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Art Al Fresco
Here’s a chance to explore murals and creative public works in the Capital Region
Graffiti Wall
Location: 14408-118 Ave NW, Edmonton Artists: Various A potpourri of paintings await visitors in the east end of the city. But you’ll find even more further west on 118 Avenue between 75th and 106th Streets, suitably called Art on the Avenue, where most of them are perfect for selfies and posting onto social media.
A GREAT WAY to explore the different
towns and cities in the Capital Region is by examining the culture on the walls of outdoor structures. Murals make a statement, whether it be highlighting a pivotal moment in the area’s history or simply brightening up the urban surroundings. You’ll find plenty of them around to even make a day of it by hopping into the car and exploring some real hidden gems around Edmonton, St. Albert, Spruce Grove and Stony Plain.

Flags at the Finish Line
Location: Kingswood Day Use Area, St. Albert
Artist: Samantha Williams-Chapelsky
This attraction commemorates the spirit, dive and energy of the 2012 Special Olympics Canada Winter Games that took place in St. Albert. The artwork features the names of 651 athletes within its images and is a tribute to the astounding athletes and volunteers of the Games.

20 Years of Friendship
Location: Stoney Plain
Artist: James Mackay
This mural honours the twinning between the people of Stony Plain and Shikaoi Hokkaido, Japan that began in 1985.

Canada Train The Canada 150 Mosaic Mural Project
Location: King Street Plaza, Spruce Grove
Mural Mosaics The Canada 150 Mosaic Mural Project

In 2017, Spruce Grove joined 149 other communities across Canada to create a series of murals to celebrate 150 years of Confederation. Each contribution used a railcar setting to create a unified statement in the form of a train mosaic once all the murals were completed.
Instagrammable Walls of Downtown Edmonton (linda-hoang.com) The World On Whyte edmonton.ca/programs_services/ graffiti_litter/the-world-onwhyte-mural.aspx Edmonton Public Art Collection (edmontonpublicart.ca)
St. Albert
Art in Public Places (stalbert.ca/maps/cultural/publicart/ maptour.html)
Stony Plain
Horse and Wagon Mural Tours (multicentre.org/horse-wagonmural-tours/) Stony Plain Murals and Public Art (stonyplain.com/en/play/murals.aspx)
Art Panel
Location: 111 Street LRT line, Edmonton
Artist: Jason Carter
Colourful and engaging art panels reflect the vibrant First Nations heritage in Edmonton’s south side. The Edmonton Arts Council worked with communities along the South LRT line and commissioned original art from three young Indigenous artist who have strong connections to Edmonton.

5 years in a row!

HOMEWORK THAT MAKES THE GRADE Dedicated Home Office and Home Study Areas Increase Productivity
Working and learning from home have stretched from what we all hoped would be a few weeks into months and some people will continue this way well into 2021. In the first few days of working from home, you likely rummaged around to find a spot that would work. That might have been a home office, but for many others, it was the kitchen or dining room table. Some have even had to make do with the sofa and coffee table! After a few hours on a video conference or typing emails, the reality of your situation started to show itself–a sore neck, sore wrists, and the realization that the internet was never this slow before! Pins and needles in your legs and feet have become a common occurrence, too! Studies have shown that working in less than perfect ergonomic conditions can lead to long-term injuries and ailments, reducing productivity and effectiveness over time. We used to accept a little discomfort when we were working in an office environment, and there was usually a little more space to work with when we needed to make some adjustments. However, when we try to make those kinds of adjustments in our makeshift work area at home, it’s not so simple. We have to share the space with others, from the kids trying to study to even the cat trying to lounge in the sun! With those not-so-simple adjustments, we start just living with the pain and disorganization. This might lead to needing an extra visit to the chiropractor every now and then or even reaching for the bottle of Tylenol or Advil. A study in the United States has shown that a significant number of opioid addictions and deaths can be traced back to a repetitive strain injury requiring the long-term use of pain killers.
Caruana Interiors and Contracting has created a rather innovative program for those working and studying from home. By leveraging their experience and expertise as general contractors, they are putting together all the pieces of highly effective and ergonomic workspaces for the average home. They start with an expert in ergonomics to help design the space and set up everything to reduce strains as much as possible. If walls need to be added or removed, they have the experience to make that happen as smoothly as possible, including any permits that are required. Then they organize everything from the electrician for a dedicated

outlet and proper lighting to the IT professional to make sure you have the best monitor and video conferencing camera to suit your needs. There are many intricate details that the average home office worker might not consider when trying to put an office together in a hurry. Soft flooring will help to reduce echo in the room, proper lighting will reduce glare and eye strain, effective window coverings will also reduce glare, but more importantly will give better results on the webcam. If the walls need a coat of paint, or a company logo needs to be applied to a wall behind the desk, they look after all of that, too.
While some workers may be able to take advantage of financial support from their employer, many cannot. Companies do not always have the cash flow to set up multiple workers with effective home offices, and commercial financing is not usually available to improve private homes. Caruana Interiors and Contracting has partnered with a third-party financing company to help spread the costs of the improvements over time–up to five years with weekly or monthly payments. This option also makes it easier for parents to afford a dedicated and effective study area for the students in the home. Dedicated internet connections, sound dampening insulation, and a properly-fit chair and desk might be the answer to procrastinating students!
If you or someone you know is suffering through a painful home-office or homestudy situation, then a call to Caruana Interiors and Contracting is the first step towards solving the problem. This starts with a phone consultation to discover your needs, followed by preparing a package based on those needs and available budget. If you decide to move ahead with the improvements, they will do an in-home visit to fine-tune their estimate before signing a contract. All work is backed by their two-year all-inclusive warranty. Their commitment to safety and cleanliness is sewn into everything they do so you can have peace of mind while they are working in your house and around your family.
780.935.5831 f caruanainteriors.ca 9, 8 Riel Drive, St. Albert, AB Licensed & Insured for your protection Alberta Prepaid Contractor License 320821 Serving St. Albert & Edmonton since 2007
This sponsored content was produced in partnership between Caruana Interiors & Contracting and T8N magazine.