Tripplite and Waber Catalog

Page 1



TRiPPW 4 - 24 outlets _..........

7.38 -72 in. long (including 19-in. rack)

19 rack/workbench/wall/floor mount models available!

FEATURES See page 3 for fealllres ofspecific models.

o e •

o o o o

Heavy-Duty Metal Housings Stand up to the most demanding environments. Illuminated On/Off Switch Locking Switch Safety Cover Prevents accidental shutoff. Circuit Breaker Guards against overloads.

Adjustable Mounting Clips

Adjustable Mounting Clips Provide secure mounting positions along the entire length of the outlet strip. Adjustable Mounting Hardware Provides secure rack. workbench. wall or floor mount.

Locking Switch Safety Cover

3 - 10 outlets

Keyhole Slots or Flanges Provide secure mounting.

7.38 - 17.5 in. long

15 workbench/wall/floor mount models available!

4D Grounding Post

o End-Mounted Outlet •

Keyhole Slots

Internal Fault Protection Ensures UL 60601-1 compliance.

G Hospital-Grade Outlets Locking Switch Safety Cover



Mounting Options


Adjustable Mounting Clips (Snap/Keyhole) Adjustable clips included with "PS"·

and "55" models are slide-adjustable to allow an infinite number of mounting positions along the entire

length of the outlet strip. Snap mount or keyhole mount. • Except hardwire models. which permanently mount

through the housing.

- - - - - Snap Mount

Keyhole M o u n t - - - - - - - ­

PO BOX 270132 West All,s WI 53227-0132

(414)-327-1555 FAX





Measure and mark a slraightline. Mount ctips.


Snap outlet s~ip into clips.

Measure and mark a straight line. Drive screws.

Snap outlet strip inlo clips.

Slide Ihe IrotJIlting clips' key­ hole sloIs OYer screw heads.





PS2408 PS3612 PS4816 PS6020 PS7224 PS7224·20 PS7224-20T

24 x 1.5 x 1.5 36 x 1.5 x 1.5 48x 1.5x 1.5 60 x 1.5 x 1.5 72 x 1.5 x 1.5 72 x 1.5 x 1.5 72 x 1.5 x 1.5

8 12 16 20 24 24 24

5-15R 5-15R 5-15R 5-15R 5-15R 5-15/20R 5-15/20R

2.48 2.638 2.717 2.795 2.795 2.795 2.795

1800W 1800W 1800W 1800W 1800W 2400W 2400W

15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 20A (20A)

Lighted/Protected Liahted/Protected Li hted/Protected Li hted/Protected Li hted/Protected Li hted/Protected Lighted/Protected

I Lighted/Protected

c®us c'i\lus

HOUSingl e Color




Surge Sup· ression

15 ft. 15 ft. 15ft. 15ft. 15ft 15 ft. 15ft.

14/3 14/3 14/3 14/3 14/3 12/3 12/3

5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-20P L5·20P (twist lock)

Gray Gray Gra Gra Gra Gra Gray

Adiustable Clip Adjustable Cli Adiustable Cli Adiustable eli Adiustable Cli Ad"ustable Cli Adjustable Clip


15A 115ft 15A 15 ft.

14/3 14/3

5-15P 5-15P

Gray Gray

Adiustable Clio Adiustable Clio

1450 Joules 1450 Joules

15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 20A 20A


None None None None None None None

Corded Models (with Surge Suppression)-UL 1449 ABCDE ABC DE

SS7415-15 SS7619-15

I 48 x 1.5 x 1.5 1 72xl.5x1.5

16 24

5-15R 5-15R

2.717 2.795

1800W (15A) 1800W (15A)

I Lighted/Protected

Hardwlfe Models-UL5 A


36 x 1.5 x 1.5




2400W (20A)



72 x 1.5 x 1.5




2400W (20A)

- - - - - None (Hardwired) - - - - - - - - - None (Hardwired) - - - - -





Black fAdjustable Hardware I (rackibench!walV\loor) Black fl\djustable Hardware I (rackibench!waIVfloor) Black fl\djustable Hardware (rackibench!waIVfloor)


191n Rackmount Models-UL-Recognized ABCDFH RS-1215 ABCDFH RS-1215-20 ABCDFH RS-1215·RA


(1U) 1.75 x 191C)x 4 (1U) 1.75 x 191C)x 4 (1U) 1.75 x 191C)x 4 (1U) 1.7 x 191C)x 3.5

12 12 12


5-15R 6fronV6 rear) 5-15/20R I16 fronV6 rearl 5-15R Right-Angled 6fronV6 rear) 5-15R HGIO) 6fronV6 rear)

1.776 (front) 1800W (15A) 4.995 (rear) 2.176 (Iront) 2400W (20A) 2.846 (rearl 2.176 (front) 1800W (15A) 2.846 (rear) 1.776 (Iront) 1800W (15A) 4.995 (rear)



15 ft.










15 ft.





15 ft.


