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Paris, 1940s

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Harlem, 1940s

Harlem, 1940s

What do you think the objects in Caroline’s room say about her personality? What objects in your own home help to define you?

Have you ever become friends with someone because of a shared love of something: a poem, song, movie, novel, or other work of art? A sports team? An academic subject like math or science? If so, why do you think that happened?

Has a poem, song, story,or movie ever helped you to understand things more clearly? Yourself? The world outside yourself? What was that moment?

Is there anything that you hated for a long time, then realized you actually liked? What made you change your mind?

In “Song of Myself” Whitman writes about discovering yourself in others and others in yourself. Have you ever experienced this?

Do you think Caroline’s dependence on technology leaves her more isolated, or more connected to her world? How do you think you would have answered this questions a year ago? Two years ago?

Why do you think Anthony takes as long as he does to tell the story about his basketball game?

Who do you think shows more courage in this story—Caroline or Anthony? How do they show courage differently?

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