Primary First Issue 30

Page 47

Would you like to write an article for Primary First? Primary First is the triannual published journal of the National Association for Primary Education (NAPE), which brings together everyone who has a concern for the learning of children from birth to 13 years. Members and affiliated schools work to improve education through the Early, Primary and Middle Years. Articles would be warmly considered covering broad ranging themes and topics within education, birth to 13, from children, parents, teachers, teacher trainers, policy makers, governors, in fact anyone who has an interest and passion for primary education. If you wish to submit an article, please read the following guidance: • Articles are not to have been published elsewhere (unless with permission) • Articles to be typed on Microsoft word document • Type – size 12 • Font - Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri • Line spacing 1.5 • Standard English to be used (unless for a specific purpose within an article). Although articles will be received written in Welsh, Gaelic, Scots or Cornish • Acronyms to follow introduced terms • Contracted words, for example, ‘don’t’ to be written as ‘do not’ • URLs may be used if extant • Tables and figures, if used, to be labelled

• References are to be used but may be either Harvard or foot note • First or third person may be used • Numbers fewer than 100 to be written in words • Photographs are welcome – if consent of the subject is given • The minimum word count is 1,000; maximum word count is 4,000 • Shorter pieces, fewer than 1,000 words, are also welcomed, for example, opinion pieces, book reviews, poetry or originally drawn cartoons If this would be your first contribution you can have your article developed by one of the editorial team who can advise you and support you prior to publication. Please email any article to Robert Morgan r.a.morgan@gre. . Issue 31 is to be published in June 2021 and is likely to cover the theme of the wider curriculum Issue 32 is to be published in November 2021 and is likely to cover the theme of LGBTQ+ within education. If you would like to advertise a commercial product or service in Primary First, the cost would be £400 per page; £200 per half page or in discussion with the editor.


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