The funzine is hand made, cut and glued. After the master copy was digitized, each copy was printed. The master specimen is made up of several layers.
1. It is the basis of the first issue of the Cooperative Booklet, It is Worth to Hold It! Which was published in 1987 by DR. Erna Zackel and Dr. Kenéz Győzőné editing.
2. In this 20 x 14 cm set of booklets, I embarked on an eyeletically sorted, cut out portion and quotation booklet for the crime-proofing of the 2016 Common Jam event. 3. Finally, I placed the ads, banners and column headings of the Treasury Newspaper. The page is from the 1940s, edited by Count Andrássy Imréné, and I would call it a female magazine today. The three time planes: I mixed the visual world of the present, the Kádár era and the Horthy era. For all three ages, I let go of the primary meaning of the texts that had been wrapped up, and put them in a funny and / or ironic tone, excitingly observing a formatting and deformation of a tradition in their own time.