5-15P HG

Black ~diustable Hardware I Irackibench/walVlloor)


None None None None

15A 15A 15A 15A

15ft. 1.5 It. 6ft. 15ft.

14/3 14/3 14/3 14/3

5-15P HG 5-15P HG 5-15P HG 5-15P HG

White White White

None None None None

None None

Hospital-Grade 'O) Power Strips - UL1363 (See p. 6 for additional information.) ADGK ADGK ADGK ADGK

PS-415-HG PS-602-HG PS-606-HG PS-615-HG

7.38 x 2.5 x 1.5 12.5 x 2.5 x 1.5 12.5 x 2.5 x 1.5 12.5 x 2.5 x 1.5

4 6 6 6

5·15R 5-15R 5-15R 5-15R


1800W (15A) 1800W (15A 1800W (15M 1800W (15M

1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51


Keyhole/Flanges I Keyhole/Flanges 1 Keyhole/Flanges I Keyhole/Flanges I

Medical-Grade Power trip - UL 60601-1 Tested, Certified and Compliant (See p. 6 for additional information.) Keyhole/Flanges 1 None 5-15R HG 1.51 1800W (15Al! None 15A 115ft. 5-15P HG Wh~e ADGJK PS-415-HGULTRAI13.75 x 2.5 x 1.51 4 14/3 I') See page 2lor key 10 features. I.j All models are rated to 120V AG, 50/60 Hz. IC) DeSigned for standard 19 In. racks. Un~ width w~hout mounting hardware IS 17.5 Inches. (0) Not for use where NEG requires hospital-grade receptacles. (Note: Multiple Outlet Strips do not provide surge suppression.) The policy 01 Tripp Lite is one 01 continuous improvement. Specifications are subject to change without notice.

\WB& 3 - 10 outlets 7.38 - 17.5 in. long TJijI'PfiTE workbench/waWfloor mount models ....





Outlet , Outlet Quantity NEMA Tvoe

IICenters Outlet I I Electrical I lin.) Ratina l ')



Circuit Breaker


Cord .1 Cord Type Lenath (SJTl

I NEMAPlug I Housing I TVDe Color


I LDimensions x W x D (in) (case only)


3SP UL603CB-6 602 602·15 6SP UL24CB-15 UL24RA-15 UL620-15 UL17CB-15 UL800CB-15

3 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 9(0) 10

5-15R 5-15R 5-15R 5-15R 5-15R 5-15R 5·15RICI 5-15RJ 20R 5-15R 5-15R

1.75 1.25 1.188 1.188 1.625 1.625 1.625 1.625 1.125 Tandem

1800W 1800W 1800W 1800W 1800W 1800W 1800W 400W 1800W 1800W

15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 20A 15A 15A)

Liohted/Protected Lighted/Protected None None Liohted/Protected Lighted/Protected Lighted/Protected Liohted/Protected Lighted/Protected Lighted/Protected

15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 20A 15A 15A

6 It. 6 It. 6 It. 15 It. 6 It. 15 ft. 15 It. 15 It. 15 It. 15 It.

14/3 14/3 14/3 14/3 14/3 14/3 14/3 12/3 14/3 14/3

5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5-15P 5·15P 5-20P 5-15P 5-15P

Blue/Gray Blue/Grav Blue/Gray Blue/Gray Blue/Gray Blue/GraY Blue/Gray Blue/Grav Blue/Gray Black

Keyhole/Flanges Kevhole/Flanoes Keyhole/Flanges Keyhole/Flanoes KeYhole/Flanoes Keyhole/Fiances Keyhole/Flanges Keyhole/Flanoes KeYhole/Flanoes Flanges

7.38 x 2.5 x 1.51 7.38 x 2.5 x 1.5 7.38 x 2.5 x 1.5 7.38 x 2.5 x 1.5 12.5 x 2.5 x 1.5 12.5 x 2.5 x 1.5 12.5 x 2.5 x 1.51 12.5 x 2.5 x 1.5 12.5 x 2.5 x 1.5 17.5 x 4 x 1.75 7.38 x 2.5 x 1.5 12.5 x 2.5 x 1.5 12.5 x 2.5 x 1.5 12.5 x 2.5 x 1.5

Adjustable Mounting Hardware (RacklBencbIWall/Floor Mount)

Keyhole Slots

Removable, adjustable hardware included with 'RS" models and UL800CB-15 provides 4 separate secure mounting methods

for a variety of applications, including rack, workbench, wall or floor mount.

Waber by Tripp Lite models provide secure mounting. Mounting Centers: all 7.38 inch long strips = 5 inches; all 9.5 inch long strips = 6.25; all 12.5 inch

Wall Mount

[Il Mount to rack using rack screws.

Remove, reorient and reinstall hardware along sides at outlet strip. Mount under bench.

Floor Mount

,, , r

Remove. reorient and reinstall hardware Remove, reorient and reinstall hardware along along sides 01 outlet strip. Mounl on walt. one side o( outlet strip. Mount on tlocl.

Keyhole slots on the bottom of all

Iong strips = 8 i:~~S.

