Sired by: AHCC WESTWIND W544
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 1
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 2
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 3
Proudly Published By: Todays Publishing 4 3342 Millar Avenue Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 7G9 Ph: 306-934-9696 Fax: 306-934-0744 info@tbarc.com www.limousinvoice.net
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Publication Deadline Dates: Winter (Herd Bull Issue) Ad bookings by Ad copy by Summer (Early Sale Issue) Ad bookings by Ad copy by Fall Late Sale Issue) Ad bookings by Ad copy by
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January 15 January 25
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July 15 July 25 October 1 October 10
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Christmas (Herd Bull Issue) Ad bookings by November 20 Ad copy by December 1
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Cover shot provided by Jaymarandy Limousin of Roblin, Manitoba. Their bulls sell on April 13th in Ste. Rose.
ia ffic
Impact of Limousin Across Canada Masterfeeds Beef Newsletter The Consumer Story Beef Carcass Grading in Canada BIXS & ViewTrak Technologies Partnership Hall of Fame Canadian Beef Breeds Council 2014 Fall Sales CLA President’s Report Ontario Junior Association Fund Raiser
Denver National Western Stock Show
In Every Issue
CLA Office Update The Real World Saskatchewan News Ontario Junior Limousin A Breeders…Veterinary Perspective The View Through My Windshield Quebec News Maritime News
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 4
18 34 36 38 40 44 46 54 60 64
14 32 51 52 53 55 57 60
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 5
g r e e n wo o d p l d yo u n g a n d re stl e ss
Greenwood Pld Bomb Shell (Greenwood Pld Zepplin)
Thank-you to Hi-Way Limousin for selecting Bomb Shell in the National Pick of the Barn
Bulls-Females-Frozen Genetics Available Privately All The Time Limousin-Angus-Club Calves
g r e e n wo o d z e xy a n d i k n o w i t
Greenwood Born Sexy (Motive) Scott, Jackie , Jayden & Jaxon Payne Home: 306/825-4328 Cell: 780/870-8184 Jay cell: 306/821-2260 Bernard & Mona Payne 306-825-3550 Mark & Doris Payne 780-744-2216 greenwoodlimo@mcsnet.ca Box 159 Lloydminster, SK S9V 0Y1
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 6
Thank you to our Bidders and Buyers From 2014. We appreciate your confidence in our program and look forward to working with you in 2015!
Greenwood Pld Bourbon Highland Stock Farms, AB
Greenwood Pld Bad Habit Skull Creek Ranches, SK
Greenwood Pld Baby Doll Hollee Limousin, ON
Greenwood Pld Tremmer Clark Cattle, ON & Windy Gables, ON
Greenwood Pld Barn Dance Jones Cattle Co., SK
Greenwood Pld Baby Blue RCN Livestock, SK
Greenwood Annie Oakley Carpenter Cattle Co., SK & North Plains Limousin, SK
Greenwood Pld Amber RCN Livestock, SK & Taylor Richards, SK
Greenwood Pld America Foulliard Limousin, SK
Greenwood Pld Alley Cat Pinnacle View Limousin, BC
Thank you to all our private treaty buyers.
LIMOUSIN I ANGUS I CLUB CALVES Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 7
NEW YEARS EVE RESOLUTION -Gibson Farms, ON -Rock Creek Limousin, ON -Eden Meadows Limousin, SK
THANK YOU TO SEMEN PA C K B U Y E R S T O D A T E S C O T T PA Y N E ( 3 0 6 ) 8 2 5 - 4 3 2 8 J A Y D E N PA Y N E ( 3 0 6 ) 8 2 1 - 2 2 6 0 BRADY SCOTT (306) 741-4154
B ee Z ee A c res , O N C i r c le T L i mo u s i n , S K C lark C attle , O N D i amond T L i mo u s i n , M B F o u i llard L i mo u s i n , A B H ollee L i mo u s i n , O N L akeroad L i mo u s i n , A B L i ngle y L i mo u s i n , A B P i n c h H i ll S to c k F arm , O N P la i ns L i mo u s i n , A B R o c k i n 2 D L i v esto c k , A B S mart L i mo u s i n , O N T r i ple J L i mo u s i n , M B T r i ple R L i mo u s i n , M B
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 8
CHM 378A
RED ANGUS SALE FEATURE Red Nordal Wildcard 42A
RGA 115A Nordal Adjustment 115A
RGA 60A Nordal Westland 60A
RJG 214A
RGA 828A Nordal Attain 828A
Box 85, Simpson, SK S0G 4M0 Rob Garner C: 306-946-7946 nordallimousin@sasktel.net
View the catalogue online at www.nordallimousin.com or www.buyagro.com Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 9
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 10
Selling: 75 Bulls 25 Yearlings & 50 grass born twos 50 Limousin & Angus Influence Females; Open Heifers & Bred Heifers
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 11
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 12
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 13
Another edition of the Limousin Voice welcomes you!
Une autre édition du Limousin Voice vous souhaite la bienvenue!
The winter issue of the Voice, also known as “The Bull” issue, is the most anticipated print publication that the Canadian Limousin Association is involved within the course of the year. The exciting content shows how vibrant the Limousin breed is in Canada and reaches over 2,200 mail boxes — basically everyone who has purchased Limousin cattle in recent months or is an active member receives this issue of the Voice.
Le numéro d’hiver du Limousin Voice est le plus attendu de l’année. Son contenu élaboré démontre bien la vivacité de la race Limousin au Canada et atteint plus de 2200 boîtes aux lettres. En principe toute personne ou entité qui a acheté des animaux Limousin ces derniers mois ou est un membre actif reçoit ce numéro du Voice.
One of your Board of Directors’ goals for this year is to come up with a sustainable plan to mail every issue of the Voice to all active Limousin genetic users. We are working with Today’s Publishing to map out this plan to ensure we have enough contract advertisers to generate the needed revenue to compensate for the mailing costs. My questions to our advertisers are: would you commit to a contract if you knew the Limousin Voice would reach a greater number of interested parties every time? Would it be easier to commit if there were only three issues per year instead of four? All feedback is welcome! Contact a CLA director or the office. It is also important that you transfer all sold animals in a timely manner so your buyers can benefit from the possible distribution. We hope that you will enjoy the Impact of Limousin across Canada series of commercial profile. We are very proud to present a Limousin genetics user from each region. Genetic Evaluations Our new Genetic Evaluations have brought some excitement and some challenges. As you may have read in the Christmas issue of the Voice, we have a new provider, but more importantly, our evaluations are now involving multiple breeds. The Limousin cattle EPDs are compatible and directly comparable to Simmental, Gelbvieh and Red Angus, among other breeds! When we study where each breed is at in terms of averages, it is no surprise to see the Limousin breed shine in so many traits. We have been longing for some sort of multi-breed analysis to figure out how we really stack against others, and now we have it!
Un des objectifs de votre Conseil d’administration pour cette année est d’arriver à un plan viable afin expédier gratuitement tous les numéros du Voice à tous les utilisateurs de génétique Limousin actifs. Nous travaillons avec notre éditeur, Today’s Publishing pour établir un plan où nous aurions assez d’annonceurs à contrat ce qui générerait les revenus nécessaires pour couvrir les frais d’expédition. Donc plus que jamais, il est important de transférer vos animaux vendus pour que vos acheteurs soient sur notre liste. Je vous demande, chers annonceurs, Est-ce que vous vous engageriez dans un contrat de publicité avec le Voice, en sachant que le Limousin Voice atteindrait un tel un grand nombre de parties intéressées à chaque fois ? Serait-il plus facile de vous engager s’il n’y avait que trois numéros par an au lieu de quatre ? Tous vos commentaires sont les bienvenus ! Communiquez avec un directeur de l’association ou le personnel au bureau. Évaluations Génétiques Nos nouvelles évaluations génétiques ont suscité beaucoup d’enthousiasme et apporté certains défis. Comme vous avez pu le lire dans le numéro de Noël du Voice, nous avons un nouveau fournisseur, mais plus important encore, nos évaluations sont maintenant à races multiples. Les EPD Limousin sont maintenant compatibles et directement comparables aux Simmental, Gelbvieh et Angus Rouges, entre autre races ! Quand nous étudions les moyennes de chaque race il n’est pas surprenant de voir que le Limousin se distingue en bien pour plusieurs caractères. Le besoin d’une analyse à multiple races est nécessaire depuis longtemps, et finalement nous y sommes arrivés! Le téléchargement de l’information pour chaque animal a rencontré plusieurs problèmes techniques. Nous vous remercions de votre patience au cours de cet apprentissage. Alors que nous
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 14
The upload of the information for each individual animal was accompanied by numerous technical glitches. We appreciate your patience through these learning curves. Just when we thought no one ever pays much attention to the EPDs, you proved us wrong with phone calls and emails alerting us to some of the problems. Social media As you have read in the newsletter, included with your January statement, the CLA Board discussed the usage and content of the CLA social media pages. We will continue to post positive and informative Limousin news. Your bull sale catalogue or flyer will also be posted once followed by a reminder of your event the day it is taking place. Make sure to forward us links or the publication itself so we can post it. Also, please respect this policy by refraining from posting multiple photos of your animals for sale or announcements of your events. Qualification of A.I. Sires For those of you who are shopping for your next A.I. sires, you may have noticed a new bull in the Semex catalogue named RUNL Zingray 199Z. The catalogue clearly indicates that the bull is for commercial use only in Canada. Many of you have asked why and the reason is because this particular animal cannot comply with our DNA parentage verification rule for A.I. sires. In fact, after consultation with NALF, this sire doesn’t comply with NALF’s rules either, and progeny will not be eligible for registration in Canada or the United States.
pensions que personne ne paie pas beaucoup d’attention aux EPD, vous nous avez prouvé le contraire lors de vos appels téléphoniques et courriels nous alertant de certains problèmes. Media Sociaux Comme vous l’avez lu dans le bulletin d’information, inclus avec votre relevé de janvier, le Conseil a discuté de l’utilisation et du contenu des pages des medias sociaux de l’Association. Nous continuerons avec l’affichage de nouvelles « Limousin » positives et instructives. Les catalogues de vente ou dépliant seront également affichés une fois et suivi d’un rappel de l’événement le jour qu’il aura lieu. Assurez-vous de nous faire parvenir des liens ou la publication elle-même pour que nous puissions l’afficher. Aussi, veuillez respecter la politique en vous abstenant d’afficher plusieurs photos de vos animaux à vendre ou les annonces de vos activités. Taureaux en insémination Pour ceux qui sont à la recherche de vos prochains taureaux d’insémination, vous avez peut-être remarqué un nouveau taureau dans le catalogue du CIAQ/ Semex qui se nomme RUNL Zingray 199Z. Le catalogue indique clairement que le taureau est pour un usage commercial uniquement au Canada. Beaucoup d’entre vous ont demandé pourquoi la progéniture ne peut pas être enregistrée, et la réponse est simple. Cet animal ne peut pas se conformer à notre règle de vérification de parenté par ADN pour taureaux en insémination. En fait après avoir consulté avec l’Association Américaine, le taureau en question ne respecte pas leurs règles non plus et la progéniture ne sera pas admissible à l’enregistrement au Canada ni aux États-Unis.
CLA Directors
# 13 - 4101, 19th Street N.E. Calgary, Alberta T2E 7C4 Phone: 1-866-886-1605 or (403) 253-7309 Fax: (403) 253-1704
CLA Executive Committee PRESIDENT Brian Lee Phone: (705) 340-5944 Cell: (905) 447-5173 Email: hmacsand@hotmail.com
VICE-PRESIDENT Terry Hepper Phone: (306) 781-4628 Email: thepper@yourlink.ca
TREASURER Bill Zwambag Phone: (519) 287-3219 Email: bzwambag@execulink.com
PAST-PRESIDENT Bill Campbell Phone: (204) 776-2322 Fax: (204) 776-2105 Email: blcampbell@xplornet.com
CLA Staff GENERAL MANAGER Anne Brunet-Burgess Email: aburgess@limousin.com
Eric Boon Phone: (306) 858-2130 Cell: (306) 280-8795 Email: eboon3@hotmail.com Lynn Combest Phone: (403) 742-5211 Fax: (403) 742-6139 Cell: (403) 740-7621 Jim Richmond Phone: (403)368-2103 Cell: (403) 323-8433 Email: bulls@richmondranch.com
Tim Andrew Phone: (403) 779-2273 Email: tlandrew@netago.ca Erin Kishkan Phone: (250) 747-3836 Cell: (250) 991-6654 Email: erin@pvlimousin.com Richard Renaud Phone: (450) 264-3247 Email: renaud_richard@hotmail.com
Provincial Association Presidents MARITIMES Michael Byrne Phone: (902) 485-6731 QUEBEC Serge Dethier Phone: (450) 454-6456 MANITOBA Mark Angus 204.281.5099 Jaymarandy@gmail.com SASKATCHEWAN Rhett Jones Phone: (306) 629-3200 Email: jonescattlecompany@hotmail.com
REGISTRY/MEMBER SERVICES Dallas Wise & Devra Leavitt Email: limousin@limousin.com Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 15
ALBERTA Mark Porter Phone: (780) 842-4288 Email: limobulls@live.ca BRITISH COLUMBIA Erin Kishkan Phone: (250) 747-3836 Email: kishkan@quesnelbc.com ONTARIO Gary Smart Phone: (519) 538-4877 Email: smartlimo@bmts.com
Ken-Doc Lover Boy
WZRK Double Wide 8055Y
March 27, 2015 Saskatoon Livestock Sales Saskatoon, SK
35 Red & Black Limousin Yearlings
KEN-DOC LIMOUSIN Ken Gillies (306) 382-2390 or (306) 221-1159
EDWARDS LIMOUSIN Rob or Laird Edwards Ph: (306) 734-2624 Cell: (306) 567-7456 Fax: (306) 734-2621 lredwards@sasktel.net
Sale Consultants
Scott Bohrson: (403) 370-3010 Martin Bohrson: (306) 220-7901
View the catalogue at www.BuyAgro.com
Stoneyview Alabama
High Selling Bull at the 2014 Prairie Gold Sale
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 16
Dale Turner: (306) 374-6585 Bob Turner: (306) 528-4510 meaganturner@yourlink.ca
Producing The Kind of Crop That Makes You Money!
