Kolachi Method A Happy Life Process
Powrful Tools to Transform Your Fear, Anger, Depression into
Peace, Inspiration & Happiness Created by Syed Irfan Ahmed &
Kolachi Method A Happy Life Process The Kolachi Method emphasizes the importance of happy living, instead of unhappiness. First you become aware of unhappiness/happiness, then you know why you are in the control of your unhappiness. First you become aware of the process of unhappiness/depression, and know why you are in contro of your unhappiness. Then, you can learn highly effective mind tools to get rid of unhappiness, and get a happier life. These mind tools have been experienced and analyzed more than 44 years by the experts in America and Europe. Objective To create new skill set in participants that they may face their depression, stress or anxiety confidently. Then, they can control their emotional state and have a joyful living. Benefits, participants get: Understand the process of unhappiness/happiness. Explore the four basic factor of successful and happier people, then own. Discover their negative thought pattern, and emotional response. Generate habits of joyful living. Concentrate more and strengthen mind power. Enrich mind`s needs, and learn to breathe correctly. Learn to meditate, and dream for an extraordinary life. Duration: The Kolachi Method – Basic > 2 – 4 hours
Kamayby`s The Kolachi Method for teachers
Teaching without Stress Teaching is one of ten most stressful jobs. The Kolachi Method for teachers specially targets the core issue of stress when it hits during teaching (professional teacher or parent). Then, we think, there is no substitute except leaving the situation. This attitude directly affects student and their education. With the Kolachi Method for teachers, first participants are aware of the process of stress/depression, and know reasons aggressiveness. Then, you can learn highly effective mind science tools to get rid of it, and become capable of making your class/teaching environment happier and calmer. You become able to teach skillfully, and your students learn joyfully. Objective To create a new skill set in teaching process that teachers and parents could handle student bullying, and their depression, stress or anxiety. Then, they can control their stress, as well as classroom environment without leaving the class. Benefits, participants get: Understand that why they become stressed or aggressive during teaching. Explore the four basic factors of successful and happier teachers. Discover four qualities of a balanced teacher. Explore their negative thought pattern, and emotional response in lecturing. Generate habits of a joyful teaching. Remain mindful in your class which is critical for every situation. Enrich your mind`s needs, and learn to breathe correctly. Learn to meditate, and dream as an extraordinary teacher. Duration, Date & Time: Three-four hours. Ask for next training. Call: (92) 0333-212-9515 Venue: This could be your institute.
The Kolachi Method in school/institute/university
The Happy Learning Bring Happiness to Your School The mission of “The Happy Learning” is to make education/learning a stress-free process. More than 44 years of research has proved that even the short course in mind training…. improves children's ability to ignore distractions and concentrate children thoroughly enjoy the learning significantly improves one's reading comprehension increases working memory capacity, and ability to focus makes more self-awareness reduces rumination
promotes metacognitive awareness
reduces indications of depression, anxiety and stress behaves more flexibly towards problems creates the ability to strengthen relationship grows the wellbeing in school children Duration, Date & Time: The Kolachi Method for students has been designed in 7 to 10 sessions of 15 minutes for two months of period. This period is customized according to the priorities of school management and their schedule. Willing a training in your school? Call us now for more detail, and registration. Venue: This could be your institute.
The Certified
Happiness Coach As the KOLACHI Method emphasizes the importance happy living, the second level of the KOLACHI Method – Certified Happiness Coach is facilitators` training for those who want to contribute happiness in their family, company and society. This approach also gives them an extraordinary and dreamed life. You also get a written affiliation by Syed Irfan Ahmed. Objective To create a team and of Pakistani volunteers who are solving the unhappiness issues in their surroundings, and living a happier and prosper life by making people happier. Benefits, participants get: Deep understanding of the process of unhappiness/happiness. Ability to solving unhappiness highly effectively through the Coaching program. Create and enrich counseling, mentoring and coaching skills. Know the latest and internationally recognized psychological treatments for coping with unhappiness. Learn the basic mind science therapies fast. Get involved in the society. Thus they get a charismatic personality, and become more popular in their circle. Learn to help and share; motivate people to create an extraordinary life. And all of them… They get confidence and joy in themselves; can make their own life extraordinary, highly effective and successful. Duration and Timing: 18 – 20 hours program