Employee handbook Policies, Procedures and Practices
Section3:Planningand Programming 16
Sickness Policy and Time Off requests
Reporting Sick Request for Time Off
Extra Work Bank
Purchase Order Procedure
Supervision Hours/Part-time Hours Procedure
Break time Supervision Procedure
Reduced Hours/Part-time Teachers
Local Outings for Students
Foreign Outings for Students
Students with learning Difficulties
New Staff Orientation
Staff leaving SEC
Annual Review of Students
Private lessons
Return of Annual Exam Corrected Papers
Social Media: Teachers/Students cyber issues
Roles and responsibilities
Communication between pupils/students and staff
Guidelines for staff on the use of Social Media sites
Unacceptable uses of Social Media sites and their consequences– General
Sanctions for Policy Infringements
Discipline Policy
Booklist Procedure
St Edward’s EAL/TEFL Policy
Motto and mission
at er ic internal portal (R Drive on staff members` PC or in staff resources on college website). This Handbook is designedforalleducatorsandisthere as your first reference point for any informationyoumightneed. At cr in te em ge an as we St 19 th ed st ha fu su we co De av Th provideapracticalguidetotheday to day operations at College and a comprehensive understanding of the functioning of the school, guidelines of conduct within the community,anddirectionforall
Planning and g
·How the learning will take place (tasks)
Please email your weekly lesson plans every Thursday prior to that particular week of teaching to: Head of Sections for Early Years, Junior, Middle, Senior andIBaswellasLSEsconcerned
Planning refers to the overall knowledge, skills and understandings that are to be taught(syllabus).
1. Programming refers directly to the teachingofthesyllabus.
Teachers will be expected to have SOWs and Lesson Plans up to date Sample SOWs and Lesson Plans are on the‘PublicFolder’(Rdrive)atSEC.
Each teacher is to email the Head of Section before the first day of school thefollowingdocumentation:
Firstterm’sschemeofwork(SOW) Thetopicstobecoveredduringthe year(pleaserefertosampletopics in the Staff Resources section on the R:Drive). Ensure that it is the Maltese curriculum where applicable. LessonPlansforweek1.
The College has a commitment to Professional Development. Teachers are obliged to attend PD meetings held throughout the scholastic year. The College will offer external PD Developments to teachers throughout the year. It is of utmost importance that teachers keep up to date with any developments in their fields. The Ministry of Education andEmploymentalsoofferscourses throughout the scholastic year, teachers are encouraged to attend any PD courses and those who wish to attend have to advise the Headmaster.
Assessments and Examinations Section2
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With the above as a basis, assessment atStEdward’sservesthedualpurposes of supporting each student`s growth andtheachievementoftheirindividual potentialkeepinginmindthecurricular goals as set out by the national and foreignexaminationboards.
All assessments play an important role in the learning process. Student learning, in which students actively engage in the learning process, reflect and take responsibility for their own learning,requiresfeedback.
The circle, learning, assessment, reflection which then informs both teaching and learning, is a powerful tool for improvement of understanding and a progression of learning. It is imperative that the circle is complete –feedbacktostudentsisparamount!
Assessment tools, used by teachers, provide a useful measurement against course criterions in order to provide a clear indication of students` individual level of attainment of each course objective To this end, both formative and summative assessments utilizing the course assessment tools are required multiple times throughout the course.
Assessment instruments may include tests, examinations, extended practical work,projects,portfolios,essays,
These are usually done at the end of Year11and13.
res ora ma pro Tea form the nee giv con Nov Rep the con Ap ext the con our wa stu Spe g assessmentwillinclude:
External assessment – these are examinations (written or oral or performance-based)setbyanexternal boardlikeMATSEC,IBorIGCSE.
Course work – internal assessments used for subjects For VET these are moderated by MATSEC, for IBDP these are usually moderated by teachers. These are held throughout the three years of Senior School and the two yearsofIBDP
Controlled assessment – used for externally verified exams by MATSEC These are held throughout the three yearsofSeniorSchoolinthecaseofVET subjects or in Y11 in the case of SEC subjects.
IBDPhasitsownterminologyspecificto IBDP.
School-based assessment (SBA) –assessments recorded for MATSEC assessment purposes. These carry 30% of the whole MATSEC assessment (10% in each of the three years of Senior School).
Again, IBDP has its own terminology specifictoIBDP.
Internal Assessment – these are St Edward’s assessments, not from any non-StEdward’sentity.
Formative assessments - assessments carried out throughout the year, including a variety of forms like homework, tests, lab reports, projects, orals These may be graded qualitativelyorquantitatively.
Summative assessments that measure mastery – examples might include end of topic tests, end of chapter tests and end of year tests End of year examinations should cover the work carriedoutforthatacademicyear.
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Exam & Assessment
Same as above, but papers cover the entireyear’ssyllabus.
Teachers should give their pupils study guidelines Detailed reports are issued onMySchool.
Deadlines MUST be adhered to Deadlines are there to ensure that HoD’s and others have enough time to comprehensively review exams and give feedback on any amendmentstobemade
In order to ensure that we maintain standards we follow a set of procedures which necessitates us all adhering to the time frame Papers are reviewed at several stages, this helps reduce the number of errors which do occur, even with the most accurate and fastidiousperson
If due to unforeseen circumstances you are unable to abide by the deadline and require an extension, pleasespeaktoyourHoDandHoSif you anticipate issues; not after the deadline has passed Extensions will requiresignificantjustification.
