2 minute read
When Julie Szolek-Van Valkenburg (or Julie SVV, as she is known at Sycamore) joined the school three years ago as the Human Resources Coordinator, she inherited a year-long fundraiser called the Clayton Denim Days project, named in honor of retired Head of
Early Childhood, Francine Clayton. It is Sycamore’s faculty and staff trimester voluntary charitable contribution program. Each trimester during the school year, money is raised and donated to various organizations, with the faculty and staff contributing money one day each month so that they can wear jeans.
In 2017, Sycamore sent a check to the American Cancer Society for $762, to Gleaners Food Bank for $870, and to Indy Reads for $776.
“Each year I survey our faculty and staff on which organizations they would like to contribute to in the community,” Julie says. “The three organizations getting the most votes are then selected for the year, one organization for each trimester of the academic year.”
She says there are organizations that are annual favorites, plus new ones that are chosen. “For the three years that I have coordinated this effort, there has always been a local food serving organization that has been selected, and the American Cancer Society has been selected each year as well,” she says. “Indy Reads has been a popular choice. And I have noticed an increase in contributions when the
faculty and staff were asked in a survey to vote on which organizations that they would like to contribute to.”
Teachers understand that there isn’t a
stated contribution amount, and Julie says she lets all faculty and staff know up front that contributing is voluntary, and it is up to each faculty and staff member to decide what works best for them and their
family finances.
“I have had contributions from $3 all
the way up to $200. One of my favorite stories is the time one teacher brought in an envelope full of money that she and her husband had found on a walk,” Julie remembers. “They tried to find out whose it was, and when they didn’t have any luck with that, they decided to contribute it to our selected organization for that trimester.”
Szolek-Van Valkenburg says she likes seeing the Sycamore faculty and staff have an opportunity to contribute to organizations that are making a difference in our community. “I believe in the two-pronged approach to giving that involves both financial giving and the giving of time through volunteer service,” she says. “Our Head of School (Diane Borgmann) was very enthusiastic and supportive when I approached her last year about adding a volunteer service opportunity for our faculty and staff. Last year, it was a one day event of volunteer service on a Saturday at Gleaners Food Bank. This year, we were able to offer three days of volunteer service with two different organizations.” (See related story)
She says the feedback she gets about the volunteering is what you might expect from a school like Sycamore. “I remember someone sharing with me how rewarding the day was, and how they believed that giving money helps organizations do the good work that needs to be done in communities, and doing volunteer service puts a face on poverty as you interact with those whom you are serving.” n