Philmore pg.273-289 Catalog

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The following are sheets of either letters or numerals for components identification on drawings, schematic and so on. The type style is 12 point News Gothic which matches the type in Datak catalog numbers 9581 and 9661 component designation sets. These are dry transfers. Numerals from 0 to 1099 can be made by using sheets numbered from K35/35 thru K35/40; sheet 40 being designed for the last two digits of large numbers. Higher numerals can be made without much more effort: burnish only the parts that you want. On paper and cardboard (i.e. porous materials) use of Datak HARDKOAT No. 04171 or No. 04170 is needed for long term durability. Part #

Sample of contents

Part #

Sample of contents

K35/26 K35/28 K35/30 K35/32 K35/34 K35/36 K35/38 K35/40

AABBCCDDEEFFGG HHIIMMNNOOWWXXZZ KKLLCCTPTP RRRRRRRRRRRR ABC (through) Z 2 20 3 30............. 6 60 7 70............. 00 01 02...........99

K35/27 K35/29 K35/31 K35/33 K35/35 K35/37 K35/39

CCCCCCCCC JJJJJJJPPPPPPP QQQQQQQQQQ SSSTTTUUUVVV 1234567890 1 10... 4 40 5 50............. 8 80 9 90.............

COMPONENT DESIGNATION SETS (Industry standard size, rub-down type)

Used for component identification on PC boards or terminal and chassis markings. This is a set of 24 sheets (3.5” x 5”) of rub-down letters, letters combination and numerals as follows: 12 sheets of letters and letter combinations ™ 11 sheets of numbers 1 through 20 and 1 thru 227 1 sheet of numerals 0 through 9 Designations conform to accepted standards such as ANSI Y3202 and IEEE STD 315.The 12 point News Gothic typeface matches the 12 point (1/8”) Professional Title sets in Datak’s Jotdraft designation sets. This series should be protected with DATAKOAT liquid No. 04176. No. 04158 burnishing tool is suggested; ball point pen may be used.

DATA MARKÔ SERIES DRY TRANSFER (rub-down) TITLES & LABEL SETS The DATAMARKÔ series is economical because the sets are selective to keep them small; each set covers titles used in a specific segment of electronics. Small alpha/numeric sets are also listed in this series. The various electronic titles contain five sheets of titles plus one alpha/numeric characters sheet (sheet size: 3.25” x 5”). The alpha sets contain six sheets of both letters and numbers in an assortment of black, white and gold characters. DATAMARKÔ series characters should be protected with DATAKOAT or HARDKOAT protective coatings when used on panels or chassis. DATAK’s classic sharpness and high quality look is assured throughout.


No. 9661 - Designation set in Black No. 9671 - Designation set in White

Part No. Black

Part No. White

Titles cover the audio, recording and stereo areas.




For all RF and communications




terms like “attic fan”, “laundry”, or “RESET” & “ADJUST”.




for marking scopes, plotters etc.. and industrial system panels.




Arrows, lines, graduations and rotary switch patterns.




UPDATED with latest terms and titles.




All titles needed for complete Home Theatre Installation.




Titles cover all computer applications, hook-ups and installations.






TITLES for Electronic Equipment Each set contains 2200 rub-down titles and labels for electronic panels, name plates etc.. Razor-sharp letters make prototypes look clean and professional; provide excellent detail when used on drawing or PC board artwork. Frequently used titles and designations appear several times. The title selection is kept current via user polls. In addition to titles, both sets also contain a generous supply of alpha and numeric characters for creating special titles. The 10 point size is about 0.110” high and we recommend for miniature panels. The 12 point letters are about 0.125” high. We recommend protective coating of the applied titles with DATAKOAT liquid No. 04176 on circuit boards and panels. On paper or vellum, use HARDKOAT matte No. 04171 or gloss No.04170 TM

Description 10 point titles 10 point titles 12 point titles 12 point titles

Color black white black white

No. 948D 949D 9581 9591

* - Set has both black and white patterns in one set.

Alphabet and Numeral sets contains (3) black, (2) white and (1) gold sheet of letters and numerals: No. K63 - 1/8” letters and numerals

No. K64 - 1/4” letters and numerals No. K65 - 1/2” letters and numerals





Datak Direct Etch Patterns allow you to make PC boards without creating artwork. Apply DE-series patterns directly to the copper PC board surface by rubbing them down in the circuit pattern that you want. Connect between component patterns either with rub-down, DE-series resolution is superb; resist lines down to .015” etch cleanly with about .001” undercut in a manual etch bath; far better in a spray etch tank. INTRODUCTION Direct Etch resist patterns are supplied in sets on individual carrier sheets like those shown to the right. Most sets contain enough patterns to make dozens of average size PC boards. The kits listed below offer a quick-start, money-saving way to begin. On the following pages are listed numerous patterns available separately; a variety that covers all types of components. The Datak Direct Etch patterns are supplied on a semi-transparent, blue-tinted carrier sheet and may be burnished down either to a copper surface, or to drafting film to create original artwork. SMALL DIRECT ETCH KIT kit containing 8 sheets and 2 rolls of drafting tape, 1/16” and 1/32” widths. The patterns are fairly good sampling that will be needed for most small circuits using common components such as IC’s, resistors, transistors etc. Very economical. No. ER-2 - Small Direct Etch Kit

Donuts .080”,1/8” .188”, 1/4” Dia

DIP’s Flatpack or SO pads, 2 sheets

8 and 10 pin round can IC’s

.156” ,.125” con. .062” patterns

TWO HANDY DIRECT ETCH FILLERS KITS ASSORTED DONUTS PADS The most needed Direct Etch pattern, this kit contains a wide range of donuts on four DE-series sheets. No. ER-13 -Assorted Donut Pads DIP, FLATPACK and SO PADS This is a four sheets assortment of the most needed IC pads for DIP’s and more. The larger dips can be used in part to make smaller size; i.e. 14 may be used to make an eight etc... No. ER-14 -Dip, Flatpack Kit

COMPLETE PRINTED CIRCUIT KIT Includes PC blank boards The Datak ER-1 kit contains all of the items needed to make several PC boards. Included are: a large assortment of resist patterns, universal DIP’s, assorted donut sizes, transistors, round can IC’s, dry transfer lines and resist tapes. Four blank copper boards and ferric-chloride etchant concentrate are included in this comprehensive kit; the plastic packaging box doubles as an etch tray No. ER-1 MS-SERIES DATAK PC BOARD DRAFTING PATTERNS

