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CONTENT 01 ENKARE ECO-LODGE 02 MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT 03 AFFORDABLE HOUSING 04 SWAHILI MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT 05 MAMLAKA CONFERENCE CENTER 06 MAMLAKA STAFF HOUSING 07 ADD CAFETERIA 08 OTHER PROJECTS GSPublisherVersion SYLVIA MAINA GRADUATE ARCHITECT WORK EXPERIENCE ABOUT ME PUBLIC WORKS, NAKURU COUNTY Department of Architecture 2019 May- August Architectural Intern was working as an Architectural Design Assistant under the County Government of Architecture, The Department of Architecture worked on 3D modelling production of construction drawings and site visits on ongoing County Projects MUSAU KIMEU ARCHITECTS 2020 - to date September November Architectural Intern Musau Kimeu Architects is an Architectural and Environmental design Consultant firm am currently working as an Architectural Designer and Research Assistant My main duties include: Thermal and acoustic design analysis 3D modelling production of construction drawings and site visits on ongoing Projects EDUCATION 2020- 2022 September am an Enthusiastic Graduate Architect eager to contribute to team success through hard work, attention to detail and excellent organizational skills. I have clear understanding of CAD Design and Detailed design Motivated to learn, grow and excel in the Architectural field PERSONAL DETAILS Date of Birth March 17, 1998 Nationality Kenyan Gender Female SKILLS ARCHICAD SKETCHUP LUMION INDESIGN PHOTOSHOP REVIT MEMBERSHIPS CLASS REPRESENTATIVE 2019 to date Assisting the Year Masters through co ordination and passing of information to the students ACADEMIC SECRETARY ARCHITECTURE STUDENTS ASSOCIATION 2021- 2022 Organization of Software Classes for the Junior Architecture years (1st year to 4th year) HOBBIES Travelling Painting THE UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI Bachelor of Architecture UGREEN- Green Building School Green Interior Roadmap Course THE UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI Bachelor of Architectur al Studies First Class Honours 2016 -2020 2015 -2012 2011 -2003 2020 Graduated with First class honours in Bachelor of Architecture Attained a GPA of 82 4points undertook a short online course on Green Building Training which focused on Biophilic Design and Sustainable Building Strategies for Interior Spaces KARIMA GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL 2003 2011 BUSARA FOREST VIEW ACADEMY 2002 2011 414 points out of 500 An A of 82 points out 84 ARCHITECTURAL ASSOCIATION OF KENYA(AAK) CONTACTS WOMEN IN REAL ESTATE (WIRE) 2017 to date 2021 to date Member Member 2022 -to date THE UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI Master of Architecture Currently pursuing my master in Architecture Focusing on Environmental deisgn Nairobi +254701217100 sylviamaina78@gmail com

The location of an eco-lodge is a major factor which influences its design. ENKARE ECO-LODGE is located in Endana, Laikipia Region. It is bound by the Ewaso Nyiro River and Segera Conservancy to the East and therefore the build forms are oriented towards the East for maximum views. In order to adapt to the climate of the region, the construction materials and landscaping vegetation used are locally available and therefore adapt to the region. The main community in the region is the Maasai Community therefore aspects of their culture are used in the spatial organization and interior design of the spaces.


Genius Loci and Authentic placemaking


Kenya is popularly known globally to be a toursit hub with many diverse tourist attraction sites, among them being the Laikipia Region. The LAIKIPIA REGION has some of the richest ecosystems characterized by extensive landscape, an amazing spectacle of wildlife and culture from the local Maasai Community. The high tourism potential provided by the tourism resources in the ecosystem has attracted a considerable number of tourism developments in the ecosystem. The resulting effect is the emergence of architectural design concept approaches that do not respond to the Genius Loci of the Region therefore threatening the eco-system.

Genius Loci is the spirit of a place that gives it an unique identity and it links man to his environment. It is defined by the following parameters: Location, Landscape, Climate, Community Settlements, their culture and history. The Enkare Eco-lodge therefore aims to act as a benchmark for design of future eco-lodges in the Laikipia Region. This will result in the creation of eco-lodges that are well intergrated into the eco-system with minimal destruction of the wildlife and vegetation, community inclusivity in the facility and sustainable designs that responds to the climate of the specific location.

The Enkare Eco-lodge therefore serves as an eco-lodge design benchmark through the implementation of the Genius Loci parameters. It is well intergrated into the landscape and it also incorporates the local community and the culture.

01 ENKARE ECO-LODGE, ENDANA LAIKIPIA REGION MAINA SYLVIA THE UNIVERSITY BACHELOR FINAL SIXTH Site Analysis concept development privacy gradient SITE SITE space main central workshop circulation PARKING SPACE WORKSHOP AND STALLS PARKING SPACE WORKSHOP AND STALLS central point central point courtyard courtyard landscaping outdoor activities landscaping EWASONYIRORIVER EWASONYIRORIVER design concept adapted masterplanning lodge way borrowing aspects surrounding Community responding Laikipia Region through application of the traditional of building This will establish the Spirit of Place and stability and continuity will assist in maintaining the character of Laikipia Region respecting the Genius Loci of Laikipia Region parking parking cattle kraal manyattas manyattas circulation circulation point Site Analysis ENGARRE ECO LODGE ENDANA CONFERENCE CENTRE BACK OF HOUSE HEALTH CENTER COTTAGES CONFERENCE CENTRE BACK OF HOUSE HEALTH CENTER COTTAGES concept 03 concept 04 SITE SITE EWASONYIRORIVER EWASONYIRORIVER yard yard parking parking yard yard parking datum datum concept development organize lodge spaces by spaces symmetrically organized along datum datum Site Analysis concept development The organization the cottages mimic the natural organization pebbles washed off by riverbank The cottages organized into ORGANIZATION OF THE COTTAGES pebbles by the river RESTAURANT KITCHEN STAFF HOUSING RESTAURANT KITCHEN STAFF HOUSING concept 05 concept 06 pebbles scattered by the riverbankcottages oragnized like pebbles scattered by the riverbank Site Analysis ENGARRE ECO LODGE ENDANA concept sketches WORKSHOP AND STALLS bedspace entrance porch Site Analysis concept sketches Project Brief MAIN SPACE DESCRIPTION Reception Area: The space where guests get checked in or checked houses the managers Restaurant area: Common eatery for dine. Conference center: Space where groups hold official meetings Health Center: The space is to hold support healing and mind and soul. It will facility that will also community. Craft Center: The space is designated communities to work. workshops to assist ACCOMMODATION SCHEDULE Fig 5: Map of Laikipia Region LEGEND: Fig 5: Map of Laikipia Region PROPOSED SITE Fig 5: Map of Laikipia Region 106 EWASO NYIRO RIVER ACCESS ROAD (TOWARDS ENDANA TOWN) PROPOSED SITE 24 ACRES A B ACCESS ROAD Project Brief MAIN SPACE DESCRIPTION Cottages: These rooms close to the immersed in areas of the trees and shrubs Organic Garden Used to grow that can be for the guest Staff Housing: Houses the support eco-lodge Support Facilities: These spaces household activities the functioning lodge. Used to collect domestic use Collecting, sorting of garbage Parking Area and drop-off Receiving area parking space Community and Climate 3 Site opportunities The site is located away from the busy nature of the urban environment truly natural environment The site has a variety of natural features such the expansive experiences and encounters with nature AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 1 To implement the findings of the thesis by building a facility based on the recommendations 2 To develop an eco lodge design that responds to the Genius Loci of Laikipia region 3 To develop an eco lodge facility that will promote local tourism LINK TO THESIS The thesis research is based on The design of Eco lodges in Response to the Genius Loci of Laikipia Region' Genius Loci is the Spirit of a Place that gives it an unmistaken identity It is defined by the following parameters: Location, Landscape History and Culture and settlements of a community THE SITE The site is 24 acres in area of undeveloped land along the Ewaso Nyiro River with trees shrubs and wild animals occupying the site It is located approximately 9kilometers from the Nanyuki Rumuruti road and 34 3km from Nanyuki Town It neighbours Ol Jogi conservancy to the North East El Karama Conservancy to the North Ol Pejeta to the West and Segera Ranch to the East The site has no access to electricity clean water sewerage system in place The site has various animals such as the great African Elephant warthogs grevys Zebras Reticulated Zebras Antelopes Dikdiks and monkeys LOCATION The location of a place is fundamental in defining its relationship to other things and places A place has internal characteristics (site) and external connectivity to other localities which define its identity This insideness and outsideness sets it apart in space and defines a particular set of physical features activities and meanings Geographically the site is located in Laikipia Region in Endana and 35km northeast of Nanyuki town It neighbours Ol Jogi conservancy to the North East Endana Shopping Center to
Pejeta to the South and Segera
to the West
the East Ol
by the
of physical and visual forms known as landscapes The
of natural features are the most
attributes of a place The site
and is
the semi
landscape slopes
river and the vegetation
of shrubs and acacia tree
with varying grounds resulting to a wide variation of topography It comprises of hills valleys and river basins The ground consists of grass bushes moss roots and stones The main vegetation is Acacia Wttle trees African Olive trees Sand OLive trees and Leleshwa Trees HISTORY AND CULTURE Places are the expressions of past actions repeated experiences and hopes they will endure into the future The Spirit of a place is defined by the association of man to a place through cultural practices and beliefs that link him to that specific region The essence of this site is mainly defined by the Maasai community who are the main occupants in the region Their cultural practices greatly influence how they build and their social practices dresscode The Maasai are famous and easily recognizable thanks to their traditional robe the Shuka; it is a bright colored cloth predominantly red wrapped around their lean and slender frames red symbolizes Maasai culture and it is the color believed by these people to be able to scare off lions even from a great distancers rituals and ceremonies Ceremonies in the Maasai culture include Enkipaata (senior boy ceremony) Emuratta (circumcision) Enkiama (marriage) Eunoto (warrior shaving ceremony) Eokoto e kule (milk drinking ceremony) Enkang oo nkiri (meat eating ceremony) Olngesherr (junior elder ceremony) material artefacts Maasai jewelry created with beads and metal wire are just as famous men wear wrist or ankle bracelets and sometimes belts and necklaces too while women feature an explosion of color and jewelry they wear tens of bracelets and big flat bead decorated collars in various patterns and colors that identify the clan they belong to and their social status SITE JUSTIFICATION 1 Location of the site The site is located away from the busy nature of the urban environment between Segera and Ol pejeta Conservancies placing the proposed project within a truly natural environment 2 Features on the site The site has a variety of natural features such the Ewaso Nyiro River expansive acacia trees open grassland and wildlife that would support different experiences and encounters with nature 3 Site ownership The site is owned by Bonfire Adventures a Tours and Travel Company who want to develop and eco lodge They will work hand in hand with Laikipia Tourism Association and Kenya Wildlife Services Bonfire Adventures is justified because of their access to capital and their portfolio on previous works done around nature and tourism ACCOMODATION SCHEDULE DESIGN CONCEPTS CLIENTS Laikipia Region has a Classical landscapes which is a balanced composition of diverse elements with varying grounds resulting to a wide variation of topography The ground consists of grass bushes moss roots and stones There is no overview due to the optic array consisting mostly of trees and hills The sky is high and shines light on the landscape without overbeaming it The earth and the sky and balanced and do not engulf each other It is a ‘human’ place with harmonious equilibrium The light is evenly distributed and the air is transparent giving it a form of maximum sculptural presence The landscape receives light without losing its concrete presence and therefore constitutes a meaningful order of individual places To recreate this the form of the building mimics that of the hills of Laikipia Region in that it is well intergrated with the surrounding landscape and serves as a continuation of the surrounding hills as the site has a gentle slope OUTLINE OF LOLLDAIGA HILLS IN LAIKIPIA REGION OUTLINE OF THE ROOF OF ENKARE ECO LODGE
comprises of
climatically located in
arid region
shown in (fig 8) The
gently towards the Ewaso Nyiro
mainly comprises
The landscape of Laikipia Region is a balanced composition of diverse elements
Location: Laikipia, Kenya Exploration: Eco-lodge design Bachelor of Architecture, 2022 Sixth Year Project The University of Nairobi



