Hyvido Launch Brochure

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consistently high yield

Annual yields as % treated control






2011 KWS Cassia

2012 KWS Glacier


Source: HGCA Recommended List 2013/14

HYVIDO gives extra yield over conventional barley in trial plots … … but even more when grown on a field scale

Are you one of the many feed barley growers looking to reliably increase yields?

Would you like more consistent yields in different growing conditions? Plenty of barley straw? Or to spread harvest workloads with a cereal crop that is early to mature?

– not to mention the highest UK treated yield figure on the HGCA Recommended List of winter barley for 2013/14 – HYVIDO barley simply cannot be ignored. And that’s just the start.

Then take a look at HYVIDO, the new phase in winter hybrid barley.

Farmers who try hybrid barley regularly come back for more, with on-farm yields over 1 t/ha more than conventional varieties.

Maybe you want extra yield to reduce cost of production per tonne. Or simply to have more barley to sell. Or maybe you have livestock and want to grow more feed on your own farm. Whatever the reason, with substantially higher yields than conventional varieties in trials, and even greater yield advantages when grown on a field scale

What’s more, thanks to a significant investment in seed production across Europe, from 2013 the benefits of HYVIDO are set to become more widely available to growers than ever before. And if you’re still not convinced, we’re even offering a yield guarantee.

HYVIDO Yield Over Conventional (t/ha)


1.26 0.85





HYBRID VIGOUR 0.0 2011 Small Plot Advantage


2-Year Mean

Field Scale Advantage

Source: Small plots – HGCA Recommended List trials 2011 and 2012 – HYVIDO VOLUME compared with conventional variety. Field scale results – 21 farm comparisons over two years with minimum of 1 ha of HYVIDO hybrid barley compared against range of conventionals

Vigorous root and canopy growth for ‘harvesting’ natural resources of water, nutrients and light Conventional

Up to 70% more total root length from HYVIDO than conventional

Unlike conventional barley seed multiplied up from a single parent plant by self-pollination, HYVIDO seed is produced by crossing genetically dissimilar barley parents together. This ‘mixing’ has the benefit of producing offspring that are more vigorous than the parent plants – an effect called hybrid vigour. Indeed, a key benefit of hybrid vigour is improved rooting, with HYVIDO producing up to 70% more total root length than conventional varieties.

Through careful breeding, Syngenta has produced hybrids that regularly deliver higher yields. It is this potential – packed into every HYVIDO hybrid barley seed – which is provided in the HYVIDO brand.

Source (root images): Syngenta Rhizotrones 2011 (Seedcare Institute). 64 days incubation with normal moist soil. Roots measured by root scanning. 14h day 10h night.

HYVIDO – hybrid vigour delivers extra yield

99 97



10.0 9.5






As well as higher grain yields, if you’re keen to reap the benefits of having more barley straw – whether for valuable extra income, or for livestock bedding or feed – again HYVIDO shouldn’t be ignored.

HYVIDO breeding has produced a tall-strawed hybrid which, when correctly managed, also rewards with strong standing power. Its straw output has been proven on-farm.

Choose HYVIDO if you are looking for straw


Yield (t/ha)

Extra rooting is associated with improved scavenging for water

and nutrients, and increased stress tolerance. And this ability to ‘harvest’ nutrients and natural resources is key to why HYVIDO performs so well – even in challenging situations such as drought or poorer soils. This is also why HYVIDO yields so consistently, and why it delivers even more in a field situation than in trials (since trial sites are often chosen to minimise soil variability between plots).


Straw height (cm)

The secret to the success of HYVIDO lies in the seed.

• Rooting capacity associated with superior: • Nutrient use efficiency • Water use efficiency • Stress tolerance



Parent Mean

Source: Syngenta component of hybrid yield. Variety = HYVIDO VOLUME, harvest 2006-2008 mean. Six UK locations. Sown 15 Sep –15 Oct. All sown at 200 seeds/m2

93 91 89 87 85 83


81 79 KWS Cassia


KWS Glacier

Source: Data from HGCA Recommended List 2013/14 – the full database can be consulted at www.hgca.com

Early harvesting and drilling date flexibility offer peace of mind and benefits for the rotation Earlier ripening



Retriever KWS Glacier


KWS Cassia

Source: Data from HGCA Recommended List 2013/14. Ripening (+/- Pearl, -ve = earlier) – the full database can be consulted at www.hgca.com

HYVIDO, in the form of HYVIDO VOLUME, is one of the earlier maturing winter feed barley varieties on the HGCA Recommended List.

