intrasyd People, Places & Events in the Region of Greater Sydney
JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2014 Photo Credit: Abigail Yap
Pictured: Camper - February Keegan2014 Hogan1 GREATER SYDNEY CONFERENCEwww.gscadventist.org.au / January
My first day at the office this year was Monday, 13 January, and I was greeted with
the gift of a new devotional book on my desk. I was impressed with what it said. Let me quote a little, “Try to view each day as an adventure, carefully planned out by your Guide. Instead of staring into the day that is ahead of you, attempting to program it according to your will, be attentive to Me (Jesus) and to all I have prepared for you.” What wonderful counsel. This is certainly an important part of Growing in Discipleship. It is so easy to live each day in our own strength and wisdom, but how much better is life when it is fully surrendered to Jesus and lived out according to His purposes. May each day of your life be fully surrendered to Jesus so that you can be used by Him and for His glory. Michael Worker President
2014 is the “Year of Evangelism.” What thoughts come into your mind when
you read that title? Does it make you think of events and programs? That is part of it, but that is the tip of the iceberg. Evangelism is more than that, it is about how we live our lives. It is about the conversations we have with family, friends and neighbours. It is about being the hands and feet of Jesus and representing Him in our daily lives. As you begin this year, think about who you need to be praying for in your circle of influence and what opportunities there might be to share your faith with them.
It is going to be an exciting year in Sydney, and there is a lot planned. Early
projections are that we will have record enrolments in Adventist Education with four of our schools having the highest enrolments ever. Three of our schools will be developing new facilities. In Aged Care, works are about to commence on enhancements to Elizabeth Lodge for the benefit of residents, families and staff.
We have three major initiatives to reach our communities, and they are planned
in the areas of health, Bible and family-based evangelism. At this stage, between 25-30 churches are planning to run the CHIP program in May, and close to 20 churches are
going to present the Last Empire in August/September. Some special family-based events
in this issue
4-5 summer camp 6-7 church news 8-9 adventist women 10-11 education 12-15 pastoral assignments 2
are being planned in our schools, which is a great initiative of church and school working together.
Plans for Inspire are also coming together well, and we look forward to hav-
ing many of you join us at Mountain View Adventist College from 24-27 April to be inspired, trained and equipped for service to God as together we Grow in Discipleship. As we begin this year, please pray for your family, your church, your street and your Pastor. May God bless you as you serve Him this year. Visit our website at http://gscadventist.org.au for a video message from Pr. Michael Worker
January - February 2014 \ www.gscadventist.org.au
I had the privilege of spending Christmas with my wife’s family on the Sunshine Coast (they get together every two years). There were twenty-two of us for Christmas lunch with twenty of those people staying in the one house! My father-in-law, who is not prone to praying a lot in public settings, said grace for the meal. One phrase he prayed has stuck in my mind ever since. Even though it was a very busy time for “Gran and Pa,” with hours and days of preparation and cooking and the house getting a real workout with mattresses all over the floor and the bathroom being pushed to the limit, he prayed, “Father in heaven, thank you that we can get together at Christmas; family is everything to us…” And the same is true here at the Greater Sydney Conference. Our church family is very important to us. Highlights from the Seventh-day Adventist Church (GSC) Ltd Board
The 2014 operating and capital budget has been approved by the Board. It is
Adrian Raethel General Secretary
based on a projected tithe increase of 2.5%. The tithe percentages going to the Union, Division and General Conference in 2014 have decreased resulting in more tithe being retained at Conference level. This has resulted in the addition of two extra pastoral budgets over 2013.
An additional $150,000 has been committed to evangelism over and above the
normal allocation. This money is from a bequest.
Unfortunately for our Conference, two late calls resulted in Pr Alex Currie,
former Family Ministries director and church pastor accepting a call to be the senior chaplain at Sydney Adventist Hospital and Pr Brendan Pratt, Discipleship/Stewardship/ Sabbath School and Personal Ministries director accepting a call to be Ministerial Association Secretary for the Australian Union Conference. To replace Pr Pratt, following a meeting of the Appointments Committee, we welcome Pr Sven Ostring, currently serving as Sabbath School, Global Mission and Leadership Development director and university chaplain for the Western Australian Conference. Pr Cheonneth Strickland adds Family Ministries to his portfolio with a part-time person to be appointed to assist with Youth Ministries.
Highlights from the Executive Committee
• The Ghanaian group, which meets at Merrylands, has been granted regular group status.
