strong demand. Will you introduce restricted enrolment?

It is true that when we started we reckoned we’d welcome 50 to 100 students. In 2002 and 2003, we had 180 registered… and three professors. But there’s no point introducing restricted enrolment. Courses, especially the natural sciences, are hard enough to select future Masters and PhD students. Might the BA be too difficult and discourage people?

Around 120 students apply each year. Looking for a bright future has always required good education with hard work. Academic Chairs being rare, it doesn’t make sense to educate eager students without a chance for a university career. Is HMS a Swiss specificity?

Yes, it is. There’s nothing like this in continental Europe. Not a single curriculum dealing with HMS or sport education includes the natural sciences as much as we do. We are

convinced it is the future of the human movement sciences. Professors in Munich, Holland, Scandinavia, the UK and the USA go in this direction however. For once we’re not just running behind. We’re among the leaders. We made two steps ahead. Can the curriculum attract foreign students?

Yes indeed! Its in-depth interdisciplinary, its difficulty, the large future prospects make it exclusive. Foreigners should pay attention to the prerequisites though. Usually applicants come either from the human movement sciences or from the natural sciences, and our curriculum requires both. We cannot accept them unless they complete an additional BA in the missing field. And they need at least some basic knowledge of German, as our voluntary human subjects for exercises are locals. Those are tough criteria, I must admit, and nevertheless we receive far too many applications to honour them all. I select the best, wherever they come from.


Götz Kohler has pursued an ‘exotic’ career since 2004, according to his colleagues in the Biophysical Chemistry group at the Biozentrum, the University of Basel’s basic research institute. With a degree in physics and a Masters in Sport Sciences both obtained in Germany, he focused on physiology, following the Zurich-based PhD courses of Professor Urs Boutellier. Is this path what makes him so special? Kind of, because he now concentrates on biochemistry while his colleagues are already chemists and because he spends his time working on humans through exercise physiology rather than on proteins, cells and membranes only.

Why did you choose ETH?

How did you hear about Professor

So you’re not likely to go back

Boutellier’s Human Movement Sciences

to Germany?

and Sport (HMS) curriculum?

I’m not thinking in terms of countries. If I’m offered a good position in Italy, well, that’s fine, as long as the position and location both fit equally my criteria.

I was looking for a PhD that would coincide with my interest in human body and muscle physiology (i.e., the way it works with movement, not only for high training but also in rehabilitation). I then read on the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich’s (ETH) website they were looking for a person with the same university background as mine, to proceed with their studies of muscle physiology by means of magnetic resonance spectroscopy. My profile, combining physics and sport sciences, was clearly a benefit.

You seem unstoppable. What glance do you take at your path?

Did you meet the tough prerequisites?

We are building new academic Chairs. Unlike most continental European countries, the University of Zurich and ETH give systemic physiological research a high priority. Our reputation is slowly growing. A dream came true in Zurich, where the future requirements in my field were recognized in the last minute. This recognition should be followed by more universitary and public support, however.

No, I did not. I was missing a final examination in sport sciences as well as the Master’s thesis that I had to pass during the PhD. Actually I was accepted because of my diploma in physics from the Heidelberg University. When you apply from outside ETH, the right diplomas with distinction, from the right institution are required.

A physiology or sport physiology major cannot be considered in Germany. You have to study medicine, biology or physics first. ETH is an excellent institution, and is close to the mountains. I like skiing and cycling. My interest in sport is not limited to related sciences. Is the HMS curriculum helpful for your career?

I guess so. But I’m not yet sure I’ll go on. It is hard to find a job in the right places for me, that is, not too far away from nature. I want to be more flexible regarding the locations I choose.

Was Basel University your only option?

It was the right one at the time. There was this opportunity of improving magnetic resonance research. Basel is near Zurich and I’m still in touch with Professor Boutellier and some ETH students I’m working with. Does the future scare you?

No it doesn’t. I still have a diploma in physics and a PhD in Biology, and I obtained last month a Master degree in medical physics. Maybe someone with a single HMS diploma could be worried, especially if they intend to embark on a university career, challenging candidates with degrees in medicine. Maybe not. Time will show who’s right.

Academic personality | 19


Swiss A to Z


The unofficial glossary that immodestly dissects Switzerland. Step through the looking glass and find out from this survey of customs, cultural phenomena and historical anecdotes what really makes this country so unique. By Camille Bozonnet

Hedgehog Swiss attitude

Betty Bossi Furlan, Massimo

Ducasse’s guru

Ever heard of Alain Ducasse, the French jet-chef simultaneously holding three Michelin stars in three different countries? He’s all at once chef, overseer of 21 restaurants, PR whiz, cooking school headmaster and sponsor of young talent. Well, I found the inspiration behind his fledgling empire – Betty Bossi. The Zurich-based icon, created by publicist Emmi Creola-Maag, launched her business in 1956 – Ducasse’s birth year! From a one-page newsletter to cookbooks, a publishing house, a TV show, a range of fresh, ready-to-eat products, a website and a 900,000-copy magazine, Betty has ruled supreme over Swiss kitchens and bellies for half a century. Thanks to Betty, Alain learnt to climb the career ladder, even surpassing his guru as he supplied meals for space shuttle Progress. For your eyes only.

Cow Organic training

You and I remember the anything-but-fair-play catcalls assailing shot putter Werner Günthör (1961–) during the 1987 Athletics World Championships men’s final in Rome. And you and I exulted when he set the championship record with a mark of 22.23 m and won the gold medal, the first of three straight World Championship victories. Now, I know his little secret, and you are clueless as to what it is. You may imagine any training program, you’ll be shell-shocked when I let the cat out of the bag: Mr. Günthör carried cows. Still the talk of the town.

20 | Gossip

Hooked on classics

Eberhardt, Isabelle

Someone had to do it. Limitless imagination. Art work beyond hype. Performer Massimo Furlan’s (1965–) great achievement was to recreate iconic football matches by assuming the role of one – and only one – player. His renowned success? ‘Number 10’ from the 1982 World Cup semi-final in Seville, where the French team lost in a penalty shootout to the Germans. As French hero Michel Platini, he reproduced the match right down to the goals, opportunities, goalkeeper Schumacher’s attack on Battiston, extra time, and the cruel ending. How about something über-hype? Pretend it’s not.

Parisians. Romantic, arrogant, sophisticated, with their inimitable je ne sais quoi. Attitude often comes with the territory. What would you expect then from a so-called country made of 26 fiercely independent regions unable to communicate in the same language? A common sense of self-satisfaction and a hedgehog-like state of mind that urges the Swiss to hopelessly curl up and protect themselves from the wide world they’d rather ignore. Not that I take a mischievous delight in making fun of closed minds, but the most entertaining thing is that this mentality sets left-wing intellectuals gossiping and private circles of finance worrying. Just in case you’re a sharp businessman, things may change. Money rules the world.

Gone with the desert

Keeping in mind an uncompromising figure is more than à propos nowadays. Sounds slightly moralistic, but hey, I’m the writer. And the girl had a Scarlett O’Hara-like destiny. Ahead of her time, Genevaborn Isabelle (1877–1904) pursued her path, unlike the bound-byconvention types she never was: falling in love with the desert; converting to Islam; taking an indigenous Spahi lieutenant as a lover; dressing as a man to go anywhere she pleased; writing about Algeria for newspapers, in her books and correspondence; finally finding peace in the Sahara where she drowned age 27 in a wadi during a flash flood. French General Lyautey confided that: “She was what attracts me most in the world: a resister of everything. What a treat to find someone who is truly oneself, free from any prejudice, allegiance or cliché, who lives free as a bird in space.” Inspiration to us all.

Helvetian migration Gothard Exclusive piggy bank

Fancy living the Russian oligarch/oil baron life? Then the former bunker of the Swiss government, dug somewhere in the depths of the Gothard Massif (UR) in the run-up to WWII, is exactly what you’re looking for. Ho-hum. You’re not thrilled. Fear not, sparkling newcomer. This place has been converted into the securest safe-place specialising in off- and on-line data safekeeping, plus lots of other voluminous stuff (space is obviously not an issue). And staff have been drilled into making a religion of secrecy. The icing on the cake? Over-the-top service comes with a whopping bill. A first decent step in your ‘bling bling’ way of life.

Original traumatism

A closed mind often results from an event that turns you upside down. The Helvetians are no exception to the rule. When they decided to move to southwest Gaul around 60 BC, these 368,000 migrants burnt their 12 towns and 400 villages, plus the wheat they did not plan to carry, so that they deprived themselves the chance of coming back home and were better prepared to face any peril. Alas! This convincing demonstration of a heck of a character frustrated a local personality’s plans. Julius Caesar thus forced them to retrace their steps (that is, after a bitter defeat) in order not to abandon their territory to his enemies, a.k.a the ambitious Germans, and dared use this threat as a pretext for the Gallic Wars. You dig? Once bitten, twice shy.

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Luigi Lucheni’s head


A pain in the neck

Heritage in danger

The story of how the head of an Italian anarchist found hanged in his Geneva cell in 1910 caused a Vaudeville-inspired drama for nearly a century remains a spicy mystery. A story featuring: a head oddly cut-off right down the chin; a brain weighed in order to reveal a link between the weight and the crime – a complete failure; said head then kept in a formalin-filled jar in the basement of the Geneva Forensic Science Institute; the head’s return to Austria (1985) with the proviso that it’s never, ever, shown to the public; a diplomatic battle implying its potential return to Geneva (1998); and finally, its burial in a Viennese cemetery allotted to university forensic science (2000). A clue might help you think all the mess was worth it, huh? Say it belongs to Sissi’s murderer.

UNESCO set off the alarm last year. Half of the world’s 6,000 spoken languages will disappear by the end of the century. As “multilingualism reflects multiculturalism, the disappearance of the first will inevitably lead to the loss of the latter,” it announced. Consider this: if we make a list of every word in every language with strictly the same meaning (e.g. man, woman, moon, sun, star, white, black), a maximum of 300 words are concerned. Which does not leave space for creativity. Preserving and promoting multilingualism is thus an absolute necessity, even if this bad news won’t remove French-speaking trainees’ fear of having to learn at least one of the Swiss-German dialects. I never said leaving the ’me-myself-and-I’ attitude behind to contribute to the Earth’s future was not demanding. If you don’t feel up to doing it, pass the buck.

First, a French philosopher – Voltaire (1694–1778) – who tried to buy a house in Geneva and found he couldn’t because he was Catholic. Bad reference at the time. Second, a plugged-in friend used as clerk, servant and faithful henchman – banker Jean-Robert Tronchin – who played the figurehead in order to purchase said house. Good privilege. Third, a Federal Council that passed the Friedrich Law (1995) limiting realestate ownership by foreigners as a defence against their great ascendancy over the natives and property speculation. Now, guess who’s who.