~ ///~::::"""'$


Measure and mark astraight line. Drive screws.

la' 4'


Slide the outlet strip's keyhole

slols over screw heads.


Surge Suppressors

Rackmount Heavy-Duty Metal Housing Surge Suppressors

• up to 3690 Joules

12-14 outlets, 5 models available!

• Heavy-Duty Metal or Plastic Housi ngs • Mount On Any Surface • 2 - 14 Outlets FEATURES See "Features" colullln in charts on page 5jorjeatures ojspecific models.

ISOBARt2ULTRA (lfOnl and rear panel)

o Surge Suppression e

Metal Heavy-Duty Housing Surge Suppressors

All AC outlets protect against damaging surges and disruptive EMI/ RFI line noise. * Widely spaced outlets accept multiple transformers. Heavy-Duty Metal Housings Heavy-duty steel or extruded aluminum housings stand up to the most demanding environments. * *

4-8 outlets, 11 models available!

• Standard-Duty Plastic Housings High-impact plastic provides a durable, economical alternative in demanding environments. Isolated Filter Banks Premium-grade Isobar models feature isolated banks of receptacles that eliminate interference between connected equipment, reducing data errors and audio/video signal distortion.

Right-Angle Plug (select models)


Keyhole Slots (all models)


o Illuminated On/Off Switch 4) Locking Safety Cover

o (Separate Circuit Breaker or Integrated)

Plastic Standard-Duty Housing Surge Suppressors 2 -10 outlets, 21 models available!

4D Diagnostic LEDs'"

o Tel/Modem, Ethernet and/or Cable/Satellite Surge Protection Protects equipment from damaging surges on telephone/modem, network and/or cable/satellite lines.

. . Right-Angle Plug Allows equipment and furniture to be moved flush against the wall. Ct Adjustable Mounting Hardware Removable, adjustable hardware included with rackmount models provides secure mounting for a variety of applications including rack, workbench, wall or floor mount. •

Keyhole Slots Provide secure mounting for a variety of applications. Grounding Post



Keyhole Slots (select models)



• DR5-1215 and DG206 do not provide EMIjRFI

line noise filtering ...... All metal housings are steel. except Isobar models which are extruded aluminum .••• TLPB10NET, TLPB10SAT and TLPBOBTELTV also include an audible alarm.

Mounting Options Rack MOl/nt

Adjustable Mounting Hardware (Rack/BencbfWallffloor Mount) . Removable, adjustable hardware included with rack mount models proVIdes 4 separate secure mountmg methods for a variety of applications, including rack, workbench, wallar floor mount. Bench MOl/llt


o o o

po BOX 270132 West Allis WI 53227-0132


(414)-327-1555 FAX


(414) 327-0577



o o

Mount to rack using rack screws.

Reorient hardware and reinstall along sides of ouUet strip. Mount under bench.

JJall Mount


Reorient hardware and reinstall along sides of outlet strip. Mount on wall.

Floor Mount

,, Reorient hardware and reinstall along one side of outlet strip. Mount on floor.


Rack Mount Heavy-Duty Metal Housing Surge Suppressors ~



, - - OUTLET ------,


IModel #

Qlv.1 NEMA Tvoe Premium-Grade Isoba~-UL-Recognized ABOEFGHKM ISOBAR12ULTRA 12 5-15R (2 front, 10 rear) 12 5-15R 12 front, 10 rear\ ABOEFGHKM IBAR12 ABEFGHKM IBAR12/20ULTRA 12 5-15R (2 front) 5-15/2QR (10 rear) 12 5-15R (2 front) ABEFGHKM IBAR12-20T 5-15/20R (10 rear)



Surge UL1449 Joules Suppression (2nd Rack Ratino edition) Heioht

Electrical Raling '


I Switch




II Jsolaled Plug HousingII Filler Cord (NEMA LEOsl') Banks Length l ') Type) Color

Oimensions lC) Lx W x 0 (in)


1280 1280 1280

330 400 330

1U 1U 1U

1800W f15A) liahted/Protected 1800W f15A) liahted/Protected 2400W (20A) lighted/Protected

3 3 3




2400W (20A) lighted/Pratected



15 It. 15 ft. 15 ft.

5-15P 5-15P 5-20P

Black Black Black

(1U\ 1.75 x 19 x 3.751 (1U) 1.75x19x3.75 (W) 1.75 x 19 x 3.75


15 ft.

L5-20P twist lock


(1U) 1.7.5 x 19 x 3.75

2 2




8 8 B 6 6 4 4

2350 2350 2850 2350 2850 2200 2700


330 330 330 330 330 330 330

1 line

2 line

1 line

lighted liahted lighted lighted/Protected lighted/Protected liahted/Protected liohted/Protected

3 3 3 3 3 3 3

liohted lighted lighted liohted

1 1 1 1

4 4 4 3 3 2 2

12 ft. 25 ft. 12 ft. 6 ft. 6 ft. 6 ft. 6 ft.

