Greater Sydney
Features: Words from Adventist Students in the mission field: Uni
Do you know that God has chosen you? PRESIDENT Terry Johnson
Editor Joyce Taylor
Graphic Designer Lynda G. Abreu
Other Contributors Olivia Fairfax Katrina Jorgensen (Graphics) Alexandria Lan Megan Lillo Sam Nov Timothy Pinzone
Next content deadline 01 MAR
It can be hard to believe because of what is happening in our personal and public lives, which often is far from the ideal relationship with the Father that we’d like to have. However, it’s a Biblical fact that God has chosen you as the apostle Paul outlines in 1st Thessalonians 1:4: “For we know children loved by God that He has chosen you!” How can Paul know this to be true? Well, he gives us the reasons for his assertion in the prior verse. “We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labour prompted by love and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.” And then in verses 5-8, Paul goes on to say that chosen people have had a deep conviction and accepted the gospel with power from the Holy Spirit and they become imitators (disciples) of the Lord. In so doing, they shared the gospel in such a manner that their faith rang out to the communities around! As we enter into 2019, consider the following imperatives as a chosen servant of God: •
Consider giving Him some of your precious time. You will gain
deep conviction when you have a meaningful relationship with God. How about giving 15 minutes each day to God in communion? It can be daunting, but it’s life-giving time and you really can’t live life to its fullest without it.
Consider participating in the 30 days of prayer Greater Sydney Conference challenge beginning February 16. Pray for the Holy Spirit to be manifest in your life and the life of your church.
As a disciple, what area of your life needs Godly imitation? What are you imitating instead of Him?
Pray that the Lord reveals to you one person to bring to Him in 2019. Which of your friends needs to know Jesus and be saved by Grace because you introduced them to Him?
May the Lord bless you in 2019. May He give you peace and make His face to shine upon you. May we all imitate Him and change our conference through His power.
Terry Johnson
February 2019
@ SydneyAdventists
ADDRESS Shannon Bldg,185 Fox Valley Rd Wahroonga NSW 2076 PHONE (02) 9868 6522 EMAIL
Remember the Sabbath
15-02 / 7:48 Friday to 7:47 Saturday 22-02 / 7:40 Friday to 7:39 Saturday 01-03 / 7:32 Friday to 7:31 Saturday 08-03 / 7:23 Friday to 7:22 Saturday 15-03 / 7:14 Friday to 7:12 Saturday 22-03 / 7:04 Friday to 7:03 Saturday
16-02 / Disaster & Famine Relief 23-02 / Local Church Budget 02-03 / Education Evangelism 09-03 / Adventist World Radio 16-03 / Local Church Budget Read more at
What you need to know on IGNITE 2019, our Greater Sydney Conference Camp Meeting for everyone held at the Sydney Showgrounds 15 & 16 February. The intergenerational event will engage all ages in worship. Page 06 ARTICLE
Save the Date
February is Education Month 15-16 FEB / IGNITE Conference 17-02 / 30 Days of Prayer 23-02 / Master Guide Training 24-02 / Women Leadership Brunch 29-39 MAR / Prayer Retreat Get the 2018 cal at NEWS
The Barren Mission Field
Despite the widespread opinions and diversity among today’s youth, students today seem to almost unanimously disregard the gospel making our public campuses are some of the most difficult and barren mission fields. Page 12 ARTICLE
2019 Calendar Features
Meet the Jan & Feb features! Want to be in the 2020 calendar or create art for it? Have someone to nominate? Write to us at sydney@adventist. Page 05
Longing for Love
With the Adventist Student Associations in Sydney, we want to show what Adventism is all about through our activities and put on display all the good that the local churches are involved in. Page 18
MVAC Turning 50
Mountain View Adventist College is hitting 50 years and they're calling all supporters and alumni to join in festivities. Plus, GSC launches scholarship program for its schools. Page 11
EDITORIALS General Secretary
Adrian Raethel
• A report has been received from the Australian Union Conference on the Church Structure review process. The 5 Adventist Aged Care companies around Australia and the 3 NSW Education companies are working on developing closer working relationships • The Penrith Church has received a grant to carry out extensive repairs and maintenance following the partial collapse of the ceiling in the main sanctuary as well as the hall.
