SYM Magazine_November/December 2011

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S Y M -M A G A Z I N E





w w w. s y m - m a g a z i n e . c o m

let’s celebrate! AtlANTA Comedian sensations, Christian Frazier ChLOE & Halle shares his belt Beyonce “Common” moments songs COVER: TOM TRAN OF MAISON DES DIX

Actor Michael Giovanni leaps From the streets to the screen



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symbolic with a difference


SYM MAGAZINE has been created to provide a platform of positive expression and serve as a source of inspiration to the urban market reach. The core purpose of SYM MAGAZINE is to highlight and feature up and coming talent, entrepreneurs, non-profit organizations and trail blazers. In each issue, SYM will share their stories of passion, commitment, and give readers full comprehensive knowledge into their lives. SYM serves as a vehicle of empowerment while educating and connecting our urban market reach to these individuals’ brand. SYM will periodically feature special stories on established and respected celebrities, entertainers and business moguls. They will share their breakthrough stories as a tool of encouragement. SYM-MAGAZINE promises to explore a diverse number of topics, which will keep you informed and entertained, all the while radiating light on issues that directly affect our market reach. SYM will be a resource for changing traditional publishing psyche. We are positioning our self as a unique centerpiece for uniting industries. SYM MAGAZINE symbolizes greatness and diversity. It adds value and echoes hope through impactful content. SYM Magazine makes a difference!

p u b l i s h e r / e d i t o r- i n - c h i e f

assistant editor

p ro m o t i o n a l b u s i n e s s a s s o c i a t e s



c re a t i v e d i re c t o r

associate editor




contributing writer


SYM Advertise in SYM-magazine and have your product /service seen by thousands in the arts and entertainment industry. For Media Kit contact Tilsa Wright, Advertising Director @347 440-6099 or



8. Stars in the Making



28. Mastering the Business W ord to t h e wise : mastering t h e b u siness for s u ccess — stan s h aw



Thankful and Blessed “Making a joyful noise, be glad, thankful and rejoice.” What an amazing journey this has been. I am thankful and reassured that my faith is stronger. Celebrations are in order for you and me. Why? Well for the most part we survived another year of recession. We have what it takes to fight, and remain strong during this period. Through the roller coaster ride, I was able to launch SYM, and now we have our second issue. Most importantly, I am truly happy and appreciate all the love and support that many have shown to me. Soon the holiday season is here, and then it will be back to business at the start of 2012. Back to living, embracing, dreaming, fulfilling, and our passion — against all odds. Speaking of passion, that brings me to “The Good Sheppard” Sean Sheppard, our cover feature. As you’ll see in the article, Sheppard is a man of honor, a man dedicated, a man pure in heart and ready to help others in need. It is our pleasure to feature and celebrate the journey of Sheppard and his fine organization, EMBRACE. In August, I was all smiles after watching a YouTube video that featured a cover performance from sisters Chloe and Halle Bailey. They literally blew me away! I knew SYM had to interview them. The Ellen Show shared the same sentiment, and had them perform on October 14th. If you missed this episode be sure to watch the recap on YouTube. As SYM continues to grow, I am thankful to you, our readers. It is our mission to present up-and-coming talent, entrepreneurs and non-profit organizations within our pages and thereby help them to increase in visibility. Feel free to recommend someone YOU would like to see in the next issue of SYM Magazine. Stay hip. Be strong. Love,


SYM Advertise in SYM-magazine and have your product /service seen by thousands in the arts and entertainment industry. For Media Kit contact Tilsa Wright, Advertising Director @347 440-6099 or

In today’s critical and demanding society, within the realm of entertainment, it is very rare to find talent that much less meets and furthermore exceeds our expectations. When a talent emerges that does, instantly, the world stops and listens. Meet 13 years old Chloe and 11 years old Halle Bailey. As a multi-talented duo who can act, sing, write, and dance; these two sisters give new meaning to what it means to be talented. On every level they show up. You’ve seen them in major motion pictures and commercials and because they are not household names, yet, you wonder if these actresses will be a sure stay or just a part of the bunch. Then you hear them sing and it all comes together-no more questions and no more doubts. Chloe and Halle Bailey are superstars in the making. Both equally talented, they command your attention from the moment they speak. Their humble and silent confidence is a sign of maturity. Upon getting to know them further, you quickly learn how relatable they are and you fall in love with two young girls who you want to succeed in every way. SYM Magazine stumbled upon Chloe and Halle Bailey on YouTube as they covered Beyonce’s most recent hit, “Best Thing I Never Had.” Instantly, we knew we found greatness. As emerging and successful talent, we asked Chloe and Halle to share their story and journey on their rise to the top in the entertainment industry. Both young ladies, although young, display wisdom beyond their years. What is most impressive though is their humility towards life and their success, their appreciation for their fans, and their respect for their craft and each other.


h h h Stars h Making h Chloe and Halle Bailey

In The B Y



sym When did you start acting and singing? Chloe It all started when I was 3 years old. My mom loved to take pictures of us [me and Halle] and we loved to be in front of the camera so she came up with the idea to get us into acting. She felt it would help us along with our college fund and overall with our future. My first audition was for the movie Fighting Temptations and I got the audition. I played the role of little Beyonce. I had no idea who Beyonce was! I just thought ‘Oh she’s pretty and really nice.’ So after we filmed, my mom showed me videos of her performing and let me listen to her music and I also had the opportunity to go to one of her concerts at 5 years old. That’s when I knew that music was what I wanted to do. Halle When I got my start in acting and singing I just remembered that I loved and wanted to do everything that Chloe was doing. I wanted to “copycat” Chloe and she didn’t mind at all but I would do it all the time (she laughs). Then one day, Chloe got a really big audition and she started singing and I thought ‘Oh My God!’ Then, I was my same old copycat self and I started singing, copying Chloe, and that’s when we figured out that we both had talent! sym This question is to Halle. What was your first role in entertainment? Halle Oh, I’ve done a lot of commercials but my first movie was The Last Holiday with Chloe where we played Queen Latifah’s nieces. That was really fun. It was my first gig and I was really happy because it was my first time and I was all new to it! sym When it comes to acting and singing, do you ladies have a favorite between the two or do you love both equally and why? Chloe I love to sing, dance, act, and model but honestly I love to sing and I love songwriting. It’s my passion. I do love acting but it’s more on the singing side for me. Halle I like writing and singing the best. Of course, I love acting and the whole process is really fun but I really love singing because I can just let out all my emotions into one song. That’s why I love singing! sym Do you find it hard to maintain a regular life with all of your responsibilities? Chloe Halle and I, ever since we were young and because we have very supportive parents, we’ve had the honor to go to school, have friends, and go to parties even though we had a very busy schedule. Now, we did have to make some sacrifices and not go to every single party but it was enough to let us live a very social life. Last semester it got really busy and things started speeding up so we got homeschooled. Me and Halle had no problem doing that though because this [our career] is what we love and we already had that experience with our friends. sym Now you are both in Atlanta. With the amount of talent in Atlanta, how do you withstand rejection in the industry and still remain positive in order to move forward? Halle Our parents have given us the breakdown and basics on how to handle these kinds of situations. They’ve told us what was going to happen and some of those experiences have already happened to us. Our parents help us learn those things and those basics, especially when it comes to the music industry. Chloe And we have learned, through experience, that you’ll be getting more No’s than you will a Yes. Sometimes it was very difficult to understand but we know and realized that God has a bigger and better plan for us. So, we shouldn’t worry and just leave it in his hands. sym I’m pretty sure you both have a very grueling schedule and rehearse long hours to accomplish some of the things that you have achieved. What advice would you give to someone coming into the entertainment industry about the amount of work that’s required to get to where you are at? Chloe The first thing they need to know is that they need to be willing to work hard. Every day, Halle and I run 3 miles to maintain our image. Then we come home and we do our homeschooling program so we can master our education. Then we eat lunch and the rest of the day is all about music. We sing, write music, and we work on our instruments – the piano, guitar, cello and violin.


