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KAY-R Charolais

Sale Staff
Auctioneer: Chris poley (306) 220-5006
Shane michelson (403) 363-9973
Ben Wright (519) 374-3335
Levi rimke (204) 851-4515
Sale Day Phones
Kasey Phillips (780) 656-6400
Kord Phillips (780) 650-2360 shologan (780) 699-5082 stockmens insurance larry toner (306) 931-0088
Welcome to the Kay-R Bull Sale for the first ever live on the farm sale at Waskatenau, Alberta. Mark February 25, 2023 as the day to join your hosts the Phillips Family. This Charolais breeding operation is now in their third generation producing and marketing high quality, high performing bulls for the purebred and commercial cattle breeders in North America.
When you are searching for that next herd bull or bulls to enhance your breeding program and bottom line, put the Kay-R Bull Sale high on that list. Some lists have few numbers … the Kay-R list has many that will be circled. It starts with the head and moves back … this is one of the best headed group of bulls offered this spring. uniform in type, smooth fronted, loads of hair and testicle and packed full of performance and style. Optimal in birth weight, this lineup is selected from a large hard-working cowherd in the Parklands of Alberta.
Stop by any time prior the sale and preview the bulls… it will sure be worth the trip! Give Kasey a call for further information or just to discuss the bulls selling… you will get an honest assessment of the bulls and their families.
Watch & Bid Online
We have graded the offering so If we may be of assistance, prior to or sale day, feel free to contact any of the T Bar Team or myself, we will help you in a professional manner.
Chris Poley
KAY-R Luxor 1225K is a truly exciting individual that we feel replicates what we try to produce here. A March bull that checks all the boxes for us, huge growth with a moderate birthweight and a look and build that demands your attention. Luxor is very unique in the way he carries a masculine look in such an appealing package. He has so much width and dimension through his hip and center of body and ties into a very eye appealing front end and head. 1225K gets out on a hind leg that is built to last and steps down a near perfect foot. His dam has truly been one of our best for 11 years with an udder that still looks like it did when she entered production. To top it off Luxor has a curve bending set of epd’s to back up everything he possesses. Top 2% for REA 4% for CW 10% for MWWT and YW 20% for WW, MK and MARB and 40% for CE. 1225K has the capability to improve your bullpen and leave you replacements that change your cowherd.
I reckon you better take a serious look at 1224K. A bull that has been a favorite to everyone from the beginning. Admired for his look and presence in a powerful package. Recon is a unique individual that excels in terms of length of body and carrying so much muscle and power in a sound made package. You really have to appreciate his width in such a level square made package. His 11 year old dam is a no miss producer that has been a standout female in our herd for over a decade. Recon is in the top 4% for REA 25% for CW 30% for WW, YW and top 35% for FAT. Add some pounds to your calf crop with a high quality look and build.
KAY-R Simplistic 404K is a high quality individual that is very hard to put a hole in. A unique blend of rib shape and length of body. 404K is a true beef bull with an explosive amount of muscle and power in a functional build. One of the stoutest bulls in the offering with a huge hip and deep lower quarter. A maternal sister was campaigned successfully, winning a jackpot show and grabbing two reserve division banners at fall shows. Top 4% for REA 15% for CW,WW 25% for YW and 35% for MWWT. Keep it simple, profitable and predictable.

Kayr Quartermaster 24k
KAY-R Quartermaster 24K is a truly unique breeding piece. A bull that has an overwhelming amount of raw muscle and softness. 24K has a ton of depth starting in his heart and carries it through to the center part of his rib and body. What really makes Quartermaster so impressive is the amount of width and hip he has while carrying so much masculinity in such an attractive and good looking package. He is one of the most powerful individuals we have ever offered and gets out and moves on a good foot and great hind leg. His young dam is the type of female we are trying to build a whole herd of. An attractive made female with a ton of length and angularity that has some muscle and shape through her hip and center body with an udder built to last. 24K has a unique outcross pedigree that has been used here for years and has stood the test of time. A bull that packs a punch with a great look in a functional package. To top it off Quartermasters EPD profile is impressive as well top 15% WW 25% YW,