Swiss Armed Forces Culinary Team


Five-star chefs

Named for success

They made it grandiose. The Swiss Armed Forces Culinary Team again won the title of world champions at the World Championships of Cuisine last November, surpassing Germany and Great Britain. These military cordon bleus sizzled in the “hot meal” category, concocting a venison pâté with pumpkin, roasted saddle of rabbit, lamb fillet served with green beans and Swiss rolls, and to finish up, chocolate-and-cherry sweets. As for the rest? Total triumph. Elevating canteen grub to absolute art makes soldier ants laugh (those given to hunger strikes rather than burnt offerings to the ‘food gods’). Envy’s devouring them.

No matter how many PhDs with distinction received; internationally renowned articles published; brilliant students taught; colloquia organized; research carried out; and other noble arts endlessly pursued to earn your stars, sometimes trivial details make all the difference. Looks like it’s your first name, especially in German-speaking regions, where “Urs” is a must-have moniker for a university president (or at least a university lecturer) – reference Bern and Fribourg. No, really. But I still haven’t found out why. I’m more into buying outrageouslyexpensive shoes .

Veal Marengo Veal for victory

Tronchin, Jean-Robert The good, the bad and the ugly

Ooh, you think to yourself, the French have the monopoly on haute cuisine, which is quite true until you suddenly remember the charming Italians are not that bad in the field. Good point. But did you know the Swiss could challenge both? In truth, we have Dunand to thank for the tasty Marengo dish, created to celebrate that glorious 14 June 1800 when the Austrians were solidly beaten at the Battle of Marengo. The story goes that Dunand had not received the cooking supplies he expected. He thus mixed everything left: chicken, a few eggs, tomatoes, garlic, and crayfish – with amazing success. Veal, onions, mushrooms and white wine composed to the dish in time. By the way, I’m talking about Napoleon’s chef, not the Red Cross’ founding father. Just in case.

Müesli Wrestling and shepherds’ festivals

Nutritious fast food

Looked like crap this morning? Time to join the must-adopt-anauthentic-and-healthy-Alpine-mountain-like-diet club, designed not only for organic addicts, greenfingers, and ‘holistic-oholics’, but for everyone craving the Heidi look. Here’s how it works: no freak dos and don’ts, no low-fat or low-carb training, no exercising-to-death. Just fill yourself up with delicious birchermuesli at least once a day. I suppose the original recipe created by Swiss German doctor Maximilian Oskar Bircher-Benner in 1900 in his exclusive private clinic. That is, one spoonful of oat flakes, a drop of condensed milk, fresh walnuts, a big grated apple and some lemon juice. Sounds pretty fair to get a pink complexion and an A-list body in the summer bikini contest.

22 | Gossip

Ave Cesar, morituri te salutant!

You’re trying to be smart. You ridicule popular traditions, little socialite. Each competition includes crazy moments such as stone throwing, pole climbing, running, etc., allowing robust fellows to assess their strength and dexterity in a dream-like natural setting. It’s so successful that even Moritz Leuenberger confessed in his opening speech at the 2001 Federal Festival of Swiss Wrestling and Alpine Games in Nyon: “I’m not the first President of the Confederation to be slightly jealous of the wrestling king.” Some like it hot. But, hey, you urban nomad, no sense denying it, I hear you chuckling although you shouldn’t. If that’s your attitude … sigh … you’re so damned right.

Gossip | 23


Alumni corner


Former pupils share with you their memories and educational experiences at private boarding schools in Switzerland. Tips to learn from insiders. | Part I By Camille Bozonnet

perfection is our nature

Cyril Plojoux, 29, Swiss, Senior banking executive, Pictet & Cie, Moscow 1992–1998, Institut auf dem Rosenberg (SG)

for an English boarding school. It sounded very interesting. I thought I’d try as well. How was it during the first months?

As a French-speaking Swiss, why did you choose Germanspeaking Rosenberg?

I wanted to experience boarding school. Belonging to a generation of wise people who highly consider Swiss and German high schools programmes, my parents agreed on the condition that I learn a foreign language. I already spoke English. And the German Abitur (equivalent to the schoolleaving examination) had more credit with US universities regarding the programme I wanted to follow, that is, with economics and Russian majors. You made a grown-up Medically Assisted Procreation

In 2005, the Clinique Générale-Beaulieu opened one of Switzerland’s most modern Centers for Reproductive Medicine. Equipped with the latest in vitro fertilization (IVF) technologies, the laboratory is located on the Clinics’ premises in close relation with the medical units, allowing optimal patients’care. The medical team includes four gynecologists, one urologist and one biologist, all specialized in reproductive medicine. This infrastructure offers prospective parents increased safety and comfort, and provides the best environment to help fulfill there most precious wish- to give life.

20, chemin Beau-Soleil • 1206 Geneva • Tel. +41 22 839 55 55 •

decision at 14. What motivated you?

Let me say it had nothing to do with a punishment! I was very independent at that time. I needed my own space. I urged myself on to manage my life. Besides, one of my closest cousins had left

The first few weeks were challenging. You have to quickly establish yourself in the hierarchy among children you’ve never seen before. A “basic social behaviour” (share, respect, and be open) makes you find a respectable place quite easily. I realized later in life that it helped me to easily adapt to any new situation. Did it play a role in your future?

Yes, indeed! In the early 90s, the image we were shown about Eastern and Central Europe was a rather sad one. Joining the Rosenberg helped me look at this region with other eyes. I heard Russian – such a musical language that I needed to learn some of it. I left with a basic knowledge that I then improved, and in 2002, directly following graduation, I started to work in Moscow. Today, my wife is Russian and I have a baby.

Rahul Vir, 44, Indian, General Manager, Renaissance Sao Paulo Hotel, Sao Paulo 1984–1986, Les Roches School of Hotel Management (VS) Why did you choose Les Roches?

At that time, I felt that there were two styles of management. The American’s concentrated on management and administrative techniques. The European style focused on a very high quality of service and the greatest care of customers. I chose to study in Europe. I heard about the school from my father who attended by chance a presentation of Les Roches when traveling in Singapore. Today however, you need both styles to succeed. Hotels are businesses dealing with customer care. What did you learn there?

First, that service and customer care are a key value. Impeccable service is the way to make money. Second, the international environment of the school, bringing so

many different nationalities, backgrounds, and cultures, gave me the opportunity to understand people from all over the world. It is an invaluable experience. Is it helpful today?

Most definitely. Today, I remember my Brazilian friends in everyday life, as well as my Chinese friends for the numerous Hong Kong clientèle. Thanks to the international background that Les Roches offered me, I’m able to put myself in customers’ shoes. Is a Swiss hotel school an inescapable part to succeed?

No, it’s not. But the six-month training every year included in academics is a strong value as it makes you feel the real life of a hotel, not to mention the tough work. You realize it’s not just about the glamour you’ve seen in movies, or just being in beautiful lobbies. A Swiss education is an advantage in the service business, but success has a lot to do with individual personality, hard work and attitude towards customers. First and foremost, you have to be committed to hotel life.

Alumni | 25

Anoush Abrar ( finished the University of art and design Lausanne (ECAL) in 2004 and started working with Aimée Hoving. The Iranian-Dutch team has already exposed in several museums and galleries worldwide, including prestigious places like the Harold’s Gallery, Los Angeles, USA; the Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris, France; and the National Portrait Gallery, London, UK. They also shot fashion series for hype magazines, such as W, French and Japanese Vogue and L’Officiel. Young talent at a glance. 26 | Portfolio

Portfolio | 27

28 | Portfolio

Portfolio | 29

Community philosophy Might boarding schools be old hands at integration, they actually rely on some tried-and-true tools — as an international language, team sports play a major role. By Camille Bozonnet

30 | High schools

“When young people live together, they quickly learn that diversity of religions, policies and cultures may be a factor of enrichment rather than a factor for division.” Philippe Gudin Le Rosey’s director general


hen the first Iranian female student arrived at the Lyceum Alpinum, she found life in the small, German-speaking village of Zuoz pretty difficult to adapt to. Six months later, she was sharing a week-end with two fellows from Brazil and Mexico and having a lot of fun. Considering that 25 nationalities mix at the Lyceum, and a record number of 60 at Le Rosey – involving 22 different languages – one realises why integration is such a crucial issue for boarding schools. No philosophical concept answers the delicate question of integration. For the Lyceum and Le Rosey, experience and common sense suggest that regardless of the fine talk, it simply comes down to human tolerance, flexibility and mutual respect. What happens then if students ignore these cornerstone principles? Unlike, it seems, common assumption, difficulties are not encountered where one would expect.

Director general of Le Rosey, Mr. Gudin explains that “when young people live together, they quickly learn that diversity of religions, policies and cultures may be a factor of enrichment rather than a factor for division.” He points out their challenge lies precisely in “keeping this diversity in order not to have pressure groups. The only problem would be five-to-ten students coming from one single country with one strong position, trying to push and influence discussions – although I can’t remember one warning about that kind of bad behaviour. Our quota policy is designed to limit enrolment from each nation to a maximum of 10%.” Adds Lyceum’s director, Mr. Sommer: “To obey strict rules and timetables is more of a shock than confronting cultures and political views!” If the news break through the schools, formal and informal talks led by teachers and supervisors defuse tensions. Mr. Gudin recalls the debates after 9/11, under-

High schools | 31

lining that most students tried to understand why the whole thing happened instead of contenting themselves with the facts – classic and efficient prevention. So far, as in any family, frictions inevitably happen, but turmoil is mainly due to individual personality and the time of adolescence. It’s not such a big deal.

Mens sana in corpore sano Boarding schools are dedicated to creating community spirit and a friendly atmosphere. Team sports are thus seen as one of the most significant integrative tools. They inculcate inner values like fair-play (notably when you lose), loyalty, commitment, open-mindedness, not to mention physical fitness, and offer opportunities for outstanding individual achievement as well as to discover one’s limits – and to push them as far as possible under the guidance of professional coaches. At the Lyceum, where the British team games of Eton Fives and cricket were introduced, the tradition of close fraternities and inseparable house pals is respected. Soccer, rugby, volleyball, basketball, ice hockey, and athletics present so many occasions where, Mr. Sommer says, “you are sometimes forced to give something of yourself to approach others. This is integration.” At Le Rosey, Olympics-style national teams are avoided. Boarders are together to win, to ‘kill’ the opponent on the field. Here, violence that must come out, comes out – with multiple benefits, for it is wisely channeled.

Mr. Gudin opines that “the only wars should be the ones in stadiums.” Expected emulation favours esprit de corps. And helps collecting trophies and medals from inter-schools tournaments.