• Considerable resources are being invested into reviewing the relationship between Conference departmental directors and local churches and how departments can more effectively serve the ministries and activities of local congregations; • Jeff Zaremsky from Shalom Adventure has been working with the Woollahra Church to give renewed impetus in reaching out to the Jewish community in the eastern suburbs. • A triage report from AdSAFE has been tabled containing some disturbing statistics. A total of 755 files (including current and historic) have been triaged from Adventist entities across Australia with 104 originating within Greater Sydney. Sixty of those cases require further action. --
Chief Financial Officer
Eva Ing Time flies, and I can’t believe its February 2019 already. The Finance team here at Conference are busy finalising 2018 accounts and are in the process of having them audited. Early indications are that 2018 was another successful year for our Church and Schools, noting that Aged Care has their financial year-end mid-year. 2019 for Schools will be a quiet year in terms of development. The only major project will be to complete the basketball courts and amenities at Wahroonga. We will need to take a break from the hectic development that has occurred over the last five years.
While things are quiet on the building front, we are excited about the new Scholarships program for our Schools! Our School offerings this year will go towards this program (and also towards Schools Evangelism). There are two things you can do. First, donate towards the Scholarships fund, which is tax-deductible. Second, if you know a family that can’t afford an Adventist education for their children, let them know about the Scholarship program that will start in 2020! Applications will open later this year. While it will be quieter in Schools development, Aged Care will be full swing in construction mode, particularly at Kings Langley where we have commenced building a 45-bed extension to the residential facility and another 21 independent-living units. Finally, no doubt you will have heard in the news that there is a downturn in the property market. This has affected our development of the new conference office at Epping. It is important to note that the development costs to date has been borne by the developer, and not the Conference. We will keep you informed as the project progresses. We praise God for His many blessings and ask for wisdom and His protection for another year in His service.
2019 CALENDAR FEATURES Illustrations by María José Díaz Villarroel
Leandro Costa Sydney Portuguese Church January | Small Groups "During my 11 years in Sydney, I've gotten married, had two children and bought a house. I felt that was time to give back to the community and help others achieve good things too”. Leandro Conference employee Particia Goncalves on Leandro: “This is someone who use to mock us endlessly! To now see him transformed by the Holy Spirit––to see how much he has changed–– further proves to me that God exists. Only he can make that kind of a transformation.”
Sattar, Roseanne, Noorhan & Batool SASA February | Education "For us as a family, and Noorhan in particular, one of the best things about Sydney Adventist School Auburn is that she gets to learn from children who came from all walks of life." Batool (mum)
IGNITE19 IGNITE is our Greater Sydney Conference Camp Meeting for everyone! It will be held at the Sydney Showgrounds beginning on Friday evening, 15 February and end with a music festival featuring our church’s prodigious talent on Sabbath evening, 16 February, 2019. The intergenerational Sabbath morning will engage all ages in worship. Our featured speaker will be Dr Lowell Cooper, former General Conference Vice President. Sabbath school classes will not be separate, but there will be breakout programs for all ages after the bringyour-own basket lunch. We will be launching a number of initiatives from 2018’s Think Tank and Constituency Session that we believe will energise our conference’s vision and mission: New strategic emphasis for our conference in five areas: – Increasing spiritual temperature – Empowering membership – Connecting with our communities – Intentional digital engagement – Growing intergenerationally + Volunteer Pastor training school + 30 days of prayer There will be a major event running concurrently with IGNITE on Saturday 16 Feb. It is highly recommended that you prebook parking and arrive Sabbath morning before noon! See PARKING (4) for details. GSC President Pr Terry Johnson
FRIDAY 15 FEBRUARY 7:30pm – 9:00pm – Friday Worship Pr Lowell Cooper
SABBATH 16 FEBRUARY 09:00am - 10:00am – FREE Breakfast 10:00am - 11:00am – Sabbath School (all) 11:10am - 12:00pm – Divine Service Pr Lowell Cooper 12:10pm - 2:00pm – Picnic Lunch* 2:00pm - 4:30pm – A varied Afternoon program with: Dr Darren Morton, Geraldine Przybylko, Tonga Brass band and lots more! A separate youth program will be held with Dr Darren Morton 4:30pm - 6:00pm – Dinner* 6:00pm - 8:00pm – Music Festival *Note: Lunch and dinner are BYO (Bring Your Own) and will not be provided.