• A new Samoan group, sponsored by the Mt Druitt Samoan Church, will commence meeting in the Liverpool area on 15 February.
• The construction of the new administration block and primary school amenities has commenced at Macarthur Adventist College.
• The construction of the new administration area at the Wahroonga Adventist Aged Care facility will commence late January this year.
• Administration are in the process of setting up independent audit committees for all three incorporated companies and the unincorporated entity. Blessing to you and your family. Pr Adrian Raethel
Greater Sydney Conference Communication Department sydney@adventist.org.au PH: (02) 9868 6522 Fax: (02) 9868 6533 4 Cambridge Street Epping 2121 Next Intrasyd Deadline 01 MARCH
Editor: Michael Worker Assistant Editor: Rachel Lemons Aitken Design: Rachel Lemons Aitken Editorial Consultant: Adrian Raethel http://facebook.com/sydneyadventists @sydneyadventist
www.gscadventist.org.au / January - February 2014 3
Learning to be Anchored in Jesus instil in campers a sense of Christian with treasure hunts, navigation and
service, a value which is evident
discovery. Cheonneth hoped the biggest
throughout the camp, from the director
When asked why year after year
discovery young people of GSC made
serving campers during meal time to
volunteers give up their holidays to work
during the two and a half weeks was Jesus.
the volunteer counsellors, activity staff
at Summer Camp, Cheonneth Strickland,
Based on the verse, Matthew 6:21, “For
and worship leaders to the willingness
Youth Director of the Greater Sydney
where your treasure is, there your heart
exhibited by the campers as they complete
Conference (GSC), responded, “They love
will be also,” the camp activities focused
their chores.
summer camp; they love to give back to
on helping young people be strong in the
their community. They want to connect
knowledge that they are anchored in and
Shipmates Just Wanna Have Fun When asked what she liked about camp,
with God but also with others, like the
treasured by Jesus as His precious jewels.
Madelyn Cross, recent graduate from
campers. Young people, I find, love to
grade 6 at Wahroonga Adventist School,
serve. They love serving and helping
Cabin, Crew and Shipmates Three sessions of camp were run from
others, and I think that’s one of the
3-19 January, giving all involved a great
is my favourite time of year!” Without
greatest attributes of this generation.”
kickstart to the year. Staff training
prodding, she continued, “The worships
spanned from 3-5 January, followed by
are so much fun: screaming at the top of
loved summer camp. The excitement
Junior camp (10-12 years) 6-12 January,
my lungs, seeing my non-Adventist friends
pervaded the camp grounds. From the
which hosted 98 campers and then, 13-19
here screaming out for the Lord and
moment cars began to snake down the
January was Teen Camp (13-17 years)
raising their hands for the Lord is so cool!”
windy road leading to Crosslands, the
with 110 campers. In fact, camp facilities
This summer camp is one of Madelyn’s
Seventh-day Adventist facility set on
hit their capacity during teen camp,
final opportunities to spend time with her
40 hectares of natural bush land in the
leaving several potential campers on a
friends from school before she moves on to
Berowra Valley National Park on the
waiting list. Making it all possible was a
high school.
Berowra River, the air was electric in
crew of approximately 50 volunteers who
anticipation of summer camp. Outfitted
dedicated their time to making it all come
lifelong bonds. From the time the day
with a swimming pool, canoeing and
together. According to Nicole Strickland,
begins until the final moment when
kayaking equipment, a ropes course,
Business Manager at Hills Adventist
campers slip into bed, they are busy either
archery grounds and various housing units,
College and wife of Cheonneth, “Camp
in activities with their cabin mates, other
the setting was perfect for having fun.
couldn’t run without the number of people
campers, counsellors or activity leaders.
who give up their time.”
During the week, campers are able to
Be a Crew of Life Changers! One of the objectives of the camp is to
participate in three activities, ranging from
But it’s not just the campers who
The camp theme, “Anchored,”
brought all the fun, mystery and excitement of a nautical adventure filled
January - February 2014 \ www.gscadventist.org.au
ecstatically responded, “Summer camp
The setting is perfect for forming
archery, basketball, canoeing, cooking,
2014 Summer Camp Visit our website at http://gscadventist.org.au for additional photos, video and stories on Summer Camp
“I come because I can see the change. Volunteering at camp involves a bit of mentoring. It’s special to be a part of
the kids’ growth. While I was at camp,
crafts and fishing to flying fox, laser tag,
I used to look up to the counsellors.
mountain biking and quads. Campers
Now, they look up to us. They want
also have multiple opportunities to spend
to be like us; they want to be like
time together in big groups, including in
the afternoon, when they participate in a
Liana Neu
group activity, like water skiing and water
Activities Volunteer, Junior Camp
relay games.