Valuing brilliant personalities Ultimately, what’s at stake in integration is individual blossoming-out. Mr. Sommer’s institution focuses on how best to take advantage of one’s skills to prepare to evolve harmoniously in the international environment that awaits them. Mr. Gudin goes further, claiming “the realization of everybody’s full potential is the boarding schools’ genuine mission, our true motives.” At Le Rosey, Howard Gardner’s theory on multiple intelligences is applied, developing, of course, linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligences – those traditionally valued by schools – and also musical, bodilykinesthetic, spatial, inter- and intrapersonal intelligences. Each boarder’s talent is recognized. Therein, Ric’s story is emblematic. Shy and having difficulties to integrate perfectly, he joined the rowing team together with others like him. They worked hard and trained very seriously, slowly building something strong, both physically and emotionally. They conquered selfconfidence, collective victories, and virtuosity. Ric even became a Swiss rowing champion. To better know, understand and love oneself, as well as others, is the way to emancipate and brilliantly follow one’s path.

“To obey strict rules and timetables is more of a shock than confronting cultures and political views!” Beat Sommer, Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz’s director Gardner, H., Frames of Mind:

The theory of multiple intelligences, NY, Basic Books, 1983.

High schools | 33


Lucerne, the university born of popular vote


The young University of Lucerne concentrates on its specialty: a multiplicity of perspectives to understand the intellectual, social and institutional structures of the modern world.

Rudolf Stichweh Professor of Sociology, University of Lucerne, Switzerland Rector of the University of Lucerne, Switzerland

By Professor Rudolf Stichweh, Rector of the University of Lucerne

Born in 1951 in Lemgo/Lippe, Germany


he University of Lucerne was built on the basis of a Jesuit College erected in 1574 which for four centuries remained a small institution of education in Catholic theology and in philosophy. When the city of Lucerne somehow became a “World City”, first in terms of tourism in the 19th century, and then in terms of musical culture in the 20th century, science and learning were not a part of this development. This changed in the late 20th century. After a first unsuccessful attempt in 1978, a second popular vote in 2000 established the University of Lucerne. Lucerne is probably the first and only university in the world founded on the basis of such a popular vote. It started its life in provisional buildings. And then in 2006 there were two more popular votes by the people of the City of Lucerne and the people of the Canton of Lucerne (both of them with a majority of more than 80%) which granted to the University of Lucerne a very attractive building place. The new university building will be situated between the Kultur- und Kongresszentrum Luzern (place of the Lucerne festival) and the main station of the railway and next to the lake of Lucerne. We will rebuild a building of the Swiss Post Office until 2010 and we will then possess a representative university building quite in the centre of the City.

34 | University

Meanwhile the university is going to establish the three faculties with which it starts its career. Our first one is the traditional faculty of Catholic theology, enriched by an Institute of Jewish-Christian Studies, by an Ecumenical Institute and an Institute of Social ethics, and with strong links to philosophy and the sciences of religion. Then there is secondly a faculty of cultural and social sciences (still named “Geisteswissenschaftliche Fakultät”; but it will adopt a new name soon) which more than it is the case in the other Swiss universities puts its focus on an interdisciplinary mix of the systematical and the historical sciences of cultures and social systems: Sociology and Communication Sciences, Philosophy, History, Sciences of Religion, Cultural and Social Anthropology, Political Science, Economical Theory of Politics and Institutions, Science and Technology Studies, Social Psychology. Year by year we institutionalize one of these subjects and that means they will all be there in 2010. And we have thirdly a legal faculty, by far the biggest of our three faculties which only three years after its erection in 2001 succeeded in a comparative evaluation of Swiss legal faculties in 2004 to be nominated as the faculty offering the best legal education to be had in Switzerland. Without overestimating the ultimate cognitive validity of these competitive evaluation games, such a nomination is quite

Studies of Sociology and Philosophy in Berlin and Bielefeld, Germany

First generation’s students

1983 Dissertation in Sociology

Lucerne intends to become the Swiss university of the humanities and the social sciences – in a broad understanding of these terms which includes law and theology.

1985–1989 Advanced research at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Köln, Germany 1987 Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme, Paris, France 1989–1994 Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, Frankfurt, Germany 1994–2003 Chair of Sociology, University of Bielefeld, Germany

a valuable asset if it is based on a comparison to the other very old and established institutions. At this day, our faculty of law has more than a 1000 students, and besides its normal degrees it additionally offers a bilingual legal degree (German, French) in cooperation with the University of Neuchâtel. It is obvious that we are still very much at the beginning of a university tradition in Lucerne. Presently we work on our master programmes in all three faculties (for example: on the basis of the two disciplines sociology and political science we offer three masters on “World Society and Global Governance”, “Comparative Media Studies”, “Organizations and Knowledge”); we are planning graduate schools for

enabling a close linking of teaching and research – and we prepare the establishment of research centers articulating the intellectual identity of the University of Lucerne. Lucerne intends to become the Swiss university of the humanities and the social sciences (this is meant in a broad understanding of these terms which includes law and theology) with a strong interdisciplinary component and a symmetrical balance of teaching and research. The University of Lucerne will then offer to all its members the opportunity to combine excellent living conditions in an extraordinary landscape, the attractions of culture in a small but globally oriented city, and the quietness of a concentrated academic life.

1999–2001 Dean of the Faculty of Sociology, University of Bielefeld, Germany 2003 Chair of Sociology, University of Lucerne, Switzerland 2005 – 2006 Fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin/Institute for Advanced Study, Berlin, Germany 2006–2010 Rector of the University of Lucerne, Switzerland Guest professorships at Paris, France; Vienna and Klagenfurt, Austria

University | 35

Keeping the ball rolling... There is hardly a better place than Brazil to highlight the role of sport for peace and development. By Ambassador Rudolf Baerfuss

A great place to study. Welcome to Switzerland. Lake Stelli with a view of the Matterhorn, Valais

Rudolf Baerfuss Ambassador of Switzerland to Brazil Born in 1947, married, with two children 1979–1982 Desk Officer in the Latin America Division, Ministry of Economy, Bern, Switzerland 1982–1986 First secretary, Swiss Embassy in Brasilia, Brazil 1986–1988 Counsellor, Swiss Mission to the European Community, Brussels, Belgium 1988–1993 Head of Section, Integration Office, Bern, Switzerland 1993–1996 Minister and Head of the International Affairs Division, Federal Office for Environment (BUWAL), Bern, Switzerland 1996–2001 Ambassador, Head of Political Division V Coordination, Bern, Switzerland 2001–2004 Ambassador of Switzerland to Mozambique and Angola, Maputo 2004 – Ambassador of Switzerland to Brazil, Brasilia home/reps.html

180 million Brazilian enthusiasts deal almost everyday with sports, many of them as supporters of their favourite football team and many of them actively practising sport and physical education. Sport in all its forms creates numerous jobs in manufacturing and services, making an important contribution to the economic development of the country. Sport is also a significant part of the good image of Brazil all over the world. Brazil lives in peace with its neighbours for more than 140 years. Promoting peace is a priority of Brazilian foreign policy. Brazil continues to play a leading role in the peacekeeping efforts of the international community, especially in Haiti. It is no surprise that Brazil launched its military engagement in Haiti with an extraordinary sports event. It organized a memorable football game in Port-auPrince. Peace and security within Brazil, however, are threatened by increasing violence and organized crime. The government of President Lula, in cooperation with local authorities, has taken several measures to tackle insecurity. Two specific sports programmes are part of these efforts, namely “Segundo Tempo”, offering sports activities to poor children combined with additional teaching and lunch. The idea is to keep them away from drugs, gangs and prostitution. So far, this programme covers around 2 million youngsters. The second programme, “Pintando a Liberdade”, teaches young prisoners how to manu-

facture sport equipments like footballs, volleyballs, T-shirts etc. In these prison workshops the detainees acquire professional skills for their future in freedom, get a small salary and shorten their detention time. The produced equipment is offered to social and sports programmes like “Segundo Tempo”. Adolf Ogi, UN Special Adviser on Sport for Development and Peace, paid a remarkable visit to Brazil in January 2005. I was deeply impressed by his enthusiasm and it became very clear that he’s not only promoting sports as an efficient tool for peace, he’s also creating a lot of sympathy and goodwill for Switzerland. The Embassy continues to develop some smaller sport activities such as a friendly football match between a Swiss and a Brazilian children's team. It took place on November 15, 2006, two hours before the real Brazilian “Seleção” played against the Swiss national team in Basel, Switzerland. More than 200 Brazilian kids from a modest satellite city outside Brasilia spent a wonderful football afternoon at the Swiss Embassy, an event that counted with the support of Nestlé and Swatch. Another sport highlight was the Wheelchair Tennis World Championship of May 2006 in Brasilia where the Embassy staff had the opportunity to support the Swiss team during the games, taking the whole delegation on a City Tour and inviting them to a party at the Embassy. And we are planning new activities, keeping the ball rolling…

Abroad | 37



Audemars Piguet: boundless potential In 1972, Audemars Piguet decided to overturn conventions by setting itself a new challenge: the creation of an original and genuinely unprecedented watch. The brand’s designers achieved this by inventing the first high-end steel sports watch, distinguished by an entirely novel approach. It featured a new shape in the form of an octagonal bezel; a new material by treating steel as a precious metal for the first time ever; a new case conception; and a new bracelet assembly system. The watch was christened the Royal Oak and met with immediate success that has continued unabated ever since, making it a legend in its own time.

A brand with the wind in its sails

Alongside international-level partnerships, we also invest in local sponsoring operations. Our products embody the successful blend of competitive events and Haute Horlogerie. By Georges-Henri Meylan, Chairman of Audemars Piguet

38 | Career

The sailing world, in which we have been active since 1985, attracted us because of the values we share with this environment: a taste for technological innovation, for daring and for excellence placed in the service of a passion imbued with tradition. In 2000, we chose to support the first Swiss Challenger, Be hAPpy. Subsequently, when Ernesto Bertarelli presented his project in 2002, we didn’t hesitate for a second. In deciding to back Alinghi, our Manufacture committed itself to a team that does Switzerland proud by sailing under national colours. We both cultivate excellence and a constant pursuit of performance and of victory. Remaining firmly on the cutting edge of technology, we work with the most innovative materials while maintaining a consistent concern for details. Alinghi and Audemars Piguet can each look back on a long history, since the America’s Cup is the world’s oldest sports trophy, while our Manufacture is the oldest of its counterparts still in the hands of the founding families. Alinghi

also stands for a team and for a wonderful human adventure, much like the men and women who unite their efforts in giving rise to exceptional watches. In honour of this famous sailboat, we have created various highperformance watches equipped with functions specially developed for America’s Cup races and crafted from unusual materials.

A prestigious universe The automobile world is peopled by passionate devotees. The same goes for Haute Horlogerie. Both are characterised by the same love of fine mechanical engineering. In 2004, Audemars Piguet chose to associate its name with the famous Maserati trident. Entirely hand-assembled and radiating an unmistakably understated elegance, cars by the Italian manufacturer have enabled us to communicate by highlighting the collections that are more classic than the Royal Oak and are intended for a different audience. They represent the pursuit of perfection, meticulous care lavished on details, as well as love and respect for traditions.

