U.S. P reventive S ervices T ask F orce
By David Blodgett, MD, MPH SWUPHD Director and Health Officer
t is bewildering to consider the onslaught of information that we are exposed to in today’s world. As more is understood about any given topic, it becomes even clearer that there is much that we do not know. It’s also exciting to live in a time when vast amounts of information are available and readily accessible to almost anyone. The internet in particular has opened these doors so that all may learn the secrets of the ages. However, not all sources of information are equal. The modern day miracle of the internet has a downside. With very little investment in experience, education, forethought or finances, anyone can rep-
resent themselves as an expert on any issue. What people used to say about the news is now said about the internet; the joke now goes, “I found it online, so it must be true!” Even people who seem to have legitimate credentials, such as celebrity doctors, are often maintaining large financial operations and can be influenced by paid advertisers and product endorsements. We can be easily manipulated by emotion and criticism, therefore a well-based online article may not be able to compete with the frequently anonymous tirades that follow it. A study published in the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (Feb-