VENUE LOCATION IGNITE 2019 will be held at the Sydney Showground situated inside the Olympic Park in Homebush. The street address is Southee Pavilion, 1 Showground Road, Sydney Olympic Park, NSW 2127. IGNITE will be in Exhibition Hall #5 and #6.
PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION Sydney Showground is accessible via train, Ferry and bus. Train services to Sydney Olympic Park depart Lidcombe Station every 10 minutes. Sydney Ferries operates a daily service between Circular Quay and Parramatta stopping at Sydney Olympic Park Ferry wharf with a connecting bus service into the park. For further inormation
CAR PARKING Carparks **P1, P5 and **P6 are in close proximity to Sydney Showground. Costs: $5 per hour or $25 per car for the day. We recommend you pre-book parking at www. Due to the Nitro Circus event Saturday, 16 February, streets will be blocked off. Street parking will not be available. **Note: P1 is recommended. If full, try for P6 and P5 in that order.
Keynote speaker
Mr Lowell C. Cooper, MDiv MPH served as General Vice President of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Spring, Maryland from 1998 until recently. Now retired from the General Conference, Mr Cooper resides in Washington State (USA), but still travels the world sharing the Gospel. He also serves as the Chairman of Loma Linda University Medical Center, Inc., a subsidiary of Loma Linda University and has been its Trustee since 1999. Additionally he serves as a Director of Adventist Risk Management, Inc. Mr Cooper received his BA of theology degree from Canadian Union College (Canada) and a MA of divinity degree from Andrews University (USA).
Free for you, Convene provides all the conference information you used to have on paper – in an app. The event code for the app is IGNITE2019. More info at BIT.LY/GSCIgnite19.
Thanks to our sponsors at Sanitarium, we will be providing everyone with a FREE breakfast on Sabbath morning from 9am-10am. LUNCH & DINNER ARE BYO.
ADRA will be running a food drive to collect non-perishable food items to restock supplies for the Sydney ADRA food pantries.
An offering will be taken to support the ADRA Community Centres (Conference Offering) and the 10,000 Toes Initiative (Mission Offering).
Not provided: bottled water. Please remember to bring a reusable water bottle with you.
Sydney Adventist Women are collecting items such as grooming & sanitary products & baby items. See lists at BIT.LY/GSCIgnite19.
We ask that you prayerfully and intentionally plan your giving and come prepared. Tap & Go available.
SPECIAL speakers
DR DARREN MORTON Dr Darren Morton has a Master's degree and a PhD in Human Physiology.
BROCK GOODALL Brock is currentlyserving as a pastor in the North New South Wales Conference (NNSW) AS the Pastor of the Haven Church, Central Coast.
He is the author of three books and over 50 publications in scientific and medical journals.
Geraldine has a Master of Public Health (MPH). She has previously served at the Adventist Media Network, It Is Written Oceania and the Seventh-Day Adventist Guam Clinic.
Darren has presented to hundreds of corporate, educational and community audiences around the world.
Geraldine is currently serving as the Health Strategy Consultant at the South Pacific Division.
There will be Auslan interpretation throughout the Integenerational Program.
Ignite will be putting on a special Sabbath evening concert featuring gospel singers from around our conference.
Let us invest in the spiritual well-being of ourselves, each other, our congregations and our church through prayer.
Hosting this event will be Terry Johnson and Becky Reid. Come out, show love and have a good time!
The 30 Days of Prayer Booklet by Pr David McKibben will be available free of charge on the Convene app.
This service is being made possible by Christian Services for the Blind and Hearing Impaired (CSFBHI).
