Sponsorship possibilities
 Content  04
about the symposium Theme Global day program Location
sponsorship Sponsorship packages Company fair Explanation
About the study association S.G. Daedalus Industry Activities
introduction In front of you lies the sponsorship packages of the symposium ‘Virtual Reality; new possibilities’ organised by the study association S.G. Daedalus. The symposium will take place on 17 February 2014. In this package we want to inform you about our symposium but also about the study association S.G. Daedalus. In addition, the sponsorship possibilities for this symposium will be showed. For more information, please contact us via the contact details below.
Contact details Randy Kommerkamp External Affairs symposium committee 2014-2015 +31 (0)6 43 970 163 randy@VR2015.nl
Visiting adress Drienerlolaan 5 Horst C.006 7522 NB Enschede The Netherlands
Postal adress Study association S.G. Daedalus w.r.t. Symposium committee 2014-2015 Horst C.006 Postbus 217 7500 AE Enschede
Other www.vr2015.nl www.sgdaedalus.nl Bank account: NL27 RABO 3968 77 397 Chamber of Commerce: 08107911
about the symposium Theme The symposium that will be held on 17 February 2015 will have the following theme: Virtual reality: New possibilities Virtual reality is a simulated reality where a person can interact with his surroundings. For some time this technique is emerging. But only in the past few years great strides have been made with VR. With the arrival of the Oculus Rift, the possibilities of virtual reality has become familiar with the masses. However, all the recent and notable developments focus on gaming: how do we offer the consumer an even greater gaming experience. This symposium want to inform students about the possibilities of virtual reality outside the popular segments. This will be realised by inviting speakers with interesting knowledge regarding VR, for instance applying VR in the field of healthcare or the design process, but also start the debate about ethics regarding VR. Industrial Designers are people with a broad background and we want to retrieve this broad perspective with our symposium: one theme that consists of multiple areas which could be interesting for every type of designer. We expect around 150 participants for our symposium. The main part of this group will consist of Industrial Design students and we expect that a small group will consist of employees of the University of Twente.
Global day program The precise program on the day of the symposium is not yet known, but we can already give a global program of the symposium day:
In the morning all participants will be welcomed in the new DesignLab on the campus of the University of Twente. Here they will be welcomed by the organisation and the chairman of the day.
During the morning different speakers will give lectures for all participants. The lectures will be in the DesignLab.
Lunch and company fair
After the lectures there will be lunch. The luch will be served as a buffet. After they have lunch they can walk around the company fair where different companies can profile themselves towards the participating students
Workshops, cases en masterclasses Afsluiting Borrel
The afternoon will be devoted to workshops, cases and master classes. These will take place in the VR-Lab and the DesignLab. At the end of the program there will be a central closure of the symposium by the organisation and the chairman of the day. The entire day will end with a reception where companies and students can talk about the symposium while enjoying a drink and a snack.
Location The symposium will take place at two locations on the campus of the University of Twente: the newly build DesignLab and the VR-Lab. Below information can be found about the two locations.
DesignLab DesignLab is a creative and cross-disciplinary ecosystem at the University of Twente, connecting science and society through design. Faculty and students from all fields work together with companies and governments on societal design challenges of our times, inspired by novel scientific insights. Top talents from engineering, natural science, social science and the humanities join forces to take on the wicked problems of tomorrow’s world, using their creativity to bring science to design for society. DesignLab’s aim is not only to develop ground-breaking products and applications. It also trains a new generation of designers, who combine profound scientific knowledge with creative design skills, an entrepreneurial attitude and the ability to anticipate the social dimensions of new technologies. To us, design is just as much a matter of research as it is an art. Truly meaningful and feasible innovations can only emerge from a symbiosis of high-tech science and a thorough understanding of the relations between technology, society, and people. (http://www.utwente.nl/designlab/)
VR-Lab The Virtual Reality Laboratory (VR-Lab) on the University of Twente is a high-tech environment used to facilitate multi-stakeholder decision making processes. The inspiring lab makes it possible to present and discuss ideas using the latest audio and video technologies. The atmosphere of the lab can be changed by choosing the colour, intensity and location of the lights, in combination with multiple images or movies on one or more of the available projection screens or televisions. And sound can be directed from all possible angles. This can all be used to inspire the users to think outside the box. (http://www.vrlab.ctw.utwente.nl/)
Companyfair Between the morning and afternoon session of the symposium a company fair will take place. Various companies will profile themselves with a stand towards the visitors of the symposium. The fair, which will be about one to one-and-a-half hour, will take place in the DesignLab in the same location where the lunch will take place. In this way, all visitors of the symposium will be present at the company fair. The costs to be a part of this company fair, are 300 euros. If you combine a place at the company fair with the Basic or Premium sponsor package, you get a 75% discount on the spot at the company fair.
