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AN EXTENDED CONNECTION BETWEEN ÅSANE AND BERGEN Marielle Nordnes Lior Israel Hallgerdur Kata Odinsdóttir Matilda Wallsten

Index Course intrudoction


Study trip


Bike parking day


Project - the strech


Project - Suburban area of Ă…sane


Project - Mountain


Project - The urban part of Bergen





Move A course on mobility, infrastructure quality and its potential of urban development, with a focus on the bicycle as transportation. Movement is a big part of our everyday life. How we move has changed drastically over the past 100 years. Planning where the machine (car) is in the center belongs to a strong industrial tradition that creates unhealthy cities, where the humans are inferior to the machine’s dominant systems. Now, the industrial city is dead. We believe in a future of cities build on other ideals, focusing more on the individual’s needs, feelings and experiences. How do we move in the future? In everyday life? In the landscape? In the world? This course will be about movement and the built infrastructure/environment for the act of movement, with particular focus on the bike. The overearching goal is to develope and gain knowledge from infrastructural logics and its potential for spatial development and urban life. Oslo 09. March 2015 Iwan Thomson


STUDY TRIP - BERLIN - MÜNSTER - COPENHAGEN - MALMÖ We started the course with a study trip to four very different bicycle cities. Looking into bicycle infrastructure in three categories; Everyday trips, the major city systems and the recreational travel experience.

BERLIN Cyclists in Berlin have now access to routes stretching over 900 kilometers. But there are many roads that need to be updated; the city is working hard to developing new cycle routes. It’s easy to go around in the city, but there are conflicts between bikers and cars.


MĂœNSTER The bicycle capital of Germany. A city that is furnished with a well-developed network of bicycle paths and many bikerelated offers. With a car-free ring around the city center and three bicycle station. To name a few of all bicycle-related projects in the city.


COPENHAGEN Copenhagen is world famous for its biking culture and now officially the first Bike City in the World. Last year, it was also voted the ‘Best city for cyclists’. Along to see different projects in the city, we focus to look in to different biking behaviours.



MALMÖ Has been named Sweden’s cycling city. A functioning cycle network with many cyclists every day. The city is trying different ways to avoid the red carpet cykle paths. Also visit many intresting projects that having bicycling as a base.



BIKE PARKING DAY Mobility Week is an annual awareness raising campaign that aims to make citizens aware about the use of public transport, cycling and walking.

BIKE PARKING DAY Bergen school of Architecture was invited by Naturvernforbundet to participate in a global event called Mobility Week, which was hold 19.-20. september in Bergen. Everyone that was involved was given one parking lot, which could be used in anyway you wished. We wanted to create a place where we could come into a dialogue with the bikers in Bergen. So by creating a “bike bar� everyone with a bike got a free coffee and a bun and we gathered some interesting thoughts from the daily bikers in Bergen.


Quotes from bikers in Bergen 19.- 20. September.

”Sykkel cafè, Sykkel fortau, Sykkeltunnel til Åsane, Sykkel heis over Nygårdshøyden, Sykkel verksted, Rømningsvei + tunnel, Sykkel kurs i barneskolen, sikker sykkelvei ved skoler”

”Bedre sykkelveier, fleire plasser til å parkere sykkel, sykkelparkeringshus”

Krysset frå Melkeplassen - må man gå av sykkelen for å bytte side. Frykter for å bli truffet av bil”.

”Vi treng folk som jobber med dei fysiske omgivelsane, får angst av å sykle her”


”Skulle hatt prøveordninger som dei har i Oslo. Sykkelmerking - Bruk av farge og linjer. Ein må satse på sykling til og frå skulen. Det er utrykt for barn å sykle i Bergen Sentrum. Vi deler veien med bilist eller med fotgjenger - bilister blir sur på syklist”

”Jeg ville heller brukt sparkesykkel enn sykkel til skolen”

”Rimlige sykkelveier som er sammenhengende, og som er for syklister. Klare symbol for fotgjengere og bilister”.

”Sykkelveier stopper plutseleg. Når bybanen kom blei det vanskeligare å sykle til Haukeland”.


”Sykkelvei frå Åsane til Bergen”

”Hol i veien, og i asfalten gjer det farlig å sykle. Strandgata - vanskelig å komme fram”

”Vill ikkje sykle kvar dag pga dagens infrastruktur”

”Åsane - Ny tunnel, gamleveien er blitt en sykkelvei, og manger fleire bruker den no pga bilane tar den nye”

”Toveis sykkelsti kan funke betre”


PROJECT - THE STRECH It´s easy to introduce a red carpet for bikers, but that doesn’t mean that the culture comes naturally. We wanted to see how we can change the use of neighborhoods by changing the main infrastructure to biking.