The entry to a place defines its sense of place by creating a distinct perception between the ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ of the place and it gives the user a sense of orientation. The entry should therefore be distinct and recognizable. The entrance to Enkare Eco-lodge is defined by a raised roof and raised walkway across a rock garden. It is also defined by two statues of Maasai Warriors mounted on concrete stands.



To promote community involvement, Enkare Eco-lodge has incorporated a community workshop which comprises of a beading, textile and textile workshops. The workshops will be run by the local Maasai community as a source of livelihood. The local community is also provided with an exhibition area where they sell their local artefacts to the guests. It is strategically positioned near the entrance and drop of area for easy access.



The cottages derive their design and organization from the landforms and the way the local Maasai Community build therefore having a unique identity. They are grouped into En kang’s (Maasai homesteads) which comprise of cottages organized together around a fireplace. They are organized together around a fireplace. They are well intergrated with the landscape since their relative low scale does not dominate the surrounding low-lying grassland plains. They are constructed using locally available materials such as Acacia roof shingles and hand cut masonry stone collected within the site.

Location: Nairobi, Kenya

Exploration: Mixed Use Development

Bachelor of Architecture, 2021

Fifth Year Project

The University of Nairobi

concept development




The site is located in Downtown Nairobi, Kenya. It is bound by two main roads; Ngara Road and Kirinyaga Road. The area is also transversed by Nairobi River, which is in a deplorable environmental state.

A lot of redevelopment of the old sections of downtown Nairobi is taking place , where old buildings are giving way to new larger ones. This has been made possible because of the renewal of land leases, increased land value and commercial interests. This area is an important section of Nairobi’s CBD but its redevelopment is uncoordinated and the city populace may not get the benefits of urbanization such as enhancement of business and labour markets, participation and enjoyment of social activities and facilities. There is a need for a comprehensive urban redevelopment plan for the old section of downtown Nairobi to create order and effectively cater for the demands of an increasing urban population in terms of goods and services.

There are a number of ideas and concepts that have been championed and experimented in the redevelopment of cities across the world that could be applicable in Nairobi.. Concepts such as Revitalization, Redevelopment, Renewal, Regeneration, Integrated Urban Design and Pedestrian -oriented Developments can be applied in the planning and designing of Downtown Nairobi and these are explored in this porject.

of Downtown Nairobi and Revitilization of Nairobi River


Walking being the cornerstone of all travels, the scheme seeks to provide a high quality pedestrian movement as a foundation for all other modes of transpor tation. Universal design has also been incorporated to help accommodate the disabled persons, through the use of ramps in various areas on the site. To fully accommodate the pedestrians, benches, shades, water fountains and street lighting are included in the design.

building design

The mixed use development has being incorporated with terraces to allow for maximum air flow and ensure the spaces are naturally lit. The terraces also promote social interaction improving the well being of the users.