Part No. MS1 MS2 MS3 MS4 MS5 MS6 MS7 MS8 MS9D MS10D MS11D MS12D MS13D MS14D

Qty. / Pack DESCRIPTION 300 Donuts .080” OD x .020” ID 380 Donuts .080” OD x .031” ID (0.20” x 0.30” centers) 380 Donuts .093” OD x .031” ID (0.20” x 0.30” centers) 380 Donuts .100” OD x .031” ID (0.20” x 0.30” centers) 380 Donuts .125” OD x .031” ID (0.20” x 0.30” centers) 380 Donuts .150” OD x .031” ID (0.20” x 0.30” centers) 360 Donuts .187” OD x 0.31” ID (.250” x .250” centers) 240 Donuts .218” OD x 0.31” ID (.312” x .280” centers) 160 Donuts .250” OD x 0.31” ID (.400” x .400” centers) 96 TO-99 8-Pin patterns, on carrier film 96 TO-100 10-Pin patterns, on carrier film 144 TO-18 3-Pin patterns, on carrier film 84 TO-5 3-Pin patterns, on carrier film 32 *16-Pin dual in-line IC patterns, on carrier film

Part No. DESCRIPTION MS15D *16-Pin narrow dual in-line IC patterns, on carrier film MS16D *16-Pin narrow DIP pads with through traces MS17D .156” spaced card edge connector fingers MS18 .125” spaced card edge connector fingers MS19D .100” spaced card edge connector fingers MS20 Assorted targets and cross hairs MS015 Black PC flex tape, .015” x 720” MS031 Black PC flex tape, .031” x 720” MS040 Black PC flex tape, .040” x 720” MS062 Black PC flex tape, .062” x 720” MS080 Black PC flex tape, .080” x 720” MS093 Black PC flex tape, .093” x 720” MS125 Black PC flex tape, .125” x 720

Qty. / Pack 32 32 192 240 304 40 -

*Note: The 16-Pin IC patterns may be cut down for 14, 18-pins etc.. User Note: The above MS-Series sets Nos. MS1 thru MS9 and MS17, 18 and 19 are dry-transfers and may be used on the copper board as an etch resist or as drafting patterns. The other numbers are on a transparent carrier film and may be used only for PCB artwork.

DIRECT ETCH MASTER ASSORTMENT The Direct Etch Master Assortment is a comprehensive kit containing the complete range of DE-series patterns. Included are donut pads, SMD (surface mount) footprints and literally all of the configurations considered to be standard in the industry. Additional items that you will need are burnishing tools such as Datak Nos. 04158 and 04159 and a quality modelers’s knife such as Datak No. 12161. The DE-series may also be applied to drafting film such as Datak No. MS-1 (although we recommend the use of Datak JotDraft products for printed circuit artwork.) Complete Kit - No. DE-973


PRINTED CIRCUIT ACCESSORIES METER FACE PLATE PATTERNS & SWITCH PANEL MARKINGS (dry transfers) Datak Meter and Switch Marking Sets permit you to design a control panel that is instantly understandable to the operator. (For additional matching type style, use Datak Nos. 948D, 949D, 9581, 9591, title sets). These patterns may be used for either prototypes or for original art. They will transfer to any smooth, clean surface. When applied to panels, they should be protected with Datak No. 04177 or No. 04178 DATAKOAT. When used on paper, protect the transfer with either No. 04170 or No. 04171 HARDKOAT. Complete Meter Face and Switch Marking Set. (Contains all patterns below, except white dialplate) - No.968D Individual Panel Meter or Switch patterns as shown below: Note: Switch patterns fit knobs from 7/16” to 2” in diameter. The marks are set on standard 7.5º and 15º detents, but they may be transferred at any angle for special situations. Face plate dial scales (arcs and graduations) are for meter scales from 1” to 5” in radius in two colors. All of the following K19# sets are packed with four identical sheets per package.

Meter Face Markings No. K19/1 Black No. K19/5 Red No. K19/1 WHITE

Switch Panel Markings No. K19/3 Black No. K19/12 Red No. K19/7 White

Switch Panel Markings No. K19/2 Black No. K19/6 Red No. K19/9 White

Switch Panel Markings No. K19/4 Black No. K19/11 Red No. K19/8 & 10 White


Special Wire Marker Sets

The best value in wire markers. More quality and more quantity than any competitor!

These economical package of most popular wire markers have 2 cards per display package for occasional user.

No. FD1-Four Sets of numbers (1-22) No. FD2-Four Sets letters (A-Z) No. FDAD-44of (AC) and 44 of (DC) No. FDPN-32 of (Pos.) and 32 of (Neg.) No. FD12-2 Sets of numbers (1-22) 2 Sets of letters (A-Z) No. FD16-2 Sets of numbers (1-22) 2 Sets of numbers (23-66)

DATAK dry - transfer ALPHABETS & NUMERAL DATAK’S superior quality provides sharp edge definition for very professional looking finished products, whether on artwork for reproduction or on panels and name plates. These sets contain 12 identical sheets (3.5 x 5) of characters. Both upper and lower case are included in the alpha sets. Note that either bold or light face type is available in the 10 point sets. We recommend protective coating of the applied titles with DATAKOAT liquid Nos. 04176 or 04177 on circuit boards and panels. On paper or vellum, use HARDKOAT matt finish Nos. 04170 or 04171. NOTE: 10 POINT = .110” HIGH 12 POINT = .125” HIGH

Description 10 point Bold letters 10 point Bold letters 10 point Bold numbers 10 point Bold numbers

Color black white black white

No. 950D 951D 952D 953D

Description 10 point Plain letters 10 point Plain letters 10 point Plain numbers 10 point Plain numbers

Color black white black white

No. 954D 955D 956D 957D

Description 12 point Bold letters 12 point Bold letters 12 point Bold numbers 12 point Bold numbers

Color black white black white

No. 9601 9611 9621 9631

These soft conformable vinyl wire markers are usable on wires ranging from 0.35” dia. to a maximum 1.125” wire dia. Excellent adhesion to all plastic wire insulation’s as well as to bare metals; use a full wrap around on Teflon insulation so that marker can adhere to itself. Extremely good physical characteristics. Flexy-Markers are supplied in pocket-size Tab has no adhesive. Flick with a fingernail, apply marker and pull off sets of 24 identical 3.75” x 5.875” cards in one easy motion. each containing 1,056 one or Marker Film is dead-soft. Conforms two-digit markers, 768 threePerfectly even if wire is flexed. digit markers 624 four figure 3 Perforations are graduated in strength. You can pull off marker markers. sections in order as you apply. Save Flexy-Marker wire markers balance for reuse. are unaffected by immersion Legends are baked in. Won’t fade, in most lubricating and dissolve or wear off. hydraulic oils. Ink is black Adhesive bonds securely, even to vinyls. Markers won’t loosen or fall thermosetting and fused into off in time. base film for permanency. Part No. FNOSLASH FNO F1S22 F1S104 F23S66 F67S104 F105S36 F137S68 F169S00 F201S32 F233S64 F265S96 F297S28 F329S60 F361S92 F393S24 F425S56 F489S20 FA....FZ FALPHA FBUS**** FCOLORS*****

