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SYNERGY - Juneteenth 2022
John Rollins
Story By: Lanre-Peter Elufisan
Born and raised in Northeast Gainesville, John attended Eastside High School, studied Mechanical Engineering at the University of Florida and later graduated from Life Christian University.
“Although I took several certifications in areas aligned with my natural skills, in 2003, I got a degree in theology. I chose theology because I was interested in it, and believed I could use it in many areas and stages of my life.”
After working as a sales agent, John worked for the city of Gainesville. He worked in the human resources, risk management, and training departments. During this time, he discovered his gift, which was his ability to train.
“I discovered I had a gift for training. While I was doing this, I found my purpose and calling, and that is to help people become the best versions of themselves,” he said. He retired from the City of Gainesville in 2009.
After retiring he founded his own company and over the years, he has trained hundreds of people. Representing infinite hope and a new beginning for the youths. In his words, ‘we motivate, educate, and provide a holistic development program for individuals to learn and engage with us, and hopefully equip them with skills they can use in their current and future situations. Our mission is to change the global perspective of selfworth and internal value, and we do that by affirming the greatness of each individual.
“I’ve committed myself to take every opportunity when I have the privilege of working with a young person. For me, that’s been a lot of phone calls, late night trips, and missing family vacations. However, I have taken every opportunity, and I still do today, to connect with our youth, communicate that I see them, do not judge them, and help them believe in and find themselves.”
John’s advice to young people and other professionals is to live life intentionally. Don’t live your life wishing, don’t live your life wanting. Live your life with a plan. Be purposeful and intentional in your pursuits. Write goals and come up with a plan to attain those goals. In addition, cultivate a lifestyle that makes you and others proud.