AGHA KHAN ESTATE NGARA ROAD NGAIAMAROAD ROAD KIRINYAGAROAD NDUMBERI ROAD ROAD THECRESENT Casino Cinema Dispensary 1664 1652 Park RIVERROAD KILOMEROAD KEEKOROK NGARIAMA ROAD JAINSALA DIWAN LANE NGARIAMAROAD KIRINYAGA KIRINYAGA CRESCENT Old Nation Marble Ark Hotel NGARA EAST NAIROBI CENTRAL AGHA KHAN ESTATE NGARA ROAD PARK ROAD CROSSROAD NGARIAMAROAD KIRINYAGAROAD NDUMBERI ROAD THECRESENT Casino Cinema Dispensary 1652 Car Park RIVER RIVERROAD LAGOS ROAD KILOMEROAD KEEKOROK NGARIAMA ROAD JAINSALA DIWAN NGARIAMAROAD DUBOISLANE House Hotel A O gara road post Jubilee church NGARA EAST NAIROBI CENTRAL Ngara Secondary Muranga Road primary Ngara River Bank Primary School HABIB ESTATE KHAN ESTATE EDUCATIONAL AREA RECREATIONAL AREA RELIGIOUS AREA MIXED USE DEVELOPMENTS LIGHT INDUSTRIES TRANSPORT SYSTEMS service lane mixed use developments FOCAL POINT originates from Ederman development Kirinyaga road mixed use developments waterpark Consists of an amphitheatre seating areas and a marine obeservation point) proposed MUD mixed use developments Ngara road VIEWS ( The views are directed towards the waterpark) SECTION ACROSS NAIROBI RIVER THROUGH THE WATER PARK road CIRCULATION: MOTORISED AND NON-MOTORISED LEGEND existing major roads proposed vehicular circulation pedestrianised boulevards proposed pedestrian circulation VEHICULAR CIRCULATION PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION Vehicular Circulation has been reduced to one way traffic roads to assist in easing traffic congestion within the site and also Kirinyaga Road Walking being the cornerstone of all travels the scheme seeks to provide a high quality pedestrian movement as a foundation for all other modes of transportation Universal design will also help accommodate the disabled persons through the use of ramps in various areas on the site To fully accommodate the pedestrian benches shades water fountains and street lighting are included in the design MAINA SYLVIA WAMUCII B02/ 1012/ 2017 MASTERPLANNING ROAD CROSSROAD NGARIAMAROAD KIRINYAGAROAD NDUMBERI ROAD CRESENT RIVERROAD KILOME NGARIAMA NGARIAMAROAD KIRINYAGA CRESCENT NGARA EAST PROPOSED LAND USES mixed use developments Nyayo Market Old Ngara road developments waterpark Consists of an amphitheatre seating areas and a marine obeservation point proposed MUD mixed use developments Ngara road VIEWS The views are directed towards the waterpark ACROSS NAIROBI RIVER THROUGH THE WATER PARK PROPOSED MUD boulevard MAINA SYLVIA WAMUCII B02/ 1012/ 2017 URBAN REDEVELOPMENT OF DOWNTOWN NAIROBI RIVERFRONT MASTERPLANNING PROJECT 02 NGARA NGARIAMAROAD YAGA CRESENT NGARIAMA NGARIAMA KIRINYAGA CRESCENT ROAD CROSS KIRINYAGAROAD NDUMBERI ROAD CRESENT ROAD KIRINYAGA CRESCENT NGARAROAD KIRINYAGAROAD LEGEND RESIDENTIAL AREAS EDUCATIONAL AREA RECREATIONAL AREA RELIGIOUS AREA COMMERCIAL AREAS MIXED USE DEVELOPMENTS LIGHT INDUSTRIES TRANSPORT SYSTEMS The whole scheme applies the principle of Mixed Use Development instead of the traditional zoning principles having floors and streets the defining factor for the use on each floor The further defined through concentration of similar functions and activities within the buildings on each zone ZONING CONCEPT EXISTING LAND USES PROPOSED LAND USES mixed use developments Institutions service lane mixed use developments Nyayo Market Old Ngara road Murang road FOCAL POINT SECTION ALONG THE NAIROBI RIVER originates from Ederman development Kirinyaga road mixed use developments waterpark Consists of an amphitheatre seating areas and marine obeservation point proposed MUD mixed use developments Ngara road VIEWS The views are directed towards the waterpark SECTION ACROSS NAIROBI RIVER THROUGH THE WATER PARK PROPOSED MUD boulevard road CIRCULATION MOTORISED AND NON MOTORISED LEGEND existing major roads proposed vehicular circulation pedestrianised boulevards proposed pedestrian circulation VEHICULAR CIRCULATION PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION Vehicular Circulation has been reduced to way traffic roads to assist in easing traffic congestion within the site and also Kirinyaga Road Walking being the cornerstone of all travels the scheme seeks to provide high quality pedestrian movement as foundation for all other modes of transportation Universal design will also help accommodate the disabled persons through the of ramps various the site To fully accommodate the pedestrian benches shades water fountains and street lighting included the design MAINA SYLVIA WAMUCII B02/ 1012/ 2017 URBAN REDEVELOPMENT OF DOWNTOWN NAIROBI RIVERFRONT - MASTERPLANNING PROJECT 02 SHOP PAINTINGS STAND GARDEN GARDEN GAMING HUB FITNESS CENTRE DANCE STUDIO BASEMENT 01 FLOOR PLAN scale 1 200 BASEMENT 02 FLOOR PLAN scale 1 200 FIRST FLOOR PLAN scale 200 SECOND FLOOR PLAN scale 200

Location: Nairobi, Kenya

Exploration: Housing Project

Bachelor of Architecture, 2021

Fifth Year Project

The University of Nairobi



This project is a development proposal for a housing scheme for low-income households in Kariokor Area, Nairobi. The overarching objective of the project was to synthesize ideas and principles gained from best practices and existing literature so as to contribute towards the provision of housing the low-income households specifically for our country Kenya.

The site is bound by General Waruinge road and Ring Road Ngara to the West, Muslim cemetry and the Kariokor Market to the South. It occupies approximately 25 acres.


1. The blocks are linear, narrow and oriented to ensure thermal comfort and natural daylighting is achieved.

2. Use of standardized building materials. Understanding and using the materials and their manufactured sizes in designing can help economize on the building materials used hence less wastage.

3. Use of Naturally locally available buildings materials different variation of bricks have been used to reduce on manufactured stone and also create a sense of place in the development.

4. The site takes advantage of the open spaces to maximise on green zone eby creating recreational areas.


The development comprises of 3 residential sectors, a health club, a church, commercial areas, a common parking silo, a petrol sta tion and intergrated public parks.

Each residential sector comprises of 4 clusters which comprise of various blocks housing 3 bedroom, 2 bedroom, one bedroom and studio units.

The Garden City ‘the town- country magnet’


Conservation of Swahili Architecture




This project is a conservation project that entails one to design a mixed use development. The site is located in Old Town Mombasa town, at the junction of Ndia Kuu and Mbarak Hinawy.

The design solution should demonstrate clear understanding of mixded use development, site planning, appropriate design scale to the local setting and use of private and public spaces, movement patterns and form/image.

The design should accommodate: 1. Six residential apartments (Both 1 and 2 bedroom units) 2. Shops: Curio shop, Cybercafe/ Internet browsing 3. Mini supermarket, Fashion clothes shop

Car parking for about 17 cars



The clothing items common among the

The Swahili poeple are a Bantu Speaking people on the Eastern Coast of Africa, mainly Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique. The word ‘Swahili” originates from the Arabic word ‘Sawahil’ which means coast. Therefore, the name Swahili refers to the people of the coast.


The Swahili civilzation is mainly concentrated along the East African Coast, in the following countires: Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania and Zanzibar. The othe countries where Swahili are efound include Mozambique, Madagasca, Comoros Islands, Sychelles and all the other off-shore islands of the Indian Ocean along the coastal strip such as Pate (Faza). Although the Swahili initially lived along the coastal strip. some have moved and settled in the interior areas in the present times.



SWAHILI DESIGN CONSTANTS applied in the project

The project being in a Conservation Area (Old Town Mombasa) aimed to respond to the culture of the Swahili people as well as their Architecture. This project thus incorporated the use of: 1. Use of open and concealed balconies expressed through balcony details. 2. Vertical fenestrations as demonstrated in the elevations. 3. High floor to ceiling heights as viewd on the building sections. 4. Use of a courtyard for natural ventilation. 5. Use of thick walls, 600mm thick. 6. Use of carved ornamental screens and balustrade details. 7. Use of ornamental doors: The Gujarati and Zanzibar door have been expressed in this design. 8. 2:1 ratio of doors and windows. 9. Use of louver and panel windows. 10. Privacy gradient both in floors and within the individual spaces. 11. Use of straight staircases made of wood. 12. Use of projecting balconies: both open and closed balconies have been used.

ARTS AND ARTIFACTS the other cultural aspect of the Swahili is the use of art and craft in expressing themselves they apply this art in their architecture, and even other objects such as furniture