Description Part No. 0 (NUMBERS) 1,2,3....247 1 thru 22 1 thru 104 23 thru 66 67 thru 104 105 thru 136 137 thru 168 169 thru 200 201 thru 232 233 thru 264 265 thru 296 297 thru 328 329 thru 360 361 thru 392 393 thru 424 425 thru 456 489 thru 520 A (letter) A thru Z See below 12 NEMA colors


*****FCOLORS includes 2 sets (32 stripes) of each 12 EIA , NEMA colors Note: (1)-the color of the marker, it has no nomenclature.

OIL RESISTANT Temperature Range: -55ºC to 130C.

Description L1 L2 L3 L4 PH1 PH2 PH3 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 7 FT8 GND HOT NEG NEUT + POS


Description XTRA 110V 115V 120V 208V 220V 240V 277V 1 440V 1 480V AC 1 DC (black) 1 (brown) (red) 1 (orange) 1 (velvet) 1 1 (light green) (dark blue) (violet) (gray) (white)

1 1

****FBUS- Sets contains 8 sets (A Thru Z) one set of each POS, NEG, GND, AC, DC, 120V, 240V, HOT, NEUT, PH1, PH2, PH3, L1, L2, L3,L4, XTRA, T1, T2, T3,


PROJECT CASES Project Case w/ Battery Compartment

Project Case w/ Battery Compartment

These are low profile hand held cases with such internal features as PCB (printed circuit board) standoffs, slots for PCB, and battery compartment. These cases are ideal for Remote Controls, Audio/Video Transmitters, Security Systems, etc. Made of high impact ABS plastic. Available in Black or Light Gray. Dimensions: 4.37”L X 3.25” W X1.5”H. 9V battery compartment

This convenient sized case has a sloped face area which measures 4” X 2.5” with a precut hole. There is a solid insert for the cutout on which you can mount your own components. The case has internal PCB standoffs, & rubber feet. These cases are ideal for keyboards, controllers, test instruments, etc. They are constructed from High Impact ABS plastic and are available in Black or Gray. Dimensions: 7.44” L x 4.11” W x 1.30” H(at the main part of the case.). 9V battery compartment

No. PB520 No. PB524

No. PB530 No. PB534

Black Gray

Plastic Instrument Cases with Plastic Lid

Plastic Boxes with Aluminum Lids

These instrument cases are made of ABS plastic with plastic lid and internal slots to hold PC boards.

Black ABS plastic boxes with aluminum lid. Resists breaking and easy to drill. Part No.


PB140 PB145

3.0” 4-5/16”


2.0” 2-1/4”



1.0” 3/4”

Part No.

PB160 PB165 PB150 PB170 PB155 PB175



4-1/8” 5.0” 4.0” 5-3/4” 5-7/8” 7.0”

2-1/8” 1-3/8” 3.0” 3-5/16” 4.0” 4-5/16”


1-1/2” 1-1/2” 1-1/2” 2.0” 2-3/16” 2-3/8”


3-1/4” 5-1/8” 6-1/4” 7-3/4”


2-1/8” 2-3/4” 3-3/4” 4-3/8”

1-1/4” 1-3/4” 2-1/8” 2-3/8”

Grey Part No.


PB180 PB185 PB190 PB195

Sealed ABS Enclosures

External Dimensions Part No.


PB404 PB411 PB413

4.5” x 4.5” x 6.75” x

4.0” 5.0” 5-3/4” 7.0”



2.0” 2-1/2” 3-5/16” 4-5/16”

1-1/2” 1-1/2” 2.0” 2-3/8”

Sealed Die-Cast Aluminum Enclosures

These versatile cases have many uses in the electrical and electronic industries. They are easily drilled or punched, making them ideal as circuit enclosures and junction boxes.



PB100 PB110 PB120 PB130

With internal PC Board slots Part No.

Black Gray


These enclosures are ideal for housing sensitive electronic assemblies, pneumatic, hydraulic and electrical devices in commercial and industrial environments providing effective shielding of EMI & RFI signals. External Dimensions


2.55” x 1.158” 3.54” x 2.165” 4.75” x 2.165”

Features >High impact ABS material molded in dark grey color. >Lids & bases have tongue and groove seal ing system with a neoprene gasket. > Wall mounting holes and lid fixing screws are outside sealing area thus preventing the ingress of dust and moisture. >Designed to meet IP65 of IEC529 and NEMA 4 specifications for dust & moisture. >Internal guide slots for mounting PC boards vertically >Bosses on internal base allows fixing of PC boards horizontally or for connection of term inals, etc. into threaded brass inserts. >Lid fixing screws are M4 stainless steel (non -magnetic) into threaded brass inserts. > Operating temperatures: -20o-+80oC

Part No.


PB306 PB313 PB320

4.5” x 4.5” x 6.75” x



2.55” x 1.180” 3.54” x 2.165” 4.75” x 2.165”

Features & Specifications >Die-cast aluminum alloy, resistant to atmos pheric and marine corrosion. In natural finish >Lids incorporates a recessed oil resistant neo prene gasket. >Wall mounting holes and lid fixing screws are outside the sealing area thus preventing the ingress of dust & moisture. >Designed to meet IP65 of IEC529 and NEMA 4 specifications for dust & moisture. >Internal guide slots for mounting PC boards vertically >Bosses on internal base allows fixing of PC boards horizontally or for connection of earth grounding terminals, etc. >Lid fixing screws are recessed captive screws, M4 stainless steel (non -magnetic) >Screw holes for lid mounting are roll threaded. >Ground screw and washer provided are copper-plated.

PROJECT CASES Deluxe Molded Project Box

Test Equipment & Instrument Cases

This fine project box provides user with professional finished product. The unit features threaded brass inserts in top & bottom for security circuit board assemblies. The case is secured together with 4 screws and threaded brass inserts for non stripping reuse. The front and back panes are removable for easy machining and drilling. Case top and bottom are light grey. The front and back are dark grey. Part No.