InthecaseofYear4-6eachsubject will submit 1 exam that will be between1hourto15hourslong
In the case of Years 7 and 8 each subject will submit 1 exam which is between 1.5 to 2 hours long. Each exam may contain multiple papers that fit within the time frame. (For Example: 0.5 hours Maths mental paper,1.5hoursMathslongpaper)
finished with over 30 mins remaining, nor should they be too long so that manystudentsdonotfinish.
enough content to last the exam duration, while it is normal to have studentswhoworkatvariouspaces and some will undoubtedly finish before others, the exam should not betooshortsothatALLstudentsare
Exam papers must contain differentiated tasks that cater for a wide range of abilities. Each exam must contain tasks that have a varying level of difficulty to ensure a normaldistributionofmarks
1. St Edward’s exam front sheet available on school`s website under StaffResources&asanappendixinthe staffhandbook
2. ConsistentFontsize
o Font Andika of at least size 14, dependent on the needs of the students, is to be used for the Junior school
o Font Verdana size11 is to be used for theMiddle&Seniorschool
o Font Arial size11 is to be used for the IBDP6thformschool
3. Page numbers in footer that also indicate total number of pages (Page 1 of10)excludingthefrontpage
4 Allocatedmarksforeachquestion are displayed in square brackets in a separatecolumnontheright.[4marks] or[4]
5. N orde
8. Pl thef 9.Ju 10. K Bold 11. Am answ
Years 4, 5 & 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 final grades will be split up into 70% exam result and 30% from continuous or formative assessments.
The continuous or formative assessments can take many forms. Formative assessment implies that students are given feedback to improve on their learning Therefore continuous assessment through regularly marked homework with feedback is appropriate. Schoolbased assessment (SBAs) or assignments that are used to develop a particular skill in a nonexam setting; such as projects or presentations, are also appropriate. Tests at the end of topics that are not revisited DO NOT constitute as partoftheformativeassessment.
Exam reports must be uploaded by the deadlines indicated by the Headmaster.
Reports for students with an LSE, mustbewrittencollaboratively.
Assessment and exam papers may be set by the teacher to be accessible for allstudentbutstillservingtheirpurpose toassessstudentknowledgeaccording to the student’s needs and the curriculum followed throughout the year.
Allmainstreampapersshouldincludea number of tasks that are accessible to a wide range of abilities thus having differentiatedtasksasmentionedinthe previous sections An exam paper containing solely full sentence question andanswersislessaccessibleto
students with reading and writing difficulties. A well differentiated paper that contains tasks with a variety of answering modes such as multiple choice, circle or underline the correct answer, fill in the blanks, matching, true/falseetc.willreducethenumberof paperstobemade.
The mainstream paper is the core paper.The more changesare made to the paper,the more the level and content will be deviating from the mainstream It must be noted that local and foreign formal exam papers cannot be adapted or have reduced content. Text formatting accommodationsinformal
examinations are only approved and granted by the Examinations Board given the necessary documentation accordingtothedisability/conditionof thestudent.
Accommodations done to papers are textformattingand/orwhenthepaper isprintedoncolouredpaper.
1. Mainstream Paper- Produced by the teacher with differentiated tasks withnochangestoitspresentationand content.
Accommodated Mainstream PaperMainstreampaperswithtextformatting only or/and mainstream paper printed oncolouredpaper.
2.Minor Adaptations - Same content,number of questions& academic level as the mainstream paperwithminorsupportsuchasfor:
-Comprehension/ subject questions: split text with same questions as mainstream, additional paragraph/line numbernexttoquestions
-Writing tasks 20% less wordcount in writingtasks
-Maths: Same story sums but change informattingforbreakdownofquestion
Minor Adaptations & Accommodation
– Minor Adaptations as above, together with text formatting or/and printedoncolouredpaper.
3. .Major Adaptations - Same content, same number of questions and academic level as the mainstream paper with added major support, such asfor:
-Comprehension/ subject questions: split text together with different answering mode, which may include multiple choice, circle or underline the correct answer, fill in the blanks, matching, true/false, colour coding prompts, word banks, written prompts, visuals, examples, pictures, sentence starters,etc
-Writingtasks:morethan20%lessword countinwritingtasks,sentencestarters, word banks, written prompts, pictures, sentencestarters,‘Wh’questionsetc
-Maths:writtenMathsmentalquestions (Junior), use of a calculator (Middle/Senior), rewording of questions and/or story sums, adding visuals in story sums, breakdown of problems/story sums, use of grids (Middle/Senior), written story sum statements, guidance on working to produce the answer, written formulas, coloured markings, written prompts andclearlabelledsections.
Major Adaptations & Accommodation –Majoradaptationstogetherwithtext formattingor/andprintedoncoloured paper.
4. Reducedcontent-Onlysometopics from the mainstream curriculum is assessed; Comprehension text and numberofquestionsmaybereduced.
Reducedcontent&accommodations–Reduced content together with text formattingor/andprintedoncoloured paper.
Reduced content with major or minor adaptations - Only some topics from the mainstream curriculum is assessed together with major or minor adaptationsasmentionedabove.
Reduced content with major/minor adaptations and accommodationsOnly some topics from the mainstream curriculum is assessed with major/minor adaptations and accommodations (text formatting or/andprintedoncolouredpaper)
5. Alternative:
i Same subjects as mainstream but content matter presented is at a lower level from the mainstream paper It mayalsoincludeaccommodationsand minorormajoradaptations,or
ii. Content, subject and level is different fromthemainstreampaper Itmayalso include accommodations and minor or majoradaptations
ProcedureforSettingAccessibleExam Papers
-The type of paper that will be presented to the student must be discussed first between the teacher andtheLSE.Theproposedpaperisthen discussedduringtheIEPmeetingwhere the parents are present This will be documentedintheIEPreportwhichwill be signed by the parents confirming theiracceptance.