GSPublisherVersion MAINA SYLVIA WAMUCII B02/ 1012/ 2017 PROJECT 06 4TH YEAR The Swahili poeple are a Bantu Speaking people on the Eastern Coast of Africa mainly Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique The word Swahili" originates from the Arabic word Sawahil which means coast Therefore the name Swahili refers to the people of the coast
Swahili people claim to have a Shirazi origin It is believed that traders from Persia first settled in the Horn of Africa at a place called Shungwaya, they came into contact with the natives and from there came rise of the Swahili origin From there in the 12th century as the gold trade with the distant entrepot of Sofala on the Mozambique seabooard grew the settlers moved southwards to various coastal towns in Kenya and Tanzania the Indian Ocean islands and Mozambique Religious political and Merchant migrantsa from the Arab peninsula Persia and India settled and intermarried with the Swahili towns African Founders The Swahili civilzation is mainly concentrated along the East African Coast in the following countires Somalia Kenya, Tanzania and Zanzibar The othe countries where Swahili are
4. Restaurant and Kitchen to accommodate 50 people 5. 6 number of offices, 80m2 each
Generator and Transformer room
efound include Mozambique , Madagasca Comoros Islands Sychelles and all the other off shore islands of the ndian Ocean along the coastal strip such as Pate (Faza). Although the Swahili initially lived along the coastal strip some have moved and settled in the interior areas in the present times
Swahili people include the lesso
kanzu, dira buibui etc The common clothig among the Swahili Islamic women include the
and it has become a universal garment for muslim women The
clothing among the men include kanzu paired with turban as well as waistcoasts Image of Swahili women in Buibui source flicker com Image of Swahili men in kanzus source flicker com
The Swahili people are well known their skills in making good food They common dishes associated with the Swahili are wali, biryani and chapati Their dishes were influenced by visitors from India Persia The Swahili do not take pork and alcohol as it goes agaisnt Sharia law
Islam is the main religion of the Swahili people It was introduced by the early Arab merchants who came to the East African coastline to participate in the lucrative Indian Ocean trade Most of the Swahili settlements practise Islam while a small percentage practise Christianity and Budhism Image of muslims in prayer Image of muslims gathered outside a mosque
Location: Mombasa, Kenya Exploration: Swahili Mixed Use Development Bachelor of Architecture, 2020 Fourth Year Project The University of Nairobi
GENERAL NOTES Drawings not to be scaled Only figured dimensions to be used All dimensions are shown in mm unless otherwise stated P V denotes permanent vent NOTES 25 DOWN H G F E 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 A B C D B C D H G F E 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 A 4 D 02 43,835 6,000 7,500 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 500 12,800 300 2,400 300 2,900 300 6,650 500 1,745 500 14,175 500 700 900 1,200 900 6,300 900 1,800 1,000 1,300 1,000 100 5,000 200 940 1,000 1,200 900 1,600 900 1,200 900 1,200 900 2,400 900 1,600 900 900 6,791 1,500 900 1,700 900 1,800 16,500 5,500 5,000 5,500 43,835 7,500 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 7,700 500 9,470 300 1,735 500 3,475 500 2,960 300 100 2,025 500 550 900 1,765 900 1,220 2,000 1,000 2,000 745 900 3,090 2,000 1,570 900 700 3,475 900 900 2,345 900 566 900 2,635 900 1,075 16,500 5,500 5,000 5,500 500 5,000 500 2,100 300 2,095 500 5,000 500 11,590 5,500 5,500 500 5,000 500 5,000 500 900 900 1,000 900 4,300 900 830 900 950 16,989 5,530 5,500 5,500 500 7.950 300 1,700 100 3,500 100 2,250 500 950 1,500 925 1,500 1,320 1,500 1,835 900 2,100 900 1,160 900 1,415 11,500 500 1,550 300 1,600 300 6,800 500 5,500 5,500 1,110 1,500 1,160 1,500 1,120 1,500 750 1,500 1,400 16,995 5,500 5,533 615 1,500 1,800 500 4,240 200 600 500 1,500 200 1,500 50 500 700 900 1,020 1,000 600 5,000 1,000 900 740 900 675 900 850 500 9,475 300 1,725 500 3,475 500 1,520 500 680 900 760 900 700 900 2,055 1,500 1,830 900 1,375 2,500 1,225 1,000 300 161 900 1,224 900 540 900 1,012 1,000 2,184 1,000 5,600 725 900 1,295 900 475 900 7,315 1,000 2,330 1,700 1,145 700 630 700 1,820 1,200 900 600 1,500 300 2,150 900 1,200 1,500 501 1,500 1,458 900 1,900 2,000 500480 12,500 500 13,500 700 4,600 1,800 900 550 2,200 2,030 900 1,200 900 1,100 500 1,500 300 3,200 500 2,000 900 2,500 900 1,800 100 2,400 10,500 500 5,600 300 2,100 300 1,700 500 11,000 5,000 5,500 6,000 300 2,500 300 3,000 300 8,800 500 500 5,000 4,500 5,000 500 500 15,500 500 5,500 5,000 5,500 6,000 5,500 500 2,000` 300 2,500 500 500 1,700 300 9,500 500 12,500 500 800 50 750 220 850 50 850 200 715 950 600 800 900 700 800 660 600 500 1,400 100 4,200 100 1,300 600 630200630200 500 500 730 11,500 500 1,200 85 1,900 85 1,900 85 3,000 300 500 1,800 50 1,500 300 1,313 500 500 4,800 2,000 300 0 0 +1450 +1000 +1450 +1000 +450 +1450 +450 LADIES COLD ROOM CHILL STORE DRY STORE CUTLERYSTORE MINI SUPERMARKET RESIDENTIAL STAIRCASE COURTYARD open to sky COURTYARD open to sky SERVERY CASHIER INTERNAL DINING GENTS LADIES urinal wc wc wc AIRLOCK CURIO SHOP FASHION CLOTHES SHOP BASEMENT PARKING ENTRANCE
NDIA KUU STREET shower wc shower wc GENTS WC wc kitchennette CYBER CAFE wc kitchennette STORE MANAGER OFFICE SERVICE YARD DAKA solid bench ducts ducts ducts ducts MBARAK HINAWY ROAD ducts GARBAGE CHUTE WORKTOP fitting room BARAZA BARAZA ENTRANCE EXIT EXIT EXTERNAL DINING FIRE ESCAPE STAIRCASE THOROUGHFARE BAG DROP AREA fall fall BARAZA BARAZA BARAZA garbagecollection PLOT 64 GARAGE PLOT 66 STAIRCASE 01 tread 500 STAIRCASE riser 150 STAIRCASE tread 300 STAIRCASE 150 STAIRCASE 150 STAIRCASE 150 STAIRCASE 150 riserSTAIRCASE 150mm tread 500mm riserSTAIRCASE 150mm tread 500mm THOROUGHFARE riser 150 tread mm riser tread 300 fall fall fall fall fall G G 2 G G G G G G G G/10 G 1 G 12 G 3 G 1 G G 6 G 1 G 8] RESTAURANT WASHROOMS Cubicle Cubicle Cubicle Cubicle G 20 G CHANGINGRESTAURANTROOMS Cubicle Cubicle G G fall fall fall fall STAIRCASE riser 150 tread 300 STAIRCASE riser tread150mm 300mm STAIRCASEriser150tread300 STAIRCASE riser tread150mm 300mm fall fall fall fall PVW PVW 11] PV W12PV W PV PV PV 40 W PV W ARCH PV PV ARCH ARCH ARCH PV 10 PV 20 PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV passage CONNECTION EXISTING CITY COUNCIL SEWER CONNECTION CITY COUNCIL STORM WATER DRAINAGE fall fall fall fall fall fall RAMP gradient 1 10 1 a e b a d 1 e 1 a e a e 1 e c A 1 a e 1 a e 1d d 3a 4 1b 2d c b 1c 2a e 1e 2a 3d 4 b 2a 3d 4 1 e c d 1d 2d a e 2a 3d 4 c 2 e 4 1 a e c a e c a 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 4 13,600 9,500 900 1,200 900 1,040 500 1,600 100 1,600 100 1,500` 100 1,600 300 5,400 100 2,000 500 500 750 50 750 300 750 50 750 300 COOKERS FOOD PREP kitchennette KITCHEN L (--) 04 BASEMENT PLAN SCALE 1 100 aggregate dividing strips approval approved pattern FINISHES timber railing walling background grouting mahogany railing high waterproofed rough suspended ceiling plaster Unique Skirting finish GENERAL NOTES Drawings Only figured NOTES drainage passing under building should be made PVC pipe Provide lights staircases Automatic booster provided the satisfaction Kg extinguishers partitioning G E A H G F E 4 1,000 3,000 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,000 2,600 2,600 1,000 5,500 17,000 5,500 11,500 5,500 22,178 5,592 2,000 5,575 500 16,500 13,500 1,8000 3,200 1,000 1,200 1,100 500 19,850 6,320 2,280 3,200 100 7,200 900 1,400 1,500 2,850 1,830 900 1,200 280 700 1,545 500 1,575 1,500 2,000 900 1,445 1,575 9,065 7,000 1,600 900 1,400 2,200 5,050 2,350 1,545 ducts kitchennette GENTS OPEN PLAN OPEN PLAN OFFICE 04 OPEN PLAN OFFICE OPEN OFFICEPLAN 06 OPEN OFFICEPLAN 05 kitchennette kitchennette BOARDROOM to sky to sky urinal BOARDROOM garbage MANAGER BALCONY BALCONY BALCONY BALCONY BALCONY BALCONY WIKIO FIRE ESCAPE WALKWAY WALKWAY landing COURTYARDopensky landing landing BALCONY BALCONY mvule wooden planks BALCONY 10 5,225 (--) 05 FIRST FLOOR PLAN SCALE 100 05 floor thickness granito Approved 200 mahogany timber boards approved pattern high straight joints lime finish containing white paint 100 thick colored ceramic tiles plaster paint March 2020 DRAWING NATURE WORKING DRAWINGS Unique Unique Ceiling permanent NOTES inspection pipe 1000 polythene sheeting and termite treatment provided ground lights parking chief fire officer system approval Dry parking escape 11 C C H G E ROOM SWITCH ROOM ROOM WATER TANKS SUMP ROOM 5,000 5,000 500` 5,000 500 37,500 43,284 7,500 43,600 5,200 300 6,650 11,500 26,800 37,800 16,625 5,500 5,500 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 SUPERMARKET STORAGE fall fall fall Parking markers done with road paint columns parking space provided with 1500mm high angle iron bars protection against car knocks 300 wide fully covered drainage channel by mild steel ducts linking the chequered plate Parking markers done road approvalpaint mm wide fully covered drainage channel steel plate fall fall gradient 10 12 10 11 fall fall (--) 03 BASEMENT PLAN SCALE 100 03 NOTES 10 H G E 860 900 800 200 2,460 200 2,460 900 1,255 900 1,063 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 900 1,000 900 1,300 900 2,718 900 950 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 17,087 13,173 5,500 5,595 5,001 500 1,414 195 900 900 964 5,500 1,000 1.725 1,500 1,500 530 900 1,325 1,325 1,872 1,325 1,200 5,000 1,085 3,700 500 1,500 2,000 500 2,700 5,000 7,000 3,950 1,200 11,575 5,545 5,500 150 1,500 500 300 1,200 1,600 900 1,700 100 1,500 3,700 4,075 900 1,560 900 to sky COURTYARD open sky COURTYARDopen ROOM TWO BEDROOM UNIT UNIT TWO BEDROOM ONE BEDROOM UNIT BALCONY BALCONY BALCONY BALCONY BALCONY BALCONY WIKIO WALKWAY WALKWAY WALKWAY landing BALCONY BALCONY planks BALCONY 01 COMMON BEDROOM 01 BEDROOM LOUNGE BEDROOM COMMON BATHROOM BEDROOM COMMON BATHROOM LOUNGE LOUNGE OPEN KITCHEN PLAN FIRE ESCAPE ONE BEDROOM UNIT 10 4,300 8,000 300 L (--) 06 SECOND FLOOR PLAN SCALE 100