So we have a very tight schedule but it helps to keep us going and we improve more and more. sym What’s the most rewarding thing that you gain from the process of pursuing your dreams? Chloe The most rewarding part for me is to be in the studio and record songs and also just being able to keep in touch with our fans. Without them, we’d be nowhere. They are always so nice and encouraging and that just brightens up our day! Halle One of my favorite parts of the process is performing. It’s like ‘Oh My God, I’ve rehearsed all week or all year for this! And finally, I’m performing and coming out of my soul.’ You feel things that you’ve never felt before. sym What are you guys currently working on? What can we expect to see and hear from you in the near future? Chloe Well we have our first single called Love which will be on iTunes soon and we’ll keep you posted on that. We’ve been in the studio a lot and have over 60 songs recorded so [we have] lots of music to come. Halle We are also still doing acting projects so you will be seeing a lot of that as well. sym I am sure you travel a lot. How do you maintain the balance between work and spending time with friends and family? Halle Social networks like Facebook, Twitter – we just love those. We still keep in touch with our friends from school. They come over and we have sleepovers so none of our social life is lost. sym Do you come from a musical background? Chloe Our mom has a beautiful voice and sings around the house but she doesn’t like anyone to hear it. Our grandmother on our dada’s side also sings but people ask where our voices come from, we tell them God! sym It is so easy to get caught up in the entertainment industry with materialism and egos because people are constantly complimenting you. How do you remain humble and grounded in knowing who you are without losing yourself? Halle Me and Chloe have each other and when one person is down the other brings that person back up. We have our family, our parents. Chloe We snap each other back into place and we also tell our parents to let us know when we are not being ourselves…’Mom and Dad, if we act a certain way, please tell us. Don’t allow us to sit and be cocky! ‘ sym Is there any advice you’d like to give to the readers about pursuing your dreams, not giving up, withstanding rejection, and moving forward? Chloe Don’t let anyone stop you from reaching your dreams. It’s about what you believe, what you want to do, and what you have



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a passion for. Also, don’t give up. It will get hard but at the end of the day it will also help you. And just work, work, work hard. That’s what you have to do to get to where you want to be. It is not all about fame and fortune. It’s about whether you are willing to do the work to get to where you want to be. Are you willing to sacrifice? Are you willing to get blood on your hands? sym What is the biggest purchase you made this far with your own money? Chloe I actually hope I will be able to purchase an iPad for Christmas with my own money but so far I purchased Beats by Dr. Dre, headphones. I loooove those headphones, love ‘em! Halle I spend a lot of my own at malls but also on books. I love reading the Twilight series and Chloe says I’m obsessed and I say, ‘No I’m not!’ (she chuckles) – but I love The Hunger Games and all types of books and that’s what I spend most of my money on! sym When you are not performing, tell me about some of the hobbies you love doing. Chloe I looove, looove to dance! I also love running track. As we said before, we run 3 miles a day but it’s really, really fun. It keeps your energy level going. It keeps you pumped up and it’s sooo fun! Halle I like to go swimming and I like to ride my bike on my free time! sym If there was anyone you could meet in the world right now, who would it be? Chloe Beyonce again! I met her when I was 3 but I didn’t know who she was. If I could meet her again, I’d ask her – ‘How was the journey on your rise to fame?’ She is so successful and so humble and she would definitely be one of the top people on my list. If Michael Jackson was still alive, I’d also love to meet him. Chloe I would also have loved to meet Michael Jackson and one of my favorite older artists that I love listening to is Billie Holiday! She is so inspiring and I love her pure, pure voice and I look up to her! sym Are there any last words of advice that you want to share? Halle One of my favorite quotes is “To whom much is given, much is expected.” Chloe And one of my favorite quotes is “Don’t follow your dream, chase it!” sym How can people find you? Chloe + Halle Twitter – Facebook – Youtube: or search for Chloe and Halle Bailey on YouTube




World Caribbean Countdown

(@WC_Countdown) is the number one syndicated Top 25 countdown radio show bringing you an array of segments such as, interviews with superstars in the worldwide music fraternity. Riddim Driven, Throwback of the Day, Heat Seekers, The Entertainment World 411, along with the new artist friendly Studio-Fix Segment. WCC represents the many different music genres loved by the Caribbean Massive, from Reggae, Dancehall, Hip Hop, R&B, Calypso, and even Alternative. Currently the program is broadcasted globally throughout most of the Caribbean, on the east coast of the United States (from Boston to NY to Florida), and parts of Africa on both FM radio and internet-only radio stations. Log on to for more info regarding showtimes and stations. WCC was created by Caribbean radio personality Diva Nikki Z (@DivaNikkiZ) and produced by HitSquaddProductions own +GranSlam+ (@GranSlamHS)



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“Related Affairs” overwhelms you with love despite the painful judgment of one’s sexuality. An illicit, sensual, and tasteful story about two strangers who truly love each other. Paul values the bond he shares with Anna; she has proven her love and compassion for him regardless of his inner rainbow, which is priceless. Anna’s parents are disgustingly rude towards their daughter’s decision to be friends with a homosexual. Being Jamaican native, Anna’s parents endure the social and financial fall out of their daughter’s association with Paul. Tilsa writes a compelling fiction which is trendy and yet real to many people. A native Jamaican, Wright courageous and tastefully sheds light on this controversial topic.

From author Tilsa C.Wright, available on, and on Kindle & Nook.


vinnie bagwell Photo: JONATHAN LEWIS

Harriet Tubman Soldier for Freedom The City of Wilmington DE put out a national call for artists for a $220k public-art commission for the Tubman-Garrett Riverfront Park. Artists were asked to illustrate a possible design to include Harriet Tubman and Thomas Garrett, a shoe-store owner who provided a safe house on the Underground Railroad. While I bring the sculptures to life, they have lives of their own; so, I never draw my sculptures before I make them. (The sculpting process is just highly intuitive for me, I made design decisions as I’m creating the work.) As an an act of faith, I decided to create the sculpture anyway to work out the design while I am waiting to see if I made finals. This artwork is being conceived to remind viewers of the price of freedom, to provoke critical thinking, and to spark the imagination: What if you are living in the 1850s and determined to fight slavery. Will you break the law to help enslaved Africans gain their freedom? What if you live every day knowing you are someone else’s property; the food you eat, your clothes, and even your family is owned by someone else. Will you run away, risking everything–including death–for freedom? What if you know the route to freedom. Will you put yourself in danger to help fellow slaves escape? “Conductor” Harriet Tubman, a young woman of 30–wrapped in a blanket of the American flag–is on the alert and prepared to protect her charge as she confidently beckons her “passengers” to take a leap of faith. Yes, she’s armed! I wanted to show the strength of her commitment: There’s a classic story of how she threatened to kill people who got cold feet, and wanted to turn back. She couldn’t allow anyone to return alive to the slave owner, lest they compromise everyone on the Underground Railroad. I want to remind the viewer that escaping slavery was a dangerous and arduous commitment, and that it was about the human will to live free. No amazons of ancient legend had anything on Harriet Tubman as a paragon of female courage and prowess, nor is there a better role model for the strong, independent, self-directed woman in American history for a contemporary ideal of American womanhood. The sculpture is designed to be 7’ tall, cast in bronze, and finished in a coal-black patina. Here, “Harriet Tubman, Soldier for Freedom” is a 26”h plastilina (oil-based clay) pending bronze cast. Most images of Tubman were made when she was an old woman, I wanted to portray the beauty of her youth. There will be bas-relief sculptures added to the back of the sculpture to tell more of her story. For instance, she was named Araminta Ross, and took her mother’s name Harriet in her teens; and Tubman is her first husband’s last name.

Vinnie Bagwell is currently leading the conception and development of “The Enslaved Africans’ Rain Garden”–a multimillion dollar, urban-heritage public-art project in Yonkers, New York, to commemorate the legacy of the first enslaved Africans to be manumitted by law in the United States, 76 years before the Emancipation Proclamation. This year, the Alabama Historical Commission and the Alabama State Council on the Arts invited her to participate in a year-long exhibition “Road to Equality: The 1961 Freedom Rides”. “Liberté”, a 22”h bronze, is on exhibition at the new Freedom Rides Museum in Montgomery’s historic Greyhound Bus Station to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Freedom Riders. Vinnie is also creating a public-artwork titled “Legacies” for the City of Memphis, TN, to honor the Chickasaw Native Americans, African Americans and Hispanic Americans. Born in Yonkers, New York, Vinnie grew up in the Town of Greenburgh in Westchester County, New York. A Morgan State University alumna, Vinnie is an untutored artist, and began sculpting in 1993. She is passionate about her work and pursuing public art. Her portraits display immense spirit and verisimilitude, and have souls which grandly speak for themselves. Vinnie Bagwell’s commissions include a life-sized bronze sculpture of music-icon and former Yonkers-resident Ella Fitzgerald–“The First Lady of Jazz Ella Fitzgerald”–installed in a plaza adjacent to Yonkers Metro North train station, a 24”h “Frederick Douglass Circle” sculpture, part of the permanent Frederick Douglass Museum and Cultural Center and a 7-foot enlargement of “Frederick Douglass Circle” installed at Hofstra University’s South Campus.

The Good Sheppard — JUDITH



An EMBRACE for Change. How one man with a concept and a dream can change a life.


Caring. Nurturing. Outpouring of Spirit.


