A Report by http://www.storobinlaw.com/rik ers-island.php
An Island is a piece of land that is surrounded by water. Most of the Earth's islands are natural and have been formed by tectonic forces or volcanic eruptions. One Such Island is Rikers Island. This Island is named after Abraham Rycken moved to long island in 1638 and whose descendants owned Rikers Island until 1884, when it was sold to the city for 180,000$. It has been used as a jail ever since. Rikers Island is New York City’s main jail complex. It is 1.672km square on which it sits. It is adjacent to LaGuardia Airport. The Island is a part of borough of the Bronx. The Jail complex is taken care of New York City Department of Correction and it has a budget of 860 Million Dollar per year. Rikers Island Jail has a staff of 9000 officers and 1500 civilians which controls a population of 12,300. Rikers Island Complex has 10 Jails and holds local offenders who cannot afford and waiting for trial or who has not given bail from the judge or those serving sentences of one year or less. Rikers Island can be declared as a Jail and not a Prison where prisoners bare long term sentences. Rikers Island holds facilities such as Robert N. Davoren Complex (RNDC, formerly ARDC), Otis Bantum Correctional Center (OBCC), Anna M. Kross Center (AMKC), George Motchan Detention Center (GMDC), North Infirmary Command (NIC), Rose M. Singer Center (RMSC), Eric M. Taylor Center (EMTC, formerly CIFM), James A. Thomas Center (JATC), George R.
The Bantum, Kross, Motchan, and Vierno house detained male adults. Taylor houses sentenced male adolescents and adults. Davoren primarily houses male inmates who are of ages 16 through 18. Singer houses detained and sentenced female adolescents and adults. North Infirmary primarily houses inmates who require medical attention from an infirmary. For More Information on Rikers Island Visit storobinlaw.com/rikers-island.php