intrasyd JULY - AUGUST 2016
contents FEATURES
04 06 12 14
- Editorials - Digital Discipleship - Adventist Women Breathe - Rosalind Carlson
04 - Office Redevelopment 14 - Fountain Maroubra 15 - The Power of Prayer by Christine Hinds
10 - Wahroonga School 10 - How a Classroom Environment Can Help 11 - SASA - Auburn School
20 Aug 5:29 Fri – 5:30 Sabbath 27 Aug 5:34 Fri – 5:35 Sabbath 03 Sep 5:39 Fri – 5:39 Sabbath 10 Sep 5:43 Fri – 5:44 Sabbath 17 Sep 5:48 Fri – 5:48 Sabbath 24 Sep 5:52 Fri – 5:53 Sabbath 01 Oct 5:57 Fri – 5:58 Sabbath
For the latest event information, visit events and au/announcements.
20 Aug / Local 27 Aug / Union 03 Sept / Local 10 Sept / Annual Sacrifice 17 Sept / Education 24 Sept / Local 01 Oct / Local
Sydney Adventists
FROM THE president Romans 12:1-2 in the Message Bible says, ‘So here’s what I want you to do, God helping
you: Take your everyday, ordinary life and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. On 15-17 July Greater Sydney held its inaugural Digital Discipleship Conference. Head to the Facebook page ( to watch video highlights and see what people had to say about the event. It was a wonderful gathering of around 150 people from all over Australia who have a passion and desire to utilise the digital space for sharing their faith. Whether this is through social media and the web, photography or videography, or a mixture of all these, the overarching desire was—and is—to proclaim Jesus and His soon coming. In our daily life, whether it is the things we ‘like’ scrolling through Facebook, the posts we share or what we say to other people in our private messages; or whether its the way we treat our spouse, our children or someone we don’t know at the supermarket checkout, our ordinary everyday life and how we live it demonstrates whether we are a true disciple of Jesus Christ. As you continue to journey day by day with Jesus Christ, are you increasingly revealing and reflecting the fruits of the spirit? Are you becoming more loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle, and self-controlled? These are confronting questions. The key message that came through the discussion and the presentations at the digital discipleship conference is that no matter what digital medium we use to connect with people, it must ultimately result in a one to one, person to person connection that leads to one disciple leading another person to become a disciple of Jesus Christ through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. So, where to from here? Greater Sydney will be developing a collaborative platform to continue the conversation about how we can effectively use our online presence to become more intentional and effective witnesses. There will be another digital discipleship conference. If you want to know more and engage in this journey, please email or ‘follow’ us on the digital disciples Facebook page. How are you continuing to grow in discipleship in your life?
PR Michael Worker President
Michael Worker
OUR TEAM President Michael Worker Editor Joyce Taylor Design & Layout Lynda G. Abreu Editorial Consultant Adrian Raethel Other Contributors Christine Hinds, Eva Ing, Rachel Aitken, Anjuli Cruz Next Intrasyd Deadline 05 SEPTEMBER 2016
Want to talk to us? Communications Department 4 Cambridge Street, Epping NSW 2121 Ph: 02 9868 6522 Follow us on social media: Tweet @SydneyAdventist Facebook SydneyAdventists
One of the most common questions I get asked is: What happens to tithe? What does it get
One spent of
spent on? Why should I pay? These are important questions because tithe represents 80% the Conference’s income. Not only that, there is a heavy responsibility on the Conference’s Treasury to make sure it’s spent carefully and appropriately because our members who give faithfully rely on us to do so, and we are accountable to God for His money.