Hand in hand with young people Additionally we support youthful Swiss sportsmen and women. Fully aware that training is an essential factor, we have in particular guaranteed a job for Laurence Rochat (cross-country skiing) and Sylvain Freiholz (skijumping), thereby enabling them to practise their sport in complete freedom without any constraints linked to their work schedule. We do this because the future is something we need to prepare for and because we would like every young person to some day be able to exercise their dream profession.

Career | 39


Alumni corner


Former pupils share with you their memories and educational experiences at private boarding schools in Switzerland. Tips to learn from insiders. | Part II By Camille Bozonnet

Brunella Pignaton, 28, Brazilian, Marketing Director of Leonardo da Vinci School, Vitoria 1995–1997, Brillantmont International School (VD) Why did you choose Brillantmont – far away from home?

I was looking for a school where I could learn other languages (not only English), where I could be in contact with many different cultures, and find a very international environment but at the same time feel at home. Additionally, the location was really important especially for my family. Having their little girl go away from home was not so easy, but the safety in Switzerland was a very positive point. If I had chosen an American school in my country for example I wouldn’t have had the international experience that I had at BM, getting to know people from all over the world, and having the opportunity to travel and live abroad. How was it?

I enjoyed every day spent at the school. Classes were great but the

best of the whole experience was that I learned every second by living with teachers and students. Waking up with a Vietnamese teacher, speaking English to a Pakistani friend or Spanish to an American, chatting about life in Japan and even visiting friends in Russia – it’s hard to understand BM if you don’t experience it. What did you learn from this experience?

Basically that my world was small. I came from a city in Brazil, far away from everything. I learned the importance of speaking languages in order to really understand a culture and above all that in today’s globalized world, you need to deeply understand other cultures to work better, and to live better.

Switzerland and moved around the world for ten years. I studied and worked in Hawaii, Barcelona and even Brazil (sending students to study at BM). The fact that I had learnt so many languages and that I was able to adapt myself pretty easily meant that I got the most out of these different experiences.

I must have had the worst marks in spelling and grammar in Beau Soleil history! I thought I’d never make it. I wanted to go back home. Did it get any better? Sure. I grew up more quickly. They helped me a lot and I finally trusted myself. I worked hard and passed my school leaving exams. I built up

Luna Riera, 29, Spanish, involved in hotel management, Barcelona 1994–1997, Collège Beau Soleil (VD)

friendships that are still strong 13 years later. In December 2005, I found myself joining the trip to Tanzania organized to celebrate the School’s 95th anniversary. I made it to the top of Kilimanjaro… and

You followed your parents’

I considered the great impact Beau

decision. How did you find

Soleil had on my life. Those were

Beau Soleil in the beginning?

days I even miss !

The place and international surroundings were exciting. I appreci-

What did you discover there

ated the family-like way of life. But,

about yourself?

arriving unexpectedly in January,

You’re not the one everybody fo-

I was four months behind the start

cuses his attention on anymore.

What kind of impact did your

of the new term and it gave me a

You’d better sort things out your-

stay have on your future?

hard time. Everybody already knew

self, manage your schedule and

It changed my life. When I first arrived in Lausanne, my plans were to go back to Brazil after six months. I loved the experience so much that I wanted to keep on living abroad, in a similar environment. I went to University in

each other. I couldn’t help but feel

studies, learn to give and receive

like a perfect stranger for a few

from people your age. Days are

weeks. Besides, I applied for the

truly very busy. It is a good thing at

French Baccalaureate although I’d

the time of adolescence, actually.

followed all my studies in Spanish.

You can’t withdraw into yourself.

Even if I understood everything,

I think it makes going through this

I couldn’t read or write in French.

time better.

Alumni | 41


Enter the sport business at the top

Attracting women into Engineering

Organized from 2003 by the International Academy of Sports Science and Technology, the Master of Advanced Studies in Sport Administration and Technology is aimed at sport enthusiasts who want to either start or accelerate a professional career in sport management.

Too few women, too few young people in engineering. The initiatives of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) offer them incentives. A glimmer of hope?


By Claire-Lise Jaquier, swissUp

By Christian Baumann


The sport’s world has experienced a tremendous evolution over the past decades. Tarun Chaudhry and John Chandy are specially trained to operate it.

42 | Postgraduate progamme

arun Chaudhry, 31, from India, worked for some of the best advertising networks in the world like Young & Rubicam and Saatchi & Saatchi before joining the MSA – Master of Advanced Studies in Sport Administration and Technology in January 2007. “I cannot call myself a competitive sportsman; instead I like to call myself a sportsman by passion. And it is this passion for sports that has pushed me into the direction of combining my passion with my professional career”, he explains. Contrary to Tarun, John Chandy, 26, also from India, has already been very much involved in sports since he has represented his country in basketball and has been working for several years for IMG, one of the biggest sports agencies in the world. To increase his knowledge and boost his career, he decided to get a professional degree in sports and thus applied to the MSA 2007. The sport’s world has reached such a high level of development that it needs to be operated by specially trained managers. Founded in 2000 by a number of partners, most notably the International Olympic Committee, the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), the University of Geneva, the University of Lausanne, the Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration and IMD Business School, the International Academy of Sports Science and Technology (AISTS) organises the MSA. All graduates receive a diploma cosigned by four prestigious and renowned Swiss Universities: the University of Geneva, the EPFL, the University of Lausanne and

IDHEAP. Each year, 30 to 40 high profile students from all over the world attend the MSA, a unique interdisciplinary postgraduate programme covering sport management, economics, technology, law, medicine, and sociology. MSA lecturers are renowned university professors, sports experts and executives from the sports world who share their knowledge and experience with the MSA students. Comprised of lectures and workshops, as well as a team projects, a personal dissertation and an internship, the MSA programme allows its students to build up a network of persons that may lead to new opportunities to gain experience or start a new career. Tarun sums it perfectly: “What I expect from the MSA program is to acquire a broader perspective on best practices in development of sports and sports management from the best practitioners in the world. At the secondary level, I also want to take this opportunity to develop a network with sports practitioners, MSA graduates and people from the sports business.” In that respect, being located in Lausanne, the Olympic Capital hosting the headquarters of the International Olympic Committee and more than twenty international sports federations is probably, as explained by John, “the best place for an aspirant to gain knowledge in all aspects of sport from some of the best practitioners in the sports industry”. Tarun adds that “the close association of the course with the IOC was another reason that made me believe that this was just the thing I was looking for.”


disturbing trend – women’s skills are still largely under-employed, particularly in numerous technological and scientific fields, although from all the evidence women could greatly contribute to the progress of research and development and therefore, innovation. How can the lack of attraction that technical fields hold for young women be explained? A deficiency of female role models, often a determiner in the choice of future paths? Disenchantment with fields reputed as being difficult? A result of current trends that favour certain careers over others? There are many hypotheses and the observation is not new. But this problem takes on a new dimension, particularly in countries where this deficiency increasingly diminishes the potential for technological innovation upon which depends the creation of industrial wealth and economic development. Taking into consideration the potential of emerging countries such as India and China, it seems more necessary than ever to encourage these vocations. In order to check this trend and to motivate young people to choose careers that while demanding also hold great potential, EPFL put in place several years ago an original training programme geared primarily towards young women. It aims to demystify computer and other sciences and to prove that women suffer under no handicap when it comes to acquiring knowledge in state-of-the-art technological fields. Still more recently, in an original and explicit move that applauds equality,

EPFL broke new ground by establishing a Chair of Engineering available only to a woman. By emphasising, supporting and promulgating the work of an exceptional candidate, it is intended that the Chair will contribute to the development of a scientific culture that fully involves women. The project benefits from the support of the Institute’s female professors, who are directly involved in the selection of candidates for the position. The Chair covers fields linked to engineering and computer and communication sciences, where women are unfortunately still present in only very few numbers. “We hope that the potential for a future in science at a very high level will lead more women to consider engineering,” explains Professor Karen Scrivener, director of EPFL’s Construction Materials Laboratory. Will these measures reverse the present trend? This is what is hoped for as much in academic milieus as in economic ones. And it’s for this reason that the swissUp Chair of Engineering was financed by the foundation of the same name. “Women are under-represented in engineering,” says swissUp Director Daniel Borel, president of Logitech International SA. “They are too few in number to show their skill, talent and know-how in a domain supposedly reserved for men! The Chair must give them the desire to leave the traditional scheme of things and to launch themselves into engineering.” Will the foundation’s wish be fulfilled?

The EPFL Equal Opportunities Office’s courses in mathematics for girls.

At EPFL, between 2000 and 2006, reasons for optimism included: The proportion of female students increased from 16 to 24% The number of female professors grew from 4 to 19

Career | 43

Students’ guide 46 The educational system in Switzerland, an overall view 48 A panorama of the Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences 53 High schools and Hotel schools: portrait gallery


The educational system in Switzerland


Its unique dual education and training system provides a vast range of educational options, from vocational training and apprenticeships to university-level courses.

For more information:

Higher education

Higher education in Switzerland, fitting into the general dual system, covers the range from academic to applied studies by charging two types of institutions with the different training tasks. Twelve doctoral/research universities (ten cantonal universities and two

Specific information for doctoral candidates and researchers on:

46 | Educational system

week 8 (in each of the following years). Today, other European countries are discussing on how to follow the Swiss example.