- Accessible papers support the student’s needs, but caution must be taken not to widen gaps in the student’s learning; diminish the possibilities for the student to sit for local and foreign formal examinations; give a false picture of the student’s knowledge, abilities and challenges; anddiminishstudentsself-esteemand confidence.
-Accessible exam papers must be done in collaboration between the subject teacher and the LSE and with the approval of the subject teacher. Both bring their expertise to the development of the paper, the LSE’s experience and knowledge of the studentandtheteacher’sexperience
-The type of paper must be clearly indicatedonthecoverpageaccording totheabovetitles/definitions.
-Well differentiated papers made by the subject teachers will significantly decrease the amount of having differentpapersfordifferentstudents
-Papers must be accessible to the studentwhilestillassessingtheirlevel inthesubject.
-If a student sat for an accessible paper, this must be indicated in the student’sexamreport.
Exam supervision procedures to ensurethevalidityofourschoolexams
-The aim of these procedures is to prevent and to stop any form of malpractice during exam sessions. This is essential to our institution and all procedures should be followed during allexamsessions
-Malpractice by a learner may lead to jeopardizing the whole process of examinations. Any learner suspected of malpracticewillbeinvestigatedandhis results placed ‘on hold’. Any learner caughtandpositivelyidentifiedas
having attempted to act illicitly during an exam session will be automatically disqualified from that exam and possibly from all other exams held duringthatparticularsession.
-Any educator or member of staff found in breach of procedures will be held responsible for the consequences of that breach. Any collusion between members of staff and learners will be consideredasaseriousinfringementof thecodeofethicsandtheemployment contract
-The scheduled invigilator is to go to the school exams coordinator’s office ten minutes before the scheduled exam time to collect all the exam scripts and necessary writing equipment like sheets of paper and graphpaper.Alistofstudentsistoalso be provided with the exam scripts. The scheduled invigilator is to ensure that the assigned examination room contains all the necessary equipment; wall clock, seating plan and stationery. If any of these are missing the exams coordinator or head of section should benotifiedimmediately.
-All learners are to leave their school bags and prohibited items outside of the exam room. Breach of this will be considered malpractice and therefore sanctioned
-Before commencement of the exam, invigilators must ensure that learners havenoneofthefollowingontheirdesk or with them; mobile phones, books, written notes, electronic gadgets like ipods or smart watches. Learners are only allowed stationery containers that are transparent and whose contents are visible to the invigilator. Any other form of stationery case is to be left outside of the exam room. Calculators needs to be reset and are allowed in the exam room only when needed in specific exams and stated in the exam instructions. Answers should be in blue or black pens and no correction fluids, erasablepens,tipexorcorrectiontapes aretobeused.
-Exam papers are to be handed out face down and students are only allowed to turn them over when the invigilator announces the beginning of theexam
-Attendance of learners must be taken and indicated on the class list given with the exam papers. All absentees must be carefully indicated and recorded.
-Exams are to start on the time scheduled in the timetable; if there is a delay this is to be noted and the replacing invigilators informed Students are to be given the full amount of time allocated to an exam and indicated on the exam paper and schedule.
-Iftheexamisshorterthantheallotted exam time; such as 1.5 hour exams in the middle school, the exam is to be startedlatesothattheexamfinishesat theendoftheexamsession Priortothe exam starting students are to remain silent at their desks and are allowed to readorstudy.
-Invigilators starting the exam are to signtheirnamesontheexamclasslist.
-Perfectsilencemustbemaintainedby all,duringtheexamsession.Invigilators maynothelplearnersinansweringany of the questions found in the exam. Invigilators must not distract learners duringexamsessions.
warnedandfailingtoheedthewarning, will be suspended from the exam. Heads of section are to be notified immediately so as to look into the matterfurther
-Invigilators are not allowed to eat, chat, read, correct or make use of mobile phones or other electronic equipmentduringtheexamsession
-During in-house examinations all learners excluding Years 12 & 13 are to remain in the exam hall till the end of thescheduledtimeandonlyallowedto leave after all exam scripts have been collected Years 12 & 13 students are allowed to leave early as per IBDP regulations. For external examinations like IBDP and IGCSE students are allowed to leave early as per regulationsbytheseboards
-Students are not allowed to use the bathroomsatanytimeduringtheexam exceptincasesofemergency.
-Invigilators are to announce and inform students when 30 minutes are left, 10 minutes are left and when 5 minutesareleft.
-When the exam time is over this is to be announced clearly and all learners aretobeinstructedto;
-Any learners in breach of exam conductandbehaviourmustbe
“Make sure that your name and details are written on the exam paperandscript”
“Placethescriptandexampaperat the side of your desk and wait for theinvigilatortocollectit”
After correcting of the annual exams, a list of prize winners must be sent via email to Rose Sultana at admin@stedwards.edu.mt as well astheheadofsection
-During the collection of scripts and exampapers,namesshouldbemarked and indicated on the provided list to ensure that there are no missing or extrascripts.
-After all scripts are collected and recorded, learners are allowed to leave theexamhall.
-The invigilators finishing the exam are tosigntheexamclasslist.
-The finishing invigilators are responsible for the collected scripts andexampapersuntilhandedinatthe examsecretary’soffice.
-All completed exam scripts and exam papers are to be taken to the exam secretary’s office immediately after the exam.
-Corrected scripts need to be returned totheexamination’ssecretary’soffice
-Exam room must be left in an orderly manner, in a state it was found upon entering. All rubbish in bins, chairs and desks in places, fans and lights switchedoffandwindowsclosed.
Global mark (summative and formative assessment) in the annualexam.
2. In the result of a tie all students will beawardedaprize
Students sitting for differentiated, accommodated and mainstream papers are eligible for a subject prize
Policies and Procedures Section3
In the event of the necessity to evacuate, the following procedures are to be observed. Relevant sections of the College mustbeevacuatedwhenneeded.
