Sylvania AdVantage MID FEB 2020

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Time-Sensitive Material

February 18 - March 2, 2020 Vol. 24, No. 21 •

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Every winter

has its spring. – H. Tuttle

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Sylvania AdVantage and GenoaBank 2020 Most Outstanding Sylvania-area Small Business Award Visit to nominate your favorites today!


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Sylvania Senior Center Programs

Hours: 8 am- 5 pm Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri • 8 am-7:30 pm Tuesdays Lunch is served from 11:30-12:15 p.m. Mon-Fri; suggested donation age 60+ is $2.50; non-senior is $5.62, make reservation by noon the day before. Tuesday Evening Dinner served from 4:30-5:15, $8.00 per person; reserve by 2 p.m. the Friday before Billiards: Mon-Fri open all day, weekly Computer Lab: open when classes are not in session; Open Gym: when classes are not in session, see schedule; Woodshop: Tue, Thu & Fri, 1-3, weekly; Woodcarvers: Tue, 3-6 weekly through Dec 17, 2-5 Dec 17 through February Transportation to Senior Center & Shopping: call Deb, 419-885-3913 11:30-12:30, weekly, * 02/18 Charter Sr. Living BP/BS Clinic: Bunco: 1st & 3rd Tue, 1-3, Tue 9:30-11, weekly monthly Chair Yoga: Mon, Tue & Thu Dr. Lam’s Tai Chi for Health: 11:30-12:30, weekly, * Tue 3-4, weekly, * Dr. Lam’s Tai Chi for Health: Silver Scholars: 5:30 presentation, Tue 3-4, weekly, * call for details O.S.H.I.I.P. Trained Specialist: 3rd Yoga: Tuesdays 6-7 p.m., Tue of the month, by appt. Mar-Oct, weekly 02/19 Movie Day: 3rd Wed, 1-3, RSVP, 03/4 Knit & Crochet: Wed 9-11 & monthly Fri 2-4, weekly Strength/Balance: Wed 1-2, Party Euchre: Wed 10-12, weekly Fri 10:30-11:30, weekly, * Strength/Balance: Wed 1-2, Yoga: Wed 2:30-4, weekly, * Fri 10:30-11:30, weekly, * 02/20 Duplicate Bridge: Thu 1-4, weekly Yoga: Wed 2:30-4, weekly, * Book Review: 3rd Thu, 2-3, 03/5 Hand & Foot: 1st & 4th Thu, monthly 12-3:30, monthly 02/21 Line Dancing: Fridays 2:30-4, Crafting for Fun: 12st & 4th Thu, $3 @ the door, weekly 1-2:30, monthly 02/24 Jazzercise: Mon-Fri call Christy 03/6 Scrabble: 1:30-4:30, weekly for details 419-460-1734 Line Dancing: Fridays 2:30-4, Strength Training: Mon & Thu $3 @ the door, weekly 10-11, weekly, * 03/9 Arbors at Sylvania BP Clinic: Arbors at Sylvania BP Clinic: 11:30-12:30 11:30-12:30 Computer Basics: 2 day, 3 hour Chair Yoga: Mon, Tue & Thu course, 1-2:30, * info 11:30-12:30, weekly, * Cardio Drumming: 2nd & 3rd 02/25 Charter Sr. Living BP/BS Clinic: Mon, 2-2:40, $2, monthly Tue 9:30-11, weekly Contract Bridge: Tue 12:30-3:30, 03/10 Charter Sr. Living BP/BS Clinic: Tue 9:30-10:30, weekly weekly Legal Outreach: 2nd Tue of the Chair Yoga: Mon, Tue & Thu month, by appointment 11:30-12:30, weekly, * Adult Coloring: 2nd & 4th Tue, Dr. Lam’s Tai Chi for Health: 1-3, monthly Tue 3-4, weekly, * Current Events: 2nd & 4th Tue, 02/26 Strength/Balance: Wed 1-2, Fri 2-4, monthly 10:30-11:30, weekly, * Silver Scholars: 5:30 presentation, Yoga: Wed 2:30-4, weekly, * call for details 02/27 Podiatrist: call for appt. Yoga: Tuesdays 6-7 p.m., Party Bridge: Thu 1-3:30, weekly Mar-Oct, weekly 02/28 Line Dancing: Fridays 2:30-4, 03/11 Retirement Specialist: 2nd Wed, $3 @ the door, weekly by appointment, monthly 03/02 Jazzercise: Mon-Fri call Christy Party Euchre: Wed 10-12, weekly for details 419-460-1734 Pinochle: 12:30-3:30, weekly Strength Training: Mon & Thu Rummikub: 2nd & 4th Wed, 10-11, weekly, * 3-4:30, monthly Chair Yoga: Mon, Tue & Thu 03/12 Pathways Consultation: 2nd Thu, 11:30-12:30, weekly, * by appointment, monthly Mahjongg: Mon 12:30-4, weekly Camera Club: 2nd Wed, Penny Bingo: Mon & Thu, 1-3, 1:30-2:30, monthly weekly 03/13 Estate Review, by appt., monthly 03/3 Art Studio Group: Tue, 9-11, 03/16 18th Anniversary Week, tours weekly, * and more! Call for details Charter Sr. Living BP/BS Clinic: 10 Warning Signs/Dementia: Tue 9:30-10:30, weekly 10-11, please R.S.V.P. Senior Chorus: Tuesday iPad/Phone Lvl I: 2 day, 4 hour 9:45-11:15, weekly course, 1-3, * Chair Yoga: Mon, Tue & Thu *Call for fee and registration • For more info, call: 419-885-3913

Sylvania Community Services, a nonprofit agency, manages the Sylvania Senior Center. For a complete listing of all Senior Center activities and programs, visit and click on Senior Center Newsletter.

Sylvania Senior Center • 7140 Sylvania Ave. • Sylvania, Ohio 43560

Healing Service The Victory Center invites cancer patients and survivors to a healing service on the third Tuesday of each month at Epworth United Methodist Church, 4855 W. Central Ave. The service is free and open to the public. Register by calling 419-531-7600. Mom2mom Mom2mom is a way for moms to get connected with others who are also journeying through motherhood. We meet the first Wednesday of every month from September through May from 9:15-11:15 am at Christ the Word Church, 3100 Murd Rd. Childcare is provided. MothersÊ Center of Greater Toledo First and third Thursday meetings for fun, food and friendship from 9:45-11:15 am at West Toledo YMCA, 2110 Tremainsville Rd., Toledo. Developmentally appropriate childcare provided. For info visit Nar-Anon A 12-step program for families and friends of addicts meets on Saturdays from 10-11 am at Mercy St. Anne’s, 3404 W. Sylvania Ave, third floor conference room and Wednesdays from 7-8:30 pm at Harvest Lane Alliance Church, 5132 Harvest Ln. Olivet Lutheran ChurchÊs Free Community Meal Olivet hosts a free community meal each Wednesday in the Christian Life Center. Enjoy food and fellowship at 5840 Monroe St. Call 419-882-2077 or visit Pet Loss Support Group SylvaniaVet hosts a pet loss support group meeting at Christ Presbyterian Church, 4225 W. Sylvania Ave., 7 pm the second Tuesday of each month. Park in the back. 419-885-4421. Prostate Cancer Support Group A prostate cancer support group meets the fourth Monday of each month at 6:30 pm at Cancer Center library at St. Anne’s Hospital. For info, call 419-346-2753 or 419-344-9830. Stamp Collectors Club of Toledo Meets first and third Thursdays, Sept.-May at Perrysburg Masonic Hall - 590 E South Boundary at 7 pm. Each meeting is a program or member auction. Stroke Support Group Monthly support group for stroke survivors and their caregivers. Group meets on the fourth Thursday of the month from 4 - 6 pm at ProMedica Flower Hospital, 5200 Harroun Rd. Contact 419-291-7537 or Survivors of Suicide Support Group Meets on the first Tuesday of the month at the Advent Lutheran Center, 3941 N. McCord Rd.


Happenings Community Downtown Food Business Dental Health Feature PreSchool Highlights Schools Sports Sylvania Now & Then Business Cards Lives Remembered Real Estate Classifieds


3-6A 7-9A 10-11A 12-13A 14-19A 1-5B 7B 8-9B 10-11B 12B 15B 17B 18B 19B

at 7pm. Call Nancy Yunker at 419-517-7553 for more information. Taizé Service A Taizé Service is held monthly on the third Thursday at 7 pm in SUCC’s Christ’s Chapel, 7240 Erie St. 419-882-0048. TAME Meeting The Toledo Area Miniature Enthusiasts meet the first Saturday of each month from 1- 4 pm in the Sylvania Heritage Museum Carriage House, 5717 N. Main St. 734-847-6366. TOPS Meetings (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Two chapters of TOPS,1961 and 1672, meet at King of Glory Lutheran Church, 6715 Brint Rd. Meetings are held Mondays from 9-10:30 am and Tuesdays from 6:30-7:30 pm. Call 419478-1103 or 419-841-6436 for information. TOPS is not church affiliated. Toledo Area Genealogy Society Meets from 7-9 pm the second Monday of the month September through June at Sylvania United Church of Christ, 7240 Erie St. Visit for info. Toledo Country Live Band Toledo Country Live Band is in concert the first and third Saturday, 6 pm at the Church of St. Andrew United Methodist, 3620 Heatherdowns. Light refreshments. Free. Call 419-262-4453. Weight Loss Surgery Seminars First and third Wednesdays of each month at 5:30 pm sponsored by Mercy Health. Held at 3930 Sunforest Ct. Ste. 100, Toledo. Hosted by certified surgeons by the American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric surgery. No cost-no obligation for attendees.


Locations Franciscan Center, Lourdes University, 6832 Convent Blvd., Sylvania, 419-824-3707 Olander Park (Nederhouser and Gorman), 6930 W. Sylvania Ave. To register, 419-882-8313, ext. 1013 or; Sylvania Libraries 6749 Monroe St., Sylvania 419-882-2089 3900 King Rd., King Branch 419-259-5380 Toledo Museum of Art 2445 Monroe St., Toledo Toledo Zoo 2 Hippo Way, Toledo Valentine Theatre 410 Adams St., Toledo Wildwood Preserve Metropark (Manor House) 5100 W. Central Ave., Toledo

•Through April 26, 2020

Yayoi Kusama: Fireflies on the Water Toledo Museum of Art Yayoi Kusama’s artistic practice spans seven decades and her paintings, sculpture and installations have left a mark on the art world.

•Feb. 19

Aromatherapy, 1- 2 p.m. The Victory Center 5532 W. Central Ave., Suite B Learn and discuss the special ways that essential oils can be used for everyday health and wellness. This program sponsored by ProMedica Cancer Institute is for people with a cancer diagnosis. Call 419-531-7600 for details. •Book Group, 11 am-12:30 pm King Road Library Adults enjoy a lively, enlightening discussion about ‘The Stars Are Fire’ by Anita Shreve. •Homeschool Hour, 1:30-2:30 pm King Road Library A monthly opportunity for homeschooling families from the community to connect for fun activities, networking and social time. •Career Exploration. 6-7 pm Sylvania Library Owens Community College faculty and staff will discuss how to begin your education toward a rewarding career. Ages 18+.

•Feb. 19, 24, 26

School Power Hour, 3:30-5:30 pm King Road Library A perfect opportunity for children ages 5-10 who are seeking help with their schoolwork!


•Feb. 20

Caregiver Support, 6:30-8:30 pm King Road Library This event—presented by Caregiver Resources Group—is designed for those assisting a loved one through their life journey. Topics such as relationships, planning, support, housing options will be discussed. Ages 18+. Registration required. •Cooking with Vibrant Vegan, 6-7 pm Sylvania Library Interested in veganism but don't know where to start? Local pop-up restaurant Vibrant Vegan will demonstrate some basic recipes and talk about eating vegan. •The Trees are Sleeping Olander PreK to K •OlanderÊs Winter Wonderland Olander Toddlers •ÂBrundibar,Ê 7 pm Toledo Museum of Art Peristyle To commemorate the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II, the Toledo Symphony will present ‘Brundibar.‘

•Feb. 20, 25, 27

Quiet Study, see description for times King Road Library Quiet study at the library will take place from 2:30-5:30 pm on Feb. 4, 6, 11, 18, 20, and 27. On Feb. 13,from 3:20-5:40 pm.; Feb. 25, from 2:30-5 pm. All ages.

•Feb. 21

Literati Presents: Trivia Night, 6-9 pm Sylvania Library Join us for trivia! Ages 18+. •Modern Life in China, 10-11 am Franciscan Center Learn about the most populous country in the world from Zhanguo Zheng, a professor of Yeshun University in Hebei, China and assistant director of the UT Confucius Institute. •Afghanistan in Context, 11:15 am12:45 pm Franciscan Center 419-824-3707 The roots of the current situation in Afghanistan can be traced to its history from the 19th to 21st century. Learn the ethnic make-up of Afghanistan, its borders and government. Discuss the role of Afghanistan in world politics since the 1800s and its possible future. Michael Krautkraemer is from the Inner Asian & Uralic National Resource Center in Indiana University via computer. $15 nonmembers. A Lourdes Lifelong Learning event.


•Feb. 21, 28

Nintendo Gamers Guild, 3:30-5 pm King Road Library Play the hottest games on the Nintendo Switch such as Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart, and Super Mario Party. Ages 10-13. •Library Playdate, 10-10:45 am Sylvania Library Children and their favorite grown-up are welcome to experience the Library as a fun, exciting place to play while building early literacy skills. Ages 0-5.

•Feb. 22

Fitness Saturdays, 9-10:30 am Sylvania Library Adults, get your weekend moving with Fitness Saturdays. Join Fitness Shack trainer Tracy Wheeler for a 90 minute heart pumping aerobic workout.

•Feb. 22, 29

Euchre Saturdays, 11 am-1 pm Sylvania Library Whether you're a ‘card shark’ or have never played Euchre before, all levels of expertise are welcome. Ages 18+.

•Feb. 23

Kielbasa Cook-off, 1-6 pm St. ClementÊs Community Center 2990 Tremainsville Rd. Features homemade kielbasa from old family recipes. Sample special kielbasa recipes and vote for your favorite. Amateur kielbasa makers from all over the area compete for the title of Kielbasa ‘King’ or ‘Queen.’ Over 1,400 people attended in 2019 as ten teams battled for the bragging rights. To enter a team call Rozanne Nitschke, 419-944-5312 or email •Fun-a-Rama St. Francis de Sales School 2323 Bancroft St. Chicken dinner, carnival food, cash prizes, bake sale, bingo, 50/50 raffle, laser tag and duck pond. Free and open to the public.

•Feb. 24

Zumba, 6 pm Olander Nederhouser A fun dance experience for all ability levels. Residents $5; non-residents, $6. •Meditation 101, 6-7:30 pm King Road Library Adults, learn how the power of breath, connection, observation, and a quiet mind can profoundly impact the quality of life and how to extend that practice into the many other aspects of daily life. Register. •SCAC Youth Theatre Classes begin Sylvania Library

•Feb. 25

LEGO Freeplay, 3:30-4:30 pm King Road Library Practice engineering skills and put creativity to work in this fun building program featuring LEGOs and K’Nex. Ages 5-10.