Once tithe is given for offering, it is banked locally and sent onwards to the Conference once a month. The Conference forwards 20% of all tithe to the Union which then gets dispersed onwards to the Division then to the General Conference (GC). Institutions that are supported by this part of tithe include ADRA, the Record, Adventist Media, Avondale College and Pacific Adventist University. The remaining 80% stays in the Conference to support local work, which includes pastors, evangelism and ministries. Every year the GC Audit Services team audits our use of tithe. Our Conference regularly spends more than what we receive in tithe and supplements tithe income with offerings and income from other assets. Last year in 2015 we collected $14.3m in tithe. There are strict policies that govern how tithe can be used. Why? Because it’s the main source of funding for the total proclamation of the gospel to the world. This is why we’re here. I encourage all our members who are faithful in their return of tithe. Not only is this our act of worship, it is how we make disciples.
At one of the presentations we attended on the Healthy Churches tour, this important question was
posed: how do you know if a church is externally focussed? Or, to put it another way, how do you know if a church is concentrating primarily on mission or maintenance? The answer lies in how often the leaders and members of that church pray, what they pray about, and where is the budget being spent. These are profitable points to consider at your next board or business meeting. From the Church Ltd Board - The wording of the revised Conference strategic plan has been finalised. Formatting of the document will take place shortly in preparation for distribution across the Conference. - The respective Conference and AUC committees and boards have recommended and approved the ordinations of Warwick Sawyer and Tapiwa Mutseriwa. Ordination services will be held for these pastors in the second half of this year. From the Executive Committee - Provisional group status has been granted to the new Lilyfield Church plant. - For the first time, the Conference has been allocated a NSW Government subsidy through the Civil Chaplaincy Advisory Committee to provide chaplaincy services at Long Bay jail. - Capital works projects continue at four of our schools: Hills Adventist College – stage 3b of the senior school block, Macarthur Adventist College – speciality classrooms (now completed), Mountain View Adventist College – new prep centre and Wahroonga Adventist School – new school building. - The Campbelltown Church has received a Conference grant to assist with their new church hall and meeting room development.
Sydney Adventists
Conference Office Redevelopment Update
PL-03.28 - Persp
The Conference Office Redevelopment is progressing very well with some major milestones being achieved recently.
On Monday 25 July, after a very thorough process, contracts were exchanged between the Conference and the developer, Southern Han (SH), and the first payment was received. In the meantime, SH, through their architectural arm, Zhinar Architects, has made incredible progress on the design of the building. As you can see from the images, the new building is impressive and will be a significant landmark in the Epping Town Centre. Zhinar has worked very closely with us in designing our office and we are very confident that the design will serve the work of the Conference well for many years to come. One exciting aspect of this is the design and location of the seminar room is it being accessible from Oxford Street, making it easier to provide training from the office and give the conference the opportunity to run programs and seminars for the local community.
! e p n i h S e l p o e g Helpin
The next step in the process is for SH to meet with council and then complete the necessary reports in preparation for lodging the Development Application. The key reason for pursuing this development is to release value in the Conference Office to provide additional pastoral and evangelistic resources to our local churches. Please continue to uphold this project in your prayers as we seek His guidance and blessing at each step of the way.
Open your door to a better world this #knocktober 1800 242 372 All donations $2 or more are tax deductible.
*All volunteer collectors will have an official endorsement including ADRA Australia receipt book.
“A ll too often, in our church, communications has been viewed as an ancillary service. As a result, we have yet to fully realize its power for evangelism, especially in the digital space.” - Rachel Aitken
JULY - AUGUST 2016 / DigitalDiscipleship.Info Sydney Adventists Sydney Adventists
As crazy as it may sound, at the beginning of 2015, God asked me what was my “big, hairy, audacious goal”. This term comes from Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
I later heard about the buzz of excitement, which we plan to harness to empower our local church members to become digital disciples.
I didn’t have to think long to answer the question. Since starting as Communications and PR Executive at the Greater Sydney Conference, I have wanted to create a space where communicators and creatives could gather to explore how their talents can be used for ministry. So when presented with this question, I responded with the idea of the Digital Discipleship Conference.
