Keep Your Swords In A Better Condition By Following The Maintenance Tips When you hear the name sword the first picture that comes to your mind is of a warrior swinging sword in his hand. Isn’t it? It happens with most of the people. Swords are the unique armours which are being used since ancient times for safety and protection needs. Now-a-days, swords are more used as a decorative instead of the safety tool so people like to buy one or more swords that can be used as a decorative in their home or office. Popular types of swords There are popular types of swords which have been used since long time back. Depending upon the size, weight, design and style everyone has their favourite sword. Swords are classified as:
Medieval swords Asian swords Samurai swords Antique swords Authentic swords
Among these classifications, there are different styles of swords like katana swords, cutlass swords, Celtic sword, Foils and Rapiers swords and many more. You can search out on the internet about the more types of swords that are available for sale.
Maintenance of swords It is easy to buy the swords but takes more effort to keep it in the good condition, so there is a need to follow the maintenance tips for it. Traditional swords were made up of metals like bronze or iron but the modern swords are generally made up of steel. Depending upon the types of metal used in the swords, maintenance requirements can be known very easily. For maintaining the iron swords Iron is highly subjected to rusting. So there is a need to prevent these types of swords from rusting by oiling. Rusting reduces the sharpness of the swords so place the sword in an air tight covering or put some oil on the blade to prevent it from corrosion.
Maintaining the bronze swords These types of swords are an antique one. People like to keep such swords in their homes as a decorative or your will find it in some museum. For maintaining these types of swords, there is a need to apply the transparent coating to maintain the lustre and sharpness of the bronze swords. Maintenance of the steel swords Since, steel does not get rust, so this type of sword requires less care and maintenance. Regular dusting and cleaning should be done to keep them in better conditions. Rugs can also be used for removing the dust from the blade. Sharpening of the swords For maintaining the sharpness of the sword blade, you can either give it to the professional sharpeners who have the sharpening machine for sharpening the sword blade or you can run the sword blade in the inclined position against a hard surface like marble, stone or wood. Thus, with the effect of friction, the blade of the sword gets sharpened.