•Feb. 26

Yoga by the Lake, 6 pm Olander Nederhouser All skill levels welcome. Relax and refresh your mind, body and spirit. Residents $5; non-residents, $6. Professional Gaming, 4-5 pm King Road Library Join us as Lemar Daniels, eSports Director at Lourdes College, discusses how to get involved in eSports and how to get college scholarships for gaming. Ages 13-18.

•Feb. 27

The Power Within Us, 4:30 pm

Franciscan Center 419-824-3866 Celebrate Black History Month with the program “Acknowledging the Past, Recognizing the Present and Focusing on the Future.” Free and open to the public.

•March 1

Dr. Morton Goldberg Lecture, 2-4 pm Franciscan Center Dr. Howard Lupovitch and Professor Saeed Khan Halacha’s present, “Sharia Law, and the Dual Identity of Muslims and Jews in America” for the annual Building a Shared Future Lecture Series focusing on fostering increased collaboration and connectivity between the Jewish and Muslim communities. •Great Performances: Robert Ballinger, 3 pm Toledo Museum of Art, Great Gallery This recital features pianist Robert Ballinger (lecturer, staff accompanist, and instructor at UT) performing works on piano from Schubert, Brahms, and Scarlatti. •Project iAm Acoustics for Autism, Noon-2 am Village Idiot, Maumee 13th annual event with 80 musical acts on seven stages at seven venues. All ages welcomed. Free.

•March 2

Meditation 101, 6-7:30 pm King Road Library Adults learn how the power of breath, connection, observation and a quiet mind can profoundly impact the quality of your life and how to extend that practice into the many other aspects of daily life. Register.

•March 3

Painting Flowers with Watercolor and Ink, 4-5 pm Sylvania Library Kids ages 5-10 learn there are many ways to paint a flower.

To advertise, email 5657 N. Main St., Suite 1 Sylvania, Ohio 43560 Telephone: 419-824-0100 Facsimile: 419-824-0112 Email: YOURGOOD.NEWS PUBLISHER Sharon Lange

EDITORS Mary Helen Darah, Jennifer Ruple

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Jerry Arkebauer, Erika Buri, Tom Cole, Gayleen Gindy, Mike Jones, Craig Stough, Linda Szyskowski, Janis Weber CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER John Crisman of AssetWare COPY EDITORS Sarah Groves, Bobbie Ziviski PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Susan Utterback

ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES Dave Achen, Suzy Crawford, Mary Rose Gajewski, Molly O’Shea GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Elissa Cary, Penny Collins

Views expressed by contributing writers do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher or staff.


•March 3

•Cricut for the Holiday, 6-7 pm King Road Library Adults can use their newly developed skills to create a St. Paddy's Day Banner. Familiarity with the Cricut machine and Cricut Design Space basic features is recommended. Register.

•March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31

Gamers Guild Free For All, 6-8 pm Sylvania Library Teens: play Nintendo Switch on a jumbo screen, enjoy retro video games, play Roblox on iPads, or even try out a new board game at Gamers Guild. Free for All.

•March 4

Cupcake Decorating Workshop 4-5 pm Sylvania Library Teens age 13-18 learn to decorate cupcakes like the pros. You can take your cupcakes home or you can eat them right away! Register. Let's Talk! English Language Conversation Club, 6-7 pm King Road Library Adults, immerse yourself in a welcoming, respectful and friendly environment to practice your English conversation skills while discussing a variety of topics. •Read with Thee Toledo Reign, 3:30-4:30 pm King Road Library Kids age 5-10, meet a member of Thee Toledo Reign, Toledo's pro women's tackle football team! Enjoy being read to by special guests, get autographs, and ask questions.

•March 4, 11, 18, 25

Senior Stroll, 2-3 pm Wildwood Metz Visitor Center Come move, learn and socialize as we take a gently paced nature walk around Wildwood Preserve. Reservations, Code 104402104

•March 5

Pre-Retirement Planning, 6-7:30 pm Sylvania Library Adults learn how to establish a goal and plan for retirement, and find answers to questions

about social security, taxes, estate planning, and insurance in retirement. Presented by the Hantz Group.

•March 5, 12, 19, 26

Gamers Guild, 3:30-5:30 pm Sylvania Library Teens play the newest games on the Nintendo Switch, such as Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Just Dance, Mario Kart 8, Super Mario Party, and many more. •Sit, Stay, Read, 7-9 pm King Road Library Kids ges 5-10 will be improving your reading skills while reading to a gentle, friendly therapy dog. Register.

•March 6

Art Walk, 5-8 pm Downtown Sylvania First Friday Art Walk in the Red Bird Art District.

•March 6, 13, 20, 27

Library Playdate! 10-10:45 am Sylvania Library Children ages 0-5 and their favorite grownup are welcome to experience the Library as a fun, exciting place to play while building early literacy skills. •Nintendo Gamers Guild, 3:30-5 pm King Road Library Tweens, ages 10-13 can play the hottest games on the Nintendo Switch such as Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart and Super Mario Party.

•March 6, 7, 13, 14, 20, 21, 27, 28

Snooze at The Zoo, 6:30 pm-10 am Toledo Zoo Families, groups, schools: spend the night at the Zoo. Separate fee, pre-registration required. Visit

•March 7

So You Want to Be a Chef? 2-3 pm King Road Library Teens, 13-18 hear all about what it takes to pursue this field from a local Chef of a fine dining, locally sourced and award-winning restaurant!

Your Go-To Event: Cheap and Chic for Charity


•Sylvania Uncorked, 7-11 pm Franciscan Center Sylvania Area Family Services annual chocolate and wine affair. •Make and Take, 10 am-noon Toledo Zoo Tiered succulent garden workshop. Reservations are required. Workshop is kid-friendly and includes pastries and beverages. Register and learn more at •Brahms v Radiohead Concert, 8 pm Valentine Theatre Two musical works are interwoven accompanied by vocalists and the Toledo Symphony. Tickets at the Valentine Theatre box office.

•March 7-8

Robotics Weekend Imagination Station 1 Discovery Way, Toledo Learn how robots are designed, built and programmed for specific tasks. Watch as local robotics competition groups demonstrate their machines, try to direct robots to

Days Mondays


Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays

Days Mondays Tuesdays



id someone mention shopping? You won’t want to miss the 11th annual Cheap and Chic for Charity shopping event on Feb. 21 and 22 at The Pub at the Paula Brown Shop, 912 Monroe St., Toledo. This premier shopping event features fabulous locally owned boutiques which will be selling discounted goods all under one roof. A $5 donation to benefit the Toledo Opera Guild gets you in the door to take advantage of amazing bargains.

Event hours are Friday, 5:30 to 7:30 pm and Saturday, 10 am to 3 pm. A cash bar will be available. This event is highlighted on the Guy in the 419 Live Show, available on Facebook or by visiting

Fitness After 40, 8-9 am Sylvania Library Fitness After 40 with Renegade Fitness is a workout program for busy adults that just want to get moving and feeling good in a smart, effective way. This class is a series, for best results, please attend all sessions. •Euchre Saturdays, 11 am-1 pm Sylvania Library Adults whether you're a "card shark" or have never played Euchre before, all are welcome.

•March 8

International Women Day celebration, 2-4 pm Sylvania Branch Library Presented by the Selene Center. Speakers include Celia Williamson, PhD, director, Human Trafficking and Social Justice institute, The University of Toledo, Attorney Valeria Fatica, and Northview High School Respect Club members Malya Black and Fiona McDaniel.

Program Preschool Storytime Code IT Club Family Storytime Sit, Stay, Read Babytime Family Storytime Toddler Storytime Teen Gamers Guild Cricut Creations Library Playdate

Time 2-2:45 pm 4-5 pm 10-10:45 am 7-8 pm 10-10:30 am 11-11:30 am 10-10:30 am 3-5 pm 6:30-8 pm 10-10:45 am

Program Family Storytime Babytime Toddler Storytime Code IT Jr. Homeschool Hour Let’s Talk! Storytime Playdate Code IT Club Sit, Stay, Read Minecraft Meetup

Time 4-4:30 pm 10-10:30 am 11-11:30 am 4:15-5:15 pm 1:30-2:30 pm 6-7 pm 6-7 pm 4:15-5:15 pm 7-8 pm 3:45-4:45 pm

King Road Branch Library Recurring Events 3900 King Rd., Sylvania, Ohio


Participating businesses are Bartz Viviano, Bowinkles, Elegant Rags, Kids Klothesline, Meig, MK Beauty, Mode Elle, Paula Brown, Rialto Jean Project, Sophia Lustig, Vivian Kate and Yogaja.

•March 7-14, 21, 28

Sylvania Branch Library Recurring Events 6749 Monroe St., Sylvania, Ohio



accomplish a goal and experiment with coding mini robots. Included with admission.




NV students help combat hunger BY MARY HELEN DARAH

L-R: Northview High School Student Council members Grace Donaldson, Ava Tuschman and Paige Beattie are helping fellow students with food insecurities.

Sylvania Area Family Services Social Service Director Chelsea Bray visits with Northview guidance counselor Brian Hede regarding the ways SAFS can collaborate with the Northview Pantry to assist students and parents in need of food and services.

Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world.” Sylvania Northview High School students and Student Council members Paige Beattie, Grace Donaldson, and Ava Tuschman are proving that to be true with the creation of the Northview High School Food Pantry for students in need. The Northview Food Pantry is open during all school hours with additional times before or after school when needed. The pantry is open to anyone and may be utilized as often as needed. Drawstring bags are used so that participants can remain anonymous. The students have partnered with the SeaGate Food Bank as well as with Sylvania Area Family Services in hopes of growing the program. The three founders of the Northview Food Pantry were inspired by a story a teacher had told them during their lunch hour. “One day Mrs. (Tami) Blue told us a story about a child who was continually going to the nurse because of a stomach ache. One of the office secretaries offered him a sandwich and he was so thankful and said he was going to save part of it for his brother to have after school,” stated Northview junior and pantry co-founder Ava Tuschman. “Immediately after we heard this story we knew we had to do something so that no kid would ever feel this way again,” she said. “Although the identities of the students that come to get the food remain anonymous, we see evidence of the pantry’s use. In a world with so much hate and violence, it is touching to see that our little food pantry is making such a large difference in someone’s life. Creating this food pantry has been a huge highlight of my junior year. I love that I get to work with such amazing people.” Northview senior and co-founder Grace Donaldson also felt compelled to help. “I was inspired to help start the pantry when Mrs. (Tami) Blue came to a student council officer’s meeting and informed us that a guidance counselor came to her and told her that people were going to the nurse’s office because they were getting sick from lack of food. She packed them lunches, but they went hungry over the weekend. One student even had to give up his lunch so he could give it to his little sister because they

Sylvania Area Family Services Strengthening Sylvania, One Family at a Time

5440 Marshall Road • Sylvania, Ohio (419) 882-8415

only had enough food at home for one lunch.” Donaldson continued, “I immediately was inspired to help. I reached out to a bunch of different food banks to see who would like to partner with us. SeaGate Food Bank was so kind to help us out and now Sylvania Area Family Services is partnering with us as well. In high school there are so many stressors-- homework, sports, extracurricular activities, jobs, family, friends, grades, etc. and hunger should not be one of them. Many people do not recognize that hunger and poverty are issues in Sylvania, and we wanted to create a way to help the people in our community who are suffering in silence.” When Paige Beattie, co-founder and Northview senior, first heard about the need for food she also became committed to the project. “After hearing about students going hungry, I immediately thought of my junior year AP Psych class,” said Beattie. “Mrs. (Sarah) Rhine, my teacher, taught us about Maslow's hierarchy of needs. This is a theory where individuals have to fulfill the lower levels on the pyramid to climb the levels to achieve the ultimate goal of self-actualization. The lowest level on the pyramid contains physiological needs, which include food, water, warmth and rest. Therefore, if a student does not fulfill their physiological need for food, they can not focus on any of their school work or outside relationships. We as student leaders felt a responsibility to our classmates to provide a safe and reliable resource open to any student who suffers in silence. In the future, we hope to expand our pantry to any family in the Sylvania Schools District while also upgrading into a larger storage area.” Sylvania Area Family Services Social Service Coordinator Chelsea Bray is excited to help the students aid those suffering from food insecurities. SAFS has agreed to provide food and storage for the Northview Food Pantry as well as provide additional services to students and their families. “SAFS Harvest Food Pantry has the capacity to help 7,000 plus individuals annually that walk through our doors seeking assistance. SAFS can also provide additional services to help. Annually we provide over 350 Sylvania students with backpacks and school supplies, weekend food bags, nutrition classes, as well as a wide array of programs,” stated Bray. “We are thrilled to connect with Sylvania Schools on the matter of food insecurity. With 23 percent of Sylvania students participating in free and reduced lunch programs, SAFS is willing to offer Sylvania students, counselors, and teachers as much assistance as possible. Our goal is to strengthen Sylvania, one family at a time.” The small group of committed, thoughtful students and their team hope their “little pantry” will play a large role in fighting the war on hunger. Ava Tuschman stated, “With all of the officers being seniors this year, I hope to carry the Northview Food Pantry into the future and continue to make a difference.”





Wildwood Willie Predicts Late Spring

Claire Proctor, Executive Director, Sylvania Community Services


Claire Proctor grew up in Wyandotte, Mich., and is the youngest of three children. She graduated from the University of Michigan with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and received a masters in counseling from Siena Heights University in Adrian.

Claire came to Toledo in 1985 after accepting a position at St. Vincent Hospital’s Tennyson Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center where she worked in counseling and other key capacities for almost 17 years. “I really loved helping the people who were patients there,” she recalled, “because there was so much potential for recovery and so many good resources available at that time.” It was also in Toledo that she met her husband, Reid. Married for 22 years, they now live in Lambertville with two dogs that they love dearly. In 2001, Claire decided to answer an ad in the Toledo Blade for executive director at Sylvania Community Services. “Back then, that is still how we did job searches,” she laughed. “This was a chance to work in the kind of leadership role I began feeling drawn to, and insurance changes were impacting substance abuse treatment protocols. The new Senior Center on Sylvania Avenue was in the process of being built, and there were a lot of changes going on. I was eager to be a part of it all, and 19 years later I still love my work here.” Today, in addition to overseeing a paid staff of 43 and 60 volunteers at the Senior Center, Claire is active in Sylvania Rotary and the Chamber of Commerce. “I always felt it was my life’s mission to work with people and be in the helping profession,” explained Claire. “I did this first as a counselor, and now as an executive director. People always come first. That is why I’m attracted to working in the non-profit sector.” Sylvania Community Services serves children and seniors in our community. It provides quality childcare with preschool for 3-5 year olds, before/after school care for grades K-5, all-day programs, school delays and a summer day camp. Childcare options have easy payment plans and scholarship funds are available for qualifying families. At the Senior Center, there is always something going on. “The seniors we serve are lifelong learners and continue to grow through physical fitness classes, creative arts, educational programs, wellness resources, and an opportunity to socialize and stay independent,” noted Claire. “We also have transportation services, offer hot lunches Monday through Friday and a Tuesday evening dinner.” The Senior Center is funded through a Sylvania tax levy, state and federal grants and private donations. A foundation was also formed in 2004 to raise funds for existing programs and there are fees and suggested donations for some senior programs in addition to those for childcare. “We are very appreciative of the support the community has always shown through passage of past levies. We heavily rely on community support,” said Proctor. “I am particularly proud of our staff and managers. They are all very dedicated to working with children and seniors. Our focus is to continue to offer the services we have now for many years to come.” Sylvania Advantage and Creative Oxygen are privileged to honor Claire Proctor and the caring leadership she provides to our community at Sylvania Community Services.