Further Education Master of Advanced Studies (60 ECTS) 1 Diploma of Advanced Studies (30 ECTS) Certificate of Advanced Studies (10 ECTS)


Doctoral/Research Universities Ten cantonal universities and two Federal Institutes of Technology, labelled with the official trademark , are currently the only research universities in Switzerland that are allowed to confer doctoral degrees. The ten cantonal universities are in Basel, Bern, Fribourg, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, Neuchâtel, St. Gallen, Lugano and Zurich. Most of them have been evolving over a number of centuries in step with societal and economic needs, always in harmony with a humanist ideal. They have excellent reputations on account of their high-quality research. In recent world wide rankings at least five of the Swiss universities (depending on the ranked area) have always been amongst the 50 best universities of the world which guarantees to all potential students the possibility of choosing among high quality courses in different universities and in different cultural regions of Switzerland within a reachable distance. Although each of the universities has its own characteristics, they all basically have the same structure combining research and education. Since the mid-19th century, the Confederation has played an active role in national science policy. While it began by creating its own polytechnic in Zurich, the Confederation now has six institutions comprising the Federal Institutes of Technology: the two Federal Institutes of Technology, in Lausanne (EPFL) and in Zurich (ETHZ) and four research insti-

Lizentiat Diplom (4-6 years)

Master (90-120 ECTS)

Master (90-120 ECTS)

Bachelor (180 ECTS)

Bachelor (180 ECTS)

Universities + Federal Institutes of Technology

Master (90-120 ECTS)

Diplom (3-4 years)

Universities of Teacher Education

Maturity Certificate (12 years)

Academic Upper Secondary Schools

Bachelor (180 ECTS)

Universities of Applied Sciences

Professional Maturity Certificate

Apprenticeship + Preparation for the Professional Maturity Certificate Specialized Middle School

Tertiary Level

Federal Institutes of Technology) offer theoretically oriented, scientific bachelor, master and doctoral degrees. Holders of a maturity certificate (“gymnasiale Matura”) have access to these universities. At all the twelve doctoral/research universities the Bologna declaration is implemented. Professionally oriented studies are offered at the seven universities of applied sciences (“Fachhochschulen”/“Hautes Ecoles Spécialisées”) and at the universities of teacher education (“Pädagogische Hochschulen”/“Hautes Ecoles Pédagogiques”). Holders of a maturity certificate can enrol, after completing a oneyear internship or work placement. Holders of a professional maturity certificate (“Berufsmaturität”) are entitled to study at a university of applied sciences or, after passing a supplementary examination, at one of the doctoral/research universities. The universities of teacher education are of the same type as the universities of applied sciences, but still a maturity certificate is normally required to enrol. Holders of a professional maturity must sit for a further examination to be admitted to a university of teacher education. The modern, diversified but coherent, system of Swiss higher education is perfectly suited to the needs of students, the scientific community, modern society, and the new economy and it is directly compatible with other European educational systems. A perfect example for its coherence is the harmonization of the semesters: Switzerland is the first and only country in which all higher education institutions start their courses in the same weeks of each year, beginning in September 2007. The autumn semester begins in week 38 and the spring semester in

Upper Secondary Level

Education has always been an overriding priority in Switzerland, as evidenced by an outstanding level of resources allocated to Swiss schools, universities, and technical institutes. Pre-school (kindergarten) education and compulsory schooling (primary + lower secondary) both take place in the communes. The Confederation ensures that primary education satisfies standards of quality, and guarantees compliance with the principle of free education. At the upper secondary level, the Confederation is responsible for vocational training. Recognition of the relevant certificates – the Federal Certificate of Competence and the Professional School-Leaving Certificate – is also a federal matter. General education at the upper secondary level and in the gymnasia in particular, is the responsibility of the cantons which regulate the school-leaving examinations marking the completion of these academically-oriented secondary-school studies. The Confederation recognises these diplomas in so far as they satisfy the relevant conditions. The diplomas certify that their holders have the required general knowledge and aptitudes to take university-level studies. Private schools, not recognised by the Confederation, prepare students directly for the Swiss schoolleaving examination.

Primary and Lower Secondary Education 1

Additional achievement required Holders of a Master also have access to the Teacher Diploma for Academic Upper Secondary Schools (60 ECTS)

tutes – the Paul Scherrer Institute, the Federal Institute for Woodland, Snow and Landscape Research, the Federal Laboratory for Materials Testing and Research, and the Federal Institute for Water Supplies, Waste Water Treatment and Water Resources Protection. The two Federal Institutes of Technology (ETHZ and EPFL) are known worldwide and have brought forth many Nobel Prize laureates. They are well known for producing highly qualified engineers, architects, and scientists and work closely together with their counterparts, the university of Zurich and the university of Lausanne respectively, in study areas such as the human sciences. In addition, there are some smaller institutions offering a lim-

ited curriculum which confer diplomas in association with a traditional university. The following are considered as public institutions of higher education: the Graduate Institute for International Studies (Institut universitaire de hautes études internationales IUHEI) in Geneva, the Graduate Institute for Advanced Public Administration (Institut de hautes études en administration publique IDHEAP) in Lausanne, and the Graduate Institute of Development Studies (Institut universitaire d’études de développement, IUED) in Geneva. They are not allowed to confer doctoral degrees without specifically associating to one of the twelve doctoral/ research universities.

Educational system | 47

The Universities and Federal Institutes of Technology Find listed below the doctoral/research universities. For further information, you may refer to the CRUS official website:

University of Bern

Basel Zürich



Luzern Bern Fribourg


Geneva Lugano

FA C U LT I E S Arts Human Sciences Economics & Social Sciences Science Medicine Law Teacher Training Veterinary Medicine Theology Student population: 12,056 Foreign students: 7.5% Hochschulstrasse 4 3012 Bern — Switzerland T + 41 (0)31 631 81 11 —

University of Basel FA C U LT I E S Human & Social Sciences Medicine Natural Sciences Law Economics Psychology Theology Student population: 9,748 Foreign students: 17.2% Petersplatz 1 — 4003 Basel — Switzerland T + 41 (0)61 267 31 11 —

48 | Universities

Source: Universities and Federal Institutes of Technology websites, figures for 2005–2006

University of Zürich University of Geneva FA C U LT I E S Economics & Social Sciences Arts Psychology & Educational Sciences Sciences Law Medicine Translation/Interpretation Architecture European Studies Protestant Theology International Studies (IUHEI) Development Studies (IUED) Ecumenial Centre Student population: 14,418 Foreign students: 37% Rue du Général-Dufour 24 1211 Genève 4 — Switzerland T + 41 (0)22 379 71 11 —

FA C U LT I E S Communication Sciences Academy of Architecture Economics Informatics Student population: 2,026 Foreign students: 48.5% 6904 Lugano — Switzerland T + 41 (0)58 666 40 00 —

University of Lausanne

University of Neuchâtel

FA C U LT I E S Social & Political Sciences Arts Biology & Medicine Management & Economics Law Earth, Science & Environment Theology Student population: 10,467 Foreign students: 20.5% Unicentre — 1015 Lausanne — Switzerland T + 41 (0)21 692 11 11 —

FA C U LT I E S Literature & Human Sciences Sciences Economics & Social Sciences Law Theology Student population: 3,629 Foreign students: 19.9% Avenue du 1er Mars 26 2000 Neuchâtel — Switzerland T + 41 (0)32 718 10 00 —

University of Lugano

University of Fribourg FA C U LT I E S Literature Economics & Social Sciences Law Sciences Theology Student population: 10,109 Foreign students: 18.2% Av. Europe 20 1700 Fribourg — Switzerland T + 41 (0)26 300 71 11 —

FA C U LT I E S Literature Law Economics Medicine Mathematics & Sciences Veterinary Medicine Theology Student population: 23,817 Foreign students: 14.1% Rämistrasse 71 8006 Zürich — Switzerland T + 41 (0)44 634 11 11 —

Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne FA C U LT I E S Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering, Microengineering (STI) Environmental Sciences & Engineering, Civil Engineering & Architecture (ENAC) Computer Science, Communication Systems (IC) Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Mathematics, Physics (SB) Sciences and Technologies of livings Management of Tech. (MTE) Number of students: 6,449 Foreign students: 34.5% 1015 Lausanne — Switzerland T + 41 (0)21 693 11 11 —

ETH Zurich University of St. Gallen University of Lucerne FA C U LT I E S Law Human Sciences Theology Student population: 1,851 Foreign students: 9% Pfistergasse 20 6000 Luzern 7 — Switzerland T + 41 (0)41 228 55 10 —

FA C U LT I E S Business Administration Economics Law International Affairs Student population: 4,508 Foreign students: 25% Dufourstrasse 50 9000 St. Gallen — Switzerland T + 41 (0)71 224 21 11 —

FA C U LT I E S Engineering Sciences Natural Sciences & Mathematics Architecture, Construction & Geomatics System-oriented Sciences Other Sciences & Sports Student population: 12,705 Foreign students: 22.4% Rämistrasse 101 8092 Zürich — Switzerland T + 41 (0)44 632 11 11 —

Universities | 49

Source: UAS websites, figures for 2005–2006 — * Source: Federal Statistical Office, figures for 2005–2006

The Universities of Applied Sciences A branch of the higher education system: seven professionaly oriented universities. For further information, you may refer to the CSHES official website:



5. Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Suisse occidentale 1




3. Fachhochschule Ostschweiz


1. Berner Fachhochschule FIELDS Engineering & Informatics Architecture, Building Engineering & Wood Economics & Management Health Social work Arts, Design & Preservation Forestry Chemistry & Life Sciences Sport Number of students: 5,500 Foreign students: 9.3%* Schwarztorstrasse 36 3007 Bern — Switzerland T +41 (0)31 370 89 89 —

50 | UAS

2. Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FIELDS Applied Psychology Architecture, Wood & Geomatics Design & Arts Life Sciences Educational Sciences Social work Engineering Economics Number of students: 5,839* Foreign students: 11.8%* Schulthess-Allee 1 5201 Brugg — Switzerland T +41 (0)56 462 49 11

FIELDS Engineering & Economics Social work Educational Sciences Number of students: 3,862* Foreign students: 10.9%* Davidstrasse 31 9001 St. Gallen — Switzerland T +41 (0)71 229 39 42 —

4. Fachhochschule Zentralschweiz FIELDS Engineering & Architecture Economics Social work Design & Arts Music Number of students: 2,940 Foreign students: 3.2% Frankenstrasse 9 6002 Luzern — Switzerland T +41 (0)41 228 42 42 —

FIELDS Economics & Services Design Health Social work Music Number of students: 11,670 Foreign students: 17% Rue de la Jeunesse 1 2800 Delémont — Switzerland T +41 (0)32 424 49 00 —

6. Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana FIELDS Environment, Building Engineering & Design Economics & Social Sciences Innovative Technology Health Dimitri Theatre School Conservatory Number of students: 1,600 Foreign students: 29% Le Gerre 6928 Manno — Switzerland T +41 (0)58 666 60 00 —

7. Zürcher Fachhochschule FIELDS Applied Psychology Design & Arts Social work Engineering Economics Music & Theatre Chemistry Educational Sciences Number of students: 9,762 Foreign students: 9.9% Walchetor 8090 Zürich — Switzerland T +41 (0)43 259 23 31 —

UAS | 51

High schools and hotel schools

Brillantmont International School Fully accredited by the Council of International Schools and the New England Association of Schools and Colleges | Founded in 1882 | Director : Mr. Pasche

By Christophe-Xavier Clivaz

The tradition of Swiss private schools dates back to the end of the 19th century when the first establishments opened their doors on the banks of Lake Geneva. The arrival of the Orient Express in 1880 saw demand for places increase with the influx of a well-to-do clientele to our regions. Following a few days of relaxation, parents would continue their journey onwards to Paris, London or Istanbul, trusting their children to the care of our fine schools. During the 20th century the reputation of private schools was reinforced by their education based on tolerance and respect for others. Cultural diversity makes our schools truly unique. Not only do our students learn basic academics in their classrooms, everyone will get first hand experience as young ambassadors and diplomats, meeting with children of different ethnic, linguistic, religious, family and cultural backgrounds. Everyone is a foreigner. No one nationality is a dominant majority. Friendship is the major currency in this universe. Fluency in more than one language after a few years in our country is highly encouraged and attained.