Riaht-Anale Right-Angle Right-Angle Riaht-Angle Riaht-Anole Riaht-Anole Rioht-Anole

Beiae Beige Beige Beiae Beioe Beioe Beioe


6 ft. 6 ft. 6ft. 6 ft.

Straioht Straight Straight Straioht

White White Beige Beioe

9 x 3.5 9 x 3.5 9 x 3.5 7 x 3.5 7 x3.5 6 x3.5 6 x3.5

x2.5 x 2.5 x 2.5 x 2.5 x 2.5 x 2.5 x 2.5

Commercial-Grade Waber-by-Trtpp Llte-UL1449 ABEGHL ABEGHL ABEGH ABEGH


6 6 6 6

600 450 450 450

400 400 400 400







12.5 x 2.5 x 1.5 12.5 x 2.5 x 1.5 12.5 x 2.5 x 1.5 12.5 x 2.5 x 1.5


Unlit Ri ht-An Ie Silver 11.6 x 5 x 2.25 8 ft. ACGHIJl TLP1008TELTV 10 3345 330 1 inl2 out 1 inl1 out 2 ACGHIJl TLP1008TEL 10 2395 330 Ri ht-An Ie 1 inl2 out Unlit 2 8 ft. Silver 11.6 x 5 x 2.25 JA CEGHI JL TLP810NET 330 2-line (1 iry'1out Yes 10 ft. Ri ht-An Ie 8 3690 1 inl1 out 1 inl1 out li hted 2 Black 9.25 x 4.25 x 1.5 li hted Yes 10 ft. Ri ht-An Ie Black 9.25 x 4.25 x 1.5 TLP810SAT 3570 330 1 inl1 out 2 inl2 out 2 ACEGHIJL 8 Ri ht-An Ie li hted Yes 8 ft. Grav 9.25 x4.25 x 1.5 330 1 inl2 out 1 in/1 out 2 IA CEGHIJ L TLP808TElTV 8 3500 Ri ht-An Ie 9.25 x 4.25 x 1.5 li hted 2 8 ft. White 2820 330 1 inl2 out ACEGHIJL TlP808TEl 8 Ri ht-An Ie White 9.25 x 4.25 x 1.5 8 ft. 330 li hted 2 ACEGHJl TlP808 8 1900 White 10.25 x 2.75 x 1.5 2720 1 inl1 out Unlit 2 15 ft. Ri ht-An Ie ACGHIJL SUPER7TEL15 7 330 White 10.25 x2.75 x 1.51 Unlit 2 7 ft. Rioht-Anale SUPER7TEL 7 2470 330 1 in/1 out IA CGHI J L Ri ht-Anale White 10.25 x 2.75 x 1.5 ACGHIJl SUPER7COAX 2350 330 1 inl1 out Unlit 2 7 ft. 7 Unlit 2 7 ft. Ri ht-Anole White 10.25 x 2.75 x 1.51 SUPER7 7 2350 330 ACGHJl Silver 10.75 x 2.25 x 1.5 liohted 2 7 ft. Rioht-Anole ACEGHIJ TlP707TEL 7 1270 330 1 in/1 out White 10.25 x 2.75 x 1.5! 1 inl1 out Unlit 1 12 fl. Straioht IACGHIL SUPER6TEL12 7 1270 330 White 10.25 x 2.75 x 1.5 1270 1 in/1 out Unlit 1 6 fl. Strai ht ACGHIL SUPER6TEL 7 330 liohted 1 12 ft. Strai ht White 11.25 x 2.1 x 1.5 ACEGHL TLP712 7 1000 330 White 11.25 x 2.1 x 1.5 330 liohted 1 6 fl. Strai ht ACEGHL STRIKER 7 750 lighted White 10.5 x 1.6 x 1.25 1 4 ft. Strai ht ACEGHIL TLP604TEL 6 870 330 1 in/1 out 4 fl. Strai ht White 10.5 x 1.6 x 1.25 Unlit ACGL TLP604 720 330 6 Unlit 2 ft. Strai ht White 9.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 I 250 330 ACGL TLP602 6 None Retractable Black 3.5 x 1.75 x 2.5 2 ACHI TRAVELER 2 1050 330 1 inl1 out O l O 1 inl1 outl ) 3.5 x 1.75 x 2.5 1 in/1 out ) None 2 Retractable Black ACHI TRAVELER100BT 2 1050 330 (•I AILoutlets are NEMA 5-15R. All a and 10 outlet models Include outlets with sliding safety covers. I•) Models with 2LEGs. Grounded (ilfdlcates presence of proper outlet grounding), Protected (Indicates presence of suffiCient surge suppression). Models with 1LED: Protected (indicates presence of sufficient surge suppression). (C) All plugs are NEMA 5-15R All models feature 14/3 SJT cord types. All models are rated to 120V AC, 50/60 Hz. with an 1aOOW (15A) electrical rating and include EMVRFlline noise filtering. (0) RJ45 jacks protect either TeVModem or Ethernet line, but not both lines simultaneously. The policy of Tripp Lite is one of continuous improvement. Specifications are subject to change withouf notice.