These deluxe instrument cases feature separate front and back panels, internal slots to hold PC boards in place and internal mounting posts for securing PC boards. Case has metal studs for non stripping of screws holding the case together. Front & back panels are plastic and are easily machined and drilled. Case top are grey and front & back panels are black.



7-1/2” x 4.0” x 2-7/8” Removable front & back Dimensions 2-3/8” x 3-5/8”

Part No.

PB200 PB250




8.0” x 6-1/4” x 2-1/2” 10-1/8” x 7-3/8” x 3-3/8”

RUBBER BUMPERS & PLASTIC FEET For use on chassis boxes and equipment cabinets Rubber feet/bumpers are self-adhesive and supplied on a backing sheet. Application simply requires peeling individual foot from the backing and sticking it to your cabinet or chassis box. Soft rubber but will not leave marks on hard surfaces. Soft but firm, these three items make good bumpers, feet for chassis boxes and spacers for PC boards. All are black in color and about 70 durometer hardness. Dome Shaped RUBBER FOOT or BUMPER Dome shaped, self adhesive foot. Peel off of backing and apply to any clean, smooth surface. Semi-soft rubber does not normally leave marks. Diameter at base: .630” Height: .317”

Plastic Cabinet Feet Molded of durable, high-impact plastic. Generally used in sets of four on the bottoms of chassis boxes, equipment cases and cabinets. All are packaged four per display package and are also available in bulk.

“Tall” PLASTIC FOOT. A standard style foot, tapered. Made of hard, high-impact plastic. Mount with no. 8 screw (not supplied). Color black.

No. 10-647 4 pack

No. 10-605 12 pack “Low Profile” PLASTIC FOOT Tapered Square RUBBER FOOT or BUMPER Self adhesive and will stick well to a chassis box. Semi-soft rubber will not easily leave marks. Width at base: 0.50” Height: .237”

No. 10-610 12 pack

Tapered Cylinder RUBBER FOOT or BUMPER Shaped like a tapered cylinder, self adhesive and will stick well to a chassis box. May be used with a no. 8 wood screw or machine screw, if necessary. Semi-soft rubber will not easily leave marks. Diameter at base: .870” Height: .40”

No. 10-602 12 pack

Semi-hard, molded plastic foot with just enough softness to improve durability and that softens the sound and shock a bit. Mount with a No.6 machine screw and nut or with wood screw. (not included) Diameter: .986” Height: .235”

No. 10-650 4 pack

Collet Mounting Plastic Foot A clever design, the foot can be mounted on a cabinet from the outside. Drill a 5/16” hole and place the foot into the hole. Then press a plastic pin (supplied) through the center of the foot; the pin spreads the integral collets and the foot is attached . Diameter: .775” Height: .388”

No. 10-644 4 pack


We are pleased to announce the addition of EDSYN, Inc. solder and desoldering equipment to our product offering. EDSYN is a world-class manufacturer of soldering, desoldering and SMT (Surface Mount Technology) rework products and systems. Established in 1961, EDSYN invented the industry’s first patented desoldering hand tool known as SOLDAPULLT™. This spring-loaded hand held vacuum device launched an industry revolution in soldering and desoldering technology. Today EDSYN’s general product line includes a wide array of hand tools, stations, systems and accessories used in the assembly, rework, and repair of all types of electronic assemblies, particularly those that incorporate SMT (Surface Mount Technology). All of the EDSYN products are available through Philmore Manufacturing, some of which include, but are not limited to: +(ME EX&RAC&'ON SYS&EMS DESOLDER S&A&'ONS SOLDER STATION *A S PO,ERED SOLDER &OOLS M(L &' &AS)'N* S&A&'ONS SMT TOOLS LONER

Single & Dual Temperature Controlled Solder Station

EDSYN No. ED-951SX -Better Tip LifeThis is EDSYN’S most popular station for both production and the service bench. User-controlled temperature ranging from 400º to 800º F., regulation of +6º F. Solid state controls and designed to avoid ESD problems. Employs a ceramic PTC element for fast heat up. A variety of soldering tips is available. The unique iron holder design reduces tip oxidation, wear during non-use periods and significantly reduces the probability of user burns. This unit complies with MIL spec.

45743E, DOD-STD-2000-1B, WS-6536E AND ESD Spec DOD-STD-1686, DOD-HDBK-263. Operation from 110 Volts, 60 Hz, 15W to 22 Watts. Heater rated @ 120V, 95W. Supplied with No. LT375 tip.

Solder Station No. 951SX order number ED-951SX.

Replacement heater assembly for 951SX solder Station (not shown). Part No. ED-SR060

Specifications for 951SX Power Requirements ......................120V, 60Hz 205ºC-427ºC Power Rating...................................15W-220W

Temperature Range .......................400º F-800º F

Heater Rating...................................120V 95W

Tip-to-Ground Voltage Leakage/Resistance........................< 2 mV/ <2 W

Dimensions...................4.1” W x 8.2” H x 10” D 104mm x 208mm x 254mm

Temperature Regulation ....................+6º F/ +3ºC

Weight.............................................2.5 lbs / 1.1kg

LP200 SOLDAVAC SMD pick-up tool. The LP200 SOLDAVAC Lifter is a fountain-pen size tool that can pick up small SMD components for moving and positioning them during either assembly or repair of circuit boards. Stops breakage that is common when using tweezers, contamination from fingers. Vacuum is formed with a simple squeeze and released just as easily. Three sizes of suction needle tips included. SOLDAVAC Pick-up tool, display packaged. No. ED-LP200


EDSYN SOLDAPULLT Products. Setting the Industry Standards for Solder Removal Tools. SILVERSTAT SOLDAPULLT ESD-Safe, conductive plating, this unit designed for heavy duty solder removal, professional and production usage. Tip and O-ring are replaceable. Part No. ...........ED-AS196 display packaged. Deluxe SOLDAPULLT is the original design solder removal tool. For use in heavy-duty, high-volume applications and specifically professional and production usage. Tip and O-ring are replaceable. Part No. ...........ED-DS017 display packaged.

L=13” W= 3.5 oz.

L=13” W= 3.5 oz.

Low-Static Deluxe SOLDAPULLT is the original design but molded of conductive, static-dissipative materials. For professional and production usage. Tip and O-ring are replaceable. L=13” W= 3.5 oz. Part No. ...........ED-DS017LS display packaged.

PT109 SOLDAPULLT lll A smaller “petite” barrel and lighter weight for smaller hands. Weighs 2.5 oz (1/3 less than standard models). Part No. ...........ED-PT109 packaged for display. Part No. ...........ED-PT209 (with a micro tip) Part No. ...........ED-PT309 (with 2” long tip)

L=12” W= 2.5 oz.