Here is an exciting herd sire prospect with a unique pedigree, great look and build with curve bending epds. KAY-R Ranch Hand 88K has an abundance of natural width and dimension in an attractive eye appealing profile. He carries so much shape and depth through his whole body and carries a ton of muscle over his top and through his back down to his lower quarter and has an extremely attractive head and neck. A full brother was very well received and sold to Bar J Charolais in last year’s sale and we think Ranch Hand has the same qualities. The first Doc Holidays entered into production this year and they have far surpassed expectations with great maternal strengths and gorgeous udders. 88K is in the top 15% for REA 20% for MWWT 25% for WW, YW and FAT 30% for MK and 40% for MARB. Ranch Hand is a versatile breeding piece full of consistency and quality.

Another Doc Holiday son that has been a favorite all year long. KAY-R Riggins 825K is a very eye appealing fault free individual that impresses you with his length of body and muscle expression. He carries a ton of shape in his hip and rib and strides out perfectly every time on a very high quality foot. His dam is a very impressive young female with a gorgeous udder and phenomenal look. Our Commissioner daughters have become some of our most consistent producers here and the Doc Holidays have us really excited about their future here. I believe the son’s out of 825K will be favorites in your bullpen and the females he will leave behind will truly be impressive. Riggins has a very well balanced EPD profile landing in the top 50% in all but two categories. If the majority of our younger cows weren’t off Commissioner and Doc Holiday i’m not sure if we would let him go.
Poncho 636k
KAY-R Poncho 636k is a very appealing bull that has a ton of presence. 636K has a ton of look and is very intriguing in his build. He carries himself with an attractive front end and smooth shoulder and still has a masculine herd bull look. You really have to admire him for his length of body and width. Poncho is a very complete herdsire that will add look and power to your next calf crop.

Kayr Grid Maker 28k
We have dug back into the AI tank and have used some Grid Maker again simply because his females are ideal in their look and build and produce high quality offspring every year. The vast majority of our cow herd stems back to Grid Maker and this might be the best son we have raised to date. 28K is the type of bull your bull buyers all ask for; sound, good footed bull with performance and calving ease. What makes 28K special is in the amount of length and depth he has in a very complete and attractive package. Built in longevity and quality here with a great set of numbers to top it all off top

Kayr Fruition 26k
“Fruition” the point at which a plan or project is realized. 26K is a plan that has come together perfectly. A truly unique calving ease prospect with a great look and all the extras. Fruition is soft through the center of his body and through his heart and transitions into a perfect shoulder placement with an attractive head and neck. For being a calving ease bull he has an abundant amount of presence and natural muscle that carries over his top and through his lower quarter and hip. 26K also boasts an impressive set epd’s while being in the top 10% for BW and CE and top 20% for WW. However the icing on the cake might be the cow family backing him up. Stemming from the Annabelle cow family that has been maybe the most productive and profitable we have ever had and continue to excel. We had 8 natural calves sell out the Commissioner Annabelle cross in last year’s sale that were very well received. If you’re looking for a heifer bull to add quality to your calf crop, you found your bull. Fruition was the Reserve champion junior bull calf champion at Canadian Western Agribition.
Commissioner 59k
KAY-R Commissioner 59K is a really exciting calving ease prospect that has the capability to add a ton of quality to his calf crop. 59K is a perfect example of why the Commissioners have become so popular in many operations across North America. He has a ton of shape and sogginess, in a sound structured attractive package. 59K is built so square and correct and still has an abundant amount of muscle shape through his lower quarter. This is one of the better calving ease bulls we have offered and we believe he will make your job easier and provide extra quality as well. In the top 2% for BW and 5% for CE.
Kayr Commisioner 802k
Another high quality Commissioner son that does so many things right. A bull with some extra growth and easy doing ability in a very nice well balanced package. KAY-R Commissioner 802K is extremely deep bodied and wide over his top and carries a lot of shape down into his hip. A full brother sold a couple years ago to some very good customers in Rimbey and he was a front runner in that year’s set and we believe 802K is also. A very high quality individual with some added look and consistency with a very nice set of numbers.
Handy Dandy is a bull we used off the time tested Ledger who still is making an impact in programs all over and the cow that raised the Ft. Worth Stock Show Reserve Champion Charolais Bull KAY-R Patent in 2016 and the cow that started the Annabelle cow family. KAY-R Calvary 51H is a bull that is so complete and has a ton of raw muscle and easy fleshing ability. He is well built through his shoulder and neck with an attractive head. Consistency with quality is the recipe for success.