Wildwood Willie has a different forecast from that of the Pennsylvania groundhog. Preschoolers celebrated Super Groundhog Day on Feb. 2 at Wildwood Preserve Metropark with their favorite woodchuck.


Franciscan Care Center welcomes the new, seasoned leadership team of Cheryl Lampkowski-Sowle as Executive Director and Stephanie Hoefflin as Director of Nursing.

Contact Shannon Benge, Director of Marketing, to tour and meet the skilled leadership team at 419.882.6582.

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Father Bacik March lecture scheduled

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The Sylvania Franciscan Village presents Father Jim Bacik’s March lecture, “The Samaritan Woman at Jacob’s Well: An Inspiration for our Spiritual Life,” on Thursday, March 12, from 5:30 to 7 pm in the Franciscan Center. This presentation will include a reading of John 4:1-42, which portrays the dramatic encounter between Jesus and a Samaritan woman who comes to recognize him as the Messiah, and shares this belief with others. This passage is also the gospel reading for the Sunday after the lecture, the third Sunday of Lent, March 15. Tickets are $10 reserved; $15 at the door. Purchase tickets online at, or reserve them by leaving a name and the number of tickets required at 419-824-3515 or

Selene Center’s International Women’s Day celebration planned

A celebration of International Women's Day, presented by the Selene Center, is scheduled for Sunday, March 8 from 2 to 4 pm at the Sylvania Branch Library. Speakers include Celia Williamson, PhD, director, Human Trafficking and Social Justice institue, The University of Toledo, Attorney Valeria Fatica, and Northview High School Respect Club members Malya Black and Fiona McDaniel.


Survivors Celebrate Their Art

Artist and cancer survivor Peggy Borell visits with guests near her piece titled ’Re-wired.’

Survivor Cheryl Walter participated in The Victory Center Survivor Art Show held at TVC on Jan. 31.

Devorah Shulamit and Joan Tobias welcome guests and artists to the event held at TVC, a cancer wellness center serving patients since 1996.

Penny McCloskey shows her piece titled ‘One Year, Two Cancers’ to celebrate the cancer survival she and her husband experienced. —by Mary Helen Darah

Dance Benefits Veterans Matter Nancy and Paul Jomantas hit the dance floor at the 80s and 90s Denny Schaffer Winter Dance Party held Jan. 31 at the SeaGate Convention Centre. The event benefited Veterans Matter Housing Program. —by Mary Helen Darah

Signature Bank Staff Wears Red

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Signature Bank employees donned their red apparel on Friday, Feb. 7, National Wear Red Day, to raise awareness of heart disease in women.




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Bella Litzer writes music as well as sings. Northview senior Bella Litzer has always wanted to sing and that dream is about to come true thanks to her recent performance at the International Modeling & Talent Association audition held in Los Angeles in January. She competed with hundreds of others, hoping to make it through the three rounds of songs to qualify for the finals when agents and producers were in the audience. Not only did she advance to the finals in both the adult singer and the singer/song writer categories, she was first runner up in the first category and captured first place in the second. That win netted her a scholarship to the New York Performing Arts Academy and the opportunity to participate in a co-writing session with a professional producer. Litzer credits her big break to Wendi Davis Hendricks of Starbound Talent who shared Litzer’s performance video with a recording producer, prompting the invitation to the January audition. “Wendy told my mom and me that the producer said ‘You did it again!’ after viewing my video,” Litzer smiled. Hendricks has mentored such local stars as Katie Holmes, Alyson Stoner, Josie Parker, Olivia Stuck, Don Money, Morgan Phillips and many others. As Litzer edges closer to realizing her dream of writing songs and singing professionally, her mother, Lori Litzer, recalls her daughter at age 4 saying she really didn’t want to play soccer, she just wanted to sing. And that she did, starting with the Jean Holden Singers. From there, she appeared in any number of musicals, the latest being “Little Women” and “Mamma Mia.”

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Jewelry maker Heather Stoker points out the significance of the stones she uses in her jewelry to Raychelle Slubinski at Reve Salon

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Mary Crown has fun shopping at Bowinkles for her two-week-old granddaughter Eleanor, the first girl born to the Crown family in over 85 years.

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Carol and Tom Pletz sample the homemade hummus and pita chips from Zane’s Mediterranean Restaurant at Fuller Art House.

Carly Acheson of Eden Boutique helps Alison Kripke select just the right earrings.

Tracy and Mike Pfeiffer stop by Inside the Five after the Art Walk.




Features Warm Tunes; Hot Art

Local artist Richard Reed talks with Hudson Gallery owner Barbara Hudson as he sets up to paint during the February Art Walk.

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Kim and Jeff Grilliot observe artist Roger Zielinski as he puts the finishing touches on a chalk drawing in the lobby between Art Elementz, Beautiful Blooms by Jen and Fuller Art House.

Debbie Galilers talks with Pat Wahl of the Village Candy Shoppe about the selection of candy for Valentine’s Day.


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Linda Huddleston meets with Dr. Larry and Jill Johnson outside of Art Elementz Gallery.

Sue Briddell of Harmony in Life and Mary McHugh look over new items on display.

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Five ways to add Classic Blue to home interiors

Toledo Farmers Market 525 Market St., Toledo Saturdays, 9 am - 1 pm The heat is on and the overhead doors are closed for cozy shopping until spring. Each week the market offers local winter vegetables, homemade baked goods, specialty foods, coffee, wine, plants and handmade items such as candles, soaps, jewelry and pottery. Cookie and Wine Pairing Benfield Wines 102 N. Main St., Swanton Saturday, Feb. 22, 2 - 5 pm Try some great wines, sample some famous cookies, and learn which make great pairs. Cookies available for purchase. Catering Open House Mayberry Ice Cream 5645 Mayberry Sq. East Sunday, Feb. 23, 5 - 7 pm Are you planning a wedding reception, graduation party, baby shower, corporate party or other large event? Stop out and see the Mayberry Ice Cream Cart in action and learn about what it can bring to the table for your event.

Saturday Feb. 29, 1 - 2:15 pm Learn cookie decorating techniques from The Next Sweet Thing’s Pastry Chef and Owner Jennifer Valo. Adults and children are welcome. All supplies are included for decorating nine delicious sugar cookies. For tickets, visit NanaÊs Kitchen Cooking Class Cuban Edition Sofia Quintero Art & Cultural Center 1225 Broadway St., Toledo Saturday, March 14, 2 - 5 pm Hone your cooking skills in this fun class. Menu includes White Rice with Cuban Black Beans and Ropa Vieja (beef) with fried green plantain chips and garlic sauce. Wine is included with meal. Tickets are $50 per person (limit 10 students). For tickets, call 419-241-1655. TASTINGS SofoÊs Italian Market 5400 Monroe St. Wednesdays, 5 - 7 pm Sip on several wines while enjoying complimentary food samples of Sofo products and a fabulous Sofo family dish created by Chef Frankie. Prices vary. Bottle Shop at MancyÊs Italian 5453 Monroe St. Thursdays, 5:30 - 7:30 pm Weekly tasting event. Pours begin at $2.

Cookie Decorating Workshop The Next Sweet Thing 8252 Mayberry Square N.

JosephÊs Beverage Center 4129 Talmadge Rd. Wine Tasting: Thursdays, 6 - 8 pm Beer Tasting: Fridays, 5 - 7 pm Enjoy a selection of wines or beers for a nominal fee.

Got foodie events? Email

A dramatic blue accent wall sets the stage for this neutral furniture arrangement. Bits of blue, white and gold art with patterned blue and white accessories create contrast and reinforce this peaceful retreat.


Pantone, provider of professional color language standards and digital solutions, recently announced PANTONE 19-4052, Classic Blue, as the Pantone® Color of the Year for 2020. “Classic Blue is a timeless color and has been used in interiors to create calm, peaceful environments,” said Sylvania Interior Designer Carolyn Beyersdorf of Decorating Den Interiors. “Its various shades are found in nature and complement most color combinations whether they be traditional, transitional, contemporary or eclectic.” Last fall, Beyersdorf attended the High Point Market in North Carolina where Classic Blue was a highlight of the show. “At the market, we can see the latest trends in color, furniture, lighting, floor covering, fabrics and accessories,” she explained. “This enables us to share with our clients what is happening now and what is on the horizon in the near future.” Here are Beyersdorf ’s top five ideas for incorporating Classic Blue into any home décor. • Make a design statement by using it as an accent color for a kitchen island when all the

other cabinets are white. • Highlight a fireplace wall with Classic Blue or use it to create a focal point if one does not exist. • Use the color on an accent piece of furniture such as a parsons table or small-scale credenza below a striking piece of artwork. • Hang Classic Blue window treatments to add drama to a space. • Cover accent chairs with large-scale, patterned fabric in Classic Blue and coordinate them with a neutral colored seating arrangement. To tie the room together, add various patterned pillows or accessories. According to Pantone, Classic Blue is easily applied across many different materials, textures and finishes and is a dependable blue that can take design in different directions expressing tradition and elegance as well as unexpected boldness. “Blue moves you and is a very satisfying color used in interiors,” Beyersdorf commented. Carolyn Beyersdorf, IIDA is available to speak to organizations at no charge regarding the Fall 2019 High Point Market trends or other topics. Contact her at

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Classic patterned navy and orange pillows against a neutral sofa with contrasting ottoman and chair create pizzazz in this seating area. Various shades of blue ground this color scheme. - photos by Carolyn Beyersdorf


Annual Sylvania Chocolate and Wine Affair helps support SAFS programs



ylvania’s premier party with a purpose is back and promises to cure any case of the mid-winter blues. Sylvania Uncorked Chocolate and Wine Affair, which benefits the programs of Sylvania Area Family Services (SAFS), will be held on Saturday, March 7 from 7 to 11 pm at the Sylvania Franciscan Center on the campus of Lourdes University. Dottie Segur, executive director of SAFS, expects a sellout crowd. “We had 350 guests last year and we were at max capacity,” said Segur. “So far, tickets are selling fast, and we anticipate being sold out again this year.” During the “affair” guests will have the opportunity to graze their way from food station to food station, sample a variety of wines and beers, bid on a plethora of gift items and take a turn on the dance floor. It’s not all about the chocolate and wine though. A variety of hors d’ oeuvres and confections will be donated from local chefs, restaurants and bakeries including: Flower Hospital Catering, The Next Sweet Thing, Mayberry Ice Cream, Brieschke’s Bakery, Ameera Mediterranean Bisto, Inside the Five, Original Gino’s Pizza and Sylvania Country Club. At the bar, there will be an array of wines available from which to choose and Sylvania’s Upside Brewing is


providing the beer for the event. “We are so happy to have them on board. They have a great following in the community,” said Segur. The SAFS volunteer committee, Sylvanians of Service, is busy coordinating event activities including a silent auction where guests will be able to bid on gift baskets and items donated from local businesses, a Wine Pull and Goodie Bags, which will be available for $10 each. Other fun includes a photo booth from Kurt Nielson Photography and music from Mr. Entertainer. Chrys Peterson and Michael Seay will serve as emcees during the event. Proceeds from Sylvania Uncorked will help SAFS continue to provide vital programs for the community such as its weekly food distribution program, health and wellness programs held in partnership with Kingston of Sylvania and OSU Extension, a youth diversion program, summer camp, personal care distribution, and holiday assistance programs that provide gifts and food for Thanksgiving and Christmas for those in need in the 43560, 43623, 43617 and 43615 zip codes. The organization’s community brunch and dinner events are open to anyone in Lucas County. “We serve approximately 7,500 people each year through our programs,” explained Segur. “Last year Sylvania Uncorked raised $27,000, and our goal is $35,000 for this year,” she added. Sponsors for the event include: ESA Engineers, Surveyors Associates LLC; Margaret Baehren; Durocher’s; Waterford Bank; Reeb Funeral Home; Clark Schaefer & Hackett; Farmers & Merchants State Bank; Act Systems, LTD.; BNI Group; VZN Group; Stapleton Insurance; ProMedica; Sylvania Loyal Order of Moose; Learning Express; First Federal Bank; Jill and Larry Johnson; Jim Scheib; Krueger Family; Flower Hospital Auxiliary; GenoaBank; Church 321; Anderson Miller Insurance Agency, Inc.; Sylvania AdVantage and Arrow Print and Copy. Tickets are $50 per person or two for $90 and are available at or by calling 419-882-8415.




Welcome New Members Coverall of Northwest Ohio Skyroc The Toledo Clinic Re/Max Realty – Doug Kwiatkowski Catalyst Element Consulting Turner & Turner Family Dentistry MyWay Bistro Northrup Consultants


Spotlight Business Celebrated

Sylvania Area Chamber of Commerce’s Spotlight Business of the Month, Farmers & Merchants State Bank representatives Taryn Schmetz, Jennifer Knopf, John Kantner and Crystal Jordan are honored at the Chamber Februrary luncheon with Michelle Sprott, left, Chamber Executive Director.

Luncheon Speaker Welcomed

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18th Annual Sylvania Spring Expo Saturday, April 4 9am-3pm Sylvania Sports and Exhibition Center at Tam-O-Shanter

Chamber President Mary Ann Gawelek thanks February luncheon speaker Crystal Taylor of Crystal Clear Communications for her informative talk.

First Responder Honored

Sylvania Police Chief Rick Schnoor, left, and Sylvania Mayor Craig Stough, right, congratulate the McCord Road Christian Church’s ‘Hero of the Month,’ Eric Christian. Each month a different first responder is selected and invited to the Chamber lunch meeting courtesy of the church.

Georgio’s Grill opens in the Promenade Shops MID FEBRUARY 2020 • SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE

Northview graduate Andreas Kamilaris and his cousin Anthony Kamilaris are following in their fathers’ footsteps. Brothers Chris and George Kamilaris have been operating the popular and successful downtown Toledo restaurant Georgio’s since 1986. Their sons grew up in the restaurant learning every job from bussing tables to serving guests, bar tending and cooking. Andreas Kamilaris also recalls working for his grandparents, Jim and Georgia Kamilaris, at Pappoulis Pizza in Southbriar Shopping Center. “We had wanted to establish a restaurant of our own offering the same high caliber fare but with a more casual flair. We have been looking for a Sylvania location with Mike Scannell of Miller Danberry Commercial Realty Co., for some time now,” he explained. “When this location became available, we acted very quickly. The former restaurant

TOPS to begin summer hiring

closed on Friday and we spent the next two days reconfiguring the bar, adding new lighting, cleaning the kitchen and then were ready to open on the following Tuesday.” “We are bringing all of our restaurant knowledge we learned from our grandparents and our dads including the family’s ‘down south’ pizza recipe with a Geo’s twist. We are offering a lighter fare than what diners expect at Georgio’s,” Andreas Kamilaris pointed out. “And we offer a great quality wine selection along with a large craft beer list.” The new menu includes several signature items including Geo’s cheeseburger, pastrami Cristo, Geo’s warm cheese dip, homemade pasta, signature sauces, wood fired pizza and much more. The 174-seat restaurant is open Monday through Saturday from 11 am to midnight. A daily happy hour is celebrated from 3 to 6 pm Monday through Friday.