The project site is located in Nairobi, inside the University of Nairobi Main Campus. It is placed next to ADD building and is flanked by the Halls of residence 6, 7 and . The site is sloping and hence favourable for the placement of an auditorium.

This project is a development proposal for a housing scheme for low-income households in Kariokor Area, Nairobi. The overarching objective of the project was to synthesize ideas and principles gained from best practices and existing literature so as to contribute towards the provision of housing the low-income households specifically for our country Kenya.

The conference centre comprises of an auditorium of 600pax. capacity, a restaurant with a modern kitchen, research offices and laboratories and a spacious entrance lobby and reception area.

The site is bound by General Waruinge road and Ring Road Ngara to the West, Muslim cemetry and the Kariokor Market to the South. It occupies approximately 25 acres.


1. The blocks are linear, narrow and oriented to ensure thermal comfort and natural daylighting is achieved.

The design was based on sustainability and pays close attention to the mood created by every space. In this project the three main design factors that tied down the design are: response to the site, thermal comfort and acoustic comfort of the interior spaces, mainly the auditorium.

2. Use of standardized building materials. Understanding and using the materials and their manufactured sizes in designing can help economize on the building materials used hence less wastage.

design principles applied:

1. Use of sunshading devices on the East and West facing facades to minimize on the impact of direct sunlight.

3. Use of Naturally locally available buildings materials different variation of bricks have been used to reduce on manufactured stone and also create a sense of place in the development.

2. Placement of services such as washrooms on the West and Eastern Facades.

3. Use of narrow plan layouts to ensure maximum natural daylighting.

4. Use of high thermal mass walls to ensure cool indoor temperatures.

4. The site takes advantage of the open spaces to maximise on green zone eby creating recreational areas.

MAMLAKA CONFERENCE CENTER 05 127 LOBBY RESEARCH ROOM RESEARCH ROOM RESEARCH ROOM RESEARCH ROOM RESEARCH ROOM RESEARCH ROOM RESEARCH ROOM RESEARCH ROOM RESEARCH ROOM ACOUSTICS LAB MATERIALTESTINGLAB SOUNDCONTROL ROOM SOUNDLOCK INTERPRETATION BOOTH INTERPRETATION BOOTH INTERPRETATION BOOTH SOUNDLOCK STAGE AIRLOCK GENTS LADIES VEGSTORE COLDROOM MEATPREP VEGGIEPREP COOKERY CUTLERYSTORE CHEFOFFICE DRYSTORECOFFEEBAR CASHIER SERVERY EXTERIORDINING LADIES GENTS AIRLOCK AIRLOCK CASHIER DEPUTYHEAD OFFICE ARCHIVESROOM RECEPTION HEADOFFICE RESEARCH ROOM SECRETARY KITCHENETTE INTERIORDINING BOARDROOM CLEANERROOM SERVICEYARD H DUYARD HRDU HRDU CAFETERIA UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI ADD HALL 6 HALL 7 HALL 8 FORECOURT FORECOURT BUSPARK BUSPARK RAMP RAMP BOARDROOM AUDITORIUMSERVICEYARD VIPDROPPINGAREA DISABLEDACCESSPERSONS SERVICEYARD KITCHEN VENTS 600 mm terra floor terrazzo inish terrazzofloorfinish erraz finish ceramic ceramic ceramictiles ceramic ceramic non ceramictiles 300 mm ramic ceramictiles ceramic ceramic ceramic 300300ceramic fully vetrifiedacidic 600 slipceramictiles ceramic randommazerastones 600 mmconcrete concretepavingblocks concretepavingblocks 600 concretepaving concretepavingblocks retepavingblocks hardwoodtimberplanks hardwood woolen carpunderlaypolytherenefoam sounensuredensityatingabsorption ytherenewoolencarpet foamkgmunderlaydensityratingsoundensureabsorption ceramic les amic ceramic cerami ceramic doublevolumewithatriumabove 600mm ceramic vetrified granito tiles RAMP RAMP RAMP RAMP RAMPdown down RAMP S01 S0 2 FRONT ELEVATION ATRIUM STATEHOUSEROAD MAMLAKAROAD STATEHOUSEROAD BACK ELEVATION SIDE ELEVATION SIDE ELEVATION STATE HOUSE ROAD It delineates the site to te West SETBACK The setback is utilised through landscaping using the existing trees on the site PEDESTRIAN PATHWAY 3500mm wide concrete paved pathway leading to the halls of residence Chiromo from ADD Building and the Mamlaka Conference Centre SERVICE YARD Service area for the auditorium Used for VIP drop off and access access point for the disabled people and for servcing the auditorium Accessed through the ADD access road RAMP Ramp with a ratio of 12 used to access the lower part of the Auditorium from the parking area and the forecourt FORECOURT Hardscaped with 600x600mm concrete paving blocks is the central gathering space into the site PEDESTRIAN PATHWAY 6000mm wide pedestrian pathway hardscaped with concrete paving blocks Directs traffic from ADD building to the Halls of Residence RAMP Ramp with a gradient of 1 12 directing people from the parking area to the Conference Centre PARKING The parking space accommodates 45 vehicles and two buses it is aided with ramps to respond the slope of the site SERVICE YARD Services both the cafeteria and the H R D U Its accessed through the parking area and aided by a ramp of 12 gradient SOFTSCAPING Introduced to provide a serene space for the students to seat and relax MAMLAKA ROAD It is the main access point to the site It delineates the site to the West MASTER PLAN SCALE 1:200 SITE SECTION SCALE 1:200 6,000 3,500 7,000 3,500 2,100 4,500 3,600 18,000 7,500 3,000 4,500 8,500 7,000 7,000 6,000 4,000 11.192 5,000 5,500 4,000 5,500 18.449 3,000 ROOM MEDIA GALLERY ENTRANCE LOBBY UNDERGROUND ROOM STAGE PATHWAY FROM ADD TO THE HALLS OF RESIDENCE CAR PARK STAIRWELL LIBRARY MAIN STAIRCASE light building through atrium LOBBY TO BOARDROOM ROAD AUDITORIUM ENTRANCE FOYER SOFTSCAPING PATHWAY TO CHIROMO TUNNEL STATE HOUSE ROAD Galvanzed corrugated iron shetts 75 75 batterns 75 100 timber purlins laid at 750mm center on mild steel gider 900mm deep mild steel girder supporting G Roof and acoustic clouds Conference hall clouds made of grained medium density fibre board panels responsible for both sound absorption and reflection to the audience 35 thick mild steel ceiling suspenders supporting acoustic clouds 75 150 vertical timber slats at 150 centre to centre Composite stage wall composed of a layer of masonry timber joists mineral wool and perforated medium density fibre board 500mm deep horizontal sunshading fins AUDIENCE SEATING
Location: Nairobi, Kenya Exploration: Conference Centre design Bachelor of Architecture, 2020 Fourth Year Project The University of Nairobi

auditorium acoustic design


1. Use of raked seating for a clear line vision.

2. Use of a bedrock cooling system to ensure constant air flow for maximum crossventilation.

3. In plan, the seats are arranged at an angle of about 130degrees subtended at the position of the speaker. This is because speech is directional and the power of the higher frequencies on which intelligibility largely depends falls off fairly rapidly outside this angle.