In the evening, the main meeting
hall transforms into the site of a shipwreck of tall masts, with torn sails jutting
“I wanna be where the kids are making
precariously from the stage, nautical ropes,
big decisions in their life, like at camp.”
treasure chests and nets. With all the
Richie Reid
props filling the stage and surrounding
Program Director, Junior & Teen Camp
areas, you feel as though a burst of salty water will splash upon your face at any moment. It’s the perfect setting for the
band and speakers, Bernard Deojee (junior camp) and Eddie Hypolite (teen camp), to bring campers, counsellors and staff in touch with God.
After spending time at
Crosslands, it’s evident that this place has a special way of taking hold of the hearts of all who visit. John Wells, Associate
Youth Director expresses he was impressed by the “commitment of the staff to the ministry of their work. They were not afraid to share Jesus.” And “it’s all about being anchored to Jesus Christ,”
“I volunteer because I remember how much I loved camp when I was a camper.” Jessica Laws, Band Member, Junior Camp “I like camp because you build friendships not only with other staff members but with the kids.” Louise Gersbach, Counsellor, Junior Camp
says Cheonneth. “We’re having lots of fun, meeting new friends and more importantly, meeting Jesus Christ and becoming friends with Him.”•
www.gscadventist.org.au / January - February 2014 5
{church news}
is God’s special day had grown stronger, therefore the message was much clearer
When category-five Super-Typhoon
to him. The pastor decided he could no
Haiyan hit the Philippines on 8 November
longer ignore what he felt in his heart. As
2013, local communities were already
a result, he has changed his job and no
reeling from the damages of the 7.2
longer has to work on Saturdays.
intensity earthquake that had hit the country just one month earlier. Several
Sometimes evangelism is seen as
Attendees Excited by Biblical Truths Similarly, many of the people who
happening at specific moments in time,
attended Norfolk Island SDA Church’s
however, experiences at Norfolk Island
prophecy seminar three years ago during
SDA Church are proving that God’s
the time Pr. John O’Malley was leading
movement happens continuously. Over
the church, have attended the church’s
the past three years, several evangelistic
most recent evangelistic programs —
efforts have taken place at the church.
“The Last Empire” and Geoff Youlden’s
Three years ago, the church hosted a
series. It is evident that the attendees are
prophecy seminar. Then, in 2013, the
drawn to the loving church members,
church hosted “The Last Empire.” This
the powerful music and the message.
planned a fundraiser to help many of
was followed by an evangelistic series by
Many have said they are very excited
the hardest hit. In one evening of fine
Pastor Geoff Youlden in December 2013.
about the things they are learning from
food and entertainment, the Hoxton
Throughout these events, a core group of
the Bible, especially the message of the
Park Church raised $10,650.50. The
people have consistently attended.
great controversy between God and
money was distributed both to individual
The Holy Spirit Changes Hearts One pastor, a deeply committed
Satan. One attendee shared that this was
families, as well as to the Central Visayan
his first time hearing about this concept
Conference in Cebu City, Philippines.
and spiritual man from a different
and understanding it has helped him
Items, such as tarpaulins, sacks of rice,
denomination, has made a life-impacting
understand the world he lives in.
cans of sardines and packs of noodles,
change as a result of the information he’s
were purchased and supplied to families.
learned over the last three years. Drawn
New Church Leadership at Norfolk Pastor Mike Browning with his wife Ann
by the opportunity to discuss Christ, this
have been leading the Norfolk Island
throughout the province, each church was
pastor attended the church’s prophecy
SDA Church for the past year and are
given $500. Many children were also given
seminar in 2010, and although truth about
transitioning the church to Pastor Dion
packs to help with their educational needs.
the Sabbath was presented then, it wasn’t
Fourie. Pastor Dion is looking forward
These gifts of love were received with great
really clear to him. Even still, when the
to working full-time as a team with his
thankfulness, as expressed by Pastor Eliezer
opportunity to attend “The Last Empire”
wife Colleen and says, “I have watched
Joer T. Barlizo, president of the Central
series arose, he readily attended. However,
God do amazing things in people’s lives
Visayan Conference. The Hoxton Park
this time, something inside of him was
during 2013, and I am excited to become
Church praises God for allowing them to
different. With the passage of time, the
involved in the same way in the small
play a small part in the recovery of our
Understanding God’s Continuous Movement at Norfolk Island SDA Church
Holy Spirit’s conviction that the Sabbath
Hoxton Park Church Fundraises for Typhoon Haiyan Victims
Norfolk Island community.”•
January - February 2014 \ www.gscadventist.org.au
members of the Hoxton Park Church
As several SDA churches were damaged
brothers and sisters in the Philippines. •
Sydney Central Korean Church Youth Fundraise for Typhoon Haiyan Victims
in the concert in some way, whether playing an instrument or helping with the organisation and fundraising.