Brock is passionate about youth ministries and serving the Lord. GSC Facebook, Twitter & Instagram:
@SydneyAdventists #sydneyadventists
sion of faith. One of those candidates was Trini. Her journey was a difficult one as her husband (Jim) was not supportive of her having Bible studies or being baptised. Pr Matthew Pearce: “Each week she would come in for studies and cry, telling me how much she loved the Lord and how much she wish to be baptised. After listening, I’d encourage her in her walk and pray with her for her husband’s heart to soften. When we met again the week before the baptism, she told me that her husband had offered to bring her to church and stay for the ceremony. Trini was overjoyed, but the bigger shock was yet to come. Not only did Jim attend the service, he was also the one to wrap his wife after she emerged from the font! Jim does not know God and is on a personal journey to find out more about Him. Please join us as we pray
id you attend Mountain View Adventist College? Does it simply make you happy seeing our schools thrive? Then come along for this celebration! Register today at mvac. The Greater Sydney Conference launches scholarship to help families wishing to enrol their children in our Sydney-based Adventist schools. More at: sydney.adventist.
Have anything exciting or exSave the datetofor the 2018 Sanus traordinary share? Email FOundation Homecoming event at
for blessings upon this couple, and for strength and wisdom as they continue to learn and grow in the Lord.” Photo (L-R): Jim, Trini, Matthew Jim &
02. STÉPHANIE SAINTE ROSE FANCHINE'S BAPTISM BY FOUNTAIN IN THE CITY "What a joyful occasion! That smile said everything. Welcome to the family, Stephanie! Be a blessing to others just like you are a blessing to us." FITC Photo: Pr Barend Nieuwstraten & Stéphanie
Erinell (Snr Elder).
04. JESS LAWS WINS SIGN LANGUAGE SCHOLARSHIP BY LEE DUNSTAN/JULIE LAWS, © THE RECORD A Christian Services for the Blind and Hearing Impaired (CSFBHI) recently awarded Jessica Laws the Personal Pursuit and Empowerment scholarship. The scholarship gives cash assistance
to qualifying visually-impaired or hear-
A couple Sabbaths ago, Mount Druitt
vocational or recreational programs in
Church had 3 baptisms and 1 profes-
ing-impaired persons, or support persons, participating in self-improvement, support of their life goals.
Green pea falafel balls
Serves 4
Prep 30
Cook 30mins
1 cup frozen peas, thawed 3 tablespoons oil 1 small brown onion, diced 1 garlic clove, crushed 425g can chickpeas, rinsed and drained 2 shallots, roughly chopped 1/4 cup chopped parsley 1/4 cup chopped mint 2 teaspoons lemon zest 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon ground coriander 1/4 teaspoon dried chilli flakes 2 tablespoons plain flour 2 tablespoons plain flour, extra
METHODS Place frozen peas in a strainer & run hot water over them. Heat 1 tablespoon of the oil in frypan and add onion and garlic. SautĂŠ until soft and remove from heat. Wrap peas in a clean, dry tea towel and rub gently to remove excess moisture. Place onion, garlic, peas and remaining ingredients into food processor, except extra oil and extra flour. Process until just combined. Using spoon, form into balls and roll in extra flour. Makes 12 balls. Heat remaining oil in a frypan and fry, turning until golden brown on all sides.
ADVENTISM AND THE GOSPEL IN OUR PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES ARE DEAD. No matter the widespread opinions and diversity among today’s youth, students today seem to almost unanimously disregard the gospel. Our public campuses are some of the most difficult and barren mission fields. I’m not just
esied to the bones, they did just that. Those bones came to life to form a vast army. Campus ministry is like those dry bones: dead, dry and barren. I believe, however, in that same vision for our universities: That although they are dry and barren, our campuses can be brought to
Ezekiel 37 describes ‘dry bones that need to be brought back to life’. And when Ezekiel proph-
Despite the difficulties, despite the minimal growth, despite being ‘dry bones’; 2018 has seen incredible development for the future. We have seen UNSW’s Adventist Club witness the powerful Dr Subodh Pandit answer the existentialist questions that humanity has pursued for millennia; and we have more Adventist-run events, ranging from relaxed socials to Bible
saying that because I’m involved in campus ministry––actually I am––but because the campuses that many Adventist students, including myself, study on, are filled with individuals who do not care about the gospel, who claim they will never care about the gospel and are sometimes even too ‘educated’ for it.