Thereareanumberofstrategicallyplaced points to activate the alarm. All staff must be familiar with the locations of these points.Intheeventofanemergencyastaff member must immediately activate the nearest alarm. The Bursar, members of the SMT and the Administration Section will ensure that the other sections of the Collegeareadvisedandifnecessaryother section`s alarms will also be activated If needed,theHeadofSecuritywillinformthe correctemergencyservice Theemergency numberis112.
All block main doors and gates are to be kept wide open during an evacuation drill or in case of an emergency
Parents must be informed before thedrill
In case of a student with mobility impairment, the student's needs in an emergency must be discussed duringtheIEP.
Evacuation should take not more than3minutes.
The fire Marshall of the particular floor is to ensure that no one is left behind. Bathrooms need to be checked.
If a teacher becomes aware of a fire, emergency or threat in the college during a lesson it will be his/her responsibility to alert the rest of the school. To facilitate a smooth evacuation procedure, the teacher should notify a colleague in a neighbouring class to start evacuating both classes so that he/she can reach the alarm-bell switch as quickly as possible.
Studentsshouldbecalmlyaskedtoexit theclassroomandWALKinorderlylines to the assembly area. At this point the persons-in-charge (educators or First Aider) have to make sure that all the students are accounted for Any students who have been given permission to use the toilets have to proceed to the assembly point and make the teacher aware of his presence 2 NOTALKINGISPERMITTED3.
4 Teachers: aHaveaclasslistreadyinhand. . Checkthatallstudentsareoutof theclassroom. b.
Do not take any belongings with you c. dLeaveclassroomdooropen .
5. All students have to be lined up according to their classes with their House Tutor. Once the students are in the assembly area, class teachers and House Tutors will take the roll-call and account for each child The person in chargeoftheevacuationpointwillthen take a roll call for staff clearly marking those present. Any missing students or staff have to be reported immediately to the person in charge of the evacuationpoint.
6. Studentsremaininorderlyandsilent lines until the all-clear signal by the personinchargeisgiven.
Students WALK to the assigned assembly areas where they meet their Class Teachers and House Tutors who will take theroll-call.
Teachers should be familiar with assembly areas and evacuation routes designated for particular classrooms or areas. Subject teachershavetoliaisewiththeHouseTutor ofanyabsences.
Students WALK to the assigned assembly areas where they meet their Boarding Masterwhowilltaketheroll-call
The Fire Marshalls will sweep the buildingwiththehelpofothermembers ofstaffifneedbe.
The person organizing the activity must point out to all attendees where the nearestexitisandhowtoproceedincases ofemergency
All Persons on the property will take partintheevacuationProcedure.
Parents, guests and community people on the grounds during an evacuation must participate. Adults are reminded that no talking is allowed. Please be goodrolemodelsforthestudents.
1. Teachers are to lead in front while the classroom LSE stays at the back of theline
2. Educators are to leave their belongingsintheclassroom
3. Educators are to ensure that no time is wasted. The classroom door mustbeleftopentoallowtheassigned firemarshalltocheckyourarea.Thefire marshall will close the classroom door Thereisnoneedtoswitchoffelectricity lights or computers or closing the windows Evacuate in the shortest time possible.
4 Ensure that students proceed in a quietorderlymanner,singlefile.
5. Ensurethatstudentsaretoexitthe building at a normal pace, no lingering or running in corridors should be allowed
6. Ensurethatallstudentsareatthe assembly point. If taking attendance is not possible, the teacher must do a headcount.
Please refer to the instructions placed in thestaffroom,RDriveorVirtualStaffroom.
It shall be unlawful for any person to sexually harass other persons, that is to say:
a) tosubjectotherpersonstoanactof physicalintimacy;or
b) torequestsexualfavoursfromother persons;or
c) tosubjectotherpersonstoanyact or conduct with sexual connotations, including spoken words, gestures or the production, display or circulation of any written words, pictures or other material, where the act, words or conduct is unwelcome to the persons to whom they are directed and could reasonably be regarded as offensive, humiliating or intimidating to the persons to whom they aredirected.
Any behaviour of this sort should be reported to the Headmaster immediately (or on the following work day) in order that appropriate and immediateactioncanbetaken.
Alternatively,inthefirstinstance,astaff member may choose to give the offender a verbal warning and if the behaviour were to re-occur, report the matterusingtheprocessabove.
The full first aid policy can be found in theRDriveandVirtualStaffroom. Theprocedureisasfollows:
Try to calm the student and stay withhim/her.
Conservatively assess the level of injurytothebestofyourabilities. Have someone else inform a First Aider. Wait with the student until helparrives.
All accidents should be reported immediately verbally and in writing to the Head of section, the School SecretaryandtheBursar.Formtobe foundintheAppendixSectionofthis Handbook.
Head of Section to inform the parents
The School regularly seeks the assistance of the Health Department to updateitsHealthManagementPolicyin line with new developments in the field ofmedicineandgeneralhealth.
Smoking is strictly prohibited on College premises during school hours at all events.Thisappliestoguestsaswell.
Apart from pick up and drop off time, parentsandguestsmustfirstreporttheir arrival at College at the Security Office andcollectavisitor`sbadge.Iftheoffice is closed the visitor should report to the School Secretary to sign in and collect a badge. This is to be returned on their departure. If you come across somebody without a badge, please ask them if you can help and inform them that they have to report to the Security Office.
Safety includes supervision of students during the pre and post school hours, assemblies, change of lessons and break hours. While the operation of school transport is within the domain of thetransportprovider,theCollegewilltry toassiststudentsincaseofdifficulties.