When asked why they were
How can my church find opportunities to share Jesus with people in our community?
what’s already happening in 1. Discover your community.
On Saturday, 14 December 2013, Sydney
compelled to get involved in raising money
Central Korean Church’s youth group
for ADRA’s appeal, Alex Kim said, “it
proved that there is power in music,
was important to do something for the
especially when played for a cause.
greater good. So many young people get
Impacted by the images of people suffering
excited about doing things outside of the
from the effects of Super Typhoon Haiyan
church. I think it’s important to realise
in the Philippines, the youth group was
how exciting church activities can be.”
determined to get involved in the relief
And this event in particular had special
efforts, so they organised a concert. “If we
meaning to the youth of Sydney Central
were athletes, we would have probably had
Korean Church as the Philippines are close
a sporting event, however, we have many
in proximity to South Korea and close to
musicians at our church,” said Alex Kim,
their hearts as many Korean youth opt to
one of five musicians who performed at
go to the Philippines to do mission service.
the concert.
approximately $2,200 was raised and
While organising, the group
Through the group’s efforts,
decided they needed a grand piano, and
donated to ADRA’s Philippines appeal.
thankfully, Chatswood SDA Church
Because of the event’s success, the group is
welcomed them warmly. Approximately
planning to host a similar event for Easter,
100 people gathered to hear Jennifer Lee
allowing this very active group to continue
on piano, Esther Lee on violin, Jessica Park on violin, Alex Kim on cello and Aram Choi on violin. Interestingly, Aram flew into town from Korea two days before the concert to support the group’s efforts. Though five musicians participated, all of the music — hymns arranged in a
its outreach to the community. •
Visit our website at http://gscadventist.org.au for videos of the musicians performing at the Sydney Korean Church Fundraiser Concert
who the significant community 2. Discover groups are in your neighbourhood the issues that are important 3. Learn to your neighbourhood. This can be discovered by getting involved in the neighbourhood and connecting with community leaders. a list of some of the current events 4. Make locally, regionally and nationally that you and your church can take a lead on. the local events you can take 5. Discover part in and leverage for ministry. importantly, go where the people 6. Most are who you want to meet.
Craig Vanas Director of Children’s Ministry Visit http://gscadventist.org.au for a video message with Craig Vanas, Director of Children’s Ministry on finding opportunities to share Jesus with people in your community
classical style — was played by various trio combinations. All within Sydney Central Korean Church’s youth group participated www.gscadventist.org.au / January - February 2014 7
Friendship: A Powerful Tool for Ministry Having lived at 14 addresses in 32 years
local churches to assess their individual
of marriage, Beryl Landers, Greater
neighbourhoods and develop programs
Our vision for Soul Sisters is that we be
Sydney Conference’s (GSC) Director
and outreach ideas that meet local needs.
a Christ-centred community of women,
of Adventist Women believes God has
And the ideas that are being developed
committed to developing a culture of
always provided women for her to walk
show that ministry comes in all different
mission and nurturing spiritual growth.
with. That’s the essence of the ministry of
shapes, sizes and packages.
We gather three to four times a year at
Adventist Women (AW): friendship. “The goal of Adventist Women is to see every
our Worship Nights, hosted at Kellyville
Talent at Wetherill Park Spanish Church
Adventist Church. Also, we have been
church woman find her place in ministry.
“I believe in Adventist Women because it
involved in building relationships
Adventist Women has become a mobilising
encourages women to participate and to
with local community charities, most
agency for that.”
discover their talents for the church, for
recently with Foster Care Angels.
Endless Opportunities for Ministry With 87 churches throughout the city
their family and for the community. The
ministry has made a difference because
-Bec Reid Be the Change with Parramatta
now, I can see that there are more women participating in
In the last four years Adventist Women
my church than before.
(AW) has shifted to be more outward
than inward focused. As a result, we have
This year we hosted a
high tea; the theme was “Unity
been more intentional about reaching our
in Diversity.” There were over
community, and ministry has become
100 ladies in attendance,
much more rewarding. By partnering with
including 20 visitors. The
existing community agencies, we have
event gave us an opportunity to
given Adventist Women a presence in our
get to know the visitors, both
local area.
at the event and afterwards.
