Asia Regional Meeting on
Interventions for Impact in Essential Obstetric and Newborn Care Draft Agenda Dates:
4–6 May 2012 (Opening Ceremony and Reception on 3 May)
Dhaka, Bangladesh (Ruposhi Bangla Hotel, Dhaka)
Organized by the Government of Bangladesh, USAID’s flagship Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Integrated Program (MCHIP), and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundationsupported Oxytocin Initiative.
This meeting will bring together maternal/newborn health leaders, experienced clinicians and program managers to support accelerated implementation and expansion of maternal and newborn health programs in countries in Asia and the Middle East. The meeting will focus on postpartum hemorrhage (PPH), pre-eclampsia/eclampsia (PE/E) and other aspects of maternal and newborn health. The first day will include an overview of global and regional progress to date in the reduction of maternal mortality and an update on new global guidelines for PPH. It will engage participants in a technical discussion on PPH prevention and treatment, including a review of issues related to quality and availability of uterotonics and maternal health supplies. The second and third days will allow time to deliberate on management of pre-eclampsia and review PE/E program implementation experience, as well as interventions for newborns. The entire afternoon of the second day will be devoted to skill building sessions and opportunities to explore more deeply some technical issues related to service delivery and training. True to the global perspective, the meeting will emphasize PPH, PE/E and newborn initiatives from the platform of essential obstetric and newborn care and discuss it with respect to the broader maternal and newborn health context in general, exploring themes of innovation, scale-up and measurement.
Meeting Objectives:
To present and discuss global scientific and technical information on prevention, early detection and management of PPH and PE/E, and special care for newborns
To review/discuss programmatic experiences and progress in the implementation of newborn care and PPH prevention/management programs in Asia/the Middle East
To review and consider an appropriate programmatic platform for the scale-up of PPH reduction and newborn care programs and the initiation or expansion of PE/E reduction programs that can be implemented at multiple levels of the health system
To develop knowledge and greater understanding of selected interventions in maternal and newborn health
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Ministries of Health from governments throughout Asia and the Middle East, predominantly from maternal and newborn health units
Professional societies of midwifery, obstetrics and pediatrics; universities and pre-service education institutions
Leading Asian institutions working in maternal and newborn health
Global health agencies: WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, World Bank
Donors and USAID Missions from throughout Asia and the Middle East
Implementing partners, bilateral programs in MNH, MCHIP implementing partners
Collaborating Organizations:
The Government of Bangladesh
USAID and the USAID/Asia Bureau and Middle East Bureau
The Maternal Child Health Integrated Program (MCHIP)
The Gates Foundation-funded Oxytocin Initiative
Co-sponsors: Venture Strategies Innovations; Women Deliver
Participants from: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.
Bangladesh Afghanistan Pakistan India Nepal Myanmar Lao PDR Cambodia Vietnam Indonesia
East Timor Philippines Papua New Guinea West Bank/Gaza Yemen Jordan Iraq Egypt All interested participants from the Middle East and Asia/Pacific Regions
Tentative Agenda: 3 May 2012 (DAY BEFORE CONFERENCE) ALL DAY (9:00–5:00) Nutritional Issues in Maternal and Newborn Health: Calcium for Prevention of Pre-Eclampsia, and Iron for Treatment/Prevention of Anemia AFTERNOON (3:30–6:00) Orientation on Programming the Helping Babies Breathe Initiative for Newborn Resuscitation Evening (7:00–8:00) Opening Ceremony Technical presentation: Maternal mortality reduction in Bangladesh (Minister of Health) Welcome: Prime Minister of Bangladesh (tentative) Welcome Dinner (8:00PM)
6 March 2012
DAY 1 Morning Opening of the Day Improvements in Maternal Health: The Changing Situation of MNH in Asia
Maternal mortality 1990–2011: Dr. Monir Islam, WHO/SEARO Recent documented reductions in maternal mortality in Asia—Three stories: - Afghanistan: Ministry of Health of Afghanistan - Nepal: Dr. Pradhan, Director General, Ministry of Health - Cambodia: His Excellency Deputy Prime Minister Yin Chhay Ly Determinants of Maternal Health in Asia: Bushra Alam, World Bank, Dhaka
Global Evidence and Guidance for PPH Prevention and Treatment
WHO PPH and task shifting guidance: João Paulo de Souza, WHO/Geneva
AMTSL trial: Justus Hofmeyr, Univ. East London, South Africa The evidence for use of misoprostol for prevention and treatment of PPH: Rasha Dabash, Gynuity Prevention and management strategies at different levels of health system: Farhana Dewan, OGSB
Lunch and Prayers Afternoon Overcoming Barriers and Measuring Success—Implementing PPH Prevention and Management Programs
