Sydney Flannery | 2019 Architecture and Design Portfolio

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Sydney Flannery

University of Tennessee College of Architecture and Design (615) 713-8473

MY PHILOSOPHY I look at architecture as a foundation of organizing and elevating the primary units of true design. Architecture provides structure for manipulating space, time, light, composition, and function to transcend across all creative forms. Presenting architecture through multiple outlets and various forms, I am interested in creating spaces where these representations blur and converge with other industries.Thought is first described, and then, translated into a physically molded purpose. Ruled only by imagination, architecture can make the impossible real. Whether animation, construction, set design, fashion, or photography... this is where architecture comes to life.








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FALL 2017



Professor Kevin Stevens Collaboration with Briyana Rainer 2018 AIA California, Architecture at Zero student winner

Transparency is a design for the Architecture at Zero competition. The prompt given was to create a netzero research center that could be used to educate the public about the local aquatic life. The site of the project was the Romberg Tiburon Center Campus in Tiburon, California. The current center has a small handful of buildings scattered throughout the site. Despite its size, it has a strong connection with the community by hosting many events responsible for entertaining several thousand visitors and guests.. When first analyzing the site, it was decided that the best strategy was to take advantage of the mild weather and continuous sunlight. From this analysis, it was decided to create a form of transparency within the project; a blurred line between the interior and exterior. With the use of curtain wall systems and skylights, a design was cultivated taking advantage of not only daylighting, but the magnificent views of the bay, thus allowing the occupants to feel a connection to the exterior evnironment. The necessity to create connections to the outdoors was also very important because this unique site is characterized by elevation and terrain changes that are accentuated within the site plan. The building layout celebrates existing and proposed relationships on site.


Site Section

3D Aerial View


Section Perspective


Operable windows


02 BASECAMP Knoxville, Tn Professor Michael Davis

Basecamp is a project located next to Meads Quarry in the Ijams Nature Center. It is situated in a clearing with either the forest or the quarry flanking all sides. The main concept for the design is movement. Including not only the movement within the building itself, but the site, as well. Hiking and biking trails are scattered throughout the site giving it an already existing movement. The trails were incorporated in the design where possible, guiding guests along or through the building, melding site and structure. On the interior of the building the circulation allows guests to experience the movement through varying heights and views. Materiality was carefully selected to accompany this idea of movement. Most of the building is board form concrete. The varying depths gives the facade a living feeling. The remainder of the building is wood. Concrete is a representation of something solid and stabilized.This was used in the design by stopping and redirecting the circulation. Conversely, the wood communicates a much lighter and movable feel.This is represented in the design through wooden screens and large garage like doors that allow one to pass through instead of redirecting.

Site Plan

South-East Elevation

North-West Elevation

South-East Section

North-West Section




Professor Andrew Kranis Collaboration with Margaret House and Cullen Sayegh 2018 INDECOM Design Award of Excellence 2018 Univeristy of Arkansas Rome Center Superstudio

Throughout its history, the Tiber River has been Rome’s genus loci of commercial, agricultural, and social vibrancy, despite the challenges its seasonal flooding has presented to planners and citizens for two millennia. Fluvial Archive is an interactive data archive that catalogs and organizes information about rivers across Italy, informing visitors, citizens, and researchers alike of their environmental conditions. It archives historic and rare primary documents relating to the country’s many rivers, and hosts a digital archive that records live data. The project contains classroom and gallery space, as well as auxiliary spaces for researchers. An outdoor riverside green-scaped plaza will bring the public into more direct contact with both the Tiber and the resources of the archive.


