About T-Rex Designs

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Adapting and Evolving

T-Rex Designs Decades of Evolution and Experience T‐Rex Designs' founder Harry Brown believes that you have to keep studying and upgrading skills and knowledge to make functional and friendly websites. Yes, I said “friendly”… more on that later. Darkroom Typesetter

Mobile Devices BBS

Commodore 64


E-Commerce HTML5


SEO Flash

America Online

The strongest advantage in web development is the ability to learn fast.

The Triassic Period Harry attended a crumby little community college... While he was editor of the school newspaper, they were awarded for grammar and adherence to AP Style due to his intense commitment to perfect written grammar and punctuation.

I’m tired of talking about myself in the third person. I’m going to switch now.

Beginning I worked in print marketing in the 1990s at the Shopper Newspaper (South Holland, Ill.) designing advertisements. My design skills improved during my employment as a Graphic Designer at CommuniGraphics (Thornton, Illinois). And I feel honored to have met and worked with two great people who exemplified the two greatest values I’ve learn in business: decency and fairness.

Arlo Kallemeyne Pat Rasche The Shopper Commmunigraphics

I think this would be a good place for an entirely unrelated sci‐fi‐looking symbol.

Jurassic Era After I earned my bachelors in psychology, I worked in group homes with children with maladaptive behaviors. Turned out to be not‐so‐much a perfect career fit, as it was a nightmare‐riffic experience.

By the time I returned to graphic design, desktop publishing had taken over, and so my skillset needed adaptation.

When the internet first started, most web developers were techies with no design experience. They made ugly and unintuitive websites. Ugly is bad.

Uninteresting Detail Page But Relevant Info Meanwhile, I refined my professional style and gained corporate experience by producing reports and presentations for two top consulting firms: McKinsey & Company (Fortune magazine top 10 list) and Boston Consulting Group.

Gradually, print graphic designers started to dabble into web design. While their designs were much improved over those of the computer experts, some print design principles didn't transfer over well to the web.

Cretaceous During this time Google came onto the scene and wiped the floor with the competition, finally making searching the Internet predictable and accurate. I proudly credit T‐Rex Design’s growth to society’s evolution towards MERITOCRACY. And I’ve had the fortune to work a few good people who support that.

Meritocracy: a system where advancement is based on what you can actually do… rather than who or what you are

T-Rex Designs Decades of Evolution and Experience T‐Rex Designs' founder Harry Brown believes that you have to keep studying and upgrading skills and knowledge to make functional and friendly websites. Yes, I said “friendly”… more on that later. Darkroom Typesetter

Mobile Devices BBS

Commodore 64


E-Commerce HTML5


SEO Flash

America Online

No text to read here… just a relaxing graphic.

The Triassic Period Harry attended a tiny suburban community college... While he was editor of the school newspaper, they were awarded for grammar and adherence to AP Style due to his intense commitment to perfect written grammar and punctuation.

See how well we treat you?

Please join us 4

Volume 2: Post-Cretaceous Selling Points

Prepare to be amazed by: • Bullet points in italic type • Cartoon clipart • Sanctimonious quotes

Think good and positive thoughts, and it will show in all you do. Simple and clean.

Let’s be friends. Give us a ring. • Catch up on old times. • Get a price quote. • Confess.

(708) 374 T‐REX

(708) 374‐8739

Do good @ your work, & be nice 2 people; success is sure 2 follow. Honest and fair.

Smile. And have a great day.

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