Throughout the planning process, I hit many walls. While multiple doors opened, just as many closed. Through it all, I challenged God to be God. I challenged Him to show up for me as I’ve seen Him do time and time before. As a result, I was constantly reminded of God’s presence and His provision. I’m now waiting with eager anticipation to see where God is leading us on this journey for the Conference and the Digital Discipleship Movement!
All too often, in our church, communications has been viewed as an ancillary service. As a result, we have yet to fully realise its power for evangelism, especially in the digital space. We often see local church communications as being confined to bulletins and a church website, but what if God is waiting for the photographers, videographers, graphic designers, bloggers, social media mavens and digital marketing experts to use their talents for ministry as much as He awaits the worship leaders?
I’d like to invite all creatives and those interested or curious about the digital space to get involved. There are lots of opportunities to engage in digital ministry in between Conferences. We invite you to e-mail us at to join our mailing list and keep the conversation going!
As I began to explore digital marketing principles and couple that with my knowledge of the communication needs at the local conference level, I started having lots of light bulb moments about how God can use digital marketing, social media, online platforms and content creators, distributors and engagers for ministry. Most importantly, I began to see how the digital space can provide a place where church members are once again inspired to be disciples of Jesus who make disciples.
In 2017, we will gather for the next Digital Discipleship Conference so we can continue the conversation and the ideas about how God is moving among people in the digital space. We invite you to join us!
In exploring this area, I saw that the Digital Discipleship Conference would provide the platform to begin conversations around the topic of digital discipleship, develop talents, inform people about the latest digital trends and foster creativity that can be harnessed for ministry. In an unusual turn of events, I birthed two babies the weekend of the Conference. The first was my son Jax Elijah John Aitken, who arrived three weeks before his due date and was born the night before the Conference began; the second was the Digital Discipleship Conference. After over a year of dreaming, praying, planning and organising, the Conference launched without me. Though I was unable to see my dream come to life and attend the Conference, my colleagues carried out all of the plans.
Photo: Maxed Out Films
SAY WHAT? < Photo: Maxed Out Films
“I came here to learn about social media strategies, even though we have an established base of followers. I’m also here to meet people I could potentially collaborate with. Building these contacts is important so that we can work together and be strong digital marketers for Jesus”.
“I use to work in graphic design and marketing, as well as find ways to encourage church communication teams to be more proactive. I saw that the church had a need in the digital space and wanted to inspire people as to what was possible. For my church, I would like to do video streaming and improve our website”.
“I’ve realized that there’s a lot more I could do. I knew a bit before coming here, but there’s more I can personally do for my church, and that I/we can do as a college. I knew the word digital, but didn’t connect it with discipleship. Coming here helped me see I could couple those two things”.
Sydney Adventists
YOUTH DIRECTOR @ SDA VICTORIAN CONFERENCE “Chip Dizard’s talk on email marketing was great. As good as social media is, email is still important for reaching people with key messaging. We’re eight weeks into rebuilding our e-database and are hoping to effectively implement the things we’ve picked up”.
RETIRED MISSIONARY GALSTON SDA “I learned how to improve my Facebook posts, to be more intentional and to connect with people in a more engaging way. You have to ask people things. a ‘Happy Sabbath’ post is not enough”.
“I’m passionate about bridging the gap between discipleship and digital media. However, my passion lies within intentional affirmation for a broader audience. My workshop was on social media from the perspective of a digital native”.
“I’ve loved the city, the network and the energy at this event. Digital ministry has no boundaries. It’s something that, from Australia to England, you can use to bring people to Christ”.
“We want My Edge Magazine to get to the place where it is accessible. I’ve studied entrepreneurship and am interested in design thinking. I’d like to see these practices and the best of them being used for the church. That’s why I’m here”.
“The most interesting thing I’ve found is how much people are looking for ways to improve their church ministry. I’ve been talking to people about ways to improve [our] social media and event execution, in terms of having guests speakers via live streaming”.
