Hi, this is SC, coming to you from GCE Lab school. Keep listening to hear more about an influential woman that has made a huge impact in the world.
Oprah Winfrey Theme Song (1989-93) - Quincy Jones, plays in the background
I chose Oprah Winfrey because I admire her strength and determination. Although she came from a toxic upbringing; she did not let that become her. Instead of being the victim of her environment she persevered and let her story drive her to success.
Oprah Winfrey Song Fades Out
And I was watching her from the back porch, and I was four years old and I remember thinking my life won’t be like this, my life won’t be like this it will be better.
Oprah Winfrey’s career began in 1976, being a television talk host in “People Are Talking”. In becoming a talk host, actress, philanthropist and entrepreneur, she has become one of the richest and most powerful woman in the world. With her drive and passion she inspires others to find their calling in life. I decided to bring in two others to get a better prospective into how Oprah has inspired her fans.
SDC In your opinion how do you think Oprah has impacted this world?
1:04 Kelly
I think Oprah has impacted the world in many ways, but there is one that stands out to me. Uh, with the creation of Oprah’s Angel Network. Uh, she encourages people to make a difference in your own life, um in your communities and to volunteer, so I just think overall that’s fantastic and awesome.
When you think of Oprah is there any specific quote that comes to mind?
There is, it’s one that I live by that I love. Um, it is, “I trust that everything happens for a reason, even when we are not wise enough to see it”.
And why is that the quote that you live by? I just feel that everyone has certain circumstances that
1:41 Kelly
happen throughout our lives that are good and bad, and when they occur we don’t always understand why, and sometimes you just have to take a step back and overall look, and everything really does happen for a reason. How has Oprah inspired you personally?
1:59 SDC 2:02 Rachel
Um, Oprah has inspired me personally just because um I had the opportunity to hear her speak, roughly about 10 to 12 years ago, and really um got some insight on her journey and her career, and I just think it’s amazing that she um comes from a very poor family and never let her past reflect her successes for the future. So that’s how she really inspired me, she overcame such incredible odds to be where she is today. And, what is one of your favorite Oprah quotes?
2:34 SDC 2:38 Rachel
One of my favorite Oprah quotes is the one that says, “Surround yourself only with people who are going to take you higher”. I love that quote and it is so true because tell me who you hang out with and I’ll tell you who you are. And I really love the fact that if you surround yourself with like minded people, that you have the ability to continue to excel. Why do you think Oprah has had such an impact on people’s lives?
3:04 SDC
3:09 Rachel
3:41 Oprah Winfrey Theme Song (1989-93) - Quincy Jones, plays in the background
I really think she’s had such an impact on people’s life because of her strong work ethic, um because she’s on a spiritual mission and she really encourages her audience to continue to improve. Um she is philanthropic and she really works very very hard to make our world a better place, and that is so evident and um all the action she has taken to give back. Oprah Winfrey’s greatest accomplishments serve as an example for young women around the world. She has been ranked the richest African American of the 20th century. She was motivated and determined to pull herself up from a bad situation and make herself the best. With an estimated net worth of $3.2 billion, Oprah had gotten herself out of poverty and into a better life.
---Oprah Winfrey - Lifetime Acceptance award : 1998