Features: Tips for mentoring Youth & The Power of a
Features: Tips for mentoring Youth & The Power of a
Alban Matohiti
Joyce Taylor
Lauren Bongard
Lynda G. Abreu
Katrina Jorgensen
Nathalia Valenca
Other Contributors
Pr Eden Ashcroft
ADRA Australia
Pr Justin Boyd
Daniel Lavaiamat
Dr Christiana Leimena-Lehn
Ken Long
Lauren Bongard Schwarz
Pr Rams Tupe
From the beginning, God instilled in each one of us the role of stewardship. For Adam, God placed him in the Garden of Eden to tend and watch over or guard it (Genesis 2:16).
For the team here at the office, that tending and guarding over “it” is multi-faceted. Here’s a few areas we've focused on over the past couple of months.
Our administration team recently met with the owners and developers of 2-4 Cambridge Road, Epping. This meeting was the first time that the current officers of the Greater Sydney Conference have met with the developers, and we were encouraged to hear the plans and timeline of this development and seeing the plans for the commercial space in which we have an option to purchase.
This development has been a 9-year journey so far and we look forward to working more closely with developer over the next year or two as the project inches closer to the finished line. Please continue to pray for the developers.
The finance team and real estate committee have commenced a review of the properties owned by the Conference, ensuring due diligence continues to take place regarding strategic maintenance, upkeep and use of these properties.
While on the topic of real estate stewardship, two of our schools are amid building projects. Sydney Adventist Schools Auburn is currently building additional general learning (classrooms) areas as well as a library. This project includes much-needed upgrades such as accessibility mod-
ifications and renovations to assist with the wellbeing of staff and students. It is exciting to see the construction work on the new middle school building at Hills Adventist College - Kellyville campus. This will include new classrooms and a staff room, which will assist with the enhancement of the school’s learning spaces.
The finance team have finalised their financial statements for all our church and school companies and the audits on these financial statements have ended with unqualified audits (clear audits). The team is feeling very thankful that their focus can now rest on the current 2023 finances and team projects.
News from the Federal budget that additional funding to assist with the increase in salaries for direct residential care staff will be provided is a relief for the current 2023/24 budget. However, there are still significant challenges that the Aged Care sector nation-wide and the Aged Care Board continues to work with our Adventist Aged Care management team as strengthen the facilities under its stewardship.
Amongst the intricacies of contracts, details in plans and the many meetings that have been held, the following Bible verse has been central to us as an office team:
“Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples.”
1 Chronicles 16:24
Wherever you are today, whatever you do, declare God's glory. Include Him in the details. Share His love.
God has challenged us to give Him back a tenth of our income, or increase. Often called "tithing", you'll find it mentioned in the book of Malachi (3:8-11). Tithing reiterates our freedom of choice. Page 16-19
02-16 Jul / Youth Mission Trip
03-09 Jul / CHOSEN - Teens Event 11 Jul / Retirement Ready 17 Jul / Term 3 Begins & Cape Case 04-05 Aug / Ministry Support Sab.
Celebrating Big Decisions
2023 has been a great year for the Greater Sydney Youth Department, and it’s just getting started. Here's what we're celebrating. Page 0607
From the Field
Minto Samoan Church held an evangelistic campaign during March 2023 fronted by speaker Pr Fenika Maalo + Campbelltown Church youth raise funds for evangelism. Page 05
Andrea was born legally blind, but she never let it stand in the way of her dreams. Just a few years ago Andrea was going to work one day when she knew something was seriously wrong... Page 18-19
A group of Hills Adventist College Senior School students spent part of their holidays serving a community in outback NSW, helping bring STORMco back to Nyngan for the 19th year. Page 10-13
to relocate from the Sydney Adventist Hospital Shannon Building
at 185 Fox Valley Rd, Wahroonga, due to compliance and health issues of the building. Given this, we are moving across the road to the South Wing of the South Pacific Division, 148 Fox Valley Rd,
• In our schools, the education department held their annual professional development for all staff, called Curriculum for Adventist Primary and Secondary Educators (CAPE CASE), at Hills Adventist College. Special guest Pr Jose Rojas from the USA lieve.” He challenged teachers and non-teaching staff that they are making a difference with an eternal impact to the next generation.
students from K to 12 in our Adventist Schools. We praise God for these students and families that are attending our schools. Staffing of schools with Adventist Teachers is still a challenge.