Andreas Kamilaris and his cousin Anthony Kamilaris with chef Carrie Foster are ready to welcome guests to their new Sylvania-area restaurant.



Yes, there may still be snow on the ground, but here at The Olander Park System (TOPS), we are already planning for summer. Each season we hire an additional 20 to 25 staff members to help with park operations during the summer months. Applications and job descriptions are available on the website at Cashiers and lifeguards can start at 16 years old. Not a certified lifeguard? No worries, we can train you at no cost. Getting certified already? We will reimburse you for your training at the end of the season. You must be 18 with a valid driver's license to join our facilities and horticulture teams. Enjoy spending your summer working outdoors doing something different each day! TOPS staff enjoy perks like free use of our boats and swim facility, discounts on programs and shelter rentals, and a fun and flexible work environment. Apply soon to join our team in 2020. We’d love to see you in our parks.



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CALL FOR NOMINA C N ATIONS! T ! Nominate your favorites by February 29 at Finalists will be highlighted in the March 17 issue of Sylvania AdV Vantage antage and voting will take place until April 4.

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Why You Need a Recovery Drive

A Recovery Drive lets you boot your system and easily access a number of recovery and troubleshooting tools to revive a failing Janis Weber Windows 10 system. If you haven't done so yet, you need to create a Windows 10 Recovery Drive. That way, you'll be prepared should you encounter a problem with your Windows 10 installation. If you get a serious virus or spyware

YOURGOOD.NEWS SYLVANIA ADVANTAGE • MID FEBRUARY 2020 sometimes your computer acts like it has lost its up and repair a 32-bit version of Windows 10 or the drive fully for how you want to clean your way. You will know when this happens, but you any other Operating System. drive. Clean the drive fully performs a secure will rarely have any warning. So, you must be The USB flash drive you use will become a erase to fully clean your drive by overwriting prepared, like having a fire extinguisher in case dedicated Recovery Drive. You won't be able to your files so that they can't be easily recovered. of an unforeseen blaze. use it for anything else. In its base configuration, This can take several hours to finish. You would In Windows 10, you should create a Recovery the contents of the Recovery Drive will require want to choose this option if you are recycling Drive on a blank USB flash drive. If your comabout 330 MB of space. However, if you choose or selling your computer. puter is new, this is the perfect and best time. You to include the system files, which will allow you Good luck and call me if you need some help. can do this anytime but make sure you are not to use the Recovery Drive to reinstall Windows, Next Sylvania Senior Center dealing with a machine that is not running peryou'll need more space. You'll want at least a fectly. It will cost you more than you want to Classes 16GB USB flash drive. There will be a warning spend at a repair shop to have them recover New classes with be held throughout 2020. when you begin the process that the drive will Windows 10. Check the SSC newsletter and website for the be erased and the only thing remaining will be Regardless of whether you are creating a Remost current information. Included will be Winyour recovery information. DON’T LOOSE covery Drive on a USB flash drive or on an opdows 10 Computer Basics, Facebook, Microsoft THIS USB. Please make sure the box is checked tical disc, it is important to remember that a Word, Google Docs and iPhone/iPad. If you that says, “Back Up System Files To The RecovRecovery Drive is bit specific. In other words, if have a topic and know some folks who are interery Drive.” you create a Recovery Drive in a 64-bit version ested, call the Senior Center and ask for Susan To create a recovery drive in Windows 10: of Windows 10, you can't use that drive to boot Jenelle, 419-885-3913. 1. In the search box next to the Start button, I Make House Calls search for Create a recovery drive and then select I will come to your home or office and help it. You might be asked to enter an admin passyou with almost any predicament including reword or confirm your choice. 2. When the tool pairs, upgrades and general software or hardopens, make sure Back Up System Files to the ware issues. I can be your resident “Geek.” I have Recovery Drive is selected and then select Next. an endless amount of patience and knowledge 3. Connect a USB drive to your PC, select it, and with years of experience. Give me a text or call then select Next. 4. Select Create. Many files need at 419-318-9112. Don’t forget to sign up for my to be copied to the recovery drive, so this might free newsletter at take awhile. I suggest not using your computer Subscribers will get a copy of this article plus while this process is being done. added hints, tips and trusted/valuable web-links. OK, now if your computer is sick you will BACK UP YOUR COMPUTER’S DATA need this USB recovery drive you created. I hope TODAY – Critical action! you can find it. Plug the recovery USB into a port and reboot your computer. You will see choice Janis Weber, B.A., owner of Ohio Computer of actions. Please read these very carefully. Your Training & Support, is a professional computer adactions cannot be undone. Choose Troubleshoot junct instructor. E-mail any specific questions or then Recover from a Drive. Be absolutely sure all comments to or call for asyour files are externally backed up just in case sistance at 419-318-9112. Private tutoring and rethings don’t go as planned pairs are just a phone call, text or email away. Click on either just remove my files or clean

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Successful businessmen join forces to form new company, Fickwood Plumbing



Fred Fick and Todd Woodard complement each other’s skills and strengths in their new business venture. Last April 1, Fred Fick and Todd Woodard joined forces to form Fickwood Plumbing, a residential service business. The two purchased their fleet of five fully stocked vehicles and leased warehouse space at 8444 W. Central Ave. “This space suits our needs. We are centrally located and close to the expressway, as we provide plumbing services to the metro area,” Fick said. “We keep an inventory of parts and equipment in the warehouse so that our plumbers can stock their vehicles with what they need for their jobs each day,” he stated. “And, Todd has set up a great inventory system in the warehouse for each vehicle, so every part is easily found. We plumbers don’t necessarily organize our tools and equipment this way but it really makes life much easier.” “This is my strength,” Woodard said. “I think it is important to put these systems and processes in place at the beginning. That kind of organization reduces stress and improves efficiency, saving time and money.” “Fred is great in the field. He can do or fix anything. And, if he finds something that he doesn’t know how to fix, he will keep at it until he is successful,” Woodard stated. “While we have different skill sets, we do share the same work ethics and business philosophy. We also emphasize professionalism and respect for our customers and their homes.” “In addition, we have very similar backgrounds. We both had entrepreneurial fathers who had their own businesses. Fred grew up in his dad’s hardware store but found pursuing a skilled trade more to his liking. My dad created a very successful photography business but my passion was in the construction field,” Woodard reflected. “However, we both started on our career paths working for larger companies until we both started our own businesses.” “We both had growing and successful companies for over 15 years,” noted Woodard, who founded Woodard Construction Services, specializing in home remodeling and renovation. “I

first met Fred of Fred Fick Plumbing early on when I hired him as a subcontractor. I liked the way he did business and he soon became the only plumber I used,” Woodard noted. “As time went on we also became good friends.” “In 2018, a mutual friend mentioned that we would do well to combine our talents and skill sets and work together. While both of our businesses were doing well, we were both struggling to take care of our continually growing customer base. We also realized that we were both working way too much and we needed some balance in our lives,” he reported. “It was a very hard decision to make,” Woodard acknowledged. But they soon realized they both could do better together. “Fred is great in the field and working with customers and employees as well,” Woodard said. “While I love being in the field and working with customers, my strengths are on the business side.” “I am a hands-on guy and I really do like to help people and figure out solutions to their plumbing problems. In fact, I will keep at a challenge until I figure out a solution,” Fick offered. That problem-solving mentality led Fick to develop a proprietary process to combat low water pressure problems. “This issue is very common in homes built between 2002 to 2012 due to a pipe joint that becomes clogged over time,” Fick explained. The usual solution is to replace the pipes and joints, which is quite costly and disruptive. Fick decided there had to be a better way. After years of effort, he developed a system to clean the pipes and joints throughout the home. “This really has become our specialty niche thanks to Fred’s innovative thinking, and we have devoted one of our fleet of vehicles exclusively for this process,” Woodard said. The partners agree that they are in a good position to accommodate the slow, steady growth they are experiencing, which they attribute to the vested interest they take in each of their customers.


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Ground broken for The Crescent at Oakleaf Village

A rendering of The Crescent

Ground has been broken and construction is underway on The Crescent, two four-story buildings that will create 54 one- and twobedroom apartments adjacent to Oakleaf Village and The Grove. According to Dena Marvin and Cari Stevens, Oakleaf Village marketing directors, construction will be completed in March, 2021. RLPS Architects of Lancaster, Penn., a firm specializing in senior communities, designed the project geared toward active seniors who are looking to simplify their lives. “RLPS has over 50 years experience designing and overseeing the construction of senior communities throughout the U.S. One of its newer concepts is the ‘hybrid home,’ which combines amenities of a stand-alone cottage home into an apartment setting. This keeps construction and operating costs lower, allowing us to pass on savings to the residents,” Marvin reported. “There are four different floor plans for the 28 two-bedroom apartments and 26 one-bedroom apartments. Each unit will have multiple exposure to natural light; sheltered parking; full kitchen with stainless steal appliances; high-end finishes including cabinets, counter tops, floors and light fixtures; washer and dryer hookups; high ceilings; walk-in showers and walk-in closets; and a covered outdoor patio or balcony,” Stevens noted. Community amenities available to resi-

dents and their guests will include a well-appointed dining venue with a full service kitchen, a bar that serves beer and wine with multiple happy hours scheduled weekly, a Grab and Go Bistro, landscaped patio with fireplace fixture, two fitness rooms, craft/light wood working room, art room, and a salon. There will be a community living room area with a portable bar, fireplace and ceiling mounted projector, as well as an interconnected walking path throughout the Oakleaf campus. The all-inclusive rental model includes utilities, a flexible spend down meal plan for each resident, continental breakfast, biweekly housekeeping, linen and laundry service, fitness classes, personal training sessions, onsite concierge and receptionist, planned onsite and offsite activities. The Crescent name is derived from the three crescent moons in the logo representing the three components of Oakleaf Village: The Crescent, Oakleaf Village, and The Grove. “The thought process behind the new name was that the Crescent Moon is like a light on a hill, bringing light and life to all those who see it. We want The Crescent of Sylvania to be a light in Sylvania and bring life and independence to active seniors,” Marvin and Stevens agreed.

Sylvania Schools Superintendent Jane Spurgeon talks about school issues with Lourdes University President Mary Ann Gawelek, Ed.D. and Sylvania Community Improvement Corporation President Jerry Arkebauer before the Sylvania Community Improvement Corp. meeting on Feb. 12. Dr. Gawelek was the guest speaker at the meeting.

‘Lourdes is Sylvania’s University’ BY JERRY ARKEBAUER

With about 750 alumni living in Sylvania, Lourdes University considers itself “Sylvania’s University,” according to Mary Ann Gawelek, Ed.D., president of the University, who recently addressed the Board of Directors of the Sylvania Area Community Improvement Corp. With about 1,300 students enrolled for spring at Lourdes, Dr. Gawelek emphasized that the student body comes from 24 states, 12 countries and five continents. “We recognized that it’s difficult for hard working families with incomes of less than

$100,000 a year, even with two parents, working to afford tuition. That’s why Lourdes started a Heart of America grant for up to $16,000 for full time students over four years if living on campus and up to $8,000 over four years for students not living on campus,” she explained. She noted 97 percent of Lourdes students receive some form of financial assistance. Lourdes also believes that SAT and ACT scores, traditionally a guiding number for acceptance by many universities, does not represent the true ability of many applicants since it has been shown that the economic wealth of families is directly reflected in such test scores.




The V.I. pizzeria and sports bar to open mid-March BY JENNIFER RUPLE

A Sylvania mainstay is getting a new lease on life. The Village Inn, which closed in 2018, will reopen under new ownership as The V.I. sometime in March. The new owners, which include Sylvanians Jeremy Fitzgerald, George Simon and Andy Grombacher, are hoping to have the restaurant up and running by St. Patrick’s Day. “The V.I. is a Sylvania staple and everyone’s excited for it to open again. It’s going to be totally different with a new menu,” said Jeremy Fitzgerald. “I think people are excited to see the transition.” The new owners acquired the property at 4984 N. Holland Sylvania Rd. about two years ago from the previous owners. “They were shut down by the health department mainly because the equipment needed to be updated,” said Fitzgerald. “It was going to be too costly for them, so they decided to put it up for sale.” The new owners are also part owners of several other local eateries including Bar 145, Reset, Moe’s Southwest Grill and J-Cups Pizza. “We started working on drawings and demolition about 10 months ago and in late summer, early fall we started construction. We are excited to say it is basically a brand-new restaurant,” Fitzgerald explained. “The only things we kept were the four walls. We have all new equipment. We added brick and oak. The inside is totally different.” The owners have a vision for the new restaurant. “We want it to have a cozy neighborhood

feel,” mentioned Fitzgerald. “I’ve been working with the local schools’ athletic and yearbook departments. I’ve been going through yearbooks as far back as the 1940s to find historical pictures of area athletic teams to display in the restaurant. A lot of people don’t realize that the Village Inn was around in the 40s.” There will also be a historical timeline of the restaurant and about 20 TVs. The V.I. will feature Cameo Pizza, a business based out of Sandusky, Ohio. “We’ll make the pizza onsite and have about 15 specialty pies. It’s been my favorite pizza for the past 20 years. It’s the quality; everything is fresh. It’s a step above your basic pizza,” explained Fitzgerald. The group also sells Cameo Pizza at their arcade, Reset, in Rossford, Ohio. “The most popular pizza there is a sweet barbecue with pepper jack cheese, grilled chicken, jalapeños, pineapple and bacon,” said Fitzgerald. “My favorite pizza is the thick crust pizza which has double of everything - dough, sauce, cheese and pepperoni,” he added. Pizza delivery will be also be available in the Sylvania area and parts of Toledo. In addition to pizza, pub food will be served. “We’ll have chicken wings, chicken chunks and appetizers. We like to put our own twist on basic bar food,” Fitzgerald mentioned. “To fit in with the neighborhood feel, I’m bringing in some comfort dinners like pasta dishes and fish baskets,” he added. The bar will feature 20 beers on draft, craft and domestic beer, and an ample selection of wine, bourbon and whiskey.

Laurel Road, ProMedica partner to help physicians with student debt

ProMedica announced its ProMedica Physicians Group will partner with Laurel Road, a digital lending platform and brand of KeyBank, to offer its physicians and advanced practice providers a simple, easy, and secure digital experience, as well as special programs, to help better manage their student loan debt. ProMedica will offer this benefit to promote financial well-being for the more than 2,000 contracted providers, which could help them save on their student loan debt. “ProMedica is excited to offer this resource to our team,” said Angela Brandt, president of ProMedica Physicians Group. “At ProMedica, we believe in wellness for our patients, but this focus extends to the health professionals who make our mission possible every day. With the rising costs of student loans impacting the financial well-being of medical professionals across the nation, we are proud to partner with Laurel Road to bring our Physicians Group this valuable tool to help them better manage their student loan debt and secure savings over the life of their loans.” Physicians and advanced practice providers take on significant student debt throughout their medical education, with 73 percent of medical school students in the class of 2018 graduating with student debt. “We are delighted to provide our refinancing tools to an esteemed health care organization like ProMedica,” said Paul Bamundo, SVP, head of business development and marketing partnerships for Laurel Road. “With student loan debt in the United States surpassing $1.6 trillion, Physicians and Physician Assistants are especially susceptible to student loan debt due to the advanced schooling these fields re-

There are big plans for the outside of the restaurant too. “That will be Phase II of the project. My vision is an outdoor bar in a great setting with landscaping, green space, firepits, couches, cornhole, bocce ball, possibly pickleball and or volleyball courts. It all really depends

on what I can fit,” said Fitzgerald. “There won’t be bands or DJs outside though. I’m really conscious of the noise level in the neighborhood.” The V.I. will employ approximately 70 people. If interested in applying, visit

A Valentine Surprise!