An extensive offer Currently private day and boarding schools in Switzerland accept students from kindergarten through to grade 12. The majority of these schools offer intensive studies in English or French as a second language enabling all students to quickly integrate into the

52 | High schools & Hotel schools

Brillantmont International School is located in a leafy park in the centre of Lausanne, overlooking Lake Geneva and the Alps, just 40 minutes from Geneva International Airport. The school has remained in the same family since its foundation in 1882 but has constantly evolved to best meet the needs of its student population, which represents over 35 different nationalities.


mainstream programme. The possibility to follow bilingual studies is also a popular attraction of Swiss International Schools. Programmes on offer lead to a range of examinations known throughout the world including the IGCSE, Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), the Swiss Federal Maturity, the French Baccalaureate and the German Abitur. These certificates are accepted for entry into Swiss universities and to universities in other countries according to the specific conditions of each institution (check individual websites for their entry requirements). In combination with the development of boarding schools, hotel schools

stood as guarantors of the long tradition of Swiss hospitality. To be a member of the Swiss Learning project certain criteria must be met, these include, at least 45 years of experience in the domain of providing education and boarding facilities, with a capacity for a minimum of 150 boarders. Additionally, the establishment should be accredited by the relevant authorities and be accepted into the circle of the member institutions here in Switzerland. The most highly regarded representatives of our great tradition of private education are presented in the following pages. Enjoy the tour!

Brillantmont International School is fully accredited by the Council of International Schools and the New England Association of Schools and Colleges. The school prepares boys and girls aged 13– 18 to enter universities throughout the world via either the British Programme which prepares IGCSE and A Level examinations or the American Programme, the completion of which leads to the High School Graduation Diploma. SAT and TOEFL prep are offered and students are closely guided in their future choices by our experienced college counselors. Small class sizes and a strong emphasis on technology in the classroom create an ideal learning environment for our students. Our interactive website facilitates academic contact between all members of the school community – parents, students, teachers and the Direction. Certain programmes are offered to students unable to stay for a complete school year.


Summer School

Brillantmont International School welcomes 150 students, of which around 90 are boarders. They are housed in single or twin-bedded rooms in the various boarding houses, which are organized according to age and gender. A resident housemaster and housemistress supervise the boarders whilst aiming to maintain a family atmosphere of dialogue and exchange. A nurse looks after our students’ health and organizes regular workshops which deal with their well-being. The recently renovated accommodation is of an excellent standard and areas of relaxation and leisure aim to create a home from home.

Brillantmont International School offers a summer school in July and August for 12–17 year old boys and girls who come for a flexible stay of two to six weeks. French or English classes in the mornings are followed by sports in the afternoons. Round the clock supervision and a clear set of rules ensure that each student is in total security. On the full day excursion on Sundays students can enjoy rock climbing, dirk mountain biking, mountain karting or visit Chillon castle whilst on Wednesday afternoons class excursions allow the students to see the Olympic Museum, a chocolate factory, a watch factory and a cheese factory amongst others.

Sporting and leisure activities Brillantmont International School is proud to offer a wide range of sporting activities which take full advantage of the local amenities and the seasonal offerings. School teams compete against other nearby schools in beach volleyball, unihockey, basketball, tennis, football and swimming. During the winter, ski trips take place every weekend and a full week of skiing takes place in February. After school clubs are offered to every student, covering a range of activities such as Yearbook, Model United Nations, drama, music, art, photography and students are encouraged to develop their interests by joining the weekly excursions and the regular cultural trips which take place throughout the year.

Avenue Secrétan 16 1005 Lausanne | Switzerland T + 41(0)21 310 04 00 F + 41(0)21 320 84 17

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Collège Beau Soleil

Collège du Léman

Accredited by the Council of International Schools (CIS), the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). Designated an IB World School by the International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO) | Founded in 1910

Accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges and by the Council of International Schools | Founded by Francis A. Clivaz in 1960

Beau Soleil is one of the oldest Swiss establishments of worldwide renown, and is currently owned and run by the third successive generation of the same family. Our students, representing over 40 nationalities, are provided with a complete education – intellectual, physical, emotional and social – in order to develop their sense of values and to show them the importance of personal effort and self-discipline. The three cornerstones of our education are: a balanced and personalised curriculum, a stable family community and an exceptional environment. With this in mind, students are constantly encouraged to meet the following objectives: act responsibly, behave with respect, aim high and do their best.

Collège du Léman International School is located on an 18-acre campus in Versoix, on the shores of Lake Geneva, about 5 miles from the center of Geneva. It was founded in 1960 by Francis A. Clivaz to help serve the needs of the growing diplomatic and international business community located in the Geneva area.

Academics The school sets rigorous expectations of its students in terms of academic commitment. The school’s programme of studies is taught in either French or English. The French section extends from sixième to terminale level, culminating in the French Baccalaureate (L, ES and S branches). The International section comprises classes from 7th to 12th Grade, preparing for IGCSE qualifications at the end of 10th Grade and the challenging International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme at the end of 12th Grade. Students may also prepare for SAT, TOEFL and a High School Diploma programme. A college counselling service is available to assist students in their

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university application process. Considerable emphasis is laid on encouraging students to develop efficient independent study habits.

Extra-curricular activities The key word in the Beau Soleil curriculum is “balance”: the harmonious equilibrium between studies, physical activity, creativity and leisure. Sports form part of the compulsory programme in each season. In the summer most activities take place outdoors, while in the winter the resort’s 200 kilometres of slopes and runs provide an ideal environment for winter sports. Expeditions provide character-building experiences by putting our students into an environment that challenges them emotionally as well as physically. They have been able to take part, on a voluntary basis, in spectacular and challenging expeditions to summits such as Kilimanjaro in Africa and Cotopaxi in Ecuador. Finally, the art, music and drama department encourages students to develop their artistic talent through drawing, sculpture, painting, photography and ceramics, by learning how to sing and playing various instruments, and by fostering their powers of creative expression.

from beginners to advanced. The maximum number of students per language course is ten in order to offer ideal teaching conditions. The afternoons are dedicated to various sporting or cultural activities, as well as a half-day excursion per week. Students also take part in our theme camps, under canvas or in a mountain hut: Adventure/Mountain Camp, and Lakeside Camp.

of all activities is guaranteed. Switzerland has its own treasures and it is for this reason that each week, a trip is organized to discover our beautiful country. Places of interest, such as Interlaken, Lucerne or even Zermatt to see the Matterhorn, are visited as well as the Olympic Museum in Lausanne, the Omega Museum in Bienne and a famous chocolate factory.


Summer camps The summer camp is organised every year in July and August and is designed for children from 7 to 16 years old. Its programme includes the learning of languages in the morning – French or English – at six different levels,

residence facilities to accommodate our boarders. All of these are villas. For the most part, the students live two or three to a room. Lounges are in each residence; a common area and a snack bar are open during the students’ free time. There is one infirmary for boys and one for girls. Two fulltime nurses are on duty, and a doctor with residence and office facilities adjacent to the campus is on call.

1884 Villars-sur-Ollon | Switzerland

The School has two academic programs: one with instruction in French, preparing for the French Baccalauréat, the Swiss Federal Maturité, and the bilingual Swiss Federal Maturité; the other with instruction in English, preparing students for entrance into colleges and universities via the International Baccalaureate Program and Advanced Placement examinations. Students are prepared for their college selection and application by a college guidance counselor. 122 graduates entered universities and colleges in fall 2005, including Queens in Canada; Stanford, Brown, Harvard and Yale in the United States; the London School of Economics, Cambridge and Oxford universities in the United Kingdom; HEC Lausanne and Geneva in Switzerland; as well as many other higher education institutions throughout the world.

T + 41(0)24 496 26 26 F + 41(0)24 496 26 27



Collège du Léman counts a total of 1800 students of which 220 are boarders. There are six

Sporting activities The School recognizes the importance of physical activity in the overall development of the individual. Considerable emphasis is therefore put on sports. All students are required to follow a physical education course, and sports activities are a regular part of the after-class hours. One week of ski classes is scheduled for each grade. In addition, skiing is a regular weekend activity during the winter months.

Summer School We offer co-educational French and English courses in our summer program for students between the ages of eight and eighteen. After a placement test, students follow a personalized program designed not only to meet their ability but to also challenge their motivations. In the afternoon, students are assigned to groups of around ten, according to their age, to take part in supervised activities. A variety of sports with qualified instructors are provided. Security is paramount and supervision

1290 Versoix | Switzerland T +41(0)22 775 55 55 F +41(0)22 775 55 59

High schools | 55

Institut auf dem Rosenberg

Institut Le Rosey

Founded in 1889

Accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, the Council of International Schools and the International Baccalaureate Organization. Member of the Group of French baccalauréat Schools in Switzerland and the Swiss Federation of Private Schools | Founded in 1880

The Institut auf dem Rosenberg, co-educational boarding school for ages 8–20, educates students in a multi-cultural and multilingual environment. Generations of students have benefited from the experience of living and learning in an international community of their peers. Such an education has always afforded its privileges, but it is especially relevant in today’s ever-changing world when tolerance and understanding are vital both locally and globally.

Academics Our academic programmes are unique for their variety and international perspective. The following sections are included: International Section, German Section, Swiss Section and Italian Section. Our goal is to assure children and young people a holistic education in an international environment. Every person is an individual requiring personal attention in and out of class. Day to day life in the boarding school teaches social skills, while interacting with others forms character by encouraging independence and self-confidence. Since 1889 we have proven our ability to educate individuals.

Boarding Located in the hills overlooking the city of St. Gallen, the Institut auf dem Rosenberg offers a picturesque setting where young people can enjoy the special beauty of each season, breathe clean air, and participate in numerous

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activities. Students live in houses according to gender and age in a verdant residential area. The campus comprises more than 100,000 m2 including tennis and sports grounds. The individual buildings are surrounded by lush lawns, idyllic niches, and countless roses that bloom throughout the summer, lending the Institut auf dem Rosenberg campus a sense of tranquillity and reassurance.

Sporting and leisure activities St. Gallen’s optimal geographical location offers the possibility to participate in many summer and winter sports. Activities such as tennis, golf, horse riding, waterskiing, ice-skating, skiing and snowboarding are part of the recreational programme. As the regional capital of eastern Switzerland located between Lake Constance and the Säntis mountain range, St. Gallen is large enough to offer the benefits of a big city without losing its small town charm. With its theatre, concert hall and museums, the city provides numerous cultural opportunities and events. The city is within easy walking distance from the school grounds. Airports are easily reachable (Zurich 80 km, Altenrhein 10 km) allowing for quick access to international connections. The highlight of our social calendar is our annual Rosenberg Ball where students perform a show especially created for the evening. Parents and friends come from all over the world to enjoy the Rosenberg Ball and it is

such a highlight that the participants speak with enthusiasm about the ball many years after.