Polled Polled
Kayr Turnback 39k
KAY-R Turnback 39K is a bull with a great look and high quality build and design. One of the stoutest, soggiest bulls we have in the offering in a great footed functional package. I really like how much natural mass and presence 39K has to offer. If you want to add some power to your calf crop Turnback will do just that.
Kayr Ludlow 852k
KAY-R Pecos 17K sired by the popular Outsider and off an exceptional young Commissioner cow is a bull we feel has a ton of future. Outsider females have maybe been the most decorated to come along in some time winning shows all over the world and we feel that with added growth, calving ease and quality of the Commissioner’s provides a ton of quality. 17K is extremely attractive in his look and build and still has a ton of natural width and muscle shape through his lower quarter and hip and carries through his center body and heart with a deep and soft look. I believe much like his sire Pecos will produce extremely high quality females and bulls that never go out of style. In the top 10% for BW and CE. It’s hard to build a calving ease bull with this much added quality.
KAY-R Timberland 812K is another prime example of why Tapadero is getting so much use here. A really attractive built bull with a ton of softness and length in his center body and ties into a big square hip. 812K gets out on a great hind leg and carries himself with a lot of presence and look. His dam has been producing our best for the last 15 years and will soon be entering our donor pen. Timberland is a maternal brother to Velocity and his sisters are standouts in our herd. A end of February calf that doesn’t sacrifice performance with maternal attributes. Really study this young herd sire he is very hard to fault.
KAY-R Wheeler 733K is one of the deepest stoutest bulls we have in this year’s pen. He is so soft and easy fleshing in a big stout masculine package. He has a great look and is built to last starting with his nice hind leg and sound structure. Another reason why we like these Tapaderos so much. Performance with a look and presence that is hard to not like. Wheeler ranks in the top 3% for REA 15% for CW and in the top 50 percentile in all but one.
Kayr Chisum 711k
Chisum is smooth fronted and long bodied like all the Tapadero sons are. His mother is broody female with tons of milk and has been a consistent producer for us. 711k will be a easy calving bull and still provide ample growth in his calves.

Kayr Journey 723k
Stamped like all the Tapadero’s, long, smooth fronted and free moving. His dam is a large framed cow and consistently out produces herself.
Kayr Dozer 901k
Dozer is stacked with calving ease on both sides of his pedigree. The Tapadero’s are easy calving with lots of vigour at birth and the Double Visons are the same way. If calving ease is what your looking for then this guy is for you.

Kayr Tilt 307k
307K is backed by one of the most prolific cow families we have. Tilt has a granddam that is just now entering our donor program. His dam 307A is massive middled brood matron as is the 26Y grandmother. 307K puts a lot together in one package. His EPD profile is outstanding and when you combine that with his awesome structural build he is a true herd bull in the making.
This guy is just a M arch born bull but he ranks right at the top with all the early January born claves. He is one the highest indexing bulls in the sale. His dam is moderate in frame but a heavy milking young cow and can wean off a calf the same size as her. Calving ease, high growth and longevity are plentiful in this mating.
Kershaw is stout, hairy, moderate and thick. Calving ease is what this guy will provide and not take away any performance.

811K is designed to be a performance bull. He is long bodied, thick and squared hipped. He will sire calves that will tip the scales on sale day! His sire is consistently producing some our heaviest weaning weights and KAYR 811K will do the same.

