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Annual Partner Program 2020
Performance Partners $20,000+ Cullman Family Fund, Tim Fairfax AC, Andrew and Emma Gray, Susan Maple-Brown AM and the late Robert Maple-Brown AO, Emma-Jane Newton and Chris Paxton, Neil and Rachel Sinden
Studio Partners $10,000+ Pam and Doug Bartlett, Paul Brady and Christine Yip, Jillian Broadbent AC and Olev Rahn, Tony Burke and the late Janice Burke, Hilary Burton and Craig Goodman, Brett Clegg and Annabel Hepworth, Manuela Darling-Gansser and Michael Darling, Susie Dickson and Martin Dickson AM, Deborah and David Friedlander, Ian Galloway and Linda Treadwell, Margaret Gibbs, John Griffiths and Beth Jackson, Belinda Hutchinson AC and Roger Massy-Greene AM, In memory of Nola McCullagh, Catriona Mordant AM and Simon Mordant AO, the late Erin Ostadal and the late Billy Ostadal, Greg Peirce, Kellie and Warryn Robertson, Turnbull Foundation, Barbara Wilby and Christopher Joyce
Duet Partners $5,000+ Aidan and Aleks Allen, Ralph Ashton, Hayley and James Baillie, Aniek Baten, Berg Family Foundation, Karola Brent and Tim Reed, Nerida Caesar, Andrew Cameron AM and Cathy Cameron, Caroline and Glenn Crane, Chum Darvall AM and Sonja Woodwell, Suellen and Ron Enestrom, James and Jacqui Erskine, Kay Freedman and the late Ian Wallace, Kathryn Greiner AO, Linda Herd, Fraser Hopkins, Tina and Mark Johnson, David Jonas and Desmon Du Plessis, John Kaldor AO, Susie Manfred and Hunter McPherson, Paris Neilson and Todd Buncombe, Roslyn Packer AC, peckvonhartel architects, Rebel Penfold-Russell OAM, Peter Reeve and Jaycen Fletcher, The Rossi Foundation, Penelope Seidler AM, Peter and Victoria Shorthouse, Bianca Spender and Sam McGuiness, Leslie Stern, Victoria Taylor, Alenka Tindale, Ray Wilson OAM, Judi Wolf and Alden Toevs, Adam Worling Public Relations
Dance Partners $2,000+ Janet Abernethy and Richard Willis, Paul Bedbrook, Marco Belgiorno-Zegna AM and Angela BelgiornoZegna, John and Susan Blue, Phillip and Catherine Brenner, Jane Bridge, Peter Chadwick, Janine Collins, Rochelle Collis, Mark Coppleson and Victoria Morish, Tanya Diesel, Mike Dixon and Dr Dee de Bruyn, Ari and Lisa Droga, Robyn and John Fennell, Susanne de Ferranti, Belinda Gibson, Girgensohn Foundation, Bradford Gorman and Dean Fontana, Rick Gove, John Head, Amanda Heckes, Hue-Williams Family, Allen Iu and Bernadette Walker, Gabrielle Iwanow, Tony Jones, Les Kennedy, Marina and Richard Leong, David and Jacqueline Lindberg, Dr Gary Nicholls and Niall Barlow, Tony O’Regan, Susan Perrin-Kirby, Sarah Rennie, CA Scala and DB Studdy, Cynthia Scott, Matt Shelmerdine, Ezekiel Solomon AM, Allegra Spender and Mark Capps, Cheryl M Spoor, Stuart Thomas Rehearsal Partners $1,000+ Lenore Adamson and the late Ross Adamson, Antoinette Albert, John Barrer, Samantha Bartlett, Steve Bennett, Penny Broekhuizen, Jacqui Burton, Jenny Chang, Peter Cook and Luci Christie, Rob Coombe, Judy Crawford, Susie Davison, Bahar Etminan and Herbert Appleroth, Annalise Faifax, Helen Forrester, Steve and Emma Fouracre, David Gallagher and Cathy Poulden, Julie Godfrey and Steve Lang, Amber Gooley, Alex Greenwich, Christine Guilfoyle, Ben Harlow, Cheryl Hatch, Graham and Judy Hubbard, Elias and Jana Juanas, Virginia Judge, Vaughn and Helen Jurisich, Rebecca and Ben Keeble, Margaret Kelly, Alicia K Kemp, Elizabeth Laverty, Tanja Liedtke Endowment, Doreen and Phillip Marsh, Deborah and Michael Mills, Jane McCallum, Peter McGee, Bruce and Nicky McWilliam, Clare Munnelly, Helen Pagnin and Angie Ellis, Marion Pascoe, Dr Natalie E Pelham, Fiona Playfair Greeba Pritchard, Kate Richardson and Chris Marrable Jenny Rigg, Dominique Robinson, James Rozsa and Julie Barnes, Dr Brindha Shivalingam, Fiona Sinclair and Peter King, Jann Skinner, Catherine Smithson Stedmans, Ross Steele AM and Alan Toohey, Mike Thompson, Sylvia Tooth, Sherlock Wealth, Annie and Anthony Whealy, Kathy White, John and Gay Woods
Ensemble Partners $250 - $999 Andrew Adney, Lillian and Peter Armitage, LE and TC Armstrong, Rob Armstrong, Dr Paul John Atkinson, Martin Aungle and Shelley Armsworth, Frank Barnes, Dr Cynthia a Beckett and Gordon Smith, Robina Bamforth, Larissa Behrendt AO, Bill and Marissa Best, Melinda Best, Ted Blamey, Bodycentric, Sean M Brannigan, Sarah Brasch, Judith Campbell, Shane Carroll, Michelle Casey, Stephen Chase and Colette Baini, Min Li Chong, Jacque Cook, Belinda Darvall, Margaret Davies, Lesley Dutch, Elisabeth and Grahame Elder, David Emery and Eric Hudson, Marilyn Anne Forbes, Yvette Forrester, Kerry Gardner AM, Elizabeth and Ben Gilbert, Geoff Greenwell, Rachael Haggett, Simon Haigh, Danielle Herman, Hannah Hibbert, Katrina Hilton Pilates, Kaye Hocking, Helen Hooper, Nabeel and Marian Ibrahim, John Jelbart, Josephine Key and Ian Breden, Robert Kidd, Phillip King, Skye Leckie OAM and David Leckie, Amanda L'Estrange and Richard Eskell, Andrew and Charlotte Lennox, Judi LeVine, Dale and Michael Mackie, Manuel and Joanne Makas, Jane and Martin Mallen-Cooper, Connie McKeage, Kathryn McKenzie, The Murphy Family, Aarone Neill and Michael Daley, Matina Papathanasiou, Clive Parsons and Sharon Ditmarsch, Catherine Parr and Paul Hattaway, Graham and Karen Paxton, Michael and Vivienne Pusey, Mary Read, Wouter Roesems, Diego V Rossello, Mark and Jennifer Royle, Norman R Scott, James Sharp and Karl May, Michael Silman and Gavin Sommer, Adrian Sironic, Lucy De Sousa, Caroline Spence, Janine Stewart, Guy Thompson, Christine Thomson, Anne Whitehead, Dr Rick Wilcox, Svetlana Varlamova, Di Yeldham, Alan and Flavia Young, Silke and Christian Zentner