The money raised from the
packs to homeless women at Wesley
event went to pay for the
Mission and non-perishable food items
event’s expenses as well as to
to Parramatta Mission’s Women’s Refuge
make a donation to ADRA.
for victims of domestic violence. We also
Throughout the year, we also
made blankets for the homeless during our
visited and assisted the elderly, single mothers and people in need.”
“Wrap with Love” event. We hosted “Girl’s
-Areli Arevalo Kellyville Adventist Church Has Soul
This year, we provided pamper
Night In,” a Caribbean Cruise themed event that raised $2,000 for ADRA. Our annual Mums and Daughters High Tea was a fun activity where we were able
“Soul Sisters was established in 2012 at
to attract and meet many women who
and its surrounding regions, GSC has
Kellyville Adventist Church. It is inclusive
are not members of the church. For
diversity in age, culture and interests so
to girls/ladies/women of all ages, all
the creative among us, we host a weekly
the opportunity for unique ministries
backgrounds, churched (no matter where)
gathering that attracts 70-80 community
is endless. Adventist Women equips
or unchurched, from all walks of life.
women for a morning of craft activities
January - February 2014 \ www.gscadventist.org.au
{adventist women} and morning tea. This event gives us a chance to interact with our neighbours. Our mission and purpose is to “Be the
become involved as one passionate women
in a family (I felt) was enough! It wasn’t
-Ronalda Hoffman
AW’s ministry that is) and recruited them to be part of my team. God needs each of us to fulfil the role He has designated us
Fairfield Church Creating Strong Bonds
my desire to be a leader of AW as I had
Adventist Women is important in Fairfield
years about women versus men and the
Church; we are the glue that holds our
eternal debate about women’s roles in the
-Liz Bougaardt Experience Adventist Women Beryl shares Adventist Women “is not all
church together. We serve throughout
church. I also felt very strongly that God
about doilies and crocheting. It involves
our weekly Sabbath programs; provide
created us (men and women) equal and
relevant activities that change people’s
hospitality, refreshments and friendships
that we contributed to the church equally.
lives. It gives us the opportunity to invite
throughout the church and community;
Meanwhile I was invited to and attended a
non-believers to church activities without
received so many bad vibes over the past
to accomplish while we are here on earth.
nourish our neighbours with food packages; create luncheon and food hampers as a "Thank You" to our local Command Police for the services they provide throughout our community; have regular prayer breakfasts on Sunday mornings and nurture our families and extended families within the church and community. This is why Adventist Women is important, and it is working with patience, labour and love. At Fairfield, I believe it will grow from strength to strength in 2014 as we continuously focus on Jesus Christ. -Tana Tuake Adventist Women at Castle Hill Church
few programs organised by the AW’s leader at Parramatta church and the 2013 Breathe Conference. What a breath of fresh air
I was in a real quandary; it was 2013 and
they both were! I thoroughly enjoyed
we still did not have a functional Adventist
the uplifting programs provided, the
Women’s (AW) department at Castle Hill
fellowship of other inspirational women
Church. Having a sister-in-law who was so
and the prayer ministry throughout the
feeling the intimidation we sometimes
passionate about her role as women’s leader
weekend inspired me to become involved.
feel to invite people to church. Adventist
of Parramatta church did not help, in fact
I spoke to three of the most negative
Women provides a platform for women to
I felt more determined than ever not to
women in our church, (negative about
do something significant.” •
www.gscadventist.org.au / January - February 2014 9
Encouraging a Heart for Service fundraising events such as the Biggest Morning Tea and also raising funds for the Middle School (Years 5 – 8) Two Year 7 students requested permission from the College to raise money for the
Service: Integral Part of Education at Hills Adventist College
RSPCA. Through their efforts, they raised more than $400 and presented a large cheque to the RSPCA.
An integral part of the educational
Senior School (Years 9 – 12) Inspired by a chapel presentation given by
program at Hills Adventist College, and
representatives from the A21 campaign,
indeed of Adventist Education, is instilling
two Year 10 students had a burden to help
a heart for service
in our students.
victims of bushfires.