Keyhole Slots Keyhole slots on the bottom of all models (except rack mount) provide secure mounting. METAL HOUSING MODEL MOUNTING CENTERS ISOBAR8ULTRA / ISOTEL8ULTRA, ISOBAR25ULTRA ~ 8.3125 in.; ISOBAR6ULTRA / ISOTEL6ULTRA / ISOBAR6ULTRAHG ISOBAR4ULTRA / ISOTEL4ULTRA ~ 5.25 in.; DGl15-SI / DG206 / SPS-615-HG ~ 8 in. (Note: PM6SN1 and PM6NS do not feature keyhole mounting slots.) PLASTIC HOUSING MODEL MOUNTING CENTERS TLP1008TELTV / TLP1008TEL ~ 3.375 in.; TLP810NET / TLP810SAT / TLP808TELTV / TLP808TEL / TLP808 / SUPERlTEL15 / SUPERlTEL / SUPER7COAX / SUPER7 / SUPER6TEL12 / SUPER6TEL ~ 3.4375 in.; TLP604 / TLP604TEL / TLP602 ~ 4.5 in.; STRIKER / TLP712 = 5.625 in. (Note: TRAVELER, TRAVELER100BT and TLP707TEL do not feature keyhole mounting slots.)

Measure, mark and drive screws along straight line.

AC Outlet Circuit Tester =

6.8125 in,;

Slide keyhole slots over screw heads.

• Instantly detects faulty wiring in standard 3-wire, 120V .AC wall outlets • Easy-to-read display signals open ground, neutral or hot; and hot/ground or hot/neutral reversals Model: (T120


Tripp Lite Medical-Grade Products Facilitate UL 60601-1 Compliance

Why is UL 60601-1 importDnt?

The safety of patients and staff depends on it. Ul 60601-1 is a shock­

prevention measure specified by NEC (National Electrical Code) requirements,

covering all electronic devices in patient-care areas. Tripp lite's Medical-Grade

products are tested and certified for full Ul 60601-1 compliance.

Can you meet UL 60601·1 standards and stay under budget?

Tripp lite Medical-Grade products provide Ul 60601-1 compliance for all connected devices, allowing you to continue using your existing hardware. Compared to upgrading site wiring and replacing equipment, that's a major savings!

Medical-Grade UPS Systems

Medical-Grade Mobile Power Retrofit Kit - NEW! Application: provide battery backup and surge/noise protection for computers and equipment on mobile carts in patient-care areas • Ul 60601-1 and 1778 listed • Internal isolation transformer limits HCRK cumulative current leakage • Adds reliable, long-lasting AC power to non-powered medical carts • Mounting hardware supports installation with the most popular carts • Built-in USB port and Included PowerAlert Data-Saving Software Capacity

Application: provide battery backup and surge/noise protection for computers and equipment in patient-care areas • Ul 60601-1 & 1778 listed • Internal isolation transformer limits cumulative current leakage • Reliable, long-lasting battery backup






FulVHall Load Runtime") (min)

330/225 700/450 1000/750





Outlets") 4 4 4

Dimensions wei3ht HxWx D(in) (Ib 10.75 x5.25 x7.5 25 12.75 x7.5 x9.5 44.2 12.75 x7.5 x9.25 46.4

• UL 60601-1 and 60950-1 listed • Integrated outlet safety covers • Site wiring fault protection!A) • Accidental shutoff protection") PS-415-HGULTRA

Application: provide full line isolation and surge/noise protection for computers and equipment in patient-care areas

Dimensions HxWx 0 (in) 1.5 x 13.75 x 2.5

") Winng fautt protection resets automatically. Patent pending. Also includes 15A circun breaker. lSI Switchless design. 'C) NEMA 5-15R HG outlets and NEMA 5-15P HG plug.



Hospital-Grade Power Strips




• Ul60601-1 & 1012 listed • Faraday shield limits cumulative current leakage to <100 IJA • Surge/noise protection

Application: provide convenient hospital-grade outlets

• •

\::\ ':.


UL 1363 listed Accidental shutoff protection,A)



Model # IS250HG IS500HG IS1000HG IS1800HG

Cord Length (Il) 15

Model # PS-415-HGULTRA

Medical-Grade Isolation Transformers


Weight (Ib) Power Supply: 14.4 Battery Module: 61.5

patient-care areas

I~ All models include one RS-232 (OB9) communication port. SMART700HG and SMART1200XLHG also include one USB port. PowerAlert included with SMART1200XLHG; available as a FREE download for other models. II) Estimated runtime varies with load, battery condition and other factors. SMART1200XLHG runfime is expandable with external battery packs (model BP36V27, sold separately).I~AII models include NEMA 5-15R HG outlets and 6 n. cord wrth NEMA 5-15P HG plug.