Charlesena Smith receives a surprise package of Valentine cookies from a loved one through the Heartland at ProMedica and ProMedica Goerlich Center Valentine Cookie Program. —by Mary Helen Darah

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quire. We appreciate and support the incredible—and essential—work completed by these health care professionals every day and are pleased to play a role in supporting their financial journeys.” Laurel Road’s employer benefits are designed to reduce stress commonly associated with student loan debt and their secure, digital lending platform can be tailored to fit any organization’s needs.

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Sierah’s Birthday Soiree Raises Funds

Sierah’s Birthday Soiree organizers Howard and Tara Ice applaud as their daughters Shyla and Aliya blow out the candles in honor of Sierah Joughin, at a party raising funds for Justice for Sierah Inc., a nonprofit dedicated to making communities safer from repeat, violent offenders.

Kim Turner, Katy Walker, Renee Maley and Christina Kasper have enjoyed getting together at the fundraiser held Feb. 8 at the Hilton Garden Inn.

Steve Turner, Matt Maley, Bill Lange, Glenn Scott and Greg Kasper enjoy the birthday soiree held in memory of Sierah Joughin.

Auctioneer Jerry Anderson and Melissa Andrews of WTOL11 Party guest Gus Mancy talks entertain with auctioneer Jerry guests. Anderson.

Tara Ice and her husband Howard launch Sierah Strong.

Ohio Chancelor of Higher Education Randy Gardner is a guest at the soiree.

SECTION B February 18 - March 2, 2020 Vol. 24, No. 21 •


What's in your mouth reveals much about your health

What does the health of your mouth have to do with your overall health? In a word, plenty. A look inside or a swab of saliva can tell your doctor volumes about what's going on inside your body.

Many conditions cause oral signs and symptoms

Your mouth is a window into what's going on in the rest of your body, often serving as a helpful vantage point for detecting the early signs and symptoms of systemic disease — a disease that affects or pertains to your entire body, not just one of its parts. According to the Academy of General Dentistry, more than 90 percent of all systemic diseases produce oral signs and symptoms.

Studies continue to uncover new findings further confirming the link

between oral health and general health. Periodontitis (gum disease) can be associated with health problems found in other parts of the body, including heart issues, pregnancy complications, cancer and diabetes. During preventive visits, your dentist can detect early signs of a variety of oral health issues and recommend simple fixes or offer less expensive treatment options. Visiting the dentist for preventive checkups can save both money and teeth! Your dentist may also detect early warning signs of more serious health issues that go beyond your mouth, such as cancer and heart disease. According to, dentists can often detect premalignant abnormalities and early stages of cancer in the oral cavity, including tongue, mouth, throat and lip.

Keep your mouth healthy and reduce the risk of gum disease with these tips from the ADA:

• Visit your dentist for regular checkups (typically every six months). • Brush your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush. • Clean between your teeth once per day with floss or an interdental cleaner. • Use dental products marked with the ADA Seal of Acceptance.

• Rinse your mouth with water or fluoridated mouthwash after eating or drinking. • If you’re a smoker, quit. Smoking may increase your chances of gum disease, tooth decay and tooth loss.

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GET A WHITER, BRIGHTER SMILE! Teeth Whitening Special

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February is celebrated as




Brookview Dental 7135 Sylvania Ave., Suite 1A 419-885-1115• Drs. Peter Urbanik, Brad Barricklow, Todd Schultz and Tara Bingle and the friendly, knowledgeable staff are dedicated to making every visit to their office a great experience. Expert dental care is provided with a warm, personal touch in a comfortable, relaxed setting. Brookview Dental is a modern, state-of-the-art practice offering patients a full range of general and cosmetic dental services, from routine check-ups to complete smile makeovers. Brookview Dental practices conservative, proactive dentistry using the latest in dental technology including same-day crowns and sedation dentistry. The Brookview team is also committed to the community. Each year, the practice supplies mouthguards for the Northview and Southview football teams. The practice also offers a candy buy-back program after Halloween to name just a few.

Dental Group West 5532 W. Central Ave. • 419-539-2168 Dental Group West provides a wide range of dental care services. Dr. Richard Thomas, Dr. Tracy Poole and Dr. Robert Weisenburger strive to offer comprehensive dental care with a relationshipbased approach to help patients feel relaxed about their dental visits. Dr. Thomas said, “At Dental Group West, we are committed to raising the standard of excellence in dental care and exceeding your expectations. We are a general dental practice with the knowledge, skill and ability to provide your family with a wide spectrum of dental care. Our commitment to excellence means you can rest assured that your family’s dental treatment is provided by qualified professionals using the best laboratories and materials available. Plus, our gentle, caring dentists and comfortable atmosphere combine to make your dental experience a pleasant one.”

HLS Orthodontics, •

6407 Monroe St., Sylvania • 419-882-1017 4413 Keystone Dr., Maumee • 419-889-1247 7928 Secor Rd., Lambertville • 734-854-6221

HLS Orthodontics has always been on the cutting edge of the technical aspects of innovative ways of helping align jaws and straighten teeth for people of all ages. Drs. Haerian, Ludwig and Hansen also know the importance of making the process as smooth as possible. Combining the two perfectly is what has made HLS one of the top names in the or-

thodontic field for the past 35 years. One important technique we use is digital scanning. Instead of taking impressions of patients’ teeth using a tray of alginate (goo), as has been the standard practice for over 100 years, our office uses 3D-printing to create models. Another exciting innovation that we offer is the ability to do a virtual consult for adults interested in aligning their teeth. Just go to our website and follow the instructions for taking photos and submitting from your phone. Within a week, one of our doctors will respond with a treatment plan and the fee. If it sounds worth exploring further, make an appointment to come in to discuss details.


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Lenhart Orthodontics 4323 N. Holland Sylvania Rd. • 419-8826970 • Lenhart Orthodontics is a family-owned and operated practice that provides a broad range of customized orthodontic treatment plans and services, including aesthetic and traditional braces, as well as clear aligner therapy. Their office uses all the latest technology to create the best clinical experience possible. With the use of digital scanning and a 3D printer, they have nearly eliminated traditional dental impressions, making the experience more comfortable for their patients. The Lenhart team, led by Dr. David Lenhart, is composed of highly qualified and experienced individuals who take pride in their area of expertise and their exceptional customer service. Dr. Lenhart stated, “We appreciate all of our patients and treat them as if they were members of our family! We have many special events and contests to add to the fun, as well as a reward system for exemplary brushing and treatment cooperation.”




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ind us on Facebook



Schmakel Smile Design 4343 N. Holland-Sylvania Rd. 419-841-9494 • Dr. Larry Schmakel and his team have been keeping Toledo and Sylvania smiling for over 25 years. The practice has excellent customer retention and has a patient base of 2,500. At Schmakel Smile Design, dental services and solutions are centered on the patient’s health and include cosmetic services, CEREC: one-visit crowns, Invisalign: invisible braces, and implants. Dr. Schmakel is a fellow of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists. Dr. Schmakel, a member of the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine, also treats snoring and sleep apnea with Oral Appliance Therapy (O.A.T.), creating a custom oral appliance that repositions the lower jaw while patients sleep to create more airway space. Schmakel Smile Design provides a friendly and welcoming environment with comfortable seating, a TV and a fireplace in the waiting room. At, the team cares about patients’ concerns and are available to discuss the best treatment options and will answer questions about dental health at the patients’ convenience - in person, by phone or via email. Maley Family Dental 3780 N. King Rd., Suite 2A 419-882-0622 • Sylvania resident Dr. Matthew Maley has been practicing dentistry in Sylvania since graduating from the University of Detroit Mercy Dental School in 2005. He enjoys all areas of dentistry and is committed to making every patient’s oral health a priority. Each year, he and his staff supply sports mouthguards for both Northview and Southview hockey players and St. Francis JV and Varsity. They also participated in the Halloween Hike at Olander Park providing over a 1000 gift bags with a tooth brush, floss, and a sugar free sucker in each bag. in his effort to give back to the community. In addition to Dr. Maley, Dr. Kenneth Endicott is the prosthodontics on staff. Dr. Todd Dunkle, with over 40 years of experience, joined Dr. Maley’s practice in 2014 and Dr. Kavita Shah in 2016.



YOURGOOD.NEWS Amazing Smiles Orthodontics 7619 W. Sylvania Ave., Sylvania 214 W. Airport Hwy., Swanton 419-885-4796 • Dr. Paul’s love of orthodontics stems from his passion for people. His easy and transparent demeanor makes treatment fun and successful for his patients, and the well being of patients is his top priority. Dr. Paul has been practicing orthodontics since 2007 after graduating with honors from the University of Michigan’s School of Dentistry and completing his residency in orthodontics. He is committed to lifelong learning, which means he is constantly evaluating new orthodontic technologies in order to provide patients with top-quality service and care.

Tomase Dental Care 7616 KingÊs Pointe Rd. 419-474-5858 • Tomase Dental Care strives for personal attention and excellence in patient care for every guest who comes through the door. The extensively trained doctor and team are available to partner with patients in achieving their dental goals. This may be accomplished with restorative treatment, aesthetics, Invisalign, prosthetics, and sleep medicine. Implant placement is also available. The practice invites new patients to visit the office to meet Dr. Tomase and the team. New guests are always welcome!


Sylvania Pediatric Dental Care 5860 Alexis Rd. Ste A. • 419-882-7187 •

The team of Sylvania Pediatric Dental Care, a leading pediatric dental practice located in Sylvania, Ohio consists of board-certified pediatric dentists Philip Sprague, Jason Richards, Courtney Greenwood, Boley Greenwood and Ashley Paulus, all specializing in providing quality care for infants through teens. Pediatric dentists are qualified to meet the dental needs of infants, toddlers, school-age children and adolescents. They are required to take an additional two or three years of child-specific training after fulfilling dental school requirements. In addition to dental training, pediatric dentists specifically study child psychology. This enables them to communicate with children in an effective, gentle, and non-threatening manner. The pediatric dentist focuses on several different forms of oral care: prevention, early detection, treatment and education. The oral health of the entire family is also a top priority. The staff understands many patients have a fear of visiting the dentist and the staff is here to provide care in a comfortable environment. Convenient appointment times from 8 am to 2 pm are offered featuring the latest in the dental technology as well as patient education for the entire family. Most dental insurances are accepted, and the staff will work to make treatment affordable. Patients will experience all that modern dentistry has to offer, including a comprehensive list of general, restorative and cosmetic dental services to meet the needs of children of all ages.




Brook kv view Dental invites you to our office for a complimentary New Patient Oral Exam! Please call (419) 885-1115 for an appointment

Brad Barrick kllow w,, D.D.S. Tara Bingle Ta e,, D.D.S.



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Invisalign: Invisible Braces Sleep Apnea Implants


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4343 N. Holland-Sylvania Rd. T To oledo, OH 43623



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Preschool for youngsters ages 3 to 5 provides an environment for children to develop social and emotional skills, to explore, to gain a sense of self, to get along with other children, and build self-confidence. They learn they can accomplish tasks and make decisions. Children also learn how to compromise, be respectful and problem solve. Preschool helps promote language and cognitive skills as well as academics. Many preschools have a kindergarten-readiness focus and the curriculum is project-based and aligned to essential Early Learning Content Standards established by the Ohio Department of Education.

10 reasons your child should attend preschool 1. Opportunity for growth 2. Prepares children for kindergarten 3. Promotes social and emotional development 4. Socialization 5. Promotes language and cognitive skills

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Northview Musicians Named

Daven Sarikonda has been a member of the Northview Band program for four years and has demonstrated leadership as well as a high level of musicality. This year Daven is the principal trombonist of the Wind Ensemble as well as the Symphony Orchestra. He has been a member of the NV Marching Band, Pep Band, Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, and Symphony Orchestra. Daven is also actively involved in biomedical research at UTMC, monarch butterfly research, Speech and Debate, lab aiding for Mr. Roth, the Toledo Blades Fencing Club, the Tomahawk Archery Club, and National Honor Society. He is the son of Candy and Kesari Sarikonda.

Ability Center to offer scholarships

Ensuring students with disabilities have opportunities to achieve higher education is critical. In partnership with their auxiliary, Ability Center provides college scholarships to area students with disabilities. The deadline to apply is March 31 and eligibility requirements include: Be an individual with a disability; Have a permanent address in Lucas, Wood, Fulton, Henry, Ottawa, Defiance, Williams county in Ohio or in Monroe or Lenawee county in Michigan; Carry at least a 3.0 GPA; Be enrolled in a post-secondary degree program. The applicant must complete the application. Non-traditional students will need to provide employment records and/or a description of past activities (i.e., homemaker, volunteer, etc.). SMALL, INDEPENDENT, LOCAL, ART SUPPLY STORE


The gift of art, from the heart... Art Classes Ages 5 - Adult

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Senior Ryan Music is the Northview High School Musician of the Week. Ryan has been a member of the Northview Band Program all four years of high school. Ryan has demonstrated strong musicianship, leadership and a joy for music throughout his career at Northview. This year, Ryan has been a squad leader, section leader, and principal alto saxophone of the Wind Ensemble & Jazz Band. He has been a member of the Northview Marching Band, Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, Jazz Bands, and Pep Bands. Ryan is the son of Justin and Victoria Music. –by John Crisman of AssetWare Event Photography

Sylvania Heritage Center Museum Elementary Student Art Show Schedule 5 to 6:30 pm

Feb. 19 Highland Feb. 26 Sylvan

March 4 Maplewood March 11 Hillview

March 18 Whiteford

Hall of Fame dinner planned

The 29th annual Distinguished Alumni dinner hosted by the Sylvania Schools Foundation is March 13 at Sylvania Country Club. A reception begins at 6 pm. Alumni inductees include: James A. Young, Ph.D. Burnham High School, Class of 1959; Richard S. MacMillan, J.D., Sylvania High School, Class of 1973; Steven Andrew Rank, Southview High School, Class of 1998; Rebecca Myers Koike, Southview High School, Class of 2000; Clark Reber, posthumously, Burnham High School, Class of 1947; 2020 Legacy Award Winner Sharon Lange, publisher, Sylvania Advantage; 2019 Educator of the Year Pam Thiel, Northview Orchestra teacher. For tickets, rsvp by March 2. Contact James Hall at or call 419-824-8574.


Southview Musicians Honors

Nicholas Golini sings in the tenor section. He was in choir at Timberstone and participated in junior high Solo and Ensemble, earning Superior ratings. Nicholas is a member of Select Ensemble and will perform with the District Honors Choir.

Aiden Sicha is a four year member of the SV orchestra. He is a member of the first violin section of the SV Concert Strings. Director Megan Fitzpatrick said, “Aiden has always been a model section member since I met him five years ago. He is always on task and takes rehearsal seriously. This provides an excellent example for our younger students in the orchestra.”