As a church, we can have
confidence in the work being done by Adventist Education for our young people. These ‘Gen Y’ youth are counter-cultural – they are willing to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and we thank God for their passion and heart for helping others. Please continue to pray for Adventist Education and the students in our schools. •
Ralph Luchow, Principal, Hills Adventist College
Wahroonga Student Makes Selfless Gesture on 10th Birthday
As an authentic Christian educational
stop human trafficking so they organised
institution, we acknowledge the need
a Sunday fun run and raised over $1,000.
to imitate and emulate the example of
The students plan to make this an
Jesus Christ, who came to serve rather
annual event and include the broader
Shea Standish, student at Wahroonga
than to be served. It is encouraging to
Adventist School, has revealed her heart
see our students willingly participate in
for service by asking party guests at her
service to others. Even more rewarding is
fundraise and give up part of their school
10th birthday party to make a donation to
seeing them initiate service opportunities
holidays to assist a sister school in the
help people with cancer instead of bringing
themselves. Here are highlights from the
Solomon Islands. Instead of attending
gifts. Shea raised $150, which she donated
past year.
Schoolies Week, many students would like
to the Sydney Adventist Hospital's new
Junior School (K – Year 4) In addition to raising thousands of dollars
to continue serving the following year,
Integrated Cancer Centre. Barbara Ward,
after completing HSC examinations.
managing director of the San Foundation,
for the Heart Foundation, in 2013,
the hospital's charity arm, was impressed
students raised over $2,000 for those
Student Representative Committee The Student Representative Committee
affected by the typhoon in the Philippines.
has been involved in many other
wonderful gesture for someone so young
Each year, Year 11 students
January - February 2014 \ www.gscadventist.org.au
by Shea's generosity. "I think it's such a
Mountain View Students Raise $55,000 for Fiji Project
to do something like this and for her to
students, and for his beautiful manners.
be thinking of other people," Ms Ward
Kathleen Obcemane (Year 5) received her
For the past several years, Year 11 students,
said. "It has just inspired me to no end to
award for excellent effort and academic
staff and parents from Mountain View
keep going to meet our goal to make this
achievement in the Arts, as well as for
Adventist College have harnessed their
dream a reality." Shea's father, James, is
displaying leadership across the school.
initiative, time, effort and money to
very proud of his daughter's act of service.
Victor Zhang (Year 4) received his award
complete annual overseas service trips.
"We live in a society that's very focused on
for excellent academic achievement.
possessions: houses, cars, clothes, all that
Ramola Jayaraj (Year 3) received her
raised $55,000 for Fiji—funds that
stuff. It's just nice to focus on others and
award for always being willing to help and
covered the basic travel/living expenses and
particularly people who are in tremendous
showing friendliness to others. Maryanne
the costs of materials and goods for the
need right here in our community." Shea
Ulavalu (Year 2) received her award for
projects, which included distributing 700
is very happy with the amount she raised
being friendly, showing initiative and
care packages to school children, hospital
and hopes to inspire others to donate to
encouraging everyone. Krystal Ross
patients and prisoners; repainting Naqia
the centre. •
In 2013, their combined efforts
Adventist Primary School and presenting a Kid’s Club program at the Rubian village
Source: Hornsby Advocate
of Savutalele.
Hurstville Students Win Parliamentarian Award
“These service trips are a life-changing experience for our students,” said Ms (Year 1) received her award for improved
Sherrill Robinson, a teacher at the
Six students from Hurstville Adventist
achievements in Mathematics and
College and one of the trip coordinators.
School received Commonwealth
leadership amongst her peers. Jerry Yu
“Confronted with the realities of life in
Parliamentarian's Merit Awards for
(Kindergarten) received his award for
another country, the teens quickly shift
displaying outstanding achievement in
working diligently and showing excellent
their focus off themselves and on to
areas of citizenship, academic achievement,
improvement throughout the year.
meeting the needs of those around them.
community involvement or leadership.
The Federal Member for Banks,
They do physical labour, sleep on the floor,
In addition, Year 6 student Anson
the Honourable David Coleman, visited
take cold showers and eat local foods. And
Cheung received the Commonwealth
the school on 6 December to present the
without exception, they return with a more
Parliamentarian's Distinguished
students with their awards. Each of the
mature outlook and a new appreciation for
Achievement Award for exceptional
students received a full-size Australian flag,
their own life circumstances. It’s wonderful
growth in leadership skills, being a model
a copy of the constitution and a framed
to see the positive changes and spiritual
student and excellent example to other
certificate. Anson also received $50. •
growth in these young people.” •
www.gscadventist.org.au / January - February 2014 11
{pastoral appointments 2014} Northwest
Conference Wide
South/Southwest West Central
January - February 2014 \ www.gscadventist.org.au
Mark Baines
Dion Fourie
Allen Bierschbach
Senior Pastor
Fox Valley SDA Community Church
Norfolk Island SDA Church
Ryde SDA Church
After working in Employment
Dion Fourie, newly appointed pastor at
Allen Bierschbach, Ryde Church’s newly
Promotions for the South Pacific Division
Norfolk Island SDA Church, says he’s
appointed pastor, expressed his happiness
for the last three years, Mark Baines
looking forward to working full time as a
to be working in the role as pastor of the
joins Greater Sydney Conference as the
team with Colleen, his wife of 38 years.