Explanation per element Below is a list of all the different elements from the sponsorship packages and the details like the circulation of an element or the size of the publicity of the element. 01. Positioning of the logo The symposium offers different possibilities to position your company logo on prints and digital media in collaboration with study association Daedalus. a. Symposium website The symposium has its own website (www.vr2015. nl). On this website, (potential) visitors of the symposium can inform themselves on the subject and the speakers. The site will be promoted by S.G. Daedalus in different ways and the link of the website will be placed on all promotion material. In addition, participants will have to inscribe for the symposium on the website; therefor the website will be visited a lot in the month before the symposium (January).
e. After publication (aftermovie) During the symposium, video images will be made during all the activities. These images will be used to make an aftermovie to show the members of the study association what the symposium was like. Furthermore, this movie will be promoted on social media and people (who are not members of the study association) will also see this video. It is possible to mention company logos of companies that supported us in this video. 02. Company profile in program booklet There is space available in the program booklet for descriptions of company profiles. It is possible for a company to use a whole or half of a page of the program booklet for advertisement or the profile of the company. The space available for a company depends on the sponsorship package purchased. This program booklet will be handed out for free to all visitors (circa 150) of the symposium. 03. Facebook post on the page of S.G. Daedalus
b. Posters Starting in December, posters about the symposium will be distributed throughout the campus of the University of Twente. Two different posters will be distributed: one is made in the beginning of December, the other will be made in early January. There will be 50 pieces of each posters and they will have the size of A3. c. Flyers In addition to the posters, flyers will also be distributed on the campus. Again, two variants will appear at the same time as the posters described above. The amount of flyers will be a lot higher than the posters. Both flyers will be A6 sized. d. Program booklet A program booklet will be published for the symposium. This booklet will be handed out for free to all the participants (about 150) and includes a page where all companies that supported us during the symposium will be mentioned. The program booklet is A5-sized.
and the symposium It is possible to create a post for the Facebook page of S.G. Daedalus, with information about the company or an advertisement. The Facebook page of S.G. Daedalus currently has 582 likes. 04. Possibility of placing a banner in the Horst near the lecture rooms In de promotie periode is het mogelijk om met uw logo op een rolbanner te staan, tesamen met andere sponsoren. 05. Announcement at the member mailings of S.G. Daedalus The study association sends out a member mailing three times a month. Various activities and events of S.G. Daedalus are promoted in this mailing. There is also space for placing logos of companies.
06. Showing logo on TV-screens above the elevators in the Horst The study association has a big tv-screen hanging above the central elevator in one of the university buildings at the University of Twente (the Horst). S.G. Daedalus promotes events and activities on this screen, but it could also show different logos of companies that sponsored one of the association’s events. 07. Two tickets for the symposium For all companies that sponsor this symposium, there are two free tickets available for the symposium. 08. 7. Handing out goodies or other promotional
material of the company during or before the
symposium It is possible to hand out goodies or promotional material before or during the symposium to the participants of the symposium or members of our study association. The study association has its own room and its possible to leave the material there. During the symposium it is possible to hand out goodies or promotional material to students. 09. Workshop during symposium There is room for a couple of workshops during the symposium. Buying the sponsorship package ‘Premium’ gives you the possibility to organize such a workshop. This means that a workshop will be held twice an hour for a smaller group (circa 50 people). 10. Sending a promotional e-mail through the members list of S.G. Daedalus It is possible to use the members list of the study association to send an e-mail entirely to your liking.
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about the study association 14
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Bestuur S.G. Daedalus
Uitgaves per jaar van de On/Off, het blad van de vereniging. Daarbij hebben we ook de Untitled, vermaak op een A4.
