1 minute read
Christmas lights
Cont from pg 7
Julian’s Story
For the fourth and final day of camp! We were given lectures by an actor and a film director on how to present ourselves and prepare well for the final pitch (of groups’ members’ projects combined) in front of a board! Over the three days of camp, my team and I have designed an extremely fancy exoskeleton with many interesting features to give those with a disability a second chance. During the pitching period, we pitched our suit to the engineers and they surely did not seem disappointed! After that, we (rightfully so) thanked and applauded all who were involved in the organisation of the camp, were given refreshments, packed up and I went home with the greatest feeling I have felt in a long time.
In conclusion, this camp was one of the most educational, interesting and exciting adventures I have ever been on, and if asked to go again, I would accept in a heartbeat! One could say it was mathemagical!
Cont from pg 7
Zen’s Story
perts and guidance of Profs. Pierre Schembri Wismayer we were able to design four bionic inventions. All the members of the foundation were very kind and understanding they did everything they could to make us feel at home. I learnt about many new topics and developed on that which I already knew.
To sum up, this was a once in a lifetime experience and a memorable one at that. I believe that this is an educational event that was founded for a great cause and intended to be interactive and enjoyable.


Let There Be Light Save the date 07.12.2022
St Edward’s College is, once again, organising a family feast, a celebration of light and the joy of the upcpming Christmas. After more than two years of pandemic, we just love the community feel we had at the Spring Fête, so...here we go again! Food, gifts, dancing and carolling are all on the menu so, save the date and bring your loved ones. In any case the next day is a holiday so you can have a lie in!