1 minute read
Spring Into Action
Springtime is a dizzying time of new beginnings, beckoning us to get outdoors and see what’s popping out of the ground, and on the trees. The Wednesday Warriors who volunteer for the Southwest Michigan Land Conservancy get a front row seat at all the action on the preserves we visit. Speaking of action, here are some action shots of some of our past escapades. And don’t worry, newcomers who (like me once) need to be taught which end of the loppers to hold, get plenty of encouragement and help. No experience necessary, just enthusiasm. If you want to get out this spring and see what’s popping, please join us. The Wednesday Warriors even have a spin-off group that meets on Mondays. Email the Conservancy at conserveland@swmlc.org and ask to get on their email list. Their website www.swmlc.org is also kept up-to-date with details of each week’s workdays. Attendance is weekby-week as your time allows.
Kristi Chapman, volunteer, Southwest Michigan Land Conservancy