The Universal SOLDAPULLT delivers a powerful vacuum pulse, cocks (or loads) one handed. The loading stroke is adjustable to reduce hand strain. Part No. ...........ED-US140 packaged for display.

L=8” W= 2 oz.

Low-static Universal SOLDAPULLT Model No. US3440 The above unit but molded of static conductive materials to bleed off static, prevent ESD when used by a person wearing a L=8” W= 2 oz. wrist strap or similar grounding device. Part No. ...........ED-US340 packaged for display.

The Challenger Standard Metric Low-static SOLDAPULLT EDSYN Model No. SS350 A high-quality, low cost solder remover molded of static disappative materials. Features an . L=8.5” W= 1.5 oz. aluminum barrel for easy cleaning. Part No. ...........ED-SS350 packaged for display. Replacement Tip Part. No.ED-LS363 Metric Tip Static Safe SOLDAPULLT lll Molded from conductive material, includes QG754 squee-gee tip. Retractable shaft for portability and easy storage . Part No. ...........ED-PT409MT packaged for display. Replacement Tip Part. No.ED-LS753

L=11.5” W= 2.0 oz.

Standard Metric EDSYN Model SS750LS SOLDAPULLT Another of the Challenger series of high quality, low cost units for desoldering basic electronics components. Suggested for L=8.5” W= 1.5 oz. the hobbyist and low volume users. Just 8.5” in length and weighs only 1 1/2 ounces. Part No. ...........ED-SS750LS packaged for display. Replacement Tip Part. No.ED-SRT751


Solder Station Tips for Model 951SX and others. A wide variety of longer tips makes your EDSYN solder station more versatile, more adaptable to changes as component shapes evolve. The LT375 tip is the standard, and included with the 951SX solder station. EDSYN soldering tips are machined from pure copper and then processed in a series of plating and tinning operations to create more reliable, longer lived tips.

Conical Style Tips

Spade Style Tips Part No.

width A

width B

ED-LT375 Spade tip

.06” (1.5mm)

.55” (14.0mm)

ED-LT376 Spade tip

.12” (3.0mm)

.48” (12.2mm)

ED-LT431 Spade tip

.07” (1.8mm)

.74” (18.8mm)

ED-LT444 Spade tip

.04” (1.0mm)

.78” (19.8mm)

ED-LT374 Conical tip

.03” (0.8mm)

.48” (12.2mm)

ED-LT382 Conical tip

.02” (0.5mm)

.62” (15.8mm)

ED-LT392 Conical tip

.01” (0.3mm) 1.13” (1.13mm)

Tip drawing (not to scale)

Replacement Parts Parts For 951SX Solder Station Replacement heater assembly for 951SX Solder Station (not shown). Part No. ED-SR060 Replacement Sponge for solder stations .......................(not shown). Part No. ED-RS199 Static-Safe Replacement tip for SOLDAPULLT

Replacement tip for SOLDAPULLT Replacement tip for the DS017, PT109 and the US140 Replacement Tip............ Part No. ED-SRT12 Replacement Tip for the PT309 Replacement Tip..............Part No. ED-LRT14

Replacement “O” rings for SOLDAPULLT Ring for model numbers AS196, DS017 and the US140, US340

Ring Part No. ED-ODS31.

Replacement ring for model numbers SS350, SS750LS etc...

Ring Part No. ED-OS130.

Replacement O-ring for PT109......Part


Replacement tip for the DS017LS, AS196 and the US340 Replacement Tip............ Part No. ED-LS197

EDSYN O-Ring Lubricant OL111. An occasional application of lube to the O-ring in solder removal tools will expand the life of the ring and maintain vigorous motion needed to “snap” the solder from PC boards.

O-Ring lube in 0.5 gm tube....... No. ED-OSB32 Part No. ED-OL111

BENCH TOP FUME EXTRACTOR FANS A compact high efficiency two-stage charcoal impregnated filtration system that delivers optimum filtering capability at the fume source.

Part No.







Standard Model

1 pc.

2 pc.

5.5” W x 12” H x 5.5” D

1.09 lbs.

ED-FXF14 Economy Model

1 pc.

1 pc.

3.8” W x 9.0” H x 3.8” D

.92 lbs.

• Powerful 12V fan motor draws fume away from operator • Ultra-Quiet operation • Rotating front filter provides filtration 8x better than a stationary filter • Bright front (green) and rear (yellow) LED’s to indicate power and air flow direction • Adjustable to almost any working angle • Quick filter replacement • Internal safety grills • Low static, ESD-safe • 2 stage filter

Accessories For ED-FXF11 & ED-FXF14 Part No. ED-XF03 Charcoal impregnated Stationary Filter (Set of 5) Part. No. ED-XF02 Fuminator Primary Rotating Filter (Set of 5) Part No. ED-XF01 Filter set (one each ED-XF03 and ED-XF02)

No. ED-XF03 Set of 5

No. ED-XF02 Set of 5


Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page

212 219 222 223 224 242 243 244 245 268 286


Precision tweezer’s & wire cutters. 220 Philmore soldering iron & soldering aids. Heatsink compound. Freeze spray & Flux remover. IC test leads & Jumper cables. PCB support & Track. Protoboards. Presensitized PCB & Copper clad PCB. Prototype PCB. 275 - Datak printed circuit accessories. 288 Qualitek soldering products.




DURO Quick Gel Super Glue

DURO SUPER GLUE America’s favorite traditional super glue. Super strong, bonds in seconds. It is permanent & clear. Bonds in 15 - 30 seconds.

No run Quick Gel Super Glue. Works on wood, metal, rubber, plastics, vinyl, fabrics, and other such materials. The Gel works best on porous and vertical surfaces with small gaps. Bonds in 15 - 30 seconds.

LOCTITE® THREADLOCKER These products lock and seal threaded parts against vibration loosening, corrosion,and rust lock. They may also be used as an anti-tamper indicator. They are available in several grades and put ups.

Removable Medium grade (Blue) # 242


LT- 81954 (2) .07 oz Tubes

(2) .07 oz Tubes

LT-24200 .20 oz tube

LOCTITE QUICKTITE® SUPER GLUE This super glue has proven superior performance over ordinary super glues. This works faster and holds stronger than others thanks to a patented additive.





Super Glue Liquid .18 oz (5g) Bottle

Brush-on Liquid .18 oz (5g) Bottle

Super Glue Gel .14 oz (4g)

Super Glue Liquid .14 oz (4g)

LOCTITE® THREADLOCKER These products lock and seal threaded parts against vibration loosening, corrosion,and rust lock. They may also be used as an anti-tamper indicator. They are available in several grades and put ups.