How Classroom Environments Helps Children T
hrough standardised testing and different performance indicators, at times it can seem as if education has a fixed mindset when it comes to intelligence (an “either you got it or you don’t” frame of thought). However, if you visit any of the Sydney Adventist schools you can see this isn’t the case.
What is being taught is a growth mindset towards intelligence, and the belief effort is equally important to succeeding in what students are faced with in life. In psychology, intelligence is not the primary predictor of success. It is the ability to persevere in hardship, persist and learn after failure, and to have a resilient spirit in the face of obstacles- something also referred to as “grit”. American psychologist and science author Angela Lee Duckworth speaks about the important role teachers can play in creating this in children in her book Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance. Here are a few ways teachers are approaching this thinking:
Visual Practice in Goals - In a classroom setting, there are many opportunities to promote delayed gratification for students. Teachers sometimes set up a chart to show growth in something like math, or they might have a class “savings bank” that is added to when good behaviour and or helping each other is exhibited in the classroom. These things allow for students to see their achievements and many times be rewarded for their conduct and accomplishments. PDHPE - Learning about sports and the dedication it takes to reach success and long-term rewards develops an appreciation for the hard work. Team sports and competition also encourage students to recognise and work together towards a common goal. Assignments Geared Toward Effort Not Success - Many teachers present problems and exercises with the goal of developing effortnot to necessarily succeed at completing anything. This allows for reward dependent not on the aptitude of a student, but more so on growth and the importance of trying. Intelligence can be developed and nurtured, but continuing on a difficult path is an invaluable skill for students to learn and help them reach success in the future.
Topping Out Wahroonga's Latest Milestone Over 40 gathered on Friday, 22 June for the “topping out” of Wahroonga’s new campus building. Attendees of the event included
teachers and administrative staff at Wahroonga Adventist School, members of the Greater Sydney School council, Richard Crookes and Architects of Stanton Dahl. The ceremony marked another milestone in this school’s long awaited transition into a full Prep-Year 12 school. The institution currently operates up to Year 7 with the addition of Year 8 coming next year. A waiting list has already been opened for Year 7 beginning in 2017. “It is exciting to see things coming together. Our entire school community is waiting in anticipation for the building to be completed!” says Michelle Streatfeild, principal of Wahroonga Adventist School. The building is scheduled for completion in December 2016, with facilities ready at the start of the 2017 school year. For more information, and to stay up to date on the build, visit the school’s website at
Sydney Adventists
Impacting a Community The SASA WAY What makes a school’s community thrive? Danyel Efstratiou, principal of Sydney Adventist School Auburn (SASA), asked this
question of her school a couple years ago. Since then, both she and the institution has internalised their response in everything they do. “As a school community we really wanted to focus on what values we wanted to see in our school. Values we would expect from everyone who joined us”. SASA went through a series of meetings, workshops and discussions with stakeholders to identify areas where improvements could be made to the school’s culture and how to better exemplify the values it upholds. Through these interactions, values were then incorporated into a set of 10 ideals now referred to at the schools as The SASA Way. To make these ideals relevant to the students, two characters, Sam and Sally, were developed. “I wanted the students to connect with these characters so that the ideals became alive and real to them”, says Efstratiou. Now in term three, The SASA Way has been in place for half a year. To integrate the ideas into chapel, a story line was developed for the characters to journey through and question the Fruits of the Spirit. As a benchmark for discipline, The SASA Way has become a clear part of its school community. “We had one parent tell us she heard her child playing and heard them say, ‘We don’t do that because that’s not The SASA Way’. When you hear stories like this, you can’t help but be proud of your whole community and excited for what the future holds”.
Joyce Taylor
On the Sabbath of 23 July, women throughout Sydney and Australia descended upon the
New South Wales suburb of Doonside to attend Breathe 2016. Held at the Mountain View Adventist College, this year’s women’s ministry event highlighted three simple things: a dollar a day, a string of words, and a decision to act.
