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2020 Covid Awareness

KKN PPM UGM Lok Baintan, Kalimantan Selatan

In order to increase awareness of covid 19, as a creative sta of KKN-PPM Lok Baintan, I designed brochure and fabric mask for Lok Baintan people. Moreover, this design also use for introducing Lok Baintan as tourism destination towards local and tourist with unique pattern


Lok Baintan known as a place with forest of various nature element. Puhun


Jukung is a boat which use for floating market activities and accomodation


Mandau is Kalimantan special weapon. Mandau used in several area of Kalimantan, one of those is Lok Baintan

Commission I made is illustrations for a new brand that sells canvas bags with theme of the Indonesian culture.

Some of the illustrations that I chose to draw are Mandau, Kuda Lumping, Majapahit Gate, and Mega Mendung Batik.

Calendar commission that I designed using vector illustration

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