S.G. Daedalus S.G. Daedalus is a study association of the education program Industrial Design (BSc) and Industrial Design Engineering (MSc) at the University of Twente. It currently has around 750 members, consisting of Bachelor students and Master students, lecturers and other employees. The annual influx is approximately 120 members. The main task of the association is to represent the interests of the student body in the field of education. This means that S.G. Daedalus evaluates the education, deals with complaints and questions and supplies study books and drawing materials. Besides this, S.G. Daedalus unites students with similar ambitions with the help of education related activities such as courses, workshops, excursions, lectures, symposia, study tours, design competitions, case-studies and brainstorm sessions. Furthermore, activities not related to education but to uniting the members of the association take place. These activities include drinks, parties, sporting events, game nights and movie nights. Finally, the association offers the students the possibility to gain organizational experience by taking place in commissions or on the board of S.G. Daedalus. Of all the members, more than a quarter is active on the board, in a commission or as an assistant during activities. The new look and enthusiastic attitude of these members ensures that S.G. Daedalus is a vibrant and active study association.
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dagdelen cursussen, per jaar gemiddeld. (1 icoon staat voor 3 eenheden)
Industry S.G. Daedalus is keen to collaborate with companies. By doing so, the students gain insight in companies they could possibly work for in the future. By means of lectures, training, excursions, case studies and symposia knowledge from companies is transferred to the students. Moreover, for companies it is an interesting way to observe the capabilities of the students from Twente. Companies can profile themselves among students by promotion in the association magazine and by collaborating with the association in organising activities. There is also the possibility to let students perform a project for the company to gain experience in the field. This way, S.G. Daedalus gives the students more than just education and that distinguishes our students. In short, the study association exists for students and runs completely on their enthusiastic commitment. To enable all of this financially, S.G. Daedalus depends on companies that are willing to sponsor her. It’s not only about sponsoring, but S.G. Daedalus also wants to build up collaboration with companies, with mutual benefit, to motivate the students to look beyond the borders of their study. This way, we support the future Industrial Designers from Twente together.
Activities Every year, S.G. Daedalus organises a large amount of activities for her members. Below an overview of the most important activities is given.
The Glass StudIO The Glass StudIO of S.G. Daedalus is an event that takes place in the centre of Enschede. Within a transparent building various cases are solved by students Industrial Design (both BSc. nd MSc.). The goal is to let students gain experience in solving problems in the field of Industrial Design but also showing the inhabitants of Enschede what a design process involves at the university.
In 2013 the fourth edition took place with the theme ‘sustainability’ and this edition was very successful as well. The Glass StudIO has become one of the leading events for design in the Twente region in recent years. The Glass StudIO takes place in every uneven year so the next edition will be held in 2015.
Short European study tour During the period of the furniture exposition in Milan, S.G. Daedalus visits this city with a group of around sixty second-year students. Next to the furniture exposition they visit various companies and galleries. Of course the city itself (known as the design capital of Europe) is also experienced. The duration of this tour takes seven days in total.
International study tour The goal of the study tour is to gain insight in the field of Industrial Design globally. In advance of the study tour the students have to fulfill preliminary research which means they have to visit symposia and lectures to get enough background information for the study tour. During the tour the students will visit companies and universities every day to find out how Industrial design develops practically. This journey is a special and unique opportunity for students and a huge educational experience which occurs only once during their study. Every study tour is finished in the Netherlands with a symposium where students and companies will speak about the results of the research. To finance a part of the study tour the students fulfill case studies at various companies. These cases result in professional and useful material for the company. Moreover the company will receive a copy of both the preliminary and the final report. In June 2014 Study Tour Ke Nako travelled to South Africa.
Slotwoord With this document, we’ve tried to give a clear picture of S.G. Daedalus and its symposium, and to give insight about the possibilities this symposium can offer to your company. For questions, you can always contact us through the contact details below. On behalf of the symposium committee 2014-2015, Randy Kommerkamp Coördinator Externe betrekkingen symposiumcommissie 2014-2015 053 – 489 44 39 randy@VR2015.nl www.VR2015.nl www.sgdaedalus.nl