Southview Tech Students Named

Dillin Leininger has participated in several career tech courses including robotics, engineering and construction. He participated in SV football for three years, wrestled for two years, and has thrown shot put and disc for four years, making it to Districts last year. Dillin plans to continue his welding skills next year through an apprenticeship. Construction teacher Ric Roach said, “Dillin is always working diligently in class and does a great job.”

Mackenzie Perry placed 5th in the BPA Regional Java Programming competition, even as a relative newcomer to the world of computer science and programming. She has represented Southview in crosscountry, track and Speech and Debate. She plans to pursue a career in a math-related field.

Congressional art competition deadline nears

Congressman Bob Latta (R-OH5) announced details for the 2020 Congressional Art Competition. High school students who live or attend school in Ohio’s Fifth Congressional District are encouraged to submit a piece of art for this year’s competition. The Competition began in 1982 to provide an opportunity for members of Congress to encourage and recognize the artistic talents of their young constituents. All artwork will be displayed at Owens Community College in Perrysburg Township. The deadline for submission is Tuesday, March 3. The winning piece will be displayed in the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. for one year, and three honorable mention pieces will be displayed in Congressman Latta’s three dis-

trict offices. Submissions can be dropped off at any of the offices, listed: 1045 N. Main St., Ste. 6, Bowling Green; 101 Clinton St., Ste. 1200, Defiance, or 318 Dorney Plaza, Room 302, Findlay. Each student is allowed one entry. Eligible artwork includes the following: Paintings: oil, acrylics, watercolor, etc. Drawings: pastels, colored pencil, pencil, charcoal, ink, markers, collages: must be two dimensional, prints: lithographs, silkscreen, block prints, mixed Media: use of more than two mediums such as pencil, ink, etc., computer-generated art and photography. For all the criteria to entry and for the artwork, call Rebecca Card, 202-225-6405.


Central Trail Artwork on Display

Dr. Ransford Brenda admires his daughter Akosua’s art during the Central Trail Elementary School open house on Feb. 12.

Aubrey Killian looks for her work that is on display in the art case in the parlour of the Sylvania Heritage Center Museum.

Jordan Erupe shows off his Dalmatian-style dog sculpture that is on display in the Heritage Center Museum parlour.

Art Teacher Tina Arndt with Alex Hedden and student teacher Steven Gill talk about the art projects on display.

Kendra Manuel and her son Grayson talk with Central Trail Art teacher Tina Arndt.

Pam Manuel with Evelyn and Gibson admire the work in one of the display cases.

NDA’s Mad for Plaid gala provides scholarships

Notre Dame Academy's annual Mad for Plaid Scholarship Gala, its signature event to support student scholarships, will take place at 6 pm on Saturday, Feb. 29 at Parkway Place in Maumee. Chrys Peterson is this year’s mistress of ceremonies. To purchase Mad for Plaid Gala tickets visit Funds raised go towards the scholarships that provide the opportunity for the intellectual, social, and personal development of an NDA education to girls who might not otherwise be able to afford it. The evening will feature a silent auction, mystery boxes, cash raffle, and a live scholarship auction, as well as a sit-down dinner and open bar. More than 25 businesses and individuals help support this goal by sponsoring the event, including this year’s signature sponsor, Designetics. Being honored at the event this year is NDA



faculty member, Scott Kay. Kay was a 2019 Golden Apple Award recipient. The Golden Apple Award was established to honor outstanding individuals who devote their lives to teaching in Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Toledo. The Service Leadership Award will be presented to Belinda Costin, ‘80. This award honors NDA alumnae who have answered the call of Christian service and demonstrate the use of their time and talent through exemplary Christian service on a local, national or international scale. Mrs. Gail (Vascik) Hogan, ‘74, will be awarded The Professional Achievement Award recognizing achievement of an exceptional nature in any field or vocation. Her achievements reflect the excellence and values inherent in the mission of Notre Dame Academy and demonstrate a benefit to the larger community.

Stranahan Art Show at Heritage Museum

Robert Webb III and his father, Robert Webb Jr., talk with Stranahan art teacher Kari Armstrong during the school’s open house at the Sylvania Heritage Center Museum Feb. 5.

Julie Bombay and her children Caroline, Johnny and Maddie stop in the Heritage Center Museum dining room to enjoy a cookie.

Stranahan student teacher Moira Sams and art teacher Kari Armstrong help students Seth Cahill and Weston Merillat find their artwork.

Prosper Russeau points to his artwork at the Heritage Center Museum.

Parker Alexander shows the llama she made to her dad, Jamal.

Stranahan fourth grade student Chloe Martin shows her llama to her art teacher Kari Armstrong.



Northview Athletes Named

Junior point guard and team captain Kacee Baumhower is in her third season as a varsity basketball player. In recent games Kacee had 14 points-9 rebounds-5 assists in an upset win over Start, 23 points-13 rebounds-7 assists in a win over Springfield, and led our team with 28 points at Bedford. Kacee also has set LadyKat program single season records for both assists and steals with 6 games yet to play. She is also now the program’s all-time steals leader. Overall, Kacee leads the NLL in scoring (20 ppg), assists (5.3 apg), and steals (4.8 spg), while also being in the top 5 in rebounding (6.6 rpg). –by John Crisman AssetWare Photography

Junior David Crandall has enjoyed an excellent season in helping the #9 state-ranked Northview hockey team to a 19-9 overall record and a first place standing in the Northwest Hockey Conference at 9-1. He currently has a team high 53 points with 19 goals and 34 assist on the season. Recently, the Cats have earned three huge wins over rivals St. John’s, St. Francis and Perrysburg. In those wins, David has played a vital role scoring four goals and assisting on five others. Best of luck to David and all of his teammates as they head into the playoffs looking for a return trip to the State Frozen Four in Columbus. —by JohnCrisman AssetWare Photography


Kathleen Hurley, Camryn Rufenacht & Lucy Turner

Lucy Turner & Kathleen Hurley are life long Sylvania residents. With the help of their fundraising team, “One Kick Wonders,” they are competing for the LLS “Student of the Ye Y ear.” They are racing against time to raise as much money as they can for the Leukemia & L Lyymphoma Society! DEEA ADLIIN NE TO DON NA AT TE ET TO O THI TH HIIS S WORTTH HY CAUSE IIS S MARC CH H 6T TH H. They have several friends battling blood cancers now & in the past. People like Camryn Rufenacht (pictured), a Bedford HS freshman who battled leukemia for 2 1//2 2 years.

PLEASE HELP TEAM ONE KICK WONDERS “KICK CANCER” FOR GOOD! Every 3 minutes someone is diagnosed with a blood cancer & every 9 minutes someone dies from one. PLEASE HELP~ DONA AT TE NOW! (TTA AX DEDUCTIBLE)

To oledoSOY20/owonders ONLINE FUNDRAISING LINK: https://// AT TION DIRECTL LY Y TO: @onekick-wonders VENMO A DONA

Write check to “Leukemia & Lymphoma Society” (noting “One Kick Wonders” on subject line) & mail to: The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society 6111 Oak Tree Blvd, Suite 130 • Independence, OH 44131



Southview Athletes Honored

Bella Berger is a gymnast and a second team All-NLL performer her freshman season, Bella is looking forward to the NLL Championship next month. Head Coach Mike McKee commented, ‘Bella is a quiet but strong athlete during practices and in all competitions. Bella continuously strives to improve and it is reflected in her competitions.’ Bella carries a 4.2 GPA.

Nick Rogenski is a three-year starter for the SV ice hockey team and played for the Sylvania North Stars as a 9th grader. He has helped lead the Cougars to a 7-1 record in NHC White Division. Last season, Nick earned 1st Team league recognition and was named Player of the Year in the NW Hockey Conference. Coach Collins said, “Nick is an intelligent and level-headed hockey player. He is a great leader both on and off the ice and his work ethic is second to none. His unrelenting effort in practice produces positive results in games.” Nick is in the NHS and student government. Nick maintains a 4.6 cumulative GPA.




SUA Dance Team Wins First in Small Varsity Pom at National Competition

Signs Letter of Intent

Jessie O'Loughlin

Molly Kalucki

Amy and Michael Delbosque look on as their daughter Northview Senior Angelina Delbosque puts her signature to a letter of intent Feb. 5 to attend Saginaw Valley State University and be a member of the Track and Field team. —by John Crisman, AssetWare Photography






Mow and mulch grass clippings or drop off yard trimmings.


Serena O'Loughlin

Lauren Wainz

St. Ursula Academy’s Dance Team earned two prestigious rankings, including a National Championship, at the Universal Dance Association national tournament at the ESPN Wide World of Sports facility in Orlando, Fla., on Sunday, Feb. 2. The team earned first in the nation in Small Varsity Pom and fifth in the nation in Small Varsity Jazz. The team competed in a field of approximately 65 national high schools in both categories. Sylvania residents on the team include senior Jessie O'Loughlin; juniors Molly Kalucki and Serena O'Loughlin, and sophomore Lauren Wainz. Varsity Dance Team coach Morgan Melchert said, ‘I can’t begin to describe this feeling. If I had to put this moment into words,they would be ‘simply incredible.’ This championship was a culmination of all our hard work, sacrifice, and true love for what we do.’

PAPER & CARDBOARD Newspapers, magazines and unwanted mail

No recyclables in plastic bags. Take plastic bags and wrap to a retailer near you.




No food or kitchen waste.


Aluminum and steel containers, clean foil and trays

Beverage containers, bottles, jugs and tubs, empty with caps on

GLASS ELECTRONICS* *Check for special collection events or places to donate/recycle these items on KT/LCB’s Recycler’s List.

For more information about recycling: 419-213-2230 or


Bottles and jars

CARTONS Milk, juice and soup cartons

Sylvania–Then and Now




Michael and Louisa Henes purchased a 3.50 acre parcel of land along Erie Street, west of the railroad tracks, in 1897. The map of the village of Sylvania, drawn in 1900, shows them owning the 3.50 acre parcel, but by the time the 1900 census was taken Michael Henes had passed away and only Louisa was living on Erie Street. She was listed as a widow and 55 years old, having no children. I have been unable to determine where their original house was located on this property. In 1903 Louisa Henes married William W. Richardson and in 1907 our subject house was built. The owners of this home, built in 1907, are listed as follows: 1897 – Michael and Louisa Henes 1900 – Louisa Henes, widow of Michael 1903 – Louisa Henes Richardson 1916 – Fred O. Peak and Ray West 1923 – George Poulos, half, and Dorothy G. and Irene Poulos, half 1926 – George J. Poulos 1938 – Theodore M. and Pearl Schuman 1940 – Kathryn Newbirt 1948 – Ralph H. and Rosemary Harrison 1950 – Naomi D. Johnston 1959 – Fred Lee and Carol J. Yeager 1990 – Carol J. Yeager 2003 – Eileen Heidi Yeager In 1916 Fred Peak and Ray West purchased the acreage and at that time they subdivided the land and called it Peak & West Addition. When the 1920 census was taken George Poulos and his family were renting this home from Peak & West. Mr. Poulos was listed as 34 years old, married, immigrated to the U.S. from Greece in 1904, Naturalized in 1919, and was listed as employed as a merchant of a retail confectionary store. His wife Beatrice was listed as 21 years old and immigrated to the U.S. in 1912, from Canada and was naturalized in 1919. Their daughters, Dorothy – 6 years old; and Irene – 5 years old were living at home and living with them was his sisterin-law, Annie Bessie Poulos – 40 years old. Carl and Dorothy Aiken were also living with them. He was working as a truck driver. On a separate page of the census there was a separate listing for this address: Michael Poulos – brother - 34 years old – born in Greece – immigrated to U.S. – Alien.

In 1923 the Poulos family purchased this home, and then three years later in 1926 George purchased the acreage surrounding this home. He re-subdivided the land into the Sylvania Court subdivision which included lots along Erie Street, and lots along the new streets which he named Roosevelt Court and Woodrow Drive. Mr. Poulos began building houses in this subdivision in 1926. In the 1930 census Poulos still owned the home, but was renting the home out to William and Regina Boogher. Mr. Boogher was 30 years old and employed as a foreman at the cement plant, and Mrs. Boogher was 29 years old. They had two sons living with them, William – 7 years old and John – 1 year old. In 1938 Mr. and Mrs. Schuman purchased the home and in the 1940 census they are listed as follows: Theodore Schuman – 37 years old – employed as an accountant for a banking company; Pearl Schuman – wife – 34 years old; Evelyn Schuman – daughter – 14 years; Florence Schuman daughter – 12 years; Howard Schuman – son – 11 years; and Carol Ann Schuman – daughter – 4 years old. Shortly after the 1940 census was taken the Schumans sold the home to Kathryn Newbirt. She owned this home from 1940 until 1948. In the 1940 census Ms. Newbirt had been living in an apartment on Monroe Street in Toledo and was working as a teacher at Waite High School. The 1941 Waite High School Yearbook shows her as a teacher of English and her obituary notice in 1955 said she retired as the head of the English department at Waite High School in 1944. She sold this house in 1948, and when she died in 1955 she was living on Torrey Hill Drive in Toledo. The next owners, the Harrisons, owned this home for two years from 1948 to 1950. Records show that they were married in 1944 and after selling this house they lived in Findlay for a while. The next to purchase the home was Harry and Naomi Johnston in 1950. They owned it until 1959. An article in the Sentinel Herald newspaper dated April 18, 1957 featured a photo on the front page of Barbara Johnston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnston of 6709 Erie St., and Cheryl Eley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eley of 6745 Erie St., showing a snowman they had built when the local schools had closed because of a snow storm. Prior to moving to Sylvania the Johnston’s had


The seventh of an eight volume set of history books about Sylvania, Lucas County, Ohio was released by local author Gayleen Gindy. When all eight volumes are published the top of the spines will spell out S-Y-L-V-A-N-I-A!



6709 Erie Street


lived at 3647 Wallwerth Dr. in Toledo. Records show that they were married in 1934 in Wood County, Ohio, and by the 1940 census they were living on Wallwerth Drive. He was working as a draftsman at an equipment factory. In 1959 Fred and Carol Yeager bought the house and they lived here until he passed away in 1990, and then she lived here until 2003 when she passed away. Fred had worked for the Ottawa Hills Fire Department for 30 years; 21 years as a fireman and then nine more years as the fire chief, retiring in 1987. During this same time he was an active volunteer firefighter with the Sylvania Township Fire De-

partment from 1955 through 1981, retiring as the Deputy Chief of the No. 1 fire department. According to Carol’s obituary notice she worked as an illustrator for the Lion’s Store where she met Fred. They were married in 1957 and had one child. Carol then attended The University of Toledo and graduated in 1974. She then taught art (K-12) in the Washington Local and then Sylvania City School System, until her retirement in 1990. Their daughter acquired the house after Carol passed away in 2003 and she still owns the house today.






2020 Capital Improvements

The days are getting longer and the temperatures will soon be getting warmer. That means the 2020 street construction season will be Craig Stough getting underway, and the city of Sylvania has several capital improvement projects planned. Some are being financed in part by state of Ohio grant funds and in cooperation with Lucas County. All will be publicly bid or use state of Ohio prebid term prices to take advantage of the competitive prices available. No tax increases or property owner assessments will be made. All of these projects will improve Sylvania and help keep our community one of the best places to live and work in northwest Ohio. The city of Sylvania will continue its residential street pavement improvements, this year with resurfacing in the Brookfield Estates subdivision and Corregidor Drive, with



Leaf Count

Sylvania Township road crews and contractors this past season collected a record 23,554 cubic yards of leaves from the area’s streets. Rob Nash, roads superintendent, told township trustees that the township road crews were able to make five complete sweeps of streets in the township collecting leaves. Crews usually have a goal of at least three collections, but a year where there was only one significant snow and ice event allowed for more time than usual to collect leaves. Nash noted that the amount of leaves collected was enough to fill more than 1,500 dump trucks. The prior record for leaves picked up was 20,296 cubic yards set in 2016. A reason for the increase, he said, is development in the township. “Some of the streets we collect on weren’t streets before,” he noted.