Åsane and its periphery Knarrvik



Arne 5 km 4 km 3 km 2 km


1 km City center in Bergen

Thesis statement Ă…sane is a suburban area, north of Bergen, Norway. It combines land uses of low and medium density housing, alongside with industry and one of Bergens biggest commercial areas. Transportation in the area today is mostly car-oriented, both for travelling within the region and for commuting to and from the city center. Cycling infrastructure has not been given enough regard for convenience and safety. Plans exist by the municipality for the creation of new bike routes connecting Ă…sane to the city by 2019. The solutions offered by the city are modest and moderate, with almost no interaction occurring with the surrounding neighborhoods along the way. How is it possible to increase the usage of bicycle in daily life with a more direct design towards biking in a convenient and safer way? We address the problem mentioned above by examining the current design faults: the attitude towards cyclists in the greater Bergen area. Seeking to upgrade the cycling infrastructure by improving parts of the existing routes, introducing new ones or combining the two options - with focus on enhancing and straightening the connection to the city center of Bergen. The project will work in various scales, from the big stretch between Bergen and Ă…sane, to connections points along the way - reflecting how we can re-think the use of a bike lane, by introducing small happenings along the way.


Problems and potentials that can have an impact on travel habits What is the potential?

What are the needs?



- Close proximity to a major city (5-15 km apart) - The area as it is can already accommodate a large variety of day-to-day activity without the need to leave Åsane


- Current connection to the city by car is already slow during rush hours


- There is reversed movement towards Åsane from the city center for shopping, recreational use, etc.


WEAKNESSES - Current population is scattered throughout a large area - The typical area density is low - The current population tends to rely on cars as a main mean of transport - There may be a daily/weekly need to travel to the city center for different reasons - The climate poses a difficulty for the average biker



- The area is not yet fully developed and has not reach its maximal population - The light rail is planned to reach further north into Åsane - The current infrastructure still has enough room to grow/accommodate bicycle lanes



- Population may tend to stick to cars as their main form of transport - There is an evergrowing ability to chose between good different means of transportation

Earlier sketches for the bike culture in Ă…sane

Infrastructure design for bikes. Fun and different.

City bike shed



WeOnasked Åsane the 2. - 88 3. of people Septemberin 2015 we in how they commute in there daily life. collabiration with another group, took a survey with people in Åsane. The qusetions where all in a relation of how they commute in their daily life and in the end they marked the way on Wednesday the 2 of September, between 3.30- 5.30 pm. that particular day on a map.


The survey took place in five spots on a different time during the day. Where we on Thursday of September, managethe to3get an answerbetween from 887.50-8.50

High school in Åsane

Åsane buss IKEA station On Wednesday the 2. of September, on Wednesday the 2between of September, between 3.3015:30-17:30 pm 5.30 pm.

Åsane buss station On Wednesday the 2. of September, between 15:30-17:30 pm on Thursday the 3 of September, between 7.50-8.50 am.

Kindergarten in Åsane NNH

High school in Åsane On Thursday the 3. of September, between 07:50-08:50 pm

on Thursday the 3 ofKidergarten September, between 2-3 pm. in Åsane On Thursday the 3. of September, between 07:50-08:50 pm NHH Car On Thursday the 3. of September, Bus between 14:00-15:00 pm Bike


Walking Distains of biking


Åsane how they commute in there daily life. Most of the people where between the age of 20-29 and where commuting with a bus that day.


were there 59 women and 39 men,

en 3.30- 5.30 pm.

Of the people we ask,

Of the people we asked there where:




7.50-8.50 am.


How often do you bike? 4 6




3 5


en 3.30- 5.30 pm.

How did you arrive now?


1. Every day 2. Ones a week 3. Ones a month 4.Hardly 5.Never 6. Depends on weather

57 of the asked hardly or never bike. H



Mostly because of tim use, but also length an W comfort. Age Way in of commuting Most of the people were the age between 20-29 and arrived with carHaveoryoubuss day. tried bikethis the distains to Even do the most of work/school? the asked haven’t tried biking the distains to work or school. 10

were there 59 women and 39 men,

7.50-8.50 am.

59 women 60 2-3 pm. 50

39 men


How did you arrive now?

40 30 20 10 0

Car Car Bus Bus Bikes Bike Walking Walking Distanse of biking Distains of biking 70+

50-69 40-49 30-39 20-29


Way don’t you bike? 70+ 4 1


2 1

50-69 40-49 30-39 20-29 191. Length 2. Time 3. Comfort 2 4. Different reason






1. No 2. Yes 3. Some part











How often do you bike? 4 6



3 5

1. Every day 2. Ones a week 3. Ones a month 4.Hardly 5.Never 6. Depends on weather

Way don’t you bike? 4 1 3


1. Length 2. Time 3. Comfort 4. Different reason

Have you tried bike the distains to work/school? 2 1

1. No 2. Yes 3. Some part


Way do you bike? 2


3 1

1. Training 2. Environment 3. Economics

57 of the asked hardly ”Light rail over Bryggen - Car free center (minus collective, emergency, goods delivery and execution of 57 never of the asked hardly or bike. or never biked.

real estate) - Powerful repairing cycle path and segregated cycle paths from the footpath and roadway !! - VAT deduction on bikes! - Do not go for a ”shared space” solution together with pedestrians and motorists. - There must be a helheltlig plan and not only partial upgrades of stretches that are already outdated. It is not enough to paint the hard shoulder red, it must actually built a separate cycle path !!”