12.0 11.5

At the opposite end of the season, while the normal sowing date for conventional winter barley is 25 Sept – 5 Oct, quick root development means the sowing


Drilling flexibility opens up planting opportunities after crops such as maize or early-harvested sugar beet, as well as offering advantages in reduced weed and aphid pressure, and easing workload peaks in September drilling.

HYVIDO offers extra vigour against grass weed problems

10.0 9.5 9.0

With its better ability to scavenge for nutrients, trials have shown that the efficiency of nitrogen utilisation with HYVIDO is better.

That’s not to mention added peace of mind in case the latter part of harvest turns wet, and from having extra time to establish the following crop.

window for HYVIDO is more flexible. In appropriate conditions it has suitability for drilling up to the end of October in Scotland and end of November in England.

11.0 Yield (t/ha)

HYVIDO gives more yield from the same amount of nitrogen .

Including an early-harvested crop in the rotation can offer a more even spread of machinery and labour use through summer – for potentially lower costs. Also less time pressure at harvest, and potential cash flow benefits from earlier availability of grain and straw.

It also provides an early entry for winter oilseed rape.




With its high tillering ability and improved vigour, split field comparison work indicates that worthwhile reductions in black-grass seed head numbers are achievable from drilling HYVIDO compared with a conventional variety. It takes barley competition to a higher level.


8.0 100





Total Nitrogen Applied (kg/ha) Source: Syngenta hybrid nitrogen trials, harvest 2010. Scottish Agronomy, Balgonie


So if you’re concerned about grass weeds in barley, or post-emergence chemistry is no longer giving the results in winter wheat that you want, HYVIDO may be a viable option to put to the test. That’s especially so since most of the effective pre-emergence herbicides in winter wheat can be used in winter barley as well.






Resistance to lodging

NET BLOTCH resistance

Rhynchosporium resistance

BaYMV resistance

Source: Data from HGCA Recommended List 2013/14 – the full database can be consulted at www.hgca.com

Since the launch of the first Hybrid Barley, Syngenta haS continued to improve yield, grain quality, disease resistance and straw strength to deliver even better results. Similarly, if you thought that it was previously complicated to grow, the newer hybrids and modern husbandry techniques have made it more straightforward than ever. With our experience of hybrid barley agronomy, we’ve developed a simple,

flexible outline agronomy approach to help you achieve the best results. Indeed, if the main focus of your business is looking after livestock rather than crops, our outline programme could be just the ticket.

Key agronomy factors to maximise HYVIDO potential Seed rate

Disease control

Canopy management

Although HYVIDO seed may cost a little more, its high tillering capacity means you don’t need to plant as much.

With the ability of HYVIDO’s large canopy to trap sunlight (HYVIDO flag leaves can be three times bigger than conventional) it is well worth protecting against disease.

Effective canopy management also helps HYVIDO achieve its potential. The PGR trinexapac-ethyl, with its ability to enhance rooting as well as reduce lodging, is an ideal choice. It has increased root length by 29%.

When drilling in September a seed rate of 200 seeds/m2 in good seedbed conditions is recommended to achieve optimum grain yield and quality.

New-generation SDHI fungicide chemistry offers an ideal solution to help it reach its full potential, and IZM is an excellent match. Not only does its long-lasting protection help maximise green leaf retention for optimum ear numbers and to protect grain-filling, but the disease resistance ratings of HYVIDO VOLUME are perfectly complemented by IZM’s disease control strengths.

Nitrogen With its ability to scavenge for nutrients, there’s no need to apply any more nitrogen with HYVIDO than with a conventional winter feed barley.

Larger HYVIDO flag leaf

However, in order to support its high tillering from low seed rates, it is important that early nitrogen isn’t limiting. So the first nitrogen application may be earlier than you have used traditionally.