Dimensions HxWx D(in) Power Supply: 3.5 x11.5 x 6 Battery Module: 7x145 x8.5

") Estimated runtime in standard contiguration. Runtime vanes wnh load, battery cond~on and otller tactors. Addrtion~ runtime solutions available (contact Tnpp Lrte). lSI NEMA 5-15R HG outiets and coiled 10 ft. cord witll NEMA 5-15P HG plug.

• Communication port(s) and PowerAlert Data-Saving Software'A)


Oullets") 3

Medical-Grade Power Strip - NEW! I Ap/J.lication: provide convenient outlets in

• Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR) and surge/noise protection


Runtime") (hI) Up to 12

I (VA/WaUs)

Model # HCRK

Capacity (WaUs) 250 500 1000 1800

Outlets") 2 4 4


Dimensions HxWxD(in) 4.5 x4.75 x7.75 5.75 x6.25 x9.25 7.25 x7.25 x10 7.75 x8.25 x12.25

Weight (Ib) 13.2 22.2 36.8 54

'~IS1800HG Inc1it<les.NEMA 5-15120R HG outlets. Other models Include NEMA 5-15R HG outlets. IS1800HG's 6 includes a NEMA S-20P HG plug. Other models include a 6 ft. cord wittl NEMA 5-15P HG plug.

n. c()(d

Life Support Statement: Use of this equipment in life support applications where failure of this equipment can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of the life support equipment or to significantly affect its safety or effectiveness is not recommended. Do not use this equipment in the presence of a flammable anesthetic mixture with air, oxygen or nitrous oxide. All Tripp Lite Healthcare Power Solutions are rated for 120V electrical service and include Hospital-Grade plugs and outlets. The policy ofTripp Lite is one of continuous improvement. Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Model # PS-415-HG PS-602-HG PS-606-HG PS-615-HG RS-1215-HG


Oullets") 4 6 6 6 12

Cord Lenath (Ill 15 1.5 6 15 15

Dimensions HxWxDlinl 1.5 x8.65 x2.5 I 1.5 x13.75 x2.5 1.5 x13.75 x2.5 I 1.5 x13.75 x2.5 1.75 x191" x4

,,) All models are swrtchless, except RS·1215-HG, which includes illuminated swrtch wrth protective cover. (I) All models include NEMA 5-15R HG outlets and NEMA 5-15P HG plug. Not for use where NEC requires hosprtal-grade receptacles. (e) Designed for standard 19-inch racks. Unit without mounting hardware is 17.5 inches.

Hospital-Grade Surge Suppressors


-" ~

. .. .








Application: provide convenient hospital­ grade outlets with surge protection • Ul 1449 & 1363 listed • Accidental shutoff protection'A) Dimensions HxWxD in 1.5 x13.75 x2.5 2.5 x7 x3.5

"1 SPS-615-HG is swrtchless; ISOBAR6ULTRAHG includes illuminated swrtch wrth protective cover. (8) All models include NEMA 5-15R HG outlets and NEMA 5-15P HG plug. Not for use where NEe requires hospital-grade receptacles. ISOBAR6ULTRAHG includes exclusive isolated fitter banks.


All Tripp Lite UPS systems provide reliable battery backup to support equipment during bLackouts and other power failures. ALL modeLs aLso include Line noise fiLtering and network-grade surge suppression to protect equipment against everything from catastrophic hardware damage to irreparable data corruption. Most models include communication ports and support automatic unattended shutdown of connected computers during extended blackouts. For more information about Tripp Lite UPS systems, request our fuLL-coLor UPS brochure<or go· to



SmartOnline~ UPS Systems






Application: protect and support mission-critical servers, network hardware and other equipment

- True on-Line operation with continuous AC-to-DC-to-AC conversion isoLates equipment from all power probLems - Pure sine wave power and zero transfer time to battery enabLes maximum compatibility and equipment stability - Capacities from 750VA to 10kVA (600W to 8kW); 3-phase modeLs from 20-30kVA (16-24kW) - 2U to lOU totaL rack size with versatile rack/tower cabinets; tower modeLs aLso available • Extended runtime options available

UPS Systems Application: protect and support servers, workstations, network hardware and other equipment


- Advanced automatic voLtage regulation protects against brownouts and other voltage problems - Most models offer pure sine wave power - Capacities from 500VA to 5kVA (300W to 4kW) • lU to 6U total rack size with versatile rack/tower cabinets; tower models also available - Extended runtime options available Model shown: SMART1500RMXL2Ua

Model shown: SU2200RTXL2Uo

INTERMEDIATE PROTECTION - - - - ­BASIC PROTECTION - - - - - - - ­ Digital, AVR & OmniSmarf" UPS Systems I


Internet Office$ & Be Series UPS Systems

Application: protect and support computers, workstations, peripherals, A/V components and other equipment

Application: protect and support SOHO computers, peripherals and other office equipment

- Automatic voltage regulation protects against brownouts and other voLtage probLems • Capacities from 300VA to 1500VA (180W to 980W) - Tower and Low-profiLe desktop cabinets

- Reliable battery backup and surge protection - Capacities from 300VA to 1400VA (150W to 940W) - Tower and low-profile desktop cabinets Model shown: INTERNET750U