Loverboy x Responder
Loverboy x Backfire
Usual Suspect x RWK Renegade
EDW 678B
EDW 707B
Usual Suspect x Klint
March 27, 2015 Saskatoon Livestock Sales Saskatoon, SK RWK 182B
Elvis x Usual Suspect
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 17
Impact of Limousin Across Canada By Anne Brunet-Burgess, CLA General Manager “I wanted to add length to my calves and increase calving ease, so I went to Limousin bulls.” — Brian Pooley, Quesnel, British Columbia “I wanted to add length to my calves and increase calving ease, so I went to Limousin bulls” was one of the first statements made by Brian Pooley when I met him at the Pinnacle View Limousin Open House back in September. The Quesnel, B.C., rancher runs a very functional herd of Simmental, Red Angus and Hereford cross momma cows on his 1,000 acres of land. He used many Charolais bulls over the years, but now, at 73 years of age, he is making choices to make the calving season a bit easier on him. One change was to start calving later in spring, and another was to switch to Limousin bulls. He also feeds the 100-cow herd between 5 and 6 pm at night, a proven method of eliminating night calving. “Less than 10 percent calve between midnight and 6 am,” he reveals. But more importantly, the only three assisted calvings were related to misrepresentation (2) and one poor choice of calving location for one cow. “I did not help any of my cows calve their Limousin calves.” Crystal Creek Land and Cattle has purchased one bull from neighbour Pinnacle View Limousin and the others from Blueberry Valley Farms and Hi-Valley Limousin – all fellow Limousin partners in the Peace Country Bull Sale. Their bull battery is red, as black cattle are not favourites of the Pooley Family. Another important part of their current enterprise is a wood lot. The forestry industry is quite controlled in British Columbia, but Brian was able to initially secure 1,200 acres of timber in 1985 and his holding has reached 1,500 acres, which provides a second revenue stream to his cattle operation. He also finds time to get involved with the Cariboo-Chilcotin Feeder Association, an organization for which he is serving as President and has been a member of the B.C and Canadian Cattlemen Association for 35 years. Whether the calves are sold at weaning or later, he finds
the best market venue is the B.C. Livestock Producers Co-Op in Williams Lake, B.C. However, like many other British Columbia cattle producers, Brian wishes there were more buyers considering B.C. feeders. Their product is too often discounted due to geography. The Pooleys were very pleased how their 2014 Limousin cross calf crop was received at the BC Livestock Producers Co-op in Williams Lake this fall. Brian is very fortunate to have two of his three children interested in agriculture. I had the pleasure of meeting his daughter Christa while at their farm. She is currently running a message therapy practice in the city of Quesnel, but the proximity to the farm keeps her involved. “My brother Tim and I are interested in pursuing what our father built over the 35 years here. We know we have to consider alternative productions to assure sustainability,” she said. One of the diversifications they are experimenting with is a crop of hops. They planted five varieties this year; three of them seem to thrive above the rest. One in particular is the preferred variety of a local brewery, so the potential is exciting. Should Christa and Tim be able to dedicate more time to the family operation, the herd could be increased by another 20 females in production to reach the maximum number their current land base can support. Brian’s wife Maxine and middle daughter Ashley are always supportive of all projects of the ranch in more ways than one as well. The Canadian Limousin Association commercial endeavors are of interest to the Pooleys. Watch for the Crystal Creek feeder cattle on the CLA website when they are ready to sell. They also see huge merit in the Limousin identification programs and look forward to being able to purchase Limousin tags in the near future.
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 18
m our
ers fro y u B u o kY
ispe D e l a m d Fe
lls View Bu t Online A ction.ca wrightau
Ivy’s Xterminator
All Bulls Ultrasou nd and Semen T ested
Amaglen Umpire Man Red & Black Polled Limousin Yearling Bulls Sired By: Ivy’s Xterminator, Amaglen Umpire Man, JFY 61X, GHR Zane, EXLR Total Control
Box 92, Minto, MB R0K 1M0 Bill & Lauren: 204.776.2322 Bill Cell: 204.724.6218 Email: cam.limousin@xplornet.com Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 19
Alistair Boyncon Amaglen Limousin Anchor B – Aaron Anchor B – Jay B Bar Cattle Brady Daniels Cherway Limousin Cochrane Stock Farms Darcy Gerow Diamond T Limousin Dominic & Karlee Sklivas Dwain Mallo Gerry Villeneau High Cattle Co Journey’s End JYF Farms Keen Grain & Livestock Ltd Lazy A Limousin Lazy S Limousin LG Limousin L & S Limousin MapleHurst Farms Martin Bohrson NYK Cattle Co Ossawa Limousin Pete Redmond Pinnacle View Limousin Runaway Ranch Smart Limousin Springview Limousin 3 Ridge Farms Trailworks Ltd. Triple R Limousin Venture Livestock
Thank you to all bidders and buyers for your support Thank you to Bohrson Marketing and team
Impact of Limousin Across Canada
By Piper Whelan “I like the way they muscle out, and their hindquarters.” — Don Ryan, Grovedale, Alberta
Don Ryan’s roots in the cattle business can be traced back his father, Micheal, and his involvement in the industry. “I got started probably about over 30 years ago with my dad. And he’s been in the business for 80-some years, or close to it, anyways,” he said. Today, Ryan and his wife, Cheryl, run a commercial herd of 70 head. Their operation at Grovedale, Alberta, is known as Yellowhead Ranch. “It’s not registered, but that’s what we go under for our business,” Ryan explained. Ryan’s grandparents bought their ranch 75 years ago, and today, he is the third generation of cattle producers on his family’s land. Over the years, the Ryan’s commercial herd reflected the change in breeds available in Canada. “We were kind of a mix,” Ryan said of the breeds they used in the past. “In the early years, it was the British breeds. And then, I think it was towards the ‘80s, we got into the Simmentals and the Limousins.” Those continental breeds influenced what their herd looks like today. “We run pretty well a strictly red cow herd now,” he said. Introducing Limousin genetics into their breed program brought about a needed change in size of their cattle. “When we first got into the Limousins, we had some Simmental cows and we were breeding them Simmental, and the calves were getting too big, so we decided to throw a Limousin bull in with them,” Ryan explained. “And with the lighter birth weights with Limousin, they calved a lot easier.” Their ranch has always been a close-knit operation. “It was me and my dad,” Ryan said of family involvement in the past. “We
were into it for the last 30 years or so. And then I met my wife here about seven years ago, and we’ve been running strictly Limousin bulls since she’s been here.” They attend the Peace Country Limousin Bull Sale in Dawson Creek, B.C., each year, and have bought “good-reputation bulls” from Blueberry Farms of Fort St. John, B.C. The Limousin bulls they use in their herd have a number of desirable traits to pass on to their progeny. “I like the way they muscle out, and their hindquarters,” said Ryan. “And they calve easy, and they’ve got low birth weights, like I’ve said. And the buyers usually like them when we go to sell them.” As for selling their calves, they’ve been using Vold, Jones and Vold Auction Co. in Ponoka, Alberta. “We’ve been going there for probably 20 years or more.” In terms of their future plans, expanding their herd over the next few years is high on their list. “We want to increase our herd to about 100 cows or 120 cows. And we’ll probably stick to the Limousin bulls,” said Ryan. “I think with the Limousins, they feed out a lot better than the big Simmentals or the Charolais. There’s more meat per less bone.” The Ryans, like many Canadian beef producers, are optimistic about the current high beef prices, and feel postive about their future in the cattle business. “Well, I’ll let you know now it seems like the prices are better this year, so it’s a good, optimistic time for anyone that’s getting into it,” Ryan stated. “And if we stay into it, if the prices stay high, there will be a better future for us.”
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 20
This smooth polled herdsire prospect has genetics as good as they come. Raspberry is an Elite Dam with 2 daughters & 1 Grandaughter also with Elite Dam status.
Ron & Barb Miller PH: 780-349-2135
These Bulls sell in the Prime Club Sale March 21st @ Westlock Ag Barns Or watch online through DLMS
Cody, Amy & Lincoln Miller PH: 780-349-0644 codymiller8@gmail.com
Come early to view the bulls and enjoy the pre-sale lunch.
Selling 40+ Purebred limouSin bullS Red & Black • Polled • Yearlings & Two Year Olds
xlR 40B
RGK 409B
xlR 8B
www.facebook.com/ PrimeLimousinClub
RGK 224a
ExcEl RanchEs hillviEw FaRms FOuillaRd limOusin hansEn’s limOusin Ron & Barb Miller Cody & Amy Miller Raymond & Corine Verbeek Ed & Debbie Fouillard Dan & Pam Fouillard Scott & Lesley Hansen (780)349-2135 (780)349-0644 (780)939-2173 Cell (780)996-0970 Cell (587)987-8734 (780)727-4557 Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 21
Impact of Limousin Across Canada By Piper Whelan “They’re always thick calves. They’re a good, strong breed.” — James Sharp, Archerwill, Saskatchewan
James Sharp’s family has been in the cattle business for decades. “We’ve had cows basically since we’ve had the farm,” he explained. “My grandma and grandpa settled back in, I think it was the 1950s, when they would have had cows.” Now, Sharp is the third generation on his family’s farm. He farms with his father, Edwin, at their home 10 minutes north of Archerwill, Saskatchewan. “I always farmed, but I had an off-farm job all the time,” said Sharp. He previously worked as a mechanic. “I farm full time now.” The Sharp family introduced Limousin genetics into their herd in the late 1990s. They purchased their first Limousins from Qually-T Limousin of Rose Valley, SK. Today, the father-son team raises commercial cattle of Limousin, Charolais and Angus influence. “We calve out about 375 cows,” said Sharp. Year after year, he is pleased with the traits that the Limousin breed brings to their herd. “They’ve got a nice body to them, and they’ve got a lot of muscle,” he said. “And their calves seem to do good.” Sharp’s involvement in the breed and in the agriculture industry garnered him the Saskatchewan Limousin Association’s 2014 Commercial Breeder of the Year award. This honour is handed out annually at the Canadian Western Agribition. When asked about how it felt to win this award, Sharp was humble and thankful. “It was really nice to get that award,” he said. “It kind of lets you know you’re being appreciated for buying the Limousin
breed, let’s put it that way.” So what’s next for this cattle producer? At the moment, Sharp’s short-term plans have to do with the upward direction of the market. “Make money, by the looks of it!” he laughs. On that topic, he is optimistic about the promise held by high beef prices, but remains realistic on what’s possible. “It looks really good right now, but it always comes up and goes down,” he said. “But the prices right now are exceptionally good.” As for the size of his commercial herd, Sharp has no plans for expansion in the next few years. “We’ll probably hold on to the same amount, because renting pasture around here, there’s not much to grab anymore.” No matter what direction the market goes in the near future, Sharp and his family are confident in the role the Limousin breed will play in their own beef operation, as well as throughout the industry. He will definitely continue to use Limousin genetics in his herd, the reasons for which are evident in his calf crop each year. “They’ve always got good calves. They’re always thick calves,” he explains. “They’re a good, strong breed.”
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 22
Canada’s Red, White &
Bull Sale
March 21, 2015 - Johnstone Auction Mart - Moose Jaw, SK
Terry & Lynette Hepper, Sara & Erin RR1, Zehner, SK S0G 5K0 306-781-4628 306-536-7075 thepper@yourlink.ca
We just can’t say enough about this great bull that still walks our pastures. His genetics run through our herd … and now that we’re crossing his daughters with the best A.I. sires we can find, the results are amazing! His dam did it again for the 4 th time … “Show Dam of the Year” … for 2014.
Hi-Valley Limousin Dave and Linda Harvey Box 1469 100 Mile House, B.C. (250) 397-2306 E-mail: hivalleylimo@gmail.com Website: www.hivalleylimo.com
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 23
“Ivy’s Polled Princess 1P”
Congratulations go to Ivy Livestock!
Impact of Limousin Across Canada By Piper Whelan “Their temperament is good and they grow well, and that’s what we’re basically trying for.” — Gail Hockridge, Hockridge Farms, Dauphin, Manitoba With three decades in the Limousin business, Glen and Gail Hockridge and their son, Brad, are the third and fourth generations to run Hockridge Farms at Dauphin, Manitoba. The family owns a 500-head, red-and-black herd, including 100 purebred Limousin cows. Hockridge Farms first introduced Limousin genetics into their herd in 1981, after Glen saw some bulls at a sale. “I was impressed with the way their back ends looked and their build, their muscling looked good to me, so let’s buy a bull,” he explained. In 1982, the family decided to become more involved in the Limousin breed, becoming members of both the Canadian and Manitoba Limousin Associations. As a family operation, Glen and Gail have their own herd, Brad has his, and they split up the workload together. They plan on keeping their herd roughly the same size in the coming years, and working to increase quality. They’ve also been breeding Black Angus genetics into their commercial herd, which they hope to continue. A topic they’re keen to address is the temperament of their Limousin cattle. “We hear Limos have a bad rep for being wild, but we’ve never seen it,” said Brad. Getting rid of anything with a bit of spunk, Glen said, helps to sell their bulls, given their cool nature. It’s also made a difference when selling their calves, Gail added, based on how quiet they are in the sales ring. “Dealing with the cows and getting rid of anything that just doesn’t fit in or do well, we maintain a pretty decent herd,” she said. “Their temperament is good and they grow well, and that’s what we’re basically trying for.” As for other traits they appreciate, they said the quality of beef and ability to
cross well with many other breeds set Limousin cattle apart. “It’s maybe a healthier choice in meat; it’s leaner, with a lot of muscle,” said Brad. “Lots of our buyers cross them with Simmental, or even Charolais. It does well with just about any breed.” The Hockridges have found a market for their calves in Ontario by going through their local auction market. “Myles Masson from the Ste Rose Auction Mart had an electronic auction to start with about seven years ago, somewhere in there, and that’s what got us started, our cattle going out to Ontario,” Brad explained. “According to him, the guys who first bought them, some of their neighbours and other people saw them and liked them, and that got more people interested in our cattle, and they continue to buy year after year now.” The feedback they receive from their buyers is exactly what any cattle producer hopes to hear. Brad uses Twitter to connect with some of their buyers, such as Shaw Land and Cattle Co. in Ontario, whom he talks to whenever they’re selling calves. “He just took two semi-loads of steers and he only had to treat one calf for his foot out of the two loads, so he said ‘why wouldn’t you buy them?’” Each of the three family members has an answer for what keeps them enthusiastic about being part of the beef industry. “I like the cattle, myself, and working with them,” said Glen. Gail agrees: “You have to have a real love for the animal, otherwise you wouldn’t do it.” Brad mentioned their location is ideal: “Where we are is good for cattle. The land we own is a good fit.” And the high prices they, like many Canadian producers, got for their calf crop this past fall? The family laughed happily. “We’re still smiling,” said Gail.