studies and community service events (such as the ADRA Appeal), on our campuses than ever before. We’ve seen Adventist student Josie Jakovac elected to the Students’ Representative Council despite being on a campus rife with anti-Christian and atheist extremist ideology. It may be that 21st century youth don’t care about the gospel, but they do care about finding peace, purpose and fulfilment, all of which the Word of God provides. Twenty-first century students are still seeking, just as humanity has sought for all history. They just don’t realise that it is the gospel that will fill the empty void in their hearts. As an Adventist movement here in Greater Sydney, let us seek out our campuses and reach students in desperate need of the Word of God. Let us prophesy to these ‘dry bones’ and engage them. Let us ‘breathe into these slain, so that they may live’. There has never been a more exciting time to reach our campuses for Christ. I would like to thank all those who have dedicated their student careers to spreading the gospel and who have used their campuses as a mission field. I would also like to thank Prs Tim Shelton and Sven Östring for their support of campus ministry in Greater Sydney. I would also like to thank God for the people that have heard the gospel because of the work of faithful student missionaries.
Find Adventist Students on Campus (ASOC) Macquarie University online. Facebook: MacSync:
2019 2019
Holy Spirit Calling By Sam Nov ‘WOW, IT LOOKS LIKE THERE’S ACTUALLY QUITE A BIT IN HERE.’ STANDING OVER A TABLE SITUATED JUST OFF MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY’S MAIN WALKWAY ON A TEPID OCTOBER AFTERNOON, ALEXANDRIA LAN WHIPS OUT HER PHONE AND STARTS RIFLING THROUGH THE SMALL ADRA BOOKLET SHE HAD JUST FISHED OUT OF A WHITE PLASTIC BAG, PUNCHING IN FIGURES AS SHE TURNS OVER THE LIME GREEN SHEETS. ALEXANDRIA AND TIMOTHY PINZONE HAD BEEN COLLECTING DONATIONS ON CAMPUS FROM 9 A.M. TO 2 P.M. THAT MORNING ALEXANDRIA HAD PRAYED FOR $100 TO BE COLLECTED. STIFLING A SMILE, SHE SHOWS ME HER PHONE... ‘This is a faithful saying: For if we died with Him, we shall also live with Him.’ Across the state, year 12 students are sitting their Higher School Certificate (HSC) exams, seeking entrance into the most highly regarded educational institutions in Australia. The significance of the moment is a sort of death knell to their childhood, hearkening their first steps towards acknowledged adulthood. It is immediately simple to cast off the remembered stress of our own HSC exams, but we should concede that this is a truly trying time for students to cope with. Thankfully, regardless of how well or how poorly we performed, we are given perspective. This is not the end. Life goes on. For those fortunate enough to make it into university, the academic journey begins anew. ‘If we endure, we shall also reign with Him.’
Macquarie University’s Adventist Students on Campus (ASOC) has been blessed with continuing Jesus’ Great Commission. For international students studying away from home, time at university can be difficult. Being disconnected from the place that raised you and filled you with the memories that formed you can be lonely and defeating. University is such a large place that it can feel lonely for anyone. For some of these students, ASOC has helped to establish a community of people for them to connect with. Xi Wu, an international student studying a Masters of Accounting, is grateful for the family that ASOC has helped introduce her to. ‘Family. That’s a really warm word’, she says. ‘It all goes back to this word.’ Establishing connections for people in need, through Christ, is the most meaningful aspect of campus ministry. ‘If we deny Him, He also will deny us.’ God can only work with what we’re willing to give Him. Some of us have been brave enough to collect our sighs and our sorrows and to plunge into waters surfacing with renewed hope and resolve. But how often do we live that hope? Our time is limited. Your time at university will be limited. On a campus with over 45,000 students you will not get to meet everyone. How will you make the most of the opportunity that you’ve been given? ‘If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself.’ For those venturing onto university campuses, each new day gifts you with a chance to sow another seed. For those fortunate enough to have found Christ, we appreciate the value that He has placed on our lives. Christ acknowledges us in our moment. He prayed for you in Gethsemane and for the life that you would save through Him. That life might be someone you meet today. Amid the line of numbers separated by plus signs atop a crude digital calculator I stared at $99.90. In disbelief I muttered, ‘No way’.