Sean painting the home of a Disabled American Veteran (DAV) couple as part of Embrace’s Healing Our Heroes’ Homes program (H3)

All these words and more can be used to describe the founder of EMBRACE, Sean Sheppard. Just listen to his story of how he developed a concept to strengthen underprivileged communities, to nurture those less fortunate, to repay (in kind) to the forgotten veterans of this nation and you know this man has something special to offer. He is a man devoted. A man of faith. A man on a mission to make a difference – a better and improved life for others who might not ever have a chance at “normalcy,” whatever that might be. Yes, Sean Sheppard is a man compelled to help others in dire need. But it wasn’t always that way… A Change Has Got to Come

His 1990 yearbook, the first African-American yearbook in its school’s history, earned Sheppard the distinction of one of Georgetown University’s five “Outstanding Seniors” by his peers. Having received an Undergraduate Degree in Psychology, Sheppard was always intrigued by “why people do what they do.” He became the subject of his own intrigue when, during grad school at San Diego State University, Sheppard found himself doing what many kids do when they’re off to college: He partied. Hard. More than that, he started smoking marijuana. Worse still: he started selling it. The days turned into weeks…the weeks into months. And so it was that Sheppard found himself at odds with his circumstances and his upbringing. “My mom might have assumed that I smoked marijuana on occasion….But if she knew that I sold it...!” Sheppard says, referring to his mother, his rock. A Bedford Stuyvesant, Brooklyn native who has played the role of mother, father and disciplinarian since his father left when Sean was just 5 years old.



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(below left) College students and homeless veterans come exercise during Embrace’s annual veteran-related fundraiser titled “Ex 4 Vets” (below right) Sean poses with underprivileged middle school children who participated in Embrace’s school-based wellness program (bottom left) Members of the San Diego State Women’s Basketball team pitch in for H3: Healing Our Heroes’ Homes (bottom right) Typical weekly service: A diverse group of college student volunteers serve the homeless through Embrace in downtown San Diego Photo: EMBRACE




Before long, Sheppard began to grow a conscience. That conscience had an adverse effect on him. This ‘Master of Psychology’ found himself falling into a deep depression. “It got to the point that the worst part of my day was when I left the house. I wasn’t living…I was simply existing.” Re-evaluating his lot in life, Sheppard then made a definitive decision that would change his attitude as well as his outlook on life, thus changing his future in the process. He never saw it coming. “One day I decided that I was just going to smile and wave at people. So that’s what I did. I smiled and waved at people. Then something funny started happening: they started smiling and waving back. “Then I noticed that they would see me and smile and wave first! I regularly jogged around a lake near my apartment and would wave, smile and say ‘good morning,’ and one day some random woman told me, ‘You’re the most pleasant person at this lake.’ And that’s when things started changing for me. It was gradual, but I could feel a change. GOD changed my heart.” By this time, Sheppard had left the ‘street life’ behind. He focused more on his coaching career at San Diego State University, went on to Kansas State University, followed by Boston College and ultimately settled in as Director of Strength and Conditioning at Ohio State University. NEW BEGINNINGS

It was at Ohio State that Sheppard found his true calling. Noticing the blatant lack of workplace diversity, not simply in sports, but in academia as well, Sheppard decided to do something about it. He wrote articles and offered his expertise on the topic of diversity in the workplace, why it was morally and economically beneficial for everyone, and, more importantly, how to implement such programs in the workplace. N O V - D E C

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It was during this time that Sheppard, along with his supervisor, two-time Heisman Trophy winner, Archie Griffin, began to develop what is now known nationally (and soon internationally) as the EMBRACE Program. Having returned to San Diego with a newfound enthusiasm, Sheppard tweaked his concepts to perfection and by 2003, EMBRACE was a fully-operational, non-profit agency serving the underprivileged in San Diego. “EMBRACE really fed my soul,” he says. “It was a means to help real people. It provided that spiritual connection that I was missing all those years. One thing I found in all my years is one simple truth: We all are connected. Black, White, Yellow, Brown – all of us are connected in some way. “While there was a level of success financially, I had tired of the political aspect that often comes within the traditional business setting. It sickened me. I needed something more grounded…something that made an impact on the human experience. EMBRACE filled those needs.” …And then some. Not only had Sheppard developed a much-needed non-profit organization in his own backyard, but he incorporated a younger generation, such as college and high school students, in carrying out its mission. Today, along with his six staff members, EMBRACE utilizes hundreds of college student volunteers, and has garnished praise from corporate sponsors and private donors in the process. Add to this the recent notoriety EMBRACE received, courtesy of The View’s Sherri Shepherd (no relation), and you have a full-blown publicity campaign that not even Sheppard could have imagined. “Hi, it’s Sherri Shepherd from The View,” said the voice on the other end. “I was reading about your organization and I want to help.” Explaining that she had come across an online article regarding EMBRACE and the assistance it had given to Debbie Clark (aka “Storm”)

“When God changes your heart, everything else in your life follows suit.” of the television show American Gladiators. Having fallen on hard times, the article noted the efforts of EMBRACE and the positive outcome it made for Clark and her son, thereby catching the eye of The View’s co-host. That “help” offered by Sherri Shepherd came in a form Sean Sheppard could never have expected. “Not only did Sherri and Sal invite me to their wedding, but they literally handed me the microphone during the reception and asked me to speak to the guests about EMBRACE and its mission. That, along with her [Sherri] calling out our name and mission during The View – on more than one occasion – has given us a platform that we could never have imagined. God is definitely working through Sherri and Sal.” For sure, EMBRACE is changing the lives of those less fortunate. Whether that need is for a child to learn healthier eating habits, a homeless woman needing shelter, or the disabled veteran whose home is in need of repairs – EMBRACE is making a lasting and beneficial change for members of its community…a community that is going global. Sheppard explains, “A former basketball player whom I coached at Ohio State (originally from Finland) is now attending grad school in Denmark. We’re in negotiations to expand abroad so that this program can benefit people in her community.” Now expanding from San Diego to Los Angeles and New York – and the eventual kickoff in Denmark – Sean Sheppard and EMBRACE are reaching new heights and changing the lives of “real” people everywhere. And that’s certainly a concept to EMBRACE! To find out more about this organization, or to donate your time and resources, log on to “”



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EMBRACE Programs that benefit the community Photo: EMBRACE

Embrace The Streets (homeless outreach) provides healthy meals, clothes and blankets to the homeless several days per week, year round, assuring that over 50,000 meals are provided to homeless veterans and civilians each year. (YouTube video: H3: Healing Our Heroes’ Homes ( is a program that mobilizes college students to restore the homes of low income, disabled veteran homeowners. Through partnerships with the Disabled American Veterans, The San Diego State University Physical Plant Department, San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E), The Interwork Institute and the Landers Law Group, college students are supervised while they build handicap ramps, paint, replace carpet, address plumbing needs and create Greener, more energy efficient homes for our low income, disabled veterans. (YouTube video: COMMYOUNITY™ Chefs ( brings San Diego’s top chefs together to prepare fine dining meals to raise money to support Embrace’s work with the military veteran community. Executive chefs donate their time, talent and food to serve exquisite fine dining meals to the paying public. College student and College student veterans volunteer to serve as chef aids, runners and servers. All meals are tax deductible to paying patrons.


The School-Based Wellness Program has taught over 5,000 underprivileged middle-school children in Title I Schools the importance of healthy lifestyle habits and cultural acceptance. Children are pre-tested in areas of height, weight, body mass index (BMI), resting blood pressure, nutrition and cultural knowledge to encourage a healthy and well-balanced diet and the importance of regular exercise. Student Volunteer Model utilizes volunteers from the the tens of thousands of students in the San Diego area. Students earn academic credit for their volunteerism and everyone benefits: those who are helped as well as those helping. A win-win! Giv Mas: Philanthropy and Scholarships provides $1,000 scholarships to low income, high achieving students that have had prior community service experience, making it possible for students to pay for books in exchange for a semester of community service.

For a closer look at Sean and the work he does, visit www.TheGoodSheppard.TV (above) Typically diverse day of service as Muslim, Jewish and Christian college students serve the homeless together (left) Newlyweds Sherri Shepherd and Lamar Sally smile with Sean during their wedding reception in Chicago this past August

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The Good Sheppard Angels arrive from unexpected places; mine came from a short forty-minute drive away - in the form of a stranger. A random

Facebook encounter with another military-widow led me here, writing this letter of thanks. Embrace Founder and CommYOUnity Chefs partner Sean Sheppard, showed up at my front door last week. He spoke passionately about helping American military-veterans, their widows, and widowers. I am one such lucky person. His gift of surprise and complete generosity came at precisely the perfect moment.


As a war-widow and single parent I struggle daily over the simplest of things, like having milk in the refrigerator or enough gas to shuffle my child about town. Extra expenses such as fixing the roof and repairing the car always fall to the wayside. Thanks to my angel, a wonderful man, who passionately continues to spearhead a noble cause I am able to replace bald tires on my car! Winter weather soon approaches and I am thrilled to no longer worry. My daughter is now able to have some dental work completed. I have also been inspired to use any remaining money to begin the process of gaining a non-profit status of my own for the Surviving Spouse Support Group. I wish to pay forward the humanity and compassion I received. My husband, SSgt. Aaron White (USMC) was killed in Iraq May 19th, 2003 just two days after our daughter’s First birthday. The only time he ever heard her babbling voice was through a single phone call on her birthday, days before he died. We grieve every day. Experiencing a military death, especially through war, is unique to its core and simply incomparable. Through my husband’s death I have learned Pride, and Honor, and what it truly means to be American. Because of my husband I am also left alone - to fend for myself and to raise a happy beautiful child. Being a military-widow means being misunderstood by friends and family; we are often lonely and forgotten. I wept when Sean presented us with that check. THANK YOU, Sean Sheppard for not forgetting!