Crisis situations will include but will not belimitedtosituations:
Naturaldisasters,fire,useofweapons / explosives, intruders on College premises,hostagetaking Incidents that require involvement of external agencies such as police, emergency services agencies and relevant embassies.
Attempt to ensure the safety of students and fellow staff membersProcedures will vary according to the crisis. Parents and embassies will be contacted when deemednecessary.
Report incident as soon as possible by whatever means to the Headmasterorhisdelegate.
Follow up with a written report and discusswiththeHeadmaster.
Decides an appropriate course of action.
Makes immediate communication with relevant emergency authority where applicable(police,fire,etc.) Communications with relevant embassywhereapplicable. Remains in close contact with the situation.
Ensureswell-beingofothers. Communicates with The Board of Governors. Communicates with relevant parents whereapplicable.
1) Alwaysactwithinone’scapabilities.
2) Neverplacepropertybeforesafetyof people
3) Never place oneself at undue risk. There may be times when one needs to take “Safe Risks” to control or improve the situation. For example if a fire occurs, evacuate students and if appropriate take actiontoputfireout.
The College follows the National Policy on child protection. Please make yourselffamiliarwiththispolicythrough this link https://tfal.org.mt/en/professionals/Pub lishingImages/Pages/Documents/Natio nal%20Children%27s%20Policy%202016.p df
Ifyoususpectchildabuseofanynature advisetheHeadofSection,Headmaster and the Student Support immediately. Do not advise the family or any other memberofStaff
St Edward`s College adheres to the legal requirements of GDPR. In case of difficulties, please contact either Ms Annalise Domenici or Ms Analise Cioffi, ourDataProtectionofficers.
Sickness policy & Time off requests
Employees are to send an SMS to thecollege(MsMsSamanthaVella) on 77900600 by 07:30am giving detailssuchas:NameandSurname, Address and Contact number.
4) NoStaffwillcommunicatewithmedia at any time in relation to a crisis or any othermatter.
Primary contact should be Ms Samantha Vella, however should you wish, you can also inform your Head of Section. It is important to inform Ms Vella of your anticipated return.
2 In case of short-term sick leave (up to 3 days) certificates are to be handed in to Ms Vella on the first day of returning to work. LSEs have the option to either pass them on to INCO department or else to Ms Vella
3 Long-term sick leave (4 days or more) mustbejustifiedbythebluecertificate.The original copy of the certificate is to be forwarded to the Social Security Department, and the second copy is to be handed over to Ms Vella The blue certificate can be submitted online using either this link: https://socialsecurity.gov.mt/en/mysoci alsecurity/ or by email on servizz@gov.mt. We strongly suggest that you use the online application form. There are a few stepstofollow,explainedbelow:
Access the link: https://socialsecuritygovmt/en/my socialsecurity/ a.
f. Go to the 2nd page and fill in the detailsrequired YouhavetofillinYOUR bankdetailsnottheCollege`ssinceyou willbereceivingthefunds.
Scroll down and click on submit a bluecertificate b cLoginwithyoure-id . dAne-formapplicationpopsup . Yourpersonaldetailsshouldalready be included as you would have loggedinwithyoure-id e.
g. Upload your certificate (front and back) by clicking “add files” and start upload.
h. You will receive a confirmation email that your certificate has been submitted.
As from March 2022, when exceeding the 3 days sick leave, the sickness benefit will be deducted from your month`s salary. Therefore, it is imperative that you submit the blue certificate within 7 days from date of certificate in order to be entitled to the reimbursement of the Government`s sickness benefit. It is important to note that the amount deducted from your month`s salary will be according to the Government`s daily sickness benefit rate.Thedifferencewillstillbehonoured by the College. The Government`s daily sickness benefit rates for 2022 are: €1415 for employees with a single tax status and €21.85 for employees with a marriedtaxstatus
4. Sick leave will only be entertained if justified by a doctor's certificate If the doctor’s note is not presented in good time,disciplinaryactionsmayfollowup. The certificate can be sent by email to Ms Vella on samanthavella@stedwardsedumt
5 Hospitalappointmentsaretobejustified by a note signed by the hospital practitioners. This note should include the time when the appointment was completed.
Replacementteacherdetailswillbeplaced on the relevant Staffroom notice boards and the virtual staff room. Teachers taking replacement classes will see the Head of Section for the work set. It is the teacher’s responsibilitytoensurethatthesestudents are on task They are to be reported if they arenot.Theteacherondutyisinchargeof these students during evacuation procedures.
Please do not make appointments for doctors etc during College hours. If you must leave unavoidably during the day you are to get permission by email from Headmaster or respective Head of Section via the Shireburn portal Training on the portal is provided during the staff development days. Otherwise, you can followthesesteps:
Logininwithyouremailaddressand password on to: indigo.shireburn.com Clickonapplyandchoosethedate In the leave group field, choose vacation
In the Leave hours schedule detail field,choosehours Submit
You will then receive an email with the decisiontakenfromthemanagement.
Workforstudentsshouldbeleftwiththe Academic Curriculum Coordinator and it is the individual`s responsibility to swap any playground duties Request for leave for professional development, outside meetings etc must be carried outatleastaweekpriortotheevent.
When a teacher is sick/absent it is very useful for the replacement teacher, a colleague,tohaveworkforthestudents todowhentheyareplacedinthestudy hall or when in their classroom. To this end I would ask all teachers to have a ‘Work Bank’ prepared and given to the AcademicCurriculumCoordinator
The Work Bank should have enough work for 3 days separated by each day (Day1,Day2andDay3)inthiswayifa teacherisoutforonedaytheothertwo canbeused.