Nitrogen Early nitrogen helps optimise ear numbers, supporting early spring growth and yields:

• 30% at GS25 • 50% at GS30-31 • 20% at GS32-37

Seed rate 200 seeds/m2 is the optimum seed rate in good conditions.

This early nitrogen application helps optimise ear numbers and support early spring growth, maximising YIELD. HYVIDO recommendation: • 30% at GS25 • 50% at GS30-31 • 20% at GS32-37


Early nitrogen boosts HYVIDO yield

HYVIDO N 30:50:20

The disease strengths of IZM and HYVIDO are an ideal match

HYVIDO Nitrogen Programme


Traditional 0:30:70

+0.82 t/ha











HGCA Hyvido VOLUME Disease Ratings

Hyvido Strength

IZM Strength





Net Blotch




Brown Rust








Yield (t/ha)

Source: NIAB/TAG 2010 and 2011 two-year mean, 3 x locations UK

Data source: HGCA RL 2013/14 (CV HYVIDO VOLUME), IZM scores based on information from HGCA Barley Disease Management Guide 2012

Canopy management

Disease control

PGR trinexapac-ethyl reduces lodging and enhances rooting, increasing root length by 29%.

IZM disease control perfectly complements HYVIDO VOLUME’s disease resistance ratings.

HYVIDO yield guarantee


If a key reason you haven’t tried hybrid barley already is seed cost, then read on.

You can still grow HYVIDO without taking up the guarantee. We recognise it won’t be for everyone. It’s your choice.

For 2013 we’re launching HYVIDO with a risk free, optional guarantee that it will yield at least 0.5 t/ha more than a conventional variety on local ‘split-field’ reference sites, or we’ll pay a fixed sum to cover the extra cost of the seed.

Here is an outline of the main principles. Consult your agronomist or Syngenta to find out more.

Outline plan Reference fields

These are:

• A network of reference fields will be established around the country where both HYVIDO and a leading conventional variety will be grown.

• HYVIDO sown within the recommended seed rate band

• Early nitrogen applied correctly

• Syngenta IZM fungicide and Syngenta trinexapac-ethyl used at least once in the programme for disease control and growth regulation – according to seasonal needs

• HYVIDO grown using Syngenta guidelines; conventional variety grown using comparable agronomic inputs based on market standards. • Reference fields will be managed by the grower & local agronomist and the yield results independently verified.

Taking part

• Syngenta will provide updates as to what is being done on your local reference fields, you can choose to do similar. You don’t have to – as long as you follow the basic points above, your Hyvido crop will be in the guarantee.

• All HYVIDO seed will come with the guarantee.


• To enter your Hyvido crop into the guarantee sign your area up on our web site: www.syngenta.co.uk/hyvido

• At the end of the season, yield results will be independently assessed in reference fields.

• To be eligible for a claim and to help get the best out of your HYVIDO, you agree to follow some simple, flexible agronomic inputs & practices which all allow freedom to grow HYVIDO appropriately to the season.

• If HYVIDO does not yield at least 0.5 t/ha more than the conventional variety on your local reference fields, Syngenta will pay a fixed sum (subject to proof of you having satisfied the criteria of the guarantee).

How the hybrid vigour of HYVIDO drives its benefits on farm

Larger ears To deliver high yields

High tillering capacity For lower seed rates

Larger leaves Capture energy from sunlight

Vigorous stems

Longer roots Moisture, nutrients & stress tolerance


Outstanding barley yields • Across all soil types • Year on year • Wet or dry

MAKE THE CHANGE. HYVIDO ™ is a trademark of a Syngenta Group Company. All other brand names used are trademarks of other manufacturers in which proprietary rights may exist. Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use. For further product information including warning phrases and symbols refer to www.syngenta.co.uk © Syngenta AG January 2013.

Syngenta UK Ltd, CPC4, Capital Park, Fulbourn, Cambridge CB21 5XE Tel: +44 (0) 1223 883400 Fax: +44 (0) 1223 882196 Technical Enquiries: +44 (0) 800 1696058 Email: customer.services@syngenta.com Website: www.syngenta.co.uk

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