What People Are Saying about Synchro -- June 2011

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"Initially, when I first looked at Synchro, it had the foundations to be a solid tool that would fit well with Hensel Phelps's people and processes. As the demands increased, Synchro initially was a key player in adapting and delivering continual improvements that helped Hensel Phelps leverage this tool for not only procurement but at the jobsite level as well. Ultimately, this approach to listening and taking care of the end user solidified the pursuit of a corporate agreement with Synchro. After our first year deploying Synchro, we have attained many of our milestones. First and foremost, our internal Synchro training program has been integrated into our yearly scheduling seminar. Synchro is also steadily becoming common place in 90% of all of our new jobs." --Thai Q. Nguyen, Hensel Phelps Construction Company (See Case Study). "The main reason I recommended Synchro to our company over the other industry players was first off the software was farther ahead of all the others players and it had alot of the functionality I was looking for. Also Synchro's commitment to working through our issues and trying to help us as much as possible during the evaluation phase made it clear to me that this was a company I wanted to work with. We are where I was hoping to be at this stage. We are in the early stages of implementation but so far everything has gone very will. As we move forward I am confident that by working together we will be successful with the use of Synchro on all of project in the company and the software will be a great tool for our company." --Neil Gordon, Integrated Construction Coordinator, Mortenson Construction "Beck has chosen to build a corporate agreement with Synchro for three reasons: 1) Cost; 2) 4D Simulation; and 3) Relationship. Our desire is to utilize Synchro as our primary scheduling tool while still having the capabilities to work in P6 as required. From a Cost stand point our corporate agreement with Synchro has allowed Beck to update its scheduling platform for a fraction of the cost that other industry solutions would have cost. This has been extremely important as it has given us the ability to give each of our employees their own dedicated license of Synchro, so that there is no concern over internet/network connectivity or a network license pool. The 4D element of Synchro is what originally drew our attention to the software. We had been looking for a software that would perform not only as a 4D solution but also as a scheduling platform, and Synchro was in a league of its own. Our intent at Beck is to use 4D simulations not only as a preconstruction tool but as a true construction tool utilized on all our jobsites. The only way to make this happen was to get it into the hands of our field staff by way of a scheduling platform and not as a secondary software. The third driving force behind Beck's corporate agreement with Synchro is our Relationship. Tom Dengenis and his staff have been phenomenal to work with. They have allowed us to provide feedback on the software and, in a sense, partner with them in the development of the software. This is an invaluable element to our agreement that would not have been possible with any other provider. In a nutshell, Beck built a corporate agreement with Synchro, because we believe the return of investment potential for Synchro is much higher than that of other scheduling solutions such as P6. Beck has been able to install Synchro and train more than 100 employees over the first 9 months of our corporate agreement with Synchro. I believe that this meets our expectations as a company. As a 4D preconstruction tool, Synchro was immediately adopted and has been used exclusively." --Ryan Williams, Assistant Project Manager, Beck Group "Applicable scheduling software, such as Primavera, are excellent project sequencing tools that enable coordination of activities throughout project duration. Unfortunately, the information is mainly conveyed by dates, numbers, arrows and bars. Synchro provides us with a solution to convey the same information vividly and graphically, so everyone can better visualize and understand project progress and spatial coordination. With Synchro, we can anticipate project progress which assists us in foreseeing its development, minimizing costly preventable issues. It also provides us with an exceptional marketing tool which enables us to convey to our clients our true potential as a contractor. We expect to use Synchro in every project where spatial coordination and sequencing is critical, in order to visualize time-space changes over the progress of the project." -- Narciso Rabell, Lord Electric of P.R. "With a portfolio of more than 200 BIM projects with a construction value of $30 billion, we have chosen to maintain a software 'agnostic' approach to BIM. This enables us to seek out the most efficient and effective tool to achieve the desired result for our clients. Synchro is a BIM tool that supports the continued advancement of our company's BIM capabilities." -- James P. Barrett, National Director of Integrated Building Solutions, Turner Construction

