Financial summary
Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income
Synapse recorded an operating deficit of $155k for the financial year, investment was once again made to fund future growth and systems from prior year surplus funds.
Earnings before depreciation and amortisation in the financial year was $368k.
For the year ended 30 June 2024
Operating revenue 14,971,97713,535,390
Accountancy and auditor’s remuneration (36,540)(33,601)
Advertising and promotions (66,398)(54,472)
Client support services (1,489,580)(998,418)
Computer expenses (480,656)(468,000)
Consultancy fees (181,309)(99,968)
Depreciation and amortisation expense (522,964)(609,107)
Employee benefits expense (10,750,546)(10,235,754)
Finance costs and charges (112,802)(101,801)
Insurance (112,172)(121,788)
Legal expenses (22,485)(29,729)
Motor vehicle expenses (53,458)(48,973)
Office expenses (254,244)(236,088)
Other expenses (603,442)(398,643)
Property expenses (440,025)(360,900)
Gain/(loss) on disposal of assets 0 0
Operating surplus / (deficit) for the year (154,744)(261,852)
Non-operating activities 0 0
Surplus / (deficit) for the year (154,744)(261,852)
Other comprehensive income