In February of this year, a cry from within the Adventist community rang out. Monique Sleight of Raw Impact had just participated on a mission trip to a rural village in Cambodia where progress in the form of a new bridge will soon force inhabitants out. Just $5,000 dollars is all it would cost for a block of land that could house one family. The women at Woollahra SDA responded by distributing coin cans. Bit by bit they raised $5k. Various efforts from women’s groups at Parramatta, Blacktown, Hurtsville and the Mt Druitt Samoan Church would bring that tally to $23k, $27k after collections taken at Breathe, which means a future for five families.
A dollar a day, a string of words and a decision to act.
Fahima Hayward, mother and caretaker of five children, was at the lowest point of her life when, exhausted, she turned to God and asked Him what she was doing. He answered with a number of individuals directing her to HOPE STAYZ, a special getaway retreat for women. Reluctantly, Fahima and her children went. “The impact of simply having someone say, ‘I’ll help you with that or I’ll do that for you.’ As a single mother”, she said, overwhelmed with gratitude, “having someone look after you is a blessing.” During the latter part of the day, speaker Andre Afamasaga, recalled the story of the Japanese missionary he’d once heard speak, and whose ministry he felt he had to contribute to. He quickly went to an ATM and withdrew $100 dollars, but failed to find the man after he’d returned. Disappointed, he meandered to a café and happened upon a friend. A heavenly voice spoke and Andre hesitantly responded, giving the money to the friend. It turned out he had desperate need of it: his mother just called asking him to bring home a liter of milk, and he didn’t have the money in his account to buy it nor the courage to tell her. A dollar a day, a string of words and a decision to act. The small is often all it takes. These things framed the essence of Breathe and the purpose posed of women’s ministry. Boiled, divided and filtered down, what is left is this: commitment, compassion and compelled. All are individually strong, but far better together for they larger reflect the will of God.
Photos: Abigail Yap
Sydney Adventists
“Women’s ministry has always been close to my heart because it is easy to connect to the community. We share the same struggles even though we may be different from one another. I love the talents of women. I love the dedication and the spirit of giving we have been given, and I see the blessing of God through this giving”.
“I recognize the importance of being a woman in the church. The ministry is not about me, others or what others think about. It’s about God. Women’s Ministry events like these are inspiring. They’ve inspired me to get out on my own and minister to people on the street about Jesus. There’s no stopping me!”
“I received a ticket from someone unable to attend, and I’ve found the event to be very uplifting and encouraging. I’ve enjoyed the music, the fellowship and the message. It’s been very well structured. A big thank you to everyone involved”.
Rosalind Carlson JAM MINISTRIES
If idle hands do the devil’s work, Rosalind Carlson is making positively
sure hers have no part of it. Originally employed in administration and in the Department of Education, the New South Wales resident found her calling, Jam Ministries, in a most unexpected way.
In 1986 Rosalind suffered from respiratory issues that kept her rotating in and out of doctors office and waiting rooms and endlessly bored. “I wanted to do something that I could take with me”, she says. That something turned out to be Irish linen handkerchiefs, which Carlson would crochet with fine thread and embroider with coloured silk. “I started selling them through the Old Northern Gallery in Dural. The hankies took off and I [sold] them in different galleries and other regions”.
With her handmade goods selling well, Rosalind soon found new potential in her back yard. “I have many fruit trees on my property in Arcadia, so I started making jams”. When the gallery caught wind of the new venture, they began selling the preserves as well. “They even started having testing evenings so people could sample and buy my jams.”