Mostly because of time use, also length and Mostlybut because of time use, but also length comfort. and comfort.

”Yes - Create bicycle lanes that are wide, consistent and safe. Creating facility that allows distances feels shorter routes are broken up. Safe routes in the city”

Even do the most of Mostasked of the asked the haven’t tried haven´t even tried to bike the distains to biking the distains to ”Those making cycle paths must understand that they work or school. work or school. are equally bad time when I cycle like when I’m driving, But if the bike, they do But if they bike it´s for training. itmostly mostly for training.

no point in making bike paths that wind their way around, the road faster so I choose it”

”Bike tunnel in Eidsvåg”

FLOW MAP Built up from interviews with the users of the site. The map clearly shows where the main stream of movement lies from the city center up to Ă…sane. But from the answers from the survey people prefer to use the car rather then the bike.



Bergenprogrammet Bergen Programmet is a organization that is combined between Hordaland county, Bergen municipality and Statens Vegvesen. The program works with public transport, pedestrian and cycle paths, environmental projects etc. To get a better image of how many bikers take the route from Åsane to the city center we got in contact with the Bergen Programmet. For comparison, we looked at bike path that runs from the south and into the center of Bergen. When comparing the results we could clearly see a greater difference on the two ways into the city. From the south the route is in alot more then the one coming from the north (Åsane). With this in mind, questions are asked why these two routes are so different, is it the: The landscape Bike paths Safety



Åsaneveien Spring
















Fjøsangerveien Spring












*Summery up from Staten Vegvesen

North route

Ă…saneveien 3.8 km

Bergen centrum

South route

Fjøsangerveien 3.2 km



Energy facts Fact 1.

Fact 2.

On firm, flat surface, a 70 kg person requires about 60 watts to Fact 1. firm, flatsame surface, aindividual 70 kg person requires 60 watts to walk 5 km/h.same That same walk at 5 km/h.On That on about a bicycle, onat the individual on a bicycle, on the same surface, with the same power output, can travel at 15 km/h using an ordinary bicycle; The energy expenditure of cycling is therefore at least three times more surface, with the same power output, can travel at 15 km/h efficient than walking. using an ordinary The energy expenditure of cycling is Fact bicycle; 1. On firm, flat surface, a 70 kg person requires about 60 watts to walk at 5 km/h. That same Factthree 2. therefore at least times more efficient than individual on a bicycle, on the same surface, with the same power walking. output, can travel at 15 km/h An un-active human generates as little as a 100 watts on an average day. Adults of good average using an ordinary bicycle; The energy expenditure of cycling is therefore at least three times more fitness reach between 50 and 150 watts for an hour of vigorous exercise. A healthy well-fed laborer efficient than walking. over the course of an 8-hour work shift can sustain an average output of about 75 watts an hour. Fact 1. On firm, flat surface, a 70 kg person requires about 60 watts to walk at 5 km/h. That same Fact 2. on a bicycle, on the same surface, with the same power output, can travel at 15 km/h individual Fact 3. An un-active human generates as littleexpenditure as a 100 watts on anisaverage day. of good average using an ordinary bicycle; The energy of cycling therefore at Adults least three times more 115 watts can power a cyclist for about 5 km. It would only power a normal, mid-sized car for fitness efficientreach than between walking. 50 and 150 watts for an hour of vigorous exercise. A healthy well-fed laborer about 85course meters.of an 8-hour work shift can sustain an average output of about 75 watts an hour. over the

An un-active human generates as little as a 100 watts on an average day. Adults of good average fitness reach between 50 and 150 watts for an hour of exercise. A healthy well-fed laborer over the course of an 8-hour work shift can sustain an Fact 2. 4. Fact 3. un-active human generates little as ahour. 100 watts on anbelow: average day. Adults of good average Typical net average speeds for aasbuild surrounding, shown average output An of about 75 watts an 115 watts can power a cyclist for about 5 km. It would only power a normal, mid-sized car for fitness reach between 50 and 150 watts for an hour of vigorous exercise. A healthy well-fed laborer about 85course meters.of an 8-hour work shift can sustain an average output of about 75 watts an hour. over the

Fact 3.

Fact 4.