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 24
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 25
Impact of Limousin Across Canada By Anne Brunet-Burgess, CLA General Manager “Limousin adds muscle to Simmental-based herd.” — Garry Cornfield, Meaford, Ontario Our series of commercial profiles showcasing the impact of Limousin genetics across the country took us to Garry and Barb Cornfield of Meaford, Ontario. Located between two prominent purebred Limousin breeders in the Georgian Bay area, Smart Limousin and Top Meadow Farms, the Cornfields are pleased with the bulls they purchased from both farms over the years. Before starting his cow-calf operation 15 years ago, Garry raised dairy cattle, and had feeder cattle on site. When he purchased his first beef cows, he felt that a Fullblood Simmental female base would be a great maternal choice, and he first mated them to a Charolais bull for the highest potential performance. “ The Charolais cross produced heavy calves, but they came with calving difficulties,” explains Garry. Already familiar with the Limousin breed’s calving ease from use on heifers, it didn’t take long for the entire Cornfield herd to be exclusively exposed to Limousin bulls. Their 2014 statistics speak volumes on the productivity of the herd, 90 percent of which are Fullblood Simmental, and 10 percent are Charolais females: • 91 cows exposed to three Limousin bulls; one open • Calves born between January and March; 89 weaned calves from 90 calvings • The first group of 75 calves, sold at Keady Livestock Market on October 21, averaged 843 lbs (steers and heifers). Top market prices received for some of the group, including a few
grossing more than $2,000 per head! Usually, their calves are sold right off the farm to a feedlot, but this year the Cornfields returned to their local auction mart, and they feel they were treated very well. “The market has been strong this year and we were finally rewarded for our bigger calves. It hasn’t always been the case,” says Garry. Garry speaks highly of the Limousin breed’s “recognizable butt end” and urges the breeders to maintain that important trait so frequently sought after by buyers. While admitting to not being a big fan of meetings, he is interested in the future of the breed, which prompted him to attend the CLA Spotlight on Limousin focus group in 2012. He found it beneficial: “I enjoyed listening to comments and I learned from Matthew Heleniak of Norwich Packers.” In preparation for their retirement, the Cornfields are scaling their herd down by ceasing to purchase replacement heifers. However, the need for functional mature Limousin bulls will remain as long as those big Simmental cows are on the property — they have already selected their next herdsire from Smart Limousin. Photos taken in early September.
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 26
Lot 45 / 46A
Lot 18 / 91A
Lot 4 / 18B
Lot 2 / 21B
Lot 7 / 9B
Lot 1 / 12B
Lot 3 / 4B
Lot 8 / 36B
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 27
Impact of Limousin Across Canada By Anne Brunet-Burgess, CLA General Manager “We also find that our Limousin-cross calves are quieter than other terminal breeds that we have tried, and the calving ease is better than Charolais.” — Jeffery Blair, Franklin, Quebec We often hear the statement “the WOW factor,” but the image was never so fitting for me until I stepped foot on Blair Orchards in beautiful Franklin, Quebec (a stone throw from the U.S. border). As I was surrounded by Limousin calves — 800 pounds and higher in early October — casually coming to welcome me, Jeff Blair shared the many facets of their successful family enterprise. “Our farm is 125 years old, but for the last 20, we have concentrated on expanding the retail produce store, restaurant and school programs,” he explained. More than 25,000 visitors come to Blair Orchards from mid-August to late October, not only to purchase products and pick apples, but also to learn about maple syrup and honey production while spending a day in the country. On their record weekend (the week before I visited), they hosted 3,000 folks who purchased 1,000 pies and 400 dozen freshly-baked muffins. Again, WOW! Needless to say, the Blairs are thorough in every aspect of their business. Jeff, along with his brother Jim, his sister Joan and nephew Mike are the core of the corporation. Their father Norval is also still involved at the age of 90, as well as some of the other children on a seasonal basis. They employ 60 local workers (many of them relatives) during the apple season; half of them work in the fields and harvest 30,000 bushels of 15 varieties of apples, while the other half staff the retail store, the fruit stand, the restaurant and keep the baking going 24 hours a day. There is even live entertainment to enhance the experience. Jeff also insists on mentioning that his wife Cynthia and Jim’s Dianne “are the “rocks” behind us and keep us going”.
On the cattle side, the winning formula has been to purchase Angus-Simmental replacement heifers bred Limousin. The 60-cow herd calves in December and January, which is the “quiet” time for the Blair family in between the apple and the maple syrup season. All calves are destined to the feedlot and Limousin has been their breed of choice for quite some time. “The calves are vigorous at birth and nurse within a couple of hours. They are born with the desire to live,” Jeff confirmed. “We also find that our Limousin-cross calves are quieter than other terminal breeds that we have tried, and the calving ease is better than Charolais.” The Blair beef herd is given every chance to succeed by following all the guidelines set by PATBQ (Quebec performance and traceability program) and a strict health regiment. Their 2013 statistics show that they were well above the provincial averages for weaning weights and dollars received by calf, and below provincial averages for calving difficulty (zero percent in 2013) and pre-weaning death loss. The excellent management practices of Blair Orchards, for both the crop side and the cattle side, have been recognized by Merite Agricole when they won the Bronze category in 2010. This prestigious award is well known in the province of Quebec, and an agricultural enterprise can only be presented every five years. The Blairs are excited about their chance to compete for the Silver prize this year. The photos taken in early October speak for themselves; high performance calves come from good management and good genetics!
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 28
20th AnnuAl
Bull SAlE 3R limousin The Rea Family - Marengo, SK
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Impact of Limousin Across Canada By Piper Whelan “I need something that will get up and run and I need something to bring the money home.” — Eric Millen, Great Village, Nova Scotia Although it’s easy to picture coastlines and lush forests when you think of Nova Scotia, the province is also home to rolling fields and green pastures full of cattle. Truro, Nova Scotia, is a town known for being home to the Dalhousie University Agriculture Campus, and is a Maritime agricultural centre. Great Village, N.S., is not far from Truro, along the Glooscap Trail and close to the Minas Basin. It is here that we find our commercial breeder representing Atlantic Canada for this feature. Eric Millen is a full-time farmer located at Great Village. Millen’s commercial herd, he explained, features “every colour” and is made up of a wide variety of breed influences. “It’s about 250 cows,” he said. “I really bought cows in the last two years, three years.” In addition to farming, he also does “a little custom work with the equipment here.” Interestingly, Millen didn’t grow up in the beef industry, but was always surrounded by agriculture. “My father had beef cattle here when I was two or three years old, and then they were gone,” he explained. Before establishing his cattle herd 10 years ago, Millen raised sheep. “I started with sheep when I was 14, bought a few cattle with them, and kept going.” Raising cattle, he finds, is more enjoyable, especially come summertime when they’re out to pasture. “I like the cattle … They don’t torture me, and with sheep you’re always chasing them around.” In addition to the cattle, being his own boss is
something Millen quite likes about being a cattle producer. “I’ve got my own job, and that’s about it. It’s something different every day.” He plans to continue expanding his herd in the next few years. Though he agrees that the beef industry certainly looks optimistic at the moment with its high prices, Millen is waiting until he sells his calves to see if he shares that optimism. “This year they’re going to be sold in the spring, because I took everything to grass for calving,” he explained. “Normally I sell a few in the fall when there’s winter calving, but everything calved on grass this year.” The topic of calving is where the Limousin genetics in Millen’s herd come in to play. They’re also crucial in raising functional calves that fit what the buyer is looking for. “I like the sharpness of the calves when their born. I like the high value of the animals when they’re older as well,” he said. “I need something that will get up and run and I need something to bring the money home.” As for the future of the Limousin breed, Millen knows it depends on what the individual breeder is looking for, but for him, they bring the traits he looks for. “It depends on who you talk to, I guess. It’s going to play a big factor for people who want to put money back in their pockets,” he said. “It’s a personal preference. I want something that’s going to look after itself on grass and then the buyer wants them at the end of the day, that’s what I want.”
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 30
35 Bulls on Offer 40 Hereford /Angus X Replacement Heifers
Saturday, March 28, 2015 7:00 pm Rimbey Agriplex
from Arne Hansen
Rimbey, AB
Guest Consignor
Stan & Ty Skeels Vykki Johns 403-704-0288
lazyslimousin@gmail.com Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 31
Runaway Ranch Kurt Wilkie Arlene Butler 403-318-3579
By: Chris Poley 2014 turned out to be an amazing year, actually a record year in the beef cattle industry. Far beyond what many of us were predicting, even those much smarter than me or even Ted! With live cattle prices significantly higher, in some cases double what the same cattle sold for just a year prior. Many producers found themselves dealing with a problem they have not even thought about in more than a decade‌tax. branding or trip to a cattle sale. The long term plan involves updating infrastructure, expanding the ranch Finally a problem you can deal with! and cow herd. This is a great time to start succession Still many producers are holding their breath planning;you can now have some confidence in wanting wondering how long higher prices and profits will last. your kids to take over the operation, believing that There are a lot of farmers and ranchers that feel this they can make a decent life for themselves. Succession is a dream and are skeptical to let themselves believe planning is not quick or easy and usually takes some it has come true. I’m a believer that it is true and professional assistance, but a solid plan is needed it is based on shear supply and demand, not politics to transition your operation for it to be successful or stock traders falsely affecting a market, demand for both yourself and your children. Agriculture is remains strong and supplies are low and tough to big business and we must treat it as so to remain build. The USDA recently released projections for successful. the next ten years to the year 2024. They predict; In the short term planning and very near farm prices for beef cattle will rise from an average of $1.5252 a pound in 2014 to $1.5754 a pound in 2015 future, this year’s herd sire selections must be made. to a high of $1.63 a pound by 2017, before dropping Actually this falls under both short and long term back to $1.5617 by 2024. The price follows the size planning because if you retain females, your herd sire of the beef herd, which the USDA predicts will still selection will impact your program for generations; drop in 2015 before starting to rebuild thereafter. so you want to make educated selections. This issue Our numbers here in Canada have followed and will is packed full of reputable operations, offering you many options, genetic variation and management continue to closely follow those of the US. variation for you to select your bulls from. The good So breathe, and make plans for the future bulls are going to cost more this spring, not because based on a new reality in the cattle business, both there is a shortage of bulls but because there is more short term and long term. Short term plans are those profit in the industry, allowing more producers to bid that involve much needed equipment updates, etc. harder and farther on the top bulls. and heaven forbid, maybe even a well deserved and long overdue family vacation, which is not a weekend See you on the bull sale run! Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 32
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 33
Early Calf Nutrition Winter 2015
As calving gets started and continues on for 2015, it is important to remember the effects of the Canadian winter on young calves. It is important to remember that with the cold weather calves will need to increase their caloric intake. Often times cows have enough milk to keep calves healthy, but as temperatures drop and the calves get bigger, many cows can struggle to produce enough nutrients for that calf to reach peak performance. This is often a good time to look at starting the calves on a supplement of sorts. Since calves, at this point, can be picky eaters it is important to find something that the calves find palatable. Calf starters are usually a good option, as many have been trialed for palatability and performance. Calf starters can also help to combat major health concerns in young calves. Many calves in confinement and in wintering yards can become very susceptible to coccidiosis and getting a coccidiostat into the calves can greatly improve your odds of combating this bug. Starters can also help to carry micronutrients into the calves system, and help with the overall immune system. Getting the calves off to a great start will help to get those calves to reach higher weaning weights and reduce health concerns in the calves. These calf starters can also be good transition over to creep feeds and help to get the initial development DAIRY
of the rumen started. Finding feeds that are high in digestibility, is a must, as the rumen has not been fully developed. The digestibility of the feed going into the calves is important as most of the feed going into the calves is passed into the hind gut of the animal. Relying on the calves to eat hay and milk can reduce the amounts of volatile fatty acids the calves produce when compared to a grain and milk based diet. This in turn leads to a lesser developed rumen and can reduce the rate of gain that the calves could be reaching. The quicker we can stimulate the rumen to develop the further ahead we are going to be when it comes to seeing the calves reach their full genetic potential. Grains are a good option for calves as they have a higher feed conversion and it does not take a lot of grain to increase their performance. It is amazing what a little bit of grain can do for these animals. It is important to remember that the cows found, on most beef farms, are not dairy type cattle and do not peak in lactation as high as dairy type cattle do. This means that when calves grow, the milk production soon become less than what the calf needs. Often this leads to a “gap” between the cow output and the calf requirements. Filling this “hungry calf gap” is why we see calves start to eat other feeds that are made available to them. A good quality starter/creep ration will assist in filling this “gap”. The choice is yours as to whether they will eat what the cows eat or a feed that can help set them up for the future. Jason Hurst Beef Technical Sales Masterfeeds LP SWIN E
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 34
masterfeeds.com // @MasterfeedsCDN //
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 35
The Consumer Story (a.k.a. The Demand) By Dawn Trautman, Technology Translator and Tom Lynch-Staunton, Director of Industry Relations; both with Livestock Gentec at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, AB. Consumer demand for beef is a critical issue for all stakeholders in the value chain, from producers to retailers. Schroeder et al., (2013)1 note that consumer demand for beef is also one of the most poorly understood concepts in the beef and cattle industry. What type of beef do consumers want – or do they even want beef at all? We hope they do, but then what motivates their purchasing decisions, and how should producers respond? First, to get a small technical matter out of the way, when talking about beef “demand”, it is important to note that demand for beef is not simply consumption of beef. It seems that a big talking point that comes up now and again is the falling per capita consumption of beef in Canada. And it’s true – in 1980, per capita beef consumption was about 39 kgs while in 2013, the average was about 27 kgs2. Does that mean demand changed? Well, maybe it has, but lets take a quick detour and consider that in 1980 over 4 million cattle and calves were slaughtered while in 2013 this number dropped to just over 3 million. The supply (read: production) side has also changed. Demand is not simply consumption but the entire curve of what quantity of beef would be purchased over a range of prices. Canadian consumers are in fact eating less beef per person – and to be honest it might have to do with the fact that they are eating more chicken – a substitute protein source, from 17 to 30 kgs per person from 1980 to 20132. But why? Well, consumers can be a fickle bunch and finding out why they make the decisions they do can be a little tricky. Schroeder et al. (2013)1 found that consumers are most influenced by perception of food safety, price, product quality, health, and nutrition. Food safety is a driver of beef demand and it comes as no surprise that beef safety scares involving E. coli, Salmonella, and Listeria, result in decreased consumption of beef. Schroeder et al. (2013)1 argue that the industry does have an impact on this portion of demand and by considering this an education opportunity the industry might improve consumer confidence in beef products. Beef price is very important to consumers and they are looking for the ‘best bang for their buck’. From a consumer perspective beef is largely valued relative to competing protein sources including chicken, pork, and fish. Keeping beef prices competitive with competitors is an important point. While not considered a demand determinant, lower prices in general encourage increased consumption. Product quality, such as taste, colour, consistency, juiciness, and tenderness, are next in line in importance to consumers, and Schroeder et al. (2013)1 see this area as another opportunity for the industry to increase beef demand. Beef product attributes relating to health include the amount and type of fat (leanness), carcinogenic concerns, and cholesterol concerns. Experts have found that the amount of fat, type of fat, cholesterol, and heart disease impacts will impact beef demand.