• In our aged care facilities, we praise God for his protection from COVID-19. Over 50 per cent of our aged care staff have had COVID, but none of them contracted it from their work. All
from overseas to teach in our schools. There are very strict facilities and new code of conduct for employees. This is only
• We have had some employee changes in the Conference Office. We farewell Mrs Linda Streatfeild, Youth Ministry departmental assistant, who is pursuing other interests. We also have to say goodbye to Mrs Angela Kim, who is leaving us to work for
Please continue to pray for our Churches, Schools and Aged Care ministries. Even though we live in uncertain times, we can rely on the promise found in Matthew 28:20 “I will be with
We thank God for His continual guidance of our church, schools and aged care ministry. Please continue to pray for our work here
have been finalised.
to name a few. He taught that the Bible presents Christ as “the way and the truth and the life”. Huss came to be regarded by leaders of both church and state as a “critic” and a rebel.
Prayer is spiritual communication between us God. It is our direct line with heaven. We pray to talk to God, understand him, connect with him, and understand ourselves.
• The ever-changing regulations in the Aged Care space has put additional pressure on our Aged Care system. This as well as the financial challenges that the system has faced over the last few years has led to focus on structure, processes and efficiencies. Please pray for wisdom and guidance as the strategy is being developed.
As I write this I am looking back at my calendar over the last couple of months. I am reminded of what has been the focus of the Conference which has required input from the Finance team. Here’s a summary:
Praying in tandem with studying the Bible helps us navigate the various trials of life. 30 Days of Prayer then is an opportunity to strengthen one’s faith and grow closer to God.
On July 6, 1415, he was taken to the cathedral dressed in his priestly garments, then was stripped of them one by one. He refused one last chance to recant at the stake, where he prayed, "Lord Jesus, it is for thee that I patiently endure this cruel death. I pray thee to have mercy on my enemies." He was heard reciting the Psalms as the flames engulfed him.
What is John Huss’ message to us today?
Prayer is spiritual communication between us God. It is our direct line with heaven. We pray to talk to God, understand him, connect with him, and understand ourselves.
Join us for this guided prayer exercise that dives into the hope of Christ’s imminent return.
• Implementation of a specialized NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) internal role in the Schools Ltd entity will provide review and audit processes in the areas of curriculum, teaching, assessment, registration and policy. The last few months has seen collaboration between NNSW and SNSW in the development and implementation of this role.
• Huss challenges us to be grounded in scripture. Writing to his friends in Bohemia the day before he was executed, he declared, “Be diligent in the Word of God.”
Praying in tandem with studying the Bible helps us navigate the various trials of life. 30 Days of Prayer then is an opportunity to strengthen one’s faith and grow closer to God.
• Our new management team, Norm and Lynn Roberts has commenced at Crosslands. We welcome them to the team as we farewell and thank Bruce and Maxine Hill for their 10 years of service.
After close to three and a half years, we recently went on an overseas trip to Europe. The trip was impromptu—with just under six weeks to plan and book—and we just made it onto our flight out of Sydney after collecting my new passport literally the day before. One of the special highlights was visiting the Czech capital, Prague, thus ticking one item off my wife’s bucket list. At the centre of the Old Town Square in Prague stands the (Jan Hus) John Huss monument, commemorating the great Czech reformer’s death. His notable words are inscribed around the base of this monument: “Love each other and wish the truth to everyone.” Huss lived only half as long as many modern Australians expect to live. Born in 1372, he only reached 43 years of age. When he was burned at the stake in 1415, the authorities declared him a martyr. Why was he martyred? | #SYDNEYADVENTISTS
• Keep Jesus Christ as the head of the church. For Huss, the church was the gathering of all believers who confessed their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Join us for this guided prayer exercise that dives into the hope of Christ’s imminent return.
• Our schools continue to provided an amazing ministry to the children who attend and their families. The challenge this year has been slightly lower enrollment numbers than initially anticipated. We pray that over the coming weeks/ months we will have other families who choose Adventist education for their children.
• He recognized the centrality of worship to connect people to God, the priesthood of all believers, intended to increase people’s focus on God. | #SYDNEYADVENTISTS
• A number of new team members have joined the Finance team - a big welcome Finau, Gabriel and Leanne.