15 km/h

5 km/h

35 km/h

Fact 4. Fact 3. Typical net average speeds for a build surrounding, shown below: 115 watts can power a cyclist for about 5 km. It would only power a normal, mid-sized car for Fact 5. about 85 meters. Energy-cost comparison of various means of transportation:

115 watts can power a cyclist for about 5 km. It would only power a normal, mid-sized car for about 85 meters. 15 km/h 35 km/h 5 km/h Speed (kmh) Fact 4. 5 Cycling Typical net average speeds for a build surrounding, shown below: 15 Cycling Fact 5. 25 Cycling Energy-cost comparison of various means of transportation:




= = 75 Wh


= km 75 = 5= 75 Wh Wh =

0.85 km

km 75 Wh = 5=


0.85 km


0.85 km 0.85 km

28 km/h


5 km 5 km

28 km/h


100 kcal = 116.3 kw

In biking for 60 minutes at a speed of 25 kmh, rather than kcal = 116.3 kw Typical net average speeds for a build surrounding, shown using the car at a speed of 50 kmh, one saves 480100watts. 5 Walking Enough evergy to light up a decent sized living room for a 28 km/h 15 km/h 35 km/h 5 km/h 15 Running below: Speed (kmh) whole evening. 30 Moped (1 rider) 5 Cycling In biking for 60 minutes at a speed of 25 kmh, rather than 50 Public Transport 15 Cycling Fact 5. kcal = 116.3 kw 50 using the car at a speed of 50 kmh, one saves 480100watts. Car (5 passangers) 25 Cycling Energy-cost comparison of various means of transportation: 95 Car (5 passangers) 5 Walking Enough evergy to light up a decent sized living room for a 15 Horseback Riding Running Speed (kmh) whole evening. 50 Car (driver only) 30 5 Moped (1 rider) Cycling In biking for 60 minutes at a speed of 25 kmh, rather than 95 15 Cycling 50 Public Transport using the car at a speed of 50 kmh, one saves 480 watts. 25 Cycling kcal/km per person* 50 Car (5 passangers) 200 400 600 800 5 km/h 595 35evergy km/h 28room km/h Walking15 km/h Car (5 passangers) Enough to light up a decent sized living for a Running 15 Horseback Riding whole evening. 30 Moped (1 rider) 50

* *

Car (driver only) Public Transport

50 95 50 95



Car (5 passangers) kcal/km per person* 600 800 Car (5 passangers)


Horseback Riding


Car (driver only)


kcal/km per person*






You Save

480 Wh

You Save

480 Wh

You Save

480 Wh


In biking for 60 minutes at a speed of 25 kmh, rather than using the car at a speed of 50 kmh, one saves 480 watts. Enough evergy to light up a decent sized living room for a whole evening.

How do we get from ...





How to make things happen for the bike infrastruckture in the future? Influence illustration - cooperation links for things to improve in the future


From talking with all the different groups we see a strong interest to increase the usage of bikes. That means it needs a better collaboration between different group, from government, municipality and private interests.


Who are the pontential daily users?

32.3 %

27.9 %

27.2 %

12.6 %









3 059

5 284

2 288

12 654

10 926

4 936

50.5 % 21.8 %

12.7 %

15 %









2 035

2 308

1 245

18 838


4 734

Think tank diagram

Important focus words for our project


















First steps The first step we took for futher develope of the project was to bike the route from Ă…sane to the city center. The municipality has planned to build a bike path along this stretch before 2019 that is 17 km long stretch.

Planned cycle route between Bergen and Ă…sane + Existing route over munkebotn.


Ă…sane bus station

Bergen center

Photos from bike trip Along the way we come up on a lot of obstacles. Some that we wanted to avoid, some places where it was possible to fix with some design and on some parts a minor changes. From there we went futher into the developement on our project that was the site from Ă…sane busstation to the city center og Bergen.


Bybanen (light rail)



Along this stretch a several proposals for bybanen (light rail) is planned. In all of the proposals the plan is to go through the mountain to have the bybanen in a tunnel. For the project we will take the advantage of this and plan our bike path into the tunnel along with bybanen.


We choose to combine two of the proposals for our path. A. Different solutions for the bybanen B. Our proposal for bybanen


Tunnel + bike path

The strategy The main aim for the bike path along the stretch ways to keep it as straightest as possible, from Ă…sane down to the city center.

Ă…sane bus station

- The air line which would count the shorted distance is around 8 km. - The bike path suggestion from the municipality is around 17 km. So the design part was trying to keep the bicycle lane in the straigtest line as possible.

Municipality bike lane

our proposal for bike lane

A straight line between Bergen and Ă…sane

17 km

10 km

8 km

Bergen center



The stretch To brake up the stretch it´s devided into three parts; Suburban area of Ă…sane, the mountain and the urban part in Bergen.

Division of the bikelane

Suburban area of Ă…sane

In each part we can see different sizes of projects. From designing the streets into more functional way for the bikers into changing bigger sides for the benefits of biking.


Mountain/nature side


Urban part in Bergen


Satellite image of futher side exploration

Suburban area of Ă…sane

Mountain/nature side

Urban part in Bergen



Figure 1.