JOURNEYING WITH GOD CAN BE DIFFICULT, AND AT DIFFERENT POINTS IN OUR LIFE WE ALL NEED SUPPORT, GUIDANCE AND ENCOURAGEMENT FROM THE PEOPLE AROUND US, ESPECIALLY DURING SEASONS OF CHANGE. Finishing school and heading out into the big world is always a challenging time. We leave the security and comfort of a regular routine, packed lunches and being surrounded by friends, and we enter into a maze of learning and new experiences. We are exposed to different politics, religious beliefs and social attitudes than those we grew up with, and we can easily get lost in the vast array of perspectives and arguments presented to us. When I finished school and began university last year, I was shocked by the completely different atmosphere. People moulded their thoughts and opinions to match the status quo and acted differently just to fit in. I felt as though I wasn’t just on a different page to everyone else, but that I was in an entirely different book altogether.
sign for a Christian Union meeting that afternoon. As soon as I arrived at the meeting, I felt included straight away by everyone. I felt understood and cared about even though these people were strangers to me. Because of the warm, welcoming nature of the group, I wanted to be involved and started attending regularly. Being a part of this group and connecting with the people, I realised the desire these students had for community. People weren’t going to hear a message or sermon, they were there to connect and be encouraged by fellow Christians. Campus ministry is important for that reason–fostering and growing a community that people want to be a part of. Everyone is searching for connection, especially during times of change like starting university. The ministry that the Adventist Students on Campus (ASOC) provides is a community that is welcoming, accepting and loving, and we, as a church, must support and encourage this campus ministry as a means of sharing Jesus’s love with others.
About four weeks into uni I was feeling very lonely on campus when I stumbled (literally) into a
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LIVE IN MACQUARIE PARK WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE OF MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY AND MACQUARIE CENTRE. THERE, WALKING DOWN THE SIDEWALK, I OFTEN BUMP INTO SOME FRIENDLY MISSIONARIES WALKING AROUND IN PAIRS. THEY’VE ALWAYS GOT THEIR WHITE SHIRTS AND TIES ON AND LITTLE BLACK NAME TAGS THAT SAY ‘ELDER (OR SOMETIMES, SISTER) SO-AND-SO’. WHEN I AM GREETED, TO THEIR DELIGHT, I HUMOUR THEM WITH CONVERSATION AND MAKE AN EFFORT TO REMEMBER THEIR NAMES. MOST OF THESE KIDS ARE MY AGE. UNIVERSITY-AGED. I’ve pretty much acquainted myself with all the missionaries in my area, and have gotten to know a few of them better individually. As a bonus, I’ve learnt a bit about how their missions work. I’ve learnt that occasionally they take their name tags off so they can go around the university campus to talk to students and have scripture studies there. And they do actually manage to get converts ––in a place that you’d imagine to be filled with sceptical young minds with a bias against religion. Well clearly, loneliness and emptiness trump scepticism. It just goes to show that we’ve got a market for the love of God, poured out through His people, on these campuses. So I’m here thinking about my beloved church, which I’m convinced is God’s remnant church. Compelling evidence has yet to be presented for me to believe that the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have anything on the Seventh-day Adventist beliefs, which we claim to reflect the love of Christ more abundantly. But what are we doing to cater to this market out here, some distance away from our church buildings and event halls? It can be argued that some of the charming, good-looking, young missionaries have used the flirt-to-convert tactic. (I’ve seen some of the awestruck girls first-
hand when they came to say goodbye to the finishing missionaries.) But we too have got charming, good-looking, young people, don’t we? Not that I condone such tactics, for obvious reasons.
