1 minute read

Learning to be of Service

ByAdamCaruana,NathanLucasAttard,Daniel Custo’|Yr.9

Young Parliamentarians is a program students between form 3 and form 5 learn how to debate. One hundred fifty-five students from 21 schools participated in the


We decided to join Young Parliamentarians because we thought that it would be a fun experience which would help us expand our field of knowledge.

We had a lot of fun at the event because there was a nice atmosphere between us and other schools. Even though we didn’t qualify for the finals, we still had a great time. We learnt many interesting facts about the topics that they gave us. We also learnt a lot of skills that you need to write a valid debate. When debating sometimes we had to be on the Affirmative Team and sometimes we were Against the motion. The topics that we debated were the following:

Edukazzjoni(i) - Il-Kamra tirrakkomanda li l-istudenti kollhaf’livell sekondarjumajkollhomxsuġġettiobbligatorjibiexjipprogressawgħal-livellpost sekondarju.

Agrikoltura - Il- kamratipproponilisas-sena2043, ħamsinfil-mija(50%) tal-prodottiagrikolilissibhomfil-ħwienetjkunuprodottilokali.

Ugwaljanza - Il-Kamratipproponilitiġistabbilitakwotagħal żgħażagħ ta’ bejn is-16 u l-25 sena li jiġu eletti kemm fil-kunsill lokali kif ukoll filparlament.

Klima- Il-kamratipproponilidawkil-kumpanijili joffrutrasportb’xejnlill-ħaddiematagħhomser jingħatawskontannwalita’għaxrafil-mija(10 %)fuqil-konttad-dawlul-ilma.

Marittimu- Il-kamratirrakomandalijibdewjoperaw‘ferries’lijilħqunumruta’rototmal ta'MaltauGħawdex.

We had an amazing time with our youth worker James Pizzuto. He taught us a lot of stuff such as Patos, Logos, Ethos and the hamburger model. The experience was nice and we had a good time debating with other students from other schools. We went up against different schools so that we could voice our opinions on certain topics and try to convince the jury that our opinion was correct. We are already planning on taking part in the event next year and found the experience very enjoyable. We encourage more senior school boys to take part next year too!

Happy St Paddy’s Day - from us to you all!

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