iron content are specifically highlighted as advantages of beef’s nutritional component. In some studies consumers eating less beef cited “health reasons”, “limiting cholesterol or fat” and “other meat seems healthier”, while consumers eating more beef cited reasons such as “adding protein to my diet” and “lean beef fits a healthy lifestyle”. There’s some good news in that certain Limousin cattle qualities align with some of the general qualities consumers demand, in being a lean, high yielding product, with less waste in terms of saleable meat. Some industry experts predict future drivers of consumer demand will more heavily weigh on environmental sustainability and animal welfare in production. And if we consider the current A&W campaign of “raised without the use of hormones or steroids” it is already at play in the fast food sector – growth in the entire sector was 2.5% in 2013, versus 5% for A&W. How to address the demand drivers and keep prices competitive? Schroeder et al. (2013)1 suggest continuous adoption of efficiency enhancing technologies in beef production, processing, and marketing. The greatest opportunity in the near term might be to focus on enhancing product quality and safety attributes and messages, and in the long-term focus on increasing efficiencies. More good news is that Canada’s National Beef Strategy for 20152020 aims to address beef demand, competitiveness, and productivity through various initiatives, some involving consumer confidence, genetic selection, and enhanced information flow through the value chain3. Taken simplistically, a strategy is a collection of guesses until they are tested. So the opportunity to make a change comes with making bold assumptions that will change minds. The National Beef Strategy is indeed bold – aiming to increase carcass cutout by 15%, reduce cost disadvantages by 7%, and increase production efficiency by 15% – all by the year 2020. Livestock Gentec intends to be part of the journey by guiding discoveries that will transform the industry in adopting genomics solutions for improving feed efficiency, beef quality, animal health, and insuring the technology adoption in the livestock industries. It’s clear now… right? Clear as mud perhaps. But when you consider all the decisions that producers make – from selling steers and heifers at all time high prices versus keeping some heifers as replacements we can start to understand how important other market factors are in making decisions. And so it should come as no surprise that consumers also have reasons for making their decisions. And to be clear, it’s not the fault of the chicken producers either – they have found a strategy to efficiently produce a product that is less expensive and perceived to be safe, healthy, and nutritious by consumers. It’s been said that to fix a problem you have to understand it – and understanding consumer demand is no easy chore. But, the beef industry is now seeing some good times that will hopefully last so the industry and the Canadian Limousin Association can use this time to develop and deliver their strategy. Because, really, it’s what you do in the good times that determines how well you do in the bad times. Now is the time for adoption of efficiency enhancing technologies for the industry and for your operation.
Schroeder, T., G. Tonsor, and J. Mintert. 2013. Beef Demand: Recent Determinants and Future Drivers. Prepared for the Cattlemen’s Beef Board. Available at https://www.beefboard.org/evaluation/130612demanddeterminantstudy.asp 1
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. 2013. Per Capita Consumption Poultry and Other Animal Protein Sources Comparison. Available at http://www.agr.gc.ca/eng/industry-markets-and-trade/statistics-and-market-information/by-product-sector/poultry-and-eggs/poultry-and-egg-market-information-canadian-industry/ industry-indicators/per-capita-consumption/?id=1384971854413 2
While less important overall to consumer demand, nutrition is an area that 3 Canada’s National Beef Strategy. 2014. Available at http://beefstrategy.com was identified as being increasingly important in the future. Protein and Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 36
Clark Cattle
thanks to all buyers for purchasing our cattle and genetics at colours of autumn sale.
homozygous black homozygous polled
homozygous polled
Sire: Wulfs Yankee Dam: Tecs Typhon
Sire: Wulfs US Army General Dam: Wulfs Soloist
Semen for sale $40/straw.
Semen for sale $40/straw.
Top1% of breed for yw, cw, rea. Top 2% for ww, milk, performance, power and muscle.
Out of one of the best cows in the breed. Calving ease heifer bull.
David Clark Clark Cattle
2280 McCullough Rd Port Hope, ON L1A 3V7 (905) 786-2304 (905) 449-0149 clarkcattle1@hotmail.ca
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 37
Also, SEMEN FOR SALE on Wulfs Yak the Black, Wulfs Springloaded, and Wulfs Trailblazer.
Beef Carcass Grading in Canada
By C.A. Gracey. Edited by Piper Whelan
Yield Classes in the Current Standards A major and timely change that was introduced in the new grading system in 1993 was an “assessment” of yield. Yield is too often confused with “Dressing Percent,” which is the ratio of the carcass weight to the live weight. Yield, as used in the grading system, refers to the ratio between carcass weight and some representation of its lean meat content. In the new grading system an attempt was made to quantify the lean meat content of a carcass by measuring fat thickness and by “assessing” the area of the cut surface of the Longissimus Dorsi muscle. This estimate was for lean meat content only, and the approximate average “lean meat yield” was 59% with a range from a high of 65% to a low of 49%. This was a well-intentioned but badly flawed effort. The formula upon which lean meat estimates are currently based is: Lean Meat Yield = 57.34+(0.212 x REA in sq cm.)-(0.81 x Grade fat in mm.)-(0.032 x HCW in kg.)11 The first and obvious problem with this formula is that it defines yield as the lean meat content of a carcass. This is,
without doubt, the most scientifically accurate approach but it is not consistent with more practical industry requirements. Another approach might have been to refer to yield as the “saleable content of a carcass,” which would include some fat and bone content more consistent with commercial practice. In commercial practice the industry in Canada has established that the average ratio between carcass weight and saleable beef content is that the latter is 73% of the former. When the industry switched from describing per capita disappearance (consumption) on a “carcass weight basis” to a “retail basis,” the factor of 73% of the carcass weight was used. Thus I propose that the base yield or average yield of saleable meat
from a fed beef carcass should be set at 73%. (This figure should be subject to change with changing industry practice.). The important point to note here is that instrumentation used to “assist” grading can be calibrated to any industry standard.) However the grader does not actually use the formula above to assess yield. In practice the grader uses a “grader’s rule” which only approximates the results that would be obtained if actual measurements were made and the formula was applied. The result is that yield estimates made by graders in the present grading system cannot be relied upon as accurate. This is no fault of the grader but of a deeply-flawed attempt to reduce a lean meat yield formula to a “grader’s rule.” The display below now illustrates the distribution of the yield classes annually since 1993. Note that Yield Class 1 dominates, and until 2008 over 60% of the carcasses graded were graded Y1. The Y2 class has been relatively constant with a rising trend in recent years. The Y3 Class has always been the least frequent but displays a generally rising trend.
This is poor centering because there obviously has to be a great deal of yield variation within the Y1 category. Since this was the top yield grade the standards should have been set higher so that the top category would have held no more than 25% of the carcasses, or even 20%, so that the higher yielding carcasses might have attracted a higher premium. Why Yield is Important Percent yield has been the neglected component of the grading system. There are at least two reasons for this. The first is that the understandable preoccupation of the consumer, the retailer and the restaurateur is with quality. Yield is of far less
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 38
importance to them because they are not directly affected by yield variations. Certainly there is an impact, but it is not as visible as are variations in quality and I will show later that there is indeed an impact. The second is that producers have
The quoted rail price used in this exercise was $1.20lb carcass basis. For comparative purposes the carcasses were off similar weight but I am using the side carcass weight of Roany, which was 650 lbs. The next table shows the pricing.
been generally unaware of variations in yield and do not fully appreciate its importance. The industry is used to, and seemingly happy, with working on averages.
The average price paid on a carcass basis was $1.20 per lb. Because Roany had a higher yield of 72.4%, the cost of each retail pound was $1.66. Spotty had a lower yield of 64.9%, so the cost of each pound of retail yield was $1.85. It is clear that Roany was undervalued and Spotty was overvalued.
There have been industry leaders however who have paid attention. One such was a former president of the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association, the late George Morris, who was a butcher and well aware of variations in carcass yield. Another producer who took an intense interest in this matter is Ross Proctor, a Shorthorn breeder from Wingham, Ontario. His concern and interest led him to feed out two steers, Roany and Spotty, which he entered in the steer show at the 1978 RAWF. The steers placed in about the middle of a large class with Spotty one place above Roany. Proctor bought back the steers at the ensuing sale and delivered the carcasses to Dr. Ron Usborne at the University of Guelph. Both carcasses had been graded A1, but Roany had less fat cover at the ribbing site (0.47 in vs. 0.60 in) and a larger rib eye area (13.3 vs. 10.5 sq in.). Roany had slightly more marbling. Usborne and his team fabricated the carcass into its retail cuts and measured the amount of excess fat trim, bone and shrink in each carcass. The results are shown below.
But what if we weren’t working on averages? From this example it is apparent that the average value of a pound of retail yield was the average of $1.66 and $1.85 or $1.7550. Why not pay for each of these carcasses not on their carcass weight but on their retail yield? The results of paying for what is actually there are shown in the next table, where Roany would have fetched $127.06 per cwt and Spotty would have returned $113.0.
Note that the same total dollars were spent. That is to say 2 cwt at $1.20 = $240.00 (The difference of $0.96 is due to rounding of retail costs in the second table). Although this example involves only two steers, the calculations indicate packers aren’t expected to pay more or less for their supplied of cattle but to pay for what they actually get in yield from individual carcasses based on their yield of saleable product.
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 39
BIXS & ViewTrak Technologies Partnership by Hubert Lau
My guess is there isn’t a producer out there who hasn’t heard that there’s a growing need to respond to consumer demand for more information about the history of beef. And I’ll also bet that most producers know another thing: That they’ve been asked to shoulder much of the burden of change, without any proof they’re going to make more money in the process. A lot of observers tell producers what they should do, where there should do it, when they should do it, and why. But very few—if any—have talked about the how. How can we make the cattle industry more profitable and competitive by sharing information through the supply chain? And how will information help producers put more money in their pockets at the end of the day? To answer those questions, the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association and ViewTrak Technologies formed a partnership with one purpose: To enhance and expand the Beef Information Exchange System (BIXS). Under the partnership, a new privately-held company will take ownership of BIXS, with the CCA and ViewTrak as initial shareholders. I will lead the company as President and Chief Executive Officer and my partner Ted Power will take on the role of Executive Vice-President. The new company will be stewards of the BIXS data base, collecting and sharing valuable information for the benefit of the whole industry—and for consumers who want to know more about how their beef was raised. The CCA has known for years that information sharing will enhance the competitiveness of the industry, and allow Canadian beef to dominate world markets. And if we don’t do it, another country will. That’s why the CCA has asked us to partner with them to help take BIXS to the next level—by making it more effective and providing added value the whole industry. So, what is the new BIXS going to do to answer the how? First, we will focus on the concept of “Collaborative Economics.” We believe there is enormous value in collaborating while remaining fiercely competitive with one another—and that is what we mean by Collaborative Economics. The best illustration I can give you of Collaborative Economics comes from Japan. After World War II, nobody wanted to buy Japanese products. So Japanese companies got together to influence what the world thought about Japanese products. In time, the world responded: People started to see that the best cars and electronics came from Japan. That small country went on to dominate the electronics and automotive industries for decades. We are only now starting to catch up with them. To this day, Japanese CEOs from competing companies sit down regularly around the table—together—to develop strategies to propel Japanese industries forward. Even though they compete fiercely, they share ideas and concerns about how their industries need to operate so they can protect themselves from foreign competitors and create best practices. They understand the dynamic between collaboration and competition. In the same way that Japanese auto and electronic companies benefited greatly by working together, and dominated world markets,
we need to show everyone in the cattle industry how they can also benefit by embracing Collaborative Economics, and likewise dominate world markets. But first, we have to show everyone what’s in it for them—and how everyone can profit by sharing information through the supply chain. There are four specific outcomes we’re focused on achieving through the new BIXS: *Better outcomes for producers, who will be able to better manage their businesses, enhance their breeding and marketing programs, and increasing the overall value of their product—leading to increased profits and competitiveness. *Better sharing of information that benefits the entire supply chain. The ability to respond more effectively to food safety emergencies, reduces market disruptions, and protects bottom lines. * Satisfied consumers who are more confident in their beef supply, more interested in buying beef, and who have more choices about how much they pay for their beef according to the characteristics they value. And here’s where can begin to show the value of information sharing: It’s only a short matter of time before all retailers demand the full history of birth and care from producers through to processors and packers before they will sell your beef. We are already seeing that with A&W and Loblaws, who are advertising heavily about the full traceability of their products and getting premium pricing for them. Costco sells grassfed, hormone free beef for more than regular beef. McDonald’s, Canada’s largest retailer of beef recently announced it has chosen Canada, over Australia and Europe, to launch a pilot project to meet their end goal of serving only “sustainable beef ” across their entire global empire. The lesson here is, the more information you can provide about cattle genetics, feed management, and medical treatment to consumers, the more in demand your beef will be, and the more producers through to retailers will be able to demand for beef—based on the qualities consumers value. Still, to make the Collaborative Economics model successful in the cattle industry, we need to admit one important thing: That we don’t have all the answers. Our first job out of the gate is to listen to industry players from all parts of the supply chain and address everyone’s needs and interests going forward. In order to make that happen, we need everyone to participate in the conversation and be willing to come to the table. That’s our first step—to listen and engage so that we can get more people through the chain participating in BIXS. This is the key to building value. Information is currency, and the more we can get people providing information to and through BIXS, the more value we can provide. Just like the power of the Internet, the value of technology grows many times over when shared. Information that is used cooperatively among all the members of the sector will benefit everyone. And we have no time to waste. So, let’s lock arms, work together, and get ‘er done! Hubert Lau is President & CEO of BIXS. With 3 million detailed carcass records and 3.4 million animal birth date records in the system BIXS is the largest database of its kind in Canada. For more go to http://www.bixs.cattle.ca
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 40
Choosing the new 2015 Ram 1500 means taking a stand. A stand for more power. But also more efficiency. With powertrain choices like the 3.6L Pentastar V6, the legendary 5.7L Hemi V8, or the breakthrough 3.0L EcoDiesel V6 boasting the best fuel economy of any full-size pickup in history,* you never have to compromise on capability to save at the pump. And as the only pickup offering Active-Level Four-Corner Air Suspension and our innovative RamBox Cargo Management System, Ram 1500 stands for getting the job done the smart way, every time. TM
YOUR ALBERTA RAM DEALERS *2014 EnerGuide highway fuel consumption ratings for 2015 Ram 1500 4x2 with 3.0L EcoDiesel V6 and 8-speed automatic (up to 34 MPG highway based on 5-cycle testing methods). 1Based on 2014 Automotive News Full-Size Pickup segmentation.