Learning from the information and graphes shown, we decided to plan our biking way with a net average target speed of between 15 to 20 km/h, with as little stops as possible, and with as moderate as possible slopes (relative to the topography) - these ground restrictions will allow us to bring together the advantages of rapid movement, useful managing of cyclist energy, alongside safty and ease of biking.

Relation between Power, Speed and Cycling Components

Power (Wh) 500

m = 95 kg a = 13 km/h^2 slope = 5%

Target Speed 400

air drag resistance climb


acceleration 200


Speed (km/h) 10

Figure 2. Relation between Time and Speed for a biking passage of approx. 660m





Time (Mins.) Target Speed


Power production for 80 kg overall weight, for a 2 minutes biking at 20 km/h on a flat surface of normal friction, without air drag resistance = 0.35 w/h




Slow Cyclist Normal Commuter Fast Commuter Roadie Racer


0 < X < 15

Speed (km/h)

15 < X < 20 20 < X < 25

Target Speed


Figure 3. Relation between Speed and Power in relation to varying slopes.





Speed (km/h)


0% slope

32 3% slope


25 < X < 30

X = Biking Speed (km/h)


Target Speed

6% slope 9% slope


Power (Wh) 50







Ă…sane to Bergen

On the planned bicycle stretch, a route

According to Google Maps, a traffic-

designed for rapid bicycle traffic at a


continuous flow, we measure the net

stretch should take 19 minutes. The net

travel time between 25:15 to 31:35

average speed is 50 km/h. Taking into

minutes. The net average speed ranges

considertation all the journey elements

from 17 to 25 km/h. Taking into account

such as lost standing in

the almost direct ratio mention before,

at lights, looking for a parking spot and

we could speculate that the gross travel

walking towards the destination, we could

time with a bicycle would be:

speculate that the gross travel time with

29:00 - 35:00 mins.






traffic, waiting

a car would be around:

25 mins.


Max. Speed Diagram Maximal speed designed for each passage of approx. 660 m, connecting Bergen City Center and Aasane Terminal. Passage Number Åsane Terminal

Speed Zones

Slowdown Zones

Passage Biking Time (Mins.) Top Speed Propbable Speed Approx. Distance (per passage) (ave. 17 kmh) from City Center

Åsane Ternimal

Bicycle Bridge; 85 m


Secondary Junction





Main Junction



School; Spot 1







Speed Tunnel; 750 m



Bicycle Freeway



















Public Transport and Bicycle Only Zone

14 13

Suburban Stretch

Zoom-in 1


Secondary Junction


Straight Passage


Transport Hub; Spot 2

9 8

Mountain Stretch


Secondary Junction


Bicycle Freeway


Bicycle Freeway

10 km

6.7 km

Secondary Junction

Secondary Junction


Zoom-in 2

Densed Urban Limit

3.5 km

Bicycle Plaza; Spot 3


Urban Stretch


Urban C enter; High Traffic Volume and Narrow Streets



Bergen City Center

Total Approx. Time


Master Plan showing different speed along the stretch. With the three main interventions along the way.


PROJECT - SUBURBAN AREA OF Ă…SANE This is a part where we decided to create a new part for bikers and create a new connection with specific areas.

Ă…stveit - Kalvatreet School There are many spaces that are not in use most of the days. For example school yards. We wanted by make the bike path a part of the school yard to increase a bike coulter along the students but also make it more like a public park in evenings and weekends.


Åstveit - Kalvatreet School New bike path From Åsane to the city center of Bergen Conecting with the suburb and the schools. We also look in to other open areas with a specific use to see if it could be open for public. To increase the use of different area by introduces a bike path. Here you see how the bike path goes through the golf course, that are not in use in the winter and the school that we decided to zoom more in to.

Kalvatreet School Kalvatræet school is a municipal primary school in Åstveit in Åsane district in Bergen municipality. The school opened in 1971 and has 200 regular students from 1st to 7th grades.




Kalvatreet skule


Jordalsvatnet Eidsvåg


Åstveit - Kalvatreet School The new bike path lies through three different moments; a small lake, school yard and forrest tops.


Golf course

New bike path over the Sjurastemma water

Kalvatreet skule

Kalvatreet school

Wood in Øvre Ervik

New bike line through the woods in Øvre Ervik



Photo of the surroundings

Picture showing how it looks today. This whole area is very isolated and quite hard to access if you don’t now the way.

Golf course


Kalvatreet skule

Wood in Ă˜vre Ervik

Kalvatreet skule

Kalvatreet skule


Ă…stveit - Kalvatreet School Area outside and inside the school. Potencial things to work with. Parking, schoolyard, bikepath.



Diagrams The new bike path will follow the existing movement of the school, to not disturbing how its use today. Just increase the possibility to access it with bike.