Ryde Church because he is “excited about
Senior Pastor at Fox Valley Seventh-
He says he has “watched God do amazing
the many opportunities to reach people in
day Adventist Community Church. A
things in people’s lives during 2013,”
Ryde, and other areas, with the gospel.”
graduate of Avondale College, with a BA
and he is excited to become involved
Currently in the last year of his Bachelors
in Theology and a BTch (Secondary), he
in the same way in the small Norfolk
of Ministry and Theology from Avondale
has a broad range of work experiences
Island community. Pastor Dion brings
College, Allen has worked as a Bible
that include being a pastor, youth pastor,
a wealth of experience to the role, with a
worker for the Michigan Conference, USA
school chaplain, teacher, photographer
Bachelor of Theology degree, a Bachelor
and for the Greater Sydney Conference.
and marketer. Mark’s interests include
of Science in Mechanical Engineering,
Allen has “a great passion for the work”
spending time with his wife and bub,
and a Diploma of Higher Education. He
and believes that “GSC is a great
travelling, learning, golfing, reading,
has extensive teaching experience and is
conference to work for, and Sydney is a
laughing, basketball, soulful gospel music
looking forward to finally getting into
great place to live and work.” Allen and
and eating dessert first. His interests also
full-time ministry. Pastor Dion has two
Wanda, his wife of two and a half years,
include people who’ve left the church and
adult married sons, Dean, who is married
have a five-month old son named Joseph.
Jesus. Mark and his wife Terese are the
to Kristy and Shaun, who is married to
proud parents to Kynan, who just turned
Lelane. He also has two grandchildren,
one. Mark looks forward to seeing
Ella (5) and Noah (5 months).
things happen in his life, the lives of his members and in the lives of community members that can only be attributed to God’s power!
{greater sydney conference’s new team members} www.gscadventist.org.au / January - February 2014 13
“Serving others is one of my passions. At the end of last year, my Year 11 class went on a service trip to the Solomon Islands.
Landry Patii
Sven Östring
Asst. Pastor, Church in the Fields
Director, Personal Ministries,
Chaplain, Macarthur Adventist School
Sabbath School, Stewardship, GSC
Three plane flights and one boat trip later, we arrived at Kukudu Adventist College, where we stayed for eight days. We worked together as a class to paint their entire
chapel, install lights and fit tiles on their
Taaroarii Landry Patii, best known
Sven Östring has felt a tremendous and
bathroom walls. We were able to spend
as Landry, graduated from Avondale
growing call to follow Jesus since his
time with the school kids and help them
College with a Bachelor of Ministry/
early years. Now, this calling has brought
complete their afternoon chores so that
Theology. Born in his home country of
him to the Greater Sydney Conference,
they could eat dinner that night. Seeing
Tahiti (French Polynesia), Landry grew up
where he will assume the role of Director
firsthand the conditions they live in opened
spearfishing and hunting with his uncles,
of Personal Ministries, Sabbath School
my eyes and helped me recognise how
until he moved to Australia in response
and Stewardship (with a focus on
blessed I am.
to God’s call to ministry. Landry joins
Discipleship). Sven holds a Bachelor
the Greater Sydney Conference as the
of Engineering (Electrical), Doctor of
A few weeks ago, I took the opportunity to
Assistant Pastor of Church in the Fields
Philosophy (Computer Networking) and
be a counsellor at Junior Summer Camp, an
(CITF) as well as the School Chaplain
Graduate Diploma of Theology. Sven
annual event held by the Greater Sydney
of Macarthur Adventist School. Landry
says, “Jesus gave me a personal vision
Conference at Crosslands. I was responsible
states that he’s “honoured to be working
of joining and growing His discipleship
for a group of twelve-year-old girls, with
for the GSC and proud to champion the
movement when I was doing my PhD
whom I also shared a cabin. I participated in
vision which it upholds. I already love
in New Zealand. Consequently, it is
activities and grew a friendship with them,
the CITF family and can say they live
an incredible privilege to be joining the
but more importantly, I spoke to them
up to the reputation for being extremely
team in the Greater Sydney Conference
about God during worship.
