The usage of Technology for teaching English

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Subject: Arts – English

The usage of Technology for teaching English

Welcome to all students taking this course – is a must to always give your best and you will discover that learning English is an adventure since you will always apply it in your daily basics of your life. English is fun!

General Objective

• Optimize creativity as it can be applied in different areas of our lives and putting in practice all the knowledges learned as part of the project to lead examples and share with their peers.

Specific Objective

• Applies different technological tools to demonstrate and show any specific topic related to the English language as part of their learning process.

• Presents through an essay the knowledge about the relation between English and Technology and how these are beneficials in their lives.

• Values the importance of applying English for the future and in hand with Technology as part of their lives.

Topics - Content

• Chapter 1: English and Technology can help us develop our potentials to survive in this world.

-The benefits of Technology in learning a language.

• Chapter 2: Tips to improve our English language using Technology.

- Music and Entertainment are useful to learn English and it also applies for other languages.

• Chapter 3: Technology and English the keys to a Prosperous Future.

-Digital Technology.

In order for us to understand the important of learning technologies for English language teaching, is a must we know what is Technology and how it benefits us in the process of learning English or in our case to teach this amazing language also is great to know how the arrival of digital technologies in the classroom has helped learning. Technology is very much part of language learning throughout the world at all different levels. We are as likely to find it in the primary sector as much as in adult education. In the following chapters you will find the tips, explanation and a much reliable way to absorb all the knowledge and guide yourself to acquire to learn English and understand that Technology is a key to the future.


Chapter 1: English and Technology can help us develop our potentials to survive in this world.

Learning English skills today is much easier than it was ten or twenty years ago thanks to advances in technology. Even with all these advances, many people tend to overlook these benefits and how they can help them improve their English language skills.

1: English and Technology can help us develop our potentials to survive in this world.


Before the digital age, searching for specific information means spending hours looking through printed sources, like books, newspapers, and magazines. But, now, all you need is a phone and access to the Internet to find what you need.

The benefits of Technology in learning a language.

Google Translate

Google has this wonderful tool that will translate words from one language to another. There’s also an audio option you can click on to hear how the word should be pronounced. Use this tool to help learn new English words every single day. Translate a sentence from your native language into English and practice speaking and writing it until you fully understand it.

The benefits of Technology in learning a language.

Classroom learning is now made more interactive and engaging to keep students interested. Teachers use technology to plan activities and create learning materials that may help students pay attention in class. Now, students can access lessons online and find other resources, such as videos or research papers, to better cope with their studies.

Chapter 1 Activity and Assesment

After the explanation of this first chapter write an essay with a maximum of 500 words/2500 characters – on How English and Technology can helps to develop our potentials to survive in this world.

• You must create the Tittle of your essay

• Should be 500 words maximum no less no more

• Due on April, Monday 3rd, 2023.

• 100 points

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