LT-27100 .20 fl oz (6ml)




Super Glue Pen .07 oz (2g) tube

Super Glue Gel .07 oz (2g) tube

LOCTITE® QUICK SET EPOXY Super high strength, waterproof, sets in 5 minutes, and is solvent resistant. Bonds to wood, metal, ceramic, glass, plastic & tile.

LT-81501 1 oz Syringe

LT-81502 (2) .5 fl oz tubes



DURO CLEAR SILICONE SEALER This product provides permanent waterproof bonds for sealing and insulating. It withstands heat, solvents, and vibration. It dries clear.

These general purpose RTV sealants are usable indoor and out. They seal, bond and secure on metal, glass, rubber, and vinyl. They cure at room temperature, and are safe on ELECTRICAL wiring.




BLACK 3 fl oz (80 ml) tube

CLEAR 3 fl oz (80 ml) tube

CLEAR 1.5 oz tube


BLUE 3 fl oz (80 ml) tube




This all purpose Non-Toxic adhesive sealant is strong, drys clear, water resistant, microwave safe and odor free. Use this product to mend brick, glassware, loose tiles & shoe soles.

This all purpose lubricant is great for many household uses. It will not stain or discolor. It provides an environmentally safe lubricant for locks, hinges, garage door openers, and many other uses.


This advanced plastic repair kit repairs any plastic---GUARANTEED NO mixing required, just brush the surface with the activator and apply the fast-acting bonding agent. Formulated for vinyl, plexiglass, phenolics, PVC, styrenes, acrylic, ABS & others.

This product works well on all glass. It bonds instantly and is dishwasher safe.

LT-25827 2 fl oz (9ml)

LOCTITE® MIRROR ADHESIVE KIT Use this two (2) part kit to attach mirrors to glass, plastic, or metal. Great for attaching mirrors to windshields.

LT-30814 .01 oz Adhesive .02 oz Primer



.10 oz Activator .07 oz Bonder

10.25 oz


LT-29175 .07 fl oz (2g) tube


This tough fast drying cement is great for bonding or laminating cardboard, ceramic tile, leather, and rubber. It is heat & water resistant. Requires no clamping.

This waterproof all purpose adhesive bonds all surfaces subjected to water & moisture. Seals leaks, repairs tears, and secures tile. Great on brick, aluminum, fiberglass, pool liners, and rain slickers.



1.5 fl oz (44.3 ml)

1 fl oz (30ml)



Assorted Vinyl Electrical Tape

Manco markets a wide range of colors which can be used to repair just about anything including seats, luggage, bags, and books just to name a few.

These assortments are convenient sizes for color coding electrical connections. They are available in two different put-ups.

Features: Professional Grade Duck Tape Excellent Adhesive, Conformability Unwind and Tear features. 9 Colors coordinating with most anything Made in USA 2” X 5yd Part #



Beige Black Blue Brown Green Red Silver White Yellow

2” x 5 YD Roll

No. LT-5CP 5 colors 3/4” X 12’ ea


X-Treme Duck Tape It is not the same OLD DUCK TAPE anymore. These radically COOL colors are “hot”. They are every bit as tough as traditional Duck Tape.

No. No. No. No. No.

1.88” X 3yd Flat

LT-119677 Pink LT-119680 Yellow LT-119681 Green LT-119682 Orange LT-02970 Gray

1.88” X 4yd Roll

No. LT-119745 Yellow No. LT-119747 Orange

Professional Grade All-Purpose Grade

No. LT-B100 1.88” X 10yd Roll No. LT-B200 1.88” X 20yd Roll No. LT-B300 1.88” X 30yd Roll No. LT-B615 1.88” X 60yd Roll


200 mph Reflective Auto Tape This special tape was first discovered by race car drivers who used it on their vehicles and the tape would adhere to the cars at speeds up to 200mph. It is reflective and is great on mailboxes, bikes, Autos, tree stakes and emergency kits. There are over 1001 uses.

Features: Self Adhesive Indoor or Outdoor Use Use at temperatures above 40o F

No. LT-07891

1.5” X 30” RED Roll (REPLACES LT-RF-1) No. LT-07892 1.5” X 30” WHITE Roll (REPLACES LT-RF-2)

Utility Grade

No. LT-DX-660 1.88” X 55yd Roll Removable Type

No. LT-03189 2” X 3yd Flat

QUICK-GRIP Hook and Loop Fastener These products make it easy for the user to easily attach, remove, and reattach items around the home, shop and office. They are made of woven nylon material coated with a rubber-based adhesive system.

Features: Woven Nylon Material Rubber-Based Adhesive Adheres to a variety of clean, dry, and smooth surfaces Available in Dots and Stripes White Color No. LT-01481 Stripes (1 set) No. LT-01483 Dots (16) 5/8”

Adhesive Remover The only complete solution for adhesive and stick residue removal. This product has a pleasant citrus scent and a built-in scraper top.

No. LT-01560 5.45 fl.oz


Just because it looks like Duck tape, feels like Duck tape and tears like duct tape does not mean they all are the same. There are as many types of DUCK tape as there are ducks. Manco manufactures several grades depending on usage.

No. LT-S-10 2” X 10yd Flat

Great for Repairs Crafts, ID Marking High Visibility Easy Tear by Hand & Writeable Excellent Adhesive & Tensile Strength

No. LT-07205

5 colors: Blue, Red, Green, Orange & White. 1/2” X 20’ ea

3/4” X 12”

Features: Safe on all types of surfaces Sponge Applicator for easy application Convenient built-in Scraper Tool Removes all types of adhesive residue Duct Tape Masking Tape Carpet Tape Labels Tar Gum Caulk Easy to handle bottle


667 Pro Series Vinyl Electrical Tape This is a complete line of professional grade Electrical Tape. It is designed for performance and value. Manco’s professional grade 667 series electrical tapes are UL and CSA approved. They are available in eight (8) colors designed for electrical coding and splicing applications. These tapes have excellent stretch, adhesion and conformability and perform well in both indoor and outdoor applications.

LT-04140 Green LT-04141 White LT-04142 Yellow LT-04143 Red LT-04144 Blue LT-04145 Orange LT-04147 Gray LT-04149 Black

Features: UL and CSA Listed Flame-Retardant 7 mil Vinyl Weather-Resistant Up to 600 V rating Temperature Range -18o C to 105o C 0o F to 221o F Resists Abrasion, Moisture Solvents, & UV Rays Convenient 3/4” X 66’ Size

Double-Sided Mounting Tape

Economy Vinyl Electrical Tape

These Manco products are designed for semi-permanent and removable applications. These products are available in several put-ups.

