VI 32nd Meeting of the
The Common Fund for Commodities (CFC) held its 32nd Annual
(AATIF), which is managed by the CFC’s Technical Assistance
Meeting of the Governing Council (GC) on 8 and 9 December
Facility Program and was initiated by the German Development
2020. Due to the restrictions posed by the COVID-19 p andemic,
Bank (KfW) on behalf of the BMZ. Mr. Lesch also thanked CFC
this was the first time the meeting was held via teleconference.
for this role of transferring technology and knowhow in the
H.E. Mr. Mario Oyarzábal, Governor of the CFC for the
developing world.
Argentine Republic, opened the Meeting in his capacity as Acting Chairperson of the Governing Council. He welcomed
The Governing Council
all Members of the Council as well as the representatives of
As is the custom, the substantive Agenda of the Governing
the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Council opened with the General Debate, where thirteen
(FAO). The Managing Director of the CFC, Ambassador Sheikh
delegations delivered national statements, including a statement
Mohammed Belal, delivered a statement on the activities of
on behalf of the OECD group, delivered by the representative
the CFC during 2020.
of Sweden; two national delegations submitted a written statement. Moreover, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the
The Governing Council welcomed Mr. Sebastian Lesch, Head
United Nations (FAO) delivered its statement to the Governing
of Division 121 ‘International agricultural policy, agriculture,
Council as Observer.
innovation’ of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). In his statement,
Two projects supported by the CFC delivered a presentation
Mr. Lesch highlighted the importance of the work of the CFC,
explaining their operations and involvement with the CFC,
particularly in such challenging times. He praised the measures
namely Ten Senses Africa (TSA) and EcoEnterprises III (EcoE III).
the CFC took to quickly respond to the COVID-19 pandemic
These exemplified the potential of impact investing in support-
by launching the Emergency Liquidity Facility. Mr. Lesch also
ing commodity-dependent developing countries by helping
addressed the cooperation between the CFC and the BMZ in
small- and medium-sized enterprises better integrate interna-
the frame of the Africa Agriculture and Trade Investment Fund
tional markets, while achieving sustainable impact.
VI 32nd Meeting of the Governing Council | 75
Photos: Adobe stock
Governing Council