Model shown: SMART1000LCO

POWER DISTRIBUTION UNITS (PDUs) Application: distribute power to rackmount and other equipment in IT and industrial environments

- 1U rack (select models), OU rack (vertical) or surface (wall, counter, workbench) installation - Metal enclosures and 10-15 ft. cords - Metered PO Us include digital load meters that display the current drawn by connected equipment (in amps) Hodel shown:


Standard PDUs Model # 1U y PDU1215 PDU1220 Y y PDU1220T y PDU2430 y PDU1230 PDU1415




Amps 15A 20A 20A 30A 30A 15A 20A 2x 20A 16A 16A

Plug 5-15P 5-20P L5-20P L5-30P L6-30P 5-15P L5-20P 2 x L5-20PI~ '1 Multiplelc1 C20 inlet

Outlets 13 5-15Rl 13 5-15/20RJ 13 5-15/20Rl 24 5-15Rl 2 IClm. 16 (C131

14 5-15Rl 14 5-15/20Rl 40 5-15/20Rl 12 C13), 2 (C19l

12 (C13), 2 (C19)

PDUs with Dioital Load Meters Model # 1U Amps y 15A PDUMH15 PDUMV15 N 15A PDUMV20 N 20A PDUMV40 N 2 x 20A PDUMH15AT Y 15A 20A PDUMH20AT Y PDUMH15ATNET Y 15A PDUMH20ATNET y 20A

Plug 5-15P 5-15P L5-20PIAI 2 x L5-20PIB, OJ 5-15P 2 x L5-20PIB.OI 5-15P 2 x L5-20PIB, 01

Outlets 13 5-15RI 16 5-15Rl 20 5-15/20R\ 32 5-15/20Rl 8 (5-15Rl 16 15-15/20Rl 815-15Rl 16 (5-15/20R)


LINE CONDITIONERS Application: protect equipment in manufacturing and other industrial environments

Application: power test benches, 2-way radios, ham radios and point-of-sale . displays

• 89-147V input voltage regulated to 120V output - EMI/RFI line noise filtration and surge suppression Model Shawn: LC1800

Output Dimensions Format Capacity (Walls) Outlets lAI H x W x 0 (in) Weight (Ib) Tower 600 6 5.5 x 4.75 x 4.75 3.8 Tower 1200

4 6.75 x 5.75 x 6.75 8 Tower 1800

6.75 x 5.75 x 6.75 9.6 6 Tower 2400

6 6.75 x 5.75 x 6.75 11.2 Wallmount 600 4 4 x 5 x 5.75 8.3 Wallmount 1200 4 5 x 5 x 7.25 10 Rackmount 1200 5.25 x 19 x 7.75 18.2 14 All models are rated to 120V AC. 60 Hz. output. IAI All outlets are NEMA 5-15R except LC2400 which includes two

PR7: Our most popUlar modefl

- Regulated output and overvoltage protection - QuaLity fiLtering and current-Limiting feature Dimensions H x W x 0 linl 4.25 x 3 x 7.5 3.25 x 3 x 825 3.75 x 6.5.xl" 5 4.5 x 6.75 x 7.75 4.5 x 6 x 10 6.75 x 6.25 x 10.25 6.75 x 10.5 x 11.5

Model # LS606M LC1200 LC1800 LC2400 LS604WM LC1200WM LCR2400

Model # PR3UL PR4.5 PR7 PR10 PR15 PR25 PR40

NEMA 5-15/20R outlets. The policy of Tripp Lite is one of continuous improvement. Specitications are SUbject to

All models are rated to 120V AC, 60 Hz. input and 13.8V DC (± .5\1) output. AddiUonal models with iCS ratings from 3 to 60 amps are available.

t"h')nno U1ithnlJt nntif'o

Amos flCS/Continuous) 4.5/3 4.5/3 '5 10/7.5 15/12 25/20 40/32

Weight fib) 4 5 J 7 10 1 13 19 27




Automatic Switchover Inverter/Chargers Application: run 120VAC sump pumps, emergency lighting and security systems during extended power failures • Provide medium- to Long-term support by converting DC battery power to AC power, ensuring continuous faciLity safety and security • DeLiver PEAK SURGE output (up to 200% of continuous rating) to handLe both equipment start-up and the fluctuating demands of motor-driven devices • Accept user-suppLied batteries for unLimited runtime • Recharge batteries and run equipment when power is present • AutomaticaLLy switch to battery power during bLackouts • Clean, quiet operation-superior to gas generators Input OC/AC (A)

Model # APS750 AP 5 P AP 24 4 APS2448UL 3636VR PR 4

Walls Out Continuous(')

12V/120V, 60Hz 1V V, 60 z V 0,60 z 4V 0, 60Hz 48V/120V, 60Hz 36V 20, 60 z emote ontrol LED witch


Walls Out OverPower'· Peak Surge 150% 01 Cont. u to 1 hr. (') 1125 75 000 3600 3600 5400 ule and 50 It. cor lor a I

ar wire Hardwire ardwlre Hardwire



. 5

.5 5

BP260 Batter ase with abies. Holds Two 9 -121 Batteries 10.5 x .5 x . (AI Charger capacities: APS750 (20A); APSI250 (30A); APS2012 (IOO/25A, selectable); APS2424 (55/14A, selectable); APS2448UL (15A); APS3636VR (30A). (') Maximum output power (Continuous or Peak Surge) only available when batteries are properiy charged. Actual output wattage levels and durations for OverPower and OoubleBoost Peak Surge Output valies depending on battery age, battery charge level and ambient temperature. APS1250 outlets are NEMA 5-15R.