Michele Linn

Writer, Director Tony Clomax presents... PHOTO: RODNEY SMITH

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The BHop Lounge is an intergenerational Open Mic featuring spoken word, comedy, and music. Featuring phenomenal artists in a relaxed setting, whether you’re from the BeBop generation or the Hip Hop nation, if you’ve got a work in progress or just completed a project that people need to hear, see and vibe on, you’ll want to bring it to the BHop Lounge, hosted by the American Theatre of Harlem in the Great Room of The South Oxford Space. Set in a relaxed environment created to showcase phenomenal artists in an intimate setting, the BHop Lounge provides the audience with an up close experience with the genius of the artist’s craft. Located in the thriving arts community of Fort Greene, the BHop Lounge is the perfect spot to showcase your talent to a nurturing audience. Who knows, you just might meet up with your next muse… AMERICAN THEATRE OF HARLEM CREATIVE PROGRAMS INCLUDE:

ATH Actors Workshop Seasons One Act Festival BHop Lounge Culture Collide Community Film Festival Visit our website @ Contact

Livin’ the Dream! with JBlair Brown –The Brand Judith “Juice” Brown has always had a passion for film, music and entertainment in general. So it stands to reason that she would eventually start her own radio program featuring some of the most profound entertainers on the scene today such as Harry Lennix, Tim Reid, Dorian Missick, and many others. For sure, “Juice” is a mainstay on the international talk show circuit. But more than that, Juice has a flair for finding up-andcoming artists and giving them a public platform to reach a broader audience. It’s no accident: Juice, an east coast publicist known for her strategic and branding prowess, has modeled her radio show by the mantra she preaches to her clients. In short, it’s about finding your niche and, of course, branding. To find out which up-and-comer will appear on the international radio program next, log onto: NOTE: Follow the show’s Facebook page at “Livin’ the Dream! radio show with JBlair Brown” where you’ll get all the latest news FIRST and become eligible to win prizes (books, films, vacation packages, etc.).



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Salandy Enterprises, Inc. is committed to providing success principles and strategies for achieving and maintain-

ing our client’s goals. We customize all of our training materials based on the client assessment and analysis of the needed competencies. Suzette Salandy is the Founder and President of Salandy Enterprises, Inc. Ms. Salandy has over 15 years of human resource and organizational development experience. Her services include leadership and development training, performance management coaching and motivational speaking. If you would like more information about SEI, please contact Ms. Salandy at REFLECTING ON 2011 As we approach the close of the year, we begin to reflect on 2011 as a whole. It will be bittersweet for some: with the economy’s decline, many will not receive a bonus, but instead may be looking at unemployment. While others may be looking at a change in their job status based on company restructure. In addition, there are some families who will be celebrating their holidays in an unfamiliar environment because their homes were lost due to short sale or foreclosure. One might ask: So why is it important now to focus on “The Wealthy Life”? It’s time to embark on new beginnings and to learn and understand what it truly means to be “Wealthy.” The Wealthy Life is based on the premise that wealth is not about monetary value or about material possessions but is based on the combination of maintaining good health, attaining financial stability and serving in your roles as a parent, leader, friend, mentor and coach. The Wealthy Life is overcoming your greatest challenges, breaking the negative cycle and overcoming the bondage to freedom, whatever that freedom may be. To that end, here are some keys to building a “wealthy life”: • Spiritual Balance – You must feed your spirituality; seek that which you believe in the universe • Treat your body as your sacred temple • Maintain healthy eating habits and always increase your movement • The creation of wealth begins within and the power of influence is advanced or diminished by what you see • Saying what you see is the key to believing, for only what you believe will you do • Succession Planning – You’re not a success until you have a successor! • Budgeting – The measuring stick of your success • Stop the bad spending habits – many of us are guilty of poor spending • Build on investments – no matter how small • Stop purchasing too many non-appreciating assets • It’s important to choose the right assets to accumulate • Strive to a place of managing cash and less debt (i.e. credit cards) • Change the cycle of thought – the Legacy belongs to those who live by the keys! Always remember that your greatest financial asset is YOU! Peace and Blessings for 2012. N O V - D E C

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marishka phillips “Your teaching empowers the actor with great choices and confidence. My work has gotten more detailed and exciting since working with Marishka. Thank you for your commitment to the artist.”— Tasha Smith “Marishka, Marishka, Marishka, I trust you with my heart and soul, with my instrument. Your coaching has given me an awareness of my inner truths that I carry to every audition and performance.Thanks to you I have saved thousands in psychotherapy bills!” Love — Michelle Hartley.

Tells the Truth Michelle Felice Hartley

Marishka S. Phillips is a native New Yorker, Brooklyn born and raised. So it’s appropriate that Phillips would bring the acclaimed Off Broadway stage production Box to theatergoers on the east coast first. Box chronicles the story of four Haitian immigrants who stow away on a cargo ship with the hope of pursuing a better life in America. Sell out performances indicate the effectiveness of both Phillips’ directorship as well as the talents of the entire cast and crew. “This was a true ensemble and I’m so proud of my actors,” says Phillips, whose lifelong journey to ‘here’ has paved the way for her current success. Starting out at the tender age of 8, Phillips was appearing abroad by age 13, performing in the European tour of Raisin. She then attended Alvin Ailey’s School of Dance; received a scholarship to the Broadway Dance Center; and attended Fordham University. A 19-year-old Phillips then landed the role as understudy in the Broadway musical Uptown: It’s So Hot, directed by Maurice Hines. She followed up with critically-acclaimed performances in such musical hits as Bubblin’ Brown Sugar, Fame: The Musical, The Wiz and The Me Nobody Knows. While living in Los Angeles, Phillips also did character work and was the stand-in actress on the last two seasons of The Cosby Show spin-off, A Different World. And opportunities for extensive traveling to eight countries throughout Europe landed her roles in various musicals, including Tribute to the Blues Brothers, Ludwig: The Musical and Teatro Piazzo. As if these weren’t enough, Phillips also held recordings on Hinterland Records and Mole Listening Pearls record labels (both in Germany); studied for several years with legendary coach Susan Batson; starred in the all-female version of Othello, directed by Timothy Stickney and stage and screen under the direction of Hinton Battle; starred in the 2006 N.Y. Fringe Festival in Absolute Flight; earned an AUDELCO nomination for her portrayal of Young Ethel Waters in Woody King’s production of Sweet Mama Stringbean; was cast in Euripides’ Medea at the National Black Theatre; and many others. Never one to stop, Phillips also toured extensively and performed with recording artists Sean “P Diddy” Combs, Latin recording star Christian Castro, and Cece Winan. With a high profile such as hers, it’s a wonder Phillips could find the time (or energy) to direct the outstanding Box ensemble. When asked how she ‘did it all’ her response was, “I approach this craft with divine humility. I give 210% and I don’t expect anything less from the actors. “I like to work with the actor’s awareness. Our instrument is where everything lies. We have to be willing to access it and give our self absolute permission to express your truth, without judgment. I’m patient with the actor, because my hope for [them] is to be the best [they] can be. The first way into your intimacy is through listening and really hearing.” …and that’s nothin’ but the truth. Come explore your spirit and your TRUTH. This year marks the launch of the Marishka Phillips Theatrical Preparatory. Check out for dates and times of various classes and workshops. To schedule private coaching sessions with Ms. Phillips, phone 516-300-3260.

Word to the wise

Mastering the Business of the Show!