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 41
Beef Carcass Grading in Canada
By C.A. Gracey. Edited by Piper Whelan
The Relationship between Quality and Yield The first display shows the trend in the quality categories featuring the steady increase in the AAA grade, the relative stability of the AA grade and the virtual disappearance of the A grade.
increase of 1 mm in fat thickness reduced yield percent by 0.81 percentage points. Further undeniable evidence that yield is being sacrificed to “quality” is found when one looks at the proportion of Y1 carcasses found in the AAA and Prime grades and how this has changed since 1993. From 1993 to 1997 approximately 50% of the AAA and Prime carcasses were Y1 carcasses. The proportion remained at or above 45% until 2006. From 2006 onward the proportion of Y1 carcasses in the AAA and Prime category has declined rapidly to a 2012 low of only 34%. Meanwhile the proportion of lower yielding Y2 and Y3 carcasses in the AAA and Prime grades has increased, especially the lowest yielding Y3 proportion. In 2012, 25% of the AAA and Prime carcasses were of Yield Class 3.This means that the AAA and Prime carcasses today are fatter and lower in lean meat content than they have been since the early 1970s.
By contrast, one notes in the next display the steady decline in the Y1 yield category and the unmistakable increase in the Y3 category. The point to be made here is that the trend line, when based on more than a million carcasses, can be considered reliable while the yield grade on each individual carcass remains highly unreliable.
This trade-off between quality and yield might be acceptable if it was conceded as necessary to feed cattle to a degree of over-finish in order to ensure the desired level of marbling. But this need not be the case, and indeed was not the case in the early years of the present grading system. There is also ample evidence that it is possible to combine high yield and the desired high level of marbling in the same carcass. It is impossible not to see the consistency with which the proportion of Y1 carcasses declines as the proportion of AAA carcasses increases. There appears to be a conundrum here because, as has been clearly demonstrated, the primary determinant of “quality” within the Maturity 1 category is degree of marbling. Marbling refers to the interspersion of fat as seen and evaluated on the cut surface of the LD muscle and, as such, should not have a measurable impact on yield. So why is yield declining while marbling increases? The inescapable answer is that in order to achieve and ensure the desired level of marbling, the easiest thing to do is to feed cattle longer, which leads to increased external fat. Also note a major component of the yield formula is fat thickness, where an Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 42
But there are impediments to achieving this goal, one biological in nature and the other economic. The biological impediment is that the easiest way to ensure marbling is to feed the cattle to increased levels of fatness, but at the cost of declining lean meat yield. This is happening in Canada presently because of the second impediment that occurs where the trade pays a distinct premium for AAA and Prime carcasses but only a token premium for Y1 carcasses. Thus the cattle feeder has a stronger incentive to market AAA and higher grading cattle than to market cattle that will fall into the highest yield category. The obvious reason for this imbalance between a desire for AAA or better quality grade and high yield the premium for AAA and better is higher than the token premium for Y1 carcasses. The reason the Y1 premium is lower, I would contend, is that the industry is clearly not convinced the yield classification system is accurate enough to justify a larger premium. In fact, no “premium” should ever be paid for high yield. Yield is a measurable attribute and should be paid for directly. Premiums are only appropriate for subjective attributes like quality.
needed is proper calibration and supervision. Instrument grading has been possible and “imminent” since 1996, but has not yet been deployed. 3. Grading information must be shared Grading data needs to be gathered in an industry repository and made available, not only to the last owner and seller but back to the cow calf producer. With national ID and traceability this is now possible and indeed was virtually promised as a benefit of the national ID program. The creation of the Beef Information Exchange (BIXS) now makes this possible. It is important to point out that when the National Cattle Identification program was launched its primary purpose was to help ensure food safety, and to manage disease outbreaks by creating individual animal identification and traceability. Producers were explicitly assured that one of the additional benefits to them would be the capability to flow grade and yield information back to them on an individual carcass basis. This was represented to producers as being just as crucial as, for example, individual lactation records on dairy cows. 4. Grading Data Belongs to the Industry
This situation need not continue to exist. It is possible, both through genetic selection and feeding and management, to produce a high proportion of cattle that will display marbling at the desired level and also be high yielding. But this will not and cannot happen until the market recognizes and pays equal attention to, and compensation for, both superior quality and superior yield. To accomplish this, five things need to happen. 1. Yield estimates must be accurate Most importantly, we need to have much more confidence that a stated yield classification or percent is reliably accurate. The packer who cannot have confidence in the accuracy of yield estimates will not be willing to pay for it. A step toward increased accuracy is the adoption, but long delayed, implementation of the five yield categories used by the USDA. However, this is a small step when computer-assisted grading can deliver yield as an actual percent instead of as a category. 2. Instrument grading This is often referred to as “instrument-assisted grading,” but, in fact, instrument grading is possible and the only “assistance”
An extremely critical requirement is to recognize that grading data is not “owned” by anyone to their exclusive benefit but belongs to the industry. The grading system was designed to benefit all sectors of the industry. Grading does occur within packing plants but that necessity does not, and ought not, confer ownership of the data upon the packing plant operator. Indeed the most recent cattle identification program is paid for, in large part, by the producer who is obliged to purchase the tags. Without that, it would be impossible to trace a grade to an individual animal. Packers must be made to see that they are merely temporary custodians of the grades. A proper move now would be to download all individual animal grade information to a central agency, logically the Canadian Beef Grading Agency, so that the industry could use this information in constructive ways. 5. Pricing must encompass both quality and yield At present the base price for cattle sold on the rail is usually a price bid for AA cattle with premiums for AAA and Prime carcasses and a discount for A-grade carcasses. Since quality is somewhat, if not totally, subjective, a premium or discount is appropriate and these premiums and discounts are determined in the market place. But yield is not a subjective carcass attribute. It is a measurable quantity and thus can be compensated for with an actual adjustment in the price, just as the price of milk is based on a standardized butterfat level with adjustments for higher or lower average butterfat.
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 43
Herman Symens of Symens Hills Limousin and Limi Gene was inducted into the North American Limousin Foundation Hall of Fame January 11th in Denver, Colorado. The ceremony took place in conjunction with the National Western Stock Show.
Bob Yackley of Onida, South Dakota, long time Limousin breeder and former NALF president, commented on Herman and Judy’s continued support of the South Dakota Limousin Association. He also talked about the many friendships the Symens family has cultivated over the years attending Limousin events. Greg Martin, former executive vice president of NALF, discussed his relationship with Herman while Herman served on the NALF board as president. He relayed the history of the breed during his time in office and Herman’s leadership on the board. Mark Anderson, current NALF executive vice president, gave an overview of Herman’s qualification and named the past winners. He then unveiled the bronze bust of Herman which will be placed in the NALF office along with the other busts and photos from the other four recipients.
A standing room only crowd was on hand to congratulate Herman and his wife, Judy, of Sisseton, South Dakota on this prestigious award. The Limousin breed acknowledges the accomplishments of their long-time supporters and breeders through the Hall of Fame.
Herman is the fifth recipient of the award dating back to the 1990s. Previous winners include Floyd McGown from Texas inducted in 1991; Dale Runion of Colorado, 1993; Leonard Wulf of Minnesota, 2000; and Ken Holloway of Oklahoma inducted in 2009.
The program began with a review of the Symens accomplishments and praise for their commitment to the Limousin breed highlighted by speeches from six presenters. Tom Vaughn, past NALF board member of Cavalier, North Dakota, nominated Herman for the award. He gave a review of the process that was involved in nominating a candidate for this award and the unique way that Herman was told of the award. Dean Summerbell, executive secretary of the Heartland Limousin Association, gave an overview of Herman’s career highlights and his dedication to the cattle industry, as well as stories about his involvement with Limousin youth. He also commented on the knowledge and advice he has gotten from Herman over the years.
A short video was then played with Herman and Judy responding to questions about their history in the breed and their involvement in the various NALF and NALJA programs. Following the video, Herman and Judy gave their remarks and thanked everyone involved with the program along with the many friends, relatives and associates in the cattle industry who filled the room. The evening concluded with remarks from Jerry Effertz, friend and fellow Limousin breeder from Velva, North Dakota. His comments summed up the evening and focused on “friends”, a word that captures the spirit of Herman and Judy. The induction ceremony was a highlight of the Denver Stock Show and set a positive tone for the remainder of the week.
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 44
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 45
CANADIAN BEEF BREEDS COUNCIL By Michael Latimer, Executive Director
Our Vision - To provide a unified voice in support of the purebred genetics provided with the Canadian beef cattle industry. Our Mission - To ensure the continuity, growth and prosperity of the Canadian purebred cattle sector as an integral component of the Canadian beef cattle industry. On behalf of the membership, board and staff at the Canadian Beef Breeds Council, we are pleased to present our briefing report to the Canadian Limousin Association (CLA). The Canadian Beef Breeds Council (CBBC) extends its sincere appreciation to the Government of Canada, the Government of Alberta, the Government of Saskatchewan and the Canadian beef industry for their continued support of the Canadian purebred beef cattle sector, through the Legacy fund and Growing Forward 2 programs. A recipient of Legacy funds since 2006, the CBBC has invested in numerous international marketing initiatives to develop market access and increase farm profits post BSE. Our focus is to ensure recognized representation for the purebred sector within the Canadian beef and cattle industry. The Canadian Beef Breeds Council will continue to engage and work with both industry and governments at home and abroad to represent and promote Canadian pedigreed beef cattle genetics. As the recognized representative for the sector, the CBBC’s focus plays out in five main areas. A focus on the National Beef Strategic Plan... As the beef industry develops its dynamic collaborative process engaging all industry sectors and national and provincial beef organizations, the Canadian Beef Breeds Council is proud play and integral role in the Canada Beef Advisors, a diverse group of industry representatives. This group in collaboration with provincial beef cattle organizations developed the National Beef Strategic Plan. Unwavering in its support of the national beef strategy, CBBC believes that a united industry is a stronger industry, and all participants will benefit from this initiative. A focus on Legacy... In its ongoing efforts with the CCMDC, the CBBC entered year two of a three year International Marketing Strategy, including a 2014/15 Market Implementation Plan. This comprehensive strategic marketing plan for the organization is reaffirmed annually through strategic planning with the membership to establish goals and priorities in export markets. The CBBC enlists the support of its membership to execute activities within the plan. The CBBC is fortunate to have a membership with extensive experience and success in global markets. Under the Legacy program, CBBC is pleased to have supported the CLA with two outbound missions to the US, an inbound mission to Canada, an outbound mission to Argentina as well as various promotional items.
A focus on domestic awareness and collaboration… A key focus for CBBC will be its collaboration with other stakeholders in the Canadian beef industry. Today, organizations recognize the importance of working together and elimination of redundancies. These efficiencies are necessary to create a sustainable and successful beef production chain. In essence, the purebred beef cattle sector in Canada is the genetic foundation for the Canadian beef industry but recognizes that it takes each sector to flourish to make the system work. A production chain that works together is fundamental component to achieving success. A focus on the beef value chain and market development… The importance of the purebred sector in the Canadian beef supply chain is the primary focus for CBBC. However there has been a renewed commitment to focus on the needs of the commercial cattle industry. The adoption of new technologies by purebred producers benefits commercial cattlemen by providing them with new tools to select cattle with greater accuracy that suit their operation. With a new logo and website, Canadian Beef Breeds Council is demonstrating its commitment to engage with international customers and the Canadian beef industry. The newly designed trade show booth and brochures will be utilized at various international and domestic trade shows and livestock exhibitions to provide resources as to the merits of Canadian purebred cattle. A focus on value and capacity building… CBBC recognizes that value can be created and maintained through consistently delivering quality products and services. Rather than only focusing on volume, we are pursuing opportunities that generate the highest value or greatest return for Canadian producers.
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 46
Sons By These Elite Sires Sell AHCC WestWind W544
9th Annual Limousin & Lim-Flex Bull Sale March 23 • Kist Livestock Auction • Mandun, ND
MAGS Unheard Of
Selling 85 Purebred & Lim-Flex Bulls 2-Year-Olds • Long Yearlings • Yearlings
High performance cattle bred with our customers’ profitability in mind.
Watch the sale and register to bid online www.dvauction.com S A V Angus Valley 1867
Contact the ranch for more information or a catalogue. Visit
www.HagerCattleCompany.com for videos. LVLS 9066U
SALE -DAY PHONES ... Owner: Austin Hager - 701/626-2345 Marketing: Kiley McKinna - 402/350-3447 Consultant: Mark Smith - 515/229-5227 Auctioneer: Chisum Peterson - 605/730-4214
Austin, Leah, Bailee, Pitch, Tripp & Remmi Hager 4651 2nd Ave. NE • Karlsruhe, ND 58744 701/525-6363 • 701/626-2345 mobile www.HagerCattleCompany.com
Limousin World: Weston Geppert - 605/933-1387
18 Direct Sons of the LVLS 9066U donor sell by: AHCC WestWind W544, MAGS Unheard Of & S A V Angus Valley 1867
Kist Livestock: 800/732-1163
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Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 47
2014-07-30 12:12 PM
Beef Carcass Grading in Canada
By C.A. Gracey. Edited by Piper Whelan
Instrument Grading and Conclusion Instrument Grading Computer-assisted grading has long been promised. As early as 1996, the industry was assured that computer and camera assisted grading was imminent. A great deal of time and effort, not to mention money, was spent in an ultimately unsuccessful attempt to deploy the “computer vision system,” CVS, as a support to grading. More recently a new, and presumably improved, camera and computer-assisted system known as the “E+V system” has already been approved as a grading assistance device and such approval has been in hand since August of 2011. But the system has not yet been deployed for grading because we await long-delayed amendments to the grading regulations to make such procedures official. This is a ridiculous situation when delays in regulatory amendments can delay needed advancements in the industry. On at least three occasions I, and others, have suggested that since producers and packers are in agreement, a Memorandum of Understanding should permit the use of the technology at once and in advance of the regulatory change. Further delay is unconscionable.
imperfect indicator. Marbling is not a reliable indicator of tenderness which is important to consumers and the trade. I have already commented at some length about the imperfections and inaccuracies inherent in the present method of assessing yield. This is becoming inexcusable. Known variations in yield are just as important as variations in quality. Yield variations follow an approximate normal distribution and at present prices the value differences between a carcass that is 1 percentage point below average and a carcass that is one percentage point above average yield is almost $8.00 per cwt. The cattle industry lags seriously behind all the other livestock species in recognizing and adopting technology that will increase the efficiency of production. This undeniable situation is worsened by the fact that cattle are already the least efficient of the meat producing species. Can we afford to continue to disregard known technologies that will narrow the gap? Now we are on the threshold of further advances that involve instrument based grading and the ability to use individual carcass grade information to advance the industry by making grade information accessible to the industry and particularly to the breeder who produces the calf. This has been made possible by individual animal identification. It is our chance to exercise the same vision as those nearly a century ago saw and acted upon the need to create the first grading system.