APS750 and

DC-Ia-AC MOBILE POWER Compact/Lightweight Inverters

Heavy-Duty Inverters

Application: run 120VAC power tools, lighting, test equipment and computers used in mobile environments

Application: run heavy-duty 120VAC power tools, lighting, test equipment and computers used in mobile environment

• Provide mobile power support by converting DC vehicle battery power to 120V, 60Hz AC power • DeLiver PEAK SURGE output (up to 200% of continuous rating) INSTANTANEOUSLY to handLe equipment start-up • Easy connection: Lighter pLug (PV150, PV375) or user-suppLied cabLes (aLL other modeLs) • CLean, quiet operation-superior to gas generators

• Provide mobile power support by converting DC vehicle battery • power to 120V, 60Hz AC power • DeLiver PEAK SURGE output (up to 200% of continuous rating) to handLe both equipment start-up and the fluctuating demands of motor-driven devices • Easy connection and mounting with user-suppLied cabLes and hardware • Clean, quiet operation-superior to gas generators

Walls Out Peak Surge (Instanta· neous)IA)

Walls Oul Contino UOUS(A)

Dimensions Shipping Weight Input Oullet HxW x 0 Quantify(') (in) (DC) (IIi) Model # 1'0rtaDIe Mo e s ;JUU 1.75 X ;J.7b x 5.75 PV150 IZV 1 Z

5 2 x 4.25 x 7 PV375

12V 375 600 2 I 3


3 I 2.75 x 5 x 8.25 PV700

12V 700 I 1400 I Permanent·Mount ModeIs

7 PV OOOHF 12V 1Uuu zooo 4 4.z5 x 6 x 13 4 x 6 x 15 PV1800HF 12V 8 4 1800 3600 I

PV3000HF 12V 4.5xllx14 16 4 3000 6000 I 1 x 3.9 x 2.1 2.5 APSRM4 Remote Control LED/Switch Module and cord

lor PVl OOOHF and PV1800HF. Included FREE

with PV3000HF.

(AI Maximum output power (Continuous or Peak Surge) only available when batteries are properly charged. Actual oulPut wattage levels and durations for Peak Surge Output varies depending on battery age, battery charge revel and ambient temperature. 1'1 All models include NEMA 5-15R outlets except PV3000HF which includes two NEMA 5-15R and two NEMA 5-15/20R outlets.



Walls Out Walls Out OverPower'· OoubleBoost'· Ship· Walls Peak Surge Peak Surge Out (150% 01 (200% 01 Oullet Dimensions ping Input Contin- Cont. up to Cont. up to Quan­ H x Wx 0 Weight (Ib') 10 sec,)(A) tilyl') 1 hl.)iA) (in) (DC) UOUS IAI Model # I'V75UFl,; lzV 750 llz5 1500 2 7x8.75x9 lti 7 x 8.75 x 9 PV1250FC 12V 1250 1875 2500 2 25 7.3 x 8.5 x 16.5 PV2000FC 12V 2000 3000 4000 2 41 7.3 x 8.5 x 16.5 PV2400FC 24V 2400 3600 4800 2 44 1 x 3.9 x 2.1 APSRM4 Remote Control LED/Switch Module and 50 It. 2.5 cord lor all PV models in this chart. (A) Maximum output power (Continuous or Peak Surge) only available when batteries are properly charged. Actual output wattage levels and durations for OverPower and DoubleBoost Peak Surge Output varies depending on battery age, battery charge level and ambient temperature. I') PV750FC and PV1250FC outiets are NEMA 5-15R. PV2000FC and PV2400FC outlets are NEMA 5-15/20R.

Visit 1I'l1'1I'.tripplite.comjor complete specifications 0/1 //lore than 1. 000 quality products.


High-Impact Polycarbonate Housing Heavy-Duty Metal Housing. Keyhole or Flange Mount 4D Circuit Breakers (All Inverter/Chargers, Heavy-Duty InveI1ers and PV3000HF)

o LEDs 0 AC Input CD AC Outlets o Remote Control Jack e External Fuse (Cord or Hardwired)

(PVISO and PV37S).

The policy of Tripp Lite is one of continuous improvement. Specifications are subject to change without notice. All trademarks are the sole property of their respective owners.

Distributed By:

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(414) 327-0577


www.industri.. leleclronics.bil


CD DC Input

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