You may be wondering now what Rosalind does with all her earnings. This is where her ministry comes. “Any profit I decided to give to ADRA”. And that she has been doing. For 20 years now Carlson has been donating her earnings to the Adventist disaster relief organization. She’s even had special labels made. The ministry has been a blessing for Rosalind as much as it has ADRA: “The jams have brought me into contact with a wide range of people who wouldn’t normally be in my circles. There are people who know what I do and come in to buy from me. It’s hard to pinpoint whether I have a sense of community with the Jam ministry, and I haven’t had anyone want to talk Bible with me, but you never know the impact you’ll have on them. I help people and it leaves open communication.” As of July this year, Rosalind has donated $6,471 in jam proceeds to the organization. She is an accomplished musician who enjoys considerable success as a conductor, composer performer, examiner, adjudicator and teacher when not crocheting and making preserves.
Fountain Maroubra RELOCATES Fountain Maroubra, a church-plant of Fountain in the City
recently relocated to a larger home. The church has been blessed with an increase of attendees and numbers have been surpassing capacity. The church’s new space, located in the same complex, is just a floor up from its previous Suite #6 location and is nearly doubled in size.
FOUNTAIN MAROUBRA Maroubra Court, Maroubra Junction NSW 2039 09.30 Sabbath School and 11.00 Service Potluck follows main service
Much work was needed to transform the building, a former gym, into a functional worship place. Renovations, which took volunteers a total of three weeks to complete, included the addition of a kitchen and bible study room, new carpeting, interior walls and alterations to the exterior façade. Fountain Maroubra members are excited about the church God has provided them and for the extra room to grow. They are now in the process of starting up programs geared towards children and youth. These programs will run concurrent to the Monday night bible studies and Wednesday evening “End-time Events” seminar already faithfully attended by members of the community.
Sydney Adventists
anticipate was how much it would impact my own heart and thinking.” —Dwight K Nelson, senior pastor, Pioneer Memorial Church
The Power Of Prayer My Journey To Baptism My journey to baptism started off when I was young. I was born into the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, grew up in Cabramatta SDA Church and eventually moved on to Cabramatta Fijian SDA Church. During this time I ventured through Adventurers and Pathfinder. I continued learning about God, but I had no understanding of God on a personal level.
That afternoon something told me to go to Cabramatta SDA Church. And so I went, asking God to be with me this Sabbath day. I was desperate to hear him.
The speaker that Sabbath was Pastor Tapiwa Mutseriwa and his I began to friends. readSlowly, thisI started book, I knew I would be blessed. What I didn’t As“When I grew up I began making new to drift sermon was about how we are living in the last days. He spoke in awayanticipate from church. My faith became faint.much I continued pray and impact detail aboutmy how everything in the bible will shortly come to pass. was how ittowould own heart and thinking.” ask God to give me the courage to disconnect from my ‘worldly’ Never before had I been so focused and connected on a sermon, friends, and with His strength, I did. —Dwight K Nelson, senior pastor, Pioneer Memorial so hungry for every detail andChurch every word. What a wakeup call! I knew from this Sabbath Day, I wanted to give my life to God. Attending church again, I felt embarrassed, ashamed and guilty for my past and laid-back spiritual nature. But I did not give up. I In October 2015 I began studying the bible with Pr Mutseriwa. On continued to go from one church to another in search of the word. Saturday 9th July 2016, I was baptised. I prayed to God a silent prayer thanking him for answering my prayer, for forgiving me It was on a Wednesday morning when an overwhelming feeling my sins, and for taking control of my life as I accept him as my of exhaustion washed over me. I needed God and sought him personal saviour. through prayer. I prayed a short prayer begging him to speak to me and show me a church to attend in the upcoming Sabbath. By Christine Hinds
Encountering the Beauty
of Christ in Adventism
Available now at your friendly Adventist Book Centrethe Beauty Encountering
you are A DISCIPLE !
7-9 OCTOBER A family-friendly weekend that energises you to be a disciple who makes disciples. You will leave with spiritual strength, skills and resources to serve enthusiastically in your local church and community.
FOR APPLICATIONS Please check with your local church Pastor or email us at Downloadable applications are also available online at: