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GFA’s projects

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impact entire communities

Drawing from more than 40 years of experience in evangelism and humanitarian ministries, GFA World plans to bring our highly effective models to the needs of the destitute in Africa.


Clean Water Projects

We have drilled our first two Jesus wells in Rwanda, and we’ll drill more wells to help alleviate the water crisis. We work with local contractors and fund multiple wells at a time, getting the most “bang for our buck” while still building the wells to last. We’ll also work within the local communities to ensure the wells are maintained and cared for, and we use commonly available tools and parts, so they’re easy to repair. Jesus Wells serve an average of 300 people each day and last for 20 years.

National Missionaries

We have missionaries in Rwanda working to open our first Bible college there to train indigenous missionaries who want to preach the Gospel and serve their own people. With their grasp of the local culture and traditions, national missionaries know the heartbeat of the communities in which they serve and are crucial to help meet both physical and spiritual needs.

Health, water and education are just a few examples of the needs we intend to meet through our ministry in Africa. We plan to begin many other ministry initiatives in the coming days, including: Women’s empowerment Community development Youth ministries

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