Theworkbankmightbeasstraightforward as, ‘Students read XXX and answer the questions on page YYY’. Alternatively if it is early in the year and you know that at some point you will be covering a particular chapter in the future it might be ‘Read chapter XXX and summarise the main points’ If late in the year you might decide that you would like students to revise a particular section you can direct themtothatsection.
I know this will vary from teacher to teacher. What I have described has flaws butthepointisthatwhenwearereplacing a sick colleague it is very useful and less time consuming for the replacement teacher to simply be given the work bank and to tell the student that this is the work thattheyneedtofocuson.
Purchase Order Procedure during the scholasticyear:
Prior to any purchase, a purchase order must be raised from the Accounts Department.
Approval from the Head Of Department (email to be forwarded to the Accounts Department & HeadsofSection)
1. In order to issue the purchase order, the Accounts Department would need the following:
2. The purchase order has to be approved by the Headmaster and the Bursar.
3. Once / If the purchase order is approved, the Accounts Department will notify the person making the request for the purchase and this can becollectedfromtheAccountsoffice
4. The purchase can be made, reimbursementuponreceipt.
5 In the case of new books for the College,thesameprocedureappliesfor the purchase order however the Accounts Department will contact the supplierandorderthebooks.
ImportantNote:Purchasesofallbooks must be done by the Accounts department.
Supervision Hours/Part-time
Break Time Supervision Hours Procedure (refer to the Appendix section for the claimform):
Heads of Sections need to collect a Break Time Supervision sheet from the Accounts Department. A soft copy will alsobesenttotheSectionHeads. 1
2. The hours allocated for break time supervision need to be filled in on the providedsheetbytheteachers/LSEs.
5 Only the hours approved by Head of Sectionwillberemunerated.
Local outings for students booking procedure:
1. The teacher must get approval for the proposed date of the outing from the Head of the Section. Before giving approval, the Head of Section must check the calendar with the Academic CurriculumCoordinator.
2.The Head of Section confirms with the Headmaster.
3.Once the approval for the outing is issued, the teacher provides the details of the outing to the Academic Curriculum Coordinator, the booking formcanbefoundintheappendices
4 Ms Vella,theAdministrativeofficer, will advise the total cost of the outing including the bus transport so the teacher can collect this from the students accordingly. Transport is bookedbytheAdministrativeofficer
5.Teachers are expected to open the envelopes handed in by students to check if the correct amount was paid andgivechangeif/whennecessary
6Teachers need to tick each student who paid and ensure that the total amount of cash reconciles with the number of ticked students.
7Cash collected is given to the Accounts Department. Envelopes will not be accepted by the accounts department unlesspoints5and6areadheredto.
8.Payment for the outing provider will be preparedbytheAccountsDepartmentand thiswillbehandedtotheteacherincharge beforetheouting.
9.Any late payments from students must bepaidincash.Areceiptofpaymentmust be presented to the Accounts Department oncetheoutingiscompleted.
Foreign Trips for students booking procedure:
The teacher must get the approval for the proposed date of the trip from the HeadofSection.Beforegivingapproval, the Head of Section must check the calendar and with the Academic CurriculumCoordinator. 1.
3. The teacher must send an email to the students’ parents to see who is interested in the trip along with a generaloutlineoftheitinerary.
4. The teacher provides a detailed programme to the Accounts Departmentincluding: Countrytovisit
Cost of tickets which must be purchased before the trip (such as entrancetomuseumsetc)
Cost of transport required such as trainsetc
5. The Accounts Department will then calculatethecostforeachstudentand provide this along with a deadline, to the Headmaster and the teacher in charge.
6 The teacher sends an email to the interested parents which includes a detailed programme, the cost, the consent form and a copy of the passport with the deadline to hand in alloftheabove
7 Once all documents and payments are received from each parent, these must be forwarded immediately to the AccountsDepartmentandareceiptwill besentbypost.
Head of Section confirms with the Headmaster. 2
8. The teacher needs to inform the Academic Curriculum Coordinator of the staff that will be accompanying the studentsonthetrip.
9. The teacher sends an email to the parents concerned, to confirm the final details of the trip such as flight numbers, dates, time, accommodation etc. A meeting can be held between the parents,studentsandteachershouldthis benecessarytodiscussfurtherdetails.
10.Somedocumentswhichmaybeofuse can be found in the Appendix Section of thisHandbook.
Every teacher should read the special needs booklet available at the INCO`s office
Teachers and LSEs work together as a teaching team. Understanding and cooperation in this area will improve thestudent`slearning
Whenateachernoticesthatastudent requiresobservation,heorsheshould inform the INCO immediately. Please leave it up to the INCO do all the necessary communication with the parents
The INCO is there to coordinate and liaise communication between students, teachers and parents therefore the teachers need to keep the INCO updated on any developments or observations. The INCOwilldothesame.
LSEs need to have access to the Schemes of work at the beginning of term/year.
New staff will have their orientation separately and prior to the annual staffdevelopmentdays. Orientation day consists of – College Tour with Headmaster and a training session including the use MySchool, photocopying procedure, access to internet and general questions regardingthehandbook.
It is SEC policy to recruit and retain excellent teachers. If a teacher is contemplating leaving, please make yourself aware of your rights and responsibilities including your notice period at the Accounts Department. An exit interview will be conducted by the Headmaster.
At the end of each year the Head of Sections will review student results to ascertain their capability of success in the following years Where necessary, parentandstudentinputwillbesought.
Teachers are not permitted to give privatelessonstostudentswhoarein anyoftheirclasses. Teachers need to use their own resources for private lessons. This includesphotocopies
ReturnoftheAnnualExamPapersatthe EndoftheYear
Correctedexampaperscaneitherbe returned to the Examinations Secretary by the first week of College ofthefollowingscholasticyearorelse leftintheirrespectiveclassrooms.