• The finance team have been busy finalizing the 2022 financial statements for our Church and Education companies and preparing for the associated financial audits. The results of these financial statements will be shared once the audits
He made what we would call today “career limiting moves”. He preached in the language of the people and focused on the Scriptures. He spoke against indulgences, the authority of the pope and purgatory,
Through both the challenges and the good times, a reminder of “the joy that is set before” us, is one that we need to reflect on daily. Our church is focused on being a thriving disciple making movement here in Greater Sydney so that we can one day soon experience the joy of being with our amazing God.
• Cultivate the spiritual life. Realizing the realities of persecution for the truth, he wrote less than a month before his death, “It is better to die well than to live wickedly.”
• Huss warns of the reality of temptation. He preached against seeking wealth for its own sake and ignoring the needs of the poor. Clearly the life and teachings of John Huss were significant not only for Luther and other early Protestants but also for us today. “Wycliffe striking a spark, Hus lighting up a candle and Luther wielding a torch,” reads an inscription at the Bethlehem Chapel in Prague where Huss preached.
The young people of Campbelltown Seventh-day Adventist Church (NSW) took it upon themselves to fundraise over the first quarter of the year for the opportunity to spread the gospel to the people around them. They used the funds collected each week to purchase Bibles. Their goal was to raise enough money for 20 Bibles. By the end, they had also achieved their stretch goal, rating enough for 30 Bibles, and thanks to some hunting around by their leader, kylie, they purchased 40 bibles.
For latest updates, and event contact information, be sure the check the events page at https:// events
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On the outside of each Bible was an invitation to visit the upcoming Easter service. These Bibles were hand-delivered to the houses surrounding the church.
The Minto Samoan Seventh-day Adventist Church (NSW) held an evangelistic campaign during March 2023. The series, titled Daniel and Revelation Evangelism, or D.A.R.E. 2023, was fronted by speaker Pr Fenika Maalo.
"The pandemic confirmed the timing is right for an evangelistic program,” says church pastor Ramese Tupe. “The church felt the need to revisit our evangelistic roots, urged on by the pandemic and the times we’re in.”
The series, held throughout March on Fridays, Sabbaths and Sundays, was well attended. “Considering that we had not done such a program for some time, the attendance was quite good, especially from visitors and guests,” Pr Tupe shares. The five Samoan Adventist churches in Sydney also supported the initiative
by providing music throughout the program’s five weekends.
The highlight for leadership and members was the baptism of 13 souls who accepted Christ at the end of the campaign. Two new families have also made Minto Samoan their home church after the series. Looking back on the event, Pr Tupe shares appreciation to speaker Pr Fenika Maalo, the Samoan churches in Sydney and the members of the Minto Samoan Church, who committed themselves faithfully in ensuring the success of the program. “There is a feeling of reinvigoration amongst the members,” he says. “It has brought a renewed atmosphere due to the success of the program. There is also the belief that people are still searching for the Truth. The church, especially the younger generations, has been exposed to our calling. They have been reinvigorated in faith and in service.”
The church is planning a follow-up program geared towards youth for later in 2023.
2023 has been a great year for the Greater Sydney Youth Department, and it’s just getting started. The year began with an Australia-wide Pathfinder Camporee, which was attended by 32 Greater Sydney clubs. “It was incredible to see so many young people come together and participate in all activities and worship,” says Jacinda Ralph, GSC Youth Department staff. “The presence of God was felt in this space, leading to 807 young people deciding to be baptised, 203 of whom were from Greater Sydney.” In total, 1045 people—258 of those being from Greater Sydney— decided that they wanted to start Bible study.
Summer camps were another highlight for the Greater Sydney Youth Department. There were two separate camps, one for teens and another for juniors. Approximately 80 staff served in various roles such as worship, drama, activities, production, AV, and counselling. “Many of the staff were mentored and stepped up to serve in their own space, making summer camps an awesome experience for both campers and staff,” adds Jacinda. “There were 120 campers overall, and the Spirit moved powerfully on both commitment nights, resulting in many decisions being made for Christ.”
“I could never work with teenagers.”
“Teens are scary!”
“I wouldn’t even know how to interact with teens and uni students.”