Maternal health indicators and use of a uterotonic in 3rd stage: Steve Hodgins, MCHIP
Experience with community level use of misoprostol in Asia: Ndola Prata, VSI
Implementation experience: Bangladesh (highlight operational issues): Bangladesh Rep Implementation experience: Nepal (highlight national scale-up process): Naresh Pratap KC, FHD, Gov’t of Nepal
Drugs and Commodities
Quality of oxytocin and ergometrine, India scoping exercise: Cindy Stanton, OI and JHU
Quality of misoprostol: Peter Hall, Concept Foundation Improving the quality of uterotonics: Patrick Lukulay, USP Systems for Improving Drug Management: Beth Yeager, SIAPS The horizons of oxytocin—TTIs, heat stable oxytocin: Hans Hogerzeil, ex-WHO
GROUP EXERCISE: Uterotonic Selection Tool Optional Evening Satellites 1. Story of Bangladesh maternal mortality reduction: MOH/Bangladesh 2. Uterotonic use in India: Oxytocin Initiative 3. Training on PPH Prevention –“Bleeding After Birth”: Peter Johnson, Cherrie Evans , Jhpiego 4. Improving newborn survival: Role of chlorhexidine application to the umbilical stump: Esther Lwanga, USAID 5. Improving newborn survival through structured home visits: Neena Khadkha, Save the Children International 6. Maternal health supplies working group—A landscape analysis: Kristy Kade, PATH
6 March 2012
DAY 2 Morning Opening of the Day Midwifery for Reduction of Maternal and Newborn Mortality
Moderator: Sue Bree, ICM
SoWMy Report/Midwifery in Asia: Pashtoon Azfar, International Confederation of Midwives
Midwifery model in Afghanistan: Sabera Turkmani, UNFPA/Afghanistan Special Video in Honor of International Day of the Midwife
Evidence for Prevention and Detection of PE/E
New WHO guidelines on PE/E (2011): João Paulo de Souza, WHO
Quality of Care in PE/E: Review of Data from Seven Countries: Barbara Rawlins, MCHIP
Screening and early detection of PE/E: Harshad Sanghvi, Jhpiego
Use of calcium and Vitamin D for prevention: Justus Hofmeyr, Univ. East London, South Africa
Evidence for Decisions in PE/E Management
Choice of anticonvulsants in treatment of PE/E: João Paulo de Souza, WHO
Management strategies at different levels of health system: Dwirani Amelia, Jhpiego/Indonesia
Choice of antihypertensives in treatment of PE/E: Tabassum Firoz, Pre-EMPT Induction of labor/delivery management in PE/E: Narimah Awin, WHO/SEARO
Lunch Afternoon Programs for PE/E
MgSO4 in Bangladesh: OGSB
Calcium supplementation Nepal: Kusum Thapa/Nepal Experience implementing PE/E management program in Nigeria: Pop Council, Nigeria Does literature support perception that MgSO4 is a dangerous drug?: MCHIP/VSI
Skills Sessions (Total 8 offerings, participant chooses 3): 1. Low Tech BP measurement/Urine testing for Detection of Pre-eclampsia 2. Safe Induction of Labor and Use of Misoprostol for Induction 3. Enhancing use of MgSO4: a new teaching tool 4. Additional technologies for management of PPH 5. Providing Essential Newborn Care 6. How to use Kangaroo Mother Care 7. MamaNatalie: Using a New Anatomic Model for Teaching Skills in Obstetric Emergencies 8. Use of Oxytocin in Uniject Country Poster Review Session: Status of PPH and PE/E Programs in Participating Countries Optional Evening Satellites 7. mHealth and the MAMA Initiative: James Bon Tempo, Jhpiego 8. PPH, PE/E, PPFP and PSE toolkits: Stephanie Suhowatsky, Sheena Currie, MCHIP 9. Improving newborn resuscitation using HBB materials: Ishtiaq Mannan, MCHIP/Bangladesh 10. Integration of FP and MNH—Health approach: Cat McKaig, MCHIP 11. Improving newborn survival in home settings: Joseph de Graft Johnson, MCHIP
6 March 2012
DAY 3 Morning Opening of the Day Addressing Other Areas of Maternal Health
Maternal sepsis: TBD Complications of unsafe abortion: Ellen Israel, Pathfinder Integration of FP and MNH programs: Salahuddin Ahmed, JHU Respectful care at birth: Baharuddin, Budi Kemuliaan Hospital, Jakarta Tracking the Progress of PPH and PEE Programs: A Multi-Country Survey: Jeffrey Smith, MCHIP
Newborn Panel/Interventions for Newborn Complications
Moderator: Lily Kak, USAID/W
Technical update on newborn resuscitation and home visits for newborn survival: WHO Representative Improving newborn resuscitation in Bangladesh: Mohammod Shahidullah, BSMMU Ensuring newborns with infections get prompt treatment: Shyam Upretti, MOH Nepal Scaling-up kangaroo mother care in Vietnam: Dinh Thi Phuong Hoa, MOH/Vietnam
GROUP EXERCISE: Interventions for Prevention and Management of PPH Interventions for Prevention and Management of Pre-Eclampsia/Eclampsia
Lunch Afternoon Country Poster Review Sessions (Considerations for new areas of focus for country programs) Implementation MNH Programs
Moderator: Mary Ellen Stanton, USAID/W
Increasing Utilization and Managing MNH Services in Pakistan: Akhtar Rashid, Govt of Punjab, Pakistan
MNH financing I: Equity Fund-Cambodia: Cambodia MNH financing II: JS-India: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, India
Environment for MNH
Advocacy for MNH: White Ribbon Alliance
Going beyond MDGs and 2015: Raj Karim, Women Deliver The role of maternal health professionals in reducing MMR: Andre Lalonde, FIGO Health system for MNH: Ana Langer, MHTF
Panel Discussion: The Way Forward: Integrating New Ideas and Approaches with Current Situations in Countries Summary and Closing
6 March 2012