"Synchro represents the glue that communicates and presents data at a high level generated from two critical project data points: the 3D Model and the Project Schedule. The data from the Project Schedule becomes the engine that drives a dynamic model presentation that allows Executives to interact and respond more immediately to available information while giving project operatives a tool with which to more dynamically process. In a pre-Synchro world Executives had to pore through data from various applications in order to get a minimal understanding of the status. Often the information could be illogical or inaccurate and there were only difficult ways of making sense of it all. With Synchro and its visual enablement logic errors are picked up. As a planning tool, Synchro is indispensable. The project sequence, man-loading requirements and logistics can be modelled and run through a simulation from within Synchro. The Synchro engine ensures that planning and model design standards are rigidly applied. As an as built tool, Synchro is eye opening. When our real-time data is applied through Synchro and the model juxtaposed against the as planned 3D plan, we can see with absolute clarity where, what and how a project has slipped and with relative ease determine available areas that can be worked on in order to catch-up. With one dimensional scheduling without a visual cue that has been generated by disconnected resources such as single discipline schedulers, opportunities in driving the schedule are less available. The visual aspect of the schedule brings team members together in ways that haven't been achievable before. Manage a project through Synchro and you will force the results that have been lacking to this point. Simply mandate Synchro as an owner and you will drive processes that will eliminate the waste that have hobbled the industry." -- John Lord, Component Assembly Systems "In the business development area we use 4D BIM with Synchro for different clients. I've done everything in it from simple Sketchup multi-building campuses to full architectural Revit models. I took a 6,000 item model on a Friday with a 300+ item Microsoft Project schedule and had a 4D video output on Monday. Synchro is user-friendly with an easy user interface for creating 4D model studies. When 4D is needed on a project, I use Synchro." --Todd W. Ellsworth, Virtual Construction Manager, Haselden Construction (See Case Study.) "Whilst I set out to play around with the software and give my impressions of how the user interface worked, I became much more fascinated by the implications of linking 3D CAD models to Project Planning systems, and how Synchro has been able to keep the model in Synch with the planning process‌ An added bonus is that clash detection comes into its own! Not only does it point out where construction objects overlap, but applying a timeline ensures that the crane, shown as a temporary item, can be seen to be removed before the cement is poured where it stood!" -- From "CAD User" in Its "Software Review" of July 2010 (See Complete Review.) "The client was very impressed by the proposal and said, 'I finally can see how my building is engineered and how it is going to be built.' Synchro is a very powerful software that allows new possibilities to the construction industry but it is also very quick and simple to use. We experienced impressive results in minimum time." --Amir Gazit, Project Coordinator, Murray & Roberts Construction (Pty) Ltd, Level 4 Contributor to B-BBEE "Time to draw the CMU bracing = 1 hour | Time to incorporate it into the Synchro Model = 5 minutes | Time to find the conflicts = 30 seconds | Time and headaches saved out in the field = Priceless!" -- Rich DeLacy, Project Superintendent for Hensel Phelps Construction on Synchro at the Kaiser Permanente Anaheim Hospital (See Case Study) “This program and this kind of description of the schedule show a level of competence and a level of planning that your peers just don't have. You don't know how powerful this is as a presentation and communication tool for our executives!" -- John Bell, Cox Communications

"It is notable that the world's most advanced 4D system is produced by Synchro." -- Source: 2008 BIM Revolution: Centre for Process Innovation "Synchro provides the graphic simulation needed to deliver and improve construction solutions for our clients, along with a real time based 4D model for idea generation and problem solving within the project team." -- Rob Owen, Director at Mace Group Ltd., using Synchro for Tate Modern and Shard at London Bridge. (See Case Study.) "The multiple views-–the bird's eye and plan views-–are key to showing the overall picture. In some high impact decisions it really helps to bring everyone onto the same page. Everything we have asked Synchro to do, it has done. It was very easy for me to pick up. We've got some pretty big plans for interfacing 3D drawings with Synchro." -- John Cassano, Schedule and Cost Control Engineer, New Generation Construction, Manitoba Hydroelectric (See Case Study.) "Synchro helped us demonstrate our knowledge of the project and our ability to solve key issues through the use of 4D simulation. It gave us the means as a communications tool and helped us show that the Turner Team would be a collaborative partner in one of the largest public works projects in the history of Sacramento County. This was a tool for collaborating with and communicating to owners." -- Ken Harms, VP–Business Development at Turner Construction on Sacramento Airport (See Case Study.) "If a picture is worth a thousand words, then what do 10,000 animated pictures, acting together, say? To us, they say that this is how it was built." -- Shawn Pressley, Director of Project Management Systems and Development, Hill International Inc. (See Case Study.) "Synchro allows us to maintain control of an ever changing worksite. It is the finest management system ever built for the construction industry." -- Adrian Greenhalghe, Commercial Director, Kier Build (See Case Study.) "To visually illustrate the concrete wall pour schedule to the sub-contractors, I imported a shop drawing PDF into Google SketchUp, created a model off of it, and then imported the 3D SketchUp model and the Oracle Primavera P6 schedule into Synchro where the model and schedule were merged to create the 4D schedule. Stepping through the 4D schedule live in Synchro made for a very effective discussion for the wall pour sequencing. We were all able to visually walk through it and thoroughly understand the sequencing. The 4D Synchro schedule was also shown to the owner and they were very impressed with the clarity and understanding it brought to the schedule." --Steve Szoke, Regional Scheduling Executive – Western Regional Office, Gilbane Building Company (See Case Study.) "We used Synchro's 4D BIM schedule simulation to communicate among the project stakeholders the complex construction sequences and site logistics. The ability to see clearly the schedule sequences creates a team dialogue and encourages creative problem solving." --Michael Piotrkowski, Director of Technical Development, Rudolph and Sletten (See Case Study.) "The real appeal of Synchro in South America is to help large-scale, construction project management come alive vividly through project simulation modelling in 4D. Widely accepted Primavera scheduling solutions, like P6, add significant value by delivering to our customers the leading-edge technology to save them valuable time and money by identifying, avoiding and addressing early those construction problems that could, otherwise, go unseen until much later when they can cause project delays and cost much more money to fix." --Jorge Rossini, Director, Verano Engenharia "Synchro has become an invaluable tool for both the detailed analysis of the construction process, and in providing a visual aid to assist clients to understand our proposed logistics and programming for their projects." -- Michael Archer, Planning Director (UK), Brookfield Europe