4. The sidewalls of a small room may be parallel but are probably better converging on to the stage or platform, thus giving a fan-shaped plan.

5. Both the Ceiling and wall are shaped so as to direct sound to mid and rear seating areas of the auditorium.

6. Use of sound absorbing materials on the floors and walls such asf rubber polyurethane for the floor surfaces to absorb excess sound.



MAINA SYLVIA WAMUCII B02/ 1012/ 2017 4TH YEAR PROJECT 04 MAMLAKA CONFERENCE CENTRE FRONT ELEVATION SCALE 1 100 100mm 75mm horizontal timber sunshading fins to detail 200mm thick natural stone 200mm thick masonry walling plastered and painted with three coats of white emulsion paint 100mm thick concrete vertical sunshading devices with conmix finish 200 thick retaining wall cladded with randomly cut mazera stone used terrace the land to accomodate the slope into the design Glazed skylight supported by 100 thick steel frames to detail LEVEL 01 LEVEL ROOF LEVEL TOP OF PARAPET 4200 3600 1000 LEVEL 3000 AUDITORIUM WALWAY TO THE HALLS OF RESIDENCE LANDSCAPING D OFFICES MAIN ACCESS MAIN ACCESS TO THE CONFERENCE CENTRE CAFETERIA AUDITORIUM AND LIBRARY WALKWAY TO CHIROMO TUNNEL BACK ELEVATION SCALE 100 WALKWAY TO CHIROMO AUDITORIUM CAFETERIA level 01 ADMINISTRATION level 02 WET AREAS D U level 01 LIBRARY level 02 HARDSCAPING SERVICE YARD WALKWAY TO THE HALLS OF RESIDENCE LEVEL 01 LEVEL ROOF LEVEL TOP OF PARAPET 4200 3600 2000 LEVEL 3000 Galvanzed corrugated iron shetts on 75mm 75mm batterns on 75 100 timber purlins laid at 750mm center on mild steel gider Glazed skylight supported by 100mm thick steel frames to detail 200 thick masonry walling plastered and painted with three coats of white emulsion paint 100mm thick concrete vertical sunshading devices with 5 conmix finish 200 thick masonry stone retaining wall with machine cut stone cladding FRONT ELEVATION SCALE 1: 100 BACK ELEVATION SCALE 1: 100 MAINA SYLVIA WAMUCII B02/ 1012/ 2017 4TH YEAR PROJECT 04 MAMLAKA CONFERENCE CENTRE 136 LOBBY RESEARCH ROOM RESEARCH ROOM RESEARCH ROOM RESEARCH ROOM RESEARCH ROOM RESEARCH ROOM RESEARCH ROOM RESEARCH ROOM RESEARCH ROOM ACOUSTICS LAB MATERIALTESTINGLAB SOUNDCONTROL ROOM SOUNDLOCK INTERPRETATION BOOTH INTERPRETATION BOOTH INTERPRETATION BOOTH SOUNDLOCK STAGE AIRLOCK GENTS LADIES VEGSTORE COLDROOM MEATPREP VEGGIEPREP COOKERY CUTLERYSTORE CHEFOFFICE DRYSTORECOFFEEBAR CASHIER SERVERY EXTERIORDINING LADIES GENTS AIRLOCK AIRLOCK CASHIER DEPUTYHEAD OFFICE ARCHIVESROOM RECEPTION HEADOFFICE RESEARCH ROOM SECRETARY KITCHENETTE INTERIORDINING BOARDROOM CLEANERROOM SERVICEYARD HRDUYARD HRDU HRDU CAFETERIA FORECOURT FORECOURT BUSPARK VENTS BOARDROOM AUDITORIUMSERVICEYARD VIPDROPPINGAREA DISABLEDACCESSPERSONS SERVICEYARD KITCHEN VENTS nonslipceramic terrazzofloorfinish terrazzo finish terrazzofloorfinish terrazzofloorfinish 600600 ceramic tiles 600600mm ceramic tiles ceramic tiles ceramic tiles 600 ceramic 300mm ceramic ceramic 300 nonslipceramic non ceramic 300300mmceramictiles 300300mmvetrifiedacidic granitotiles nonslipceramic 600 ceramic tiles mazerarandomlystones concretepavingblocks 600600mm concretepavingblocks pavingmmconcrete blocks 600 concrete paving oncretepavingblocks concretepavingblocks hardwoodtimberplanks hardwoodtimberblocks thickwoolencarpetpolytherenefoamensureunderlaydensityrating absorption sound thickwoolencarpet polytherene underlay densityrating 100kgm ensureabsorption sound 600ceramic 600ceramic 600mm slip ceramictiles 600mm slip ceramictiles doublevolumewithatriumabove 600 ceramic tiles vetrifiedacidic RAMP RAMP RAMP RAMP RAMPdown RAMP Capacity WC WC WC WC WC Disabledpersons WC WC 600mm ceramic 2 FRONT ELEVATION slipgranit BOARDROOM REHEARSAL ROOM hardwoodtimber granitotiles STORECOSTUME ATRIUM STATEHOUSEROAD STATEHOUSEROAD BACK ELEVATION SIDE ELEVATION SIDE ELEVATION SECTION02 SECTION02 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 LOUNGE COSTUMESTORE SERVICEYARD RAMP downRAMP floorcarpet STAGE BREAKOUTROOM BREAKOUTROOM WATERSTORAGEROOMROOM timberhardwood boards 600 ceramicfloor hardwoodtimber planks 600mm concretepaving blocks paving concrete vents vents PATHWAY CHIROMOTUNNEL ROCKBED COOLING 600600mm slipceramicfloortiles hardwoodtimber planks hardwoodtimber planks 2 FRONT ELEVATION GENTSCHANGING ROOMAIRLOCK CHANGIN LOCKER AIRLOCK OCKER STODIAN OFFICE granito 300 granito granito BACK ELEVATION SIDE ELEVATION SIDE ELEVATION KITCHENETTE LEVEL 00 FLOOR PLAN SCALE 1:200 LEVEL 01 FLOOR PLAN SCALE 1:200 MAINA SYLVIA WAMUCII B02/ 1012/ 2017 4TH YEAR PROJECT 05 CONFERENCE HALL ACOUSTIC DETAILS floor carpet STAGE BREAKOUT ROOM hardwood timber planks ROOM ELEVATION 01 WATER STORAGE ROOM ELEVATION SOUND CONTROL ROOM INTERPRETATION BOOTH INTERPRETATION BOOTH INTERPRETATION BOOTH AUDITORIUM SERVICE YARD DROPPING DISABLED PERSONS ACCESS SERVICE YARD carpet polytherene underlay density rating kgm absorption carpet polytherene underlay density rating kgm Capacity 555pax planks hardwood timber planks granito slip granito ELEVATION WC STAGE timber ELEVATION AUDITORIUM FLOOR PLANS LOWER GROUND FLOOR PLAN SCALE 1 100 LEVEL 01 FLOOR PLAN SCALE 1 100 MAINA SYLVIA WAMUCII B02/ 1012/ 2017 4TH YEAR PROJECT 05 CONFERENCE HALL ACOUSTIC DETAILS INTERPRETATION ROOM BALCONY INTERPRETATION ELEVATION 01 planks planks planks underlay MEDIA GALLERY FOYER 600 600 granito tiles slip granito BOARDROOM REHEARSAL ROOM planks slip granito COSTUME STORE 1,600 3,200 1,600 1,600 2,400 2,400 1,600 1,600 3,200 1,600 ELEVATION Course grained medium density panels Course grained medium density panels ceiling Ceiling 20 dia perforated plywood for sound absorption ceiling 600 by 300 acoustic ceiling tiles Spotlight Spotlight Spotlight Ceiling treated with 25 timber studs perforated plywood absorption lights lights ceiling lights Recessed ceiling lights Recessed ceiling lights 600 acoustic ceiling tiles AUDITORIUM FLOOR PLANS LEVEL 02 FLOOR PLAN SCALE 1 100 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN SCALE 1 100 MAINA SYLVIA WAMUCII B02/ 1012/ 2017 4TH YEAR PROJECT 05 CONFERENCE HALL ACOUSTIC DETAILS steps Button full grained leather treatment on door deep stage drape retractable system Adjustable mvule timber panels on porous mdf absorptive panels thcik mineral wool 200 thick masonry wall to reduce reverberation and stiffle echo within the auditorium G Mvule floor boards nailed to 50mm 50mm batterns on 50mm concrete screed on 100mm Mvule timber finished steps to stage Riser 150 Tread 300 10 thick woolen carpet with polytherene foam underlay density rating of 100kgm to ensure absorption of sound panels porous absorptive wall panels hesian cloth 25 thick mineral wool 200 thick wall to reduce reverberation and stiffle echo within the auditorium Acoustically approved 100 25 soft & timber panels at 600 spacing finished coats vlear matte finish 25mm thick woodboard sheathing 50mm thick fibre glass rigid board 50 75 timber battern spacer at 600 spacer 50mm thick fibre glass rigid board 200 thick masonry wall Mvule timber skirting carpet polyurethene underlay density rating kg absorption PROSCENIUM 1000 deep girder supporting auditorium roof and clouds to detail Suspended profiled sound reflective mdf ceiling panels to detail Timber deck laid at 90 degrees to the stage to reflect sound the same propagation cushioning absorption Stage drape mechanical retraction system Composite stage wall composed layer of masonry timber joists mineral perforated density sound absorption Acoustic panels sculpted and positioned to reduce reverberation time and stiffle echo 500 200 reinforced cncrete ring beam bracing and supporting proscenium walls Stage finished in acoustically approved 100 25 soft tounge and groove timber panels at 600 spacing finished in coats clear matte finish 10 thick woolen carpet with polyurethene foam underlay density rating of 100kgm3 absorption Galvanzed corrugated iron shetts 75 75 batterns 75 purlins gider
D 02 STAGE PART PLAN SCALE 1 50 STAGE FLOOR DETAIL SCALE 0 SECTION THROUGH THE STAGE SCALE 50 02 MAINA SYLVIA WAMUCII B02/ 1012/ 2017 4TH YEAR PROJECT 05 CONFERENCE HALL ACOUSTIC DETAILS 200mm thick machine cut masonry stone unit wall 75 50mm timber joists at 600mm center to center to support perforated MDF panel 75mm thick mineral wool insulating layer 5mm thick layer of hessian cloth to hold mineral wool in place ex 75 100mm curved vertical timber slats at 150mm center to center ex 75 100mm curved horizontal timber slats at 150mm center to center 10mm thick woolen carpet with polytherene foam underlay density rating of 100kgm3 to ensure sound absorption Upholstered auditorium seats for sound absorption with adjustable seat and table to detail A mm thick 90 turning mdf table top to permit seat made blue standard fabric upholstery camphor wood medium grained supporting raking above steel base bolted the floor 150 thick C slab mild steel louvres to cater cool space Rock bed facilitate cooling seating perforated suppport structure with fixed spring occupied blue standard fabric anchoing 150 thick C slab 120 thick seat covered grained blue thick hessian cloth qide perforations