Main movement and the entres of the school

New bike path From Ă…sane to the city center of Bergen Existhing and new movement through the school






Action plan The main bike path will go through the school yard, also having a secondary bike path that can be used during brake time. We see that it will be possible for teacher to close the main path off when needed.

Surface palette Outdoor scene Raised terrain to bicycle Lowered terrain - to collect water Asphalt Bike path - nice asphalt with color, texture Grass Artificial grass Rough coating - for lowering the speed Brick floor Ramps Parking for bicycles



Safety - The gates in and out of the schoolyard is the teacher´s responsibility

Action plan - bikepath over and around the school Main bike path through the school yard

Secondary path around the school yard


Section for the main entry Main entrees are today very narrow; by open it up it will give a good overview over the activity on the schoolyard and entrense.

1,5 m


1,5 m



Axonametric of the school ground Together with the secondary path we are giving the school a good bike lop that can be used by school kids during the day to practise they’re biking and learning bike manners. The main area is still a playground.


By having the bike path as a part of the schoolyard it will be safer for kids to bike to school and built a stronger bike culture for them. Make it the natural way to come to school.


Parents will be able to bike with there kids direct to the school, on the way to work. By having the path going through there will be a natural flow with bikers and no conflicts with cars.


PROJECT - MOUNTAIN Second part is in the middle of the strech between Ă…sane and the city center. Where the main focus is to create a car free zone, a new center for the surrounding residential and a new hub/ligth rail stop.

The mountain / nature For this site the main focus will be on the central part of Eidsv책g. Eidsv책g is both residential area among with small/medium working spaces down by harbour. The character for the side is still holding that old charm with example Eidsv책g fabrikken (1896). Eidsv책g could be a really important node on the stretch offering both new/old and uniqe workspaces, and future residential area with more sustainable thoughts in planing.


Car free area Eidsv책g The project site is in the center of Eids책g. Where the main focus is to create a car free center with a bybanen/buss hub and bike tunnel.


Car free area Colored roads are the ones that we are taking back and closing off for main car traffic. Creating a new center that has no traffic, new opportunities and a different atmosphere then seen today in the center of Ă…sane.

Opportunitie for new work spaces New bybane track

New main plaza for the center


Car free area Illustration of the idea of having new work spaces on the car parking. Having a great opportunity to change the use of space and provide a more human scale working place where its easier to interact with one and the other.


Car free area Closing off the center does not make it impossible to drive the car it makes it just little bit more difficult. As seen on the map. Taking the bike or collective transportation is suppose to be easier, faster and more efficient. At the same time offering more pleasant atmosphere for the new center of Eidsv책g.


The center is very car oriented today

The infrastucture today is build for a large number of cars and parking (as seen above).


Bus stops in Eidsvåg today It´s four buss stops in Eidsvåg today. Two are located on the main high way and two on the smaller secondary road in the canter.

Main bus stops

Bus stops on the secondary road


Introducing bybanen in Eidsv책g The new light rail (Bybanen) will lie right through the area

New tracks for the light rail


Three possible stops for bybanen Combined with bicycle -hub and -parking


Position of the new hub The final location was take closed by the roots of the mountain. Digging the hub inside and take the advantage of the unique thing to create and use nature and landscape into the design.


Concept behind the Hub


Bicycle routes in both directions + bybanen.

Adding three programs. Bike parking, fixing station and Bybana stop.

Giving the three programs space after needed space.

Saving space.

Taking on of the direction of the bike lane away, to make less action in the hub.

The other bike lane over on a bridge.

Axonometric section A

Bicycle brigde connecting the biker to the mountain route and the ramp down into the hub. B Path taking the biker up to the mountain site and the working spaces on the other site of the high way.


C Ramp for both bikes and pedestrians down into the hub. D Bike parking





G E Mixed zone where you can find fixing station for bikes and pay machine for bybanen. F Waiting zone for bybanen G Bybanen tracks H Bike lane inside the hub that lies into the tunnel and takes you through the mountain.


Section of the bicycle bridge The bridge is 96,8 m long with an angel of 3 %. It expends from the main new plaza in the center of EidsvĂĽg down to the hub. So the biker coming from the direction from Ă…sane can almost hold the same high without having to bike up and down the terrain.


Plan 1:100


Diagram Circulation of the hub

Circulation of the hub, when bybane shows up

When bybanen shows up the pedestrians have the priority and a stop sign is for the bikers


Diagram Circulation of the bike parking


Diagram Zoom of the fixing/waiting station

Waiting zone for the light rail (bybanen)

Fixing station for bikes located behind the bench facing the waiting area. It´s an open space with entrense from three sides.


Ramp from the mountain path coming down into the hub. With up to 400 bike parking (to the right) and a bike lane leading you out (to the left)


Future car free area Eidsv책g For longer perspective for the site. It is possible to extend that car free center even more. Creating more new workspaces and residential area with the aim for sustainability and bike commuting as a main focus.