Conclusion It has been apparent for some time now that assessing quality solely on the basis of marbling is, at best, a very Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 48
Understanding the new base for Canadian Limousin EPD’s (part II) Some of your Frequently Asked Questions answered and summary of statistics
What are the advantages and/or differences of changing to a multi breed evaluation? • The Limousin evaluations (EPD’s) are directly comparable to Red Angus, Simmental, Gelbvieh among other breeds. • The carcass trait EPD’s are more conservative, but consequently will be more accurate in the long run. • This realignment of contemporary groups into larger groups contributes to higher accuracy EPDs for animals in these groups. • Embryo calves are no longer taken for account in the growth traits, but carcass data will be included.
What current breed averages for Bulls, Cows and non-parent animals and genetic trends?
What is happening with Genomic Enhanced EPD’s (Ge-EPD’s)? • A recalibration was needed and nearly completed. It will include over 5000 Limousin and Lim-Flex genotypes. • A full gambit of traits will be included and the Ge-EPD’s will be given to Lim-Flex animals. Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 49
News Release Industry unites to develop National Beef Strategy January 7, 2015 Calgary, AB - The growing global demand for protein has presented Canada’s beef industry with an unprecedented opportunity to increase demand for its beef products. The ability of industry to fully seize this opportunity is not without significant challenges; tight cattle supplies, reduced marketings, and competition for arable land are among the factors to be overcome. Canada’s beef sector organizations have responded to the challenge with the creation of the National Beef Strategy. A collaborative effort of national and provincial beef sector organizations, the National Beef Strategy provides the framework for how the organizations can work together to best position the Canadian beef industry for greater profitability, growth and continued production of a high quality beef product of choice in the world. Released publicly today, the National Beef Strategy proposes a united path forward to meeting these challenges and opportunities with a goal to benefit all sectors of the beef industry. Martin Unrau and Trevor Atchison, co-chairs of the National Beef Strategic Planning Group and members of the Canadian Beef Advisors, a group of experienced beef sector professionals leading the implementation of the National Beef Strategy, believe the beef industry needs to adapt and evolve to stay relevant. The Strategy is the way to move the industry forward, together. “The need for industry to push itself is now,” says Unrau. “The National Beef Strategy will build on and strengthen the foundational pieces of existing work that have enabled the beef industry to grow to date but in a manner which will be more responsive to current and future needs. This will enable chronic issues, like infrastructure and capacity, to be addressed more holistically, and lead to programming to help grow beef demand and bridge to where industry wants to be in the future.” Developed by industry for industry, the National Beef Strategy seeks to position the Canadian beef industry as the most trusted and competitive high quality beef cattle producer in the world recognized for its superior quality, safety, value, innovation and sustainable production methods. Atchison said that moving forward with a unified approach will require the same flexibility beef producers demonstrate as they adjust business plans to manage unanticipated challenges thrown in their way. “This strategy is something all stakeholders in the industry can buy into. There’s strength in numbers and by working together we will build a stronger and more robust industry capable of meeting and responding to the opportunities now and into the future,” he said. Learn more about how stakeholders can achieve a dynamic and profitable Canadian cattle and beef industry at www.beefstrategy.com. Boilerplate: The National Beef Strategy is a collaborative effort by Canadian national beef sector organizations including the Beef Cattle Research Council, Canadian Beef Breeds Council, Canada Beef Inc., Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (and its provincial member associations), and National Cattle Feeders’ Association. The National Beef Strategy promotes a united approach to position the Canadian beef industry for greater profitability, growth and continued production of a high quality beef product of choice in the world.
For further information, contact: Gloria Jewison 403-275-8558, ext 308 jewisong@cattle.ca
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 50
1 OR 10,000 ACRES
Saskatchewan Limousin Association News By Eric Boon, Secretary Bull Sale season is upon us and Saskatchewan offers a tremendous Limousin Bulls. You can find breeders all over Saskatchewan that will provide you with the quality you seek. Be sure to check the ‘Events Page’ and Ads in the Voice to see when and where Saskatchewan Limousin Bulls are available! 2015 SLA Annual Meeting and Saskatchewan Provincial Limousin Show Prince Albert Exhibition, Prince Albert, SK July 28th-August 1st, 2015 Continue to watch for details on our Annual Meeting date that will be held in conjunction with the Saskatchewan Provincial Limousin Show at the Prince Albert Exhibtion.
BE THE BEST IN YOUR FIELD Learn everything there is to know about Limousin—Northlands Farm & Ranch Show’s 2015 beef feature breed. Members of the Prime Limousin Club will be there to answer
2014-2015 SLA Board of Directors President: Rhett Jones Vice-President: Lee Carpenter Secretary: Eric Boon Treasurer: Janet Hale Past President: Kevin Rea Jeff Yorga Chris Qually Bob Turner Eric Martens Carey Hirschfeld
all your questions and educate everyone on the unique qualities of their favourite breed. For over 25 years they have been Alberta’s prime source for commercial and purebred customers and their enthusiasm is sure to spread to everyone in attendance. Learn more at farmandranchshow.com Join the conversation @NorthlandsAg #NFRS15
March 26-28 Edmonton EXPO Centre
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 51
By Carolyn Darling
Are you ready for the 2015 NJLA Impact Show?! The OJLA board is hard at work getting ready to make the Impact Show full of fun times and many great memories! The 2015 Show will be August 6-8, 2015 in Stratford, ON. The registration packages will be out by the end of February, watch the CLA website for updates as well as information about hotel reservations.
If you have any questions about the junior show, please don’t hesitate to contact Wayne Lawrence at (519) 369-2806
See you in Ontario!
Greetings fellow cattle persons, Manitoba Limousin Association held its annual meeting on January 3 in Brandon in conjunction with several other provincial beef associations. We would like to thank Anne Burgess for attending and keeping us abreast with all the CLA happenings and changes that will be coming soon. Annually the MLA awards 2 achievements, one for Juniors/4-H and one for Limousin ambassadors. In 2014 our junior award went to Dimitri Stewart of Triple R Limousin for his achievements as part of the MJLA. Dimitri received an assortment of grooming and feeding supplies to keep the show fires burning. In 2014 Diamond T Limousin was honoured as our Manitoba Limousin Association Ambassadors. Congratulations to both of these awards recipients on your well-deserved accolades. A large thank you goes out to all of the exhibitors that attended Manitoba Livestock Expo in 2014. It was a great show with the addition of a couple of Lim-Flex/Percentage classes and enough
purebreds in attendance to host a Point Show. Our Provincial Summer show will be held in early 2015, along with our regular Purebred classes we will continue to host Lim-Flex classes and encourage everyone to attend. It appears the show will be held in late June at Treherne, Manitoba. Other happenings in Manitoba in early 2015 will be the Manitoba Winter Fair. This April exhibition hosts junior steer and heifer shows, a fat steer sale and open heifer and steer shows. It is calving season again and I hope everyone is continually favoured by the unseasonably warm weather and your herd stays healthy and your calves strong and abundant. Finally with bull sale season around the corner for most, I wish good luck and good marketing to all of our provincial and national members that are hosting sales in whatever capacity they may be. Mark Angus MLA President
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 52
Biography: Dr. Colin Palmer is an Associate Professor of Theriogenology (Animal Reproduction) at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine. Originally from Nova Scotia, Dr. Palmer worked in mixed practices in Ontario and British Columbia and has owned/operated a practice in Saskatchewan. Dr. Palmer along with his wife Kim and children Lauren, Emily and Carter run a herd of purebred Red Angus cattle under the KC Cattle Co. name.
Considerations When Buying Your Next Bull Borrowing from Harlan Hughes, beef industry economist, the single most important factor influencing the cow-calf producer’s bottom line is the unit cost of production (UCOP). This is determined by dividing the total costs of maintaining the herd by the total pounds of weaned calf produced by that herd. The UCOP is often reported as dollars per 100 weight of calf which then makes it very easy to determine profitability when comparing it with market price. Simply put, producers with the greatest difference between market price and UCOP are the most profitable. Neither the lowest cost nor the highest weaning weight producer are necessarily the most profitable. Since costs are largely determined by the number of cows, and gross income is determined by the pounds of calf sold it is logical that the most important variable influencing the UCOP is pounds of weaned calf per cow exposed to bulls. With market prices the way they are today extra pounds of weaned calf translate into huge profits real quick. More available dollars in the beef cow-calf sector present some exciting opportunities for investment in herd genetics. Improvements in herd productivity through purchased females is very slow - bulls are by far the most effective way to introduce desirable traits into a beef herd. Selecting bulls based only on the need to get the cows pregnant is arguably a survival tactic that wasn’t even defensible when our industry was on its knees. Good bulls were justifiable then and even more so today. You cannot expect your herd to perform any better than the bulls you select. Moving forward and improving on what you already have should be the goal of any business. Don’t miss out on opportunity! The compounding effect of sire selection decisions is amazing. The bulls you turned out last year will contribute half of the genetic material to the calves born this spring. Quite simple really - half from the sire and half from the dam. However, the sire, maternal grandsire and maternal great grandsire together account for nearly 90% (87.5% to be exact) of a calf’s DNA. If the great grand sire was first used in 2010 and produced a crop of heifers that calved as two-year olds in 2013 there will likely be a next generation of heifers calving this spring (heifers giving birth to heifers). Therefore, in most herds a four-generation photo can be possible in as little as 5 years. I don’t think you can run any business on gut feel, intuition, or eyeballing. My mantra is you can’t manage what you don’t measure! Take a look at how your herd has been performing. Are your pregnancy rates, disease rates, length of calving season, proportion of weaned calves and weaning weights what you expect? Are your heifer replacements performing as good as or better than previous generations of heifers? Although many management decisions can influence these parameters your
choice of herd sires can have a tremendous affect. Bulls with larger scrotal circumferences produce more sperm, are able to breed more cows and have daughters who reach puberty sooner and have greater lifetime fertility. Science has shown that herds with the highest reproductive performance routinely purchase herd sires with above average scrotal circumferences. More calves born during the first cycle or two of the calving season means more pounds of calf at weaning time. Expected progeny differences (EPDs), genetic (DNA) markers, carcass evaluation data and indexes are other tools that should be used to help select bulls. Weaning weight (WW) is my favourite EPD as it is the most tangible for the cow-calf producer. Two visually identical bulls of the same breed with a 20 pound difference in their WW EPD are expected to produce calves that differ in weaning weight by an average of 20 lbs. The birth weight (BW) EPD should also be considered. Birth weight, WW and yearling weight (YW) are highly positively, correlated. Birth weight is the biggest single predictor of dystocia and more calves are lost at or around birth than at any other time. Remember, a big calf won’t be worth much if it is dead. Bulls with near the top of the breed WW EPDs, but with average or below average birth weight EPDs are becoming more prevalent. The calving easing (CE) EPD should also be examined and remember that EPDs become more accurate as performance data from progeny and other relatives is included in the calculation. Look at breed averages to see how your potential purchase stacks up. Indexes are also useful as they lend credence to the EPD’s – animals with the highest weaning weight and yearling weight EPDs within the herd should have the highest indexes for that trait. A useful exercise for any herd that purchases registered bulls is to look up the current EPDS through the breed association website for bulls that you have used in the past. Check out how they rank in comparison with the breed average for various traits you may be interested in. Because our cattle are improving each year a bull that was superior for a trait 10 years ago may be just average today, but more importantly the EPD information and your herd performance records may help you decide what traits you may want to strengthen. I recently looked up a very influential herd sire that was born 25 years ago and was pleased to see that he still ranked well above breed average for weaning weight, yearling weight and milk. So ... if reducing your Unit Cost of Production and maximizing your profitability interest you then using a few tools to help you select superior herd sires can pay off handsomely. Improving the genetics of your herd through bull purchases is kind of like picking low hanging fruit – lots in the basket for relatively little effort.
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 53
Colours of Autumn Limousin Sale December 6, 2014 Cookstown, ON Auctioneer: Carl Wright
Sale Results 15 Bred Heifers 21 Calves 3 Cows 1 Bull Calf 2 Picks 26 Embryos 1 Semen Interest
Averaged Averaged Averaged Averaged Averaged Averaged Averaged
$4,033.00 $3,633.00 $4,000.00 $3,000.00 $4,625.00 $729.00 $14,400.00
42 Live Lots Averaged $3,834.00
Royal Elite All Breed Sale
November 7, 2014 Toronto, ON Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran Sale Management: Bohrson Marketing Services Sale Results 5 Limousin Lots
High Selling Lots Lot 1 -$14,400.00 - Wulfs Apostle 343A sired by Wulfs Yankee K689Y was purchased by Koyle Farms, Grant Blanchard, Smart Limousin, Pinnacle View Limousin, Red Maple, Payne Livestock, Edwards Limousin, Maplehurst Limousin, Bee Zee Acres, Darling Farms, Preferred Limousin, Triple R Limousin, Art Thompson, Brad Annett, Carpenter Cattle Co. Lot 37 - Darling Brown Sugar sired by RPY Paynes Elvis was purchased by purchased by Trails End Limousin for $7,500.00 Lot 31 - Hollee’s Brown Eyed Girl sired by TMF Zodiak 34Z was purchased by Crown Hill Acres for $7,200.00
Live Lots Averaged $5,018.00 Embryos Averaged $1,100.00/each Semen Lots Averaged $358/dose Total Sale Grossed $193,550.00 High Selling Limousin Lots Lot 29 - WCC All About You sired by Koyle Techumseh was purchased by Preston Limousin for $4,000.00 Lot 33 - Darling Bella Star 2B sired by Richmond Wyatt SRD 48W was purchased by Joe Cooper for $3,700.00 Lot 30 - Koyle Bar Hop 9B sired by EXLR Total Impact 054T was purchased by Anchor B Limousin for $3,500.00
Solid Gold National Limousin Sale November 28, 2014 Regina, SK Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran Sales Management: Bohrson Marketing Services
Sale Results 1.5 Bull Calves 0.5 Bred Cow 3 Bred Heifers 3 Open Heifers 11 Heifer Calves 2 Semen Lots
Averaged Averaged Averaged Averaged Averaged Averaged
$18,333.33 $32,000.00 $8,166.67 $6,166.67 $6,895.45 $5,550.00
Excel Ranches
December 8, 2014 Westlock, AB Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Management: T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.