Jericho is one the larger framed bulls in the offering. His exceptionally long bodied and will provide pounds to all his offspring at weaning time. He’s loaded with hair and muscle, traits which we feel are a must to sire calves that top the market.

Frisco is a super hairy and stout made bull. He is wide based and thick topped. He will give you calving ease, performance and longevity. There is a full brother working in the Ockerman bull battery.

Kayr Providence 713k
713K is designed to bring calving ease and big performance together. He will sire calves that will consistently be heavy when it matters most, at weaning. His dam has produced high selling sons in the past. Pay weight is what you’ll get here.
A moderate framed, smooth made son of Doc Holiday that is low birth and high growth.
A very well balanced Doc Holiday son that many people will find sale day. He brings calving ease and soundness together in one package. He is thick made with a smooth shoulder and lots of bone to him.

Westward sums up our breeding program over the past several seasons. Sired by Commissioner for calving ease and growth and out of a Key’s Jackson X Classic dam that is a beautiful uddered first calf heifer with a big future ahead of her.
27K has the tools needed to be a great herd bull. He starts with a 78 lbs BW and weaned off with a 815 lbs weaning weight. Be sure to look him up sale day as heifer bulls that don’t sacrifice weaning weights are hard to come by.

Another real solid stout made Commissioner son that started with a 80 lbs BW and weaned off a first calf heifer with a impressive 820 weaning weight.

The dam to 910K has been for the record books here at KAYR. She has had as bid of a impact on our cow herd as any that have walked our pastures. She has produced three herd sires working in purebred operations and numerous bulls in commercial farms. One of her sons, KAYR Mainstreet made a lasting impact in the Effertz Key Ranch in North Dakota and we feel that this guy could do the same for his new owners. He’s a larger framed, longer bodied bull with great feet.

Buzz has been a favourite here since birth. We purchased 75K’s dam from WSS Charolais in Ontario and she was a great addition to our herd. She has a beautiful udder and a great disposition. Buzz is a soggy made and hairy bull with a super look like his dam.

Kayr Buzz 75k
Kayr Duracell 518k
KAY-R is sired by the exciting young herdsire Houlio who has really impressed us with his first set of calves. Duracell is so attractive in his eye appeal and look but doesn’t sacrifice any width or dimension. He carries a ton of depth and sogginess and carries it through over his top and down into his lower quarter. Stemming from a Grid Maker out of the Annabelle cow family who consistently produces high quality progeny. Combined with Houlio this is a calf that will bring a ton of consistency and quality to his calf crop. Top 4% for MK 10%
Smitty is bred to be a performance sire. His sire KAYR RICO was purchased by Johnson Ranching for 30,000$ in one of our past sales and has been doing a fantastic job for them siring high selling performance bulls in their annual bull sale. 511K will be mature and do big things along the way for his new owner. He’s a maternal brother to lot 21.
We purchased a semen pack in the 105,000$ Hulio bull and we are sure glad that we did. 123K is complete in every way. Started small with a 75LBS BW and lots of vigour at birth. He’s really long bodied, and thick with a great head and smooth flat shoulders. His Dam has been a great producer for us for many years and there are many sons working in commercial herds with great success.

841K is the only JWX Honky Tonk son that we have in this years sale but Honky Tonk will become a important sire for us in the next breeding seasons. Everest has a great look to him with a wide top, a deep quarter, and a perfect skull structure. He will give you calving ease and growth and stamp his calves with a great look.

Mescalito has really impressed us with the quality of females he has given us and adding extra performance to our bullpen. KAY-R Mescalito 507K is a great example of just that, a high performing bull with added muscle, length and softness built in an attractive functional package. 507K is off a high performing Grid Maker daughter that is always a pasture favorite. If you’re looking to add some extra pounds and growth to your calf crop 507K will do just that.
Top 10% for MK 15% for MWWT 20% for MARB 25% for CW and REA 35% for FAT 40% for YW and 45% for
Monsoon will be a calving ease specialist. Both sides of his pedigree are bred for small birth weights. He’s in the top 5% of the breed for calving ease. Paternal brother to lot 34.