Well, you made it! You’ve been featured in a few movies with some notable actors who are recognized all around the world. You’ve actually had an exchange of dialogue on screen with some of them, and you feel as if you’ve arrived. Their names might have drawn in the crowd, but according to Aunt Suzy, Uncle Lee and cousin BooBoo, this film couldn’t have been made without you. Family can be wonderful that way, can’t they? By now you’re thinking, Look, ma! I’m on top of the world! But put on the brakes, Slick Rick! As “accomplished” as it may seem to have your name up in lights and your image on a 30-foot screen, you still have a long way to go. Think of it this way: if you were a carpenter, you’d need more than simply the knowledge of a nail. You’d need to know how to swing a hammer. Word to the wise: master the business end of the show or you won’t have anything to show for your business! So let’s start with the basics: Most actors are familiar with Shakespeare’s “To be or not to be.” Well, in this industry there are also several “To do’s or NOT to do’s.” In this issue, we’ll talk about some “do’s” of the business. Take some notes; you’ll want to jot these down. The Do’s DO learn every aspect of the business that is humanly possible for your circumstances. That means if you can shadow the carpenter, prop guy (or girl), best boy, key grip, the person who does your lighting, the makeup artist and hair stylist, sound crew, wardrobe, assistant director, script supervisor – and even the stand-in – DO IT! These are just a few of the people who are paid to make you look great. Translation: They got a job because they’re good at what they do. Learn from them. DO learn about the percentages of filming and what it means to have a piece of the backend…even if your finances won’t allow you to invest to become “backend-able” at the moment. You must learn the business part of show business! DO learn of merchandising marketing! This includes toys, action figures, lunch boxes, lamps, coffee mugs, t-shirts, bumper stickers – even bed linen! You’d be surprised at what can bring in some real big bucks through merchandising marketing. DO learn “industry-speak” with terms like “box office gross” and “box office generated revenues,” two of the most important phrases to effect your bottom line. There’s a big difference in the two and you better know them both. DO learn how to make ends meet without spending it all in one place – and all at one time. Ask yourself, “Do I really need that particular ride – at this time?” “Will the 4-bedroom home in uptown suit my needs as opposed to the 10-bedroom, 5-bathroom estate with the heated indoor swimming pool and entertainment center?” Because there might come a time when you realize that, through lack of good business sense, you’re absolutely broke! It’s happened to a lot of talented people…which brings me to my next point… DO CHECK THE BOOKS! It’s great having an accountant; in fact, it’s recommended. But a good business-minded artist will insist that they see the books for themselves. But remember: it makes no difference what you’re looking at if you have no idea what it means, so learn the system! Know where your money is! These are just six key points that will help to put (and keep) you on track. There’s a whole lot more to learn of course. Like the do NOT’s of the industry. And we’ll get to those in my next article – be on the lookout. Until then… Signing off…Stan Sebastian Shaw

Available Christmas, Shaw’s novel “GARGOYLE BOB” based on his award-winning screenplay. See also his award-winning children’s book, “Waiting for Dad.” My Android App: Stan Shaw’s Quotes for the Soul, now available in the Android Market. Follow Shaw on twitter @stanshaw1


mark daley dj facemoni

Mark Daley (aka DJ FaceMoni) intends to become a mogul in the Reggae Music Fraternity. DJ FaceMoni, who is sometimes called “Ladies Honey,” grew up in Waterhouse Kingston, Jamaica where he attended Camperdown High. He took pride in representing both his school and community as the captain of the Colts, a minor league football team. Daley believes that his leadership qualities come from being a responsible and driven individual.


After graduating from Camperdown High, Daley furthered his studies at Stony Hill H.E.A.R.T Academy. He successfully completed, and majored in, Sales-Accounting, and Business Administration. His love for music became evident while attending school over the years, when he showed an earnest willingness to perform at several social events to raise funds for the school. Daley’s charisma and musical lyrics earned him instant popularity among female fans; hence the moniker “Ladies Honey.” Daley’s passion brought him to the doors of King Jammy’s Recording Studios, where he aligned himself with producers John John, Zumjay and Ward 21. It was there “DJ FaceMoni” honed his craft and learned the business of making music. After years under their tutelage, DJ FaceMoni left to develop his brand under his own label and, along with several colleagues, produced his first professional singles, Something Something – a catchy dancehall tune with huge potential to crossover into mainstream – and Sexy Darling, a collaboration with fashion mogul Niki Chin. DJ Facemoni also made a cameo appearance in the film A Dance for Grace, a dance drama that allowed him to grace the runways as a male model. When not in the studio, he can be found on the road as a top disc jockey for Star Vibes International. And he is currently working on a project (one of several) to live stream his own show for



With so much going on, it’s even more impressive that this up-and-coming talent takes time out to “give back,” something his mother impelled him to make time for. “My mom instilled in me, from an early age, that it’s everyone’s responsibility to help out where you can,” he told SYM. “I carry that creed with me everywhere I go.” To that end, Daley’s skills benefit several charities such as Camperdown Past Students Association-New York Chapter. And he challenges others to rise to the occasion. “My advice to younger, fresher talent is to give more…because when you give more, you receive your true blessings.” With the path to greatness that he’s on, Mark Daley (aka DJ FaceMoni) knows all about that. You can catch this great artist at: or on Facebook at For bookings, contact Star Vibes International at 347.854.7024. 3 0

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sabrina gilbert Sabrina Gilbert performing sensual poetry @ the Sweet Spot. Visit for details about the next Sweet Spot event.



michael giovanni



You couldn’t make this stuff up! Actor Michael Giovanni of Harrisburg, PA, was working at a shoe store in the Harrisburg Mall when “these two guys” walked in to buy a pair of sneakers. Giovanni noticed the crowd of people gawking and pointing, but was un-phased by the onlookers. Giovanni did what he does best: he focused on his work, striking up conversation and even sharing a laugh or two. It wasn’t until later in conversation that he realized he was speaking with megastar Michael K. Williams from HBO’s The Wire. Williams invited Giovanni to audition for the series but Giovanni, still heavy in the street life, nixed the idea, thinking that “the life” was all he would amount to. A month passed by and, like déjà vu, Michael K. Williams walked back into the shoe store. This time Williams had a plan in order. “I’m calling Baltimore right now,” he told Giovanni as he picked up the phone to make the call. “I have a guy…” Before he knew it, Giovanni was on the set of one of the most prominent TV series on HBO: The Wire. Having been bit by the acting bug, Giovanni then enrolled in legendary acting coach Mel Williams’ TFANG acting school. Mel Williams’ skills allowed Giovanni to grow, as evident from his stint in an off-Broadway production of A Streetcar Named Desire, where he portrayed the lead character, Stanley Kowalski, to rave reviews. Giovanni followed up with two appearances on Tyler Perry’s House of Payne. Currently, he is filming a principal role in the independent film Easy Hustle, scheduled for release this winter. In his “other life,” Giovanni serves as a leader of volunteerism in his community. This father of one spends several hours each week counseling other men in his community in an effort to improve their own lives. …Taking them from the streets to somewhere else. Anywhere else. N O V - D E C

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12 Healing a broken heart, one step at a time. It’s Sex and the City meets Curb Your Enthusiasm (with some cinnamon and spice).

12-steps to recovery

A romantic comedy about a New York City actor and jingle writer Parrish Diaz who gets dumped by his corporate girlfriend. His friends Blue and Dani come to his rescue by setting him up on 12 blind dates. Parrish goes through his healing period with each unique woman, while learning about friendship, forgiveness and true love, with major twists and a crucial decision to make.

with four of the 12-Steps to Recovery cast members... Candice Lenoir as


Are you single? If so, what type of man are you attracted to? I’m single until I’m married. The kind of man I’m attracted to is a man that has a relationship with God, confident, ambitious, supportive and affectionate. On the physical, I love a man that takes care of his body. Is there a time where your being on a successful web series affects your personal life? No, at this point and time I can’t say it has. What’s the most challenging aspect of playing this character? Ooh..I will say, possibly maintaining Sheryl’s strength but showing her vulnerability. Finding the balance. Sheryl seems to be a bit boozhy. Are there any similarities between you and her? I guess when I think of boozhy I think of someone aspiring to be in a higher class than what they are. I think Sheryl isn’t trying to do that, I think she is in a certain class and that’s what it is. She may come off a little snobby at times, but that’s her flaw and she grows from it. With that being said I don’t think I’m a boozhy lady. I don’t think money makes people better than people without, nor do I think money gives people class. I think the softer/vulnerable side of Sheryl is a little more closer to who I am. However, I will say we all have a lil’ Sheryl in us, meaning we do give side eyes to some people. How have you been trained as an actor? I minored in theater at Florida A&M University; however, I completed the two-year Meisner Program at William Esper Studio Professional Acting School in New York. Are there any other projects coming up for you in the future? Actually I just finished a short in LA called “Yesterday’s Today” and I’m in the process of writing a project with a friend. One project, where served as assistant director in June, is in the editing process. And a pilot to a webseries I produced and assistant directed, with AD with Saint-Victor Productions, is in the editing process. How do family, friends and spirituality play out in your life? Well I must say I value relationships in every aspect. Meaning my personal relationship with God is most important. I’m a family girl, so my family comes first. I’m blessed to have a close knit family. You have to know my past to understand that and my Grandma is the woman that created that environment. The people that are my friends know who they are and know how much I love and value their friendship. From where are you originally? Where did you grow up? I grew up on the South side of Chicago and in the South Suburbs (Country Club Hills, IL). Where do you see yourself in five years? In five years, I see my production company established with projects underneath them. I see motivational speaking and I see myself on some primetime shows and films. What type (or who specifically) would be your dream character to play? That’s a good question. I’m still figuring that out. It changes as I get older. There are a couple of women I admire so I’m not sure who I would want to play, but my ideal role will infuse drama of a woman trying to overcome something in her life-but with a happy ending.



