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W.I.S.T. TIMES Food Fair offers students a taste of international cuisines

By Claire Huang Staff Reporter

On May 25, the Student Council of the Overseas Department hosted an international food festival during assembly, inviting all students and teachers to sample diverse cuisines from various cultures.


A week before the event, every homeroom was assigned a country at random. A total of eight classes participated in this event. Class 7-1 was assigned Italy, 7-2 was assigned Singapore, 9-1 was assigned Greece, 9-2 was assigned Vietnam, 11-1 was assigned Korea, 11-2 was assigned Mexico, 12-1 was assigned Thailand and 12-2 was assigned Spain. Students, as a class, then chose what they wanted to sell based on the cuisine and culture of the country they received.

During the festival, each class could choose up to three assistants to pre- pare their food stalls. Junior high students and senior high students were assigned to separate rooms for preparation. Every student had work to do. Some students prepared ingredients while others cooked the food or advertised in front of the classrooms.

Students from 11-1, who were assigned Korea, prepared ingredients such as rice, seaweed slices, meats and vegetables and made fresh Korean army stew and rice rolls.

“The event was very successful, with students from all grades enjoying our food very much,” said Emily Chang, Grade 11. “The process of this activity was also very interesting, as we learned the importance of teamwork, the culinary scene in Korea and the process of preparing food for sale.”

Teachers also participated in the festival, with many lining up to purchase food from different classes. This helped facilitate casual interactions and communication between students and teachers outside the classroom.

“The students planned this event weeks in advance,” said Purple Chang, 12-2 homeroom teacher. “Students coordinated their efforts both with the preparation of the food and with the promotion and sale of the food, with the common goal of selling everything available within that brief hour.”

Some of the students involved appreciated the chance to get out of the classroom and work together on something out of the ordinary.

“Not only did this activity encourage school spirit, it also improved students’ teamwork and cultural understanding,” said Jonathan Peng, Grade 9. “Students were also able to make lasting memories with their classmates and friends.”

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