A larger framed bull, that is extremely long bodied. His dam is a ton + cow that has been a big time producer us. 414K is recommended to be used on cows and will give you moderate birth weights and tons of performance. Full brother working at Bendixon Farms.

Kay-R Land and Cattle
Farm location
From the junction of HWY 28 and 831 we are 2 miles East and then 2 miles South on RR192. The farm is located on the West side

Terms and Conditions terms
The terms of the sale are cash or cheque, payable at par at the sale location. The right ofproperty shall not pass until after settlement has been made; no invoicing on buyers in attendance, unless previous arrangements have been made. Every animal sells to the highest bidder and in cases of disputes, the auctioneer’s decision will be final. Current exchange rates will be announced sale day. All monies are in Canadian funds.
Each animal will sell to the highest bidder... no by-bidding will be permitted. DisputesBidding will be reopened between the parties involved in dispute. If no further bidding is made, the buyer will be the person from whom the auctioneer accepted the last bid. The auctioneer’s decision on all disputes will be final.
All announcements made from the auction block will take precedence over the printed matter in the catalogue. Buyers are therefore cautioned to pay close attention to such disclosures.
breeder’s guarantee
Should any bull fourteen (14) months of age or over fail to prove a breeder after being used on females known to be breeders, the matter shall be reported in writing to the seller within six (6) months following the date of purchase or six (6) months after the bull has reached fourteen (14) months of age. The seller will have the right and privilege of six (6) months to prove the bull a breeder. No guarantee is given that semen collected from the bull will freeze.
Exception Guarantee
In cases where the animal is subjected to any hormonal or surgical reproduction techniques after the sale, this guarantee shall be null and void.
Certificate Of Registration
Each animal will carry papers issued by the Canadian Charolais Association. A certificate of registry duly transferred will be furnished to the buyer for each animal after payment has been made.
phone, mail, wire bids
Bidders unable to attend the sale may phone, wire or mail their bids and instructions to the sale managers, auctioneer or special representatives. Bids must be received in sufficient time prior to the sale.
We will assist in arranging transportation wherever possible. Each animal becomes the risk of the purchaser as soon as sold.
Insurance will be available sale day. We strongly recommend that insurance is purchased for full value.
Rights And Obligations
The above terms and conditions of the sale shall constitute a contract between the buyer and seller and be equally binding to both. Resale of animals following purchase in this sale shall constitute a separate transaction and the rights and obligations of the two parties connected thereto are not covered by the terms and conditions of this sale.
KAYR Land and Cattle retains the right to collect semen on any bull selling for in herd use at the buyers convenience and the sellers expence.
All announcements at sale time, written or oral, supercede any written material in the catalogue nutrition program. They are known for raising elite seedstock and this remains true for this year’s high-quality, consistent bull offering. program. They are known for raising elite seedstock and this remains true for this year’s high quality, consistent bull offering. I hope you can see this impressive set of Charolais bulls in person.
The bull feeding program is designed to maximize forage utilization and gut health. The bulls are developed on grass with their dams. After being weaned, the bulls are transitioned to a TMR formulated for lean muscle growth and to assist the bulls in developing their genetic potential.
The bull feeding program is built to maximize forage utilization and gut health. All forages are sampled and analyzed to ensure quality feed sources are used. Once the calves are weaned, they are slowly transitioned to a TMR. The TMR is forage based and is designed to promote lean muscle growth, allowing the bulls to express their genetic potential. Rumen health is of upmost importance, which is why suitable protein sources and proper starch levels are fed to the bulls. Organic minerals are used both on the cow herd and sale bulls to ensure proper immune function and overall health.

If you have any questions about the nutrition program, feel free to reach out. Buy with confidence knowing the bulls have been developed on a balanced nutrition program.
Organic minerals are used to ensure proper immune function and fertility. A probiotic is also included for good gut health and digestion, allowing the bulls to be more efficient.
If you have any questions about the bull’s nutrition program, please feel free to call. Good luck on sale day.

Good luck on sale day!