Swotcompare.com Offers a SWOT Evaluation Tool and Exceptional Guidance for Businesses Swotcompare.com is an online portal that helps businesses to achieve their full potential by giving them a favorable environment to analyze their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. They do this using their online SWOT analysis tool, the Comparative SWOT Analysis (C-SWOT) tool. They also provide guidance on Balanced Score Card, to help businesses cement their foundations firmly by making wise decisions. In a statement to a group of company CEOs, their Chief Executive Officer stated, "Swotcompare.com has a broad variety of business applications which include the business SWOT performance analysis. And this helps in assessing how the performance of the business against its set objectives and a business plan SWOT analysis which accurately compares investment opportunities. All of us here will agree that applying SWOT analysis in the business decision-making process is critical for managing stakeholder decisions when faced with several options. Relatively evaluating available options by employing weighted factors is a rational objective decisionmaking process." Swotcompare is an innovative SWOT evaluation tool, which has a SWOT analysis matrix blueprint with a multitude of possible applications. SWOT analysis needs should be undertaken holistically as a team to promote the importance of heterogeneity and inclusion within the team. Swotcompare provides users with a flexible and adaptable starting point to help them develop a SWOT Analysis template and objectively compare multiple options, thereby expediting an otherwise possibly subjective decision-making process. This approach is most applicable where there is a team with members who have different backgrounds and stakeholders with varying interests. The comparative SWOT analysis approach provided by Swotcompare brings the teams’ viewpoints together by aligning towards options which offer higherranking Strength and Opportunity.
In the same statement, their Chief Executive Officer added, "The comparative SWOT Analysis tool (C-SWOT), gives users an instant-resultsyielding combination of the SWOT Analysis and the Balanced Scorecard approaches using a visual graphic output. It offers a pre-set criteria based on the classification of the decision to be made, assigning weighted points from a scale to each criterion. The result provides a graphic representation of how the Options being compared fare among themselves within the Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat factors and a decision can easily be made to select the most desirable option." They aspire to help businesses make appropriate, balanced and informed decisions based on due consideration of the main decisive factors. Conversely, Swotcompare further provides a value-adding tool to an organizations’ Quality Management System. The Balanced Scorecard for performance management can be implemented within a branch of an organization to compare performance by its constituent units or across a national, regional or global network of agencies and offices. Assessment of the Balance Business Scorecard can also be done for a pool of suppliers and vendors categorized by services or product type. Swotcompare.com gives users the option of either using its built-in criteria or implementing a customized criterion that is unique to the organization’s business profile. The major factors that enhance the performance of an organization are outlined, each ranked based on an in-built weighting score system while taking into consideration the factors of Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. About Swotcompare.com Founded in the 1960s by Albert Humphreys, Swotcompare.com offers several SWOT analysis tools that have been proven to be a valuable strategic planning tool and has since become an established standard for strategic planning amongst the business community. Businesses can access the SWOT Evaluation Tool online.
Contact Details Address: Swotcompare Dubai, UAE. Contact: http://swotcompare.com/contact http://swotcompare.com/ ###