Sale Results 1 Bull 4 Cows 1 Cow/Calf Pair 16 Heifer Calves 15 Bred Heifers 7 Embryos
Averaged Averaged Averaged Averaged Averaged Averaged
$10,000.00 $3,950.00 $8,750.00 $3,056.25 $3,590.00 $635.71
37 Live Lots grossed $137,300.00 and averaged $3,710.81 Total Sale grossed $141,750.00 High Selling Bull Lot 1 - Excel Polled Axel Rose sired by Wulfs Xtractor was purchased by J Yorga Farms, Flintoft, SK for $10,000.00 High Selling Cow Lot 11 - Excel Polled Lesley sired by TMF Westwood 505W was purchased by Hollee Limousin, Janetville, ON for $5,000.00
21 Lots Grossed $173,450.00 and Averaged $8,259.52
High Selling Cow/Calf Pair Lot 6A - $ 8,750.00 - Excel Polled Aleah sired by Blueberry’s Uniform Power was purchased by Nordal Limousin, Simpson, SK and Lot 6B - Excel Polled Autumn Yard sired by Nordal Yard Stick was purchased by Nordal Limousin, Simpson, SK
High Selling Lots Lot 3 - IVY’S Sweet Touch HTZ 29Z sired by RPY Paynes Elvis was purchased for 1/2 interest by Eden Meadows Farms for $16,000.00
High Selling Bred Heifer Lot 17 - Excel Polled Astound sired by Wulfs Xandrew 8401X was purchased by Nordal Limousin, Simpson, SK for $5,600.00
Lot 1 - Koyle Black Belt 4B sired by Wulfs Yak The Black T108Y was purchased by Edwards Limousin for $15,000.00
High Selling Heifer Calf Lot 4A - Excel Polled Dally sired by Wulfs Xandrew 8401X was purchased by Revolution Cattle Co., Hanover, ON for $6,800.00
Lot 2 - RPY Paynes Balboa 31B sired by Wulfs X Tractor X233X 1/2 interest was purchased by Circle T for $12,500.00
High Selling Embryos Lot 2 - Three (3) Embryos Wulfs Xtractor x Polled Raspberry was purchased by Jones Cattle Co., Morse, SK for $1,950.00
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 54
“In this period of the livestock industry, inventory dictates leadership”... this statement was made to me in passing last December, while checking out of a hotel, by a successful young man in the purebred livestock business... a statement which has hung in my mind ever since. No doubt, demographics have drastically altered during the last half century, especially in the past decade or so. The aging producer is the primary problem... as of the 2011 Canadian Census the average age of a farmer rose to 54 years from 49.9 in 2001. (The number in the United States is 57 years.) Up until the past two years, beef prices held no significant lure for the next generation to remain on the farm or ranch... the robust, energy industry, coupled with new exciting technological opportunities, virtually erased incentives for young people to stay in agriculture. But those who stayed with the family beef operation and survived the aftermath of May 20, 2003, have become a new breed of farmer or rancher who approaches the production of beef cattle, in the purebred and commercial sectors, as an important business; today these dedicated families are being highly rewarded for their courage and tenacity. Through rigid culling, new genetic technology and a businesslike approach, purebred herds have increased herd quality, performance and a greater degree of predictability in product they supply to the commercial sector. In all breeds, it is the onus of the purebred breeder to lead the direction of the breed’s contribution to the improvement of the livestock industry. The majority of cattle production on farms and ranches in North America is situated on the three Prairie Provinces of Canada and on the Plains of the United States... our neighbors to the south. Although census reports state that the average cow herd size in the United States is 40 head, in Canada it is 61. Pasture land east of the Mississippi River and Thunder Bay is steadily turning into pavement as these areas continue urban growth. The cost of land in those areas, suits only high intensity operations or hobbyists, even though it holds the majority of consumers. In years to come, more and more onus will be placed on cattlemen in the central belt of North America needing to produce a higher degree of product; in addition to being efficient stewards of the land. The watch word for the decade ahead will be “inventory”... restocking the North American cow herd will require large numbers of young breeding females with breed identity. Just as we progressed from half section family farms in the grain industry to operations that are vast both in acres and scope, the livestock industry, especially the cow calf producers, have headed on the same course. In order to obtain large packages of quality breeding stock, male or female, producers looking to increase or add numbers, will have to source from large breeding operations and pay healthy premiums for one-iron replacement stock. Hence those who have inventory will ultimately lead the way through this next exciting decade or two...yes inventory is the leader! Expansion of inventory is a combination of time plus money. Financial institutions are getting a warm feeling about the beef cattle sector of agriculture... where were they when bred cows were $750.00? Since the future of the livestock industry hinges on the involvement and participation of young people, breed associations and government need to put their best foot forward with assistance and education. We are a minority... agriculture rests, as a taken for granted portfolio; just above house-keeping on Parliament Hill. Our elected officials, while looking for new markets for our products out of country, are losing sight of our domestic requirements and growth of our future generations. (For most, getting elected a second term to assure a lifetime pension seems to be priority one!) Investment tax credits for breeding stock would put a new level of financial structure in the livestock sector.....now that we have $45.00 a barrel of oil and $3500.00 cows! That’s asking too much...so how about just putting a little agriculture; back into the class room... learn about a cow, rather than an I-Pad. At market levels such as we see today, one can ill afford to rest on the past year’s laurels. In good times, the choice of sires that will run in your pastures, needs very careful selection and scrutiny... remember that half the calves will be replacements... whether they remain in your herd or move to new pastures... quality will award you with leadership in the pasture and sale ring! That’s what I see through my windshield.
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 55
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 56
BULL TEST STATIONS Please note Limousin bulls will be offered at the St-Martin de la Beauce Bull Test Station Sale on February 21st. Our own station sale is scheduled for April 11. We have changed the location to better accommodate sellers and buyers. This year’s sale will be at Ferme Dany & Mario Simard, 710 rang Ste-Agathe, Ste-Sophie de Lévrard, Quebec. Both bull sales offer top quality Limousin bulls fully performance tested and classified. These genetically superior herd sire prospects represent a sound investment for any herd seeking improvement in their calves’ performance. Information on all bulls is posted on www.agrireseau.qc.ca. Both sales will be broadcast on-line at www.liveauctions.tv. Don’t forget to register prior to the start of the sale. The Unique Limousin station also accepts phone bids. Please call the day before to make arrangements (514) 974-6456. FERME JEAN-PAUL PALARDY INC. (FEEDLOT) Jean-Paul Palardy Farm is looking for 200 pre-conditioned Limousin calves for their feedlot. Steer calves must be weaned, dehorned, vaccinated, and dewormed and weigh between 600 and 700lbs for a late August, early September entry at their Ste-Madeleine, Québec feed yard. For more information, please contact Anne at the CLA office.
CENTRES D’ÉLEVAGE BOVIN (CEB) MULTISOURCES (STATIONS) Notez à vos agendas l’encan de la Station St-Martin de la Beauce qui se tiendra le 21 février et celle de la Station Unique Limousin, le 11 avril prochain. Lors de ces deux ventes, un choix impressionnant de taureaux LIMOUSINS de génétique supérieure sera offert aux producteurs désireux d’améliorer la qualité de leurs veaux. Toutes les informations sur la conformation des taureaux sont toujours disponibles sur le site internet d’Agri Réseau à l’adresse suivante : www.agrireseau.qc.ca. Encore cette année, les deux encans seront diffusés en direct sur le site internet : liveauctions.tv. L’heure du début des encans sera publiée sur le site. N’oubliez pas de vous inscrire à l’avance afin de pouvoir miser en ligne. À la demande de plusieurs producteurs et afin d’être le plus accessible possible, l’encan de la Station Unique Limousin se fera cette année sur la Ferme Dany et Mario Simard, 710 rang Ste-Agathe, Ste-Sophie de Lévrard, G0X 3C0. Toujours dans le but d’accommoder et de faciliter vos achats de taureaux, la Station Unique offre un service de prise de mise par téléphone. Il vous suffit d’appeler au numéro (514) 9746456 pour prendre arrangement (idéalement avant la journée de l’encan). FERME JEAN-PAUL PALARDY INC. (PARC D’ENGRAISSEMENT) La Ferme Jean-Paul Palardy (955 rang St-Simon, Ste-Madeleine, Québec, (450) 795-3460) est à la recherche d’environ 200 veaux mâles de race Limousin pré-conditionnés (vaccinés, décornés, castrés, sevrés et vermifugés) pesant entre 600 et 700 livres pour la fin de l’été 2015 (septembre). Il sera possible de regrouper plusieurs lots de veaux afin de satisfaire ses besoins. Les producteurs intéressés sont priés de contacter Serge Dethier au (514) 974-6456 pour plus d’informations. Limousinement vôtre, Diane Joly In the December issue of the Limousin Voice, we were very proud to showcase Limousin animals who won interbreed competitions in 2014. Unfortunately, we forgot a very important feat that was achieved by MRA Cleveland 108Z, owned by Jaymarandy Limousin of Roblin, Manitoba. MRA Cleland was named Supreme Champion Bull at Harding Fair (Ron Sangster Memorial Award) and The Rocky Mountain Implements Ultimate Supreme Champion Beef Animal also at Harding Summer Fair. Congratulations again to Jaymarandy Limousin and our apologies for the omission.
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 57
Grand Champion Limousin Female
Grand Champion Limousin Bull
Reserve Grand Champion Limousin Female
Reserve Grand Champion Limousin Bull
Grand Champion Carload
Grand Champion Limousin Pen
Reserve Grand Champion Carload
Reserve Grand Champion Limousin Pen
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 58
2015 National Western Stock Show
Limousin breeders competed for top honors at the Level I National Medal of Excellence (MOE) Limousin show at the 2015 National Western Stock Show. Joel Cowley, Houston, TX sorted the Limousin and Lim-Flex cattle in the MOE show, January 14, 2015. GRAND CHAMPION LIMOUSIN FEMALE Caitlyn Ochsner, Kersey, CO owned and exhibited AUTO Amerie 228A, a March 2, 2013 daughter of AUTO Cruze 132X.
GRAND CHAMPION LIMOUSIN BULL Magness Land and Cattle, Platteville, CO exhibited MAGS Zappo. He is a October 2, 2012 son of MAGS Xyloid.
RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION LIMOUSIN FEMALE Colt Cunningham, Rose, OK owned LH Belle 015B, a daughter of EXAR Upshot 0562B born on March 1, 2014.
RESERVE CHAMPION LIMOUSIN BULL LFL Benjamin 4010B, a January 24, 2014 son of MAGS Unite Together.
Grand Champion Lim-Flex Pen
Reserve Grand Champion Lim-Flex Pen
18 Pens, 5 Carloads Exhibited at 2015 National Western Stock Show The National Western Stock Show (NWSS) Limousin and Lim-Flex Pen and Carload shows took place, Thursday, Jan. 15. The three-man panel of Mike Smith of Plainville, KS; Dr. Dave Nichols of Manhattan, KS; and Gary Giacomini of Bishop, CA evaluated the 18 pens and 5 carloads. GRAND CHAMPION CARLOAD Magness Land and Cattle, Platteville, CO; exhibited the Grand Champion carload. The ten head had an average birth date of February 28, 2014; an average weight of 1,265 pounds; and an average weight per day of age (WDA) of 4.24 pounds. Sires represented in the group were MAGS Y-Axis, MAGS Winston, EXAR Upshot 0562B, MAGS Zodiac, Rito 6EM3 of 4L1 Emblazon, MAGS Xyloid, and MAGS Wazowski. RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION CARLOAD Magness Land and Cattle, Platteville, CO; also exhibited the Reserve Champion carload of Limousin bulls. The 8 head had an average birth date of September 2, 2013; an average weight of 1,524 pounds; and an average WDA of 3.04 pounds. Sires represented in the group were Rito 6EM of 4L1 Emblazon, MAGS Y-Axis, Connealy Consensus 7229, EF Xcessive Force, and MAGS Xukalani. This particular carload also garnered the most votes and was selected as the 2015 People’s Choice Award winner in the carload show. GRAND CHAMPION PEN OF THREE LIMOUSIN BULLS The Grand Champion pen of three Limousin bulls came from Magness Land and Cattle, Platteville, CO. The pen had an average birth date of September 3, 2013; an average weight of 1,595 pounds; and an average WDA of 3.18 pounds. CJSL Windfall 9072W sired the group.
RESERVE CHAMPION PEN OF THREE LIMOUSIN BULLS The Reserve Grand Champion came from entry 66 – Symens Bros. Limousin, Amherst, SD. The pen had an average birthday of April 4, 2014; an average weight of 1,117 pounds; and an average WDA of 3.89 pounds. Wulfs Xclusive 2458X sired these champions. PEOPLE’S CHOICE LIMOUSIN PEN Honors go to entry 62 – Symens Bros. Limousin, Amherst, SD. GRAND CHAMPION PEN OF THREE LIM-FLEX BULLS The Grand Champion pen of three Lim-Flex bulls came from Magness Land and Cattle. This pen had an average birth date of January 3, 2014; an average weight of 1,472 pounds; and an average WDA of 3.88 pounds. Sires represented in the group were MAGS Xyloid, MAGS Yip, and MAGS Y-Axis. This pen was also selected as the People’s Choice Lim-Flex Pen. RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION PEN OF THREE LIM-FLEX BULLS The Reserve Grand Champion pen of three Lim-Flex bulls came from Magness Land and Cattle, Platteville, CO. The pen had an average birth date of September 29, 2013; an average weight of 1,508 pounds; and an average WDA of 3.02 pounds. MAGS Xukalani, MAGS Yip, and EXAR Upshot 0562B sired the group.