These are common reactions to invitations to youth ministry. But those of us in the Youth Ministries department of the Greater Sydney Conference know some of the most exciting ministry opportunities our church has today are focused on our young people. And getting involved isn’t just for the brave. Our connection with youth has taught us three concrete tips for genuinely connecting with and mentoring young people.
It is so important that we connect with our young people and do our best to understand them and the world that they are growing up in. We need to take the time to listen to them and find out where they are at, their needs, and how we can best support and empower them.
When working with young people, it is vital that we create a space where they feel welcomed, accepted, and seen. They are looking for a place to belong; we need to do our best to create safe places for that to happen.
The key to mentoring young people is taking them alongside you, modelling to them, empowering them, equipping them, and then giving them responsibility. As humans, we have a deep desire to find purpose and meaning in our lives, and we have the incredible opportunity to help young people find that through the way we mentor and connect with them.
Connecting with and mentoring our young people is so crucial to their faith journeys. When we get this right, we ensure the that the church endures for the next generation and that our young people grow into their own personal relationships with Christ. As they learn to be disciples for Him, they learn how to disciple themselves and others.
Sydney Adventist Youth has plenty of resources available for helping churches, youth groups and individuals connect with young people by a running small groups and Bible studies. This includes the World Changers Bible study series. If you are interested in these resources, please get in touch via
For information on upcoming youth events, visit our website and follow us on social media: www.sydneyadventistyouth. com, sydneyadventistyouth, sydneyadventistyouth/.
Every Saturday afternoon, a diverse group of individuals meets at the ADRA Community Care Centre, Blacktown to study the Bible and fellowship with each other. Made up of people with a variety of backgrounds, nationalities, faiths, and needs, they find common ground in seeking the truth.
The Saturday meetings were first organised more than 10 years ago to provide a safe place to address spiritual realities. Since its founding, there have been around 10 to 15 attendees each week. “The participants are free to come and go as they wish, but there has been a core group of 10 that have been attending over the years with new ones coming off and on,” shares Pr Eddy Johnson, who leads the group and is also the former manager and current honorary chaplain of the Community Care Centre.
The meeting starts at 5 p.m. with a Bible study based on requests from attendees about specific issues they’re facing. “Lately,” says Pr Eddy, “the studies have been more biblically focused, as there was an interest in studying in a more structured way.” Then, the meetings close with a potluck dinner, which allows interactive connections and socialising.
Jim Kaponikolos is one of the regular attendees, and he’s benefitted greatly from the Bible studies, time with fellow seekers, and mentorship of Pr Eddy. “When you’re in the midst of the most challenging periods, God will send you signs and messages, and you have to be open to that,” Jim shares. “God sent me Eddy at the right time. I learned to trust him, and then, afterward, when everything was falling apart, I was able to open up and listen to him. He guided me through the most difficult period of my life, and I ended up becoming better for it. There will be people in your life that God puts in front of you. You have to see those signs and let yourself be guided; don’t be afraid of change.”
At first, Jim wasn’t too keen on attending the Saturday meetings.
He went because Pr Eddy invited him, and he wanted to make his mentor happy. But just one meeting in, he realized he belonged there. “Eddy is that person who we all need,” he says. “I’ve read the Bible, but a lot of it was a mystery to me. Eddy puts it in today’s language and gets us thinking about what it really means. All of a sudden, it’s like this Book is opened up and I’ve been given the codes. I will not miss a Saturday Bible study. It’s a must-have for me.”
Jim was raised Greek Orthodox, and he still attends his childhood church along with attending Pr Eddy’s Bible studies every week. “I go to church to meditate and get in touch with my God,” he says. “But Pr Eddy is my spiritual guide. He doesn’t put pressure on me to change. The idea is to be in touch with God. Whether we’re Greek Orthodox or Adventist, I look at it like this: We might be on different teams, but we’re all playing the same game.”
He says that the group has been a lifeline for him in trying times, and he’s found strength and hope in the messages and the people there. “It’s a beautiful fellowship that’s been cultivated,” he says. “It’s a beautiful way to start the weekend and meet some likeminded people.”
