VOLUNTEERS Sydney Festival simply does not happen without its volunteers. These committed individuals contribute their time and energy to ensure patrons have happier, safer and smoother Festival experiences. In 2022 volunteers were on the ground meeting and greeting patrons, engaging in conversation with audiences, answering queries, and providing operational support at the major Sydney Festival installations and venues.
The 2022 volunteer program involved over 122 volunteers, averaging 30 volunteers per day working more than 1,387 hours. 50% of the volunteers had returned in 2022 after volunteering in previous
years, and 28% had Culturally and Linguistically Diverse backgrounds. The management of Sydney Festival’s 2022 volunteers was undertaken by two staff members, a Volunteer Manager and Volunteer Coordinator. Sydney Festival extends a heartfelt thank you to all the volunteers for their hard work and positive attitudes throughout the Festival. VALE YUNUS ZEED We are deeply saddened by the passing of Yunus Zeed, a muchloved and long-serving Sydney Festival volunteer. We extend our condolences to his family, friends and the volunteers community.