SYM sits down





How did you get into acting? Was it something you always wanted to do? I got into acting while in college as a result of joining two student theater organizations. Around that same time, I worked as a server at a restaurant. One day a customer told me I had a great “look” and invited me to an open call she had to find new clients for her modeling and talent agency. I went to the open call, became a client, and I booked my first professional acting jobs through her agency. How did you get the part of Dani? I met Tony Clomax, the writer and director of “12 Steps” at the Directing Actors Gym. He shared episode 1 of “12 Steps” with me and told me to look at the role of Dani. After reading the first episode, I was hooked. What kind of acting training have you had? I’ve studied Meisner, had improv training, and read a lot of books on different acting techniques. I’ve also studied ‘how to audition’ with several different casting directors which is an entirely different beast in itself. Is there a time where your being on a successful web series affects your personal life? Not much has changed in my personal life. One thing that is different is that other actors have recognized me at auditions and told me that they have enjoyed my work. That’s always great to hear because it’s coming from your peers. Are you single? If so, what type of man are you attracted to? No and thank goodness. Having to date again sounds exhausting. COURTESY OF MAXIMEYES PRODUCTIONS

What’s the most challenging aspect of playing this character? Dani’s personality is very different from my own. Dani is bold and will speak her mind openly no matter what. I’m different in that I’m a shy person by nature and rarely open up to people unless I know them really well. Are there any similarities between you and Dani? Have you ever schemed to get a man? Did it work? I can relate to Dani in that I’ve always had a close circle of both male and female friends. The conversations about relationships that come up are all things that we’ve debated time and time again. But I have never schemed to get a man. As a southern girl, we are taught to let men “court” us; not the other way around. I can relate to mistaking a close friend for a possible lover though. It never worked for me, but hey, maybe Dani will have better luck. Are there any other projects coming up for you in the future? Besides completing “12 Steps,” not at this time. The last few months were very busy for me and I had quite a few “firsts” in my acting career. I booked a large-scale print job, several industrials, participated in the New York Fringe Festival for the first time, and I currently have a commercial for Newsday running.



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From where are you originally? Where did you grow up? I am originally from Greenville, NC, and a graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill. I am a Carolina girl through and through. How do family, friends and spirituality play out in your life? Family, friends, and spirituality all play an important part of my life. Most of my family and friends do not live in the New York area, but they are extremely supportive and cheer me on from afar. Spirituality is equally as important, as I know that a lot of what I have accomplished thus far has been a direct reflection of my beliefs and faith. I continue to push forward knowing that the universe only wants the best for me. Where do you see yourself in five years? I see myself continuing to be a working actress in meaningful projects that will tell stories that everyone can relate to on a human level. Photo: BERMAN FENELUS COURTESY OF MAXIMEYES PRODUCTIONS



What made you decide to become an actor? My family. My mother was an Off-Broadway actress and dancer. When I was a kid, she went back to school (Dowling College) and anytime I had days off from school, she would take me to class with her. I remember watching her perform in her drama class and thinking, “Wow, that’s my moms.” My older brother and sister too did big high school productions. I saw every last one of them. Where did you study the craft? I went to American Art Theatre and had a great teacher who taught us a little bit of everything. A little bit of Stella Adler, Lee Strasberg and Stanislavski. He gave us very simple, but important, philosophies to remember and apply whenever we perform. How did you get the part of Parrish Diaz? Erin Duke. LOL. Is there a time where your popularity affects your personal life? Not at all. I’m not that popular. LOL. What’s the most challenging aspect of playing this character? Just making it as “real life” as possible and keeping the character balanced between the reality of a situation and the entertainment aspect of it. It’s really tough to stay in character, especially when the cast and director got you cracking up between takes. Are there any similarities between you and Parrish? Parrish reminds me of the “old me” a little bit. He’s too nice and his kindness gets taken for granted. I used to be like that. He’s always thinking of others first and their feelings and how his decisions may affect people. I’m still like that, he’s a good dude. Are there any other projects coming up for you in the future? I have a few projects making the film festival circuits. Nikyatu Jusu’s “Black Swan Theory” and Curtis John’s “Concrete Pearl” are both being well received. Both films have great casts and I’m very honored to be part of both. But an actor’s work is never done. I’m always looking to work. N O V - D E C

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How do family, friends and spirituality play out in your life? I’d be nothing and nowhere without my faith and my family. It’s the very air I breathe. Friends come and go but I’m glad to say they’re a few who stuck by my side, so they’re a blessing too. COURTESY OF MAXIMEYES PRODUCTIONS

From where are you originally? Where did you grow up? I’m from Wyandanch, Long Island, born and raised 11798 Exit 36. What what?! LOL. How does it feel to be a leading man and having women totally throwing themselves at you? Is it anything like you imagined it would be? It feels great to play lead in anything. It’s an honor and it’s a lot of work which I’m very excited to do. The gravity of it hasn’t really hit me yet and I hope it stays that way. LOL. As for as women throwing themselves at me? Unheard of, but Parrish has a lot of female viewers which I’m truly grateful for. Where do you see yourself in five years? If you would’ve asked me this five years ago, my answer wouldn’t be what I’m doing now, because I had no clue I would be playing a lead in a hit series. So I’m just gonna say, Lord willing, blessed with good health and busy doing what I love.





How did you get into acting? Was it something you always wanted to do? I always wanted to act from a very young age without knowing that was to be my career path. I was extremely affected by movies, more so than the average child. So, at the suggestion of a childhood girlfriend, I took classes at a school called Black Nexxus. I took my first class with Susan Batson and that was it, I was hooked. Nine years later, here I am. How did you get the part of Blue? I did it the good old-fashioned way. I auditioned. What kind of acting training have you had? My most important influences in training have been Susan Batson, Clebert Ford, Karl Ford, and Roberta Wallach. I’ve also taken classes with Tracey Moore. Is there a time where your being on a successful web series affects your personal life? Yes, but the effect is positive. It’s nice to sit back and pop some popcorn [Spike Lee voice] and watch a few episodes of 12-Steps with someone special.



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What’s the most challenging aspect of playing this character? The most challenging thing about this is the length of the production time for the project. It’s a lot of fun, but a lot of work. Are there any similarities between you and Blue? Blue is closer to who I was when I was in college. He also reminds me of my older brother when he was in college. Are there any other projects coming up for you in the future? Yes, lead roles in an upcoming feature “Harlem Boils” and in the short film “Barbasol”. A webseries, “The Married Bachelor”, and a feature called, “Stay Cold, Stay Hungry” ( Be sure to watch for me in the upcoming season of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. COURTESY OF MAXIMEYES PRODUCTIONS

How do family, friends and spirituality play out in your life? The challenges of being an actor force you to face your spirituality. Sometimes, family and friends don’t understand what I am doing, but they make up my true support system. Without them I wouldn’t be able to pursue this career. From where are you originally? Where did you grow up? I grew up in both New York City and New Jersey. Where do you see yourself in five years? Shooting major motion pictures, producing my own content, married with children. Are you single? If so, what type of woman are you attracted to? Relationships at this time prove to be difficult because my focus is on laying the foundation to be an outstanding father, husband, and provider for my future family. I am attracted to a woman that is intelligent, driven, and confident. What type (or who specifically) would be your dream character to play? Someone that I’ve already had the privilege to play once, Jackie Robinson. Playing Robinson is as exciting as playing a super hero, like Wolverine or Superman...but even better because he was the real thing. N O V - D E C

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devonharris Keep On Pushing: Hot Lessons From Cool Runnings is a semi-autobiographical motivational book by original Jamaica bobsled team member Devon Harris. In this book, Devon has brought together all he’s learned along the way, from his days as a student in Kingston, to his education at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, his life as a Jamaica Defense Force officer, and of course to his experiences at three Olympics which changed his life forever. At the heart of Keep On Pushing are the lessons he has learned of the power of persistence over obstacles in order to live one’s best life. Devon’s goal, throughout the book, is to bring the message of how everyone can Keep On Pushing and work towards their achieving their goals. Divided into ten sections, each section represents Each lesson is designed to inspire and give the reader tools that they can immediately apply to their lives in order to reach higher levels of success. Happy Reading and continue to Keep On Pushing! Keep On Pushing is available via the following outlets: Devon Harris’ website - Amazon Barnes & Noble -