The Bible study is held at the centre, but not officially part of its services. Because they must follow certain rules in order to qualify for grants, Pr Eddy explains, “most ADRA centres cannot openly talk about religion.” Even though individual volunteers are allowed to discreetly talk with clients about religious issues, ADRA Blacktown pledged from the start to go a step above community centres that only meet material needs. “As
a Christian counsellor, I always find some way to talk about trust in God to the client,” shares Pr Eddy. “Most politely mention non-interest, but some want to know more.”
Helping others know more about God has always been the goal of the centre. “ADRA Blacktown is a redemptive ministry that tries to introduce Christ to the clients who show some interest,” says Pr Eddy.
“We tell our counsellors to inform their respective clients that the centre has a chaplain that they can choose to have a chat with if they wish. A number of them do, and I always invite those that see me to the Saturday meetings. Most of the clients know nothing about the loving God that we serve, and yet their greatest need is to know the Saviour.”
For more information or to join the Saturday study group, contact the centre at 02 9 622 7188 and talk with Eddy or Grace. Individuals can also drop in at ADRA Community Care Centre, Blacktown, Suite 3, Level 2, 24 Main St, Blacktown, NSW, at 5 pm on Saturdays.
Every Monday morning, healing happens at the Dundas Seventhday Adventist Church, as a group gathers on a journey to wholeness. The Journey to Wholeness program, developed to provide a safe environment for individuals recovering from addiction, follows a modified 12-step program approach and helps those struggling with alcohol, drugs, smoking, pornography, spiritual pride, greed, anger, and more.
“Journey to Wholeness is exactly that,” shares Carol Sickle, who runs the program at Dundas Adventist Church.
“It is a journey of progress, not perfection.”
During the weekly meetings, the group begins by watching a videotaped testimony of someone who is in the process of overcoming addiction. Then, with that encouragement, group participants are welcomed to share on the video topic or one of the recovery steps. Everything shared remains confidential, so participants feel free to talk about their struggles and victories.
“Wholeness is the state of being content, at peace, taken care
of, and healed from the inside out,” Carol explains. “You’re no longer a victim to the things of your past, nor bogged down by stains of regrets, nor burdened by the worries of the world. To be truly whole means God is the centre of your world and you’ve given Him the permission to mend the cracks in your heart, mind and physical body caused by hurt and pain in life.”
However, for most people, this is easier to say than do. Carol says this is why the power of a support group is best experienced. “Sometimes facing the reality of your flaws, your mistakes, and your brokenness can be extremely uncomfortable and even terrifying,” she says. “For this reason, many people avoid it. The Journey to Wholeness program supports anyone in the journey towards recovery and to experience the power of God’s healing and completion. Joining a group is always the best way to experience this kind of support.”
Group hosts often have personal experience with addiction and struggle, making them effective leaders and helpers. “Having empathy, compassion and affiliation are necessary to host a support group,” says Carol. “When you have experienced some form of struggle with addiction, you have a fuller understanding and the sensitivity of the struggle, as well as the pain and consequences of what others are going through.”
For the Dundas group, like all Journey to Wholeness cohorts, leadership matters. “The key to having successful ongoing support group meetings is to have leaders who have the gift of shepherding,” Carol explains. “Joanne is our shepherd. She faithfully sends encouraging Bible texts every day, and she rings everyone
before meetings to confirm if they will be at the meeting, then she rounds up everyone that does not have transport and brings them along.”
This summer, individuals and church leaders who wish to help others who are struggling with addiction and compulsive behaviours have a chance to attend a 15-hour training weekend in Wahroonga from 23 –25 June. Church elders, pastors, educators, health professionals and church members with a desire to learn about recovery, healing and tools for wholeness can register online to learn how to start a support group program in their area.
Carol encourages others to pursue wholeness and peace, always praying that God will put them in the right place to meet people who can aid them on their journeys. For many, joining or hosting a Journey to
Wholeness program meets that need. “Brokenness is so common in our society that it has become normal,” she says. “But being broken, hurt, bitter and sick is not God’s plan for your life. Thinking about all the things that appear to be wrong with you can be tiring, taxing, draining and depressing. But God takes you on a journey not to make you miserable, but to bring you joy! You may not be exactly where you feel you should be, and you may feel that you have a long way to go, but remember to enjoy the journey. Embrace yourself, flaws and all, and embrace your God, Who loves you in every state.”
