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1”#$_`ab%&’-. /02345678 9:;<=>?@ABCD Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ lmnopqrstuvwxyz E F G H I J K L M N O P {|}~ÄÅÇÉÑÖÜáà ]^()*+,cdefghijk âäãåçéèêëíìîï ñóòôöõúùûü†°¢ £§•¶ß®©™´¨Æر ¥µªº¿¡ƒ“”‘’‹‡ˆ


A B C D A (shift+a) A (shift+a)

B (shift+b) B (shift+b)

E F G H E (shift+e) E (shift+e)

F (shift+f) F (shift+f)

I J K L I (shift+i) I (shift+i)

J (shift+j) J (shift+j)

C (shift+c) C (shift+c)

G (shift+g) G (shift+g)

K (shift+k) K (shift+k)

D (shift+d) D (shift+d)

H (shift+h) H (shift+h)

L (shift+l) L (shift+l)

Copyright (c) T-26, Carlos Segura, 2006. All rights reserved.

Mac Keystroke / Windows Keystroke


M Q N R O S P T M (shift+m) M (shift+m)

Q (shift+q) Q (shift+q)

N (shift+n) N (shift+n)

R (shift+r) R (shift+r)

O (shift+o) O (shift+o)

S (shift+s) S (shift+s)

P (shift+p) P (shift+p)

T (shift+t) T (shift+t)

Copyright (c) T-26, Carlos Segura, 2006. All rights reserved.

U V W X U (shift+u) U (shift+u)

V (shift+v) V (shift+v)

W (shift+w) W (shift+w)

X (shift+x) X (shift+x)

Mac Keystroke / Windows Keystroke


Y Z a b Y (shift+y) Y (shift+y)

Z (shift+z) Z (shift+z)

a a

b b

Copyright (c) T-26, Carlos Segura, 2006. All rights reserved.

c d e f c c

d d

e e

f f

g h i j g g

h h

i i

j j

Mac Keystroke / Windows Keystroke


k l m n k k

l l

m m

n n

o s p t q u r v

Copyright (c) T-26, Carlos Segura, 2006. All rights reserved.

o o

s s

p p

t t

q q

u u

r r

v v

Mac Keystroke / Windows Keystroke


w x y z w w

x x

y y

z z

0 4 1 2 5 3 6

Copyright (c) T-26, Carlos Segura, 2006. All rights reserved.

0 0

4 4

1 1

2 2

5 5

3 3

6 6

Mac Keystroke / Windows Keystroke


7 8 9 !

¿ # $ %

& ¡ ( )

7 7

¿ (option+shift+slash) ¿ (alt+0191)

8 8

# (shift+3) # (shift+3)

¡ (option+1) ¡ (alt+0161)

9 9

$ (shift+4) $ (shift+4)

( (shift+9) ( (shift+9)

! (shift+1) ! (shift+1)

% (shift+5) % (shift+5)

Copyright (c) T-26, Carlos Segura, 2006. All rights reserved.

& (shift+7) & (shift+7)

) (shift+0) ) (shift+0)

Mac Keystroke / Windows Keystroke


* + , * (shift+8) * (shift+8)

+ (shift+equals sign) + (shift+equals sign)

, (comma) , (comma)

- (hyphen) - (hyphen)

. / : ; . (period) . (period)

/ (slash) / (slash)

: (shift+semicolon) : (shift+semicolon)

Copyright (c) T-26, Carlos Segura, 2006. All rights reserved.

; (colon) ; (colon)

< = > ? < (shift+comma) < (shift+comma)

= (equals sign) = (equals sign)

> (shift+period) > (shift+period)

? (shift+slash) ? (shift+slash)

Mac Keystroke / Windows Keystroke


@ [ \ ] @ (shift+2) @ (shift+2)

[ (left bracket) [ (left bracket)

\ (backslash) \ (backslash)

] (right bracket) ] (right bracket)

^ _ ` { ^ (shift+6) ^ (shift+6)

_ (shift+hyphen) _ (shift+hyphen)

` (grave) ` (grave)

{ (shift+left bracket) { (shift+left bracket)