friendly and accepting. I love their
with a specific focus on growing Jesus'
passion to serve, and I’m looking forward
discipleship movement in an amazing,
is an amazing opportunity to share God's
to the journey ahead with the church,
multicultural city like Sydney.” Most
unconditional love with others and be the
school and GSC. I love working with
recently, he served as the Director of
hands and feet of Jesus.”
people and seeing them grow and change
Leadership Development, Church
in Christ.” Landry’s wife Courtney
Planting and Sabbath School for the
Jessica Shipton
Grace Patii (nee Thompson) is currently
WA Conference. He is joined by his
Hills Adventist College,Year 12
finishing her final year of honours in
wife Marilyn Daniela (nee Cvejin) and
children, Samuela (3) and Nathanael (1).
But I don’t just serve overseas.
I truly believe that volunteering
January - February 2014 \ www.gscadventist.org.au
Sunset Times 31 Jan
01 Feb
07 Feb
08 Feb
14 Feb
15 Feb
21 Feb
22 Feb
28 Feb
01 Mar
07 Mar
08 Mar
14 Mar
15 Mar
21 Mar
22 Mar
Visit www.gscadventist.org.au for a full calendar
David Cherry
Rachel Lemons Aitken
Associate Pastor
Communications &
Waitara SDA Church
PR Coordinator, GSC
Conference Dates February 2
First Aid Training
Discipleship / Sabbath School Teachers Leaders
Kids Reach
Adventist Health Professionals Conference
Master Guide Training
Elders Training
Family Ministries Resource Day
CHIP Facilitator Training
David Cherry, recently appointed
Originally from Chicago, IL, USA, Rachel
Associate Pastor of Waitara SDA Church
Lemons Aitken has made Australia home
is passionate about sharing the difference
since marrying her husband, Peter Aitken.
Jesus has made in his life with others.
Prior to this, she served as the Deputy
A graduate of Avondale College, with
Director of the Office of Communications
Bachelor of Education and a Graduate
at Middle East (Adventist) University in
Diploma in Ministry and Theology, David
Beirut, Lebanon, a place she felt led by
has worked as a teacher for the Seventh-
God to go to through Adventist Volunteer
day Adventist school system for over
Services. She pursued the opportunity
ten years and also as a volunteer pastor/
while working for a financial services
chaplain in Northern Australia. As he
company in the United States. A graduate
begins this new phase of his life, David
of Oakwood University, Rachel holds a
is joined by Amy, his wife of seven years.
B.S. in Finance, a B.A. in International
He says, “I am excited about growing
Studies and a Masters in Accounting, from
closer to Jesus with my church family and
the University of Virginia. In speaking of
supporting them in sharing Jesus with our
her new position, Rachel says, “I know
local community.” When not involved in
that I’m happiest when I’m following God,
church work, David says he has “already
and I’ve learned to follow Him, wherever
enjoyed discovering the many national
He leads me. As a result, He’s taken me on
parks and beaches that Sydney has to
some pretty amazing adventures, and I’m
Education (Mountain View Adventist College)
excited to continue following Him. I’m
very enthusiastic about my new position
South Pacific Record
March 1
Catalyst Youth Leadership Training
World Day of Prayer
Adventist Women City Prayer Walk
Global Youth Day
Youth Week of Prayer
Marriage Enrichment Weekend
Youth Rally
and the promise that it holds. The people at GSC are great to work with!” Rachel is the author of Fish Food, Review & Herald’s Young Adult Devotional for 2013.
www.gscadventist.org.au / January - February 2014 15
at Avondale Memorial Church 586 Freemans Drive, Cooranbong
Sabbath Program
9:00am - Sabbath School, Dr Leigh Rice 10:45am - Church, Dr Barry Oliver followed by Potluck Lunch 2:30pm -“The Best of 50 Years of AAA” 6:30pm - Dinner “Refuelling on the Runway” * For full weekend program go to aviationnnsw.adventist.org.au
For more information: aviationnnsw.adventist.org.au | facebook.com/AAAnnsw
See what Adventist Education can do for your child.
Record enrolments in 2013/14!
Phone (02) 9868 6522
to book a personal tour of any school with the Principal. We have six schools across Sydney. www.greatersydney.adventist.edu.au
January - February 2014 \ www.gscadventist.org.au