This electrical tape is designed to compete with the imports, however, the stretch, adhesion and weather-resistant qualities are far superior. They are packaged in a sleeve of ten (10) rolls and 250 rolls to a master carton.

No. LT-01528 3/4” X 10’ Removable No. LT-HU-1 1” X 60” Roll No. LT-HU15-6 3/4” X 15’ Roll

No. LT-1219-60 3/4” X 60’

tyco Duct Tape This Polyken 203 Duct tape is an indispensable tool of the trade. We offer many colors for multipurpose use. With these colors to choose from it is easier than ever to pick the correct color for color coding, decoration, seat repair, carpet seaming, electrical protection, and caution. Professionals choose the best, tyco brand.

Part Number 12-2000 12-2002 12-2004 12-2005 12-2006 12-2009

Color Black Red Yellow Green Blue White

meets UL 723

tyco /

Adhesives Gaffer’s Tape

The leading roll on the set This tape is used by professionals on stages, sets, and on location. This versatile low gloss tape has become indispensable for the arts and entertainment industry. Users appreciate the aesthetics of the matte finish, low residue, and easy tear. Some applications include wire hold down, stack blocking and spiking, audio-electric overhead lighting, set and stage decoration, film canister sealing, carpet holddown, splicing, bookbinding, seat repair, graphics and design, and waterproof packaging. We offer the tape in several of the most popular colors. Meets Packard Electric 525-000 Specifications Part Number

12-5100 12-5108 12-5109


Black Gray White

2” X 60YD Roll

2” x 60YD Roll

tyco Electrical Tape This high grade electrical tape is made by Tyco Adhesives, and through an exclusive agreement we are able to offer this quality tape at substantial savings over other nationally known brands of tape. The tape. is made in the U.S.A. and we offer it in several popular colors. Part Number Color 12-8210 Black 12-8212 Red 12-8213 Orange 12-8214 Yellow 12-8215 Green 12-8216 Blue 12-8218 Gray 12-8219 White 3/4” x 66’ Roll


QUALITEK SOLDERING PRODUCTS QUALITEK WORLDWIDE Established in 1980, Qualitek International is the fastest growing manufacturer of soldering materials for the Electronics assembly industry. Their rapid growth has been a result of their commitment to QUALITY, QUICK SERVICE, and state of the art TECHNICAL SUPPORT. Qualitek now has manufacturing facilities in Illinois, Singapore, the Philippines, China, Mexico, and the United Kingdom. Today Qualitek is a major supplier in the International manufacturing market and is currently ranked in the top THREE (3) suppliers. They manufacture solder paste, soldering chemicals, wire solder, and bar solder for the Electronics Industry using all virgin materials. LKG Industries is proud to be a Distributor of these Qualitek soldering products which we offer at substantial savings to the distributor and O.E.M. contract manufacturer. The following are the products that are currently available through your local Electronic Distributor.

Quality - Technology - Performance

Electronic Lead-Free Solder LF217 type


Environmentally safe solder. This solder is designed to replace the standard lead barring type of solder for electronic connections. The reflow temperature is 217o 219oC. The alloy is 95.5% Tin (Sn) / 4 % Silver (Ag) /

Qualitek is an ISO 9002 certified company All incoming raw materials are inspected Every manufacturing process is monitored Every item carries a lot # for tracking


Qualitek has developed a superior solder powder technology that is virtually oxide-free. Qualitek solder paste manufacturing technology consistently delivers high quality solder paste. Qualitek not only meets or exceeds Industry standards, but excel in performance against competition.

.5% (Cu). This combination is the best for soldering electronic connections while retarding the dissolution of copper. It has excellent wetting and spreading properties. Philmore offers this solder with a No-Clean Flux


Qualitek’s application laboratory is equipped with the latest SMT assembly & wave solder equipment. Qualitek’s application laboratory can build prototypes to suit customer needs.

50-21750 50-21700

1/2 LB Spool

Dispenser Pack 21 Gauge (.032” DIA.)

Qualitek Rosin Core Wire Solder Qualitek wire solder is made in the U.S.A. of virgin materials to maintain the highest and most consistent quality Rosin Core (RA300) Solder The RA300 (Rosin Activated) cored solder is one of the most universally used types of solder wire used in the electronics and electrical markets today. It has rapid wetting and spreading properties and leaves little residue which usually needs NO cleaning. LKG Industries offers this solder in several gauges, several alloys, and both 1 LB and 1/2 LB spools


Part Number

Alloy Size Tin / Lead Gauge

Dia. in.

50-30023 50-30523 50-30021 50-30521 50-30018 50-30518 50-30016 50-30516 50-33021 50-33521 50-33016 50-33516

60/40 60/40 60/40 60/40 60/40 60/40 60/40 60/40 63/37 63/37 63/37 63/37

.025 .025 .032 .032 .050 .050 .062 .062 .032 .032 .062 .062

23 23 21 21 18 18 16 16 21 21 16 16

Percent of Flux

3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3

Roll Size

1 LB 1/2 LB 1 LB 1/2 LB 1 LB 1/2 LB 1 LB 1/2 LB 1 LB 1/2 LB 1 LB 1/2 LB

QUALITEK SOLDERING PRODUCTS Qualitek No-Clean Rosin Core Wire Solder Qualitek wire solder is made in the U.S.A. of virgin materials to maintain the highest and most consistent quality No-Clean (NC601) Rosin Activated Solder This special no-clean flux volatilizes (vaporizes) at soldering leaving minimal clear residue which may be removed with HOT water if desired. Part Number

Alloy Size Tin / Lead Gauge

50-60021 50-60521 50-63021 50-63521 50-63018 50-63518 50-63016 50-63516

60/40 60/40 63/37 63/37 63/37 63/37 63/37 63/37

Dia. in.

21 21 21 21 18 18 16 16

.032 .032 .032 .032 .050 .050 .062 .062

Percent of Flux

Roll Size

1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1

1 LB 1/2 LB 1 LB 1/2 LB 1 LB 1/2 LB 1 LB 1/2 LB

Qualitek Silver Solder

Qualitek Lead-Free Solder

These solders are specially formulated to be used with gold and silver plated contacts to prevent the leaching of precious metals which is easily dissolved into tin. Leaching is the tendency for tin/ lead-bearing solder to dissolve metallizations during reflow operations. The rate at which silver leaches into molten tin/ lead solder alloy is retarded by using solder alloys which contain a small amount of silver. These solders contain 2% silver in the alloy.