Summer Language Courses The summer language courses take place in Switzerland (Arosa, Lenk, St. Gallen), Austria (Seefeld/Tyrol) and in England (Aldenham/ London). Depending on the location of the course, the students, aged between 7 and 20 years, can choose between English, German and French. The lessons are taught in small classes (max. 12 students); private lessons can be arranged on request. Teenagers from all over the world attend a practical yet modern language programme and participate in a variety of attractive cultural and sporting activities. The courses are also suitable for students interested in entering the regular school year programme.

Institut Le Rosey is the most prestigious of Swiss boarding schools with a long tradition of academic and sporting excellence. It is unique in having a two campus system – in autumn and summer, the exceptional facilities of the Rolle campus, and in winter its alpine campus in Gstaad, one of Switzerland’s most beautiful skiing resorts.

Academics English and French are the two academic languages at Le Rosey, and the sophisticated bilingual and bi-cultural system of the middle school years leads to the French Baccalauréat or the International Baccalaureate. With a teacher-student ratio of 1:6, particular attention is paid to the potential and needs of individual students. Le Rosey also offers SAT preparation classes and is a SAT and TOEFL examination centre. Two full-time counselors prepare students for acceptance at competitive universities across the world, including (2005 only): Princeton, Cornell, Stanford, U. Penn, Brown, Johns Hopkins, Parsons, the LSE, University College and King’s College London, Central St Martin’s, as well as many others in the USA, the UK and across the world.

Höhenweg 60 9000 St. Gallen | Switzerland

Boarding and Campus Life

T +41(0)71 277 77 77

Le Rosey is 100% boarding. 370 students are accommodated in purpose-built maisons and mountain chalets. Facilities are of a high standard with usually two students per room,

F +41(0)71 277 98 27 | |

nearly all of which have en-suite bathrooms. Over 50 resident teachers provide pastoral support. Although Le Rosey is completely co-ed with a 50–50 boy-girl ratio, girls are housed on independent campuses. With several languages spoken around the school, pupils are exposed to a rich international atmosphere and develop values of tolerance and solidarity. While the atmosphere of the school is relaxed, a dress code is enforced and students dress more formally for dinner. A full uniform is worn on special occasions.

Sporting Activities Le Rosey has always subscribed to the broader educational and character-building benefits of physical exercise, and sport and sporting success are cornerstones of the Rosey spirit. The school offers a particularly wide range of daily activities. In Rolle, a nautical sports centre, riding stables, two gymnasia, a “wellness centre” and two swimming pools complement a large number of soccer and rugby fields and numerous tennis courts. In Gstaad, skiing and snowboarding are the principal winter sports.

expedition program. A strong commitment to charity work completes the school’s aim to raise happy and independent children with a balanced sense of their own worth and responsibilities.

Summer Camps Le Rosey offers five co-educational summer camps in French and English designed for 9 to 18-year-olds. The Classic Summer Camp offers a wide range of activities, language classes and excursions for nearly 300 students. It is complemented by Mountain, Adventure and Leadership Camps. The Summer School provides school revision and extension courses. All offer the same quality, safety considerations and attention to detail which characterize Le Rosey throughout the year.

Multiple Intelligences

Château du Rosey

Le Rosey’s mission to encourage students to explore all their talents and to realize their full potential does not end with sport. Music, drama and the visual arts are part of the daily schedule. Evening and weekend cultural activities are complemented by excursions and a complete weekend outdoor education and

1180 Rolle | Switzerland T +41(0)21 822 55 00 | F +41(0)21 822 55 55 Winter Campus (January to March) Chalet Rex 3780 Gstaad | Switzerland T +41(0)33 748 06 00 | F +41(0)33 748 06 01 |

High schools | 57

Institut Montana Zugerberg

Leysin American School

Member of the Council of International Schools (accreditation in process), the International Baccalaureate Organisation, the Swiss Group of International Schools (SGIS) and the Swiss Federation of Private Schools | Founded in 1926

Accredited by the Middle States Association and Council of International Schools Certified ISO 9001 | Founded by Fred & Sigrid Ott in 1960 | Directors since 1982: Dr. Steven & Doris Ott

Institut Montana is situated high above the city of Zug in the beautiful countryside of the Zugerberg. The international character of Institut Montana offers the unique opportunity to live together with people of different nationalities and cultures. The preparation of the students for responsible positions in society is one of the important characteristics of the educational tradition at Institut Montana. The co-ed day- and boarding-school offers a broad range of academic programs in English as well as in German. Classes at Montana are small (max. 15 students), and this allows the teachers to encourage the special abilities and talents of each of the students.

The Leysin American School in Switzerland (LAS) is an international American boarding school with 350 students in grades 9 to 12, with a Post-Graduate program. LAS is located in the beautiful alpine village of Leysin about 90 minutes from Geneva. Excellent academics through the International Baccalaureate program (IB), family-like community, and diverse student body from over 50 nations help build a community where students develop into “citizens of the world.” LAS is owned by the Foundation for the Advancement for International Education, a non-for-profit entity overseen by the Swiss government.

Academics The school offers four academic programs: The Bilingual Elementary School (German/ English) Grades 3 to 6, the Swiss Maturität (German or German/English), the American High School Diploma (English) and the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma (English). With the Swiss Maturität, which is recognized nationally and internationally, our students fulfill university entrance requirements. With the American High School Diploma our students have access to universities in the United States and with the IB Diploma the students have the possibility to go to universities throughout the world. In the last few years our students have been accepted to the following leading universities: Pennsylvania,

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Northwestern, Princeton, Columbia (USA) – London School of Economics, Edinburgh, Bath, Warwick (UK) – McGill, Queens, British Columbia (Canada) – ETH, Hochschule St. Gallen (Switzerland).

Boarding and Campus Life Our students normally reside in a double room and some in a single room. In harmony with our humanistic traditions, cultural activities are granted a high priority at Institut Montana. Thanks to the school's central location, our students are able to take advantage of the many cultural offerings in Zug, Zurich, and Lucerne. We organize outings to performances, museums, exhibitions and concerts. In addition, alumni and friends of the school are often invited to speak about and discuss current social and cultural issues. Active participation in the arts is also important to us. Our theatre group has earned international acclaim and has performed at both the Edinborgh and the Avignon festival, Students with musical interests are serviced both by our own music teachers and at the Music School of Zug. Internal art exhibitions allow students to display their talents and accomplishments.

ideal area for hiking, jogging and mountain biking. Our students regularly take part in soccer, basketball and volleyball tournaments and regularly use the indoor swimming pool located not far from the school. Golf facilities and instruction are also available at an 18-hole course in our area. In winter, we have an ice rink as well as a sled run and 25 km cross-country ski runs abound all over the Zugerberg. Short ski lifts allow our students to learn alpine skiing and snowboarding right here at the school. Excursions are often taken to the best winter sport resorts in Switzerland.

6300 Zug | Switzerland

Institut Montana has many sports facilities, including a gymnasium, a weight room, playing fields, tennis courts, a skating rink and an outdoor basketball court. The Zugerberg is an

T + 41 (0) 41 729 11 77 F +41 (0) 41 729 11 78

Boarding The school is firmly committed to its “in loco parentis” philosophy. Faculty members reside on campus and supervise evening study halls, sponsor sports, oversee recreational activities, and lead excursions. Two to three students of different nationalities share comfortable rooms with private showers and toilets. Two full-time nurses are on duty, and a doctor in the village is on call.

ages 9 to 19. In the mornings, students attend classes (academic and creative & visual arts), while the afternoons are devoted to sports activities and excursions. Weekend excursions permit students to explore cities such as Geneva, Lucerne, and Zermatt. SIS also offers specialized programs for 13 to 19-years-olds: Theatre International, Alpine Chamber Music, Leadership Adventure, English-as-a-SecondLanguage (ESL), and Dyslexia Summer School. The two 3-week sessions are divided by the Recreation and Culture week that offers excursions to France, Italy, United Kingdom, and throughout Switzerland.

Extra-curricular Program Academics

Sports Activities

perform regularly. Students can attend concerts and visit exhibits in nearby cities.

LAS believes in realistic, high-quality, and individualized goals. The LAS college-preparatory curriculum meets admission requirements for universities in North America. The IB is recognized by universities throughout the world. New York University, Stanford, and Harvard Universities in the U.S.; and Queens and University of Toronto in Canada are some of the universities LAS graduates are currently enrolled. LAS uses Powerschool, a student information system that provides real-time information for students and parents. It includes grades, attendance records, discipline and health information, financial accounts, and the daily school bulletin. Music and arts are an essential part of the LAS life. LAS Band, String Ensemble, and Choir

Students lead a balanced life-style through the extra-curricular program that includes sports, travel, and other activities. During the fall and spring terms, students devote at least two afternoons a week to instructional sports such as basketball, soccer, tennis, swimming, and hiking. In the winter, students ski two afternoons a week. The annual educational travel program includes two cultural excursions designed to acquaint students with the history and culture of Switzerland and major European cities. LAS provides leadership opportunities through Student Council, Model United Nations, and global awareness projects such as Peace Corps and Habitat for Humanity.

1854 Leysin | Switzerland T + 41(0)24 493 37 77

Summer in Switzerland (SIS)

F + 41(0)24 494 15 85

SIS offers summer academic enrichment, recreation, and travel programs to students

High schools | 59

Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz

Saint George’s School in Switzerland

Member of the Council of International Schools (accreditation in process) and of the International Baccalaureate Organisation | Founded in 1904

Founded in 1927

Set in a beautiful alpine landscape near the resort of St. Moritz, the Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz is an international co-educational boarding school with about two hundred boarders from all around the world and 100 local day students The Lyceum Alpinum campus and sports fields occupy an extensive site overlooking the picturesque alpine village of Zuoz. For more than 100 years, the values of tolerance, fairness and respect for community have remained at the heart of Lyceum education. The school philosophy is founded on tradition and innovation and finds its true expression in the spirit of Zuoz which promotes the supreme importance of life-long learning.

Academics The school offers three academic programmes: The International Baccalaureate, the Swiss Matura and the German Abitur. The International Baccalaureate is a comprehensive university preparation course based on an approach to learning involving critical inquiry and the education of the whole person. The aim of the Swiss Matura, which is recognized nationally and internationally, is to fulfil university entrance requirements by providing a broad general education. All examinations are run in compliance with the Swiss Federal Matura Regulations. The German Abitur is recognized for admission to national and international universities and is conducted in-house by Lyceum teachers under the supervision of the Ger-

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man ministry of education. Our graduates go on to study at some of the world’s leading universities such as the London School of Economics (LSE), Cambridge, Yale, St. Gallen (HSG) and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich).