To learn about establishing a support group of Journey to Wholeness, or join a support group . For upcoming health events visit .
Do you want financial independence? Imagine the freedom it would give you! The problem is, freedom isn't always what it seems.
When God created the world, He gave humans dominion. That means they were to manage the world, but God would still own and maintain it.
We can see this Owner/manager relationship clearly in the story of
the Garden of Eden. Genesis tells us that God reserved one tree exclusively as His and told Adam not to eat its fruit. This would violate his management responsibility and would be an act of disobedience and rebellion. It would signal a refusal to recognise God as Owner. But although the tree was a restriction, it was also a great blessing. It symbolised our power of choice—no tree, no choice.
Today there are two choices: The freedom of independence or God's way, the freedom of dependence.
Today we don't face a decision about fruit on a tree, but there's another test. God has
challenged us to give Him back a tenth of our income, or increase. Often called "tithing", you'll find it mentioned in the book of Malachi (Malachi 3:8-11). Tithing has the same purpose as the tree. It keeps the Owner/ manager relationship clearly defined. Tithing reiterates our freedom of choice.
The freedom of dependence is God's plan. He never intended that we should have problems—social, health or economic. The Owner would provide everything we needed. "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or about your body, what you will wear... Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"
(Matthew 6:25, 27).
Ken LongWhen you recognise God as Owner and your role as a manager, you have the promise of the freedom of dependence—dependence upon a God Who has promised to supply all our needs. If God is our partner at all times and under all circumstances, we'll be free from worrying over the uncertainties of life.
Some people think tithing is just a way to support ministers or the church. But if this were true, then it would be a tax. It would make God a tax collector. But tithing isn't for God's benefit. Frankly, He doesn't need the money. Tithing is for our benefit. It demonstrates that we trust Someone higher than ourselves. It recognises God's ownership and our dependence. When we recognise that God is in charge, we can have greater confidence to live and work without fear or uncertainty.
This feeling of trust and confidence in God is renewed and strengthened every time you set apart your tithe. "Tithing does something for you spiritually", says R.T. Kendall in his book Tithing. "It does something for you that cannot be explained in terms of material returns. It sets you on a course to become more than you have been—more what God wants you to be. Tithing is so essential to your development as a Christian that nothing will be its adequate substitute."
Putting God first is not easy. Putting Him first when it comes to money is even more difficult. Our needs and our wants demand satisfaction. And so often we satisfy those things before anything or anyone else, including God.
But we must be careful not to treat God like a cat waiting
under the table for scraps. God doesn't want our "leftovers"— whatever remains after all our bills have been paid. He wants what He calls the "first fruits". That's the first 10 per cent of our income.
"The purpose of tithing is to teach you always to put God first in your lives" (Deuteronomy 14:23, TLB). Tithing is about putting God first and trusting Him to meet our needs. Jesus said it best: "But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things [food, shelter and clothing] will be given to you as well" (Matthew 6:33, NIV).
Tithing is an act of trust. It doesn't take much faith to give God whatever money is left after we've paid for everything else, but it does take faith to give money off the top.
Experience has taught many people that a real miracle of the tithing occurs. They find that the remaining 90 per cent of their income will have more
buying power than the 100 per cent. It's irrational. It's illogical. Yet many people testify that the miracle of the tithe occurs and continues to occur.
Have a Go!
Why don't you give God a go? God challenges each one of us: "Put me to the test."
God still offers that freedom of dependence. It's just one of the blessings that you can experience. He also promises to open the floodgates and to rebuke the devourer (Malachi 3:8-11).
Inflation and the high cost of living don't take God by surprise. He's aware that they devour your income. "Your gift will return to you in full and overflowing measure, pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, and running over..." (Luke 6:38, TLB).
The principle of tithing can be summed up in 10 words: "Bring one tenth of your income
(increase) to God's storehouse."
You don't need to be a certified practicing accountant to understand that. There's no need for volumes and volumes of complicated and confusing rules and regulations. God isn't concerned about loopholes, about tithe avoidance or minimisation schemes. In order for us to properly understand the true principle and reap the rich blessing of tithing, God allows each of us to assess the income upon which our tithe is calculated.
"Of the means which is entrusted to man," says Ellen White in Testimonies volume 5, page 149, "God claims a certain portion—a tithe, but He leaves all free to say how much the tithe is... They are to give as they purpose in their hearts."
