2 minute read
By Rowan Ciantar Year 8
Since I was very young, football has always been my passion. A few months ago I was selected with other children my age (12 yrs old) to represent my club at some Futsal trials at Ta’ Qali. Hundres of children from all over Malta were present. At the end of the traials, that were by elimination, only the best 20 players were choosen to form part of the FUTSAL National Team of the under 13s for the 2023 season. Luckily I was one of the choosen ones and I couldn’t be prouder!
Futsal is a 5- a side indoor game and its much more intense and harder than the normal 11 a-side footbal match. Why? There is no rest, you are always involved in action as the pitch is much smaller too. Once you are attacking and you loose the ball, you have to drop back and defend. It is also a fast thinking game. You must always know your next move before you get passed and receive the ball!
When the trials started, every week they were a knock-out competition. The judges observed us and took down notes based on our speed, skills, agility etc… however, most importantly they judged us on how good of a team player we were. An important lesson I’ve always practiced is that: who doesn’t play for the team but for himself can never be a real good player!
I was always on tenderhooks awaiting news after every trial session. When I reached the final 32 players I was over the moon! It felt like a dream achievement already. I had only to face the second and last traials during which the final 20 players ahd to be choosen. I tried to concentrate and have a ‘mantra’. I told myself that I needed to collect myself, not give up and do my best with all my heart.
Over the Christmas break, my parents received the much awaited email just shy of 2 days from the new year! My Dad called me very excitedly and emotional to tell me the good news. I was excited because not only did my hard work pay off but I was also going to play for Malta and with some of the best players which will enable me to better my skills further. My goal is to persvere, always push myself so that in the future I can play with the best clubs.
Football is not only a fun game to play but it is also about discipline. The way you train, you act etc reflect your avilities. There is a time for rest and for sleep. You also need to find good balance between training and your school responsibilities because they are equally important.
In Sports, as with everything in life, you should never give up! Every little achievement is a step to making a bigger dream come true!