christian frazier


By Michelle Felice Hartley and Tilsa C. Wright

From army clad to comedy stage, Christian Frazier has worked as a model, actor, comedian and now writer, producer and director. This all began after serving his duties in the Persian War. Upon his return home, Frazier secured a position as an AT&T Business to Business Sales Representative. While knocking on doors and pitching products and service plans, one day Frazier knocked on a legit agent’s door, who encouraged him to submit headshots and resumes to agents and various casting professionals. To his surprise, after a week, he booked his first job. Naturally, “the bug” bit him and his journey began. “Now,” says Frazier, “Many people mistake me for the rapper turned actor, COMMON. Now let’s just hope they don’t mistake my wife for Erika Badu. Just saying.” With an extensive acting and standup comedy resume, Frazier is certainly focused and determined to become the next legendary comedian in show biz. He truly admires the acting style and critical success of actor Samuel L. Jackson as well as the raw talent of Kat Williams. He marvels at Kat’s business savvy and the fact he is sharper than a bull’s eye. As a comedian, Frazier has performed at such comedic ‘hot spots’ as Comix, Eastville Comedy Club, Broadway Comedy Club, The Laugh Lounge, and the NY Comedy Club. As an actor, he’s been featured in hit TV series such as A Gifted Man, Are We There Yet? Burn Notice and White Collar. And he’s slated to appear in the film New Year’s Eve, directed by Garry Marshall and scheduled for release in November 2011. In addition, he also recently completed his first web series called Checking the Gate, a comedy about making it as an actor and comedian in New York City. Worthy accomplishments that they are, perhaps Frazier’s most proud legacy is that of father and grandfather. “I’ve been called the world’s youngest-looking grandfather. I tell people that ‘Black don’t crack…unless you’re smoking it.’” Just for laughs...from Christian himself!! The Doritos founder died this week at 97. The family is planning to put Doritos in his casket. What they don’t want you to know is that if you eat Doritos everyday, there is no way in hell you will live to be 97. I got my first pair of skinny jeans...I farted and an air bubble formed and it had nowhere to escape, so I had to move it around the front and open up my zipper to release the air. After that, I couldn’t get the damn zipper back up. For more about Christian Frazier, log onto


“Every year, in September and October Photo: MICHAEL SEVELO STUDIOS

the families of Raymond Chase and Joseph Jefferson will memorialize their sons’ deaths. Both young men hanged themselves. At the time, their deaths were eclipsed by the suicides of the mostly White high school students across the country and Tyler Clementi, the Rutgers University student, all bullied because of their sexual orientation and received more media attention. Except to their families and friends, Chase and Jefferson seemed to have joined the statistics of many other Black gay men who have committed suicide, who were relegated to obscurity, as if their lives and deaths had no significance - the many underlying causes ignored. These types of deaths, as with any, rips at the threads which hold humanity together. In the Black and Black gay community there is a crying need to examine these underlying causes: sexual and gender identity, and masculinity; the pain and betrayal of sexual abuse, the contribution of religious dogma as a factor, an HIV diagnosis with stigma and discrimination, and the double silence experienced by those growing old. Help save these Black gay men, help them heal and realize their potential. Through a triple project,Depressed Black Gay Men (DBGM): a book, a documentary You Are Not Alone, currently in production, where Black gay men are coming out of the shadows and speaking openly about their depression, suicide attempts, and how they overcame and survived; and discussion forums occurring nationwide, are raising awareness and stimulating conversation. The death of one Black gay man, especially by his own hands, is one too many.”

Antoine B. Craigwell S AV E



I’m Not Alone @ the Table Saturday, November 19 2011 @ 7:30PM

Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture 53 Prospect Park West, Brookly NY 11215 in support of

YOU ARE NOT ALONE The groundbreaking documetary about stories of strength and healing from Black Gay Men dealing with depression. SYMM


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A H E A LTH I E R CHOICE The most important quality one must have in order to achieve health and fitness is dedication. Health and fitness is a lifestyle that can only be attained through hard work. There are no short cuts, and it all starts with having a proper diet regimen, and effective exercise workout.

princess harris

A proper diet is one that consists of healthier choices, smarter preparation, and a balance of protein, vegetables, and good carbohydrates. A healthier choice consists of NO white flour or foods from sealed cans. When at all possible, eat natural foods (i.e., fruits, vegetables and unsalted nuts). Also, cut back to little to no salt and sugar, as salt tends to bloat and sugar turns into fat and results into other medical issues (such as diabetes and high blood pressure). Smarter preparations consist of grilled, baked, boiled, and steamed versus fried. To lose just one pound of fat, one must burn 3500 calories over and above what one already burns during normal activities. One of the primary reasons people gain weight is due to a lack of portion control. Keep in mind that a “normal” stomach size is equivalent to the size of one’s fist. You shouldn’t expect to stuff 10 times that amount of food into it without negative consequences. Another important aspect of a healthier choice is a consistent workout program. You should exercise 3-4 times a week minimum consisting of at least 30 minutes of cardio each day, and calisthenics to work different muscle groups. Some suggestions: alternate days between working the lower body (hamstring/quads/calves/) and the upper body (chest/bicep/triceps/back) by splitting the workouts into groups and breaking down each muscle with different exercises. This minor life change will reduce unhealthy cravings and at the same time build your physical endurance, which will make your workout more enjoyable. It will also increase your metabolism, which is always of benefit. As it is evident that I live and breathe health and fitness, I get greater satisfaction by motivating, educating, and inspiring others to live healthier and fit lifestyles. To learn more about my healthier choice mantra follow my blog at and “like” my Facebook page at Princess Harris.

Radio Show Host /CEO of Chris Treece Intl. /Author The Chris Treece Show “The Hottest Show On The Internet” ESPN Radio Knoxville 1180 AM “Knoxville’s Hottest Sports Talk Radio Show”

become what you desire... T H E T R E E C E A D VA N TA G E

Chris Treece was born and raised in a rural town in eastern Tennessee. Introduced to sports at an early age, Treece absolutely fell in love with football. However, though he excelled at the sport, he was told that he was too small to play the sport. But that didn’t stop Treece, whose own mother had forbid him to participate. One day he would find his way to the football field; it was the start of a terrific career. To Treece, the message was clear: Let nothing stop you from becoming what you desire to be.

615-219-9098 Office 615-336-4978 Cell 888-859-1180 SHOW CALL IN NUMBER

In high school, Treece received All-State and All-America honors and, in 2000, was later inducted into the Murfreesboro Oakland High School Hall of Fame. He went on to attend the University of Tennessee (UT) in Knoxville (courtesy of an athletic scholarship), where he was a member of the varsity football team and gained the reputation of being a hard-nosed defensive back, jersey 38.

“BECOME WHAT YOU DESIRE” Check Out My Daily Radio Show @ /chris-treece MONDAY-FRIDAY 12 PM EST and on ESPN Radio 1180 AM

One of Treece’s fondest memories of playing at UT was running through the storied “T” on game day in front of 98,000+ loyal fans. Treece had many stellar performances against schools like LSU, Ole Miss, Vanderbilt, but had the best game of his career against then- major school rival, Alabama, in 1988. Yes, as a football player, Treece had arrived.


Today, Treece Chris is the Founder and CEO of both The Treece Advantage and CLT Marketing. The Treece Advantage is a pivotal tool for business owners and is designed to develop fresh and creative concepts to reinvent existing companies. CLT Marketing is a trendsetting marketing and consulting conglomerate founded with the same focus and determination that enabled Treece to overcome adversities during his younger years. The author of the best-selling book Driven as well as host of The Chris Treece Show, The Hottest Show on The Internet, Treece is also one of the hosts of ESPN Radio Knoxville where, along with interviews with New York Times best-selling authors, he is noted for his effective interviews some of the most popular and influential sports figures from around the world.


Treece recently released Mistaken, a tell-all book about his life, and in 2012 will release the documentary Vols for Life. Active on several noted Boards of Directors, Treece is fast-becoming one of the most dynamic motivational speakers in the country. Certainly, nothing stops him from becoming what he desires to be. Let Chris Treece help you realize your dreams with the same inner passion that fulfilled his own! To discuss collaboration, he can be reached via email at



Young actor Brandon Khalil made his television debut on the series finale of the IFC television show ZRock. The one appearance has made all the different to Khalil, who has subsequently worked with many seasoned Hollywood directors, such as Academy Award-nominated director Amy Berg (Deliver Us From Evil), Gil Junger (10 Things I Hate About You), and Leonard Garner (Meet the Browns).


Brandon has worked in the GreenScreen setting and in theater, having appeared off-Broadway in the play The Colored Garden. He can also be seen as “Bo” on Lifetime’s Sherri, opposite The View’s Sherri Shepherd. Brandon continues to perform regularly in independent films and at his arts-oriented elementary school.


He is a fun-loving, all-around nice little guy! He loves his family and friends, and has a real soft spot for animals (he is affectionately known as “the neighborhood dog-petter” in his community). Brandon enjoys gymnastics, martial art, cars and spicy foods, and loves trying new things. We are looking forward to hearing much more about this up-and-coming bright star! Keep up the great work, Brandon!

h dedicated, talented actors poised for



SEQUOIA HOUSTON began exploring the arts at an early age. She was a member of the children’s choir at her church, nearly before she was able to speak. It was not until 1999, however, that she found her true passion when she was admitted into the most unique high school in the nation, Booker T. Washington High School for The Performing and Visual Arts Theatre. There she learned everything from set design and construction to mime and movement. Sequoia then moved to Dallas, TX and has since been in a number of staged plays, commercials and independent film projects.