Boarding At the boarding school students live in comfortable modern surroundings. Younger boys and girls enjoy the benefits and security of a family-like environment, while the older students are encouraged to take on greater responsibility. Our students receive individual support and additional help from subject teachers, while for those who want to stretch their limits even further there are added challenges. There is a varied extra-curricular and weekend programme including sports, leisure as well as cultural activities.

International Summer Camp & Junior Golf Academy We offer two camps of two weeks each for girls and boys between the ages of 11 and 15. In the mornings, students attend German or English lessons in small groups, in the afternoons there is an action-packed sports programme or personalised Golf School on the 18-hole golf course Zuoz-Madulain.


Sporting Activities Sports and Games, with a strong emphasis on team sports such as cricket, Eton fives, football and ice hockey are fundamental to the way of life at the Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz. Games, in which our boarders participate twice a week in addition to the normal sports programme, promote physical fitness as well as team spirit, mutual respect and fairness. The range of school sports on offer also includes skiing and snowboarding as well as soccer, tennis and golf.

1927–2007: 80 years of academic excellence. For the past 80 years we have provided our day and boarding students with the best international British education in Switzerland. Just one hour from Geneva, St. George’s 12acre campus is located near Montreux in a park with magnificent views of Lake Geneva and the Alps. The quality of our teaching staff and our outstanding on-campus sport facilities ensure our students with not only a quality education but also with the possibility to develop their physical skills and sporting abilities. St. George School is part of the Business & Management University Group along with Business & Management University and IFGP Institut de Formation de Gestionnaire de Patrimoine.

7524 Zuoz | Switzerland T +41(0)81 851 30 00 F +41(0)81 851 30 99

St. George’s academic programme challenges each and every of its students and we are dedicated to help them reach their full potential. Our balanced curriculum offers not only intellectual stimulation but also the development of social and affective potentials. The worldwide renowned IGCSE and IB diplomas are part of our curriculum in order to guarantee a sound learning base for our pupils’ academic future. Extra-curricular activities will offer them the possibility to develop their self-confidence, their sense of initiative and responsibility, thereby preparing them to seize the occasions and face the challenges of life.

Boarding Moving away from home is not easy but at St. George’s everything is established to make sure our students quickly adapt to the life on campus and that our school becomes a second home. Our boarding section for boys and girls from 7 to 18, is an unique experience, a challenge not only academically but as people. The opportunities to learn do not end with the last class of the day but continue thanks to community life: a chance to understand the different cultures of the boarder’s body and to develop a sense of self-discipline, maturity and leardership. We also, strongly believe that students should have as much contact as possible with parents and families during term time. Consequently, they may go out on any week-end either with members of their own family or friends. St. George’s is more than a simple school, it’s a community where we care about each other and where friendship is for life. Christian and Christina Barrios, parents of two boarders at St. George’s School remember: “Sending our children abroad was a very tough and somehow heartbreaking decision to take. We decided to bring our two daughters to St. George’s and we have not regretted our decision once. We were looking for a great education in terms of knowledge, and we honestly believe that the school offers an excellent academic level mostly due to the outstanding quality of its teaching staff. In

terms of their life in a boarding school, we know and feel that they are really well taken care of. In every aspect, St. George’s is fully meeting our expectations.”

Summer camp A success since the 1980’s, St. George’s School Summer Camp in July and August welcomes girls and boys aged 10 to 16 from over 20 countries. We provide our summer campers a happy, safe and creative atmosphere in which they can improve their language skills and make friends from around the world. Excursions, outdoor activities and sports are also part of the program to guarantee a memorable time and a very exciting experience.

Chemin de St. Georges 19 1815 Clarens/Montreux | Switzerland T +41(0) 21 964 34 11 F +41(0) 21 964 49 32

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Glion Institute of Higher Education

Accredited by the Council of International Schools (CIS) and the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) | Founded by Mrs. M. Crist Fleming in 1956

Accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (USA)

Celebrating 52 years of excellence in international education, the School is situated on a magnificent 9-acre campus near the village of Montagnola overlooking Lake Lugano and just 15 minutes from the center of town. The facilities include a combination of historic villas beautifully restored for school use, and modern purpose-built facilities. The 21 buildings on campus include dormitories, classrooms, library, science labs, computerlabs, art, photography and dance studios, music rooms, fitness center, gymnasium, health center, dining hall and administrative offices.

Glion Institute of Higher Education (GIHE) is a private Swiss Institution active in education in the field of Hospitality, Tourism, Event, Sport & Entertainment. Glion offers various undergraduate, graduate and post graduate programmes up to three and a half years. Located on two different campuses, GIHE has the unique advantage of offering to its international student body, an ideal, safe and multi cultural educational environment.

a Swiss non-profit educational organization. The institution is dedicated to expanding the horizons of the young people entrusted to its care, encouraging cross-cultural respect and communication among them, surrounding them with beauty and courtesy, and teaching them to love learning and recognize moral responsibilities. TASIS is devoted to the following virtues, values, and aims: • introducing young people to a broad and deep human culture, especially European culture and its roots and offshoots.

• Academics The academic program prepares students to earn the American high school diploma and the International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma, and includes the full ranges of Advanced Placement courses and English as a second language support. All TASIS graduates are prepared to proceed to colleges and universities in the USA and around the world.

tional program with an international dimension. The travel program includes 10 days of educational travel throughout Europe as well as a one-week ski term, when the School relocates to Crans-Montana.

Summer School TASIS offers a variety of summer programs on campuses in England, Spain, France, Italy, and Switzerland for students ages 6 to 18.


teaching habits conducive to good work (love of truth, order, diligence, and service) and friendship (civility, generosity, hospitality).

activating and developing healthy attitudes and habits regarding the body (physical fitness, self-cultivation and ethical consciousness through team-spirit and competition, the joy of expanding one’s physical limits through responsible challenges).

eliciting and developing students’ natural affinity for the true, the good, and the beautiful by emphasizing classic works, languages, and advances in knowledge in curriculum, reciprocity and courtesy in social life, and providing inspiring and graceful facilities and surroundings. The School takes advantage of its location in the heart of Europe to provide an outstanding educa-

Boarding The American School in Switzerland is an independent, coeducational boarding and day school, currently enrolling 350 students of more than 50 nationalities in grades 7 through 12 and an additional 130 students in its new pre-Kindergarten through grade 6 elementary school. TASIS is the oldest American boarding school in Europe. The School is owned and directed by the TASIS Foundation,

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Collina d’Oro 6926 Montagnola | Switzerland T + 41(0)91 960 51 51 F + 41(0)91 994 23 64

GIHE offers a wide range of studies from one semester up to 3.5 years of studies including Diploma, Associate and Bachelor Degrees, Postgraduate studies as well as a Master of Education and a MBA in association with Endicott College in the USA. All our academic programmes are divided in three major pathways: professional development, entrepreneurship and general education. These are taught in an environment which encourages critical thinking and develops an aptitude for innovation thus responding to the concrete needs of a demanding industry in constant evolution. We also place considerable emphasis on the commercial responsibility of our students as future managers who will be called upon to develop companies and ensure they are profitable. All courses are available in English and some in French depending on the programme chosen. Classes start in January or in August

except for the Master’s programmes which start in July.

A great career ahead When students graduate, they already have plenty of practice through craft-based learning and internships, thus increasing their employability. Internships give students the opportunity to apply their knowledge to real situation and get a taste for this fascinating industry. Each semester leading international companies come to our campus to interview and recruit our graduates. By the end of their studies, most students have several job offers in hands.

and their studies concentrate on the managerial aspect of the industry through specific assignments. Located in the Canton of Fribourg, close to the famous medieval town of Gruyères, Bulle is one of the fastest growing cities in Switzerland and offers many social as well as sports activities.

Campus Life • Glion Campus Situated above the tourist resort of Montreux, Glion campus offers the most breathtaking view of Lake Geneva and the French and Swiss Alps. Its friendly and intimate atmosphere caters to a healthy and modern lifestyle and is the starting point to all undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. Leisure and sport activities include a brand new fitness centre, a gymnasium and access to all sorts of outdoor summer and winter sports and activities.

Enrolment Management Department Rue du Lac 118 1815 Clarens | Switzerland

• Bulle Campus The university style environment of Bulle campus has been conceived for advanced studies. There, students are more independent

T + 41(0)21 989 26 77 F + 41(0)21 989 26 78

Hotel schools | 63

Les Roches School of Hotel Management Accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges in the US Recognized by the Swiss Hotel Association

The hospitality industry is the world’s largest employer offering a wide array of employment opportunities including hotels, restaurants, travel, leisure, wellness and many other sectors of the service industry. This sector is expected to keep expanding, thus offering people a wider spectrum of jobs than ever before. Recognized by the Swiss Hotel Association, the body that protects the standards and reputation of the Swiss hotel industry, Les Roches is a world-renowned Hospitality Management institution focusing on educating future leaders of that exciting and growing industry.

MBA in Hospitality with Finance or with Marketing through the “Universidad Europea de Madrid” in Spain (1 year) Intakes are twice a year in January or February depending on the programme or in July and August.

Internship/career opportunities Internships are part of the curriculum and students will develop their professional skills through interesting and challenging work experience in Switzerland or abroad. We also have international hotel chains coming each semester to recruit our graduates, thus offering them great opportunities of employment.

Roches Switzerland with the possibility to follow a bilingual course in English and Spanish for the first two years. At Les Roches Jin-Jiang in Shanghai, China, students follow in English a two year programme that prepares them to join the diploma or degree programme in Switzerland. We also have a partnership with Kendall College in Chicago, USA, where students can undertake the Les Roches Hospitality programme or culinary studies in state-ofthe art and brand new facilities.

Academics For over 25 years, Les Roches has been offering a learning environment which combines sound academic experience with innovative use of craft-based learning (practice) that shapes and opens students’ mind and attitude as well as prepares them to face complex new professional situations with rigour and innovation. Our numerous undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programmes include : • Swiss Hotel Association Hotel Management “Diplôme” (3 years) Top-up degree to BBA in International • Hotel Management, or with Finance or Marketing (1 year) • Bachelor of Science in Food Services Management (4 years) • Postgraduate studies in Hospitality (6 months up to 2 years)

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Student Life Located in the charming village of Bluche, and a few minutes drive from the famous resort of Crans-Montana, our international students (over 65 nationalities) live in comfortable residences spread throughout Bluche and a few minutes walk from the main campus. Facilities include a fitness centre, tennis and basketball courts, soccer field, outdoor swimming pool and many other winter and summer activities whether indoor or outdoor.

Enrolment Management Department

International transfer programme

Rue du Lac 118

One of the greatest advantages of choosing Les Roches is the possibility to transfer to/ from affiliated institutions. • We have a sister school in Marbella, Spain, that offers a similar curriculum to Les

1815 Clarens | Switzerland T + 41(0)21 989 26 44 F + 41(0)21 989 26 45

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