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Stan the Man

Stan the Man

Industry colleagues offer perspectives on what makes Stanley run.

Marta McKay, North American sales agent, Thierry Rabotin boy who used to say there were two words not in his vocabulary: can’t—pronounced cain’t in his thick Texas twang—and impossible. That was a pretty good early life lesson.”

First Met: I first started working with Stanley as the sales director for Taryn Rose in 1998, then with AGL and, the past three years, with Thierry Rabotin.

Survivor Traits: While many owners leave the day-to-day to their staffs, Stanley remains hands-on. On any given day, he’s on the floor. He loves working with customers. He’s an excellent listener and keeps in mind what he learns from his clientele at market. In addition, Stanley’s mission has remained unchanged for 50-plus years. He’s always looking for what’s new, whether it’s product or a business model that he can incorporate and enhance his business. Lastly, he’s dedicated and passionate about maintaining a smart work-life balance. Family and friends come first. He’s a regular at the yoga studio and can be found on the tennis court during his off hours.

Power of the Partnership: Stanley and Thierry share the same philosophy that fashion must be luxurious and comfortable. Similarly, Stanley is a delightful combination of old-school sensibility and astute business savvy. He’s got great vision. He’s able to take something as simple as a black ankle boot and reimagine it for his customers, be it adding leopard print and vibrant colors, like purple for his local Texas Christian University boosters. That exposes our brand to an untapped customer base. His connection with his customers is unparalleled. He’s got his finger on the pulse of what his clientele desires. Stanley is an industry icon.

The Stanley Eisenman Shoes Difference: Customer service is number one. Stanley wouldn’t have it any other way. Customers are guests. When you walk through the doors, be prepared to immerse yourself in shoe heaven. Whether it’s a summer holiday or a charity gala, the staff will assist you in finding not only the perfect shoe, but also the perfect fit.

Parting Shot: While email and texting play major roles in how business is conducted today, Stanley still believes in the power of the phone call. After a long day, it’s not unusual for us to have a drive time call to catch up. I remember one instance where Stanley was attending a tennis tournament. He wanted to make sure he had his sizes straight on a reorder. In mid conversation, we paused so he could cheer on his favorite player, who’d just made a great shot. After the cheers, the conversation resumed to how many size 38s he needed. He then listed off customers by name to make sure he didn’t miss anyone.

Rusty Hall, president and CEO, Mephisto USA First Met: I was introduced to Stanley in 1999 by Frisco Arriziga, who sold Selby to him. Even then, Stanley was focused on better fashion footwear.

Survival Traits: Patience and perseverance. Stanley has seen it all, and uses that experience to his success.

Power of the Partnership: Stanley has always been a great partner to Mephisto. He has a great eye for fashion and quality. I always want to hear his feedback on our line—good or bad—so I can understand how the collection will fit in similar stores. I also respect his being on the fitting stool and communicating that knowledge back to me as a vendor.

The Stanley Eisenman Shoes Difference: I believe Stanley has been successful all these years largely due to his being on the fitting stool. His customers gravitate to him because they know he’s going to be honest and fit them personally with shoes that answer their needs regarding comfort and style.

Parting Shot: Stanley’s best trait is his calm demeanor and his way of making you feel as though you’ve known him all your life. He does this with his customers on a daily basis.

Gail Marback, US sales representative, Brunate First Met: Stanley and I have been working together for a little over a year and have developed a wonderful relationship. My predecessor, Ursula Besch, worked with Stanley for over 10 years.

Survival Traits: His high standards, know-how of the industry, and desire to please each client. Above all, it’s his love of the business.

Power of the Partnership: Stanley Eisenman Shoes has been an invaluable business partner to Brunate. His stores create a perfect setting for luxury brands alongside beautiful décor. Stanley is also a most ardent supporter of Brunate. He shares his wins and has introduced us to many fellow key retailers, which is so appreciated. Lastly, his opinion is credible and treasured.

The Stanley Eisenman Shoes Difference: Stanley, his wife Barbi, and their qualified staff provide excellent service to their clients. They’re true merchants who understand quality and hand-craftsmanship, anticipate new trends, and provide an expert fit. Stanley knows his customers’ feet! He also understands every nuance of the industry.

Parting Shot: Stanley personally delivered shoes to clients’ homes during the pandemic. It’s an example of his dedication and sincerity. Another example: I called him recently on a Friday night almost in tears, as there was a chance Brunate wouldn’t get its desired booth in Atlanta. His response: “Don’t worry, we’ll find you wherever you are.” He couldn’t have been more empathetic. He knew just what to say to make me feel better. That’s Stanley Eisenman! He’s an extraordinary businessman whose relationships are genuine and paramount to him. He’s charming, pleasant, and has a very caring demeanor. Lastly, Stanley answers his phone!

By age 15, Eisenman graduated to the sales floor of his father’s leased departments and was hooked for life. “It was good, steady work that wasn’t outside during the blazing hot summers,” he says. “I thought, I could do this for a living. I’ve always been a decent salesman.”

Eisenman graduated college in 1972, married his wife, Barbi, soon after, and then joined his father’s business full-time. The young buck dove into all aspects of the business, becoming adept at buying, merchandising, you name it. Along the way, he honed his sales skills. “Being on the floor six days a week, you get a lot of insights into what works merchandise-wise—what you need and what you don’t,” he says. “You get to know customers, too—what they like and how to engage them properly.”

The rest, you could say, is Stanley Eisenman shoe history. After Monnig’s was sold to investors, the company asked the younger Eisenman to stay on as buyer, but it was an easy pass. Instead, the Eisenmans made the decision to open freestanding stores. “I never worked for anybody except myself and my dad, and in 1987 I was 37 and decided to stick with that approach,” he says. It was the smart move, given that Monnig’s closed within six months of changing hands. Meanwhile, the Eisenmans opened three locations in just three months and have never looked back.

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