Teachers/StudentsCyber Issues
This section applies to the entire school community – management, teachers, other staff, pupils and parents/guardians. Due to the diverse nature of access to Social Media it relates to all such interactions both during and outside of normal school hoursandincludestheuseofschooland personaldevices.
The Student Support Team will provide support for students and staff who have been victims of online bullying or any other formofabuseonline.
Communication between pupils/students andschoolstaff
Communication between pupils and staff by whatever method, should take place within clear explicit professional boundaries. This includes the wider use of technology such as mobile phones, text messaging, e-mails, social media, digital cameras, videos, web-cams, websitesandblogs.
SEC community members use MySchool for communication between staff and pupils. Staff should not give their personal mobile numbers or personal emailaddressestopupilsorparents.
Staff should not request, or respond to, any personal information from a pupil, other than that which might be appropriate as part of their professional role
Members of the school community need to ensure that when they are communicating about others, even outside the school, that they give due regardtothepotentialfordefamationof character Making allegations on social networkingsitesaboutothersconnected with the school could result in formal action being taken against them. This includes the uploading of photographs which might bring the school into disrepute
All students participating in the online collaboration should be advised of their responsibility to use thesiteappropriately.
Staff is expected to exercise sound judgement and maintain the highestprofessionalstandardswhile usingSocialMediaintheschool
Guidelines for staff on the use of Social Mediasites
Social Media sites can offer educational opportunities for collaboration on projects, presentation of ideas and sharing of class materials and resources Staff should be guided by the following principles when incorporating Social Media into their teaching.
The starting point for all Social Media interaction should be via a link in your Subject Department section on the school’swebsite.
The educational advantage of the use of the Social Media site in question should be clear and permission sought fromtheHeadmasterbeforeuse.
Material that is confidential in nature such as student names, grades etc. shouldneverbeposted Groups’ should be used when collaborating on Facebook Membership of these can be strictly controlled and users do not have to be friends of other users or the group’s creator.
Unacceptable uses of Social Media sitesandtheirconsequences–General
Users are responsible for their own behaviour when communicating with social media and will be held accountable for the content of the communications that they post on socialmedialocations.
Unacceptable use of Social Media sites will include negative comments, threatening messages or images that may cause harm to anymemberofthecommunity.
Forwardingor‘Liking’materialthatis likely to cause offence or hurt to a thirdparty.
Sending or posting messages or material that could damage the school'simageorreputation
Creating a fake profile that impersonates any another member oftheschoolcommunity.
Sending or posting material that is confidentialtotheschool.
Pay strict attention to intellectual propertyandcopyrightlaws.
Uses that violate copyright law, fail to observe licensing agreements or infringe on others intellectual propertyrights.
Participating in the viewing or exchange of inappropriate images orobscenematerial
Plagiarism should be avoided and credit should always be given to the originalauthor.
All cases involving the inappropriate useofsocialmediawillbedealtwithon anindividualbasis
Disciplinary action will be taken in the case of inappropriate use of social mediatools.
Infringements of this policy may have disciplinary repercussions, including, (but notexclusively):
Suspension of network and computer privileges.
Confiscation of devices if found on school grounds or on school related activities.
student who sets up a facility or contributes or allows material to be sourced for the purpose of degrading, bullying or humiliating any member of theschoolcommunity.
Exclusioninthecaseofseriousmisconduct which brings the school into disrepute or defames, slanders or bullies any member of the school community This especially applies,butnotexclusively,toany
A full code of conduct is available on thewebsite.
While we do our utmost to use a pastoral and supportive approach to our students there may be times when disciplinary actions are necessary. When a disciplinary action is taken it is coupled with a meeting of the College Student Support staff member. Our approach varies somewhat as a student moves through college from EarlyYearstoForm6.
If students' behavior is not up to the expected standards, parents will be informed in writing of the event by the teacherandoftheactiontobetaken.
MySchool is the software programme that St Edwards uses to keep track of students. In MySchool there is a section on ‘Discipline’. MySchool is used largely from Middle school to Form 6, IB. In the case of Junior and KG a general note (known as 'the Green Note') is sent homewiththechild.Thissystemisused to record any matters requiring official registering and informing of parents. This note is then given to the parents (usuallybytheboy) Thenoteisthen
signed by the parents and returned to the staff member who has issued the note the following school day. Parents are able to writeacommentonthenoteifnecessary.
The Green Note incident also must be recorded on MySchool. So the student will receive a piece of paper, the Green Note and also the incident should be recorded on MySchool. In the ‘Action taken’ the teacher can simply record that a Green Note was sent to parents. Once a Green Note is handed back to the teacher concerned, it is passed on to the Section Headforrecordkeeping.
A hard copy may be entered into the student's file If the student shows improvement over the course of time the copywillberemoved.
Green Notes are not normally used as a first resort unless in dealing with a serious case of misbehavior or work that is not up to the expected standard The note should serve as a warning to the boy that his behaviororworkethicrequiresattention.
Academic BehavioralIssue SeriousMisconduct
Inthesectionon‘Discipline’onMySchoola staff member has three choices A student canbeenteredunder:
Comments are written under ‘Event Detail’andactionsunder‘Actiontaken’.
Guardian emails are also displayed in the Discipline section. By clicking on these a report is sent to the guardians Other recipients such as Heads of section, Student Support and other relevantstaffcanalsobeincluded.
Consequences/actions for misbehavior willbe,dependingontheinstance; Verbalwarning
Detention during school break (15mins eating time, 45mins detentiontime)
After school detention (currently on Thursdays)
Expulsion, in this case the Board of Governorswillbeconsulted. Hardcopyinthestudentsfile.