The site is located in University of Nairobi grounds, delineated by Dorobo Road to the South and Mamlaka Road to the North, Club 36 and Mamlaka courts to the East and Prefab hostels to the West.

The University of Nairobi tasks us with designing an environmentally conscious staff housing scheme for lecturersof the college of Architecture and Engineering.

The proposed development comprises of 10 three bedroom and 10 four bedroom maisonettes, a health club with a swimming pool and 15parking spaces as well as 45 parking spaces for the residential area.

To achieve a housing community the author clusters groups of four houses around central courtyards which act as social interaction spaces. Each cluster has a private parking space with each resident being allocated 2parking spaces. The author has also incorporated a centrally positioned playground to ensure easy access for all the residents. The designer has minimized vehicular access and has given priority to pedestrianize the site.

Use of local materials for construction ensures low embodied energy creating a sustainable low cost scheme.

1517 20 DOWN 20 150 19 300 DOWN 1113 1820DOWN300150 10 13 16 19 DOWN DOWN2018161412 UP 300150 DOWN 12 15 DOWN182019 300 1412 UPDOWN1917 G 10 1513 18 DOWNUP 150 17151311 UPDOWN 300150 10 1214161820DOWN150 19 DOWN150300 DOWN G DOWN UP 317 1719DOWN 20 150 19G 300 ROAD CLUB36 HEALTHCLUB PARKING GATEHOUSE SERVICEYARD ADULTPOOL POOLBABY ROOMPLANT PARKING GENERATORHOUSE MAMLAKA COURT BACKYARD The backyards are hardscaped using 600x600mm CENTRAL COURTYARD Play and leisure spaces used to tie down the clusters they act as nodes POOL Health club in ground concrete pool with one baby pool on the edge HEALTH CLUB Gated Community health club which consists of A lounge gym spa changing rooms, plant room and a business center GATE HOUSE Security check point area placed between the pedestrial and vehicular access GENERATOR ROOM Facility generator placed next to parking for easy access during servicing DOWN UP 167 G DOWN 167 G 317 DOWN UP 317 DOWN UP 167 G DOWN UP 167UP317 DOWN UP 167317 RAMP112 DOROBOROAD OUTDOOR YOGA AREA PARKING SPACES 15 parking spaces provided to accomodate the occupants and visitors in the health club RAMP112 GARBAGECOLLECTION DRIVEWAY FOUR BEDROOM UNIT PATHWAY FOUR BEDROOM UNIT THREE BEDROOM UNIT LANDSCAPING Pitched roof finished in black clay tiles pitch angle 25 degrees 50mm thick natural stone cladding on 200mm thick masonry wall used MASTERPLAN SCALE 1:20 SITE SCALE 1:200 SITE ELEVATION SCALE 1:100 STAIRWE LL MASTER BEDROOM LOUNGE DECK BALCONY BEDROOM LOUNGE DINING MASTER BEDROOM MASTER BATH MAMLAKA ROAD SETBACK PARKING DRIVEWAY PLAYGROUND DRIVEWAY PARKING LANDSCAPED COURTYARD THREE BEDROOM UNIT SWIMMING POOL HEALTH CLUB PARKING DOROBO OPEN RECEPTION LOBBY LADIES LOBBY DOUBLE VOLUME WAITING AREA COFFEE SHOP EXTERIOR FIREPLACE POOL WALKWAY PLANT ROOM FOUR BEDROOM UNIT PATHWAY THREE BEDROOM UNIT THREE BEDROOM UNIT SETBACK
PROJECT 03 MAMLAKA STAFF HOUSING 4TH YEAR DOWN DOWN DOWN 20 DOWN 150DOWN DOWN 150 19DOWN 300 10 19DOWN 300 DOWN DOWN 300 DOWN 300 20 DOWN 300 UPDOWN 150DOWN 20 DOWN 150 19 DOWN 10 11 DOWN 150300 DOWN 300 16 DOWN 150 DOWN 150 DOWN UPDOWN DOWN 167DOWN 317 DOWN 18DOWN 19 300 MAMLAKAROAD PREFABS CLUB36 HEALTHCLUB PARKING GATEHOUSE SERVICEYARD ADULTPOOL POOLBABY ROOMPLANT PARKING PARKING PARKING PLAYGROUND SANDPIT WALKWAY DRIVE WAY WALKWAY WALKWAY WALKWAY GENERATORHOUSE MAMLAKA COURT BACKYARD The backyards are hardscaped using 600 600mm concrete pavers intergrated with reinforced grass they create a relaxation space for the home owners They are also used to define the building footprints RETAINING WALL 1000mm high natural stone retaining wall used to demarcate the edges of the playground to separate from the driveways for safety purposes Its short enough to allow for visual access as parents monitor their children playing CENTRAL COURTYARD Play and leisure spaces used to tie down the clusters they act as nodes PLAYGROUND Centrally located for easy access from each housing unit COMMUNAL PARKING SPACE 9 parking spaces shared by 7 housing units Material used is concrete paving blocks PEDESTIRAL PATHWAYS They range from 4 800mm to 400mm depending on the intended traffice DRIVEWAY 6000mm wide two way traffic drive way paved with concrete pavers POOL Health club in ground concrete pool with one baby pool on the edge HEALTH CLUB Gated Community health club which consists of A lounge gym spa changing rooms plant room and a business center GATE HOUSE Security check point area placed between the pedestrial and vehicular access GENERATOR ROOM Facility generator placed next to parking for easy access during servicing DOWN DOWN 167 DOWN 167 DOWN DOWN 167DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN RAMP112 DOROBOROAD OUTDOOR YOGA AREA PARKING SPACES 15 parking spaces provided to accomodate the occupants and visitors in the health club RAMP112 RAMP112 RAMP12 GARBAGECOLLECTION DRIVEWAY FOUR BEDROOM UNIT PATHWAY FOUR BEDROOM UNIT THREE BEDROOM UNIT THREE BEDROOM UNIT LANDSCAPING Pitched roof finished in black clay tiles pitch angle 25 degrees 50mm thick natural stone cladding on 200mm thick masonry wall used to emphasis verticality in the design of the elevation 100mm thick treated wooden slats cladding the exterior 200 thick masonry wall 1000mm high natural masonry stone retaining wall Tarmaced drive way with ramp of 1 12 gradient Pedestrian walkway cladded with concrete pavers MASTERPLAN SCALE 1:200 SITE SECTION SCALE 1 200 ELEVATION SCALE 1:100 VEGETATION PLAN FICUS TREE LOQOUT MAHOGANY MASTER LOUNGE DECK BEDROOM DINING BEDROOM MASTER MAMLAKA ROAD SETBACK PLAYGROUND LANDSCAPED COURTYARD THREE BEDROOM UNIT SWIMMING POOL HEALTH CLUB PARKING DOROBO ROAD ROOM GENERATOR FOUR BEDROOM UNIT THREE BEDROOM UNIT THREE BEDROOM UNIT SETBACK MAINA SYLVIA WAMUCII B02/ 1012 5,500 11,400 OPEN KITCHEN ENTRANCE THREE BEDROOM MAISONETTE Pitched roof finished black clay tiles pitch angle 25 degrees 50 thick natural stone cladding 200 thick masonry wall used emphasis verticality in the design the elevation 200 thick masonry walling plastered and painted to the three coats of white emulsion paint UP CLUB 36 PARKING 7 LAUNDRY KITCHEN DINING LOUNGE DECK LOBBY LOUNGE DINING KITCHEN PANTRY LAUNDRY STUDY ROOM CLOAK ROOM STUDY ROOM LOBBY DECK DINING LOUNGE KITCHEN PANTRY LAUNDRY hardwood mvule timber planks ceramic tiles hardwood mvule planks ceramic tiles LOBBY concrete pavers ff natural natural stone natural stone natural stone 20 high concrete kerb storm water drain filled with river rocks drain with concrete covers to detail hardwood planks planks street lights 12 CENTRAL COURTYARD PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY 1 4 5 DRIVEWAY DECK steps steps mm 500 Retaining wall defining pedestrial walkway to detail pavers RAMP 1 12 DRIVEWAY CLUSTER UNIT PLAN CLUSTER UNIT PART PLAN AND SECTION A A 1 1 3D RENDER SHOWING HOW THE CLUSTER UNITS RELATE TO EACH OTHER MAMLAKA STAFF HOUSING UON STAFF HOUSING Location: Nairobi, Kenya Exploration: Staff Housing design Bachelor of Architecture, 2020 Fourth Year Project The University of Nairobi « people dwell in their homes but live outdoor » -B.V Doshi
WAMUCII B02/ 1012/ 2017