Sometimes the question "What is my income, my increase?" may not always be clear cut. God leaves that decision up to you. Determine your income honestly and prayerfully, and God will honour your decision.
When God established the Israelite nation, sanctuary and priesthood, He reaffirmed the tithing principle: "A tithe
of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the trees, belongs to the Lord; it is holy to the Lord" (Leviticus 27:30). God directed that the tithe should support the tribe of Levi, which performed the priestly function and cared for the religious needs of the nation (Numbers 18:21-24).
The Levites gathered all the tithes of Israel (who in turn brought "a tithe of the tithe"). At the storehouse area, appointed officers redistributed the tithe to the priests and other Levitical attendants who ministered directly in the service of the Temple. This communal involvement provided a coordinated support for the Temple personnel who were engaged full time in their spiritual ministries.
Paul saw a parallel to the Levitical system for Christians, writing,
"In the same way, the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should receive their living from the gospel" (1 Corinthians 9:14). In these financially tight times, it would seem foolish to neglect a financial system that has proven so effective over the centuries. It's worth a try.
Besides, it has the blessing of God.
Here are a few guidelines to help you calculate your tithable income. They are guidelines, not dogmatic, hard and fast regulations that are binding on church members. It's up to you to decide, after careful thought and prayer, what you should tithe. Most are counsel guidelines that represent the consensus opinion of a group of laypeople and ministers.
Tithe is l0 per cent of your personal income.
1. Personal income can be defined in the following ways:
- For employees: salary or wages
- For self-employed individuals: net profit from the conduct of business or profession
- For investors: net rental on investment properties, interest and dividends
- Windfall: an inheritance, or insurance payments that are received instead of income
- Capital appreciation of assets: property, shares, business superannuation payment or benefit, or a combination of the above
In determining whether you tithe your gross or your net income, you should keep in mind the principle of the freedom of dependence. Tithe is intended to remind us that God is the Creator and, provided He is first in our lives, that we can depend upon Him to supply all of our daily
needs (Matthew 6:33).
Some argue that it's impossible to survive financially if tithe is calculated upon the basis of gross income. However, we know that "With God all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26).
The decision to tithe your gross or your net income is up to you—the Scriptures and Ellen White are silent on this issue.
When determining personal income for business, you should apply consistent accounting principles each year. You should also decide whether tithable income is your business' net profit or net profit after tax. In making this decision, the principles in section C above may be helpful. Regardless of the decision that you make, always consider the manner in which your income has been calculated. Some adjustment may be required where, for example, the nature of your business may be such that expenses that would normally be regarded as "personal" in nature may be able to be claimed as business deductions. In some circumstances, it may also be possible for someone to be living quite comfortably without receiving any taxable income.
Stewardship is about taking care of what you have been given and what is around you. It is personal development in the way that stewardship is about learning to be mindful of what we have and how to better take care if it.
The net profit of a personally or closely held company or business may also be personal tithable income. While legal structures are significant, situations may occur where income is being received without any tithe being paid.
E. Fringe Benefits
Fringe benefits are benefits provided instead of income and can generally be negotiated as part of a salary package. As such, while not received as income, they should be considered when calculating your tithable income.
How's Your Fiscal Fitness?
When was the last time you considered your motives for giving? The only acceptable offering is one generated by the pure motive of love. "For God so loved the world that He gave..." (John 3:16). And He keeps on giving, and giving, and giving. Love and giving go hand in hand.
When you contemplate God's amazing love for you, your immediate response will be to give—generously and cheerfully. Remember, you can "Give without loving, but you cannot love without giving."
There are five areas of Stewardship:
1. Health: Healthy bodies, healthy minds
2. Time Management
3. Talents: Using natural skills & gift to do good in this world
4. Personal Finances (Treasure)
5. Environment: Our personal spaces & planet
For more on Stewardship and ways to you can develop, visit our website at https://sydney.
Rabson’s grandchild was malnourished and not putting on weight, but then Rabson received cowpeas and farmer training from ADRA.
“Had it not been for the cowpeas, my grandchild would have died by now. Thank you for your support.”
Donate before June 30 to help feed a child and grow a family’s future Scan here to donate now 1800 242 372