"We attended this year's CMAA Conference, cameras ready, to get footage of what's new and interesting in construction software. The most cutting edge demo we saw was Synchro's collaboration with Google SketchUp. Synchro enables project managers to integrate 3D drawings with Google SketchUp with project scheduling (time being the fourth dimension). It's pretty cool stuff." -- Source: Houston Neal, SoftwareAdvice.com "I hear a lot that there are things you just can't see. Synchro allows us to take the model, assemble it, put it to a schedule and analyze it. Synchro helps visualize potential problems and allows you to better assess the situation at any given time. Synchro is extremely user-friendly. It's the best 4-D scheduling asset around." -- Jim Schrader, BIM Manager, Power Construction Company, LLC (See Case Study.) "We are excited about Synchro combined with Primavera solutions helping our customers to better understand the interdependencies of their projects through visual simulation." -- Jim Fairchild, Managing Director, Fortier Global "Synchro has had a definite, positive impact on the project team. While it's possible to create an image of a building in your mind, to see it take shape on screen, in sequence, creates a much more effective shared understanding with the entire delivery team. Synchro also provides a unique 'usability' factor." -- Christopher Seliga, First Vice President of Tishman Construction (See Case Study.) "This year we've seen the highest standard of award entries yet and competition has been incredibly tough. The ongoing judging process has been rigorous and the panel faces a major challenge deciding the final winners. It's fantastic to see the quality and diversity of technology companies the West Midlands region has to offer." -- Mike Musson, ICT Cluster Manager, West Midlands ICT Cluster on Synchro's Shortlisting in the ICT Excellence Awards for "2009 Best Innovative Product" (See Full News Story) "I still don't know how you managed it all. The only trouble is that nobody will believe that this was done in two days!" - Paul Goodman-Simpson, Managing Director of CAD Visual UK Ltd., Manager of Best Design Award Team using Synchro in global, 48-hour, Build London Live Competition. Source: MSNBC, July 17, 2008 "We are moving toward all our new work to be based in 3D onto which a 4D and 5D planning capability is superimposed. After reviewing available options in the market place, we opted to trial Synchro for its unique and dynamic synchronization of the ASTA schedule of activities and CAD drawing revisions needed to simulate and optimize results." -- Gary Taylor at Expanded of Laing O'Rourke Group on One Hyde Park. (See Case Study.) "It (Synchro 4D) is a powerful new 4D tool with the most sophisticated scheduling capabilities of any of the 4D software. The tool requires a deeper knowledge of scheduling and project management than the other tools to take advantage of its risk and resource analysis features. The tool includes built-in tools to visualize risk, buffering, and resource utilization in addition to basic 4D visualization." -- BIM Handbook: A Guide to Building Information Modeling for Owners, Managers, Designers, Engineers, and Contractors by Chuck Eastman, Kathleen Liston, Rafael Sacks and Paul Teicholz (Page 231) "Synchro has been useful at UCSF to schedule site logistics. It is so helpful to identify and address potential scheduling problems early with 4D BIM software." --Mitch Boryslawski, Principal at View By View (See Case Study.)

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