Copyright (c) T-26, Carlos Segura, 2006. All rights reserved.

| } ~ Ä | (shift+backslash) | (shift+backslash)

} (shift+right bracket) } (shift+right bracket)

~ (shift+grave) ~ (shift+grave)

Ä (option+u, shift+a) Ä (alt+0196)

Mac Keystroke / Windows Keystroke


Å Ç É Ñ Å (shift+option+a) Å (alt+0197)

Ç (shift+option+c) Ç (alt+0199)

É (option+e, shift+e) É (alt+0201)

Ñ (option+n, shift+n) Ñ (alt+0209)

Ö Ü á à Ö (option+u, shift+o) Ö (alt+0214)

Ü (option+u, shift+u) Ü (alt+0220)

á (option+e, a) á (alt+0225)

à (option+grave, a) à (alt+0224)

Copyright (c) T-26, Carlos Segura, 2006. All rights reserved.

â ä ã å â (option+i, a) â (alt+0226)

ä (option+u, a) ä (alt+0228)

ã (option+n, a) ã (alt+0227)

å (option+a) å (alt+0229)

Mac Keystroke / Windows Keystroke


ç é è ê ç (option+c) ç (alt+0231)

é (option+e, e) é (alt+0233)

è (option+grave, e) è (alt+0232)

ê (option+i, e) ê (alt+0234)

ë í ì î ë (option+u, e) ë (alt+0235)

í (option+e, i) í (alt+0237)

ì (option+grave, i) ì (alt+0236)

Copyright (c) T-26, Carlos Segura, 2006. All rights reserved.

î (option+i, i) î (alt+0238)

ï ñ ó ò ï (option+u, i) ï (alt+0239)

ñ (option+n, n) ñ (alt+0241)

ó (option+e, o) ó (alt+0243)

ò (option+grave, o) ò (alt+0242)

Mac Keystroke / Windows Keystroke


ô ö õ ú ô (option+i, o) ô (alt+0244)

ö (option+u, o) ö (alt+0246)

õ (option+n, o) õ (alt+0245)

ú (option+e, u) ú (alt+0250)

ù û ü † ù (option+grave, u) ù (alt+0249)

û (option+i, u) û (alt+0251)

ü (option+u, u) ü (alt+0252)

Copyright (c) T-26, Carlos Segura, 2006. All rights reserved.

† (option+t) † (alt+0134)

° ¢ £ § ° (option+shift+8) ° (alt+0176)

¢ (option+4) ¢ (alt+0162)

£ (option+3) £ (alt+0163)

§ (option+6) § (alt+0167)

Mac Keystroke / Windows Keystroke


• © Æ ƒ ™ Ø ß ´ ± ® ¨ ¥ • (option+8) • (alt+0149)

© (option+g) © (alt+0169)

Æ (option+shift+apostrophe) Æ (alt+0198)

ƒ (option+f) ƒ (alt+0131)

™ (option+2) ™ (alt+0153)

Ø (option+shift+o) Ø (alt+0216)

ß (option+s) ß (alt+0223)

´ (option+shift+e) ´ (alt+0180)

± (option+shift+equals sign) ± (alt+0177)

® (option+r) ® (alt+0174)

¨ (option+shift+u) ¨ (alt+0168)

¥ (option+y) ¥ (alt+0165)

Copyright (c) T-26, Carlos Segura, 2006. All rights reserved.

Mac Keystroke / Windows Keystroke


µ ª º “ µ (option+m) µ (alt+0181)

ª (option+9) ª (alt+0170)

º (option+0) º (alt+0186)

“ (option+left bracket) “ (alt+0147)

” ‡ ‘ ˆ ’ ‹ ” (option+shift+left bracket) ” (alt+0148)

‡ (option+shift+7) ‡ (alt+0135)

‘ (option+right bracket) ‘ (alt+0145)

ˆ (option+shift+i) ˆ (alt+0136)

’ (option+shift+right bracket) ’ (alt+0146)

‹ (option+shift+3) ‹ (alt+0139)

Copyright (c) T-26, Carlos Segura, 2006. All rights reserved.

Mac Keystroke / Windows Keystroke

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