TERRIANN PETERS Came to New York for a better life. As TerriAnn became older she discovered her love and passion for acting, and upon graduating high school decided to pursue that Dream. TerriAnn’s chance encounter with a make-up artist in a mall lead her to print modeling which later opened up the door of opportunity for acting. Within her first year of auditioning she was booked for national hair ad’s for Janet Collections and a national commercial for MSNBC, while also landing a lead role in her first Independent feature, Three of One Kind.


YARC LEWINSON is an American Actor Raised in Tampa, FL. He moved to NYC in 2005 where he attended the School for Film and Television. A tall, strikingly handsome leading man of Film/TV and Stage, Yarc has established himself as a chameleon, possessing the ability to metamorphosize into any role. This talented and diverse actor first discovered his passion for acting while performing a scene from A Street Car Named Desire in an acting class. After the scene in which he played the role of Mitch opposite the character Blanche Dubois, his professor commended his performance and expressed to the class, “That was the best work I have ever seen in that scene.” From that point on Lewinson knew that he was born to perform.

QUESHAN HAYES started his acting career behind the camera of an independent film titled Keith and Greg in which he starred as the leading man. He later found himself behind the lens of another independent film titled Consequences in which he portrayed “Glen,” a crazed/confused exboyfriend of the leading lady. He also appeared in a Nascar Gillette commercial as one of the Pit Crew Classic Guys representing Atlanta, GA in Pit Crew Contest. He has also appeared as an extra in Tyler Perry’s Why Did I Get Married and House of Payne and was a featured extra in the opening of Mr. Perry’s studios in Atlanta, GA.



BRIAN EPPS was born in Marshall, TX to Calvin Epps and Adrian Epps. At an early age Brian took a strong interest in storytelling. As he grew older his interest found an avenue to explore story telling in film. Upon graduating high school at Paul Laurence Dunbar High School in Fort Worth, TX where he was raised, Brian decided that he would pursue a bachelor’s degree in Theatre Arts. His journey led him to Prairie View A&M University where he studied theatre under the watchful eye of C. Lee Turner. Upon graduation, he returned to Fort Worth and has graced the stage in a number of productions.

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This six year old up-andcoming model has a natural flair for the industry! A native of sunny Florida, Alannah has a passion for soccer and reading. Her hobbies also include singing in her church choir and spending time with family and friends at the beach. For more information please contact or her manager, Christopher Williams @ 954 651-5011 or 954 983-8727 PHOTO: DAYSU PHOTOGRAPHY

alannah paige williams

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SYM Congratulates Comedienne/Actress

Michelle Felice Hartley

Michelle Felice Hartley has been living her dream, and that is to be a working actress. Recently, her dreams were further realized as she became the recipient of a Best Actress nod in the Off Broadway dramatic production of Taking Flight. The awards ceremony was hosted by Love Creek Productions, the oldest Off Broadway Theatre Company in NYC on September 18, 2011.

“It was an evening of triumph and glory! There was so much work and emotion placed in the production of Taking Flight. We were a very cohesive ensemble of approximately twenty actors.” Hartley so excitedly shared with SYM. Ms. Hartley’s character, TISHA was a patron in a ‘local hole in the wall’ bar, who confronted the issues of racism, inhumanity and humanity. Michelle stated, “It was a joy to bring TISHA to life. I’m so hopeful her presence made a impression on the reality of man’s inhumanity to man, and that our audiences were able to reflect in the most positive manner.” Photo: CHRIS MACKE

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New Young Artist

Manny Delvalle BUZZING HEAVY ON THE R+B/POP SCENE... K L P R / K athy L ia u ta u d


Replacing swift left and right hooks for hooks in captivating compositions, Heavy Green Entertainment singer, songwriter, performer Manny Delvalle, is the next contender fully prepared to compete for R&B,Pop distinction. A proficient boxer and Silver Gloves recipient, the Philadelphia native decided to exchange a career in sports for the equally strenuous vocation of music. Manny was raised by his Father, whom he credits as one of the first people to notice his singing capabilities. “When my father heard me singing at home one day, he decided boxing wasn’t the answer, singing was.” Manny recollects. With the encouragement of his family and friends, Manny began to consistently hone his craft. After school he would spend a majority of his time in studios around Philadelphia recording music. In a matter of only two months, Manny had recorded up to 10 songs, including hit records “PYT” and “No One Else”. Not only was Manny pouring his heart out in the studio, he also took to the stage to exercise his exceptional talent as a well rounded performer, doing about five to six shows a week. Eventually, all of Manny’s hard labor would pay off after a life changing phone call from music veterans Antonio “L.A.” Reid and Kenneth “Babyface” Edmonds. A deal with Island Records seemed promising for Manny, but never came to pass. “My opportunity to sign with LA Reid closed quickly, as they decided to work with another artist. That artist turned out to be the next biggest pop star in the world. So I had to start from square one again.” Despite the setback, Manny utilized this disappointment as a motivational tool that would assist him in landing himself an official recording deal and becoming an even stronger artist. In 2010, Manny would be introduced to the CEO of Heavy Green Entertainment LLC, Charles Perez. Perez, an investment banker—formerly of the short-lived collective rap group, Black Phoenix, took an immediate PHOTO: OZ OF MILLENNIA IMAGERY

“When my father heard me singing at home one day, he decided boxing wasn’t the answer, singing was.” liking to Manny as well his music. Perez combined his technical business savvy with his high propensity for music to strategically shape Manny’s career—an ideal blend of just what he needed to achieve something spectacular. With Perez’s guidance, Manny continued to fine-tune every facet of his craft. By early 2011, the road to success seemed much more promising as Manny began meeting with many prestigious record labels and music executives including, Columbia Records, RCA/ J Records, Atlantic Records, Universal Motown, Island Def Jam and even Vincent Herbert, who attended Manny’s knockout showcase in Times Square with the Braxton Sisters. From there, Manny went on to meet and collaborate with super producers Melvin “Official” Watson, The Phantom Boyz, and The Dream. Today, Manny is arduously training with vocal coach Craig Derry, taking dance instructions at the Broadway Dance Center in NYC, and recording a variety of Pop, House, and R&B songs and ballads. Reflecting back on his life as a boxer, Manny is able to incorporate his then strenuous training regimen into his current musical routine. Physically fit and mentally sound, Manny who never sustained a knockout in the ring, plans to bring that same resilience to the charts. He recalls his fondness for singers; Brian McKnight, Mariah Carey, Stevie Wonder, Jennifer Lopez, Chris Brown and the incomparable Michael Jackson. “I haven’t achieved 1% of Michael Jackson success, but I see many parallels between our lives that inspire me to push forward with my dream and career and fight against all odds.” A college radio staple and internet sensation, the exuberant Manny is ready to offer his brand of popular music to the world. “I want to stand out as Manny Delvalle. My music is very upbeat, fun, and full of life. I use the trials and tribulations of my past to spin it to a positive light. Life is mental; it’s what you make of it.” His new single “Like Yesterday”, produced by Melvin “Official” Watson and The Phantom Boyz, is currently in rotation and available for iTunes September 2011.



Hello SYM readers! My name is Tunmise. I am 21 years-old and have been modeling for five years now. I’ve gained a great deal of experience during this time. It has contributed to my growth, not only as a model but as a woman as well. Fashion blogs are a great way to stay abreast of what’s happening in the world of fashion. Join me in following the latest trends in fashion @ www. Ciao bella! PHOTOs: JACOB NEWKIRK

“A dangerous, new superhero …” — “A dark, twisted, pulse-pounding film.” — “… the indie superhero movie that could literally punch the throat out of the big boys this year …” — 303 Magazine “Some are good, some are great but few have the raw energy of Michael Morrissey’s fantastic directorial debut Boy Wonder …” — In this riveting and gritty film, a young boy witnesses the brutal murder of his mother during a Brooklyn car-jacking … leaving him to be raised by his alcoholic father (Bill Sage, HBO’s Boardwalk Empire, Handsome Harry, 2010 Best Picture-nominee Precious, American Psycho, If Lucy Fell). Now a 17-yearold loner, Sean Donovan (Caleb Steinmeyer, HBO’s True Blood, ABC’s Lost) is relentlessly haunted by his past and obsessed with finding his mother’s killer. Boy Wonder Inception Media Group Genre: Psychological-Thriller Rated: R Format: DVD Only Running Time: Approx. 97 Minutes (Plus Special Features) Suggested Retail Price: $26.98 Pre-Order Date: October 11, 2011 Street Date: November 8, 2011 VOD: October 25, 2011 Catalog #: IMG1098DVD UPC Code: #815300010419

Boy Wonder

Beware the Hero... Multi-Award-Winning PsychologicalThriller Critically Acclaimed During Limited Theatrical Run & at Film Festivals Across the Country & Internationally

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