PROJECT - THE URBAN PART OF BERGEN Third part is the one closest to the city center. Where the main focus is to create a car free zone in part of the residential area of Sandviken. Take away and give back

Sandviken Sandviken is mostly residential area with work spaces lining up along the water frontline.

Bergen school of Architecture


Fire station



Plan 1:5000

Photos of today Sandviken

The neighborhood today is very car oriented where the movement for cars is in a way very free and flexable. In one part we can though still see a glimpse of the tradional smaller pedestrain streets inbetween the white houses with the red roofs.


Suggestion for the bike path in the residential area of Sandviken. By placing it inside the residential area the aim is to connect and offer this commuting possibility more to the people. The bike lane planned by the municipality lies down by the waterfront giving the connection to the workspaces.

Bike lane in residentail area of Sandviken

Bike lane along working spaces

Plan 1:5000


To see the project in a wider context than just the 3. meter bike lane we looked at how the mindset of biking could pushed forward in a larger scale when it comes to planning. By creating a car free island in the middle of Sandviken.

New car free island in Sandviken

More detailed view of the core. (see page XX )

Plan 1:5000


The core of the carfree island in Sandviken


With in the car island the bike lanes expands from 3 m to 6 m on the main street. Giving it a good space for two lanes in both directions. But when coming on to the main plaza the lane goes to 3 m again and twists around street furniture and bike parking stations placed on the plaza.


Plan 1:1000


Bike lane part in car free island Today cars take up alot of space on the street, not just by driving but also parking. With in the car free island just the car parking takes approximately 4224 m2 and to compare it in sizes Festplassen (plaza) is around 4475 m2






3m Section 1:100

Plan 1:100




The core of the carfree island in Sandviken

Matkroken Norsk lĂŚrerakademi The plaza

Connection to possible bybane/bus stop. And to the waterfront where restaurant and museum are located.

New gardening for residents and friends

Sandviken dagligvare

Shared space


Potential movement of the bikers and pedestrian. The placement of the bike hub/ fixing station and parking is drawn from the potential movement on the plaza. By placing them in the neutral zones in between. Street furniture is thought to create a better meeting areas. Bring people to the side and offer them some reason to stay there.

Free space for placement of small hub, different activity, bences, bike parking ...

Plan 1:1000


Ground plan of the plaza The surface of the plaza has a strong visual graphic. With smooth bike lane lying along with it. Bike hub with fixing station and bike parking, both for regular bikes and cargo are located in one end of the plaza. Both closed to the Sandviken store and the ramp, giving the connection to the open garden. Two new sitting area in a bowl like form is situated right in front of the school building. Twisting the bike lane between them and slowing down the speed of the bikers To indicate more to slow down the speed of the bikes. The vision of the graphic on the tiles change into smaller scale. Leading you down a ramp and to the open green area and further down to the water front. 1:100 plan of the plaza


1:100 section and plan of the ramp


The ramp is one of the connection from the residential area down to the sea front. By adjusting the landscape and having the ramp sitting 30cm in the ground we get a ramp that is 17 m long and in 20째. The total width is only 1.1m which fits perfectly for bigger

1.1 m 17 m

bikes and allowing only one to pass at a time. That way we have some control is over the speed.


Axonometric of the plaza in winter time Sitting area could have a different use over the seasons. In winter time a ice skate could occur on them.


Shared street of Sandviken Not all of the streets have a bike lane. For the shared street we offer them to the residents on the site. Where they can take over the streets giving them a different atmosphere and use.


Shared street Where car space is taken away and giving it back to the people.

Today you can strongly see how people are taking over the public space of the street a culture the we want to enhance


Axonometric of the shared street. - Allowing people to occupy more of the streets. - No bikelane showing on the street. - Create meeting/social places

Some ideas of what the habitants could do to the street.


Masterplan for our bikelane from Ă…sane the city center Keywords

Straightest Connected Speed Experiance Changes Smoothness Safety Fun Useful Workspace Moments Tunnel Activity Parking Culture




Article Tilfeldighetenes by Korleis kan vi gjer ein endring i holdningar til sykling blant beboarane i Åsane? Vi veit at det ikkje vil bli ein “København-kultur” over natta, men kanskje nokon kunne begynt å sja på moligheita til å sykle til butikken når du skal kjøpe 1 liter melk. Det ville vert eit stort skritt i riktig retning. I løpet av hausten har ein gruppe masterstudenter ved Bergen Arkitektskole jobbet med sykkel infrastruktur i Norge. Blant dem, har vi fire studenter valt å fokusere på strekninga mellom Åsane og Bergen. Dette er gjennom kurset Move, organisert av Arkitektkontoret Lala Tøyen i Oslo. Vi starta kurset med å la befolkningen i Åsane svare på et spørreskjema. Der vi ba dei om å fortele om deira sykkel vaner i kvardagen. Vi såg dermed at det faktisk er svært få som sykler i kvardagen. Tid, vær og terreng er nokon av grunnane til at mange ikkje sykler. Men det er lett å finne unskyldningar. Men det er det som er interessant, er det på grunn av dårlig infrastruktur folk ikkje sykler så mykje i Norge eller er det rett og slett holdningen som trengs en endring? Vi har vert i nær kontakt med Bergen kommune i løpet av dette semesteret på Bergen Arkitekthøgskule. I den forbindelse med å jobbe med vårt prosjekt om utbyggningen av Bybane og sykkelsti mot Åsane fra Bergen. Der vi blandt annet såg på en separert sykkel og bybane tunnel gjennom Munkebotn og til Eidsvåg. Det var


