NATURAL BALANCES A mobile of double-‐faced elements Leather and cellophane on hard cardboard
Ar"s"c approach: My interest was to work on a poe0c and visual rendi0on of nature’s eternal laws of balance, the yin and the yang. The landscape is pictured from it’s largest view to it’s smallest elements and it’s invisible ones such as the wind, light and space. The eye zooms in and out at leisure. Having worked beforehand with a lot of color, it was a challenge for me to play with the different shades of white, black and grey. The elements are double-‐faced and each side is a complement to it’s reverse. They gently swivel independently in space, forming various associa0ons and changing composi0ons. It was an exci0ng adventure to mix two very different mediums, leather and cellophane: a natural one and a man-‐made one, both crea0ng very dis0nct effects. Yet, one enhances the quali0es of the other , bringing out textures that the other doesn’t have.
Technical informa"on: This mobile is a composi0on made of double-‐faced elements, leather and cellophane on hard cardboard. Each piece does not exceed 0,30cm and hangs very simply in space by strong transparent fishing line. The hanging possibili0es are mul0ple and diverse. The twelve elements all work together but it is also possible to hang fewer. They are light and easily hang under each other in any chosen display or they can be presented separately. In all cases, they move independently. They have been conceived to travel easily and all fit in a small suitcase. They have been assembled by collage methods which are a result of many years of research and prac0ce. Consequently, the pieces are not fragile and may be touched.