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 59
Red and Black Polled Yearling Bulls
2014/15 MARITIME BULL TEST This year, 10 of the 109
UDX 71B Bulls sired by: Anchor B Tibon (Wulf’s Tibon), Anchor B Unity (Paynes Pipeline), Richmond Zeus (Richmond Wyatt)
SHORT GRASS LIMOUSIN SWIFT CURRENT, SK Trevor & Lorna Dyck Brian & Ramona Dyck 306-773-7196 tldyck@yourlink.ca
bulls on test at Nappan are Limousin. Coming from three breeders, Othbergs have 8 on test, and Top of the Hill and Blue Diamond Limousin with one each. After the second weighing, there are four bulls that are showing an estimated gain ratio of under 10 (the lower the better). Two of those bulls are Limousin. The most
efficient bull to date is a February Othberg bull that on January 21st weighed in at over 1200 lbs, with a EGR of 9.55. He is a Richmond Yak son. The other three bulls showed an EGR of between 9.84 and 9.89, with the second Limousin bull being a Wulf ’s Rambler entry of Blue Diamond. This bull is showing a gain index of 102.
CLA President’s Report New Years has past and the new calf crop has started to arrive on many farms with others anxiously awaiting their arrivals. It is also the time of year when the search for new herdsires begins to replace or compliment the present bull battery. Producers need to be reminded not to get too regimented into thinking they know what the buyers want but rather listen to what they are looking for in a bull. By listening now we as breeders will know where our bull market will be in years down the road. This brings me to the point I would offer to you about how important your support is when it comes to whole herd enrolment. These times when new highs are being set in cattle prices every week this tool is more important than ever to aid you as a seller as well as those who are potential buyers. In this time of social media there is a lot of information out there at everyone’s fingertips. People can make more informed decisions and can make their beef operations more profitable with the touch of a button. This is where the importance of your association and being enrolled in whole herd makes the difference. Farms make decisions on how much they want to participate in the programme by just enrolling cows or taking that extra step to add birth weights, yearling weights, ultra sound data all of which helps to improve
our breed and give that potential buyer the information he needs when purchasing his next animals. The CLA now comes into play for both parties through their efforts to link both buyers and sellers together. It is through advertising, social media or a physical presence at trade fairs and international events all of this keeps our breed in the fore front of the minds of all cattlemen. By being enrolled in whole herd the CLA can not only continue to gather valuable information and much needed data for our breed but it is also a financial commitment to carry on with its endeavours and remain a strong voice for cattle producers. By not sitting on the side lines and making that commitment now when things are good you’ll continue to lay the groundwork for the future when the cattle industry might not be as strong. As this is my last message as CLA president and I am put out to pasture my passion for this breed and my voice will not fade. I will cherish this experience forever made only more positive by all the people I have met but even more importantly by the very supportive people I have been so fortunate to have worked with. See you in Stratford. Brian Lee CLA President
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 60
Breeder Section Fouillard Limousin Kevin Rea 306/463-7950 The Rea Family Ken Rea 306/968-2923 Marengo, SK S0L 2K0 r3bar@hotmail.com
Box 127, Erskine, Alberta T0C 1G0 Ph: (403) 742-5211 Fax: (403) 742-6139 Cell: (403) 740-7621
Dale & Carole Barclay Box 21, Erskine, Alta. Canada T0C 1G0 (403) 742-4825 DALE
(403) 742-3882 RICK
(403) 742-5916 TERRY
Bill & Mary Anne Zwambag Nick, Andrew & Matt
41410 Glendon Dr., Glenco, ON N0L 1M0 Res. (519) 287-3219 Fax: (519) 287-5248 www.beezeeacres.ca email:bzwambag@execulink.com
Haystack Acres Purebred Limousin Cattle John and Michelle McLean Res:519.738.0453 haystacklimousin@yahoo.ca
204-855-2214 204-729-1772 Kyle & Erin 204-855-2633 204-724-0892 Darby & Kelly 204-855-2191 204-573-6529
3114 Walker Rd RR# 2 Harrow, Ontario N0R 1G0
Stan & Pat
Raising Limousin for over 30 years RR#1, Alexander, MB R0K 0A0 Fax: 204-855-2472 • Email: csf@westman.wave.ca Website: cochranestockfarms.com
Specializing in Polled Fullbloods and Purebreds
Lionel & Sharon, Alicia, Riché, Melanie Patrick, Brody & Diane Fouillard
P.O. Box 3, St. Lazare, MB R0M 1Y0 Home/Fax: (204) 683-2353 Cell: (780) 719-3894 Email: lionelfouillard@yahoo.ca
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 61
4250 King Rd. King City, ON L7B 1K4 Ray, Stacie, Will Meg & Liz Stanton Mobile: (416) 505-0707 rays@londonproperty.ca
Wanted: Harvest Olympus, Pub, Punch, Orion or Goldnview Krugerrand semen and embryos.
Pine Haven Card_spring09:Layout 1
Box 450, Roblin, MB R0L 1P0 email: lrangus@xplornet.ca Len, Ruth & Mark Angus: 204-937-4980 Todd, Jay-Dean, Jules & Angus Smyth: 204-937-4384
H LIMOUSIN W The “Fuchs” Family A Bethune, Saskatchewan S0G 0H0 Purebred Red & Black Limousin Cattle Y
Rob & Cheryl Swaan Erin & Eric Kishkan & Family Jeff & Amber Swaan & Family 4344 Hwy 97 S. Quesnel, B.C. V2J 6P4
Tel: (250) 747-3836 • Fax: (250) 747-0436 mail: swaany@quesnelbc.com www.pvlimousin.com
Lloyd & Joan Trevor Atchison Atchison 204•854•2947 204•854•2510 Box 4 • Group 20 • R.R. #1 • Pipestone • MB pvsf@rfnow.com
Visitors Welcome Ed & Doreen (306) 638-4422 Warren (306) 789-8863 Darcy (306) 638-4800 Email: wfuchs@sasktel.net
Lazy A Limousin the H I RSCHF ELD fa mily Brent
P.O. Box 279 Cando, SK S0K 0V0
home ● (306) 937.7553 cell ● (306) 441.3723 email ● bchirsch@hotmail.com
Lonny McKague Box 171, Ogema, SK SOC 1YO
(306) 459-2788 • (306) 459-7801
780-879-2105 glendh@telusplanet.net Bob, Dorothy, Colin and Glenda RR #1, Hardisty, Alberta T0B 1V0
(306) 459-2202 (Fax) email: lonnymckague@hotmail.com
Please note! Correction to Limousin Voice, Christmas 2014, page 24, Elite Limousin Dams: The correct owner of R&R Milkmaid 94U is R & R Acres, AB not Excel Ranches, AB
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 62
Murray & Bev Stewart Box 1326 Tel: (403) 742-5226 Stettler, AB T0C 2L0 Fax: (403) 742-5242 Imperial Ranch Ltd. E-mail: irl@telusplanet.net
727 458 21st Sideroad RR#1 Clarksburg, Ontario NOH 1JO
Box 1352 Ph: (780) 623-2468 Lac La Biche, AB Fax: (780) 623-4169 T0A 2C0 Fullblood Black or Red Polled4 06/11/2007 1366 Windy&Gables:Layout
Kym and Carole Anthony - Owners Mike Geddes - General Manager Farm Office: 519 599 6776 Farm Fax: 519 599 1079 Mike Geddes cell: 519 375 6230 Mike Geddes - email: mike@topmeadowfarms.com Darrell Saunders - email: dsaunders@topmeadowfarms.com
Mark Sugimoto & Family 2713 33 Ave. South Lethbridge, AB T1K 1J8 (403) 327 9327 (H) (403) 308 6171 (C)
Breeders of polled purebred and fullblood Limousin
Bryce & Nathan Allen P.O. Box 189 Warkworth, Ontario K0K 3K0
Visit our website at:
Tel: (705) 924-2583 Fax: (705) 924-3385
Limousin Voice #13, 4101, 19th Street, NE Calgary, AB T2E 7C4 P: 403.253.7309 F: 403.253.1704 advert@limousinvoice.com Official publication of the Canadian Limousin Association Please check one of the following: Canadian 1 year $35.00 plus GST United States $50.00 USD International $50.00 USD Make cheques payable to Canadian Limousin Association
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Davis-Rairdan Embryo Transplants Ltd. Davis-Rairdan International P.O. Box 590 Crossfield, Alberta Canada T0M 0S0 Phone (403) 946-4551 Fax (403) 946-5093 Website: www.davis-rairdan.com E-mail: embryos@davis-rairdan.com services offered: - On-farm freezing & collection - Donor care facility - Recipient herd - Licensed facility for embryo exports - Genetic marketing & selection
Auctioneer 4-3342 Millar Avenue Saskatoon, SK S7K 7G9
Cell (306) 220-5006 chris@tbarc.com
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 64
Advertiser's Index
Amaglen Limousin 33 Anchor B Limousin 12, 13
B Bar Cattle 12, 13 Bar 3R Limousin 29, 61 Bar-Dale Limousin 61 Bee Zee Acres 45, 61 Bohrson Marketing Services 12, 13, 16 Boss Cattle 66, 67 Bova-Tech Ltd. 64 Bow Valley Genetics 64 Campbell Limousin 19 Carpenter Cattle Co. 12, 13 Cherway Limousin 61 Clark Cattle 37 Cochrane Stock Farms 61 Combest Limousin Farm 37, 61 Cottage Lake Livestock 66, 67 Davis-Rairdan Embryo Transplants Ltd. 64 de Jager Limousin Cattle Co. 57, 61 Diamond C Ranch 27, 61 Dodge 41 Eden Meadow Farm 23 Edwards Limousin 16, 17 Enright Farms 61 Excel Ranches 21 Fort Ellice Limousin
Fouillard Limousin 21, 61 Gardiner Limousin 61 Grant Rolston Photography 64 Greenwood Limousin 6, 7, 8, 61 H.S. Knill Co. Ltd. 65 Hager Cattle Co. 47 Hansen’s Limousin 21 Haystack Acres 61 Hi Way Limousin 62 Highland Stock Farms IFC, 1 Hillside Farm 61 Hillview Farms 21, 35, 62 Hi-Valley Limousin 23, 62 Hockridge Farms 62 Hudson Limousin 62 Ivy Livestock 62 J Yorga Farms IBC Jaymarandy Limousin 25, 62 Karwandy Limousin 62 Ken-Doc Limousin 16 Lazy A Limousin 62 Lazy S Limousin 31 Lisle Limousin 62 MarJon Farms 67 Masterfeeds 47 MC Marketing Management 45 Nordal Limousin & Angus 9 Northlands 51
Payne Livestock BC Pine Haven Farm 62 Pinnacle View Limousin 2, 3, 62 Poley, Chris 64 Poplar View Stock Farm 62 Posthaven Limousin 62 R & R Marketing 67 Red Coat Cattle Station 62 Richmond Ranch 10, 11, 62 Rocky View Livestock 63 Rom’n Limousin 45 Runaway Ranch 31
Specializing in Purebred Livestock Transportation Providing Weekly service across Canada & The USA. Gooseneck service available to your farm in Ontario. Pick up & delivery points across Canada and USA. U.S. and Canada Customs Bonded Carrier. We thank you for your past business and look forward to your future livestock transporting needs. 155 King Edward St., Paris, ON, Canada, N3L 0A1 Toll Free 877-442-3106 or 519-442-6242 Fax 519-442-1122 hsknill@pppoe.ca www.hsknilltransport.com
Short Grass Limousin 60 Skeels, Dan 64 Smart Limousin 63 Southbridge Limousin 63 Stewart Limousin 29, 35, 63 Stockmens Insurance 64 Stoneyview Limousin 16 T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. 56 Top Meadow Farms 63 Triple “R” Limousin 63 Wies Limousin Ranch 67 Willowcrest Limousin 63 Windy Gables Limousin 5, 63
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 65
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 66
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 67
UPCOMING EVENTS February 17 18-20 19 21 21 23
Symens Land & Cattle Bull Sale, Claresholm, AB Alberta Beef Industry Conference, Red Deer, AB Nordal Limousin Bull & Female Sale, Saskatoon, SK Ontario Limousin Association AGM, Alliston, ON St-Martin Bull Test Station Sale, St-Martin, QC J. Yorga Farms Production Sale, Flintoft, SK
3-7 8 8-9 13 14 16 19 19 20 21 21 21 25 26-28 27 28 April 2 4 4 6 6-7 7 11 13
GMAC Junior and Open Jackpot, Lloydminster, SK Making Champions, Ponoka, AB Pride of the Prairies Bull Show and Sale, Lloydminster, SK Richmond's Grass Country Bull and Female Sale, Rumsey, AB Range Ready Bull Sale, Yorkton, SK Diamond C Ranch 14th Annual Bull Sale, Ponoka, AB Bar 3R 20th Annual Bull Sale, Oyen, AB 5th Annual DeJager Limousin Bull Sale, Brooks, AB Anchor B/B Bar/ Carpenter Bull Sale, Saskatoon, SK Canada's Red, White and Black Sale, Moose Jaw, SK Highland Stock Farms Bull Sale, High River, AB Prime Limousin Club Bull Sale, Westlock, AB Where Class Meats Carcass Sale, Madison, SD Northland Farm & Ranch Show, Edmonton, AB Prairie Gold Limousin Bull Sale, Saskatoon, SK Lazy S Limousin & Charolais Bull Sale, Rimbey, AB
T Bar Invitational Golf Tournament, Saskatoon, SK
March Published By: Today’s Publishing #4-3342 Millar Avenue Saskatoon, SK S7K 7G9 Phone: (306) 934-9696 Fax: (306) 934-0744 info@tbarc.com www.buyagro.com Published 4 times/year - Winter, Summer, Fall & Christmas Careful consideration has been placed on production of this magazine and we are responsible for the value of the advertisement; however, we assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Today’s Publishing Circulation Dept. #4 3342 Millar Avenue Saskatoon, SK S7K 7G9 Email: info@tbarc.com Our Staff: Bryan Kostiuk - Editor Chris Poley - Marketing Ted Serhienko - Marketing Treena Ballantyne - Accounting Mina Serhienko - Accounting Debbie Thiessen - Circulation Tiffany Peters - Design Paige Holmquist - Design Elizabeth Bygarski - Design Jared Hosh - Design Samantha Rimke Kirk Boon
Peace Country Limousin Bull Sale, Dawson Creek, BC Manitoba Test Station Bull Sale, Douglas, MB Smart Limousin Open House & Private Treaty Sale, Meaford, ON Bee Zee Acres Open House, Glencoe, ON Advancing Women in Agriculture Conference, Calgary, AB Campell Limousin 10th Annual Homegrown Bull Sale, Minto, MB Windy Gables 5th Annual Open House & Private Treaty Bull & Heifer Sale, Warkworth, ON The Western Gateway Bull Sale, Ste. Rose Du Lac, MB
Printed in Canada by: Houghton Boston Saskatoon, SK Publication Mail Agreement: 40021107
Limousin Voice The Herd Bull Issue 2015 68