But think about it. Our church does also have wonderful young people, and a good majority of them actually attend the universities here in Sydney. And with our young people sitting there in the same classrooms, listening to the same lectures and doing the same assignments as these students, they actually have an edge over these full-time missionaries. They can more fully empathise with their fellow students, partaking in the joys and sorrows of student life. They can spend time together studying for the same class test on campus. It’s something that not even Pr Tim Shelton, our chaplain across the universities in Sydney, can really do. To me, it’s kind of reminiscent of how Christ came into the world to become a human being to touch humanity and draw them to the love of God. ‘Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.’ - Ephesians 5:1, 2 NKJV I am convinced that campus ministries has the potential to become a mighty outreach arm for our church in reaching out to the young people in Sydney. But in these few years of being involved in campus ministries, my team and I have come to realise that we can’t make this happen on our own. The way things currently are with campus ministries in the Greater Sydney Conference, each campus is primarily ministered to by a single church: 3AM with
Macquarie University, Fountain in the City with UTS and UNSW, and Parramatta Central with WSU Parramatta. But this isn’t quite as effective as you’d think. The students that study at these campuses live all over, from Penrith to Newcastle. And not everyone would be inclined to travel all the way from those areas to our church near campus on a Sabbath morning if they decided that they wanted to check out an Adventist church. They might also feel overwhelmed walking into a church by themselves and not knowing anyone there because they’re only acquainted with Adventist students who are actively involved at the student group on campus and who are typically members of the churches near campus. ‘But now indeed there are many members, yet one body ... And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or if one member is honoured, all the members rejoice with it.’ - 1 Corinthians 12:20, 26 NKJV Our desperate plea for help is for all our churches to be united in the mission to the campuses across Sydney. We’re not looking to poach your young people and create a church composed entirely of youth. The goal is for our churches to grow intergenerationally, after all. The idea is for your churches to support and disciple your young people in sharing the gospel where they're at in their lives; to encourage them to go out as missionaries mingling with fellow young people on campus who might actually live in your neighbourhoods, and bring them home to the loving churches that have been nurturing them. The widespread locations of our churches aren't the only advantage brought about by working collaboratively on campus ministries. We have a beautifully diverse body of believers; every house of worship with a culture of its own. A different mix of people from various cultural backgrounds, a variety of different church services and a different focus in programs and initiatives. And I believe that each of these churches in Sydney appeals to young people in their own way. ‘There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of activities, it is the same God who works all in all.’ - 1 Cor 12:4-6 NKJV
Every Orientation Week at Macquarie University, you’ll be utterly amazed at the variety of different student group stalls that are set up to welcome the new students into the campus community. We’ve got a few political party societies, different religious societies, a good range of cultural societies, an animal rights society, a vegan food society, the Disney Appreciation Society and a conspiracy theory society, just to name a few. It’s almost like a scaleddown conglomeration of wider society here in Sydney––the community that our church endeavours to engage with. In the existence of each of these student groups, we see passionate young people searching for kindred spirits. Searching for a place to belong. These campuses are thriving with opportunity. Through the Adventist Student Associations across the campuses in Sydney, we want to show what Adventism is all about through our activities and events on campus and put on display all the good that the Adventist Church is involved in by linking students to the wonderful programs that your church provides. Prophecy seminars might appeal to conspiracy theorists, the healthy plant-based cooking classes might appeal to those who care for animal welfare, and community service initiatives and mission trips might appeal to those who have a burden for the needy. Imagine what it would be like if we had an active Adventist presence on all of the campuses in Sydney, be it an official student association ait a university or an unofficial prayer and Bible study group at a TAFE campus, connecting these students to our churches. We could even start something up in high schools. It is our vision to help these precious young people find love and belonging in our churches and love and belonging in their Creator and Saviour. Let's spark a culture change. Are you in?
By Alexandria Lan Find Adventist Students on Campus (ASOC) Macquarie University online. Facebook: MacSync:
29-30 MARCH
TH A dedicated time for meaningful connection with God, for exploring the depth of powerful prayer and for learning how to engage and mobilise a community of praying people. For Spiritual Leaders, Prayer Coordinators and people passionate about prayer.
Editor, Ministry Magazine, Associate Ministerial Secretary & Prayer Trainer