Interior Perspective

Interior Perspective

FALL 2018


ECOLOGICAL INTERPRETATION AND LAND USE HISTORY CENTER Calderwood, TN Professor Billie Faircloth and Scottie McDaniels Collaboration with Nicole Hamel and Jacob McReynolds

The history of the Great Smoky Mountains consists of various phases of stress and disturbance -- both natural and man-made. These stresses and disturbances create variances in the dynamic equilibrium of the forest, encouraging diversity among species. However, when these events threaten species, humans have an impetus to intervene. This project proposes a neutral, protected region between lands owned by the TVA, which focuses on watershed management, the Forest Service, which focuses on managing natural resources, and the National Park Service, which focuses on conservation. With their cooperation, the land can become a site for species rehabilitation. Through intentional acts of stress and disturbance, the land will become a series of gardens that cultivate once abundant species in order to revitalize threatened and endangered flora and fauna. The program of the Ecological Interpretation and Land Use History Center is stretched across a circuit trail that traverses and unifies the land.The trail connects six nodes each with unique patch conditions and buildings in order to provide guests with an opportunity to actively engage with and learn about the ecology.Viewsheds have been strategically selected to reveal multiple scales of ecological disturbance through history.These combined with a woven bending active construction logic, which alludes to a culturally significant building technique of the region, encourage thoughtful interpretations of the land.


Serial Section



Serial Section



Interior Perspective




FALL 2017

05 VOGUE Professor Brian Ambroziak

An exploration into the relationships between text, image, and design. Emphasizing on the continuum between technology and culture. Using Vogue’s 125th anniversary edition, a narrative was made by collaging various lines from within the magazine. The narrative fostered a cultural theme that extended through the entire project. The narrative was then transformed into a line drawing representation. Using keywords from the text, technical drawings were combined to bring dimension to the narrative. Keeping the cultural theme, a digital collage was then created. Using imagery to wrap together what was being conveyed in the previous iterations.

Suppressed Allure [685] Wake up to eyes. [32] Bare skin. [55] Spicy. She’s spicy. [120] A kiss that’s caught, yet shielded from view. [312] His nerves were gone; she had cured them. [284] Magic or power? [131] A rare moment of misty-eyed nostalgia, [232] sailing along Ocean Parkway as if they were headed for Coney Island. [284] A cigarette cocked between two fingers at the wheel. [294] A humming tension perceptible even through his billowing overcoat, [288] but even that she couldn’t articulate . [288] Backstage show moments. [72] She’s neurotic. [120] His hand finding her cheek invisibly as a whip. [284] Eyes wide and watering in the sun. [284] He seemed to await something to react to or be amused by. [288] Our feelings correspond with the weather. [133] Patchwork, jeans, and homespun quilting. [250] Omnipotent in the (almost) altogether. [308] A palace of golden bricks three stories high, [284] marvelously uncomplicated and calm. [308] A castle by the sea disappearing under a fog of forgetfulness. [294] A flame of ache that felt unexpectedly pleasant. [288]


001 00A











table of contents His nerves were gone [284] She’s neurotic [120] fog of forgetfulness [294]

Suppressed Allure [685]





THE STREETWALKER : A FOSTER NEGATION You run, like the letters on these pages. I’m not sick but still so far away from sane. Nightmares, but I haven’t slept in ages. The battles won, but there’s still poison in our veins.

RAGE We’ve lost control, anything but gently down the stream. Hold me close, hold me tell me life is but a 00B


DESOLATION Save me, I think I’m losing my mind. You said you’d come for me when the world swallows me whole. Well, this is war. Save me, ‘cause the battles won but the war is still to fight. You said you’d come for me when the world swallows me whole. Well, this is war. Well, this is war.

NEGOTIATION You breathe like your lungs aren’t full of matches. Every careful word you speak has a chance of sparking fire. I hope I can sleep straight through the madness. But I can’t even tell when I’m sleeping anymore. We’ve 00C

lost control, anything but gently down the stream. Hold me close, hold me tell me life is but a dream. Save me, I think I’m losing my mind. You said you’d come for me when the world swallows me whole. Well, this is war. Save me, ‘cause the battles won but the war is still to fight. You said you’d come for me when the world swallows me whole. Well, this is war.

SUFFERANCE Let the darkness come for me, let it try to steal my soul. As if I had a soul to steal. Hold me tell me life is but a dream. Save me, I think I’m losing my mind. -Former Vandal War 00D








PHOTOGRAPHY [2015 -2018]

Chicago, IL

Chicago, IL

Chicago, IL

Rome, Italy

Rome, Italy

Rome, Italy

Florence, Italy

Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland

Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona, Spain

Sydney Flannery

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