Part Number

50-32021 50-32521 50-62021 50-62521

Alloy Tin/Lead/Silver

62/36/2 62/36/2 62/36/2 62/36/2

Size Gauge

21 21 21 21

Environmentally safe solder. This solder is designed to replace the standard lead barring type of solder for plumbing applications. The reflow temperature is 221o - 230oC.

The alloy is 96.5% Tin (Sn) / 3.5 % Silver (Ag). This combination is the best for soldering plumbing or similar connections where excess heat will not destroy components. It has excellent wetting and spreading properties.

Dia. in.

.032 .032 .032 .032

Roll size

1 LB


RA300 RA300 NC601 NC601

1/2 LB

1 LB 1/2 LB

50-95505 50-95500

1/2 LB Spool

Dispenser Pack 16 Gauge (.062” DIA.)

RA300= Rosin Activated core, NC601 = No-Clean core

Dispenser Packs of Wire Solder These products are a convenient size to carry in your tool box or keep in the rework bench. They are available in several alloys and types of products.

Part Number

50-3000 50-6000 50-6200

Alloy Tin/Lead/Silver

60/40 60/40 63/37/2

Dia. in.

Roll size

.032 .032 .032

.50oz .50oz .50oz

Carton Quantity

50 50 50

Flux Type

RA300 NC601 NC601

RA300= Rosin Activated core, NC601 = No-Clean core

Maximum Allowable Impurities Impurity

50-6322 Bar solder 2.2 LB / bar 50-6301 Q - Bar Chips 1 oz chip (size 1” x .5”) for small solder pot. 1/2 lb Package Blister Card Display

Antimony Copper Silver Bismuth Iron Arsenic Zinc Aluminum Cadmium Nickel Gold Indium


0.050 0.010 0.010 0.050 0.010 0.010 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.005 0.002 0.050


0.200 0.080 0.050 0.100 0.020 0.030 0.003 0.005 0.002 0.010 0.050 0.100


0.120 0.080 0.015 0.250 0.020 0.030 0.005 0.005 0.001 n/a n/a n/a

Qualitek Bar Solder Qualitek “Q-Bar” solder is made of the finest virgin metals. The quality standards for ALL Q-Bar products exceed the J-STD006, ASTM B-32 and QQ-S-571standards. They are available in 1 Kilogram (2.20 pound) bars and are sold in ten (10) bar packages which weighs 22 LB.


QUALITEK SOLDERING PRODUCTS Qualitek Liquid Fluxes Liquid Fluxes are formulated for general and specific applications. Qualitek offers a large variety of fluxes for the production industry. There are rosin based fluxes, Alcohol Based fluxes, and Water Soluble Fluxes as well. Liquid fluxes can be applied by brush, automation or spray depending upon the requirements. Philmore is offering two of the most popular types in several put ups.

No- Clean Flux

RMA Flux

Water-Soluble Flux


Rosin Based

Water Soluble

50-30202 2oz 50-30232 32oz 50-30201 1 Gal

50-28502 2 oz 50-28532 32oz 50-28501 1 Gal

Rosin Based Flux Mildly Activated, clean with solvent

No Rosin, Low Solids, needs NO Cleaning, Good wetting

50-73702 2oz 50-73732 32oz 50-73701 1 Gal

Highly Active, MUST CLEAN RESIDUE, Distilled Water

Qualitek Paste Flux

Qualitek Super DEOX

Fluxes are intended to be used to reduce solder balling, and bridging. The proper flux allows for proper solder flow and increased wetting of desired areas. Qualitek offers several different types of fluxes including Water Soluble Fluxes, and Rosin Fluxes to name only a few. Philmore is offering the most popular paste flux in two sizes.

This product is specially formulated to convert the oxides of solder (known as dross) that form on solder in solder pots into good solder. Use of Super Deox can reclaim over 80% of dross into usable solder. This substantially reduces solder cost.

50-4002 2 oz container 50-4016 16 oz container

50-6304 Super Deox 4 oz. jar

Delta Tip Tinner by Qualitek

Qualitek Ceasolder Solder Mask

This flux is designed to tin soldering Iron tips. This makes the tips last longer and conduct a more even heat. Philmore offers this in the most popular alloy in a convenient container with mounting tape.

Peelable Solder Mask Ceasolder is a high temperature rubber latex. It is used to temporarily mask metal surfaces from molten solder during the soldering process. It can be applied directly from the applicator bottle or by brush.

50-4212* Peelable Solder Mask 12 oz. *Special Order only--- 90 day shelf life

50-63371 1 oz tin 63/37 alloy

Qualitek Rework-Wands

LKG Acid & Cleaning Brushes

The Qualitek rework-wand is a unique tool for rework and touch-up soldering. It allows a controlled application of flux, eliminating the mess from flux bottles. Rework wands are ideally suited for SMT rework, TAB assembly operations, and component applications. There are three formulas available, R.M.A. (rosin mildly active), Water-soluble, No-clean. Part Number


50-30233 50-28533 50-73733


These brushes have a thousand uses. You may use them for applying flux, remove foreign material from the surface, or to clean parts.

Carton QTY

#302 Low Solids No-Clean 20 #285 “RMA� <25% Solids 20 #737N Neutral PH Water Soluble 20

50-5405 5 Pack 50-5400 Bulk Pack


• Self contained POP display • Items Most used by Consumers - Quick Inventory Turns • Attractive Profit Margins No. 82-130 - Two-Way Video Splitter - 100 Pieces No. 82-147 - Three-Way Video Splitter - 70 Pieces No. 82-162 - Contractors Jack Pack (Ivory) (20) No. TEC30B (26) No. TWP49B (16) No. TWP55B No. 82-262 - Contractors Jack Pack (White) (20) No. TEC30VB (26) No. TWP49VB (16) No. TWP55VB No. 82-308 - Modular Surface Mount Telephone Jack (Ivory)- 80 Pieces No. 82-365 - 6 ft. Stereo Dubbing Cable - 50 Pieces No. 82-415 - TV/FM/Video Wall Plate (Ivory) - 50 Pieces No. 82-425 - TV/FM/Video Wall Plate (White) - 50 Pieces No. 82-435 - TV/FM/Video Wall Plate (Brown) - 50 Pieces No. 82-495 - Telephone Wall Plate (Ivory) - 50 Pieces No. 82-505 - Telephone Wall Plate (White) - 50 Pieces No. 82-555 - Telephone Wall Mount Plate (Ivory) - 50 Pieces No. 82-664 - 6 ft. Video Cable - 50 Pieces Philmore Manufacturing An LKG Industries Company - Rockford, IL 61125 USA


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