Interior design project


The site is located within the Architecture Building campus of University of Nairobi. The proposed restaurant area currently houses the Masters lecture room, staff offices, a security office and the Documentation Center. The Architecture Community in collaboration with Chimes Ventures tasks us with designing a cafeteria at the entrance of the Architecture Building Level 2. The cafeteria should cater for staff and students of the Architecture building.

The cafeteria consists of an interior dining area, an exterior dining area and a well equiped kitchen.


The cafeteria is located in an urban fabric therefore the aim is to create a space that reflects the 21st century design trend, this is achieved throught the use of a curved wooden ceiling. The curves therefore, bring out the futuristic design aspect.

A light colour scheme which consists of white, yellow and ivory have been used to brighten up the space and also make it look bigger. Natural materials such as wooden floor finishes and mazera cladding have been used to blend the light colour scheme and add a natural feel to the space mimicking the natural finishes used in the rest of the ADD building.

124 301 1 2 3 4 6 A C D B 600 600 non slip granito floor tiles PASTRIES INTERIOR DINING KITCHEN EXTERIOR DINING ADD ENTRANCE HALL UP UP RAMP POTWASH AREA MEAT PREP AREA DAY STORE CHEF OFFICE CHILL STORE COLD ROOM AIRLOCK LADIES GENTS WC COOKERY COFFEE BAR CASHIER GENTS DISABLED PERSON WC AIRLOCK hardwood timber Retractrable seating benches Architectural store PLATES RECEPTION DESK SECURITY CHECK SECURITY CHECK BODY SCANNER MACHINE BODY SCANNER MACHINE POWER HOUSE GARBAGE COLLECTION 200mm thick retaining wall 200 thick retaining wall 200mm thick retaining wall ff 50 100 20mm horizontally grained tounge and groove timber blocks ff 50 100 20mm grained timber parquet 50x 100x 20mm horizontally grained tounge and groove timber blocks 130 600 8,000 800 900 2.100 200 500 2,000 500 1,500 4.745 500 500 0.200 EXTERIOR DINING INTERIOR DINING ADD ENTRANCE HALL SERVICE LANE SOFTSCAPING 200 cladded mazera stone 50 50mm vertical timber slats at 75mm c c 600 600mm cream non slip granito tiles with mm gap to architect approval ART DISPLAY AREA Level 4000mm RECEPTION DESK COUNTER SEATING AREA CHEGE SHOP 75X 100mm curved horizontal timber slats on entrance hall ceiling 200mm thick masonry retaining wall serving as backrest to detail 450mm deep gypsum drop down ceiling Concrete planter cladded with 50 50mm vertical timber slats 75 100mm curved horizontal timber slats forming exterior dining pergola ADD COURTYARD DETAILED SCALE SITE SECTION SCALE 1:50 Location: Nairobi, Kenya Exploration: Cafeteria Design Bachelor of Architecture, 2020 Fourth Year Project The University of Nairobi 124 301 m 24 150 = 600 10 12 13 15 17 19 21 23 24 0 150 11 12 14 16 17 19 21 1 2 3 4 5 ff 600x 600 non slip granito floor tiles PASTRIES INTERIOR DINING KITCHEN EXTERIOR DINING SERVICE YARD ADD ENTRANCE HALL UP UP 1 2 3 RAMP POTWASH AREA MEAT PREP AREA DAY STORE CHEF S OFFICE CHILL STORE COLD ROOM AIRLOCK LADIES GENTS WC WC SHOWER SHOWER LOCKER BENCH LOCKER DRY STORE CUTLERY STORE COOKERY SERVERY COFFEE BAR CASHIER ENTRANCE LADIES GENTS WC WC WC DISABLED PERSON WC AIRLOCK ff hardwood timber ff concrete paving blocks Retractrable seating benches Architectural store PLATES RECEPTION DESK SECURITY CHECK SECURITY CHECK BODY SCANNER MACHINE BODY SCANNER MACHINE GARBAGE COLLECTION 200mm thick retaining wall 200mm thick retaining wall 200mm thick retaining wall ff 50x 100x 20mm horizontally grained tounge and groove timber blocks ff 50x 100x 20mm grained timber parquet ff 50x 100x 20mm horizontally grained tounge and groove timber blocks AIRLOCK 200mm thick masonry wall cladded with machine cut mazera stone 75x100mm curved timber slats at 200mm c/c used as the ceiling and wall finish 50x 50mm vertical timber slats at 75mm c/c 600x 600mm cream non slip granito tiles with 5mm gap to architect s approval 75X 100mm curved slats on entrance 200mm thick masonry retaining wall serving as backrest to detail 450mm deep gypsum drop down ceiling Concrete planter cladded with 50x 50mm vertical timber slats 75X 100mm curved horizontal timber slats forming exterior dining pergola PLAN
other projects A four bedroom maisonette located in Nanyuki, Kenya commercial building SKETCHES OTHER WORKS Canvas Paintings Logo Designs Sketches O6 Old Town Lamu, Mkunguni Square Perspective. Year 2021 Kereita cottage proposal Sketch 2018 Magical Kenya Painted: 2019 Logo Design Competition Entry Logo Design Competition Entry Year 2019 (2nd Runners up) Logo Design Competition Entry Abstract Elephant Painted: 2018 Sketches Old Town Lamu, Mkunguni Square Perspective. Year 2021 All saints cathedral church, Nairobi Kenya Year 2020

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