Annexation Hearing

Lucas County commissioners will hold a hearing Feb. 25 on two petitions to force the annexation of Sylvania Township property into the city of Sylvania. One petition seeks to force the annexation of 31 residential properties in the Country Walk area. That petition was the subject of a public hearing in November. Residents and township officials unanimously told commissioners they were opposed to the move. Residents objected to becoming subject to a municipal income tax. They also said they are satisfied with Sylvania Township services and will gain no benefit if annexed. The city of Sylvania contends that property owners signed a document promising to sign a petition for annexation when they signed up for city water service. While a decision on whether to approve the annexation has been pending, the city of Sylvania filed another annexation petition. The most recent filing is for the annexation of the property of the former Village Inn at Brint and Holland-Sylvania roads. Jody Balogh, clerk for the commissioners, said that although the annexation petitions are



$300,000 budgeted. In addition, Todd Street will be reconstructed between Williamsburg and Appomattox drives at a cost of $78,000. Also scheduled this year is a resumption of our microsurfacing program of residential streets at a cost of approximately $165,000. Work will be done in the Elden's Ranch View Subdivision, Eagle Trace Subdivision and on Chestnut Elliot and Maple drives and Roan Road. In conjunction with the Lucas County Engineer, resurfacing will be done on portions of Brint, Centennial, King and Sylvania-Metamora roads. Estimated cost is $1,100,000, with the city's portion being $414,000. Engineering for future street improvements is also underway for Maplewood between Main Street and the railroad tracks in 2021, Harroun/Monroe Safety improvements in 2022 and Silica/Monroe intersection improvements and Silica Road bridge replacement in 2023. US 23 intersection improvements are currently being planned and funding sought for 2025. In addition to street improvement projects, city of Sylvania Capital improvement funds are also being used for these improvements and maintenance projects this year: separate, it was determined that the issues were similar enough to have them both be subjects at the Feb. 25 meeting. The meeting will be in the commissioners hearing room on the first floor of Government Center on Jackson Street between Huron and Erie streets at 2 pm. Commissioners could decide the issue at the meeting or take up to 30 days.

New Position

A new position of Fire Marshal has been established in the Sylvania Township Fire Department with duties similar to those performed by recently retired Deputy Chief Mike Froelich. Fire Chief Mike Ramm said the new fire marshal position will be filled by someone on the department and not by a new hire. Ramm also has received approval by the Sylvania Township trustees to hire two part-time civilian fire inspectors. Chief Ramm said the marshal will have overall responsibility for fire prevention in the community, investigation of fires that occur and public education. As a large part of fire prevention, the fire marshal will review site and construction plans for new buildings, as well as on-site inspections to insure that safety features are being properly installed. The marshal will also oversee the civilian fire inspectors in what will be known as the Community Risk Reduction office of the department. Chief Ramm said it is likely that those positions will be filled by retired firefighters. He said the inspectors will spend much of their time visiting buildings in the fire district looking at the general safety of a building, particularly the function of sprinkler systems, fire extinguishers and other aspects of a safe structure. Chief Ramm said the restructuring of that unit is accounted for under the current fire department budget. The vacant deputy chief position will not be filled, he said.

Household Pickup

Sylvania Township trustees have approved seeking proposals for the township’s household item pickup service this year and through 2022. Rob Nash, superintendent of the township road department, said he hoped that by making the

Repaving and microsurfacing will continue this year in Sylvania as the weather warms. Cushman Road Water Main Replacement and Resurfacing – estimated cost of $518,000 City Hall Roof Replacement – estimated cost of $135,000 Harroun Park Bioretention and Stream Restoration – estimated cost of $241,000, utilizing a $216,000 EPA grant Wayfinding Sign Refurbishing – estimated cost of $50,000

SOMO site and retaining wall improvements – utilizing a $500,000 state grant We will work with the contractors to complete these improvements quickly and efficiently and reduce inconvenience to our residents. We appreciate your patience as the projects proceed this coming construction season.

contract for a longer term than the usual single event, it will attract more bidders. Last year the contract went to Archbold Refuse Service, which submitted the low bid of $365 per ton of household items collected. The only other bidder was Stevens Disposal & Recycling Services, which submitted a bid of $450 per ton. Stevens won the contract the prior year with a bid of $400 per ton. They had been the only company to submit bids on the job since winning the contract with a bid of $300 in 2016. Nash said the attempt to attract more bidders wasn’t meant to be critical of Stevens or Archbold Refuse, adding that they both did a good job, but the bidding process was frustrating because of the lack of interest from companies that might be able to perform the work. He said he had reached out to other firms, but most have regular customers and can’t alter their schedules or have sufficient equipment to add for the township household pickup. Nash told trustees that it is his hope that by offering a potential contract with three pickup opportunities, other companies might be prompted to bid on the proposal. Last year's one-time sweep through the township resulted

in a collection of 120 tons, Nash noted. The service for Sylvania Township residents is scheduled this year to begin Sept. 9. In order to not be missed, it is recommended that all items should be placed at the curb or edge of the road the evening of Sept. 8.

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Galentine’s Day Draws Crowd at Mancy’s Four new members appointed to the Toledo Museum of Art board of directors Four new members have been appointed to the Toledo Museum of Art Board of Directors: Pat Bowe, president and chief executive officer of The Andersons, Inc.; Rodney Eason, vice president of human resources for Principle Business Enterprises, Inc.; Sharon Gaber, president of the University of Toledo; and Jay Secor, lifelong educator and retired head of school at the Episcopal School of Knoxville. Each new member will serve a five-year term on the Board of Directors. Elected as officers were Randy Oostra, serving his first year as board chairman; Sara Jane DeHoff, Joe Napoli, Stephen D. Taylor and Scott Trumbull as vice chairs; Mary Ellen Pisanelli as secretary; and John Szuch as treasurer. L-R: Shannon Mohr, Debbie Milnar, Melissa Utterback and Michele BonoStuckey celebrate their friendship in the Bottle Shop at Mancy’s Italian. The restaurant offered a wine sampling for the evening, which was a popular choice for the many gal pals who filled the tables and booths.

Tree City Playhouse presents ‘Time of My Life’ Tree City Playhouse, a community theatre group offered by the Sylvania Community Arts Commission will present “Time of My Life” by Alan Ayckbourn in March. Directed by Dave Nelms, the production will feature the acting talents of Danita Binkowski, Kari DuffyShrader, Larry Farley, Eric Huffman, Megan Mockensturm, Andrew Packard and Tim Robinson. Keith Ramsdell, artistic director for Tree City Playhouse, noted that the playwright’s use of time in the play is especially unique as he examines family life and relationships. “Ayckbourn is an amazing writer, having crafted over 70 plays in his lifetime. Combine a good script with seasoned actors and an intimate venue … it’s a great combination audiences are sure to enjoy.” “Time of My Life” charts the decline and fall of a successful family business founded and nurtured by Gerry and Laura Stratton. It is Laura’s fifty-fourth birthday and Gerry has or-

ganized a small family dinner at their favorite restaurant. Domestically, all seems well. Glyn, their eldest son, has patched up his marriage with Stephanie; younger son Adam has a new girlfriend and is deeply in love. However, all this is surface stuff and as their evening proceeds, the play reveals skeletons from the past and a spectre of the future. The original London production had a successful run at The Vaudeville Theatre in 1993 after its premiere in Scarborough and received these excellent reviews: “Immensely subtle; ingenious” - The Guardian “Funny, very funny, and not at all funny; quintessentially Ayckbourn” - The Times. Performances are scheduled for March 6, 7, 13 and 14 at 7:30 pm at Church 3TwentyOne, 5845 Centennial Rd., in Sylvania. Tickets are $12 for general admission and $10 for seniors and students. Tickets can be purchased in advance at They can also be purchased at the door prior to each performance.

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Serendipity... TOM COLE

REFLECTIONS Most people, at sometime in life, have experie n c e d Serendipity, the development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way. Tom Cole S erendipity, when it happens is often hard to explain, yet one knows it when it occurs. It can bring a smile or send chills through a person and they definitely know it when they experience it. Two serendipitous situations have been recorded about the author L. Frank Baum and the movie, “Wizard of Oz.” Baum had written this incredibly brilliant story but he had one very big problem. He could not come up with a title. Baum was in his office writing late one night feeling tired and very frustrated. He just could not come up with a title for his remarkable story. He was looking around in his office in a bit of a daze and was staring at his filing cabinet. Looking at his filing cabinet he saw AE on the first drawer, F-G on the second drawer, the third drawer H-N and then the last drawer O-Z. Suddenly Baum was delighted. He had his title, OZ. There was another serendipitous situation relating to the movie, “The Wizard of OZ.” The director of the film wanted to find the perfect looking coat for the character, the Wizard, to wear in the movie. He

Docent President Gretchen Rohm and president of the TMA Ambassadors, Ellen Wise, will both serve one-year terms on the Museum’s Board of Directors for 2020. In addition to serving on the Museum’s Board of Directors, board members also aid TMA by contributing their time and knowledge toward a variety of operating committees including art, finance, audit, investment review, development, education, building and grounds. “We want to welcome and thank these new board members for their willingness to serve,” said John Stanley, TMA’s interim director. “Their skills and expertise will allow the Museum to continue to fulfill its purpose of art education.”

could not find a coat that worked for the story. His crew looked through all the thrift stores in LA. Finally one of the prop people that was searching for this perfect coat, which needed to be old, longer and rumpled, found it. The excited prop person raced back to show the director the coat and, the story goes, when the director saw the coat he cried, ''That's it, that is the coat!'' Then the director looked closely at the new-found coat and saw there was a name written on the inside label, L. Frank Baum. Mr. Baum had donated his coat many years ago to a used clothing store. This story shows serendipity at its best. Another reported serendipitous event occurred in 1968 when the N.Y. Jets played the Oakland Raiders in an extremely important game. Joe Namath was the star quarterback of the Jets. The Jets led by three points with 1:05 left in the game and the NBC football broadcast switched from the game to the movie “Heidi,” the story of a little girl living in the Alps with her grandfather. The Raiders scored two TDs in the last minute to beat the Jets but most of the nation never saw the end of the game because the network had switched to “Heidi.” So many calls came in to the NBC switch board, it melted down. The next morning, the president of NBC, Julian Goodman, apologized to all the football fans across the country. Forty years from the very day of the “Heidi” game, Joe Namath was flying from LA to NY and sitting next to him was a women who used to be a child actor. Namath asked her what films she was in and, serendipitously, the lady said “Heidi” ... forty years from the day of the infamous game. Serendipity can happen to all. These are very unique experiences, enjoy them. They can make life fun and interesting.

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SYLVANIA AREA CRIME REPORT Assault Matthew Steve, 5200 block Harroun, physical harm Shannon Holden, 5800 block Monroe, assault by boss Kayleigh Sieler, 5400 block Silica, assaulted by another student Attempted Burglary Stephen Stanek, 5800 block Walnut Springs, attempted b&e B&E Pat Wahl, 5800 block Friedly, attempted theft of flat screen TV Christina McMahon, 5800 block Rega, storage shed lock cut Roger Davenport, 5800 block Rega, garage door kicked into Bonnie Krenk, 5800 block Rea, garage and storage shed illegally entered Great Lakes Rental & Equipment, 4300 block Alexis, garage window broken to gain entry Criminal Trespasss Flower Hospital, 5200 block Harroun, male stayed on property after being asked to leave Found Property 6400 block Monroe, rifle found Identity Theft Peggy Dion, 4200 block Todd, personal identity stolen Susan Susor, 4600 block Framingham, attempted identity theft Aaron Zombo, 7100 block San Benito, personal information used to fraudently transfer money from bank account Telecommunication Harassment Susan Gideon, 6800 block Pine Tree Ln. Theft Amy Hurst, 6700 block Denbridge, purse with multiple credit cards stolen Kroger, 6200 block Monroe, attempted theft of frozen food Cody Brown, 7400 block Grenlock, cash, cigarettes, prescription drugs stolen from vehicle Mary Cushman, Bent Creek Crossing, cash stolen by fraud


Dana Carter, 5600 block Alexis, tires, tire rims stolen Dave White Chevrolet, 5800 block Monroe, tires and rims stolen Zachary Jones, 7900 block Sylvania, cash stolen from locker Aaron Zarbock, 7000 block Sylvania, cash stolen from locker Emily Tucker, 5200 block Harroun, wallet with credit/debit cards stolen Blaine Parker, 5800 block Rega, chain saw, change stolen Acar Leasing, 5700 block W. Central, tires stolen Taylor Cadillac, 6100 block W. Central tires and rims stolen Shoe Carnival, 5200 block Monroe, two pairs of boots stolen Marino’s Beverage Depot, 5800 block Monroe, three bottles of wine stolen Abigail Kuiwicki, 4900 block Burkewood Ct., wedding band stolen Lowes, 7000 block W. Central, power saw, stolen Lowes, 7000 block W. Central, electrical wire stolen Lowes, 7000 block W. Central, tools stolen Mark Lee, 4500 block Whiteford, tires and rims stolen from truck Paul Goldberg, 3700 block Corey, truck tailgate stolen Office Max, 5200 block Monroe, printer toner stolen Phillip Dionyssiou, 4900 block Rolandale, Honda 4-wheeler stolen from utility trailer Davila Sales, 2700 block Sweetbriar Ct., tires and rims stolen from vehicle Meijer, 7200 block W. Central, merchandise stolen UHaul, 2700 block N. Reynolds, catalytic converter stolen Tyler Williams, 5800 block W Central, cash, stolen Dave Stewart Auto Sales, 5000 block Alexis, vehicle stolen Joan Sprow, 7100 block W. Central, wallet with credit card stolen Target, 5200 block Monroe, vacuum cleaners stolen Constance Gregory, 5900 block W. Central, carton