utgangspunktet for prosjektet vårt som vi har jobba med i løpet av hausten. Kommunen er godt klar over situasjonen slik den er i dag, og det finnes allereie mange planar om sykkel og bybane alternativ frå Bergen til Åsane. Om prosjektet blir ein verkelegheit, vil det ta ca 30 minutter å sykle frå Åsane terminal til Bergen sentrum, i eit tempo mellom 16 - 20 km/t. Bil tar for tida ca 20 minutt. Men det er om det er lite kø. Då må du rekne ein ekstra tid for køer, finne parkeringsplass, og sjølvsakt det mykje høgare forbruket. Så vist du slår det heile saman ser du at det faktisk tar mindre tid å sykle. Vi håper også at fleire i Åsane og Bergen starter å sykle. Spesielt få inn forskjelige ordninger og program inn i grunnskuler. Vist du ønsker å gå mindre avstand enn 2,5 kilometer er raskere å sykle enn å ta bilen. Korleis kjem du deg rundt i Bergen i dag. Tenk på kva transport du bruke og kva du kan velge mellom eller kombinere. Vi har eit godt utbredt kollektivsystem, med busser og bybane. Men diskusjonen om bybane til Åsane har blitt satt på vent. Er det virkeleg så gale at den går over bryggen, eller er det betre enn alle bilane som går over der i dag? Korleis ser framtidige Bergen ut? Ofte refererar enn til fart når ein tenke på korleis enn tar seg rundt i dag. Men å kjøyre bil er ikkje så mykje raskare enn dei andre alternativa vi har i dagens samfunn. Gjennomsnittleg hastigheit på ein bil er 35 km / t i urbane område, mens Bybana har

ein gjennomsnittshastigheit på 28km / t, sykle er 15km/t og gå er 5 km/t i byområde. Vi meinar ikkje at du berre skal sjå sykkelen som det einaste transportmiddelet, men la det vere fleirtall. Kombiner kommunaltrafikk, sykling og turgåing. Vi må også tenke på den faktiske størrelsen ein bil tar opp. 80% av dagen er bilen parkert. Kva om du kunne forandre store parkeringsplasser til offentlige parker og torg. Det er berre å sjå på festplassen som var ein parkeringsplass før år 2003.

at interessen er der, men at akkurat no er det infrastrukturen som må forbetrast. Men det betyr ikkje at du ikkje kan sykle. Det beste ville vert vis fleire folk begynte å sykle, og deler sine erfaring og forslag på kva som bør gjerast. Kommunen er no i full gang med planer og alternativer for endringer. Det er fleire forum der du kan snakke og komme med innspill. Mange ser på sykling til og frå jobb som eit hinder, det blir lettare for dei å kjøyre bil. Men er det eigentleg det? Har du prøvd?

Energiforbruk er eit anna parameter som er viktig å ta opp. Vist du syklar i en time i en hastighet på 25 km / t i stedet for å kjøyre en bil med ein hastighet på 50 km / t sparar 480 Wh, som tilsvarer belysning i ein vanleg stove for ein kveld. Blant dei fleste, er det ein tanke at bilen er ein sjølvfølje. Enn treng bil. Men passar eigentleg bilen i ein Bergen by i 2016? Du kan referere til mange andre byar der dei har valgt å fjerne bilar heilt frå enkelte områdar. Eit eksempel er i New Mexico, der ein stor gate blei forvandla til ein svært populær sykkel gate kvar søndag. Bilen er hindringen for kvifor barn ikkje bør spille i gata, eller gå til butikken i nærheita. Ikkje sei det motsa seg sjølv. Burde ikkje det vere gater for dei som bur i byen, for folk? Korleis får vi ein holdningsendring når det gjeld sykling blant beboare i Åsane og Bergen? Vi ser




Facebook Some of the reaction from Facebook. But we created a like page name Sykkelfeen that presents your project and analyze out in to the media.




115 watts can power a cyclist for about 5 km. It would only power a normal, mid-sized car for about 85 meters.

A one hour ride is


of your day No excuses

Cycling shorter distances (around 2.5 km) takes less time then taking the car, in an urban environment.


BAS 2015

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