All the disciplinary reports are to be reviewed by the Heads of Sections and the office should be informed with the names of students and their respective disciplinaryactiontobetaken.
Decisions for after school suspension are to be taken by the Head of Section or Headmaster by Friday Parents/guardians and teachers will be informed the following Monday about the after school suspension happening onThursday.
In the case of suspensions a probationary period is stipulated in the ‘Action taken’ section. Should there be another incident during that period actions of more consequencewillbetaken.
The procedure for reviewing and ordering newtextsislistedbelow:
Please respect the deadline. We cannot guarantee any book orders placed after thisdate.
1. Thefinalbooklistneedstobehanded intoMs.Sultanaasearlyaspossiblebutno later than the 2nd week of May Any amendments, changes in books or inspection copies needed must be included on this list and the list must be signedbytheteachers.Nochangeswillbe acceptedafterthisdate
2 In the case of inspection copies, teachers must make the decision whether they are keeping the book or not and let Ms.Bianco(Accounts)orMsSultanaknow.
4. Once this is finalized by our supplier, teacherswillcheckthelistagainforthe finalapprovalandsign
5.Thebooklistwillthenbeuploadedon to our website. A note will be included for the parents to make sure that the ISBN numbers on the books agree with thoseonthebooklist.
6. The Accounts Department will raise the purchase orders for any new books andorderthemaccordingly.
Again – this is a process that involves the cooperation and understanding of allofus.Keeptothedeadlineplease!
To support students in their general Englishlanguagedevelopment.
To create a safe and engaging environmentforstudentstopractise the new language skills they are learning.
To encourage learners to take ownership of their educational path andfosterindependentlearning.
To support and advise teachers on development of academic language and strategies for inclusionofEAL/TEFLstudents.
3 Ms Sultanawillforwardtheliststoour supplier,whowillthengiveusfeedbackon availabilities.
To assess students’ English language development and adapt EAL program and level of support to suiteachstudent’sneeds.
Maltese and English are taught as 1st Languages while, French, Italian and Spanish are taught as additional languages. However our students have different backgrounds and countries, therefore we have many other languages spoken such as, Russian, Arabic,Chineseetc
Currently EAL /TEFL support runs from year3toyear9.
Key principles for second language acquisition
Second language acquisition can be a lengthy process; however it can be aided by immersion both academically and socially in the language along with an appropriate level of support. Language acquisition should be divided into communicative language and academic language Although students may be able to communicate well in a new language after a year or two, they may still require support with academic language for up to fiveyears.
Firstlanguagemaintenance; First language maintenance and developmentshouldbeencouraged.
Monitoring, review and evaluation of policy
Policywillbereviewed Policy to be reviewed by Mr Nollaig MacanBaird
Students may join the EAL program through referral by a class/subject teacher or on entry to the school by meansoftheentrytestgivenduring admissiontotheschool.
Teachers referring a student for EAL should provide evidence of their need for language support, to include information about what difficulties students are having within the class and class work that demonstrates these difficulties. (examples could include, comprehension of subject content, completion of class work/ homework tasks/ completion of extended written tasks etc). When referred through the Entrance test the level achieved during the test qualifiesasevidence.
Onceastudenthasbeenreferredto the EAL program they will be assessed to decide the level of supportnecessaryandanindividual program created to include individualtargets Thissupport
shouldbeprovidedbytheEALdepartment and by all other classes students attend.
Assessment can include written and spokenassessmentandobservationofthe student alone or within the learning environment
Once the support program has been decided upon information will be passed on to subject teachers to aid them with their support of students withintheirclass.
Parents will be informed about the supportbeingprovidedtostudentsand informedaboutwhatshouldbedoneto supportstudentsoutsideschoolhours.
Students will be given additional language support in small groups of students, (recommended 5-8 depending on the level of English) at a similarstageoflanguagedevelopment.
Levelandquantityoflanguagesupport will depend on student’s level and individualneed.
language levels In Junior school students will be divided as per attached structure. For further details of language levelsseeattachedstructure.
Where possible, students will be assignedtooneEALteacher.
In Middle and Senior School Students willbedividedforsupportinto2
When students have reached the required level of language development they may still require support with academic language withintheclassroom.
Continued need for support will be assessed by on-going assessment in the classroom and tests where necessary.
Priority will be given to students with thegreatestneedforsupport
Students should be given long term targets and attainment goals. These should be realistic, specific and attainable.
Long term goals should be broken down into smaller short term goals that should be continuously monitored and changed as they are attained.
Lorlanguagesupportstudentsshould begivenatargetforeachskillsection, speaking, reading, writing and listening.
Subject teachers should provide targets attainable for EAL students within their subject area. They should support students in the attainment of these subject specific targets. Once achievedanewtargetshouldbeset.
Students’ English language development should be assessed by EAL/TEFL teacher though a combination of continuous assessmentandprogresstests.
Training should be provided for teachers to help with planning and teaching of students with different languagecompetencies.
Students will have equal access to a curriculumareas.
Students will be supported in languag development in all subjects an classes.
Subject teachers will teach academ languagenecessaryforcomprehensio oftheirsubjectmatter.
Subject teachers will support EA students by using techniques includin but not exclusive to, differentiatio scaffolding and modelling targ language.
Subject teachers must take in account students with differe language levels when planning the classes.
There should be open communicatio between teachers and parents. Paren should be informed of student progress and what they can do supportstudentsathome.
Subject teachers and EAL/TEFL teach should have regular communication discuss the language development eachstudent.
Appendices Section4
The following Appendices Are saved in PDF Format on the ‘R’ drive, in the same folderwherethisbookletiskept.Youmaydownloadandprintasnecessary.