of cigarettes stolen Universal Acceptance Corp., 5800 block Alexis, vehicle stolen Douglas Robertson, 3900 block Hempstead, prescription drugs stolen Nicoline Hart, 2800 block Holland Sylvania, vehicle window smashed, purse with cash credit card stolen Walmart, 5800 block W. Central, PlayStation gaming console, headphones stolen Bruce Bower, 5000 block Arbor Way, pistol stolen Meijer, 7200 block W. Central, merchandise stolen Target, 5200 block Monroe, attempted shoplifting Alyssa Richardson 5900 block Walnut Springs, clothing, vape juice, prescription drugs stolen Walmart, 5800 block W. Central, merchandise stolen Richard Beaugard, 4100 block King, prescription meds stolen Vin Devers, 5500 block Monroe, tires and rims stolen Vandalism Sylvan Elementary School, 4600 block Wickford, air gun pellets shot at school; damaging glass in door FROM THE COURTS Aggravated Menacing Michael Bigbee, 626 South, Tol., $150 fine, 180 days, 159 days susp. Assault Dominic Minniefield, 5013 Silica, Syl. Torrie Denney, 2116 Remington, Sandusky, $150 fine, 180 days, 84 days susp. Child Endangering Nathaniel Zane, 6920 Fredericksburg, Syl., $150 fine, 90 days, 85 days susp. Criminal Trespass Jeremy King, 7519 Dorr, Tol., $100 fine, 30 days Tyler Sharp, 220 Bonaparte, Tol., $150 fine, 30 days susp. Com Possession Matthew Matuszynski, 3603 Hazlehurst, Tol., $150 fine, 180 days, 120 days susp. Complicity Brian Dailey, 5902 Buchanan, Tol., $300 fine, 180 days, 179 days susp. Disorderly Conduct Michael Ventresca, 636 Eleanor, Tol., $100 fine, 30 days susp. Brandon Sean, 1470 Saba, Tol., $150 fine, 30 days, 28 days susp. Eric Staples, 6632 Maplewood, Syl., $100 fine, 30 days, 27 days susp. Joshua Brooke, 174468 S. Wapekenta, Grand Rapids, $100 fine, 30 days, 26 days susp. Teresa Miller, 443 Shrewsberry, Holl., $100 fine, 30 days susp. Domestic Violence Joshua Good, 6150 Whiteford, Syl., $150 fine, 30 days, 21 days susp. DUS/OVI Joseph Wiggins, 3346 Upton, Tol., $500 fine, 180 days, 170 days susp. Kederina Harris, 6839 Oakfield, Tol., $150 fine, 180 days, 176 days susp. Obstruction Matthew Matuszyski, 3603 Hazlehurst, $150 fine, 10 days Tiffany Overmyer, 8502 Angola, Holl., $525 fine, 180 days, 157 days susp. OVI James Clark, 13536 Old State Line, Swanton, $525, 180 days, 169 days susp. Delmera Flunder, 2283 County Road M, West Unity, $525 fine, 180 days, 139 days susp. Eric Quackenbush, 3935 White Home, Spencer, Swanton, $375 fine, 180 days, 174 days susp. Donald Russell, 6628 Dorr, Tol., $375 fine, 180 days, 177 days susp. Tyler Ayres, 3309 Moffat, Tol., $375 fine, 180 days 177 days susp. Ryan Frisch, 2015 N. McCord, Tol., $375 fine, 180 days, 177 days susp. Dennis Anderson, 34 N. Beer, Holl., $375 fine, 180 days, 177 days susp. Fredrick Cole, 2136 Stirrup Ln., Tol., $375 fine, 180

days, 177 days susp. Austin Grycza, 11250 Summerfield, Petersburg, MI, $375 fine, 180 days, 177 days susp. Randal Haar, 11510 Doran, Whitehouse, $375 fine, 180 days, 174 days susp. Keyonte Ashford, 190 N. Church, Bowling Green, $375 fine, 180 days, 177 days susp. Shannon Kamenec, 6955 Dorr, Tol., $375 fine, 180 days, 177 days susp. Christopher Martinez, 2923 Manhattan, Tol., $525 fine, 180 days, 142 aye susp.’ Jaiden Harrel, 3776 Hill, Tol., $375 fine, 180 days, 177 days susp. Wesley Ciouse, 8655 Dorr, Tol., $375 fine, 180 days, 177 days susp. Brandon Peglow, 29896 Mansfield, Defiance, $525 fine, 180 days, 169 days susp. Linnea Peagler, 956 Valenian, Tol., $375 fine, 180 days, 177 days susp. Matthew Pelland, 407 Parkwood, Delta, $375 fine, 180 days, 177 days susp. Bailey Gaborone, 560 Alexa Ln., Syl., $575 fine, 180 days, 174 days susp. Jerad Ames, 8466 E. State Rt. 73, Waterville, $375 fine, 180 days, 177 days susp. Eric Albring, 2245 W. Alexis, Tol., $525 fine, 180 days, 170 days susp. Physical Control Savana Walker, 4311 Kingsbury, Tol., $375 fine, 180 days, 177 days susp. Theresa Flores, 556 Apple, Tol., $375 fine, 180 days, 177 days susp. Evan Dailey, 3055 Primrose, Rochester Hills, MI, $375 fine, 180 days, 177 days susp. Lamarasheo Martin, 1800 N. McCord, Tol., $375 fine, 180 days, 177 days susp. Possession of Criminal Tools Brian Dailey, 5902 Buchanan, Tol., $150 fine Reckless Operation Jacob Fackelman, 5892 Firethorne, Tol., $250 fine, 30 days susp. Gavin Dailey, 8876 Angola, Holl., $250 fine, 30 days, 27 days susp. Theft Kianna Gregory, 6989 Oakfield, Holl., $150 fine, 180 days susp. Lisa Worden, 6232 Sylvan Green, Syl., $200 fine, 180 days, 179 days susp. James Duffey, 727 N. Erie, Tol., $150 fine, 90 days, 85 days susp. Christopher Jackson, 3630 Watson, Tol., $150 fine, 90 days susp. Athena Taylor232 W. Woodsie Terrace, Holl., $100 fine, 90 days susp. Melissa Helsel, 154 E. Plumer, Tol., $100 fine, 90 days susp. Karl Fantone, 4429 Bennett, Tol., $100 fine, 90 days, 55 days susp. Andrew Williams, 3615 Rugby, Tol., $150 fine, 90 days, 72 days susp. Clyde Willis, 1766 Nebraska, Tol., $100 fine, 90 days, 60 days susp. Denise Kramer, 5704 Rudyard, Syl., $100 fine, 90 days, susp. Tammy Jones, 1203 Bronson, Tol., $200 fine, 180 days, 166 days susp. Rason Gipson, 2473 Warren, Tol., $100 fine, 90 days susp. Zachary Frost, 5217 Jackman, Tol., $100 fine, 90 days susp. Andrew Bartachy, 2337 Grantwood, Tol., $150 fine, 180 days, 156 days susp. Unauthorized Use of Property Diamond Mosley, 123 Midland, Findlay, $100, 30 days Aaron Kestrel, 6620 E. Summerfield, Temperance, MI, $100 fine, 30 days susp. Ryan Reid, 899 Lockhaven,Maumee, $100 fine, 30 days susp. Rhonda Reid, 899 Lockhaven, Maumee, $150 fine, 30 days susp. Thomas Davis, 3015 Nebraska, Tol., $100 fine Information is provided to Sylvania AdVantage. Sylvania AdVantage is not responsible for the contents on this page.


Sallie Ann Barrett

heart, Dana Livingston (Ford), in 1980 at St. Joseph’s Sylvania before they moved back to Connecticut together. While living in Connecticut, he and his wife made many good friends, some who they have kept in close touch with throughout the years, and in 1984 they had their first child together, Stephen. Shortly after, Bob and Dana moved back to Sylvania, Ohio to build their young family together to be surrounded by family. In August of 1984, Bob started his 36 year career at Ort Tool & Die in Erie, Mich., where he was set to retire in September of 2020. While at Ort Tool & Die, Bob and Dana made life-long best friends who have become an extension of his immediate family. In 1987, Bob and Dana had their second child, Staci, and in 1994 they had their third child, Jenna. His family was his world; he was so proud of his family, and he worked so hard, in all aspects of his life, to provide for his family. Bob was an avid golfer, having played tournaments in the Toledo Metro Golf Association, and was involved in a golf league with a great group of guys for over 30 years. In 2016, Bob was fortunate to enjoy a lifelong dream of attending the Masters come true, attending a practice round with his son. When he wasn’t golfing, he was working at and enjoying the family cottage in Hillsdale, Mich. on Cub Lake, a treasured place that his grandparents bought in the early 1960s. Cub Lake was one of Bob’s all time favorite places to be, and he and his wife built close, long-lasting relationships with his lake people that have become second family. Bob was also a very talented woodworker, following in his father’s footsteps, and was often working on projects in his barn at the cottage, in his garage at home, or at his close friend’s garage, his neighbor, and fellow talented wood worker. When he wasn’t golfing, enjoying the lake life, or working in his shop, he was often found at

Sallie Ann (Wuertz) Barrett, age 80, passed away Feb. 9, 2020, at St. Ann’s Hospital in Westerville, Ohio. Sallie was born March 24, 1939, in Toledo, Ohio to Murland and Margaret (Gall) Wuertz. She was a 1957 graduate of Central Catholic High School and retired from Georgia Pacific and later The Andersons. Sallie was a member of Central College Presbyterian Church in Westerville, where she lived for the past 18 years. She was an avid fan of both Ohio State and Cleveland Browns football. Sallie was preceded in death by her parents; former husband, Jack; sister and brother-in-law Jeannine and Robert Breisacher; and sister Nancy Sparks. She is survived by her children, Paige (Russ) Batey, Chris (Brenda) Barrett, Michelle Larson; and step-sons Jeff and Robert Barrett;10 grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchildren. Memorial contributions may be made to Columbus Relief, which is an organization that helps transition homeless and addicts off the streets and into homes. Columbus Relief, Attn: Amy Ramsey, P.O. Box 29531, Columbus, OH 43229.

Robert Livingston

Robert (Bob) James Livingston, 59, of Sylvania, Ohio passed away unexpectedly, but peacefully, in his home the morning of Feb. 3, 2020. He was born on Jan. 19, 1961 to L. Jeanne Livingston (McEvers) and Robert Earl Livingston. Bob was a graduate of Sylvania Schools in 1979. Following graduation, Bob started his life-long career in tool and die at Royal Machine & Tool in Connecticut. He came home to marry his high school sweet-


YOURGOOD.NEWS Sundown Cantina drinking his favorite drink, a margarita, surrounded by close friends that he and his wife have formed over the years. Wherever Bob went, whatever he did, he built lasting relationships and friendships. He loved and cared deeply about his wife, his family, and the many, many friends that he developed over the years. Bob was preceded in death by his parents L. Jeanne Livingston and Robert Earl Livingston, and his brother, Greg Livingston. He is survived by his sister Diane Livingston and leaves behind a beautiful, loved-filled family and a wide group of deeply close friends that he and his wife, Dana Livingston (Ford), built together over nearly 40 years; son Stephen Livingston; daughters Staci (Brett) Cheloff and Jenna Livingston; granddaughters Mila Cheloff and Caitlyn Livingston; grandsons Chase Okuley and Wesley Cheloff; sister-in-law Jodie (Chris) Browning; and mother-in-law Judie (Rod) Irwin; and aunts, uncles, and cousins. Any donations or memorial contributions in Bob’s name should be directed to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital.

Bobbi Filipiak

It is with tremendous sorrow that we announce the passing of Bobbi Johnson Filipiak on Feb. 2, 2020, following a seven-year battle with cancer. The wife of Jim and mother of Kate

the Great, Bobbi was as engaging, thoughtful and compassionate an individual as she was a fierce warrior in her battle with cancer. A non-smoker, she was diagnosed with stage III lung cancer in 2013. Courses of radiation, chemotherapy and surgery would follow, resulting in stretches of remission; however, the cancer would return. Between clinical trials and treatments targeting her genetic markers, Bobbi would advocate for more funding for research and was active in Lungevity, a national organization for lung cancer patients and their families. Bobbi worked as the Human Resources Director for Eaton Corporation’s Aerospace division. She had been with the business for more than 20 years. Bobbi graduated from the University of Toledo in 1994 with a degree in communications and public relations. She was a member of the Blue Key National Honor Society. She went on to earn her MBA from Pepperdine University’s George L. Graziadio School of Business and Management. In addition to her husband and daughter, Bobbi is also survived by her parents, Wayne and Becky Johnson; sisters, Shelly Krasa (Paul), Patti Leupp (Chris) and Jodi Johnson; and several nieces and nephews. In lieu of flowers her family has asked that tributes in memory of Bobbi be given to the Katherine Filipiak College Fund, c/o Walker Funeral Home, 5155 Sylvania Ave., Toledo, Ohio 43623 or online at


Christ Presbyterian Church

Epworth United Methodist Church

Times of Service: 8 am Chapel • 10 am Sanctuary

Times of Service: Sundays, 8:30, 9:45, and 11 am

Facing Trying Times?

St. Stephen Lutheran Church

4225 Sylvania

(corner of Sylvania and Talmadge)


Why not try God? Come visit us! Sunday 10:30 am • Wednesday 7 pm

Flanders Rd Church of Christ

5130 Flanders Rd • Toledo, Ohio 43623

4855 W. Central 419-531-4236

Details at

7800 Erie, Sylvania, Ohio 419-885-1551 Times of Service:

8:30 am Traditional 11 am Contemporary

St. Michael’s In The Hills Episcopal Church 4718 Brittany 419-531-1616

Times of Service: Sundays, 8 am and 9:45 am

Zion Lutheran Church ~ LCMC

Rev. Jeffrey Geske 8307 Memorial Hwy., Ottawa Lake, MI 49267 734-856-2921 Times of Service:

Saturday Contemporary Service 4 p.m. Bible Class at 9 am • Sunday Worship Service 10 am

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3 BR, 2.5 BA, 2 story, 1476 sq  condo/ townhouse located close to hospital, grocery store, physicians’ offices, walking trail. Has common in-ground pool, lg. parking area with covered parking available for an additional fee. Association fees cover all outdoor maintenance as well as basic cable, sewer, water & trash pickup. Needs a decorator’s touch! All appliances & immediate occupancy! $87,900. Call Diana at Faust Real Estate, LLC 517-270-3646

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SYLVANIA AREA HOMES FOR SALE Sylvania Twp. 7857 Brint Rd.

Sylvania Twp. 351 Southpoint Rd.

5 BR 3.5 BA home w/ pond & outbuilding on private-estatestyle 5 acre lot in Windswept Farms. 1st fl master w/ fireplace. Tons of space. $459,900

Priced to sell Berman built 1 owner custom 5 BR, 4 full, 2 half BA home in Wildewood. Spectacular open floor plan. 1st floor master. Outstanding finished basement. Attention to detail through out! $839,500

Call Marcia Rubini 419/870-2009 RE/MAX Preferred Associates





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EVENT/MARKETING STAFF PART-TIME POSITION WITH FLEXIBLE SCHEDULE We are looking for passionate individuals to staff our trade show booth at events. A PEOPLE PERSON WITH OUTGOING PERSONALITY and able to work weekends with reliable transportation A MUST. NOT A SELLING POSITION! $12/hourly rate PLUS BONUSES AND INCENTIVES WITH WEEKLY DIRECT DEPOSIT PAY. Supplement your income at a positive and fun environment. Call with questions TIFFANY (419)841-6055 Submit resume to

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The Sylvania Township Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a meeting on Monday, March 9, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. at the Township Hall, 4927 Holland-Sylvania Rd., Sylvania, OH 43560 for consideration of the following: 1) Conditional Use for a Day Care Facility within a R-3 District for the property located at 2917 McCord Rd. (Parcel No. 78-40671) STZR – SECTION 1002

5657 N. Main St. #1 • Sylvania, OH 43560 •

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Notice: The Board of Zoning Appeals will conduct hearings on all issues published within this agenda. All persons interested in or affected by said requests will have the right and opportunity to be heard on the question of granting or denying of said requests. Information concerning said matters is on file in the Sylvania Township Zoning Office and may be seen Mon., Wed. Thurs., 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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